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I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 04:10 PM

Hikari looked up at Toshihiro as she walked beside him, but since it seemed that it was painful for him to have her close to him, she kept a little distance away from him..... just enough so that they weren't on opposite sides of the road, but not enough that her scent was too strong for him to bear. "I don't really know how I'll do that...... Occasionally, there are rips in the fabric of space and time.... kind of like portals to Heaven. I guess I'll have to wait until one of them opens up. Then I guess it will be my time to go back," she said, shrugging. "But that usually takes a couple years to happen-months at the earliest- so I'll probably be here for a while," Hikari added, smiling a little.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 04:19 PM

Toshihiro considered what she had told him for a moment before replying, "Would you... Would you like to stay with me for that time?" he asked. He wasn't sure why he was offering, he wasn't even sure why he wanted her to stay, but he did. He smiled a little at her. Maybe it was because he wanted to find out why she was so familiar to him. Or, it could be his physiological responses that were saying to drain her of her blood... He wouldn't let himself do that though. No matter how utterly delicious it had tasted, he wasn't going to hurt her. Unless she offered, he reasoned. If she offered it was fair game... right?

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-13-2009, 11:32 PM

Hikari turned a little pink. "I would be happy to," she said, smiling at Toshihiro.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 06:01 PM

Toshihiro smiled, "Well, as long as you want to stay, that is. You can leave whenever you want. It's just, if you have no place to go... then you're welcome to stay with me." he said as they approached the shore. He walked up to the beach and took off his shoes, holding them in hand as he walked to the line of the water. He looked back at her, "I'm guessing it will be a little clod." he smiled/ a little.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 06:27 PM

Hikari smiled. "That's OK. I've faced a lot of cold stuff in my life," Hikari said, laughing as she kicked off her shoes, ran in the water, and dived beneath the surface. She popped back up a couple seconds later, and she said, "Plus it gets a lot better if you dive underwater!" Laughing, she dove back under, and swam along the bottom, watching the fish swim up to her, and dart away.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 07:30 PM

Toshihiro watched her and laughed. He rolled up the bottoms of his pants and walked a few steps into the water. He could feel the water, and it was slightly cold. He just watched her, not walking in any farther. She was having fun, and that was what mattered.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 07:38 PM

Suddenly, Hikari shot up out of the water, and did a cannonball. "CANNONBALL!!!" she yelled, and dropped into the water after flying 50 feet up.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 07:41 PM

Toshihiro watched in amazement as she flew into the air, then dove back into the water. He laughed a little. It looked like so much fun..

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-14-2009, 07:53 PM

Hikari grinned, dove underwater, silently came up behind Toshihiro, and said, "Boo." She grinned, and then shot up in the air, then dove back down again, silently re-entering the water.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 12:49 AM

((How do you come up behind me when I'm on the shore? xDD ))

Toshihiro laughed, knowing where she was. He could hear just about everything. She seemed to be having so much fun.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 01:04 AM

(I thought he was in the water.... xD)

Hikari smiled, and she floated underneath the water, peacefully watching the waterlife. Being an angel, she didn't really need to breathe that much, so she could stay underneath for, oh, about an hour or two before needing to breathe. She could also talk underwater too. Kind of weird, but it was fun! She smiled, and giggled when a turtle ran into her nose, and shook its head. The turtle smiled, and started to circle around Hikari's head. Hikari smiled, and she giggled when it stopped and nuzzled her cheek.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 01:31 AM

((Like, up to his shin. xP ))

Toshihiro sat back on the shore and let his feet rest in the water. Hikari looked like she was having so much fun, he half wished he could run in and join her. However, he couldn't. He had never learned to swim. Besides, Hikari looked like she was having a lot of fun on her own, and he didn't want to spoil it.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 01:40 AM

((X.X SORRY!!!! DX))

Hikari swam peacefully in the water, her hair moving with the waves. She smiled, and resurfaced, flying around so close to the water that little waves of water were on either side of her. she suddenly retracted her wings, and dropped once again beneath the water, where the little turtle swam up to her agan.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 02:05 AM

((No problem. =] ))

When Toshihiro saw Hikari had company, he laughed. A turtle and an angel, who would have thought...

He looked away from the water and back toward the trees. This really was a great place to live... He had everything he needed here. And now, he even had someone to hang around with.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 02:18 AM

Hikari laughed as the turtle started to playfully chase her, and she dove underwater right when it was about to catch her. Confused, the little turtle swam around in circles trying to find Hikari. Suddenly, Hikari popped up in front of the turtle, and the turtle smiled, and it nuzzled Hikari's cheek.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-15-2009, 02:47 AM

((I think we need some interaction between our characters here. This isn't so much fun posting to myself. xP ))

Eventually, Toshihiro leaned back and lay in the sand. He looked up at the clouds, moving quickly through the sky. It looked like it was going to rain tonight. He closed his eyes and just lie there, feeling the cool winds coming off the water.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 04:18 PM

ooc: OK! xD

Hikari smiled, and she dove into the water, shooting out of it moments later as she glided down next to Toshihiro. "Hey.... Aren't you coming in?" Hikari asked, wanting him to join her.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 12:29 AM

Toshihiro smiled a little, and if he could have, he would have blushed. He looked down at her and crouched in the water near her, "I would, but I... I can't swim." he smiled a little, nervously.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 01:58 AM

Hikari frowned. "Wellll...... I could teach you, if you'd like," Hikari said with a smile. "When I was.... still alive, I taught little kids how to swim," Hikari said, looking up at Toshihiro. It was true, she did teach through a junior teacher program or whatever they called it!

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 02:16 AM

Toshihiro shook his head, letting his hair brush over his forehead, "I am not capable. When I was alive, I never learned, but not, I lack the internal gases that would keep me afloat. I would only sink." he smiled a little, almost apologetically.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 02:29 AM

Hikari frowned. "Ahh.... I see. Well, someday, I shall get you water wings," Hikari said with a small laugh in a feeble attempt to make the situation brighter.

"Mmmm..... Angel blood," the boy murmured. He smiled, and his fangs glistened. He ran- ran to the sweet intoxicating scent of angel blood- which belonged to Hikari..... He suddenly dashed out of the forest, and dragged Hikari back into the thick woods in a blink of an eye.

"HEY!!! LET ME GO!!!! HELP!!!!" Hikari screamed, trying to get the vampire to let go of her.

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 01:40 AM

Toshihiro laughed so hard he fell backwards. He wasn't even aware they were not alone until he felt the rush of wind as the other vampire ran to Hikari, snatched her right from under Toshihiro's nose and returned to where he lurked, taking her with him. Toshihiro reacted quickly, hopping to his feet and running after them in the blink of an eye. One of the up-sides to being a vampire was the inhuman speeds.

Following closely, Toshihiro let out a menacing growl that only a vampire could conjure up, warning the other vampire he was making a serious mistake. He followed until the other stopped, and he wouldn't give up so easily. Not that he knew why he was trying so hard to get her back. Maybe it was his own addiction to her blood. Maybe it was his genuine concern for her life. If an angel died like this... well, it would just be a pity.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 03:44 PM

The vampire smirked, and jumped up in a tree, camoflauging himself against the evergreen. He smiled, and began to drink Hikari's blood.

Hikari's eyes widened, and she screamed as loud as she could, hoping that somebody would help her. "HEEEEEEELP!!!! Please HELP ME!!!" she screamed, and tears ran down her face as she was beginning to grow light-headed. But she kept on screaming so that mabye somebody would help her....

Ananas à Pois
Pineapple Extraordinaire
Ananas à Pois is offline
Old 11-20-2009, 06:56 PM

His hiding didn't cause Toshihiro to lose his scent; Toshihiro followed into the tree, knocked the vampire back and grabbed Hikari, so she wouldn't fall. Then her scent caught his attention. He tried as hard as he could to focus as he began to bound tree to tree back towards his house. He could defend her there better.

He brought her in and out her on the couch in the living room, as it was closest. He said nothing, but he waited, quietly, for the other vampire. If he followed, Toshihiro would have no problem killing him.

I'M BACK!!!!! My computer busted...
SailorMoon is offline
Old 11-20-2009, 07:26 PM

Hikari looked up at Toshihiro. "Thanks...." Hikari whispered, smiling at him.

The vampire snarled, and sneaked through the house, and in the blink of an eye, had Toshihiro in a headlock! "After I snap your neck, I'm going to make sure that your girlfriend over there dies a slow and painful death," the vampire said, smiling.

Hikari's eyes narrowed, ad she yelled, "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" as she jumped off the couch and kicked the vampire in the jaw!


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