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Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 02-01-2012, 01:19 PM

Samael couldn't help but smile as the warm scent of horses and sweet hay filled his nose. It took him a moment to notice the stable was lacking a certain smell, which made him smile a little wider. Now why hadn't he thought of that?

When Meila motioned towards the three "temperamental" horses, he was immediately drawn to them, the chestnut in particular. He was a confident rider, having lived on earth long before modern vehicles, but he knew each horse was particular in it's attitude and handling. The idea that one of these might be a challenge, as well as the intelligent look in their eyes drew him in.

Instead of walking right over to them, though, he took a moment to see the other horses, admiring their build and color. They were obviously all well cared for, their hooves were neatly trimmed, their coats shined and their eyes were bright and alert. Most of them watched him with a sort of caution, but not to any alarm. He was a curious thing, after all, he doubted they had seen many immortals such as himself before.

He had just turned to face the chestnut once more when a wave of high-frequency vibrations slammed into him and a great bellow ripped through the air. "Che andar haft jahannam...*" He swore lightly under his breath as he spun to face the direction it came from, a bit disoriented. Looking back to Meila, he put a hand to his temple. "I sincerely hope you were previously aware of the dragon at your Inn." He said, a bit of dry humor in his voice as he tried to right his senses.

((*Translation: "What in the seven hells". The language is Farsi, otherwise known as Persian. This is a really rough translation as I cannot find my book and proper Farsi is really hard to find online. It's also pretty hard to romanize ><' ))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-01-2012, 08:02 PM

Ryn had just reached out to tentatively pet his chosen horse's nose when the loud roar ripped through the air. The human jumped nearly out of his own skin and whirled around, eyes wide for a few moments. Of course whatever had roared wasn't in the stables, still that didn't keep him from looking this way and that. Those eyes then falling onto the other man and he sighed softly, running a hand through his hair. "Great. Does that mean I'll have to fight the dragon for the treasure?" Dragons were notorious for keeping and protecting hoards of treasure. So if there was treasure here and a dragon, it made sense to Ryn that the dragon might already have all the treasure to itself. He shivered, the human wasn't sure he could survive a fight with a dragon. He glanced to their hostess and leader of this little tour, wondering if she already knew about the dragon. She probably did.

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 02-01-2012, 09:29 PM

Satisfied with herself, the dragon took to the air once again. The cave was her home, she didn't live at the inn. She flew over the inn when she spied the beautiful owner of the place. With a strange group of people. She decided to take a few moments to greet them, after all she will be taking care of them being the maid. She refused to wear the maid outfit the owner wanted her to wear, clothing was itchy and irritated her.

She landed with a giant, but delicate thud on the ground and transformed to her some-what human self, there was a beautiful crown on her head that she created and held tightly in her arms after taking it off. "Oh miss!" she said running towards her with a childish grin.


Staria is offline
Old 02-02-2012, 01:24 AM

Mei noticed the nervousness of the human as the unicorns reacted, her face briefly taking on a thoughtful expression. The way he covered that mark... she'd have to get a few of her sources to look it up. She doubted it was anything dangerous to her but she would not let any danger come to her guests while they were here...... including from each other. It was one of the reasons she had added so many secret passages to the Inn so that her cats could move around like ghosts into just about any area. They had been able to warn her in time to protect everyone she needed to so far.

Her ears bent as the roar interrupted her thoughts and absently she thought she'd have to talk to Maysa about that again. Maysa was a willful creature and didn't listen to much but she tried her best, if for nothing else than she doubted the woman would be so easily accepted anywhere else. Especially here where the curses of the Anasarie were common so magic was greatly feared by the nearby towns. They only approved of Mei because she kept the local evils from escaping the tunnels to terrorize the surface dwellers, and even her they didn't truly trust.

"Yes... that would likely be Maysa." She responded to the angel absently, noticing how he approached the chestnut. She tilted her head to the side, watching as the compactly built horse looked him up and down. The horse tossed its mane and whinnied, looking at the angel with a 'what do you want' expression. It was one of the more beautiful horses... and with Mei's horses that was saying something. Hers were all from long lines she'd chosen most carefully and all were swift, strong, and pretty. Still Mei said nothing and simply waited for the two to react to one another as she went to approach Ryn.

"Dragons may be the easiest you find in the tunnels... I would not advise going out without care..." She said quietly as she approached him from behind. She patted the horse he had approached and seemed to nod at it as if to reassure the creature. The horse seemed to nod back and with a flick of it's tail glanced towards Ryn again. It was a bit of a 'war horse' so accustomed to orders but would know what to do even if Ryn didn't. It was a good pick... even if the horse needed Mei to give permission, as it identified her as a soldier would a general. Hearing Maysa she then turned

"Hello dear, good flight? ... you need to soften the roars remember, it bothers the horses." Mei responded as she glanced at the other girl with a rather exasperated smile. Maysa was cute but a little over enthusiastic. Of course, when she'd discussed it first she had said guests, not horses as the horses were as stern as stone, but some guests would find it embarrassing for her to mention them... so she didn't. The horses would not mind her using them as an excuse, even if some of the more prideful pegusi looked at her with irritation.

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 02-02-2012, 02:16 AM

"Oh, sorry...well I get cramped in this form and feels so good. I'm sorry horsies." Being a dragon she was incredibly intelligent, but had the mentality of an 8 year old, of course it was just a rouse. If she was ever angry...and it is never a good idea to anger a dragon, well...heaven forbid. Of course Meysa was very easy going from what people normally believe of dragons. The scaly girl looked at Mei with a big grin, "Is there anything else you need me to do today?"

She pretty much beamed at her, she admired Mei alot. She got along pretty well with the other animals about the place, she wasn't dangerous though her ability to breathe fire could be hazardous if she accidentally sneezed if she was near anything flammable. Though she was good about holding it in.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 02-03-2012, 07:41 AM

Mike grinned, knowing he wouldn't likely get more of an answer out of the girl. "So, what are you doing right now? Because I was exploring the Inn," he said, eyes starting to dart around again. He was getting antsy with all this standing around, for all that it really hadn't been long. "And do you know anything about the history of this place?" His exuberance was clearly audible, and infectious to most. "I mean, curses! And magic, and stuff like that! Though if the ghosts try to make me stay, I'm turning tail and getting the heck outta there!"

((Sorry, Pap, kinda forgot to reply when I'd first seen this, then my art attacked my brain...))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-03-2012, 08:12 AM

Ryn wasn't looking forward to fighting anything for the treasure. Such a greedy master he had! Well, if it was to troublesome that demon could come and get the treasure himself. To hell with the beast. Ryn winced lightly and rubbed at the mark on his neck. Such thoughts often caused the mark to send a wave of pain through his body, nothing serious. Just a little jolt, like a bee sting, to remind him of who was really in charge. The human sighed and shook his head. "No treasure is worth fighting dragons or other things for." He truly believed that, well, he truly believed that no treasure for his master was worth him losing his life for. Sometimes he wondered if that demon put him in such situations just to speed along his death so the creature could devour his soul. Ryn barely glanced as the dragon girl rushed into the stables, gently he pet the horse he had chosen. It seemed like a sturdy, reliable beast. Well, they all seemed sturdy and reliable.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 02:33 AM

Watching the man and hearing him made Lotus giggle. Waving her hands lightly in the air, she grinned. "No, I can't say I do know about the history of this place. Would you mind telling me what you know, I'm sure it's fascinating." And maybe it would help the prophetess figure out why her dreams had brought her to such a place. It was so far away from everything she knew! Nothing was familiar, or even echoed her homeland.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 10:52 PM

Mike's face registered shock as the woman answered. "Nothing? You don't even know who lived here thirty-four hundred years ago?" He shook his head, grabbing for her hand to lead her to a table. "That means I have to start at the beginning, with the Anasarie!" The Anasarie, the people he was descended from. The first Coyote-shifters walked among them, taught them and learned from them. "You won't believe some of this story."

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 03:35 AM

Samael shook his head slightly and muttered an "Ah" in response to Meila's vague explanation of "Maysa". With his senses cleared, he turned back to the handsome chestnut horse as it whinnied, it's intelligent eyes looking him over with a nearly arrogant expression. The look made the red-headed man smile. Yes, this horse certainly was a good match for him, wasn't it?

Holding out one hand for the horse to smell and inspect, he lifted the other to hover over it's warm skin. When the horse did not nip or pull away, he ran his hand down the front of it's head, stroking it's fine coat. As he and the horse became acquainted, he listened to Meila warn the other man of the dangers in the ruins and caverns below them. Heeding the warning, Samael drew up a list of useful spells in his mind, ticking off what he might be able to cast and maintain at the moment. Unlike Ryn, he was quite willing to defend himself to explore the treasure-trove of culture and history that lay below them.

Samael glanced over to the small dragoness when she entered the stable, but after a quick assessment, he turned back to the horse before him, reaching over to stroke it's neck and admire it's mane. He listened to the cheerful girl and Meila talk, noting the initial exasperation in the inn-keep's voice.


Staria is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 03:47 AM

"You could put fresh linens on our guests beds if you please...." Mei requested quietly after a moments thought. She returned the smile as the other beamed at her, though honestly she knew little of her. She patted the girls head than in a familiar sort of way, never quite sure what to think of her. She may have said something more but she was distracted by ryns voice. She glanced towards him, approving of the sentiment but still wondering why he was here. He didn't seem like any of the other adventures... she would have to talk to him later. Right now in the presence of the angel she wasn't so sure she should but later... if she could get him alone.

"The tour will mainly be of safe places so you can worry about that later.... nothing will attack you while with me as long as you dont do anything too stupid like swipe something." She said quietly, giving him a reassuring smile despite her inner distrust. There was little to take but sometimes there was a rock someone decided 'looked pretty' that would disturb its previous owner's ghost. She had some defenses against ghosts but she did have her limits...

"Ready to go?" she asked the angel than, her gaze moving to Sameal. He looked like he was getting along well enough with the horse. At least he hadn't tried to demand control but didn't act frightened either so that seemed to have endeared him to the horse a little. It always liked to be treated with simple respect and have a confident rider.

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 04:24 AM

"Oh okay." MEysa told her, the scantily clad scaly girl smiled and started off toward the inn. Lining were flammable, she thought on this when she was at the doorstep. She would have to be careful if she was going to be doing that, she walked through the hallways now with the objects, her first stop was Mei's room. She always enjoyed the scent of it, and dragon's had good noses.

She smiled to herself after she fixed the bed tempted to lay on it, but resisted the urge, and returned to the dining room to see if her ability to breath fire was needed for the rest of the day.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 04:56 AM

Ryn studied the horse he had picked carefully for a few moments as he ran his fingers lightly over it's flesh. "Don't worry, I won't do anything too stupid." He had glanced towards Mei when he said those words, though he had already done something stupid, and it had landed him in the situation he was in now. At the time it hadn't seemed so stupid. Ryn sighed, that hand once again moving to the mark he bore. He did that often though, always pressing his fingers over every now and then. "Ready to go my gorgeous new friend?" He spoke those words softly to the horse.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 02-15-2012, 04:31 AM

((Is the chestnut a stallion or a mare? You keep saying "it". Also, sorry for the wait and the short post, I'm running low on inspiration at the moment.))

Samael was a bit relieved when the inn keep explained that this trip would be safe, but he still worked on preparing his energy for spell casting, just in case. He always felt a bit better with an arcane back-up, especially when traversing through a place he did not know at all. Shoulder's relaxed now, he brought his golden-orange eyes met the horse's for a moment, then he smiled again and gave a nod before looking over his shoulder towards Meila. "Yes, I think we are ready." He said, still stroking the beautiful chestnut's soft muzzle.


Staria is offline
Old 02-15-2012, 04:32 AM

((Um...whichever you prefer? xD))

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 02-15-2012, 04:33 AM

((Ah, alright... I keep wanting to say "he" so I guess it's a stallion.))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-15-2012, 04:46 AM

The young woman giggled softly at his vehemence. "Nope, not at all, though I'm eager to hear the tale!" Letting herself be guided to the table, Lotus smiled at the dusty looking man. This was such a strangely interesting place, and she'd only just arrived. "My name is Lotus, what's yours?" Offering her name innocently, she hoped she could make a friend. Settling down in her seat, the short haired woman smoothed down her dress and looked to the man expectantly.


Staria is offline
Old 02-15-2012, 05:42 PM

(okay XD. and hehe when you're on I'll have to tell you a dream i had O.O You, bre, and some girl i don't know that might have been ky were in a weird ass dream i had XD))

Mei nodded in approval as Ryn spoke to his horse, knowing that most of her horses liked a little flattery and even her warhorses were no exception. She smiled to herself and seemed to relax a little. She was glad to see he was treating his horse with respect, as was the angel. That was one less worry... no grumbling horses. She sent a soft message then to the cats to keep an eye on things. Despite their intelligence they were normal cats, however, so mostly they could just call her or one of the other workers but often that was enough.

"Then lets get going" She said cheerfully to the angel as he spoke, whistling softly. A black unicorn, contrasting sharply against the other pearly whites one, stepped forward in a slow graceful lope. There was a brief glow of his horn and the gate would open, closing behind him. He would then walk to Mei's side, earning himself a warm smile. She greeted him softly in another tongue, stroking down the side of his noble head and nuzzling the other side briefly. She then would climb on the dark unicorns back as the strange creature turned it's pupiless glowing blue eyes on the other two. All the horses seemed to show him some respect, for he was the anceint one and easily most powerful... but also Mei's first horse and most beloved friend.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-15-2012, 06:09 PM

Ryn ran his hand down the side of the horse's neck, showering the beast with compliments. Then he led the creature to a seemingly more open space, mostly to see if it would easily follow him. When it did he complimented it some more, and hugged it's neck. "You'll help me stay out of trouble, right, friend?" The words had been murmured softly as Ryn ran a hand almost lovingly down the side of the horse's neck. When Mei called the black unicorn, Ryn blinked. He hadn't thought black one's existed, he shook his head. Though maybe that was foolish. Horses came in all kinds of colors, it was only fair that unicorns did the same. He watched her mount the unicorn, once she was up, he gave his horse a gentle smile and easily swung himself up onto the creature's back. Ryn leaned forward, hiding his face against the horse's mane for a few moments, before straightening up and looking over at the other two.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 02-16-2012, 02:04 AM

((Yay, we're still in business!))

"Mike's the name, sorry for forgetting!" he replied, flopping into the seat opposite her and putting his feet on the one diagonal. "Well, this story starts long before other stories, with the people called the Anasarie. They are said to have been great builders, inventor's, and magicians, creating wonders that this world never saw before, and has never seen again. But one day, they just stopped contacting the world around them, cutting any ties with other people. You see, those other people were jealous of their achievements, and wanted them for themselves. Of course, they didn't just want to ask, they had to take it. Why no one ever wants to ask is beyond me, but it's so." His story might not be quite in order, but he knew he had the basics down. "Then they, the Anasarie, were gone. No one wiped them out, there was no being absorbed into another culture, they just vanished. Well, except for the ghosts that haunt this land. Those are still here, keeping their great inventions and powers safe from greedy hands."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-18-2012, 02:41 AM

This got more and more interesting with the minute. Such a tale, and such a prize! No wonder Lotus had been drawn to such a place. Perhaps there were old prophecies there, and perhaps she could interpret them and discover their puzzles. It made her smile happily as she regarded her newest acquaintance. "Do you know this place well, do you think you could show me around?" Excitement wiggled into her voice as Lotus leaned forward upon the table. All the better to look at Mike. Such a strange name for this place, but the young woman had heard stranger.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 02-18-2012, 02:58 AM

Mike leaned a touch back more in his chair, this girl seemed really intent on finding something here. "Um, no, I only just got here. Maybe the owner would?" he suggested, perking up at the thought of exploring. "We should find them and ask!" To explore this place, maybe see something that would matter to him! And hopefully not be dragged away, kicking and screaming, by the ghosts. "But we'd have to be careful while we're exploring, the ghosts here can be nasty, if the stories of them are even half true..."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-20-2012, 08:56 PM

Perking up at the mention of more stories, Lotus smiled. "Can you tell me some of those stories? I do so love hearing tales!" Excitement bubbled forth from the young woman as she regarded Mike with bright, flashy, smile.. She was enjoying herself, and that was such a refreshing experience when it came to her impromptu voyages that Lotus relished every moment. There was no telling when things might turn about and become a nightmare of malicious intents and frightening fears.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 02-20-2012, 10:38 PM

Mike grinned, seeing the expression on this girl's face fueling his own good mood. "Well, they're really garbled, and some of them end with no one getting out alive, but then where did they come from?" He shook his head, people could and would get really inventive with these. "The best known one is about this small group of adventurer-archeologists. They were coming here to try and catalog what sorts of treasures were at the burial sites closest to the edge of this area. The whole idea was knowing what people were buried with gives a sort of insight to how they live," he took a breath, digging the details out of his memory. "well, they found one just fine, but the first night they spent out, one of the more spiritually sensitive started seeing the ghosts, and by the third or fourth night, they all could. The story goes that one of them had secreted away a small trinket, nothing bigger than a ring, you see. The ghosts wouldn't leave them alone, and when the group tried to leave, they didn't allow it. So, they started trying to fight, but all that happened was beasts started showing up, harrying the party and even picking a few off, dragging them into the night. They never came back. This continued for weeks, one version says, and others say days or months. Personally, I think about a week and a half sounds right." He paused again, head tilting to one side. "You know what? I'll bet that their ghosts are here now, too. Anyway, the group got picked off until only the one who took the little trinket was left. He, or maybe she, no one knows anymore, threw it and rode as fast as they could out of there. When they got to a town, the closest one at the time, they told their story and died on the spot. Said it was the fear that killed 'em."

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 02-21-2012, 02:16 AM

((Presuming the horses are saddled, are we? And I'm really sorry for the slow posting ><' I've been working pretty much every night lately. ))

Samael watched as the sable beast gracefully trotted over, orange eyes widening a touch. In all his years he had only seen a handful of unicorns, fewer still up close. He pushed aside his awe, though, as the beautiful equine's eerie eyes swept over him. He lowered his gaze in a sign of respect, then turned and faced his mount, running a hand along the stallion's neck as he walked around to it's side to climb up. Once atop the strong chestnut, he fell into an easy posture that spoke of his comfort and experience riding. With a strong, capable horse and Mei's promise of a safe journey down the mesa, he had a hopeful outlook on the small trip. It would be a nice contrast to the tiresome trip to the seclusive inn.


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