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star2000shadow is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 12:04 AM

Nick Cursed and headed forward. the women was alergic to metal.. he knew he shoulda left the thing athome.. but he'd needed soemthing for skinning meat and descaleing fish.*

Firemare is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 12:08 AM

Shin gave a kind of hissing scream as the knife came into contact with her skin. though the cut was not deep it left a painful red burn. She backed up again and laid a hand on a tree. The tree suddenly came alive, all but uprooting itself as it reached out with it's limbs, wrapping them around Concobhar tightly. Shin funneled her anger and frustration into the tree. How dare this ignorant barbarian come into HER forest, attack the mage that promised hope for the forest, and attack HER! No she would not have it! She would be drained by this later, but oh it would be worth it to cage this beast of a man!

Good night sweet prince.
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Old 07-27-2009, 12:12 AM

At the moment he saw the tree spring to life he dropped the knife and tried to run. Too late, he was grabbed by the tree and held tightly. He kicked and wiggled trying to free himself from the tree's grasp, but he was unable to free himself. He spat and swore at the dryad loudly..but it wasn't much of a help.


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star2000shadow is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 12:17 AM

Nick watched as the man was held by the Tree in surprise. huh. guess the women didn't need to be rescued after all. now that he was certian they where, for the moment, both safe. he sat down. "Okay.. so let me get this straight. you want me to come meet some Drayad high elders or something..and your gonna bring mr. attack anything that moves? you know I should just try and download MY knowledge intot he guys head.." there was one problem, he was drained.. and err.. if he messed it up both he and the barbarian would...go insane.. he thought about that then regected it. he LIKED being sane.. even if some would argue that he was not sane at all.*

((gonna go catch a nap.. I will try and make it short but the pain medication is starting to kick up - if I take to long go ahead and have nick pass out again or move him from point a to point B and stick him into bed - 'waves' later))((i'm hopeing not to be to long.))

Firemare is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 12:29 AM

Shin rubbed at her burn tenderly. "Leaving the woods for long periods of time makes me ill, I can't exactly go get a mage, your magic is unreliable and mine doesn't work on non-woodland dwellers. My people are ancient, if he speaks any language that hes ever existed one of the council will know it. The council NEEDS to see your power. Many of our oldest and most beloved forests cannot create new growth, even with our care. They are dying. Your power could stop that though, it could mean survival for my race."

Good night sweet prince.
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Vercingetorix is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 12:32 AM

After a while Concobhar calmed down and was completely quiet. He just kinda stood there where the tree had grabbed him and stared at them, every so often he would twitch slightly or wiggle around, he tried to sit down when his legs grew tired.


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star2000shadow is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 12:39 AM

(nvm nap aborted -_-))

Nick stared at her with tired eyes. "Fine.. if you can get him to where you gotta get us.. I'll come. I'll hear your ..people out and we'll see if I can't learn enough control not to blow up mountians anymore.."*

Firemare is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:03 AM

Shin smiled grimly and rubbed at her burn again. She turned back to Concobhar with a steely look and tree stepped up to his level to kneel on the branch next to his head. "Concobhar. You can't understand me, I get that." she tried to speak as reassuringly as possible "I'm going to take you to someone who can. But you have to stop attacking us. Can you do that?" She nodded gesticulatively while enunciating "Yes..." then doing the same for shaking her head and saying "No..."

Good night sweet prince.
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Old 07-27-2009, 01:06 AM

He shot her a hateful look, unable to understand what she was trying to say. He wiggled some trying to get the branches to free him he didn't like this, it was a little weird. He nodded yes more to just see if she would let him down rather then to agree to anything.


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Old 07-27-2009, 01:07 AM

Nick watched her as she tried to teach the barbarian 'YES' and 'NO'. and saw the hatefull look the man was giving her. "He doesn't care what your saying he just wants free of that tree." Nicks tone was.. irritated. he was tired. he was sore. his head was still pounding even with the specially made medications he'd taken.. andt his .. MAN was driveing him UP THE WALL .. or well in this case trees..
it would be trees right..? considering they where in a forest. "I doubt he even gets the 'Yes' 'No' movements your making."

Last edited by star2000shadow; 07-27-2009 at 01:15 AM..

Good night sweet prince.
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Vercingetorix is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:09 AM

(I ended up beating you to the post. xD See above.)


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star2000shadow is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:15 AM

I corrected.))

Firemare is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:23 AM

((I'm just gonna run with it...)) Shin's eyes narrowed slightly as she ran a hand along the treebranch, slowly lowering them to the ground. The tree unwound slowly, almost reluctantly from Concobhar, leaving a tether around his right wrist to keep him from either attacking or running until she could see his true intentions.

Good night sweet prince.
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Vercingetorix is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:27 AM

As soon as his feet touched the ground he jerked as if to run but was stopped by the remaining branch on his wrist. He stood straight and casually tugged on it, trying to get it to let go. His attention was off of the dryad and the mage and fully on that last tendril. He bit at the thing trying to snap and plopped down on his butt.


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star2000shadow is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:28 AM

((GAH)) ((Reposting:))

Nick watched as the male was lowerd to his feet. his whole body leaning against a tree. heck he was almost half asleep on said feet. and blinked as the man acted like a..puppy trying to get lose of the trendil. "Whoa.." that was one strong branch.

Firemare is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:44 AM

((I'm so proud of that branch now!)) Shin stepped gracefully to the ground and nearly passed out from exhaustion. She sighed and turned to look at Nick "Any objections to camping here for the night? I think we're both tired and Concobhar isn't going anywhere."


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star2000shadow is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:47 AM

"I don't mind camping I have a tent.. and a sleeping bag. I'll be fine.." nick murmerd. wondering if he should mention the fact that.. well he was running from something. shakeing his head he moved to his tent and steped into it. no.. no he'd wait. its not like the person chaseing him could find him THERE.. right?*

Good night sweet prince.
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Vercingetorix is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:47 AM

Concobhar eventually just flopped over on his side and covered himself with his cloak, finally tired out from this day. He wiggled a little to get comphy on the hard ground and eventually trailed to sleep, quietly snoring away under his cloak. It coincidence at it's finest.

Firemare is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:52 AM

Shin shrugged and stepped into the tree holding Concobhar. She would be resting her way, and making sure the barbarian was kept tethered. The burn would take several days to recover from, but this would restore her reserves considerably.


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Old 07-27-2009, 01:56 AM

Nick climbed into his tent, and pulled his bag in after him he sat there with a flash light on as he stared up at the roof of the tent. then with a 'click' he turned the flash light off. closed his eyes. and went to sleep. or tried to. and prayed he didn't fall into any nightmares. he didn't need his whole lifes story coming out in one night.

Good night sweet prince.
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Vercingetorix is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 01:57 AM

In the morning Concobhar was up early..awoken by just the tiniest bit of sunlight. He was pacing back and forth where he was held by the tendril kind of annoyed by it now. He also didn't know where the other two went. He leaned on the trunk of the tree and bit at the tendril more.

Firemare is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 02:04 AM

Shin was awoken by the rather unpleasant sensation of pressure on one of her fingers. She merged out of the tree slowly to see Concobhar biting the branch that was tethering him and she glared at him. "There's no need for that..." She cautiously touched the tree again and the branch loosened and released. She fetched the bowl of berries from yesterday, still mostly uneaten and offered them to him as a sort of peacemaking gesture.


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Old 07-27-2009, 02:13 AM

Nick was awake in moments at Shin's tone and he slipped from his tent. his face was pale and his eye's laced with pain which he quickly pulled his mask up and over to hid. "So everyones awake huh?" he yawned and went about takeing down his tent and packing everythign up neat and orderly.

Good night sweet prince.
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Vercingetorix is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 02:17 AM

Concobhar took the berries and ate them slowly and looked over at Nick taking his tent down. He had never seen someone take their house apart and put it away like that before. He slowly made his way over and watched after eating the amount of berries that he wanted. He reached out and tried to theve a tent pole.

Firemare is offline
Old 07-27-2009, 02:32 AM

"Concobhar!" Yelled Shin, tapping her foot impatiently. Trying to steal a tent pole, honestly! Well if he was that desperate for a weapon, she would give him one. Tracing a finger down the side of a nearby tree she had it produce a staff about the size of the spear he had been wielding. She stalked across the field and smacked it into his hands with a frown before turning to Nick to see if he needed help.


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