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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-29-2017, 08:04 PM

That's a super cute idea! *brings out the kitties*

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-19-2017 at 07:03 PM..

the one and only

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Old 03-29-2017, 11:43 PM

Now i need to try to pull this off in avatar form because it has made me curious if i can . i'm currently wearing a zelda/princess peach mashup. xD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-30-2017, 01:20 PM

I was wondering what you were going for because it kind of looked like Zelda but I wasn't sure...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-19-2017 at 07:04 PM..

the one and only

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Old 03-30-2017, 01:22 PM

yeah . i liked the dress, and it felt kinda zelday but the wrong color, so i went blur with peach. and didn't really finish but i want to try this new idea cause it sounds fun.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-30-2017, 06:50 PM

Ooh, this new one is super fun!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-19-2017 at 07:04 PM..

the one and only

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Old 03-30-2017, 07:01 PM

I've got Ariel, Merida, Mulan, Cinderella, Tiana, Belle,Jasmine, Aurora and Rapunzel. . . Pochontas is kinda iffy with the forest background and the waterfall. . .
and than Snow white was a red hair ribbon but it didn't layer with the crowns so i did a gold crown for Aurora with the red stones for snowwhite.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-02-2017, 09:07 PM

That's a lot of stuff! It looks great Shadami!

Time to update this thing, I haven't written at all this week!

---------- Post added 04-02-2017 at 05:39 PM ----------

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Today my stomach felt quite a bit better but I still felt pretty tired. Work was eh. I still haven’t been feeling very motivated and into my work. I went out on my lunch break to sell a book back to the book store and return a dress that I didn’t end up liking and picked up a yummy chicken salad sandwich from Panera. After work I went grocery shopping at Target and splurged a bit. I got some new nail polish and some really nice smelling lotion, household stuffs and a bunch of pizza to stockpile in the freezer, lol!

• • •

L is for…lark? Lizard? Linguine? I dunno, I’m having trouble thinking of good L words. XD

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Another bleh day. Woke up feeling really tired. I don’t really know what’s wrong with me. Even though I sleep the night through for the most part I still wake up feeling exhausted. -_- Work was uneventful. I called my mom during my lunch break and went to a few stores to browse around. After work I went home and played some SWTOR and FINALLY GOT MY HK DROIDDDD! It was amazing! I’ve been wanting to finish that quest for foreverrrr!

• • •

Something about Mene… Uhhhh, shiny items? Good friends? Generous people? There’s really so much to say about this site, I’m not really sure how to pinpoint it down to just one thing!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Today I was supposed to go out for fondue after work but I woke up feeling so exhausted I had to cancel. I was super sad because it sounded delicious but alas. I struggled to get through the work day but I did have a nice surprise halfway though the day! A friend sent me a surprise package with some fun pineapple things and a teddy bear. That cheered me up a little bit. After work I headed home. Even though I was tired I didn’t want to go to bed too early and mess up my sleep schedule so I forced myself to stay awake and clean the apartment. It felt good to get everything spic and span again.

• • •

I actually bought this bag of mini macintosh apples at the grocery a while back. I love how tiny they are! I was eating them pretty good for a while but this week I sort of got off track in my food and eating habits. Hopefully I can eat them all up before they go bad.

Friday, March 31, 2017

I woke up feeling super tired again today. Seriously, what’s up with that?! The weather was super crappy and the day went by super slowly. I went out on my lunch break even though it was pouring out because I wanted to exchange something at Muji and pick up a sandwich from Panera. I decided to try a new sandwich with turkey and kale but it didn’t end up being as good as I was hoping. The last few minutes of the day took foreverrrr but finally I left to meet up with a friend to go to a Harry Potter concert! We were supposed to stop at a cafe before we headed to the theater but it was super crowded because of the rain so we didn’t end up going. My feet got soaked which was super unpleasant but the concert itself was really cool! They played Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and there was an orchestra on stage that played all the music live. It was really interesting! It was really easy to forget that they were playing live though because the music was just so perfect! They’re going to do all of the movies one at a time but honestly I don’t think it’s worth it to go to every one of them. My favorite score is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 so maybe I’ll go to that one as well. It seems like they do each new tour about every 6 months so it’ll probably be like 3 years before that one comes out. @_@

• • •

Heh, there really wasn’t any smell to the crappy rainy awful cold depressing pouring rain today. I mean they say it’s spring but holy crap the weather is so cold and depressing lately…

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Today was a slow morning. I stayed up pretty late last night and was pretty tired. I had some fish sticks for lunch and watched the first episode of a new show on Netflix called 13 Reasons I believe? It was pretty good. After that I took a nap and woke up still feeling pretty crappy but got on to play some SWTOR with a friend. We didn’t really end up playing so much as talking but that was okay.

• • •

I totally got trolled on Facebook by Squishable announcing a new minimalistic line of plushies. It took me a minute to realize that it was an April Fool’s day prank.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

I wanted to sleep in today to make up for all the lost sleep I’ve had lately but alas it was too sunny and someone was playing their music loud so I couldn’t sleep. *sigh* I got up and decided to finally get around to doing my taxes. That’s always a flipping nightmare. I can’t believe it costs so much to file my taxes online. And my refund is less than usual too. Did I mention I hate taxes? Anyway at least it feels good to have that out of the way. After that I played a bit of SWTOR, took a short bath and did some chores. I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to get done today but it’s already getting late so I’ll have to bye content with just getting the taxes and a few other things done. Still that was a big thing to get out of the way so I’m happy for that at least.

• • •

I did a little bit of cleaning today but not much since I did most of the cleaning on Thursday. Honestly I don’t usually do a specific spring cleaning since I am pretty clean and keep up with cleaning regularly.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-19-2017 at 07:04 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-06-2017, 03:11 PM

Monday, April 3, 2017

Another tired Monday morning. It’s going to take me a while to catch up on all the sleep I missed this weekend. Getting to bed on time is going to be my number one priority this week for sure. The eye mask I ordered online came today and I was super disappointed to find that it wasn’t at all like the picture they had online. I emailed them about it and thankfully they agreed to give me a refund so there is that but I was sad because I really did want the product. Oh well… After work I went home and ran around trying to get some stuff done so I could play SWTOR but ended up having a fight with my friend and the evening didn’t end up going so well. -_-

• • •

I’m a really organized person normally so I don’t really have any new organizational ideas for my apartment at the moment. I did get a cool new soap dish though that has this spongey texture to keep my sink clean. Does that count? XP

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This morning I woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep thinking about the weight I have gained lately and how I really need to go on a diet. I got up and tried to do some crunches but my neck was hurting really bad and I only managed to do 10. I set up my diet app again to start counting my calories and my plant nanny app to count how much water I’m drinking. The rest of the day was pretty awful. I ended up having a migraine pretty much all day long and was just praying for the work day to be over so I could go home and lay down. I did have some fun packages delivered with some clothes and shoes I ordered but I didn’t actually end up liking most of the things and will end up returning them. When I finally got home I lay down in the dark to try to get the pain to go away and ended up falling asleep until about 9:00pm. I was really trying not to fall asleep because I was afraid it would mess up my sleep schedule. Oops… I got up and made a ham and cheese omelet for dinner and went back to bed. I’m pretty proud of myself that I was able to stick to my calorie count today and didn’t really even feel that hungry or crave anything.

• • •

M is for migraine from which I suffered all day.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Today was not a good day. My head was feeling a bit better thankfully but I found out that my boyfriend’s dog died which was sad. I was supposed to play SWTOR with a friend after work which I had been looking forward to but I ended up cancelling so I could be there for my boyfriend. Unfortunately that turned into quite the argument with my friend which left me feeling pretty hurt and depressed for the rest of the day. The ring candles I ordered for my coworker’s birthday and Mother’s Day arrived today but unfortunately one of them was broken. I’m really just not having much luck with packages this week! At least they agreed to replace the broken one and that’s actually kind of nice anyway because I was able to tape up the broken glass and I’ll be able to use this one as a gift for myself, lol! I can’t wait to see what ring I get inside. After work I headed to my BF’s place and we watched a couple episodes of this new Netflix show called “13 Reasons Why” which I’m surprisingly getting very into and I tried Bokkeumbap for the first time which was pretty delicious. When I got home I ended up breaking out my journal which I haven’t written in since January and tried to do some writing to sort out my thoughts on what went down with my friend. I think it kind of helped at least to vent a bit even if I ended up getting to bed late because of it. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

• • •

Ah! My favorite cup! You’ve actually seen this one already since it’s the kitty cup I posted a picture of a while back!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Today did not start out well at all. I did not sleep well and woke up feeling pretty tired. I finally got up and got ready and then after I got out of the shower I thought I heart someone knocking on the door. I went to check but there was no one there. A minute later there was another knock and I realized it was on my window. I peeked out and there was a guy out there motioning for me to let him in and I was like WTF no! The neighbors sometimes feel like I should be their doorman and I flipping refuse. Especially after they slammed the door twice last night, at 11:30 and 12:30 and rang the flipping doorbell. How rude can you be? I mean isn’t that what cell phones are for these days? Anyway, I digress. So the neighbors let the person in who turned out to be the superintendent of my building who wanted to get into my apartment to access the water shutoff valve. Ughhh. I was in my towel and everything but I let him in so he could do his thing. Except every time I went back into the bathroom to get changed he would call back and need my help for something. Like seriously, WTF? He came without a screwdriver? And he doesn’t know hot from cold on the faucet? And he lost his key copy? I was ready to blow a gasket because the whole thing was making me late for work. Finally he finished and left but I’m still pissed about the whole thing. Now when I get home tonight I’ll have to clean the kitchen because he was walking all over the counter in his dirty shoes. :< In other news it’s raining yet again today. I mean I know spring means rain but this is getting ridiculous. At least I wore my rain boots today.

• • •

What’s new? Well I guess you could say all the stuff I ordered lately. I ended up getting a new pair of Toms since mine were completely worn out and some new undies and PJ shorts, lol. I got the eye mask that ended up being free since they refunded me and the diamond candles. I’ve been in a bit of a shopping mood but I’ll have to cut that out because otherwise I’m going to end up broke. @_@

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-06-2017 at 03:23 PM..


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Old 04-12-2017, 02:39 PM

Friday, April 7, 2017

Today was a bit crazy. I got to work and first thing in the morning there was a huge emergency to take care of for an event. I worked on it pretty much all day only to find out in the afternoon that there was a misunderstanding and in fact we would have to cancel everything we did. :< After that I didn’t really feel much like working and putzed away the rest of the day. After work I headed to the bar to meet with a friend and some of his friends. After that we headed to a Korean Barbeque place that was suuuuper yummy. A nice start to the weekend!

• • •

Eh, politics really isn’t my thing. I have honestly been trying not to follow the Trump presidency too much because honestly it just depresses me. -_-

Saturday, April 8, 2017

I didn’t sleep well last night and ended up waking up early. I played some SWTOR for a bit, had breakfast, did laundry, ate lunch, watched a bit of Netflix and made some madelaines. I wanted to take a nap after that but didn’t end up doing so and played some SWTOR until bedtime. It was a pretty chill day.

• • •

My room is basically everything, the bedroom/living room/office/bathroom/kitchen all in one. XP I live in a very tiny studio (think dorm room size) and space is pretty cramped but I am happy to have a place to myself after all the other horror stories I’ve had with room mates in the past. I took some pictures after I moved in, I wonder if I still have them somewhere…

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Today I got off my bum and finally went for a jog! I’m sure if I mentioned that I’m on a diet. I felt super out of shape but accomplished for doing it. Once I got back to my place I sat down outside and soaked in the sun. It felt sooo good! I was supposed to go to the Botanical Gardens with my coworker and her parents but the ended up changing plans so I stayed home and got some groceries and tried cooking some bokimbap. I didn’t mean to but I made A LOT. I’m going to have to freeze some, lol! I was so tuckered out from all the cooking that I decided to take a short nap and set an alarm only I accidently set it for 6:00am instead of 6:00pm and ended up sleeping for 2 hours instead of 30 minutes. Oops… In the evening I played a bit more SWTOR and then headed to bed.

• • •

Eh, I’m not usually one to get up on my soapbox, it’s just not my thing. Once in a while I’ll have a moment like that but usually it’s just complaining about something to a friend, lol!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Today I was pretty sore from my jog yesterday. It was super nice here today, I’m so happy for some nice weather after all of the rain we’ve been getting. On my lunch break I went to an Asian grocery store nearby and finally managed to find some mirin to up my Japanese omelet game. I also got some Totoro stickers because they were cheap and who can resist Totoro? After work I was supposed to have a meet and greet with a catsitter but she had to cancel so I ended up playing some SWTOR instead since the XP event is almost over. It was fun to play a character I don’t often play.

• • •

I think this could be a good sentiment for me. Things have been kind of all over the place in my life and emotions have been high lately so it would be nice if I can try to get everything evened out so there will be no more tears. At least with the weather starting to look up that helps because depressing weather always puts me in a sad mood as well.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The weather was sooo nice today! It was 70+ today and I got to wear a dress! I didn’t even really need a jacket! It felt so nice to be able to go out without all that heavy winter wear. On my lunch break I went to Sephora to get a few things. It had been a while since I’d been there and it was fun to try the new products. The rest of the day went pretty slowly. After work myself and a couple of coworkers and a friend went to a networking party at the bank down the street. It was pretty boring to be honest and the food was not very good. I had some train issues afterwards trying to get home but I managed to go to a different station and get a train. I skyped with a friend for a bit, did some work here on the site, and got to bed a bit late. ^^;

• • •

N is for nice weather! I’m so happy spring is finally starting to show its face.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-13-2017, 05:54 PM

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Today was another relatively nice weather day. Nothing noteworthy really happened at work. I went to return something to a store on my lunch break and left work relatively on time. I stopped at the store and got a couple groceries and made a chicken caesar salad wrap for dinner which was pretty yummy. After that I did the dishes and played some SWTOR until bed. I played my gunslinger again which was pretty fun and finally got my spaceship!

• • •

I could talk about this topic for a while, lol! Most mornings I wear moisturizer, BB cream, foundation, blush, mascara, and tinted chapstick as my go tos. On days when I'm feeling like a bit more I'll wear eyeshadow or eyeliner or lipstick but usually I don't have time for that since I'm often running late in the mornings, lol!


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Old 04-14-2017, 01:22 PM

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Today was a relatively good day. It was a bit colder today but no rain. The work day was pretty slow. The big boss came back from her trip but she was in a super good mood which was nice. A package arrived today from my mom with lots of fun Easter goodies! She sent me a Dove dark chocolate bunny, some mini Cadbury crème eggs, some cake flavored Peeps, s’mores Girl Scout cookies, 3 bottles of nail polish (white, neon purple, and pink with blue glitter), a nail stamping plate, a bunny plushie, and a Pusheen Easter plushie! So many fun things! I called her on my lunch break to thank her and it was nice to talk for a few minutes. In the afternoon though I got super tired, especially after a long meeting. I perked up a bit after work and went to the movies with some friends. We saw Ghost in the Shell which wasn’t amazing but I thought it was pretty good. After that we got some pizza for dinner and I went home. Not a bad day overall!

• • •

Yeah.. I have a lot of moments like that. I guess the most recent one was all that cooking I did last Sunday. I had know idea it was going to make so much! At least I’ll have plenty to eat for a while, lol!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-17-2017, 05:19 PM

Friday, April 14, 2017

Today was a very long day. Most offices in NYC were closed or had half days or at least got to leave a half hour early but not mine. The minutes seemed to drag on foreverrrr... Finally at the end of the day I was able to go meet our very own Mr. Wrong for the first time IRL! That was fun! After that I headed back home and played some SWTOR until bed.

• • •

A friend of mine got me into gemstones. I have a small collection, mostly from what my friend has given me but a few of them I purchased. I haven’t really used them so much recently but they are supposed to have different emotional/physical properties. I’m not 100% sure I believe in that but I figure it can’t hurt right? And either way they are fun to look at. ^_^

Saturday, April 15, 2017

I didn’t sleep well last night and woke up early. I cleaned the entire apartment and got some stuff done in the afternoon. I was supposed to go out bowling with a friend but they cancelled so instead we stayed in and ate pizza and watched The Intouchables. It was so good to see that movie again!

• • •

Oh internet, what a wonderful tool you are! What would we do without you?

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Today was a pretty nice day. It was like 80 degrees out, I couldn’t believe it! I went to this local restaurant for bunch and it was delicious! After that I went for a walk around the neighborhood and came back home and opened the window for the kitty. I took a nap and apparently it rained while I was sleeping? I woke up not feeling very good though. :/ I did my laundry and made some chicken salad, did the dishes, and played some SWTOR until bed.

• • •

I love doing nail art! I used to paint my nails all the time when I worked at the grocery store. Every week I would do a new mani with special nail art! Nowadays I don't have a lot of time for doing my nails so I mostly stick to basic colors but once in a while I get to do some fun nail art! My mom recently got me some new nail stamping plates. I can't wait to give them a try! If you ever want to talk more about nail art you can always visit my Nail Polish thread HERE!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-18-2017 at 05:57 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-18-2017, 04:00 PM

Monday, April 17, 2017

Today was a very up and down sort of day. I didn’t sleep well at all and woke up feeling like crap. I arrived at work and didn’t remember that we had a new person starting today. :/ The boss arrived and started yelling. She was in a bad mood and looking for a victim so I did my best to keep my head down and do my work. After work I headed home and met with a new catsitter lady. She isn’t as outgoing as the last one but I hope things will work better with her. I was happy at least that Yuna didn’t hide and let the lady pet her. After she left I tried to put up the new window cat bed I got for Yuna but one of the suction cups wouldn’t stick so I’m going to send it back and get a different one. I had a chicken Caesar salad wrap for dinner and skyped with a friend to see what we could do to salvage our friendship. Needless to say it wasn’t a very fun conversation and I spent most of the night crying. I guess only time will tell if we can pick up the shambles we’re left with or if things will just keep falling through the cracks. -_-

• • •

Bunny day! I didn’t really do anything special for bunny day besides going out to brunch. I did dress up in a pretty dress, though I ended up taking it off a few hours later to change into something more comfortable. It was kind of lonely for me to be honest. Holidays tend to make me remember how I live away from my family and it makes me feel very alone.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Today has not been a good day. I didn’t sleep well and woke up with a migraine that I haven’t been able to get rid of. I’ve been feeling down and depressy after my skype conversation last night and I just want to go home and go to bed. I already made plans though to go out with my coworker and her family tonight. They rescheduled plans to make time to visit me and will be going back to France soon so I can’t really cancel unfortunately. Hopefully my headache will go away after a second round of painkillers and more water. I guess at the very least going out to dinner will be yummy and hopefully take my mind away from how sad and lonely I feel at least for a little while.

• • •

I have been trying to do new and different things lately, going out and socializing more, being more flexible with my schedule, trying new foods, and doing new things. The last thing I tried was Korean barbeque place. That was sooo yummy!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-20-2017, 04:12 PM

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

I woke up with another headache today. I’ve been having a lot of those lately. -_- I started looking for a doctor because it’s really abnormal for me to have headaches this consistently for about two weeks or more. I asked my coworker for one of her French painkillers and thankfully they helped get rid of it. I also started looking for a dentist as well since my dentist canceled my appointment for Valentine’s Day and I haven’t gone back. I’m pretty upset with their service so I’m going to try to find someone else. I’ll have to make a couple phone calls to my insurance and the doctor first before I make an appointment though.

In the afternoon I got a bit distracted from work and ended up doing some stuff here on mene. After that I finally headed home. I stopped at the local wine shop on the way to see if a bit of wine before bed would help me sleep better so I won’t keep waking up with headaches. I ended up getting a muscato because they didn’t have the kind I was looking for. Once I got home I took care of the dishes and a few other things that have been piling up since I was so busy at the beginning of this week. I had leftover perogies from the Polish restaurant for dinner and got on to check out the new SWTOR update. I didn’t really play but I got a bit distracted again crafting and decorating my Yavin stronghold. After that I spent about an hour working on a translation project and drank my wine and headed to bed! It wasn’t the best wine I’ve had (not that I thought it would be for a $7 bottle of wine) but it wasn’t bad either.

• • •

Hm, honestly I haven’t really done any specific education stuff lately beyond learning about my new Assistant Admin duties. I guess that should totally count though!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-21-2017, 04:35 PM

Thursday, April 20, 2017

I woke up with another headache today and a stiff neck but fortunately both of them went away without taking any painkillers for which I’m quite thankful. Today seemed to go by marginally faster than the rest of this week but still slowly. Even though the days have been crawling by it’s hard to believe it’s already Thursday…

I had a long meeting in the afternoon but I’m actually thankful for once because it got me out of talking to a client who always comes into work to bug me because she knows I’m trapped here. :/ I was planning on heading right home after work but ended up staying late to chit chat with my coworkers. Finally I got home and had a late dinner. After that I tried to put up the new cat bed, which was successful for a few minutes until one of the suction cups gave out. I think maybe I’ll have to try using hooks on the window above instead since the top left suction cup just doesn’t want to work. I was thinking I might be able to get a bit more of translation I’m working on done tonight but ended up calling and talking to my sister for a while until bed. It was good to hear from her though. It will be nice to see her when I go home to visit next month.

• • •

Haha, so I already touched on this but today at work I narrowly avoided getting stuck with an annoying customer, lol! I do freelance work on translation projects for her sometimes but she’s very…needy. Like she will call me all the time to chat and wants to meet a lot, etc. etc. I think she does not have a lot of friends so she always wants to chit chat but honestly I’m not interested. I’m only working for her and reluctantly at that. -_- I’ve been trying to put some boundaries into place with her since the beginning of the year but it’s been difficult because she’s very insistent. @_@


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-02-2017, 02:01 PM

Friday, April 21, 2017

Last night I had a really hard time sleeping. No matter how I lay my hips and ribs and bones just hurt so much. It was really weird because if I stood up I didn’t have any issues but as soon as I lay down…pain. The day went by slowly but was rather uneventful. I called my dad for a few minutes on the way home but then had to hang up because my head started hurting really bad. I lay down for a bit and then got up and made some dinner. I popped on SWTOR for a few minutes to check some things but didn’t end up playing because I still wasn’t feeling well and headed to bed early.

• • •

O is for origami! Its been a while since I’ve done any origami but I used to love making paper cranes!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Today was a big day! I took a trip to the mall for some retail therapy. It has been such a long time since I went to the mall to do some shopping so it was fun. I was hoping to get some new spring/summer clothes but wasn’t really in a great mood for clothes shopping and didn’t end up getting many shirts like I was hoping to. Still, I found some fun things: a flower keychain for my purse and a cactus keychain for my purse from H&M, a holographic tea tin, some chai tea, and some rock sugar from Teavana, two shirts from Express, eyeshadow from Kiko Milano, a candle from Bath and Body Works, some scented oil from Yankee Candle, and a purse from Khols! Shopping ended up taking much longer than I thought it would but I was able to get home in time to play some SWTOR with my friend. It’s been a while since we played so that was nice.

• • •

Lately I have been rereading a trilogy by Raymond E. Feist. I am on Mistress of the Empire, the last one. This is definitely one of my favorite trilogies by him (out of a large overarching series of 30 books) and I have quite enjoyed rereading them.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

I was pretty tired today but tried to get some things done around the apartment. I was going to try to skype with a friend and play some SWTOR in the evening but I underestimated the other things I needed to get done so we didn’t get to play which was sad.

• • •

Now that I’m out of school…NO MORE HOMEWORK!!! Real life still calls though and I always feel like I have so much to do. @_@

Monday, April 24, 2017

Today I was a half hour late to work because of train delays. >.< On my lunch break I had an appointment with the doctor about my headaches. I thought it would be a short visit but I ended up being there for three hours because they were so flipping slow. The doctor asked me a lot of questions and did some blood work and gave me a prescription to try. There are a bunch of different things it could be unfortunately so it looks like we will need to rule things out one by one.

Since I took too long on my lunch break I asked to use a half day to cover my absence but I am not sure if it will be approved or not. Hopefully otherwise I will have a hard time making it up.

After work I headed home and watched The Imitation Game on Netflix which was really good and headed to bed.

• • •

Hm…But which one?! I have so many Mene threads!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Today I was super tired/groggy all day. I think maybe it was a side effect of the muscle relaxers the doctor prescribed me. On the plus side at least my head and neck don’t hurt today. In general though it was not a very good day and I felt pretty down.

• • •

Puddles! That means spring!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Today I had an argument with my friend. It was really not a good day. I was almost crying at work a few times and felt very close to having a nervous breakdown. I am glad to be going to bed.

• • •

Rain boots! I have the coolest rain boots! They are knee high silver rubber boots from Hunter! I always feel cool like R2-D2 from Star Wars when I wear them. XD

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Today I went to the dentist. Normally I hate going to the dentist but the visit went pretty well! I’ll definitely be going back to that office the next time I need a cleaning.

• • •

This months’ Cis were pretty cool! I like the Studious Traveler one best. There are so many fun layering options for the backgrounds!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Today was a pretty good day. I woke up in a pretty good mood and the day seemed to go by pretty fast. After work I headed out for a drink with my coworker and we chatted for a while. It had been a long time since we had really gotten to chat so it was nice.

• • •

P is for…PINEAPPLE!!!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Today was quite a day! I got up early and dressed up in my yukata to go to Sakura Matsuri, the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardends! I got there right around the time the doors opened so thankfully it wasn’t to crowded in the beginning and I was able to get a few nice pictures. I wandered around and looked at all the blossoms, the lilacs, the tulips, etc. and then had a chicken teriyaki bento box for lunch!

After that I headed to the movies with a friend. We went to go see Beauty and the Beast at this new swanky theater in Brooklyn near Dekalb. It was really fancy! It had assigned seating so you could pick your seats ahead of time and the seats were big leather chairs and there were tables in front with menus and you could order and have things delivered, super cool! We got some popcorn which was suuuper yummy. The movie was really good too! I loved it! The only part I didn’t like was the dinner scene where they sing “Be Our Guest” because the graphics seemed really overdone/trippy. Other than that I really loved the modern twists they put on things and I can’t wait to get it on DVD!

After that I went back to my friend’s house to hang out for a bit before heading home. Then came the fun part…I had to break into my apartment. They changed the front door lock of the building yesterday and I switched out my apartment key instead of the front door key. The super was supposed to have a copy but he lost it so he helped me yank my air conditioner out of the window so I could get in. Boy was that a mess. >.<

• • •

Oh goodness, this one is a toughie! I guess I would say those chocolate round cookies by Little Debbie. They are amazing!!! I don’t have them very often though because they are sooo unhealthy. ^^;

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Today I woke up early. I was hoping to sleep in but I started thinking about all the things I should do today when I woke up so that distracted me from falling back asleep. I got up, had some breakfast, and cleaned up the mess from last night then I went for a jog. I wasn’t feeling too good since Friday night was my last dose of muscle relaxers and I woke up with a headache again this morning but I was proud that I managed to go out and do it. I only ran for a mile but it’s better than nothing!

After that I made a Japanese omelet for lunch and facetimed my dad for a bit. It was nice to see my family. Afterwards I took a shower and then ended up laying down for a nap because my head was hurting so much. I didn’t really feel better when I woke up but I hopped on Mene to get some stuff done, made dinner, and went to bed. I wanted to play some video games today but ended up running out of time. Oh well…

• • •

Here is my current avatar:

I really like this one! Simple but good! I love the anime influence and the throwback feel using some old items. ^_^


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Old 05-08-2017, 03:22 PM

Monday, May 1, 2017

I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I decided to try a flatter pillow to see if that would help with my neck/headaches and surprisingly it did seem to help a bit. Work was super busy but surprisingly rather calm which was nice. I went to The Body Shop during my lunch break and got some hand lotion. It was nice to get out of the office. Unfortunately when I got home I ended up having another massive headache. I lay down for a bit then finally got up and made some dinner and tried to poke around the event for a bit until bedtime.

• • •

I would say my first love was definitely my first kitty. I had wanted a cat for foreverrr and when my mom finally let me get one I was totally in heaven.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Today was a really good day! This morning my kitty Yuna finally disovered the window bed I got for her! She was up there allll morning! I was so happy to see her enjoying the sun and watching the birds outside for the first time since I moved into this new apartment. I went out on my lunch break and got some apples from a fruit stand. It was nice to soak up a bit of sun, even if it was just for a couple minutes. This evening I bought some tickets for a Hans Zimmer concert in July. I can’t wait!!! He’s my favorite composer ever and I’ve never gotten to see him live before. It’s going to be amazing! After that I did a bunch of mene stuff and then headed to bed. I don’t know why but I just felt really good today, much more upbeat than I have been lately, which was a nice change. I really hope this means I’m on an upswing!

• • •

My last treat was today actually. We had a mini party here at work with a fruit tart and champagne. It was nice to have a short break in the middle of the day to eat/drink some goodies.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

This morning I had a really hard time waking up. My alarm went off for a long time before I managed to shut it down and get up. I felt super tired all day too and just couldn’t focus at all. On top of that my coworker yelled at me for something that I really had nothing to do with and it really pissed me off. Just not a good day overall. I was so happy to finally go home at the end of the day but it took extra long because of train delays and I wasn’t able to do my laundry like I was planning to so I just got on Mene and did some updates and things and went to bed.

• • •

Hm, I would say that I have been feeling more adventurous this year than previous years. I guess maybe I am feeling more like you only live once so you might as well try different things right? I spent so long with my ex who wasn’t adventurous at all so now I am trying to get out more and do more things. It doesn’t always end up as planned but I’ve had some fun experiences so far!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Today was another bad morning. I got woken up by the neighbors slamming the door four times in a row starting at 6:20am. Finally I got fed up and went over there to talk to them. It’s ridiculous that they think that’s even remotely acceptable. Hopefully they will listen and stop slamming the door all the time. If not I will report them to management again and hope that something gets done about it because this really can’t continue. They wake me up early almost every morning!

On my lunch break I went out to get tortilla wraps because I had brought materials for a salad wrap but forgot the actual wraps. I also went to Starbucks to get a coffee because I was feeling pretty sleepy after getting woken up so early this morning. Work was pretty busy again. We’re preparing for a tradeshow this weekend so there’s a lot to do. This evening I got home in time to do my laundry so I did that and then roleplayed getting a kitty for the Howl’s Moving Castle thread which was fun. Between work and the mene event I’m exhausted, I can’t wait for the weekend!

• • •

Right now I’m imaging a world where my apartment is actually quiet. Where assholes don’t slam the door all morning noon and night, and other assholes don’t think my windowsill is their hangout/chat spot, or that the parking spot out front shouldn’t be their personal disco, etc. etc. Wouldn’t that be nice?!

Friday, May 5, 2017

This morning I weighed myself and was happy to see that I’ve lost another pound! I’ll be at my goal weight in no time! The weather today was miserable though. It poured all day and I got completely soaked. So not fun. Work was super busy getting all the last minute things ready for the tradeshow and everything was really up in the air until the last minute. I was sooo happy when the day was over and I could finally start the weekend!!! I had some pizza and beer and played SWTOR with a friend. I played my first PVP matches which was interesting! I’m not sure I’m crazy about it but at least it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. After that I read a bit and then conked out.

• • •

I’ve had a few vivid dreams lately. One was about the house of my grandmother who passed away and how I was apparently going to move into it and was like trying to organize her things and move mine in without changing too much. Another one had to do with two of my French friends who came to visit.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Today was a pretty chill day. I didn’t get to sleep in as late as I was hoping but I got up and got some stuff done in the morning and then chilled for a while in the afternoon. I played a bit of Pokemon Sun and went for a long walk and picked up some wine. Afterwards I played around with my Pokemon TCG cards and made three new decks. I had a lot of fun playing with my cards again. It’s been forever since I really went through my collection. After that I played a bit of SWTOR and then ate Chinese food and watched Netflix with my boyfriend which was nice and then headed to bed. I really needed a chill day.

• • •

To be honest I don’t follow space news very much. I can’t imagine though the bravery of the astronauts who go out in space not knowing what awaits them. It’s really amazing when you think about it.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Today was another chill day. I lounged around in bed for a while then finally got up and took a shower and made some lunch. I played some Pokemon TCG with my boyfriend using the new decks I made which was fun. I won but not by much. ^_^ After that I played The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild which my boyfriend got for me. I was a bit hesitant about the game because I heard it was pretty hard. And wow is that so true, lol! I ended up dying quite a few times in the beginning. It is very different from the previous games but it’s starting to grow on me!

I finally stopped playing around 8:00pm and tried to get some stuff done (dishes, ironing, etc.) then played a bit of SWTOR with my friend. The guild was doing a world boss hunt so I participated in that and then got ready for bed. I’m so not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow… Why do the weekends have to be so short?!

• • •

Q is for…quesadilla! IDK, that was the first thing I thought of, lol! I was thinking I should make some cheesy chicken quesadillas again sometime soon. It’s been a while since I’ve had those.


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Old 05-10-2017, 07:39 PM

Monday, May 8, 2017

I did not have a good morning today. I woke up with a mega headache that made it super difficult to function and felt a bit sick/sniffly all day. Work was pretty busy trying to take care of everything from the two tradeshows we had recently and prepare for another one at the same time. I had some train issues getting home but finally got there. I was planning on trying to get some stuff done but ended up having an argument with my friend which completely sapped any inspiration I might have had so I gave up and played a few minutes of Zelda before bed. I finally managed to get my doublet so I can head up into the mountains! It should be interesting to finally explore up there.

• • •

My boyfriend recently got me the new Zelda game which was really sweet of him! I have been quite enjoying it so far even if it is quite difficult compared to the previous titles.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Today was not a good day. I ended up getting to bed late last night and then woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep because I was thinking about the argument I had with my friend last night. I got ready for work and headed to the train station only to realize that there was no electricity so the trains weren’t running. I went back outside and took a bus to go to another station but stupidly followed some people off at the wrong stop and had to walk 15 minutes. Finally I got there and was waiting for the number 5 train. After 10 minutes of waiting and 2 number 2 trains went by I realized that I was sitting on the wrong side of the tracks and had to leave the station and enter from the other side. Only I had just used my card so it wouldn’t let me back in and I had to ask the station attendant to let me in. Finally I got to work an hour late. It was a pretty stressful day from residual stress from the argument and knowing that I would have to stay late to make up for the time I missed this morning. I was so happy to finally leave. I headed to target after work to return some things and get a new pillow but apparently everyone had the same idea because there were pretty much no pillows left. I ended up just settling on one to try. Hopefully it will work out. After that I headed home, took care of a few things, and finally headed to bed.

• • •

I’m not so sure I would be able to go cave diving. I can get a bit claustrophobic at times which might not end well. I did go on a cave tour once when I was a kid which was pretty interesting but the cave was quite large and I wasn’t really scared of tight spaces back then.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

This morning I got woken up at 5:00am by my cat who was chasing a big cockroach around the apartment. That was fun. I took care of the cockroach and went back to bed for a bit. The new pillow totally isn’t going to work out so I guess I’ll have to return it and look for something else. I managed to leave for work a bit earlier today but there were train delays again so I ended up being two minutes late for work. *sigh* I had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. Looks like my neck trouble probably isn’t due to any medical issues so she referred me to a chiropractor in the office and I had an adjustment done. Man that hurt… Hopefully it will help at least. The appointment lasted an hour and forty minutes between both doctors though and I ended up getting back from my lunch break way late. Looks like I’ll have to stay late again tonight and tomorrow to make up for it. What a week. I’m getting really frustrated that I haven’t been able to get anything done. I wanted to do laundry tonight but the laundromat closes early so that’s a no go. Same thing for tomorrow too. *sigh*

• • •

One of my coworkers tried to get me to go sky diving once. I thought about it but I don’t think I could do it. I would be too afraid. I wouldn’t mind going paragliding though!


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Old 05-11-2017, 08:15 PM

Thursday, May 11, 2017

This morning I woke up feeling super tired even though I slept pretty well. It’s probably a side effect of the muscle relaxer I took. My neck is really killing me today so I stopped at Rite Aid quick this morning to pick up some icy hot. When I asked one of the workers where to find it they directed me to the aisle with condoms and lube. I’m not sure a cooling lube is what I was looking for. XD

The day itself has gone by relatively fast. Last night ended up not being as bad as I thought it would be. I stayed an hour and forty minutes late so I won’t have to stay late tonight and I can head home and do my laundry! I’m really not that excited about doing it, especially since my neck is hurting so much, but I’m glad I’ll actually have the time to get to it before tomorrow.

I have about a half hour of work to go before I can finally leave. Then I’ll pop into the pharmacy for my prescription, do my laundry pretty much all night, and then head to bed. My new pillow arrived today so I’m pretty excited to go to bed and try that out, especially since I’m so tired today. I’ve actually been daydreaming about napping pretty much all day.

• • •

I’ve never actually done any IRL sea exploration beyond visiting your average beach. I’m sort of afraid of being trapped underwater so I’m not sure I’d like to do any diving or snorkeling but I do like wandering around the beach and looking at pretty shells and things that you can find.


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Old 05-15-2017, 05:27 PM

Friday, May 12, 2017

My new pillow worked out pretty well! I slept really well and when I woke up my neck was feeling much better. The morning went all right but I ended up having another fight with my friend over messenger this afternoon. It upset me pretty bad and I ended up going to my boyfriend’s place after work so that he could try to cheer me up. We ended up ordering some food and watching another episode of 13 Reasons Why. I’m honestly starting to question this show. It feels like the main character is going crazy and it’s getting pretty uncomfortable to watch. I’m really not sure I’ll continue watching it.

• • •

Honestly it feels like I’ve been doing a lot of running around in circles with my friend lately. Things will be going okay then there will be an argument, we’ll both get upset, eventually we’ll make up, then get upset again, it’s really been a vicious, taxing cycle. V_V

Saturday, May 13, 2017

I hardly slept last night. My throat started hurting really bad just before bed and the pain kept me awake most of the night. I woke up feeling pretty crappy and the weather outside was rainy and miserable which was quite unexpected. I had plans to go to the cat café for a Korean barbeque event with my BF. We thought about cancelling because of the weather and the fact that I wasn’t feeling well but we ended up going anyway. It was a bit of a washout with the rain but it was fun to see the kitties. After that we headed back to my place and took turns playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I’m very close to finishing the starting area!

• • •

Oh no! The weather was so lame today. I really wish it hadn’t put such a damper on the BBQ event. That and getting sick! It really sucks…

Sunday, May 14, 2017

I took some sleeping pills and was finally able to sleep last night and woke up feeling quite a bit better. I’m super thankful for that. I played a bit more Zelda in the morning and glided down into the next area of the game! The world is so huge, it’s hard to decide where to go from here… Eventually I gave up and took a shower and had some lunch. I cleaned my apartment and called my dad on facetime to see his two new cocker spaniel puppies. I got to name one Bento! My sister named the other one Brooks. After I hung up with him, I called my mom to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day and ended up talking to her for a while. Then I worked up the courage to text my friend back to see what we could do about our friendship issues and got on Mene to do some work. That took quite a while and it was kind of late by the time I finished but I really wanted to play a bit more Zelda so I played for an hour or so before giving up and going to bed.

• • •

R is for…relaxation! I was really hoping to get more relaxing in today but I guess I should be happy for at least having a bit of time to relax and play video games.

Monday, May 15, 2017

I took another sleeping pill last night and slept really well. I’m kind of afraid of getting emotionally addicted to them but things have been difficult for me lately and it’s quite a relief to get some sleep. So far the day has gone relatively well. The weather is windy but much nicer than the cold rain we had on Saturday and work has been relatively calm because the big boss isn’t in today. Hopefully the rest of the day will go smoothly until quitting time. Afterwards I plan on stopping at the store to pick up a few things to make chicken quesadillas for dinner and then I’ll probably try to get a few things done. I’m hoping to have a bit more time to play Zelda as well. I’m really quite surprised by how much I am enjoying that game so far given how different it is from the previous titles.

• • •

I’m such a cookie monster. I have a real soft spot for sweets, especially cookies! My favorite home made cookies are classic chocolate chip. My dad is coming to visit soon and my stepmom should hopefully be sending me some homemade orange cookies! I can’t wait…


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Old 05-16-2017, 05:39 PM

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Last night I had another night sweat. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m sick or something else but it’s rather troublesome. :/ I ended up going to bed pretty late so it took me a bit longer to get ready this morning than I intended and I ended up getting to work a bit late. ^^; The day so far has been going really slowly. Probably because I really just want to go home and play more Zelda, lol! Last night I got my first horse!!! That was exciting! Then I played till I got to Kakariko Village, A.K.A. ninja town. XD I can’t wait to talk to everyone and see what there is to find. I think there is a fairy fountain nearby and I want to go back to the big korok to spend the rest of my seeds and make my weapon inventory bigger. I also looked up a few tips/tricks online that I want to try. Ughh, only 3 more hours to go until I can finally go home…

• • •

I made a milkshake on Saturday. It was delicious.


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Old 05-19-2017, 01:45 PM

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Today was a sort of up and down day. The morning went pretty well but the afternoon was a bit rocky. I made an appointment for the chiropractor for tomorrow because I have been having some issues with my neck and then later in the day the office called me to tell me that the doctor wouldn’t be in his Manhattan office on that day so I had to reschedule for next week.

I was pretty upset because I could have made an appointment for this afternoon instead so I called them back and fortunately he was able to get me in at the end of the day. It kind of sucked though because the oil he uses for the massage portion gets in my hair and makes it all icky and my mascara smears all over when I put my face down on the table and I was planning on going out afterwards. >.<

The session ended up going longer than I thought and I almost ended up being late for the movies. It was super hot too so by the time I got there after I was all sweaty from power walking. The movie was really good though! I was sad that I didn’t get to watch the dubbed version but the subbed version wasn’t so bad. I loved the music and the story was great. I really want to see it again! I’ll probably end up buying it when it comes out.

After that I went out for a drink with my friend and we talked about the new Zelda game. I really wasn’t expecting to like it so much but I’m totally hooked! Overall it was a really nice evening.

• • •

My current avatar…is pretty similar in its base as the last one! I mostly used the same ninja sort of theme and changed the colors so she’s a cool underwater ninja! I’m quite happy with the way it turned out.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Today was a pretty good day. I had a field trip during work to go visit the new building that will be our new store/office. It wasn’t very pleasant having to power walk there in the heat but it was interesting to see how the construction is coming along and what the new building will look like. That took most of the afternoon so it was a pretty chill day. My boss got dizzy as we were starting to leave which was a bit freaking but fortunately there was another guy from work with us who was able to help her out. It was almost time to go home by the time I got back to work but I have a lot of things to finish so I ended up staying an hour and fifteen minutes late. @_@ At least I’ll be able to leave early tomorrow! My dad is coming to visit, I can’t wait!!!

• • •

Ugh, there are so many annoying people in NYC. I could rant and rave for hours, lol! Usually most of my complaints are subway related, or like annoying people who are in your way when you’re trying to walk on the sidewalk.


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Old 05-21-2017, 01:06 AM

Friday, May 19, 2017

Today was a pretty good day. Work was pretty chill because my supervisor is out and the girl who usually sits next to me was out so I was able to slack off a bit, lol! I did get a lot of work done though because there were things I needed to take care of before leaving on vacation. I took a half hour break for lunch and finished the book I was reading which was pretty satisfying. I got a salad and sandwich from Panera for lunch which was pretty delicious as well.

I got to leave work an hour early to go meet me dad who is coming to visit me but I had lots of train issues trying to get home. Finally I got there and got to give him a big hug! I haven’t seen him since Christmas so it was really nice to finally do that. Today is his birthday too so I got to give him his present, which was nice.

We had bokimbap for dinner and then he watched me play some Zelda before bed. Overall it was a really nice day!

• • •

Uhhh, not a single…I dunno, I got nothin’…

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Today was another good day. My dad and I went to Target so I could return a few things and then headed into Manhattan to have lunch at Outback Steakhouse. We had some train issues getting there so it was really nice to finally sit down and relax when we got there. I was a bit disappointed with the meal though because they took my favorite item off the menu. I had the servers come over and sing to my dad for his birthday as a surprise which was pretty funny. It was nice to see him smile. :)

After that we stopped by the Home Depot to get some stuff for home improvement projects around my apartment. Unfortunately sealing my door up didn’t work out like we had hoped but at least I got a nice new power strip and my dad is going to help me mount it so I can have my video game cables all nice an organized.

After that I played some more Zelda and we had pizza for dinner. I like that we can just chill together so easily when it’s just the two of us. ^_^

• • •

I’m usually a pretty independent person so I don’t get to see my family often so it is really nice to spend time with them when I do. ^_^


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-26-2017, 03:22 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Today my dad and I went to brunch at a place nearby which was super yummy. After that we went into Manhattan to see the musical Cats! on Broadway! It wasn’t quite what I expected it to be and it wasn’t the greatest but it was still fun. My favorite part was in the beginning when they turned all the lights off and cat eyes lit up on the stage. It was also pretty cool how the performers even came up through the crowd a few times!

After that we wandered around Times Square for a while and then went to dinner at The Olive Garden. They said it was going to be a 40 minute wait but we got seated after only 10 minutes and our food came out right away so it worked out perfectly!

After dinner we headed back home and hung out for a bit before bedtime.

• • •

S is for…Square, like Times Square! It’s always so busy there I try to avoid it if I can. >.<

Monday, May 22, 2017

Today it rained all day which was a bit of a bummer but at least that gave us some time to get some other things done. I did my laundry and my dad and I did a few home improvement things around my apartment in the afternoon. For dinner we went to a pub nearby and had a really good time. The beer was amazing, the food was amazing, and the service was amazing! I’ll definitely have to head back there soon. After that we headed back home and I played a bit more Zelda until bedtime. ^_^

• • •

Pudding is pretty yummy. I don’t really get those little pudding cups often but I like the kind that you make from the powder packets, especially the Oreo flavored ones!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Today my dad and I headed to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. I was really hoping to see the bluebells but I ended up missing it because they were already wilted. I should have gone last weekend but I was sick. :/

After the gardens I went home and did some packing to go back with my dad the next day and then we went to Karczma, the Polish restaurant for a drink and dinner with one of my coworkers. After that we headed home and went to bed since tomorrow will be a long day.

• • •

I’ve been feeling a bit like a queen this week with my dad taking me out to dinner so much! That was quite a treat since I don’t often go out to eat on my own.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Today was road trip day! We left pretty early and had a bit of traffic on the way out of the city but it wasn’t too bad. We stopped at Wendy's for lunch and then I made my dad stop again to get some Krispy Kreme donuts. He wasn’t happy about it but it was totally worth it. XD

I took a nap around the time we got into Binghamton. I was pretty tired out after not sleeping well for the past few nights. ^^; We finally got home around 5:30pm and I was able to meet my dad’s new puppies! I’ll have to post a picture of them here, they’re so cute! They’re little cocker spaniels. My sister named one of them Brooks and I named the other one Bento. They’re so cute!

We had steak for dinner and it was amazing, better than Outback even! Then we watched a bit of TV. I got pretty worried late in the evening when I hadn’t heard from my cat sitter and couldn’t fall asleep until late because I was worried about her. :/

• • •

I recently got some new jeans since my old ones are wearing out. I got a really dark pair and then another medium pair and a light pair. For some reason the light pair is really big though even though they are all the same size/style/materials, etc. I should have returned them when I could have, oh well, I guess I’ll keep them around as an emergency pair.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

This morning I got highlights done in my hair. I’ve never had them done before. It’s hard to get used to seeing my hair so light, lol! After that my mom picked me up to go home with her. There was a little bunny out in the lawn when we got home and I took some carrots out to feed it. It even came over to nuzzle my fingers when it was looking for more! So cute!

After that my sister got home from school and we headed up to Buffalo to go to her eye appointment. We went to Wendy’s for dinner afterwards and then shopping at Walmart. When we got home there was a few minutes left of one of the old Police Academy movies so we watched that and then I headed to bed.

• • •

I’ve been drinking quite a bit of beer this week. My dad is a big beer fan so it was fun to try some different kinds.


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Old 06-05-2017, 02:54 PM

Friday, May 26, 2017

Today I watched Beauty and the Beast on VHS. It was so funny to see the old graphics and really interesting to compare it to the new version that I saw. I think I prefer the new version to be honest since it has a lot more depth to it. After that I played Barbies with my little sister for a while until my other sister came to pick me up. We had pizza for dinner at a new place in Portville called Fire and Ice which was pretty yummy and ice cream for dessert which was delicious. Afterwards we went shopping at Old Navy and Walmart and then headed back to her place to take a look at my mom’s computer which died. After that I rummaged through some clothes that her girlfriend was looking to get rid of and got a few fun hand me downs. Then we watched Rogue One before heading to bed. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with it but I quite liked it. I feel like I’ll have to watch it again though because I missed some of the dialogue in key places. ^^;

• • •

I really like my drinks to be ice cold—ice cold water, milk, lemonade, etc. I hate when drinks the should be cold are lukewarm. >.<

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Today I went to visit Cora! It was really fun getting to meet up with her again. We walked around the mall shopping and I managed to find a pair of sneakers, a new suitcase, and a few other things I didn’t really need, lol! The ridiculous thing was that I put my prescription sunglasses on before leaving to meet her and then completely forgot to take my regular glasses with me so I had to walk around with my sunglasses on all day which was pretty weird, lol. My mom got a new laptop that was on sale since her computer died and once we got home I spent the rest of the evening trying to set it up but pretty much failing since the internet was crazy slow and I couldn’t get anything to download on it. >.<

• • •

Honestly I haven’t really gotten any bug bites yet this year. I am having a bit of a battle with flies/fruit flies in my apartment though. It seems like even if I take the trash out every day I just can’t get rid of them. >.<

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Today I headed to church for what will likely be my last sermon in that building. Our members have been dwindling and so has funding so it will likely be closed down before I can return again which is really sad. After church we went out to lunch with my grandparents and then headed home so I could continue working on my mom’s computer. What a nightmare… I finally got it to work though so my mom was really happy. I also watched Pocahontas while I was working. That movie has always been one of my favorites. Now I totally have all of the songs stuck in my head, lol! I also got to watch a ton of M.A.S.H. since there’s a marathon running this weekend. That made me really happy since that’s one of my favorite shows and I’ve been really missing it since it was removed from Netflix.

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T is for turquoise, my favorite color!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Today was Memorial Day. We went up to the cemetery for the ceremony. I always really enjoy listening to the taps. Then we followed the parade down to the town square for another ceremony. Afterwards we headed back to the cemetery to put flowers on a few of the graves and headed home for a cookout. The little bunny came around again and I fed him so more carrots and he let me pet him. My little sister named him/her Bonnet. This little cat also came around. She was super friendly and really enjoyed being pet. She even followed my mom and I went up to the pet cemetery on the hill behind the house to put flowers on those graves. It feels nice having our little animal visitors, almost as if they have a bit of the spirit of my rabbit and cat who passed away. The rest of the evening went by pretty quickly because I had to finish packing and my little sister had school the next day so we went to bed early.

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I’m probably not the most patriotic person but there’s definitely a sense of pride that I feel on Memorial Day thinking about the amazing people who made so many sacrifices for our country. Listening to the taps is always a very poignant moment for me.


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