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I move the stars for no one.

Queen_Andais is offline
Old 02-20-2014, 04:13 AM

Here I is to lavish some love on your thread since you so graciously give my thread love. *purrs as she rubs against the thread* I'll try not to leave any love smears on your thread. *giggles*

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 02-20-2014, 02:13 PM

See love smears!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 02-20-2014, 05:53 PM

I haven't checked the weather forecast lately, but it's all of 11 degrees right now. >.> /brrrrr

And the not noticing happens to me a lot. I think I'll see that I have a reply, click on it, then get asked to do something else by a child, walk away from the computer and another child will go onto or and do math practice/games and then I come back and forget what I was doing. >.> So yeah, totally understand how that goes.

I move the stars for no one.

Queen_Andais is offline
Old 02-21-2014, 12:01 AM

Love smears are the best.

*dances about the thread* So damn glad tomorrow is Friday! I only worked three days this week, but it was still a long week.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 02-21-2014, 04:38 AM

Oh boy tomorrow IS Friday yay! This week has been a blur and a half...

Mellie is was annoyingly windy today and last night! And it totally ruined what could have been a beautiful (probably even warm) day... the wind was icy and cut through everything... there is suppose to be snow in our near future again and I am not pleased... I am done with snow tell it to go away... I did however stop Sean from chanting he wants more snow! He was talking about the park today and I mentioned that we can't go until it gets warmer and all of the sudden he is ready for summer lol!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 02-21-2014, 05:51 AM

Jazzy!! Send your snow up here! We need more of it or we'll have very unhappy salmon this summer! lol.

OMG I hate that biting, cutting wind. It's so painful and uuuugh! You can't wear enough layers.

I'm thrilled that tomorrow is Friday! I only worked one day this week and it's been GLORIOUS! I've gotten so much accomplished! haha

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 02-28-2014, 02:19 AM

The days here the past week have been cool but beautiful! The sun and blue skies are so nice but they keep threatening us with snow for the next two months being worse then the last few ugh!

I move the stars for no one.

Queen_Andais is offline
Old 02-28-2014, 02:34 AM

I thought last week was terrible, this week has been worse. Never had days drag on like they have... *dies of boredom*

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 02-28-2014, 02:59 AM

I HATE weeks or even days like that...

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-01-2014, 03:04 AM

I MISS boredom! I'm stuck with TONS of things to do and a stupid number of people that want to do things, and not enough time in my day. I know I shouldn't be complaining but the problem is a lot of the things that I have to do aren't things that I want to do. Sit around at a table selling girl scout cookies for 3 hours? No thanks, but I have to anyway. I'm so...not excited about this. Even a little bit. -_-

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-01-2014, 04:19 AM

Yeah I am glad my sister does popcorn sales right now. I can't dedicate that much of my life to sitting at a table in front of a store... could you imagine dragging a two year old to something like that? Speaking of we should exchange buys from each other! I can buy from Aaron and you can buy from Mikes and Sean! :P popcorn is so expensive but trailsend at least makes it easy to sell out of state!

Sean has been working on his sibling pinewood derby car a lot! It looks REALLY good for only using hand tools to build it. Mikes is going to grandpa's on Sunday to work on his car. I am sad he has overlooked Dillon three years running now :( He feels totally jipped about mikes not asking him....

I wish people wanted to do stuff with me, not right now so much as I have been "OMG my family" *grabby hands* since Liam was born but it would be nice if people called or something sometimes.... My mother in law hasn't met Liam yet because she assumed we'd be SWAMPED with people visiting.... My mom and sister have been the only two who have actively come to visit..... A guy friend came by to help Dillon pick up the car from the shop the day after he was born..... Yeah... not feeling the friend love :( I kill to see new babies.... unless I'm sick or the kids are....

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-01-2014, 07:41 PM

I was reading over the cookie sheet and it looks like some councils have added online orders as part of their cookie selling...alas, our council isn't one of them. I'm going to be writing that in the comments section when we discuss cookies after sales have ended. There's no reason our council hasn't jumped on that seeing as we're a freaking island and so many of us are military! But if we can do that it would be SOOOO much easier on this out of state stuff! I'm all for swapping sales!
I can't imagine dragging a two year old...I can't even manage to get my older kids to sit nicely together during these booth sales! Scott has duty today so for the two hour time slot I've got 3 kids plus whichever other girl shows up. </3

Aaron hasn't started on his pinewood derby card yet. Is Dillon helping Sean with his? Maybe once he sees that Dillon can do this he'll ask next year? We can hope.

I wanna go see new baby. *woe* A lot of what I have going on is responsibility-centered. Though some of it is like book club etc. It's...tiring to have so many things to do and because of that no drive to do any of it. This month is fixing up to be difficult anyway, Scotts gone for a week of vacation in California, home for a week and then gone for a week on a deployment in Cold bay.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-02-2014, 02:07 AM

Ick responsibility sucks :/

Dillon is doing Sean's car with him we bought the paint for it today :) we got him model paint that has metallic flecks in it he's making like a half and half car it is going to be half Green and half blue both have metallic flecks he's pretty excited! But it's apparently too wet to paint according to my mom and step dad... I don't know if they realize this but the cars are made out of wood... It tends to suck up paint and the races aren't until the 15th!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-02-2014, 02:42 AM

Too wet to
Our races aren't until next month! Aarons still got quite a bit of time, but I do keep telling him he needs to get started on it so that he isn't entering a block of a car last minute! The only time he brings it up is like 7:55pm when he needs to be getting his skinny little butt to bed!

I've got your cookies!! And boxes to put them/ship them in! Tomorrow we will make bread! And I'm really looking forward to it. I hope I can keep this enthusiam tomorrow after I've finished with booth sales! I'll have Scott, so that means I won't be stuck doing it all on my own, like I was today. But yaaay!

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-02-2014, 03:11 AM

Oh my gosh I thought it was just my kids who did that right before bed non sense and then blame you for not getting it done *shakes head*

Mmm cookies... Mmm bread... I must be hungry I should get something to eat, and I can pull meals for the week too I think at least the first 3 days of it while I'm in the kitchen. And a bag of milk for Liam too just in case...

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-02-2014, 03:17 AM

Oh no, I think all kids do it, just to delay going to bed. xD But moooom! This!! We need to do THIS!! Why haven't we done it?? It needs to be done like now!!! Silly kiddos...yeah on the weekends mommy isn't up past 8. xD I've got work at midnight and NEED to sleep before that.

Scott did up some pork in bbq sauce and it smells delightful. I can't wait to nom on it.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-02-2014, 05:29 AM

I forgot to get food and delegated Dillon to pull out frozen meals for the coming week... should write out what we have planned for when! Man it makes me miss menu planning! I hope I can get back into the groove there....

I started fading at 9 I think but I fight sleep... I want so desperately to do something else I am just as bad as my kiddos

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-02-2014, 08:27 PM

Most nights I'm good until 11, but if I'm working at midnight I do my darndest to be out by 8 so that my eyes aren't burning all night long. @.@

I need to get to menu planning that sticks. Instead of pulling stuff out and not being in the mood for it/having the time to make it. Speaking of, meatball subs tonight, need to get those meatballs into the crockpot!

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-02-2014, 09:52 PM

Lol that is why my menu plans always fail that and money.... well chili is cheaper then pork chops so chili it is... plus when I have time I like to try something new. We've been in a rut having pretty much the same things over and over and over for months. I pinned quite a few recipes I am hoping to try soon cause well I'm sick of the same ol'. Good luck to me trying to cook more then macaroni with a newborn right? ;P

I've been going to really late since Liam was born then being kept up most of the second half because that is when Liam wakes... Then I'm all groggy the next day!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-03-2014, 05:43 AM

I can totally believe that! Sleeping habits with new borns are always a challenge! You want time to yourself, but you need time to sleep too! It's so hard to balance the two!

We still have a lot of fish in the freezer since we traded bread for fish a lot over the as of the start of lent we're going 40 days as pescatarian. (fish as the sole meat product) I'm interested to see how this goes. I've pinned a lot of recipes and done searches/prints of more...I'm hoping I can do this. I'd really like to...I'm also wondering if it will help with my weight since fish is a far leaner meat than beef or pork. Here's hoping! I'm also hoping to find a few more recipes that make me go OMG! to keep in my rotation.
>.> But for Mardi Gras I'm making osso bucco. *drool* Figure to kick my last day out with something the hubs and I both find AMAZING.

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-04-2014, 07:57 PM

I worked a daycare that did that. Our it was fish for Friday's then no meat dishes for the rest of the week during lent (fish is pricy here)

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-04-2014, 10:40 PM

Fish is stupid pricey here too! If what we'd caught or traded for bread were on the market it would be 8/lb, and one of the ones I caught was a good 15 lbs of meat! These suckers are HUGE and expensive...but since we can catch them all the better!

Was it a Catholic day care? It seems odd to have no meat during the rest of the week when the normal catholic practice for lent is fish on Fridays and fasting on holy days (ash Wednesday, good Friday...I think there's another one in there but I can't remember)
I grew up catholic so I'm having a hard time breaking away from the catholic traditions. I feel like I should fast tomorrow, but at the same time, I haven't gone to church since kura was potty training the first time (little over 2), and I'm torn between ignoring the traditions completely or doing them to no real purpose... lol

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-05-2014, 04:29 AM

I just lost a big post cause my hand slid across the kindle as I started to nod off..... I'll try again Tomorrow cause I've done it several more room need in this minor post.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Old 03-05-2014, 08:25 PM

awwww. Sleepy mommy <3 Take your time, I'm off work today so I'm just kinda cleaning and then poking around online, doing laundry...poking around online. xD YAAAAY DAY OFF!!

I think I may get my hair did on Friday. I'm really feeling a desire to pamper myself for a bit. I may even color the tips of my hair...teal. *le gasp*

Death warmed over
Jaz is offline
Old 03-06-2014, 07:49 AM

I was doing the same thing in the parents thread at like 8pm today. I finished the post in there and apparently passed out... I woke up at 10 to hearing Liam starting to stir, tried to nurse and passed out again I think Liam is doing the lazy baby thing cause he woke again at 11 and I wanted to try the sns which was a fail for me... it's not as easy as it looks... But he feel asleep after a finger feed and now I am semi awake and it's midnight... most 1AM he is a lazy baby and it's going to land him with jaundice again if I don't manage it better....

I want nifty hair! Have fun getting your hair did!

As for the last post, no the daycare wasn't Catholic and neither was the daycare we took the food in from (coordination thing between daycare where a smaller daycare pays a larger daycare to supply food it helps the smaller daycare in not having to have a cook on staff and the big one to manage paying a larger staff)...... I may have been wrong about it being meatless. I have a terrible memory sometimes but I do remember fish on Fridays and wondering when lent was over cause their fish was usually gross.....

You can get frozen whiting and er, cheap fish found at like every restaurant, tilapia for around $10 for a 2 or 3 lb bag. But anything else is like crazy expensive. Single small fillets of Alaskan salmon are like $5 to $7 a POP a single fillet! It's crazy... stupid locked state. Though I don't think I've ever looked at their section where they have actual whole fish I bet they are cheaper... But I am not that talented a cook yet....


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