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Cheya is offline
Old 04-20-2010, 11:29 PM

I hate comments where the person commenting tries to influence my writing as in, they don't have constructive criticism and simply want the story to go the direction they want instead of what I wanted.

theatre major from nurse school
Lathrine is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 07:14 PM

I, ah, don't really get comments on my writing. XP One of my fanfics on has gotten a mighty two reviews, and that's the fanfic I hate, so. Those are just people commenting about a pairing that hadn't thought of and liked. No feed back. No asking if they want anything else add or another chapter. :<
... granted, they were nice comments. BUT STILL.

I guess the comments I hate getting on writing are the same as the ones I hate getting on art- Good job's/ flattery with no actual criticism to help out, especially if I've specifically requested some.
I do have a friend who's been proof reading the chapters of my NaNo, novel. And while she has nothing but good things to say about it, she also attacks grammar and spelling mistakes with bright red font. Same goes for passages that have nothing to do with what's going on, or parts where it just kinda menders. So while it's off topic, that's the kind of comment I LOVE. :heart:

High school author in training
BandGeek1101 is offline
Old 05-26-2010, 05:49 AM

when people say it's awesome and don't give any constructive critisism(sorry if I spelled that wrong) or people who act like jerks and when you go to their stories and read, they're simple sentances like:
"I took the dog for a walk, then went home." and that's it. or people who tell you that fanFICTION is being done wrong and who leave flames instead of help.


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