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Kriemedesan is offline
Old 05-03-2012, 10:48 AM

((!!!!!! You guys are quick. I will have to post this evening, if the internet works. I cannot even read it all right now.))

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 05-03-2012, 02:29 PM

Jake looked at her and smiled a little bit as he relaxed a little, he sighed a little bit as he spoke and her question made him feel a little bit guilty, he had been given a new home and some shelter, yet he wasn't fully happy. "I am happy here... I just feel like... I just feel that I am forgetting the real me." He sighed again as he looked down and shook he head a little. "I am a dragon, I should be free to fly in the sky from time to time... All I wish to do is change back every so often so I don't forget what I really am... Do you understand?" He asked looking over to Aesh. "I don't mind being here, I just need some place I can change back for a little while every day."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-03-2012, 04:00 PM

((:sweat: Sorry, Kri!! LOL, we're pretty quick because we just gained an old character back, and it's been a LOOOONG time since we've done this one! Sorry for all the extra reading! :sweat:))

"Find him?" Rayeth's blue eyes filled with laughter as the sound left his lips. "You are his friend, then?" The words sounded stressed, and . . . feral. He spat them out like poison. Anyone who was an ally of Abel was most likely one of the Zealots. The white tattoo-like marking of wings on his back seemed to glow a bit, and the dragon snarled as he fought against his inner beast. He wanted to shift forms so badly. . . .
"He isn't here." The dragon finally grit his teeth and sighed. "The snake had Zealot business to return to." Rayeth suddenly cringed, his hand flying up to his chest with a muted cry. That was the sign to shut up and stay still.

"Indeed, I had business," Abel seemed to disengage from the shadows behind Alchemy, his red eyes focusing on the blonde. "Is there something I can do for you, child?" His gaze moved over her clothing, searching for the silver talon that would alert him to Alchemy's connection to the Zealots. He found no such mark.
His very clothing seemed to shift with the darkness in an unseen breeze. They were behind the stage - there was no such wind. In his cage, Rayeth seemed to cringe. He couldn't play a part in this confrontation. And he'd been wrong: Abel saw this girl as his enemy. It wasn't obvious by his friendly, courteous manner . . . but by the way he examined Alchemy. The tall male was viewing her as a potential threat.


"Mister Rayeth?" The staff member lifted his gaze. It was none other than Devan, who seemed to be the only one of the entire group that was Abel's personal servant. The youthful male frowned, taking in the girl's appearance with a wary look. His expression shifted suddenly.
"The dragon?" Lowering the paper he'd been writing on, Devan tilted his head. "Why would you want to see the creature?" His eyes were, strangely, a glowing red hue. The slender male looked toward the stage before smiling a bit. "He hasn't moved since your last visit, you know."
How he'd come by that information was a mystery, but Devan smiled knowingly before finishing the sentence he was writing. When he looked back to Byron, his expression was unreadable. "I'm surprised you went looking for permission this time."

Aesh's eyes filled with understanding as Jake explained his sense of melancholy. "Then we can search for a place," she offered, looking over the male's features with a friendly expression. "Lord Da Vinci has been sleeping quite a bit recently. I fear for his health, but it does give us time to search." She tossed a bit of dark hair from her face. "Do you want to go now? The children are with the servants, and we are free for most of the day."

Standing, she offered her hand to Jake. She'd come to see this dragon as a close friend - it was a rarity among the dragons. Never had Aesh had such a close companion: Jake was both a dragon and a friend.

The one true dragon! >:D
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dragonjake is offline
Old 05-03-2012, 04:07 PM

Jake continued to look a little glum until he heard Aesh offer, he looked up at her with a little bit of a shocked expression. "Really? You... You mean that?" He asked listening to her continue and nodding a little, he had noticed that he hadn't heard much from the lord of the manor he had been staying in. "I hope the lord doesn't get any worse then he already is... I pray for his health to return."

Smiling at the female, he accepted the hand as he stood up from the bed, he then let go of her hand and bowed a little. "Thank you... This means a lot to me." He said before standing up strait again. He saw Aesh as the best friend he had ever had, she was also the closest he had ever had, with her, he could share everything, even the dragon things. "I think we should take to the skies one day, I am interested in seeing how fast you can fly."

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-03-2012, 05:00 PM

Her face scrunched up at the idea of being lumped in as Abel's friend. But she didn't need to get into all of the details with the dragon right now. It wouldn't be long before See'r returned to their room and found her missing. She had to make this little trip fast.But Abel wasn't there so that made this just one big waste of time. Of course she could always wait for him.
In the end she didn't have to wait to long be fore she heard that same voice that had grinned on her never from the stage right behind her. Alchemy turned her whole body staring up at the man that seemed to appear out of thin air. Taking a step away from the Zealot she kept her red eyes trained on him as her hand slid up to rest on the handle of her whip. This wasn't a match with See'r she had to think every move through and she wouldn't attack first.
Standing straighter she tried to read his body for any signs of what he was going to do next. She tried to keep her face a black mask that See'r was always so irritatingly good at but she could feel her jaw clench and her eyes narrow. She just couldn't get her best friends voice out of her head the first time he told her the story of how he lost his sight. She had been twelve and even then had wanted to spill the blood of the man who had hurt him. Now she was nineteen and standing in front of said man." I want to you. About a friend of mine that you know."

Kriemedesan is offline
Old 05-06-2012, 01:19 AM

As Devan glanced up at Byron with that last retort, two figures stepped into the area, glancing around. The taller of them, clad in heavy apparel from tip to toe, looked like someone arriving from a desert or some chilly land where such was needed. Aside from those brown, old-world rags that hid its form, this stranger also had on very new tech around its eyes. Downplayed by fabric and darkly shaded, no one could see any of her face thanks to those goggles and the wrap about its mouth. It stood at about five nine, if there were no high-heels or extra cloth on its head, well above its companion.
The second one, a girl, was more than half a foot shorter and certainly not disguised. She appeared to be very young, but her eyes and expression spoke of double her years in looks alone. Soft, white-blonde hair fell faintly around her face like a halo, wisping around as if it was not hair at all. Light blue eyes, though very cattish, appeared circular thanks to her rounded brow and forehead. However, her nose, lips and chin were pointed, though not jagged or harsh. Skin pale, but no lighter than her hair, it stood out against her clothing.
Two strips of black, designed with dapples of blue and silver along with an assortment of claws, wrapped around her shoulders, crisscrossing over her back and chest, not that there was much there really. A predominately blue sash with silver tassels spread over black, baggy pants, giving the illusion of the possibility of more leg. In the end, she was left when two flat-footed, blue slip-ons. As for accessories, she had only a mechanical device on each arm, both having their own uses. She raised one of her limbs to point out Devan to the other stranger and they strolled toward the two.
“Devan,” spoke the taller, an older woman that he would easily recognize by voice. It was calm, calculating and cautious, nearly emotionless. Skin, as she had been nicknamed, had been in this line of business so long that it was and always would be her life, so she had no need for pleasantries. Her only concern was propriety in reference to their leader.
“Is Lord Abel about? We need to speak with him on our last hunt and a new one in mind. Is he available and in a disposition to speak with us?” she asked, no doubt including her accomplice. The two had been together since they had found the child in a destroyed camp. The youth had even more fury towards dragons than her surrogate mother and it made them a good pair. It also prevented them from being impregnated and falling behind on their duties.
The “adopted daughter” glanced over at Byron, studying and then dismissing her. She was not a zealot, dragon or outlaw by the look of her and, if she wasn’t something to kill or ally with, there was no business between them. She refocused her attention back on Devan, raising herself up and setting shoulders back. The three of them were all zealots and the girl acknowledged him readily for it.

Last edited by Kriemedesan; 05-06-2012 at 01:30 AM.. Reason: other/outlaw

MintyRey is offline
Old 05-06-2012, 05:33 AM

The fervor Byron had for finally finding someone to ask faded fast once she realized who she had spoken to. Seeing those same inhuman eyes once more gave the girl such a start that she almost jumped back. It was only with great effort that she kept herself firmly planted on the spot. Knox, on the other hand, gave a short screech before hunkering down behind his owner's head. Byron would have stammered out an apology if the older boy hadn't spoken first. He repeated the name of the one she intended to see in the form of a question. All she could do was nod reflexively.
Yes, the dragon.

By the frown the strange boy initially had, Byron could tell he was disappointed at finding her there. "I just wanted to give him these.", she said, replying to his third question as she feebly raised up the splotchy paper bag of cooled food. She was uncertain how he would react to such a reason.

But just as the curious trespasser had been surprised at seeing Rayeth show anything other than a glowering look on his face, the smile the black haired youth gave was highly unexpected. Hearing him hint at the fact that her friend could still be found under the stage made her feel even more confused. Grateful, but definitely at a loss of what to think of the boy.

Once more, his demeanor changed. This time to a more stoic presentation. "Me too...", Byron muttered in thoughtless response to his last remark. "I mean...Erm...I just didn't want to trouble anyone this time!"

The young acrobat would have made for the entrance to the stage at this point had it not been for the approach of two people. One was tall with an odd mask and unconventional eye gear. The stranger's towering form held Byron's attention the longest. The girl had never seen anyone wear clothing such as theirs, a novel amalgamation of earthy cloth with a few in tatters here and there.

The other was a girl of fair skin, and even fairer hair. She looked almost like a porcelain doll, in Byron's opinion. For a brief moment, she and the girl locked eyes as they sized each other up. This older girl in blue, black, and silver soon turned away from the purple-eyed child after having formed her opinions. But Byron, unsure of the two and for lack of a better idea, continued to observe them and their interaction with Abel's assistant quietly.

Last edited by MintyRey; 05-06-2012 at 05:36 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-06-2012, 08:44 PM

"I would enjoy seeing how fast you are as well," Aesh said, looking playful. "Let's go for a flight." The woman turned and headed to the door, not waiting to see if Jake followed. She knew he would.

They were outside moments later, and Aesh headed toward the barn. They would have to go on a long walk, and then change forms. The humans didn't know they housed two dragons. It wouldn't be the best idea to break their illusion of peace now. Think you can keep up, Jake? Aesh shifted forms once they were under the cover of the trees, her red scales flickering in the patchy light.


There was a subtle shift in Abel's demeanor, and his fingers disappeared from view. "A friend? Perhaps you should describe your friend. I know many people." The tall male had taken a step closer to Alchemy, his red eyes narrowed. "Please. Indulge my curiosity." He didn't sound very curious. . . .
Abel was slowly maneuvering Alchemy away from the entrance. It seemed as though he expected trouble. Not only was this girl hardly containing her contempt and hatred, but something about her said she was no mere street urchin.


Devan wrinkled his nose as Byron raised her bag of foodstuffs. "I wouldn't suggest giving him anything. He's on a strict . . . diet." Amusement played through his glowing eyes, and the lanky male shook his head. "It would be best if you just left the dragon be, friend. He doesn't need any more trouble."
Just as the pale youth turned back to his work, he found two people approaching him. Devan immediately sobered, looking (somehow) many years older than he had previously. With the smile sapped from his eyes and features, he looked . . . much darker. "Lord Abel is currently . . . busy." He glanced toward the tent with a knowing look before clearing his throat. "I suggest you wait. He isn't ready for another meeting."

Devan knew these two. They were some of the more dominant hunters for the Zealots. Skin and her "daughter" were ruthless. Abel had a particular liking for them.

See'r finally finished his cider. He'd taken longer than usual due to his thinking. Alchemy had been so worried, she'd nearly killed him. The silver-haired youth smiled slightly as he thought of his friend panicking again. I should make sure she's not tearing the room to pieces searching for me. Carefully moving through the building, he made his way back to their shared room.

The very moment he entered, See'r knew something was off. "Alchemy?" The blind youth listened for a few moments before stepping up to the bed. It was cold. She'd left more than a few minutes ago. The briefest flash of worry flew through him. Perhaps she just needed a drink. Sure. He'd like to hope that much was true.

"Alchemy?" His fingers trailed over the dresser where she'd kept her clothing. It was missing. See'r bit his lip in concern before sighing. How was he supposed to search for her? He would get lost in the town with the crowds being so large. "Glancing" to the window, See'r heard that there wasn't the amount of chaos that had filled the streets the prior evening. Perhaps he could maneuver about and search for her. . . . And something told him he already knew which direction to head.

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-06-2012, 11:29 PM

Alchemy took a step back to Abel's one forward body tense and ready to move.She wanted to keep enough distance between then to use her whip when it came down to blows. Her whip was near useless in a close range fight. The hand resting on her whips handle tightened thumb rubbing along the clamp that held the braided leather to her hip. "Tall, silver hair." Alchemy shifted her weight onto her right leg. "Blue eyes, though he hardly lets anyone see them anymore." Describing See'r reminded her that she couldn't be gone too long before said friend went looking for her. " He was a child the last time you two met." He couldn't come here and find her, she would not let Abel anywhere near See'r.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-06-2012, 11:47 PM

The tall Zealot seemed to pause. Recognition flit over his features before his customary smile returned. "I don't believe I know who you speak of." This lie was so easy to see, it hurt. Through just his voice, he could have been telling the truth. Through his eyes, he knew exactly who Alchemy referred to.

"Dear girl, I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm not even sure why you've come." His red eyes narrowed, and he glanced to her whip curiously. He didn't look like he considered Alchemy a threat, but he did look like he was warming up to the idea of getting rid of her. "Don't say you've come to avenge a past wrong on my part. That is quite a trivial reason for interrupting my morning."

His fingers reappeared with a long, thin blade in their grasp. He fingered it for a moment before smiling slightly. "It's unfortunate you came here alone, Outlaw. I've been having my servant watch you ever since your little ship docked. I know who you are, and I've been waiting for you."

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 12:12 AM

He was a liar and very good at it too but she knew he was a liar. Alchemy watched red eyes taking in every move he made. It was harder to see under the stage and she was glade that she had spent so much time training with See'r in the dark. She may not be an expert at relying on her other sense but she could handle her self in a fight with so little lighting. "I didn't think I needed to fear a coward who attacks children." Flipping the clip she gripped her whip ready to use it at the first sign that he was going to move. This was going to be her very first fight, her very first real to the death fight. And somehow See'r was still at the very center of it.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 12:37 AM

"Only the children of dragon sympathizers." His movement was too quick to follow. Abel lashed out with the blade, and it whizzed through the air in Alchemy's direction. Just as it left his hand, the tall Zealot moved to the side, letting out a muted cry as a blast of ice struck him.

From his cage, Rayeth snarled and shot off another blast of ice. It wasn't as strong as usual, for he was still under the influence of poor feeding and the heartstone in Abel's grasp. The dragon had shifted forms, and the faint smell of burning flesh filled the air of the enclosed space. He was always too big to fit inside his silver prison properly.

Abel lifted his frosted arm, his face a mask of pure rage. The moment his fingers touched the red stone about his neck, Rayeth let loose a heart-wrenching cry and half shifted to his human form. He was left writhing in agony as Abel went back to Alchemy.

"Foolish girl." Another blade flew in her direction as Abel seemed to momentarily flicker from reality. This fight was going to be worse than See'r. See'r was a boy . . . while Abel was a man who had lived many years past his true lifetime. He had lived the lives of many men - and he had the experience of every decade he carried with him. "Did you really think you could come here and destroy me so easily?"

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 01:32 AM

The blade sliced across her collar bone leaving a stinging pain behind. She owed that dragon her life. it had been his blast of ice that had threw off Abel's aim and let her know what to look out for. She had been able to move just before the blade and embedded it's self into her. She could feel the blood start to stain her shirt. Her whip slid to the ground handle gripped tight in her hand.
Did she think she could beat him, when she was sneaking out of the inn yes she did think that she would come a beat him. Now she wanted to get out alive with at least landing hit on him. She was too focused on the blade he had just pulled and flung at her.It was her first time dealing with such a weapon. She used the handle of her whip to stop the second blade from hitting her face. Pulling the blade from the leather wrapped around wood. At that Alchemy drew her short sword glaring openly at Abel. He could try to vanish into the shadows if he wanted. Flicking her wrist she sent the whip flying toward where it looked like he was moving towards. She wasn't just some foolish little girl.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 01:46 AM

((I hope everyone doesn't log on and panic because of all our posts. :lol: It's happening simultaneously with everyone else's stuff, anyway! :yes: I wanted to get some fighting in before they were interrupted, anyway. .. . ))

Abel chuckled as the whip came flying at him. The tip snapped just where his cheek had been less than a moment prior. With a slight smile, the Zealot suddenly disappeared. It looked as though the shadows of the tent and stage area had just swallowed him whole.

"Your confidence is admirable."

The dark-haired male was standing behind her, and his cool fingers moved to pull her against him and off balance. He had her by the throat already. "You have trained with the Outlaws in the mountains. I have fought a few of them. They fared poorly."

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 02:25 AM

((It should be fine. Yeah All those people just standing out side the tent while they's kind of funny. In other news. I missed checking my account and seeing Lies updates.:glomp:))

Red eyes scanned the shadows trying to catch some flicker of movement that would give him away. She rotated the handle of her sword in her left hand body tensing at the sound of his voice. Alchemy let out a surprised choked noise when she felt his hand wrap around the back of her throat. Twisting her grip on her sword so the blade rested against the inside of her forearm. She hadn't trained with the Outlaws, they hadn't let a girl train with them, she had trained with See'r. For some reason to that made all the difference. " I'm not them." She spat as she slammed her elbow back into what she assumed was his gut.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 03:34 AM

((:hug: I missed them, too! :lol:))

Abel's laugh was cut short, and though Alchemy seemed to score a hit, it didn't phase him much. The Zealot released her throat, and with a flicker of movement left a bright line of red across the blonde's knuckles. "No, apparently not. But you, like them, think of me as an easily despised creature. I see it in your eyes."

His face was inches from hers suddenly, and he wasn't even breathing hard. "You can't kill me." He seemed to be taunting her, prompting her to strike.

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 03:55 AM

The grip on her sword loosened as a stinging pain cut across her knuckles.Blood made trailed down her fingers. Tightening her hold she regained her balance. She had at least landed a blow and she vowed it wouldn't be the last.When she turned around to find his face right in her Alchemy pulled her face back away from his,"Well monsters are easy to hate." And that's what he was a monster. No man would could hurt a child like he had hurt her friend, no man could so easily lock an intelligent creature like the dragon who had helped her in a cage with out a second thought. Gritting her teeth she glared right into his red eyes.

Last edited by Ever_After; 05-07-2012 at 04:18 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 05:25 AM

Slowly, Abel raised an eyebrow. Lifting his hand, he trailed suddenly clawed fingers over her cheek. "And monsters come to hate everything just as easily." Just as his claws left Alchemy's skin, they left a bloody mark. "A vicious circle, really." He looked . . . calm. The Zealot sighed, leaning back and shaking his head. "Young one, I do not wish to kill you. I have no quarrel with you, despite what you may think."

He turned his back, and Abel let out a long sigh. "So very eager to die. I want you to wait. Your friend should hear the last words you utter." When he looked back over his shoulder, Abel's eyes were alight with fire. "He will never be able to forget the sound of your last breath. He will never forget that he couldn't save you. And he will know that he survived while you did not."

There was a flicker of movement, and once again Abel was close to Alchemy. He lifted her off of her feet with one hand effortlessly. Her loosened grip on her blade allowed for the weapon to tumble away from them, leaving her with nothing but her whip. Alchemy wouldn't be able to breathe much longer. "He will live. And he will suffer."

"Alchemy!" See'r had made his way to Abel's stage, and he'd heard the sound of his friend's voice. He couldn't see what was happening, but the blind youth wasn't willing to wait and find out. Alchemy was in trouble. The chain that See'r used as his weapon loosened from its place about his arm, and was flying through the air before Abel had time to turn his head. The Zealot just smiled.

"He will be the one to kill you," he whispered, knowing that See'r would never hear him.

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 06:46 AM

The fight left her as soon as his clawed hand trailed down her face.Now she took a step back eyes full of fear as the blood slowly trailed down the side of her face. How had his hand, which was so very human looking a moment ago, turned into claws. Alchemy had never let another person scare her but right now she wanted to be as far from Abel as she could get. She couldn't get words out as she stared into his eyes. A cold feeling leaked into her as she met his eye over his shoulder.

When he was once again facing her she had enough time to lift her foot to take the step before the air was stolen from her throat. Her red eyes wide as the sword hit the ground. There were tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she dug the fingers of her free hand into his. She kicked out whether to hit him or a desperate attempt to find some footing she didn't even know. Black was starting to creep into her vision when she heard See'r calling out her name. 'No!' her mind screamed she didn't want him here for this. If Abel was going to kill her then at least not let See'r be there.

He's word stopped all thought and movement in her body, See'r was going to kill her. Not possible. "No." She put as much strength and conviction as she could in to her week voice. Abel's hand was wrapped around her throat.

Last edited by Ever_After; 05-07-2012 at 07:50 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 07:31 AM

See'r's senses picked up on the struggling of Alchemy, as well as the breathless gasp that left her lips. Desperation brought the silver-haired youth to higher levels of awareness. Even still, he could hardly get a good reading on Abel. Just thinking about being in the same room as the Zealot made cold fear shoot through See'r. It was sheer love for Alchemy that broke past the barrier of panic that he felt rising in his chest.

"Release her!" See'r's weapon dug into the person he attacked. The only problem was . . . it wasn't Abel. It was Alchemy that was wounded, not the Zealot. Abel had shifted ever so slightly, using the blonde as a shield. A red line appeared over Alchemy's back. The sound of blood hitting the ground made Abel's smile grow wider.

"You can't save her, boy." He kept his hand on Alchemy's throat, stopping her from speaking to her friend. "You have already lost this fight." When See'r lashed out again, moving in toward the Zealot, Abel chuckled and stood still to meet the challenge. He could see the hidden blade that the blind youth carried in his free hand. That shining weapon would be Alchemy's death. "I'm surprised your father even released you from your home." He wasn't worried; he was toying with See'r, letting the youth try and strike while shifting about and disorienting him.

See'r lashed out in anger, his worry blending with rage. He didn't speak - there were no words needed. Though every move he made was masterful, Abel made it all . . . useless. Every attack aimed at the Zealot was redirected to Alchemy . . . and See'r couldn't even see it. Something about Abel made See'r's "vision" completely dark. His hearing was thrown off by the enclosed space and the sound of crowds outside. His emotions made it difficult to concentrate. Abel's words made See'r react out of anger instead of caution.

As Abel taunted See'r, he held Alchemy's gaze. She was growing faint, and the look on her face was mixed with disorientation. "You never stood a chance," he said to the both of them. His back was to See'r . . . and he merely waited. Just as the silver-haired male spun, his fight looking more like a dance, Abel shifted ever so slightly. The thin blade passed his face by inches . . . and found its mark in Alchemy's chest.

The second he felt the weapon dig into flesh, See'r sucked in a quick breath. Abel was laughing. He hadn't been hurt. Complete confusion coated See'r's features as he reached forward to touch the face of the "enemy" he'd wounded. "Oh, God . . . Alchemy!" Releasing his hold on the blade embedded in his best friend's chest, See'r's breath stopped. I stabbed her. And he couldn't even see it. In his blindness, he'd killed his only companion. "No. No, no."

Abel released the girl, letting her hit the ground with a thud. "I suggest you dwell on your actions a bit longer, boy." The Zealot hadn't been harmed. Not once did See'r's bladed chain nick him or tear his clothing. Abel sent a slight smile back to the couple before stepping out from his backstage area. The moment he rejoined the public world, his usual demeanor returned. It was as though nothing had happened . . . and no one had troubled him.


See'r fell to his knees beside Alchemy, his hand immediately moving to find the blade. "Oh, God." His words were a prayer: she had to live. She had to. Already warm blood was seeping from the wound. If See'r pulled his hand away, it would have been dripping with Alchemy's life. Pulling the blade free would loose more blood, yet leaving it there . . . was so morbid.
As panic fogged his mind, See'r tried desperately to think. He tore the blindfold from his eyes and balled it up, pressing it against the edge of the dagger with the hopes of staunching the blood flow. "I'm so sorry!" his voice cracked, tears coming to his eyes. He couldn't even see her. He would never see her.

"Talk to me, Alchemy. Just talk." He needed to hear her voice; to ensure that she was still alive. When it took her too long to respond, See'r choked back a cry and reached for her face with his free hand. It left more crimson on her face, even if he couldn't see it. "You're gonna live. Please. Say something!"

His head lifted, and for a moment he could think of nothing. If Alchemy left him, he would be alone. He'd never been alone. "Somebody! Please!" Who knew if anyone would hear him out on the street? There were crowds, and noise was carried all through the area. Still, See'r prayed that someone would hear him. He couldn't carry Alchemy - she shouldn't even be moved.

((Oh, dear goodness. Es just made herself cry.))

The one true dragon! >:D
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dragonjake is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 07:49 AM

Jake chuckled a little at her comment. "Oh you would? You will be surprised what I can do when I really start to fly." He said smiling a little as he watched her turn to walk out of the door, he followed closely behind her and chuckled a little bit. "It will be a while since I last flew due to the time I had broken my wing." He said to Aesh from behind with a small look of doubt whether he was as good as he used to be.

Once they were both out side, Jake took a deep breath and smiled more then he had been in the room. "Today seems like a fine day." He mumbled to himself as the two of them walked to the area that Aesh had in mind for them both to change. When Jake saw Aesh change to her dragon form, he looked around and nodded a little as he too changed, he looked back to his wing that had been broken and lifted it a little. "Huh, perfect. It is as if nothing happened." He said looking back to Aesh with a small grin. "Still tiny as ever." He joked about the size difference. "It is rather odd how big my dragon size is... Or it is just your dragon size is small." He said playfully before poking his tongue out to her.

(Esmme!Esmme! I now have a human form and dragon form for the evil dragon I was going to add! Now I can finish the profile for him! :squee: It could be like a... Zelot dragon sort of thing. :O)

Last edited by dragonjake; 05-07-2012 at 08:04 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 08:03 AM

((To everyone who hasn't posted in a while:

Don't worry! This entire scene has happened while you were talking. If you want to read it, feel free . . . but it doesn't directly alter your posts. :sweat: Thanks for being alright with our "running away" post-wise. And . .. for the book you have to read to catch up. :headdesk:

@Jake: A Zealot dragon . . . would be a total contradiction! :lol: Maybe something that was trained by the Zealots to hate other dragons, or something. Totally wicked!))

The one true dragon! >:D
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dragonjake is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 08:06 AM

((That would be awesome! :D It could be there secret weapon against the dragons and since they have grown tired of chasing them around, they decide to use the dragon to kill the other dragons? :rofl:))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 08:20 AM

((:D Yes! The evil one can be sent after groups and what-not, while Zealots have to have a single dragon to kill it. :O

I'm sure Abel had a hand in training this dragon, too. :XD))

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 05-07-2012, 08:23 AM

((I will just need to think of a way that they managed to catch a dragon... Maybe someone used magic on it. :o Or it was trained to be on the Zealot side ever since it was hatched XD
And Abel probably did. :rofl:)

((Or I could say the reason is unknown! :twisted: Maybe it was evil all along and wanted to be the king of all the dragons! :twisted:
Now I am just going overboard. :sweat:))


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