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Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-07-2015, 05:08 PM

"Working on you speed is fine," Kline interjected in between, "But after a while it becomes about your ability to predict their moves. If you cant improve your own speed, you make theirs not matter as much." He explained simply. He had been forced to fight like that before, some opponents would often be too quick, yet at the cost of their own defenses. But these machines were a whole new breed of dangerous. They were still fairly quick, in spite of their tremendous size. He could only imagine what a truly capable fighter would be like in one of those machines. At Snow's mention of preferring to dish out the punishment, Kline grinned a little,
"Oh really..? I'll have to remember that.."

The question about the stranger with Frost made Kline only shrug for a moment,
"He said he's a doctor, I could smell the medicinal herbs and chemicals on him. He has the look in his eyes of a man who has had to kill. But there's something more to it, a little familiar, I guess.. But anyway, you can relax, he's trustworthy."
He stared at her with a smirk but then a slight grin,
"You'd be surprised.. There are.. Er, lets say certain individuals in Drakon with rather eccentric tastes.. Finding a dress in my size would be a lot easier than you think. And red? You're right there, I always look good in red." Kline stated confidently, grinning broadly again, though his stomach growled.

"What a garish looking thing. And this is where that shield came from, is it not?" The doctor questioned, only staring at the gauntlet a moment before he shrugged to himself and checked Frost's arm, "Yes, nothing broken." He muttered, mostly to himself, "Hmm, still.." The doctor rubbed his chin a moment, "Your body will heal just fine on its own, but I doubt the pain will subside so readily," He reached into his doctors bag, there was the clinking of bottles and phials before he pulled out a small phial, the liquid inside was a soft green in color. He placed it in Snow's hand,
"The taste is mildly unpleasant, but take a small sip before you sleep. Then when you wake up, have a meal and another sip of this. The pain will be numbed and should remain that way for a while. Having a good meal helps." He put up a warning finger, "After that, if the pain comes back, still just a sip. If you drink the entire phial all at once; you'll make yourself sick. Not even my medicine can help you there, you'll just have to work through it at that point."

The doctor got up after closing his bag and turned away, proceeding out of the room without another word. He'd seen where the other man had deposited the girl. Though from the first glance he'd given, she mostly just seemed exhausted. He wondered if perhaps he should check anyway. Perhaps not, the girl likely wouldn't like it if she woke up and some stranger was inspecting her. That was a scenario he would prefer to avoid. Instead he decided to proceed downstairs. He would check on the young man and his lady-friend.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-07-2015, 10:39 PM

Snow nodded at his statements. She looked at him and summoned one of the barmaids who brought Kline out some food.
"Here I promised you a meal. " She said as she sat back and enjoyed her drink. She smiled as she thought about him in a red dress. The thought made her almost laugh. " I guess I will have to follow my gut more and get practice where I can. I will try and watch you and learn from my mistakes. " She said as she looked at him and just grinned again. " I don't even want to know about you and dresses, and how you know it wouldn't be a issue to get one in your size. I love those with eccentric tastes they normally have amazing ideas. " She said as she looked down to the table. " If you saw the man is safe then I believe you. Hopefully he'll take care of you next. " She said as she peered back up at him. She quiet for a while honestly just enjoying the hum of the inn noise. She sat there and enjoyed the company for once. Kline was something and deeper than she had thought.

Frost only nodded as he heard the man. He looked to his arm and wondered if the pain was going to be permanent. He hadn't thought that it was honestly that serious. He watched as the strange man left and eyed the green solution. He open the bottle and took a sip capping it instantly as he chocked the solution down. He sat there as he wished he hadn't took a sip of it placing the bottle on the small night stand beside his bed. The solution was vile and really made he question if he wanted to take it again. He really felt just dealing with the pain over sips of that solution.

Frost slowly pulled back the covers of his bed and removed his shoes. He climbed into bed and was soon fast asleep as his head hit the pillow. He didn't remember falling asleep. However he dreamed of the past two days as he tried to improve from his mistakes he had made during the past two days. His dreams felt real as he proceeded through them trying his best.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-08-2015, 01:48 AM

Kline powered his way through his meal like a starving man, it was a wonder he could even swallow with how stuffed his cheeks might have looked but he swallowed his food with a soon-following gratified grin. He stared at her briefly when she spoke of dressed again, though in response he tried to speak with a mouthful of food. So naturally; it came out as a muffled noise, rather than anything actually discernible. He could see nearby patrons giving him strange looks, though he then swallowed hard and grinned again,
"Some of our mens ceremonial outfits actually include dress-like clothing or accessories, although they aren't actually dresses, the youngsters like to make fun of them, anyway." He responded, taking a big drink before wolfing down the last of his meal again. The doctor had been standing nearby, though seeing the scene before him, he rubbed the side of his head with some wonder,
"Good grief.. Even plates of food should fear for their existence more than normal around a man like you.." He jested a little finding a seat nearby and setting his bag down a moment. He stared at Kline's hands mostly. To think the girl had healed what would have been terrible burn wounds too, "Your friend with the golden gauntlet, he will be fine, I'm sure he'll be sore for a little while but that will fade within a day. I decided not to disturb the girl, she will probably be fine after resting for a while."

Kline glanced back at him a moment but then folded his arms and thought about it a moment until he nodded and grinned,
"Yeah probably a good idea, if she woke up and saw a strange hovering over her, she probably would have killed him, if not blown him clear out of the building. Either way it would make a mess and we've have to pay the owner of the place damages." Kline stated, nodding to himself, the doctor only laughed nervously,
"Well.. I'd considered that possibility too.." The doctor admitted, though he placed his hands on his knees and bowed to both of them, "As I told the man upstairs, my name is Doctor Mertens. Now, let me see your hands," he lifted his head as Kline turned towards him more properly and held his arms out. The girl had really done a good job, though he could tell the skin was still sensitive, like a fresh layer that had grown over the first. His attention turned to the tattoos on the left arm and for a moment he inspected them,
"Curious." He pondered, though Kline raised his brow,
"You can read these?" Kline questioned, even he seemed curious about it now,
"Well.. Bits and pieces.. But it doesn't make much sense to me, I recognize some of the symbols from medicinal research I have done. Where did you get these placed on you?"
Kline looked away from him and smirked a bit,
"Back home, I don't know why you'd have any of this in a medical notebook though."
"And why not, what is it?" The doctor pressed though Kline refused to answer at first before chuckling,
"It's nothing, nothing at all." He replied. Though, he was lying, even the doctor could tell that,
"Well your arms seem in okay condition, they just need a little time to fully heal it seems." The doctor replied, glancing at Snow next, "Now, about those cuts and scrapes, young lady. A face as nice as yours deserves a little better care."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-08-2015, 02:29 AM

Snow just sat back as she stared at Kline is disbelief. She didn't say a word as she just watched him. She honestly unable to say a word watching him eat. She was glad she had cut her dinner short watching him now. She finally looked away as she saw the Doctor. She stared at the strange man and smiled hearing his commit. Though she noticed a change in Kline when the doctor mention his arms. The Doctor didn't seem to be a normal man. He looked as if he knew more than most. Her eyes widen as she heard him making her almost leap from her seat. " Thank you but no thank you. I can care for my own scrapes. " She said rather quickly. It was easy to hear the worry in her voice as she stared at the man. She looked like a deer being forced in a corner by a large wolf.

" Kline is more important and I know how to make my own ointment and how to use basic herbs. Thank you for your kindness."
She said honestly not wanting a strange man to touch her even for healing. Her cuts and scrapes weren't that bad and honestly they would be gone in a few days. She tried to relax as she tried to smile friendly at the man. "Thank you for looking after the others." She said hoping she wouldn't make him feel uncomfortable.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-08-2015, 03:50 AM

The doctor stared up at the girl a moment, a surprised look on his face, though he smiled nervously once more, rubbing the back of his neck and chuckling,
"Now now, calm down young lady," He waved his hand at her softly to beckon her back towards her chair, "I was just going to give you healing paste that you could apply yourself. It's a special remedy I came up with in Risan. Those hardy desert folk aren't invincible, exposure to the sandstorms there sometimes harms the skin when they are ill-prepared." He explained simply as he picked up his back, again the soft, almost melodic clinking of glass bottles tapping against one another until he pulled out a broader phial.

The substance inside was no oil, but rather a thicker paste, almost like butter in texture, he placed it on the table in front of her and smiled,
"It mends flesh and closes minor cuts and scrapes in moments. A single application across the skin and some gentle rubbing to work it in and it'll be as though you'd never been injured at all. Mind you it wont work on large wounds, but it lets you save more important medicine for such things. Though, it does sting a little at first."
Kline had been watching for a moment, though seeing Snow's over-reaction to the offer made him chuckle, almost snorting as he did so. He covered his mouth and turned away, snickering as though Snow had made quite a fool of herself,
"Doctor," He managed between chuckles, "I think you have a scary face..!" He chortled, though the doctor's expression turned to a slight frown before he chuckled,
"I probably do. My apologies, miss."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-08-2015, 04:47 AM

Snow shifted her eyes to Kline as the narrowed. She clinched her feast as she debated if he was worth punching or not. She finally just deiced to ignore him entirely as she looked back to the doctor. " Ignore him if you can please. I didn't mean to offend you, however after the past few days I don't really trust that many people. I have had enough guns, swords, magical enhanced weapons trying to take my life to last me a while. I also am not use to outsiders. I come from a sheltered area. We don't have many outsiders enter without notice. I'm use to having only the people I grew up with around me even when strangers come. I'm sorry if I came off rude. " She said hoping that would explain some of her actions. She slowly got up and took the past from the doctor as she tried to give him a soft smile.

Her eyes shifted back to Kline as she looked to the Doctor again."However I'll be happy to assist you if you have anything to knock him out and shut him up besides the local brew. " She said as she smiled sweetly at Kline. "Though he did say I needed practice." She said as she slowly reached for her own bow debating on if she give him some more exercise and help him fall asleep faster. " Besides he has some poor girl coming to fix his jacket. He had already made the poor girl turn seven shades of red. We should probably at least tranquilize him before she gets here. Who knows how many people you could end up having to heal with the commits he makes." She said as she looked straight at Kline. " Your mouth is going to be either your down fall or ours. " She said as she lowered her gaze and let out a soft sigh thinking about him. " Your a good man however how you phrase things makes people assume things that aren't always true with you. "

Last edited by Lady Chello; 03-08-2015 at 05:47 PM..

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-08-2015, 08:00 PM

The doctor chuckled to himself as Snow explained why she didn't trust him, instead he simply laughed a little in response,
"Young lady, you aren't the first person to react like that towards me," he replied, smiling as he relaxed in his chair, closing his doctors bag and resting his hands on his lap, "I'm a stranger to all new places I visit, not all will believe I have better medicines, or will even trust foreign medicines. If I was going to be offended every time some-one didn't trust me, I would have given up on traveling and helping people a long time ago." The doctor chuckled, glancing at Kline. The fellow seemed to cheerful now that he wasn't in combat, it was almost as if he wasn't the same person, he could only imagine what would happen if such a man were truly angered.

"Oh let them think what they want," Kline grinned, resting his arms behind his head, "I'll only correct them when they're being completely stupid." he shrugged, chuckling again, though after a moment he stood and stretched either way,
"May as well get a little rest in." He stated, cracking his neck either way, "We'll head out tomorrow, we need to go north right?" He pondered about it, "Hey.. you know, I heard there were a few ancient temples further in to Shahal's land.. I wanna check one of them out." He added with a chuckle, "I might find a few clues to what I was looking for in the first place."
"You're headed north?" The doctor pondered, rubbing his chin, "Might I follow along? It would be enjoyable to have some company on the road." He asked. Thought Kline shrugged a moment,
"I dunno, whaddya think?" He glanced over at Snow with a smirk, "You two are technically the ones we're following around."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-08-2015, 09:07 PM

Snow smiled softly as she shifted her gaze to the doctor. " I don't see why not. I might help Bradley not get so tired trying to heal us up. I'm afraid that is going to be a regular occupation in this group. So if your ok with steady employment I see nothing wrong with it." She said as she slowly rose taking the bottle with the past in it. She stared at it as she looked back to the other two men. "I have to agree with Kline I think we could use some rest." She said as she felt rather tired suddenly. She knew it had to be the adrenalin wearing off finally from the battle. She wondered what temples Kline was looking for. She didn't know of many Frost did but most of the temples where forgotten years ago. "Temple? Why are you looking for the forgotten temples? And what are you looking for?" She asked as curiosity began to take hold of her. "The people here stay far away from the temples. The only ones who dare to go near them are the guards." She said as she wondered what the temples her could hold that interested Kline. There was much about him she did know. She had went to one of the temples once. However she couldn't remember why. She knew her parents had for bayed her and her brother to go near them. Much of the Kingdom feared the temples as it was. Snow tried to think about the temples and what stories she remembered of them from her childhood. She had books about them at the castle however she wasn't near her castle right now to retrieve them. Maybe this would be good for her to explore the temples. However there had to be a reason why her own people refused passionately to not go near them. Maybe it was just old myths that scared them. She didn't know much about them and maybe she could learn more about her people's history there. At least she had the others encase something dreadful waited for them. Worst case they always let Kline at it. He was more than enough for any foe. She smiled softly as she chose to let her worry go about the temple. The temples where forgotten so there really wasn't a chance of something evil lurking in it. By now someone would have said something if there was.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-09-2015, 02:14 PM

"It's good experience for Bradley to deal with a tougher situation," Kline replied, though he thought about what he'd said, it wasn't like this was something he wished on the girl, still, if she was going to help Frost and Snow, she needed to be able to do this, no better master than experience. Though the doctor smiled gratefully to Snow and nodded politely towards her. Kline stayed sitting in place for the time being as Snow inquired as to his interest in the temples but he simply grinned again,
"I'm looking for something.." He replied, although that was obviously not very descriptive, "There's something here in the Six Kingdoms that I want.. But there's no guarantees that it's it any one kingdom.. So I follow my own clues and leads."

Kline shrugged to himself then laughed again,
"Hell, for all I know; I'm chasing a ridiculous theory," He added, though he continued to laugh anyway, at the very least he felt happy with his decision, it had certainly let him meet a lot of different people and travel round the kingdoms,
"You're a strange fellow," The Doctor stated with a chuckle, though this only made Kline laugh a bit harder, he eventually calmed down, resting his hand sin his pockets as he rocked his chair back and forth, staring up at the ceiling. The older man stood up after a moment, he figured if they were going to rest, he could go see if any other work needed to be done.

Kline meanwhile was considering that machine, it had displayed plenty of power, but frankly he felt like it didn't seem to be enough. Something about it seemed off. Well, many things about it seemed off. His attention shifted as the seamstress girl finally showed up. He stood calmly, hands in his pockets and proceeded towards the stairs with a smile towards the girl. It was time to get that coat sorted out.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-09-2015, 09:19 PM

Snow shook her head as she left Kline there. She walked up to her room she shared with Frost and locked the door behind her once she stepped inside. Snow placed the ointment on her scraps and cuts as the slight burning reaction happen just as the doctor had said. It honestly made her want to scratch herself to death. It was a annoyance and she honestly would take it over the other condition she could have found herself in today. She sat up for a little while as she gazed out the window. All Snow wanted was to be home and for this all the be just a nightmare. However she knew this was no dream sadly. It was a nightmare and one she was afraid she would have to live through. Snow fell fast asleep soon after not even noticing that her brother had woke up shorty. Snow didn't hear his displeasure for the liquid the doctor had gave him or felt him put the covers over her.

Frost woke around midnight as he slowly sat up. He rubbed his eyes as he tried to wake up. He looked to the solution on his night stand. He grumbled slightly as he took another sip. He couldn't help but almost chock from the taste. He paused as he saw Snow asleep on top of her bed. He looked at the strange bottle on her night stand. As he approached her he was amazing at the healing that had taken place. He looked to the bottle and smiled, "Must be quit the Doctor." He said as he gently pulled her covers from under her and then placed them over her. He returned to his own bed and soon found sleep again.

To Frost surprise he woke rather early. He got up and mad his bed as he walked over to where Snow was. He could only smile as he watched her sleep. She was very beautiful even if she dressed less than a Lady. However Snow had never had a chance to enjoy herself. He bent down and kissed her forehead as he looked to his own bed. He just grinned as he removed the cover from his bed and placed it on her. "No cold will find you now." He said as he turned and walked to the door. He unlocked the door and let himself out. He was amazing most of the pain in his arm was gone. He had worried about his arm for nothing it would have seem. He looked around the empty halls as he slowly and quietly made his way down the sitars. He was quickly surprised as the owner appeared and greeted him leading him to a table as the man retreaded him a warm drink and some fresh bread.

Frost sat at the table as he thanked the man and talked with him for a while. The man was very friendly something Frost had always loved about his people. Soon the man left and went about his day. To Frost this was what made people great to him. It didn't matter if someone tried to kill them. The next day if they survived they just kept on living as if nothing happen. He sat there enjoying the crackling of the warm fire. He slowly ate the bread and found he enjoyed it. Before he knew it he had ate two helpings of it and was very full from all of it. He could only sit at the table and wish he hadn't ate so much as the owner picked on him for eating so much.

Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-11-2015, 01:28 AM

For the previous afternoon and evening, Kline had been meandering between the fallen knight and the inn, though his first job had been to pull out deceased soldier inside. After that he'd taken to stripping out parts form inside the machine, the part she was curious about at least, and other valuable scraps. The problem for Kline was that he sucked as a mage. Sure he had the energy capacity for one but the entirety of his learning experience had been spent on combat and engineering, so he came up with the only elegant solution he could think of. Fit a Varia crystal into a gun and try to learn to at least control the basics of a few elements, but he'd only managed two.

A couple of the villagers had proven helpful, they were no doubt curious about the matter. Several helped him bury the soldiers first, it didn't take long and he claimed a bunch of tags from their bodies, stuffing them away in a small satchel before he took a handful of tools to the suit itself and went to work, stripping it and tossing aside the worthless items or whatever he couldn't afford to carry around. It was some of the finer pieces, the parts that hadn't been damaged yet, that caught his interest. Just looking at the interiors was impressive enough, it was interesting to find out what made the machine tick, but curiously enough, he was having difficulty locating a source of energy. The only thing he'd found was a crystal set into the glove of the arm where the pilot's had once rested.. Strange indeed..

Those villagers that had recognized Kline as a partying fun guy the previous night now were observing a man intent on discovering all the secrets to something that was far too complex for them to understand in a single night as he occupied a corner of the bar with bits and pieces from the fallen machine along with several of the guns. It had been important to gather up all the guns at least, because in anyone's hands they could have been dangerous tools, just like any sword, or bow.
He took only a brief break to demonstrate how they worked to a couple of the towns guards before entrusting most of the weapons to them. At least they had a new manner of defense at their disposal, should any more soldiers show up. He'd already broken one apart to memorize it's inner workings. If Kline had a knack for anything that wasn't fighting, it was engineering, remembering the plans to a simple rifle was easy, although comparatively, he supposed a rifle wasn't so simple compared to a sword or bow.

Bradley had woken up during the evening. For a time she and Kline shared a silent meal, though she too showed some interest in the parts he'd gathered, but eventually he ushered her back to bed. It was early in the morning that Kline woke up again int he corner of the bar, it was quiet, he still had all the part she was working on. His gun laid on the table on one corner, he'd opened it up to make some modifications.

Bradley had gotten downstairs again, she'd already slept plenty the previous day that she was now in much better condition. Though once she got downstairs and spotted Kline, the man only grinned at her. Of course, first thing was first. The two stepped out back, behind the inn, prepared themselves, then fought. or rather sparred. It was a warmup routine he'd made with Bradley, whenever she got a good nights rest she had to have a fight to wake her up and get her focused. The two had been exchanging soft blows for a good ten minutes, though it wasn't taken too seriously. They fought like they knew their opponents moves beforehand, which was only natural, for the most part Kline had taught her everything she knew about close combat, she had started to put her own twist on some moves, but ultimately they were the same.

Eventually the two entered back into the bar through the back entrance, faces a little red from the morning's activity, but otherwise they seemed in a good mood. Bradley was the first to spot Frost whilst Kline once again broke away to his table with the bits and pieces of the machine. Bradley, ont he other hand, approached Frost's table and climbed into a seat across from him, sitting cross-legged on the chair, hands in her lap as she stared quietly at him. She seemed to be trying to discern something, though occasionally she glanced at the gauntlet again, while attempting to not let it get to her.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 03-11-2015, 03:39 AM

Snow woke hearing the sounds of people outside her window. She looked down as she found herself cocooned in blankets. She looked across from her bed and saw Frost was apparently already up. She quickly rose as she inspected her wounds impressed with the past the doctor had given her. She slipped the bottle in her backpack as she looked to the window. She slowly open it as she climbed out. She leaped from it landing in a passing cart full of hay. The owner was quiet surprised as he heard her land in the cart. She laughed as she slowly climbed out of it and thanked the man. She didn't stay long avoiding the questions of why she felt it was ok to leap from the window.

Snow quickly made her way to where the battle had taken place she was stunned to not see any of the men or the machine. She turned as one of the local men approached her and told her about Kline exposition from the past evening. She found it a little disconcerting that he did let Frost or her help him. She knew Frost had asked him earlier if they could explore the machine together. Frost would more than likely be hurt when he found out Kline had done everything on his own without asking them. Snow rolled her eyes as she shook her head turning once again as she felt a pair of eyes on her. She turned as she saw a group of small children watching her every move. She just smiled as she watched them. She looked around the area as she wondered if any more of the monstrosities where coming. She had no way to know at this point.

Snow looked back at the group of children as she heard one of them call out to her. She slowly approached them as a young lad appeared from the group.
"Hey Lady, I can make you better. My papa and I can teach you to shoot and never miss again." The young Lad told Snow as he looked confident in what he said. Snow arched a brow as she smiled at the young lad. " Is that so? Then please lead the way." She said as the young lad seemed to smile wildly. Snow was lead by the young lad to a small farm not far from the inn. The boy yelled out to his father as the boy lead her to the back of their barn. They had a set up just like the Inn had. She stood there as a large man appeared from inside of the barn. The man greeted her and looked to the young lad as he shook his head. "We were watching you and Lukas said we should teach you. The one with the gun is good but were better for you. Now let us poor folk teach you some tricks. " The man said as he went back into the barn and came out with arrows. He placed them on a make shift table near Snow and the young Lucas.

The man had requested Snow to remove her bow and pick up a bow. She did as requested the man letting Lucas correct Snow's stance. Lucas worked with snow for about half a hour before Snow understood what she had been missing. The man and young boy just smiled as snow started hitting every target dead center. After a while the farmer smiled as he saw game coming into view. "Here's your real test. Hit one of the fowl there." The man said as he watched Snow take aim. She remembered what Lucas had said and the different stances he had showed her. She cleared her mind as she took aim and released her bow. She laughed as the bird fell from the sky. The farmer just smiled as he looked to Lucas. The man waited for Snow to calm down before he spoke again. He explained while watching her he noticed she had no knowledge of basic combat.

Snow herself was surprised by how observant the man was as he quickly lunged at her. Snow moved stepping out of the man's way avoiding him. She ducked as he quickly changed direction on her. She felt like she was back in battle with the large Knight again as she leaped from the man giving herself distance from the man. She ducked again to her surprised as the man appeared in front of her quickly. He held a long stick and quickly nailed her with it. She hit the ground hard as she slowly got up the man laughing at her
. " Come on stop hesitating. Hit me back." The man told her as she wondered what she was suppose to hit him with. She leaped again barely missing another hit from his stick. Snow found a medium size rock and threw it at the man as she froze watching him just swat it away. The man had the same crazed looked Kline had. She wondered what she had got into. Before she could react the man hit her again sending her flying once again. "Stop avoiding me and hit me. " The man yelled at her as he lunged at he again. Snow stared at the man as he came right at her again. She waited till he went to hit her and leaped in the air throwing her leg out in time to nail his arm. The man grunted softly as he laughed. A evil gleam appeared in his eyes as Snow saw the stick to late to avoid it as it nailed her again.

"Come on little Princess. There are no rules in battle. The sooner you learn that the better off you are Princess." The man said in a mocking tone. He swung at her again nailing her as she was thrown into the street. Snow cursed as she glared at the man. He quickly rose to her feet as the man chased her down the main street swatting at her as he could. She moved quickly using with different crates to her advantage avoiding him. The man just laughed as he followed her with great sped. The villagers quickly parting as the crazed man chased her. Snow noticed that the man didn't seem to be able to leap as high as her or fast. She felt her anger grow as the man nailed her again slamming her into the front door of the Inn with a loud thud. She screamed out in slight pain from hitting the door so hard. Before she could think she leaped into the air leading the man to the back of the Inn. "Here Princesses...poor little Princesses can't defend herself with out that bow. Oh no who's going to save you now Princesses?" The man said in a mocking tone. Snow pulled out her bow as she let the stick meet the metal part of her bow. The sudden move surprised the man as she pushed the stick up with her bow. She balled up her feast as she nailed the man square in the face.

The man fell backwards as he laid there for a moment. Blood streamed from his nose as he laughed and got up. Snow cursed as she shook her hand the pain from hitting the man setting in. The man looked pleased as he ripped a piece of his clothing getting himself a strip of it as he leaned back holding it to his nose
. "Ah, so there is fight in the princesses and a damn good left hook. " The man said as a necklace slipped from under his garment. Snow's eyes widen and focused on it as she saw her families crest on it. The man apparently noticed her gaze as he looked down momentarily before smiling at her and bowed to her humbly. The man said nothing more as he held his nose and just smiled. Snow was going to ask if he had been a royal guard to her parents. However the main just simply gave her a wink and quickly hid the necklace again as he stood there trying to get the blood to stop afterwards."

Frost looked up as he saw Kline and Bradley appear. He wondered how he missed them due to the fact when he woke it was just him and the barkeep and very few others. He let it go as he smiled at the pair. He greeted them as he saw how read they where. " Morning, I take it early start to the day?" He asked as he just smiled at them. He looked to Bradley as she stared at him quietly. He honestly wasn't sure what to say to her. He arched a brow as he saw her glance at his gauntlet slightly. He quickly moved the gauntlet to his lap so she wouldn't have to stare at it. He had noticed Kline looked a little fixed on something. However a loud thud on the front door caught his attention. He soon heard the word Princesses and it made him bolt to his feet before he knew he had. He had already swung the door open as he looked around. He caught a glimpse of Snow's hair and a strange man running after her. He quickly followed as he unsheathed his own sword ready for a fight. However he could only stair as he watched Snow pull out her bow and use it as a shield of shorts against the man's stick. His mouth feel open as he watched Snow hall off and punch the man square in the face. He couldn't only stare at the scene as the man seemed to recover. Frost wasn't sure who this girl was but she wasn't his sister. His sister would have never hit someone however over the past two days Snow had changed. He was honestly impressed with her and quiet proud. The man seemed to be in more pain than he let on. He noticed the wink that the man had gave to Snow and the bow. Frost finally sheathed his own sword as he watched a young lad run up and smile as he ran to the injured man. Frost looked at Snow as he wondered if he should ask how this happen. When he had left her she had been asleep. He hadn't seen her come down the stairs. He wondered if there was secret doors he didn't know about for everyone this morning to have slipped by him. However he could just be tired he thought as he looked at the scene. This had to be one of his more random mornings with his sister. He honestly couldn't wait to hear this story.

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Old 03-12-2015, 09:11 PM

Bradley had also been alerted to the fighting outside as she followed after Frost quickly. Her mind was now focused on the noise, though once they got there, Bradley had only enough time to charge lightning magic into her fist before the fight was clearly over. She had been prepared to intervene and start beating the man herself, but instead he took a shot tot he face and seemed to give up at that point. Bradley's hand shook a little but she soon flicked it softly, spreading her fingers a little and allowing the focused magic to disperse throw her body again. She took to folding her arms quietly and watching the scene, though she heard the door open behind her. Kline was standing there, hand rested on his gun, however it looked like the fight was over, so instead he relaxed, taking the same folded arm stance as Bradley.

"My word, can you people not go one day without getting into a fight?" A familiar voice sounded as Mertens came around the corner, rubbing the top of his head softly, his face only mildly perturbed by what he'd seen passing by. He still carried his medical bag in hand as he then shifted his other hand to the back of his neck as he stared at Snow and Frost calmly, "Even my medicine wont be able to help you, if you insist on keeping this up." The man added, trudging along across the snow with a sideways glance to the man Snow had been sparring with. What a ridiculous amount of commotion for a little training, what was that idiot trying to prove? An over-the-top chase through a quiet village, all to get a young lady to punch him in the face?
The doctor sighed, staring at Frost a moment. He certainly seemed better, though he glared at Snow next,
"Well? I gave you healing paste to help with your injuries and now you've gone and gotten yourself all battered again. It's like I'm dealing with a handful of rowdy children." He practically loomed over the four of them, prompting Bradley to find the closest hiding spot as safe haven from the slightly menacing doctor, but then the doctor sighed, smiling a little, "It's good, at least, that you're all so energetic.." He lamented, gaze shifting to Bradley.

Rather than heading immediately for Kline, she'd instead jumped to the closest safe spot, which just so happened to be behind Frost as she grasped part of his cloths and his other arm, staring out form behind the taller man. The doctor rubbed the back of his head a little and smiled more,
"Forgive me, little lady. My name is Doctor Mertens, I am a medicine man, I will be joining you four in your travels." Bradley gave a quick look to Kline, the man simply nodded in simple affirmation before Bradley stared at the doctor again, though she simply nodded once to the tall doctor,
"Don't mind her Doc. She doesn't talk," Kline interjected finally before looking over at Frost with a grin, "Hey, Ice-for-brains, come in, I want to to show you some of the machine's parts, I didn't want to waste another day in this village taking it apart explaining it to you, so I'll tell you the important stuff on the road." The man grinned, he'd chosen the nickname deliberately, it was up to Frost to take it in stride, hell, even give him a name back.

Mertens quietly pondered what Kline had meant exactly by Bradley not talking, though he assumed it was in the literal sense, still, it was curious that the girl had no inclination to speak. He pondered about it quietly, resting his hand on his chin, though he glanced at Snow again,
"And how are you feeling, young lady, now that you've worked all of that out of your system?"

Last edited by HC-Gal; 03-12-2015 at 09:15 PM..

Lady Chello
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Old 03-13-2015, 01:11 AM

Frost turned as he heard Kline he arched a brow then realized that Kline had been talking to him. "Sure thing Hot head." He said not missing a beat as he shifted his eyes to Bradley. He smiled softly at her surprised she had chosen him for safety. He smiled and looked away from her not wanting to really upset her or make her nervous from his staring. He honestly felt honored that she felt safe enough to jump behind him. Frost just grinned as Kline as he shook his head shifted his eyes momentarily back to Snow. " I'm not sure what to do with either one of you. I have to admit though I'm impressed seeing her nail the man square in the face. I think your rubbing off on her Hot head." Frost said as he shifted his eyes back to Kline with a grin. "Great what we need two of you." He said in a joking tone as he looked to Bradley finally. "You want to come back in with us?" He asked her before moving slightly to lead the way back to the Inn.

Snow looked up as she heard Mertens. She just smiled as the doctor went on. She shifted her attention to Bradley and was impressed that she hide behind Frost. She smiled though happy to see Bradley didn't see him as a stranger at least not as she had before. Snow arched a brow as she heard the nick name Kline had given her brother. She felt her brother had been way to nice with his name for Kline. She would have went for Doll face or something a little more edgier. Snow looked back to Mertens as she smiled at him like a child who had just got caught doing something they shouldn't have been. " I'm fine other than a few bruises. " She said as she slowly stood tall and looked at the man again. She then looked back to Mertens as she couldn't help herself. "I did warn you it would be a constant job in all fairness. "She said knowing that wasn't going to help her standings with the Doctor any. She smiled as she remembered the past. She pulled out the small bottle from her backpack as she held it out for him. "Here I didn't need that much and I thought you could use it back for the journey. Maybe we should get inside with the others. We don't want to be left behind. Kline isn't one for waiting around." She said as she looked over where the man had been. "Wait where did he go?" She said out loud as she noticed the man had already left with the help of the young lad Lucas. "I guess they didn't want our help." She said more to herself as she thought about the help they had given her. She softly rubbed her rear and sides where the man had really whacked her hard. She was going to feel those in the morning.

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Old 03-14-2015, 01:08 AM

Kline grinned at Frost as the man called him a name back, that seemed equitable enough. If he was comfortable called Kline a name back without fear of reprisal then they had decent groundwork for them to work together. He didn't look back to Bradley and the man, though he listened a little, it was interesting to see Bradley interacting with others. She'd certainly taken to these two fairly quickly, perhaps not the fox-thing Snow had so much but definitely these two. It would be nice to see her open up to more people. This whole time they'd spent as just the two of them couldn't last forever, he knew that for certain, so getting her to interact with others was a positive thing.

Bradley stared up at Frost a moment, and for a moment she seemed frozen on the spot, eyes staring widely at the man. Where he face had turned back to its normal color earlier, she was turning bright red once again, slowly but surely before she very quickly let go of his clothes and arm, withdrawing her hands and shuffling aside, turning her head down and putting her hands behind her back. The question registered after a second and she softly nodded once, following them back into the tavern. Kline glanced back a moment at the two, but he only grinned, snickering as he walked, now there was a reaction he hadn't seen very often from her.

Mertens meanwhile glanced at Snow a moment, adjusting his glasses a moment as the woman reiterated what she'd said previously, this elicited a small chuckle from the doctor,
"True, you did say that.." He relented. The man took the paste back, though he didn't say much about it, simply stowing it away again into his medical bag, "Come along then, let's see what the fuss is about, between Mr. Hot Head and Mr. Ice-for-brains." He repeated their nicknames with a smirk, following in after them. He imagined they'd be setting out today, so he was already prepared to go.

"Right, so! This machine.. Made absolutely no sense to me." Kline admitted, sitting down at the table as he shifted some of the parts around, holding up one par tof it, it looked like a tube, "This seemed to be a conductor, it would transfer energy from one point to another, now normally i would have said it was a theoretical energy, one I'd only heard about a while back, called electricity. Except these things, in fact every part of this suit has been reinforced with magic. Including these conductors. And they could just as easily transfer lightning magic instead, which frankly seems more possible and more reliable." He rambled alittle, but then he stared at another component, though he didn't pick it up,
"The idea of machines is, they usually need a power source, or something to keep them in motion, fuel, steam, and it looked like the knight was run on steam, so I assumed there was an internalized steam engine, but there was no way one of even the most recent designs could have run something like this." He picked up the small chunk, rolling it over in his hand a moment,
"This machine, the whole suit, it was literally production steam form no source at all, but still powering the suit and making it move and function as if it had a great big engine stuck on its back. I was about to go out of my mind until I noticed-" He reached into one closed bag and pulled out what looked like an oddly shaped crystal and it burned with two colors that seemed to nearly mix with one another, a fiery red and a deep blue, "-This."

Bradley's eyes snapped to it and the girl sharply backed away from the object. Though Kline barely reacted, almost as if he knew she would respond that way,
"If I had to hazard a guess, this thing has fire and water somehow fused into it, am I right, Bradley?" He questioned. The girl nodded softly, but there was something more to it. He held the crystal aloft in his hand, glancing at Frost, "Fire. And Water. Fused into one crystal. To produce steam. I've never seen anything like this. Whoever created this was either a genius.. Or a madman."

Lady Chello
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Old 03-15-2015, 10:06 AM

Frost nodded as he kept up with that Kline was saying. He wondered about what Kline said honestly fascinated by it. His eyes widen as Kline held out a strange crystal. Frost moved closer as he studied the crystal more. "How fascinating the skill it must take. I agree with you one hundred percent. If they have honestly already figured out how to fuse the different elements this could be more dangerous than we had once thought. We where lucky with this knight it would appear. If they have already learned how to do this what other monstrosities do they have in wait. " Frost said as he sat back and pondered on the possibilities. "It's sad that good inventions get turned into weapons. However that is par for the course of life. How do we combat these?" He asked as he shifted his eyes to Bradley. " If we come up against these can Bradley help us figure out what elements are fused together? " He said as he looked back down to the table. " We where honestly lucky that you even noticed the steam with this monstrosity. If these are the only crystals we have to worry about then maybe we can survive. However I have a bad feeling that with the Emperor in control that this fusion of elements may not be the only fusion he has. A sticky situation we find our self's in." He said as he wondered if Bradley could in fact be able to give them a clue next time in battle. She had the ability to know what a crystals main element was but could she use her abilities with these crystals.

Snow nodded hearing the doctor as she turned and headed inside. She kept quiet as she heard what Kline had to say. She still wondered about his quest to the temples here. Was the temples part of making crystals like these? She hadn't seen any reports of strangers near their temples. None of the people had every reported anyone going near the temples. Frost was right with this kind of fusing there could be different elements. As far as she knew the only one she had was Water. Kline had two and they did have Bradley who seemed to be able to do quit a few. However it did worry snow thinking of how taxing the last battle had been on Bradley. If they where going to stay a team her and Frost needed to find a way to help and not hinder.

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Old 03-17-2015, 04:45 AM

Kline stared at the crystal in his hand for a while, the softly swirling elements continued to bother him, but if anything, it seemed to bother Bradley even more as he looked towards the girl again. She didn't want anything to do with the crystal, it seemed. He'd rarely seen her react this way to an object, though lately it seemed to be a time for unusual things to happen,
"Well, lets wait to see if they have anything else like this," Kline suggested instead, covering the crystal and putting it aside for now, "If all their suits require steam to run, we may get lucky and this is the only kind we need to worry about, as we've seen; we can already take one down.. Those vents are a major weak-point," He assorted the pieces he'd taken out before putting them away,
"We should make a move and get out of here." He advised, standing up with the bag he'd collected. Bradley had lowered her eyes when Frost spoke of her, looking away from him a little. She didn't want to speak of the crystals anymore herself, "I spoke with some of the people here while you guys were out, they're willing to hand us some horses, since technically we protected the town from a bunch of soldiers that almost rampaged through the place with an over sized tin can, you guys can ride, I assume? I taught Bradley a while back."

The doctor nodded calmly, adjusting his glasses afterwards,
"I tend to do my traveling that way, although I hiked here, there were some interesting herbs on the roads. I heard you say you were interested in temples, correct? Holy places often grew rare, invaluable herbs, If I spot any they might come in handy. Especially if I can acquire some seedlings or roots." The doctor mused, thinking about it. Forgotten places were often where you could find some truly interesting things, but it certainly would be interesting to discover Kline's own motivations. Though he wondered about the girl,
"Bradley," The doctor spoke calmly. The girl looked back up at him a little awkwardly at first, "Are you able to write?" He questioned at first. She gave him a curious look, then she nodded. Kline looked up a moment, he'd never really considered that. The doctor reached into his bag and rummaged a little until he drew out a pad of papers and a pen, offering it to her, "Perhaps you would benefit from these? I have some more in my bag," He watched her for a response. She seemed tentative at first, not wanting to approach, but after a while she got closer and took them from him,
"Not a bad idea, doc. I never really thought to get her some of those." Kline admitted, resting his hands on his hips,
"She seems like a practical girl, no surprise, given her present company," He replied, watching as she looked between the items a moment before she pried the top of the pen off with her teeth and turned the pen around, scribbling on to the paper itself before she turned it around to the doctor at first. There, written in what could certainly be described as just legible enough scrawls were the words Thank You.
She then stared at Kline and held the pad out to him as well, as if emphasizing it again. She simply stared at him and he focused on the words for a while before looking aside, rubbing the back of his headm if anything he seemed a little embarrassed,
"No problem," He half-mumbled before he cleared his throat and stared at Frost and Snow, "Right, you two ready to go? That fox thing of your still lurkin' about Snow? we could probably use a guide to the next town, or any temples, if it knows where they are. It seemed smart enough for that at least."

Lady Chello
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Old 03-18-2015, 02:44 PM

Snow nodded as she smiled watching Bradley. "Of course he has been watching. I'll ride with Fang thank you. " She said as she looked at the group. " Let's get going then. I'll wait for you outside of town. Remember Fang took the heat off of us when...I destroyed the back of the inn yard. I don't believe the people here will appreciate seeing the fox appear again out of no where. I don't do horses for my own reasons. However I don't need to with Fang around." She said as she turned and slowly made her way out of the Inn. It took her a little while to reach the outskirt of the town again. She simply smiled as Fang appeared out of thin air finally making his presents known again. She softly scratched behind it's ears as it bowed down to her taking solid form. " You could have saved me from the knight, and the farmer you know. Why didn't you show up? It's those crystals isn't it." She said as the fox let out a low growl and showed remorse for not rushing to her help. The fox looked to her bow as it growled in it's own way trying to say the crystals where the reason. She softly kissed the fox's large forehead as she smiled at it softly. " Your still a good friend even if you are afraid of the crystals. I wonder if I'll ever learn why you fear them so." She said as the fox bowed down allowing her to climb on it's back. It rose as it waited knowing that it had to.

Frost nodded at Kline as he thought about everything. He was lost in his own thoughts missing the discussion between the doctor and Bradley. He had managed to look up in time to see the girl write something down. His eyes cut to Snow hearing her saying know to horses. He was going to stop her however she vanished before he could. " Stupid Fox, horses are better animals than that thing. " He said at more of a mumble to himself as he looked at the others. He heard the mention of the temples as he looked to Kline. "Be honest with me what are you looking for. I don't want lies or you'll find out. The temples here aren't messed with. I know where they are and have been in a few against orders. People just don't wish to enter them for no reason. What are you putting our lives on the line for? Do you think there are crystals there that can help you?" He asked honestly wondering what Kline knew of the temples and why he wanted to enter them. "As far as our records show there has only been three people who where not natives here enter them. We don't have to many who want to go into them. Just as I'm sure you land doesn't have my people going into yours." He said as he slowly stood knowing that Kline would want them to start heading out. He had a feeling Kline wouldn't tell him much he just hopped they wouldn't find worst dangers waiting inside one of them.

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Old 03-20-2015, 02:00 AM

"Well, that works, I guess," Kline shrugged to himself as Snow refused the horse, though a sly grin crossed his features a moment. He glanced at Frost a moment as the man questione di m about his motives again, but the gunfighter smiled in response, "You're making it sound like I'm actually going to ask you to come in with me. But hey, if you wanna chicken out, that's fine. Half the fun of entering those temples is the danger." Kline chuckled, looking up for a moment, "I've been in quite a few all over the kingdoms so far, half the deathtraps were too easy to spot, the other half were too half-assed, or I was just quick enough or smart enough to get past them."

He shrugged to himself and stared at Frost again as they walked,
"But what I'm trying to find? It's.. Kind of like saying I want water, but I don't know what water actually is. I know I'm looking for something in these temples but I'm not sure if it will take the form I imagine beforehand. I'm not looking for a holy relic, I'm not looking for treasure or gold. Just, something, legends described it as a power unrivaled, but that's about as descriptive as saying fire is bright and hot." Kline chuckled a little as he thought about it, "I'll know it when I see it, if I see it, otherwise I at least had fun looking for it, it doesn't really matter if it's there or not. Borrowed power isn't even my thing, after all. " He grinned again, shoving his hand sin his pockets,
"You intend to hide it, or destroy it, whatever it may be, is that right?" The doctor piped up behind them, glancing occasionally at Bradley as the girl quietly scribbled on the paper, she seemed to be practicing her writing, it didn't look as neat as other writing she'd seen, so she wanted to make it look better.

"Well." Kline grinned back at the two of them, "Frankly that depends on the circumstances when we find it. If it's actually something I can destroy and would be better off being destroyed, sounds like a good idea. Though if for some reason I cant, then hiding it is good. but if I cant hide it, or destroy it, then I don't know what I would do. I cant just guard it for the rest of my life, I have things I want to do." Bradley looked up at this, herself, still silent as ever, lips pursed. The idea that Kline couldn't destroy something seemed strange to her, but then, she'd never really considered him having limitations before.

When they'd finally reached their horses, Bradley and Kline saddled up quickly, having packed their things on the horses. The doctor too got himself situated and ready to ride. Once They were all prepared to go it didn't take long to catch up to Snow, whereupon Kline was grinning broadly again,
"You know. I left the old man at the inn a message, explaining your shenanigans at the back of the inn, and I left him that purse of money you handed to me. He should be coming along right about.. Now..?" Kline looked back a moment, he could see the proprietor trudging quickly through the snow,
"You rascals!!" He yelled, waving the letter in hand, the purse clenched in the other. Kline let out a cackle of laughter as he rode off, Bradley followed too, smiling widely, though the doctor just chuckled, "You best come back here someday, so I can treat you all to another warm meal, you hear me?!" The innkeeper shouted, it seemed he didn't know whether to be annoyed or simply happy. Having a group of strangers like them blow though a sleepy little town did have a way of spicing thing sup and making life strangely enjoyable, not ot mention the good they'd also done.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-20-2015, 05:49 PM

"Huh?"Snow said as she saw the grin on Kline's lips as he approached. Snow was confused till she saw the man appearing just as Kline had said. He really was a strange man and he knew how to drive her crazy. However she couldn't help but smile as she sent Fang forward with a simple voice command. Fang quickly lunged froward catching up with the others with easy. Snow had always admired how graceful the fox's body rippled through it air as it moved. It was truly magnificent or at least to her. She loved feeling the great power Fang had when he ran. However the sounds coming from the horses made her shift her attention as she saw the horses didn't seem to like having the large fox so close to them. Fang let out a growl not liking having to be close the horses himself. Fang slowly put some distance between it and the horses so none of them would feel threaten.

Frost didn't had time to say much as the others left. He nodded as he followed the others and mounted his own horse. He gently patted the horses neck as he followed the others. He grinned as he heard Kline the man always had something going. He had to admit he was never board with Kline around. He looked up as he saw the demon fox again. The fox cut it's eyes to him knowing he was there. The two had a hate relationship. Or a love hate relationship. They both loved to hate one another. He wished the fox would just vanish and never come back. However he knew that was never going to happen. Frost couldn't help himself as he made a face at the Fox making it growl at him before looking away. It made Frost laugh as he looked back to the others. Kline was very vague however he made good points. Besides he wasn't going to let him have all the fun. It wasn't safe for any of them to be alone.


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