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jellysundae is offline
Old 09-22-2013, 03:08 AM

You have both put your addresses in the mod forum, haven't you

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-22-2013, 05:18 PM

I....think so? Yes?

I just went and looked and I didn't see it, but I swore I wrote it in.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 09-22-2013, 11:52 PM

Ehhhh, maybe? Juru has it, if nothing else. PM me if you can't find it!

Rachaelxxoo is offline
Old 09-27-2013, 02:53 AM

I think it is fun to experiment and just fool around with makeup. I see it as an art. :) But for the pure purpose of beauty, I don't feel like it's necessary. I can go to school feeling beautiful as ever with just a little foundation and mascara. I actually hate the way eyeliner looks on me. I'm just like, "where's my eye, all I see is black," lol. I don't wear makeup enough to own many high end cosmetic products, but I would like to try some. :)

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-28-2013, 01:57 AM

Hah. There was a comic somewhere on the interwebs about eyeliner. Start off with a nice small line, make a mistake, try and fix it, next thing you know RACCOON EYES!!!

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jupiter is offline
Old 10-06-2013, 01:04 AM

I'm reading a lot of posts about how an individual used to wear makeup because they had low self-esteem, then 'toned it down' because they're embracing a 'natural beauty' and are more confident. It makes it sound as if everyone who opts to wear makeup is somehow hiding something or completely inferior and insecure.

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Sun is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 04:03 PM

I don't wear makeup. Even if i wanted too -and sometimes i have been tempted with eyeliner and lipstick - i wouldn't know how. I've got no females who use makeup in my family, and few female friends who would know either.

It makes me sad when i see people saying things like 'Oh i couldn't possibly go outside without X'. On a similar level i don't really understand the whole debate about those people who wear makeup on a regular basis being inferior to those exponents of 'natural beauty', because make up isn't natural, and some people who don't wear it aren't seen as conventionally beautiful, so why is it even being compared? Or even why it's a thing at all really, thinking about it now.

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I-Jojo is offline
Old 11-08-2013, 05:16 PM

I don't wear make up as much. But I would love to wear it. I would only use eye make up because I really don't need facial make up. But when I do wear make up I tend to forget that I have it one.... Then proceed to rub my face including my eyes. ... Make up all over my face.

cator93 is offline
Old 11-10-2013, 04:41 PM

I typically don't wear makeup daily and reserve it for special occasions. However, if I do wear makeup on a regular day, it's much more subtle.

BlackEggIceBird is offline
Old 11-15-2013, 11:18 PM

I loooooooove make up! Lip gloss for is a must! Pink lipstick is my favorite shade to put on thought. If I leave the house without make up. People will be asking if I'm sick. Because I look so pale without it

poetina is offline
Old 11-29-2013, 05:38 PM

I also have never learned to wear make up. I oddly no longer see the need. I figure not to clog my face because all that clogging reminds me too much of the teenage years. I thought the object of the teenage years is to avoid the face clogging. (Just my opinion though)

I found when make up is applied on me that I feel as if my face is weighed down. (Relatives tend to put make up on me when they want it on me. They use their products to put it on.)

I don't want my face not to breathe. I hear that there is some make up that's good for you and you don't feel anything. Either way for me I'd rather be natural.
(This is just my opinion on this particular matter please don't be upset about it.)

Last edited by poetina; 11-29-2013 at 05:42 PM..

Heey. ^___^ ~♪♫
RainbowMuffinage is offline
Old 01-07-2014, 05:03 PM

Speaking as someone who works on a make-up counter and therefore makes a living from selling people powder and lard for their faces, I'm pretty into makeup. I started playing around with it at a young age, and found that it was my niche. Whilst my teachers were failing me for most of my classes throughout high school, they would always end a lot of our conversations with "By the way Ruth, your eyes look so cool. How'd you blend it [eyeshadows] all together like that?" It was only when I finally got kicked out of sixth form that I stumbled across a job in Beauty. It sort of just fell into my lap.

Anyway, in my line of work, you do quite often encounter men and women looking to buy makeup for a variety of different reasons. I've had 11 year old girls approach me requesting a full face of makeup, closely followed by furious parents who (usually) stand arms-crossed and seething, waiting until I've spent a good hour applying a full face (as demanded by the child) before they drag the kid away kicking and screaming as it demands that they buy the entire counter. I've also had teenage girls with severe acne approach me, looking for something high-coverage to erase the redness, lumps, and puss. Unfortunately, I usually have to take the 'unreasonable adult' approach to these situations, by telling these types of customers that slathering themselves with pigmented products is only going to make things worse. I do try not to sound patronising when talking to younger clients, but it can sometimes be very difficult to end these conversations with the child/teenager truely believing that you're on their side. I wish someone had kept me away from foundation when I was younger, because now, my skin is a hot red blotchy oily mess.

However, there's some clients I have who use their makeup a lot more sparingly, and are a lot more sensible about it's application. There's one man who has very olive-toned skin, who regularly buys matte bronzing powder from our counter, and uses is at all-over face powder on nights out to hide his oily t-zone. I've had various older ladies come to me seeking a good fine line filler, and something to cover their under-eye circles. These older clients usually tend to be looking for a very natural look, just to emphasise the parts that they really like, and discretely hide the bits they're not so fond of.

I personally prefer a more natural look, but considering the natural state of my skin, what most people perceive to be a natural look for me is usually really at least an hour and a half's worth of work. No, I do not have low self-esteem. Yes, I feel perfectly comfortable not wearing makeup. I enjoy the routine of the application, and I get a real feeling of satisfaction when I finally add the finishing touches, look in the mirror, and remember that I am actually good at something.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-10-2014, 03:44 PM

When I was a little girl I used to like playing with fake makeup but then I grew out of that and real makeup just didn't interest me. Eventually in high school I started to use a little bit. Usually just a bit of concealer for imperfections and a bit of powder. I tried eyeshadow and blush but didn't really care for them. I followed pretty much the same routine in college as well.

It wasn't until recently that I really got into makeup stuff. I went to Sephora feeling really awkward but the employee there was great and really helped me find some great products. Now I wear a lightweight foundation/moisturizer, a bit of concealer for imperfections, and if I have time, blush, eyeshadow, and something on my lips. I still haven't really gotten into eyeliner/mascara though. I'm not very good at applying it and it's a real pain to remove.

I just signed up for Ipsy, a beauty product subscription, last month so I should start getting some interesting makeup samples to try. I'm starting to get more curious about the different types of products out there but buying the full size of something is just so expensive so it's great to be able to try different products for only $10 a month.

Lexadis is offline
Old 01-15-2014, 12:00 PM

I have never worn make up - well, unless you count the stage plays in nursery when teachers used to apply all sorts of stuff on your face ;D and I'm not planning on wearing it anytime soon either c: but I do apply summa/Kohl on my eyes at night before bed and remove it in the morning (not with the intention if looking pretty, it's told to be good in our religion). I'm not really very pretty, but I appreciate myself for what Iam and I'm not afraid to show my face without makeup, because in all honesty I personally don't care what others would think of me (which turns out to be a good thing at times and bad at times ;_; )

But I neither look down on people who do wear makeup - I guess it's a form of bringing out some people's self-esteem, for those whose is low. But other than that, I've never had any attention towards makeup ^_^

ceracun is offline
Old 02-20-2014, 11:39 PM

I LOVE make-up in only the sense of cherry red lipstick and rosey blush. Nothing more. That's my only style for such as I would want. It's beautiful.

Nugget is offline
Old 04-15-2014, 11:55 PM

Love makeup. I even put on a light dusting of powder and a coat of mascara before I work out xD
I have very light body hair, being a natural redhead, so my eyebrows and lashes don't exist and my skin is fair and prone to looking splotchy. I can go minimal no fuss but I just hate going out in public without it. I don't think I'm ugly (anymore) au naturel, but, y'know.

I started wearing makeup when I was probably 10 years old. I was very tomboyish all through elementary school, and my conservative parents indulged and encouraged me in whatever feminine inclinations I had. It started just eyeliner, then TONS of eyeliner, then in high school I started reading into tips and such and practiced more, got better..yeah. I've actually thought about cosmetology because I'm a very hands-on, crafty person and I crave a creative outlet. I work in a mall, I ought to talk to the makeup counter girls (or guys!) some day after my shift.

In all, on a daily basis, I wear mineral foundation, sometimes blush, brow powder, eye primer, eye shadow (neutral all-over and then a brown or gray in the crease), eyeliner, and mascara. When I'm feeling foxy, lipstick (in bright red [blue undertones!]).

I really need a new neutral shade eyeshadow palette that's non-sucky quality and doesn't have any GLITTER blargh

Last edited by Nugget; 04-16-2014 at 12:07 AM..

Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sic...
Uniplex is offline
Old 05-13-2014, 05:43 PM

I wear makeup.
Generally though it's just eyeliner. I don't feel like I absolutely have to have it though. Tbh I feel ugly with or without it. -_-
Okay so I went and thought about this a little more. Currently I have no makeup on- no eyeliner, mascara, foundation, etc. It seems like to me my makeup goes through 'seasons'- during the winter I want to wear it all the time and if I do not then I feel like an ugly troll, but now that it's turning summer I can get away with little or no makeup whatsoever. Its weird I know -_- But it doesn't matter, because no I can go play in the water and no runny makeup mess of destruction!

Last edited by Uniplex; 05-21-2014 at 03:09 PM..

The earth is singing; can't you ...
beathag is offline
Old 05-19-2014, 02:10 PM

I don't leave the house without my foundation, some concealer, and my eyebrows. I was born with very light and thin eyebrows. So my visible eyebrows I carry in a pencil. Viva la eyebrow pencils!

('•_•)/ hi.
Lokinta is offline
Old 05-20-2014, 08:03 AM

I was never taught how to use make-up. My mom didn't wear it, but I never felt like I was missing out on anything by not.
Didn't have acne as a teen, lucky me, so only ever used a tiny blended dot of concealer every now and then to cover the occasional red spot.

As soon as I hit age 25 though.. woo, I dunno what happened. I suspect it's my stress-linked nervous skin picking disorder / occupational dermatitis or some combination, but I developed what looks like (but isn't) acne. It's horribly embarrassing to be an adult with what most people see as a nasty hygiene / teenagers problem. Since this has developed I carry a little vial of L'oreal True Match with me everywhere. Though I only apply it when I'm having a terrible confidence day or need to make a decent adult impression. Probably about 3-4 days out of the week.

Face wash is the most important cosmetic item. Over all others, that's the one that young people need good education, exposure, and access to. Try any trendy or crazy look you want, but learn to take it off and clean your skin properly afterward.

Makeup to me is just the mask that I can use to hide the embarrassing redness. Full makeup is too bothersome to have to worry about removing, getting it on everything you wear or touch, and concern over whether it needs to be touched-up throughout the day. Rather just wear a freshly-washed face and a well-brushed smile.
If only it were enough... /sigh

Reading the above posts has been really insightful and helpful, by the way. Even though the thread started a while ago, I'm glad someone bumped it up. It's good to know that my not-wearing makeup probably isn't as offensive as I often think I'm being when I go without.

Xya is offline
Old 10-31-2014, 02:26 PM

I'm a Drag Performer so ALOT of Makeup for me is important.

Vinny XIII
Vinny XIII is offline
Old 11-08-2014, 01:59 AM

Its rare for me to wear make up, I sometimes where some on the holidays and certain events, like when I go to the "ladies tea" things with my mom for her church.
My oldest sister on the other hand refuses to leave the house without her make up. When I asked her why one day she just told me "You lucked out! With your skin you can go without make up."

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 11-11-2014, 04:34 AM

I have never worn make-up. Not even to prom. I just don't know how to apply it on my own face. Neither do any of my friends, for that matter. I mean, many people have tried to put make-up on me. But, we all ended up agreeing that I look better without it. I guess that's a good thing...? Heh. But, I do enjoy watching make-up videos on Youtube. I think make-up is a fun creative outlet.

I do have friends, however, who feel uncomfortable with leaving the house without make-up on. While I cannot personally related with this situation, I respect their need/desire to always have make-up on in public.

As an aside, I do sometimes put on nail polish for fun. I also frequently use lip balm because my lips tend to get dry, especially in the winter. Not sure if that is in the make-up category, but I guess it's on my face?

intangible is offline
Old 11-22-2014, 10:11 AM

I don't really like wearing make-up much. I look much better wearing it, but I'm always so
incredibly self-concious that it'll smear — or that it will rain — that I keep having to check
the mirror every other second. It's exhausting, so I just don't wear any.

Elkree is offline
Old 11-22-2014, 10:18 AM

If lip balm and liquid concealer are considered make up, then I do wear it. The only time I wear concealer is when I leave the house (which is almost never) and I need to cover up my acne scars. I love lip balm and I wear it almost every day because I love how smooth it leaves my lips and the taste of cherry is amazing.

Le Ice Queen of Pluto
SepiaEyes is offline
Old 11-26-2014, 09:16 PM

I wear light makeup to school, heavier makeup to church, concealer everywhere else unless it's family.


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