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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 10:48 AM

You tell me about you.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 10:49 AM

But why? I asked you first! D:

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 10:50 AM

I don't know that to tell about me, That's why.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 10:51 AM

Oh, fine. >.< Ask me something. Anything.

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:00 AM

Now, I don't know what to ask..


Yay! My avi is not naked now!

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:04 AM

*laughs* All right. My name is Leandra. I will be 20 years
old in precisely twelve days. My favorite color is red,
followed by yellow. I enjoy reading, drawing, and
roleplaying.. Volcanoes and vampires are huge
obsessions for me. I like to listen to music from other
countries, and learning about other cultures in terms
of food, traveling, mythology/folklore, language, etc.

Edit: Yay, your avi looks good! ^^

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:07 AM

Thanks! I love my mousey(:

My name is Trevor, Do call me Raven.
My favorite color is green.
I love to read. Roleplay. And dance and sing.
I am fourteen years old, But will be fifteen in Spetember, I am satrting high school in August, And I am scared to death.
I enjoy walking, Menewsha, writing, And my bed.
My favorite animal is the mouse.
My current obsessions are Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Lady Gaga, And being eco-friendly.


I also love confetti...


Also, My plan is to get 400 in gold and by the other two mice.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:11 AM

XD Ooh. That's interesting! High
school can be fun, just make sure you
don't hang out with the wrong people who
make you do idiotic things that could hurt you.
And trust me, college is sooo much better.
My favorite animal is the flamingo. >;D In second
place are bunny rabbits. Mice are cute, though!
And I also like my bed. Sleeping is nice... But
I am nocturnal so I stay up forever and sleep
in the daytime. Mwahaha!

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:13 AM

I am trying to get back to staying awake all day, For school. Can you believe second week of high school, I am being pulled out for a wedding? And it is half the state away!! I told them, "With my braces, this wedding, And my focus change, I'm never going to make any friends up there!!"

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:16 AM

Don't worry about it! Freshman year is kind of stupid, anyway.
For one, all the freshmen are retarded. For two, the friends
you make change around a lot. But by the end of the year you will
meet a couple of good people who likes stuff you do.
Unless you are socially challenged in every way, in which
case I can't help you. XD But I looked a lot nerdier than you
in those days, so if I made friends, so can you.

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:21 AM

Hey!! Don't call us freshmans retarded >_< our school freshman teacher that gets everything ready for the new freshman class every year, Said we was the smallest freshman group she has ever seen, Because everyone is moving out of the County, And going home schooled :( I will make no new people ):

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:24 AM

Someday, you, too will understand how underclassmen are. XD But it's okay, I still love you little childrens! *hugglesnuggle* It's just because I am old, like a dinosaur. You're pretty much a little over five years younger than me.

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:26 AM

Wow.. Well then!! I feel... Dumbstruck.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:33 AM

Why? Also, sorry for the delay. I got hungry. Because I am nocturnal, I start wanting food in the middle of the night/early morning. So I stuffed my face with potato chips, tortilla chips with chile powder on them, and a little of a left over tuna sandwich. XD I had to force myself to stop eating.

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:38 AM

:D that's quiete alright. Do you like Peter Pan?

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:40 AM

The movie? Yes. The book is good, too. I love all Disney movies, honestly. I love to sing Disney songs randomly to people and make them think I'm weird.

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:42 AM

OH NO! Dx I think I missed Gaga on The Today show!

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:52 AM

You may hate me for this...
But I don't like Lady Gaga. The end.
New topic?

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:56 AM

Hahaha, It is okay(:


Eeep! I only need about 250 gold(:

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:58 AM

Ooh, you are so close! Just keep talking,
talk, talk, talk! What is your favorite type of
food? <3

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 12:03 PM

I love chinese food, It is soo good, My favorite type would have to be Sushi!!!!!! Although it is orginally japanese...

Personally Mexican is not my favorite... Because, I find it... Discomforting... I love fast food.
Taco Bell
Burger King
<3 <3 <3

But, My all time favorite food, is,....... SUSHI!

I tried an oyster. It was raw. And nasty...

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 12:06 PM

Lmfao! XD I'm Mexican, so... I love Mexican food. But you're not in Arizona, like I am, so your Mexican food is probably shit. Ours is amazing because we live an hour and a half from the border.

My favorite food would be Italian, closely followed by Mexican and Lebanese. But I also really love Greek, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, and Korean food. I like pretty much everything, to be honest, including sushi.

I am mostly vegetarian, but I enjoy seafood now and then.

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 12:15 PM

I love reading.

It a strong passion of mine. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I love walking up the road, I live in the middle of the woods. So I can dance all the way up the road, And have my own style and not worry about being made fun or watched. I get pretty crazy. Me and my brother share a room, Lately he has been annoying and starting fights. I don't like to fight. I like to just sit there and have a nice convo.

If I could control anything, It would be air. or mouseys. The reason mice are my favorite animals is because my house is located in the middle of no where, And mice make little nesties here, I hate rats though. But back to mouseys. The reason I love them is because I am not afraid of them anymore. There is one mousey on my back porch. It lets me pet it. And hold it. One time it fell asleep in my hand. It is very tiny. I have to instantly go in and watch my hands, reallllyyyy good I do add. Because Mouseys evil rat parents carry deaseses and pass them on to my baby mouseys ):

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 12:23 PM

Well, we have something in common! I live in the middle of nowhere, too.
But I live in the middle of the desert, near mountains, and there are lots
of cacti everywhere. It's 108-115 degrees everyday in the summer. We
get lots of animals to the point I am no longer scared of them, including
creepy crawlies. I am a super tomboy because I no longer afraid of:
spiders, wasps, bees, scorpions, snakes, ants, cockroaches, lizards, crickets...
Nothing, really. XD It's all normal for me. Mice we get, too. Little tiny ones called
kangaroo rats that hop across the road. And regular mice.
I love Arizona because it is pretty. It has 193 mountain ranges and the Grand
Canyon, aside from other cool geologic formations. I am so used to mountains
(my city is surrounded by 5 ranges on every side), that I cannot live somewhere
without them without being completely miserable.

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thedarkraven is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 12:29 PM

I live in Appalaction Mountains (Really Realllyyyy Misspelled) Lol, It is pretty sweet here. I love to lay out in the middle of my yard and day dream. We live on a bluff. So snakes are heavily populated here. My poor micies get eaten alot... :( Tis sad. Snakes are soo scary!! I could never live in the desert for that reason!! They are just evil horrible little monsters... I also have tons of plants around my house. I hate watering them.... It takes hours. But it's all good.

Kangaroo mouseyys!? I want one!!!!!!!!!!! I only have regular mouseys here!!


I think this picture is just so adorable!! Zoom Zoom Mr.Squeakers!!


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