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M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 03:31 AM

Oh. What are you doing, Kent?
I don't think I'm going to enter the avatar contest... I haven't in ages. ; A ;

@ Demo; Yessums <3
Though they're usually very expensive to make, ugh.


Kent is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 03:34 AM

@Miro - Working on my Project Mene entry. o 3o I think the deadline is 11:59 tonight. o xo
You should try to enter at least one of the categories~ lol I think I might enter the one category where you have to use certain colors.

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 03:38 AM

kufufufu you are my number one on menewsha!! (≧∇≦)/

uhh ill probably get off around 12 am
i may have graduated but i did willingly return a year hahahaa

i do this thing where i feel like i need a complete set in my possession for every event i am active or my inventory feels off...
i will get at least one of each ei even if i dont like it... haha...

celes paradi event, i had a ton left over so i was able to get bernice's hair for longcat so she can deal with the other items she wanted :,3

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 07:41 PM ----------

demo yeahh playing minecraft doesnt sound too appealing to me so i wouldnt pay money for it
maybe download a free version just so i can have a house full of chickens???

for the games, i recommend the haunted house II. it's an easy once a day game where you just choose a location to look in
the read is quite a bit but i find ti quite interesting and fun hehehee
theres also the monster hunt which is also a once a day deal. you just roll the die C':

easy, fast, and enjoyable

Last edited by sushi_mew; 11-05-2012 at 03:41 AM..

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 03:44 AM

@ Sushi; LOL because I give FREEEs?

Oh. Why did you have to return a year? I wanted to ask but I forgot* earlier. xD

You always do that. It's called OCD! ;P
I luff chu~! Well, the theme of the EIs seem to keep going down then up again.

Usually the last EI of the event set is the best one out of the lot.

Oooo. What items came out for Celes event?

@ Kenty; Ahhh, I shee. @@

I might... if the new outfit I'm going to put together will fit the category?
Though I think Halloween colors are more orange-ish than just green.

I never do the couple categories. I only have like... er, 15 common items in my inventory? And only a couple of CIs? So, I wouldn't win much. I don't like using the DAC's because I feel like I'm not putting any effort in it.

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 03:58 AM

demo yeahh playing minecraft doesnt sound too appealing to me so i wouldnt pay money for it
maybe download a free version just so i can have a house full of chickens???

for the games, i recommend the haunted house II. it's an easy once a day game where you just choose a location to look in
the read is quite a bit but i find ti quite interesting and fun hehehee
theres also the monster hunt which is also a once a day deal. you just roll the die C':

easy, fast, and enjoyable[/QUOTE]

OK I'll check those out.
You CAN download minecraft for free. It just doesn't have online play on it.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:04 AM

That quote borked on you, Demo-y. xD

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:06 AM

Hello guys!

What's up?

Last edited by mewmew07; 11-05-2012 at 04:09 AM..

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:11 AM

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
That quote borked on you, Demo-y. xD
Bahah yeah it did. xD

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 09:12 PM ----------

heya mewmew!
Just bouncing back and forth between mene and a game.

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:12 AM

Hey Demoscout!

Haven't seen you in a while.

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:14 AM

Yeah i know. I've been bad about not being on all the time. xD

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:19 AM

@ Demo; =P
It made me laugh a little. I don't know why... I think my brain has gone ~

@ Mewmew; Hello and welcome back!

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:20 AM

Demo: It's alright, we all have real lives.

Hello Miro! How are you?

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:20 AM

demo woahhh quote broke heehee

ehh i dont need to really play online
its just the chickens following me around is hat i want hahahaa

LOL ive been found out!!
not you butt!! its because youre wonderful and i consider you one of my best online friends everrrr

i wanted to take co-op so i can get experience in the workplace (this way its easier since they already expect me to have 0 experience, which is what i have,,,)

OCD gets me awesome 'swag' for later selling!! (i say but i have problems letting go of my non doubles) x_x
yeahh i see that happening with some of the tiems too
the celes paradi items werent too big for me but some of the poses were cute so i was a content camper :)

Super Star-Catcher Rod; a fishing rod with a star, moon, or hamburger on its end. it was a cute idea, i dont know how to use it though...
Star Snare; star shaped dream catchers that hang aroudn you or you can hold
Celestial Altar; pots of fire on your sides with flames that can hang at your sides (i like the small flames)
Nebula Halo (This was my favourite itea i think. again, dont know how to use the item??
Bernice's Hair; aka as bodacious hair. youre using it you know how that one works haha
Southern Crown; my least favourite item from the set but i had to get it to complete my set!!! grr can be equipped as an unside down crown

marketplace search them if you want i guess orrr you can hunt down the faq for celes paradi heeheehe

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 08:21 PM ----------

hey mewmew! :) hows it hanging?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:29 AM

@ Mewmew; I'm kind of working on getting my drawing groove back.
Though I'm anal about details as usual. rofl *shot*

But I'm good, just moshing around. :) How about yourself?

@ Sushi; See! You cannot hide anything from me!!!!
Aww <3 Well, good! Because I consider YOU and everyone the most amazing people I know ~

I kinda thought it was only me thinking that way, though. xD Everyone's got different groups of friends on here.
That and most of them RP and I don't do that, so... kinda bites that horse in the face.

LOL Zero experience! Well, I have zero myself... which isn't all that good. But I have been trying - -;; Then again, I'm a full time student, trying to do 4 classes or more at the same time. I think it's making me dumb-er by doing so.

Swag? I can't believe you used that word, YO! D:
But you are a loveable OCD maniac, so it's all good.

I think it's because we only have one pixelist and they're trying to have collab pixel people to do the items now. I don't mind works from Demo (YES I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU, amg!) <3 Her pixels are awesomesauce! I just wish things would pick up more somewhere in the future.

Oh... well. That would DEFEAT the purpose of being lazy, my friend! mwahahahahaa
I don't think I like any of those, by the sound of 'em. Though, yes! I fancy the Berenice's Hair, it's nifty ~

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:46 AM

sushi: Hey! How are you? I'm good.

Miro: That's good. You knew I draw, right? Did you know I changed my art style this summer?

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:47 AM

nooesss all my secretsare spilling outtt
you will always be in my heart mirooo~~

wellllll you were part of my first group of menewshan friends, and you were also in my second group of friends
i had a third group fo friends (the miro-less group) when livia was active
and now i dont really have a group of friends on menewsha?? i have a couple friends i drop in on to say hello! :D

probably stressing you out more than necessary :(
student + job is hard to balance. especially if you want to factor in sleep and food
thats why ive never really tried? i know i wouldnt survive cryy
i did fine with my volunteer hours though since the consequences are less.. dire (?) if i cant come on for a day...

maaan blame the media!! i am a young impressionable teenager. you know how much i am exposed to every day? at least im not telling you that i did [x] because yolo
♥♥ i dont even know when it started i just always loved collecting things... /:

whaaaa i thought we had two pixelists??
again, whaaa i didnt know demo pixeled but OMGAHH I WANT THAT COAT TO BE AN ITEM (in her wishes order colours)
probably when menewsha can roll in cash again... , n,

personally i think most of them are ehh but they fit the theme well enough (we had alien siblings crash land on our island)
here you go :3
the link is to the faq post with all the poses

also the art in your signature is super cute. if you drew that i might have to cry again

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 08:48 PM ----------

mewmew taht's great to ehar
im doing well myself
hows the event going for you so far?


Kent is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 04:50 AM

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
@ Kenty; Ahhh, I shee. @@

I might... if the new outfit I'm going to put together will fit the category?
Though I think Halloween colors are more orange-ish than just green.

I never do the couple categories. I only have like... er, 15 common items in my inventory? And only a couple of CIs? So, I wouldn't win much. I don't like using the DAC's because I feel like I'm not putting any effort in it.
lol Okay. Maybe you can make it fit one of the categories. X3
The colors you need for the color category are orange, brown, black, and red.
Then there's one where you have to make a person who's committed a crime.
And another one to do with horror/halloween movies.

What? How is that no effort? XD Making an avatar that looks good always takes effort, even if it's from the DAC.

Oh hey, could you guys help me with my avi? It's supposed to be inspired by the Paramount Pictures gate.
I think it's too boring. OTL

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 05:00 AM

shhh i dont know how to do avatars *crawls back into hole*
but i have to agree that its boring

maybe try a background? it could spice it up a bit haha

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 09:03 PM ----------

theres always life's a beach to complete your palm tree effect
but im trying to find one that looks like a studio...?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 05:07 AM

@ Kenty; xP <3 Such optimism!

I will try, though. I will be honest there.
I just don't have the funds for it since I spent it on getting that Wizard/crystal thing.

Well, I can't layer on male items on the female items like I'm able to with the regular way of dressing up. That, and I didn't buy the items to make the outfit, so it makes me feel bad. That's just me, though. I just feel blah if I do. xD

Omg... that avi reminds me of Betty White. > w >;;
I guess that's not helping, lulz. Um... I have to google, hold on for a sec.

Let's see? Well, it does need more bricky stuff in it. Or at least a darker shade of cream/tan? Though there's a limit on how many items you can use, isn't there?

@ Sushi; awww. xD
Well, you leave all your secrets on your sleeves, misseh! I told you about that ~

Livia... livia. Is that another avatar site that I know nothing about? Hahaha! Well, you were apart of my first friends on here too. It all started out when I made my first Charity thread, amg. That was a lot to work with... but! It was fun cause you guys would go there since there wasn't any other active places on the site besides the RP places, of course. I don't see why they consider that apart of the activity here since it's technically not a form of speech to anyone but one or two people in character-mode. *smites rp-ers* LOL jkjk << >>

Yes. My brother did have a job and was taking 7 classes at the same time and Judo and Judo tournaments. He ended up quitting not too long ago because he only got 2hrs or sleep. He stays at the University until 2am? Unless he's sneaking off somewhere. Idk

You really do have to choose between what you want the most. Job - Education. You can juggle it, if you have that determination but it'll take you 2x as long to finish your school if you have to take classes one by one or two by two because you are working at the same time. @@;

Pffft! Slang is the devils work *goes nuttso* xD jkjk

We did have more than two, but now we have one? Wish04 is the main pixelist. I don't know who is the other helper anymore. At least, that's what they've been stressing--that there's only one left. Which I understand that's a big burden.

.... They are poohified! Berenice's Hair is the only nifty thing in that lot. rofl

Nuuuu! Squishy made it for me :)
I haven't made any new art yet... I'm practicing right now so I can go back to working on the art orders I have in the Art Forum.

@ Mewmew; No, I didn't!
I'd love to see ~

---------- Post added 11-05-2012 at 02:08 AM ----------

Ohmai, my powah of TEXT WALLs returnseth!


Kent is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 05:17 AM

@sushi - Yeah, I think I will add a blue sky to it. I don't think I'll add a beach, though. That doesn't seem right.

@Miro - lol sushi agrees, though. XD

I'll see if I can buy some items for you, then. o wo

Ah, I see. o 3o I never do that.

Really? How? XD

I'm trying to add more reddish accents, but I'm not sure what kinds of items would add that. OTL I think I want to try to add some black too. Hm? No, there's no limit. o 3o

sushi_mew is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 05:20 AM

livia is a user that went missing sometime last year or the year before that. :(
she also ran a charity (charity people are easier to hang out with i guess...)

omgahhh i met you in veen's charity!!! and then you started yours and i balanced you both and then rawr started up his community hangout and gaaaahhh
text walls between us everywheree
w/e w/e let them enjoy themselves. rping seems fun but its not really my cup of tea? or rather, id like it to be but i would spill my tea all over my lap =___=;

omfg 2 hours of sleep thats a lot!!! /sarcasm
seriously though i hope hes getting mroe sleep now and i hope youre getting more of a slumber than him!!
your rem cycle is completed every three hours so try to hit 9 instead of 8 :3

if your parents dont help you its like ahvign to choose between learning and eating D:

you cant tame this!!!

i remember bisque doing some things looong ago
she gone though i know that... goshh the amount that she got out for celes paradi event was impressive commons at least
i think it was 10 pages maybe one or two more?? (a lot of it was colours though but i know menewshans are cray cray for their colours)

i dont know how to use bernice's hair either
its too big for me to handle hahahaa
grr i sound like i dont know how to use any items ever (spoiler: i dont???) hehee hopefully i can whip a nice guess work avatar for the holidays :')

squishy as in royalsquishy? because its super cute and wow i love how they coloured the eyes

do you plan to pick up pixels again? i know you poured your life energy into those things before haha

also woww this reminds me that i need to draw you
heck i need to draw myself u Au

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 09:23 PM ----------

aaand with taht im off to bed!!
good ngiht miroro
with us havign the same time zones, hopefully it wont be too hard to catch each other online? haha

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 05:42 AM

Noticing that Miroro has the tendency to build wall of text.

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 06:00 AM

Just watched The Walking Dead. The end was so sad, I was bawling my eyes out.

xuvrette is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 06:04 AM

...Walking Dead? Isn't that a zombie show?

...eww... I dislike all those horror movies...

mewmew07 is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 06:06 AM

It's a tv show, and yes, about the zombie apocolypse.


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