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Linnea is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 03:10 AM

that's so exciting! i can't wait to see it, ghost!

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 03:54 AM

Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Woodlandnymph


Drip.Drip. The blood made a thick muffled noise as it rhythmically fell to the carpet. The dark stain crept further out, sucking up the dingy beige as it went. Brandi sat hunched over, as far away as she could possibly be from the bed...from the body, snot and tears mingling on her face.

A car’s headlights flashed by, illuminating the scene briefly. She looked up at the thin motel curtains and finally glanced back over to the bed. A muffled moan escaped her lips. He shouldn’t have come tonight. He knew it was dangerous to be around her.

The closet door rattled and shook, making Brandi jump and cry harder. Her heart pounded in her chest and fluttered. She rocked, sending spittle flecks flying. The laughter started up again. She shook her head again, firmer this time, “I won’t let you out.”

“You have to sooner or later,” the voice mocked, “You can’t keep me here forever. That corpse will start to bloat and fester.”

Brandi’s head perked up and this time she couldn’t help but stare at the lifeless form of her friend. She’d never hear his laugh or stupid jokes again.

“Might as well give him to me.”

“You can’t have him. No one can.” She balled her fists.

“No one can? Is that why you did it?”

“...I...couldn’t. I’m so sorry Chance. What have I done to you?”

She flung her hands out, blindly hitting the knife she used to carve into the only man she loved. She clutched the slippery handle, “What have I done?”

The laugh continued. “Trap me all you like. It won’t last. I will take you both in the end.”

The closet door rattled until it seemed like the whole door frame would break off the wall, and the flimsy talisman she placed on it finally snapped. HE stepped out.

The room grew icy and she felt rather than saw HIS shadow loomed above her. The knife thrust inward, and she felt no more.

DEATH mused over them for a moment... then consumed their souls.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 04:10 AM

So, for the multimedia entry, we can use images that are found so long as credit is given? Is that what that means? Or is it something that we have to draw?

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 04:26 AM

so i added that in bc of an entry using the sims. the sim characters were made and then she played story out without using words. i don't really want to see entries that have pictures with just you changing the words. it should be more of you doing the work. does this help? it's a weird grey area

---------- Post added 10-30-2017 at 09:28 PM ----------

maybe tell me what your thinking and i can give a better answer...?

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 04:41 AM

I get it. In a way it's like making a collage with picture from magazines. It's trans-formative and therefore fair use. Its how a lot of fan artists get around copyright laws when using characters.

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 04:44 AM

yea, that's a great way to put it, neph

---------- Post added 10-30-2017 at 09:45 PM ----------

Entries are updated to here!

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 05:19 AM

I hadn't meant taking something and simply changing words. Meant more so what Neph said. Using various images to make a story.


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 05:39 AM

A Quickie!
Username: star2000shadow
Entry: All Hallow's Eve

All Hallow's EveX

The Leaves twist and tug,
a brezze dancing through Skeletel Limbs,
Pumpkin Orange,
and Witches black,

spirits energy,
ghostly moaning's,
Spirits veil,
Worlds beyond,

the witching hour,
has finally come,
lets all clasp hands,
And dance beneath a blood red moon.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 02:12 PM

I'm bad at this. >.<

A Quickie!
Username: Nephila

Make and bake;
The ritual sweet cake, an adventure to take.

Potions and lotions;
The ruckus commotions, and fractal emotions.

Blood and bone
You're not alone, soft chalk on hard stone.

Dare and fare;
Embrace the nightmare, dance in the square.

Chainmaile and flail;
Remove the veil, as it drops we set sail.

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 03:18 PM

oh woah Nephi.... that poem is fun. I can't compete with that :O but i'm gonna try as soon as I have a poem idea.... and me and spooky stories are a fail. xD

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 04:15 PM

I wanted to write about more odd things that happened later that week. Experiencing them as a child I still don't know if they were dreams or real.

I Looked up The Devil's Gap for images to this story.

Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Nephila
348 words (so much taken out T.T)

A True Story from the NorthX

There's a place on the great lakes called Lake of the Woods. Within it there is an area well known for strangeness. Although most won't talk about it with outsiders. It's called "The Devil's Gap".

Back then my Uncle and aunt owned a property closer to a famous landmark in the area. The devil rock. There's a few stories about how and why that rock got there. One is something to do with a group of "Satanists" trying to scare the natives out of the area. Others say it's older and something the natives warned us about. Either way it's a creepy out of place piece of rock the gets painted annually to ward off evil.

Anyway, one fall about a week before Halloween we went there to help get the lodge ready for wintering. My sister and I loved those times. That was until we got the bright idea to do a midnight hike to touch the stone. It was something we heard our older cousins did. A local rite of passage?

So there we were 5 and 7 respectively and as brave as two girls in fuzzy slippers could be. We stole a flash light and snacks, then made our way down the hill towards the hiking trail. We were about halfway down the path when an old Cree man stopped us.

"You red hairs shouldn't be out here. They like that color. They follow and take kids in the night."

This scared my sister so bad she ran all the way back to the lodge- with the flash light. I was left in the dark with this stranger. Oddly, I wasn't afraid of him, just curious.

"They who? Where will they take us? Can you take me to look at it? Pleeeease?"

He wouldn't take me. I still wanted to touch the stone. I never made it much further than where the man that stopped us. I had strange "dreams" for the rest of the week.

Foremost in my mind was the "dragon in a fur coat" that kept taping at my windows at night.


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 08:28 PM

Graphical! Username: HIM_stopcreatingMSpaintabominations_ROCK Entry:

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 09:47 PM

these are great!

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-31-2017, 11:27 PM

Nephy, that sounds so scary!! i so wanna hear about all the other strange things that happened after that...

and HIM, your comic is so cute ;v; i love it.

marnie is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 12:01 AM

so much talent

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 03:46 AM

Poem times!!! I was thinking something along the lines of the cautionary folklore and oral stories/poems children recite...for good reason. To remind them of the things that go bump in the dark and the dangers of the world.

A Quickie!
We do not walk by the old Oak tree
Whose limbs do crack and quiver

Nor skip by old man Willow
His branches snap and crack and reach

We hold our breath as we pass the Ash
Lest it be stolen away for good

When the moon is high and full we dare’nt
Stray down the path bathed in its light
For the wildwood is deep and treacherous
And the paths do twist at night

We do not walk by the old Oak tree
Whose limbs they want to tear us

Nor skip by old man Willow
He’ll drown you quick in the river below

We hold our breath as we pass the Ash
Our breath turns cold as death comes past

When the moon is high and full we dare’nt
Follow and run in the midnight sun
For the wildwood is deep and treacherous
And the paths do lead us to our plight

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 05:40 AM

ooo eeeerie!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 10:47 AM

and I love weeping willows
good luck to everyone!

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I wanted to write about more odd things that happened later that week. Experiencing them as a child I still don't know if they were dreams or real.

I Looked up The Devil's Gap for images to this story.

Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Nephila
348 words (so much taken out T.T)

A True Story from the NorthX

There's a place on the great lakes called Lake of the Woods. Within it there is an area well known for strangeness. Although most won't talk about it with outsiders. It's called "The Devil's Gap".

Back then my Uncle and aunt owned a property closer to a famous landmark in the area. The devil rock. There's a few stories about how and why that rock got there. One is something to do with a group of "Satanists" trying to scare the natives out of the area. Others say it's older and something the natives warned us about. Either way it's a creepy out of place piece of rock the gets painted annually to ward off evil.

Anyway, one fall about a week before Halloween we went there to help get the lodge ready for wintering. My sister and I loved those times. That was until we got the bright idea to do a midnight hike to touch the stone. It was something we heard our older cousins did. A local rite of passage?

So there we were 5 and 7 respectively and as brave as two girls in fuzzy slippers could be. We stole a flash light and snacks, then made our way down the hill towards the hiking trail. We were about halfway down the path when an old Cree man stopped us.

"You red hairs shouldn't be out here. They like that color. They follow and take kids in the night."

This scared my sister so bad she ran all the way back to the lodge- with the flash light. I was left in the dark with this stranger. Oddly, I wasn't afraid of him, just curious.

"They who? Where will they take us? Can you take me to look at it? Pleeeease?"

He wouldn't take me. I still wanted to touch the stone. I never made it much further than where the man that stopped us. I had strange "dreams" for the rest of the week.

Foremost in my mind was the "dragon in a fur coat" that kept taping at my windows at night.

*shivers* This is a true story? That's just terrifying I would have been your sister I think and run off screaming.

oh gosh you guys. Why do I love Halloween so much when all of these stories are giving me the shivers.

HIM , love your pumpkin yumeh comic. its so cute and sweet. that poor little pumpkin found someone to love it. awww <3

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 06:25 PM

Yes it is.

Username: Nephila

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 07:31 PM

Username: ghostPastry

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 07:34 PM

OMG I love that!

What a haul!


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 07:41 PM

Everyone's graphic is all so good. Ish shamed with MSPaint art.

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 11-01-2017, 07:48 PM

love it nephi. so simple, but gorgeous! :D

oh wow those brains o.o cute!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 01:12 AM

brainzzz brainzzz


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