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pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 04-28-2010, 02:12 AM

>w< <333333 You're spoiling me with awesomeness, Miroro!

XD Well, he was the hero of the series, after all!
I kept waiting for him to actually follow through with his threat and kill Relena though. D:
Ah~ Another reason to be annoyed with the dubbed of Gundam Wing.
They changed "I will kill you" to "I will destroy you." Why?! D: T__T

Yes! She does! Hahahahahaha! >D
She totally deserved it too for manipulating Kira the way she did. >__>
All she wanted was for him to fight and get himself killed because she's psycho and evil like that.
And Kira was too blind to see it! T__T Why were you so dumb, Kira? orz

Yes! They took out the blood! Why the censoring? Why?! orz Dubs are dumb.

Why does everyone say that? Just because they're another forum with avatars?
That's no reason to say they're an off site of Gaia or copy Gaia.
They're avatars look better than Gaia's. >__>
-hates the short pudgy, neckless, weird feet avatars that Gaia has-
My problem would be: if I don't have a thread to hang out in, I won't be able to post everyday. =(
-laughs- I keep meaning to set up an art request thread on Solia.
But the only good artist I know on their is Lina.
Navi used to be there, but she seems to have vanished from the internet. D:

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 04-30-2010, 03:51 AM

lulll I spoil everyoneeee when I can! :XP

True but he was the hottest one, too. > _____________ >;
He couldn't, though. He "fell" for her if you want to put it that way. I woulda killed her. xDD

Err . . . I think it has to do with the Kanji getting misplaced or something because somethings don't translate the same way like their supposed to. I've saw the same thing happen in a lot of subbed anime series. *-*

His colony was blown apart wasn't it? Maybe its because he was mentally diranged from the beginning? Even his relationship with his best friend wasn't so good either. It was just as psychotic. ~

Ah, I think its because all the Pixel Artists migrate off of one site to the other and their tones/items/ideas are all the same. I mean, yeah of course the styles and shapes are different but they are the same. That, plus, when Menewsha and Gaia started all out, you couldn't even earn gold the easy way through games--you have to post and post. D:

There could be other reasons but those are my main ones that I summed up ~

Soliaaaa? My accounts rotting on there too. LOL *///shameee
I tried to talk on there in the poke-hangout where they were trading friend codes but I gave up on it. /=

Lina . . . that sneaky little devil needs to start doing more art again! :illgetu:
Navi was on there? Ohmaiz. --The way I see it right now, unless Menewsha does a huge upgrade, we're not going to see active artists like before. xD

I finished 2 of Haddy's Ocs!
Hurrah Hurrah!

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 04-30-2010, 04:34 AM

Yay spoiling people~ 8D

Hm, I don't see them being together in the future. >__>
-hates Relena and refuses to believe that Heero would end up with her-

Well, yeah. XD;;; Though he kind of had a hand in it, since he was fighting the other Gundams while still inside the colony and they ended up destroying it. D:
They ended up on the same side in the end though! Only to be on different sides in the next season. orz And they have to go through getting on the same side all over again. And there was an evil Lacus clone. x__x She was highly annoying.

I don't mind posting for gold. Chatting with people is fun. It's finding a place to hang out and chat that's the main problem. >__<

Yeah, Navi was Solia for a while. I managed to snag a slot once or twice from here on there. But then she disappeared. =(

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 04-30-2010, 04:50 AM

<3 <3

LOL Hatin' on Relena, eh eh? xPP!
That's okay. . I wouldn't want'em to end up together, either.

It kind of reminds of Chrono Crusade. :cry:
I cried on the ending of that series! I didn't want Rosette and Chrono to die like that. =/
I mean, the only thing they've done really was kiss and hold each other. . . no nanookieness happened! XDDD

True but it wouldn't have happened if they didn't have the mobile suits there. D:
They do? After all that "I'm going to rape you with my mobile gundam and kill you!" testosterone battle, they finally end up on the same side at the end? I always assumed that his best friend would die. lmao ;> . >

'Cause that's how it is on other shows. The best friends turn evil . . and then they don't realize what they've done or learn to forget until the very end. It's kinda like they finally hit Euphoria in some odd morbid way.

I stopped watching it after they landed on that Island where they agreed not to fight each other while a girl? Or some girls with with them, deserted.--That's why I didn't know the outcome. ~

Of course its fun to chat with friends! That's the not problem, its not knowing anyone to strike up a conversation. xD; I lack in that department.

She disappeared after you requested? You never got your artsies? o . o;

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 05-01-2010, 03:03 PM

She's just so annoying. orz
Actually, most of the females in Gundam Wing were pretty annoying. XD
Dorothy was just plain crazy, but I think Relena still took the cake on annoying.

I can't even remember the end of Chrono Crusade! D:
Though the anime was probably different from the manga.
Because the anime rarely stays true to the manga. >__<

Haha, that's true. Though that colony was supposed to be neutral. The earth army people still managed to make the Gundams and the Archangel in secret.
Yup, they do. Athrun almost killed Kira. After the whole thing where Kira killed Nikkoru then Athrun killed Tohru, so they try to kill each other. And how do so many people end up surviving their Gundam being completely destroyed?

Ooo~ You mean when Athrun and Cagalli end up on the deserted island together?

I still don't get how Yzak's scar disappears from Seed to Destiny. XD;;; Even though Destiny is set two years later. It was a scar across his face. But in Destiny it had vanished.

Yeah. D: I can never find anyone to strike up a conversation with. orz

No, no. XD I got my artsies. She disappeared a while after that.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 05-01-2010, 07:10 PM

@Miro: I'm loving the two you've done so far~ > w< <333

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-01-2010, 09:48 PM

@ Mei mei; That's true too . . .
they need to stop adding in annoying female characters. > # <;; Maybe then we'll be satisfied? LOL

Yeah. . . but it went well!
I mean, I wish there was WAAAAYYYY more romance or something kinky.

Chrono Crusade ended where Rosette and Chrono took off in the country for the last 6 months they had left to live and they both died together on the swing set outside of the cabin. After they fell into a deep death sleep, everyone finally found where they disappeared to and it was too late since they died just before they got there. @ _ @;

Yush ~ its a typical facade! xDD;
I don't think there is such a thing as neutrality in situations like that, its impossible.

Bah. The whole thing with Athrun and Kira is just as bad as Code Geass.

Yes Athrun and Cagalli, I think? > _______ >

Maybe they wanted to make'em more appealing? Like he's some magical healing machine? lulll

Good good! 'Cause that'd totally suck if it were the other way around. :gonk:

@ Haddy; Woohaww! <3

I kinda got frustrated at first with the dreadlocks because I made them look like a short perm . . .
so, I got mad and outlined it with dark gray and worked! XD

I finally got another of Razes Ocs done as well ~ <3 Siezelle's so adorableeee!

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 05-03-2010, 04:50 AM

I know! T__T There are so many female characters in anime/manga that really annoying me. orz

Eh!? D: Why did they only have six months to live!?
And that sounds so so sad!

Haha, true.
Relena's whole talk of total pacifism was kind of annoying. x__x
If you completely disarm your country, you leave it open to invasion.
Which is why her family's kingdom was destroyed in the first place.
In Seed, Cagalli's country Orb tried to remain neutral, but they weren't stupid enough not to have their own line of defense.
And they stood their ground on not joining a side in the war and giving their army to aid that side.
That, of course, causes problems in itself. >__> Because the two sides have that whole "if you don't ally with us, we'll believe you ally with them and make you our enemy" mentality.

Code Geass? XD;;; What's that?

Who knows? The Coordinators were supposed to be all superior and stuff to the Naturals.
But I think he should have kept the scar.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-03-2010, 06:47 AM

Especially if they have those HIGH frequency screechy voices to boot!
My ears just want to bleed sometimes when they have the wrong voices with the characters. ; a ;!

... Oh drat! xD;;
It was something about Chrono using his Full demon powers that sucked the life out of Rosette. It had everything to do with a demon contract that she made with him a long time ago when her brother disappeared and she demanded that he help her get'em back. <- That's why she ended up only having 6 months left to live. Chrono had to keep saving her in disasterous situations and when he had to go save her back from Aion after he activated "Mary" within her since she's her descendant. And received all that stigmata shabang ~

Yeah . . . but thats the thing if you arm your country and you're supposedly neutral then the other countries still see that as a threat. And that's true, other countries will force you into the War if you like it or not. Ally or Foe--there's not much option to choose from. /=


Code Geass Summary, etc <- You can read the short description there on Anime News Network. :3
I have to say . . . you won't really like the outcome in it. After the main character obtains that weirdo eye power, he's like an insane person that needs to be put in a straight jacket.

I mean, he eventually learns what he's doing is wrong and doesn't want to hurt certain people that he does care about or needs to keep in the future to use. Just like every moron that plays that part but of course, he can't control the stupid power he obtained to murder the soldiers with. And his best friend tries to stop him because he ends up just masacaring people without any vindication. o.o;

eh, eh? Once you get used to seeing somebody with a certain physical appearance, I think it is best to keep it that way. xDD Otherwise its like taken away someones identity. They prolly just dismissed it in the creation of it. @ _ @;

Last edited by M i r o; 05-03-2010 at 06:51 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 05-03-2010, 07:05 AM

...Did I hear Code Geass? Oh man, oh man I love that show! Especially Lelouch of the Rebellion. :D <3

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-03-2010, 07:45 AM

Yush ~ . ~
lol I only like that Lelouch and Suzaku have strong bonds at first and they're cute. But after that its just blah . . .

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 05-03-2010, 10:58 PM

Reference Links:Katima Hitake
Text Decriptions?: She has long white hair that is in a braid or in pigtails...sometimes with just a ponytail. One eye is ice blue while the other is Oboto's other eye. She always has her face covered but she wears almost anything that is red,black, purple, or rainbow.

[[If you wont do it then that's fine =3]]

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-04-2010, 03:13 AM

Hm hm? If you request it, I do it ~ :XP
I'm taking my time on Haddy's Dragon OC--that's why there hasn't been another OC done yet.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 05-04-2010, 04:07 AM

My request has been can take your time =3

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 05-04-2010, 04:12 PM

That's always the worst. DX Too many female characters have that really annoying, high pitched screech going on.

Oh? O: That, I believe, was totally not in the anime. XD;;;; Man, the anime of things always leaves out important stuff, or just completely screws over what actually happens. Only long running manga with a large fanbase really get an anime that stays relatively close to the plot line, but even then, they get bogged down with retarded filler episodes.

I have not kept up with the latest anime that's out there. D: I stick mostly to manga.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 05-05-2010, 03:15 PM

Awww ok....I have this fox character....but he is a I didn't think you would do him ^^;

The Bunny Prince
The Bunny Prince is offline
Old 05-06-2010, 05:11 AM

I love your art <3.

Last edited by The Bunny Prince; 05-06-2010 at 05:18 AM..

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-06-2010, 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by meilin View Post
That's always the worst. DX Too many female characters have that really annoying, high pitched screech going on.

Oh? O: That, I believe, was totally not in the anime. XD;;;; Man, the anime of things always leaves out important stuff, or just completely screws over what actually happens. Only long running manga with a large fanbase really get an anime that stays relatively close to the plot line, but even then, they get bogged down with retarded filler episodes.

I have not kept up with the latest anime that's out there. D: I stick mostly to manga.
And they even have the nerve to do the same with male characters... ; a ;

Oi ~ you mean manga? XP
Yeah, its like like RL movies. No one ever goes by the books anymore. Half of them are too stingy to use so much of their funds and things just epically fail with no remorse. lulllz

Filler episodes are ANNOYING! I don't care about filler episodes, I don't! They should just have already put in the information, scenes, occurances, whats going to happen and all that shabang within the episodes itself and then be SATISFIED. > # <; I'm even more peeffed when they make useless specials where the characters are OiChibis or something or other and it has nothing to do with the show itself at all. o _ o;

Pfffft ~ Well, have you watched Generator Rex yet? It's really good. It's better than Ben 10 and Ben 10 Alien Force. 8<! I want more episodes already . . . even though it just came out. LOL

@ DeadAngel; A Kitsune? Is the Kitsune more like Naruto, human with furry features? Or is it all-around furry?
'Cause I can do it, there just has to be definitive imagery to what he looks like. xD

@ Bunny Prince; Thank chu~! <3 <3

Skullushka is offline
Old 05-06-2010, 03:39 PM

Miro, how do you feel about doing two pixels? Like two people holding hands? One of the characters I wanted to request from you is bi-polar, and I wanted to know if you could somehow do that before requesting.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 05-06-2010, 06:44 PM

m i r o It's more of white hair with white ears and three white fox tails... He wears black only...sometimes red....Purple only on jewelry...he loves chains ^^

Dystopia is offline
Old 05-07-2010, 03:09 AM

D8 So my clanmates suck and keep changing their mains. Not that I can complain... I changed my main too. XD

So I'm planning to wait until a few of them settle down so I can post their stupid refs. xD

Until then... ;3; Gonna beg moar freebiez off joo.

And do you have an MSN? I'm rarely on Mene anymore, so forums is a terrible way to keep in contact with me. =3=;; Puuu!


Text Descriptions:

Name: Annapii
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Soul Taker
  • Please keep the red glow on her weapon.
  • She is in the clan Hidden Mist. If possible, it would be nice to have " ≈ Annapii of Hidden Mist ≈ " somewhere, if you feel like throwing it in at the end.
Reference Links:

Front Detail:
Back Detail:
Angled Detail:


M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 05-07-2010, 03:29 AM

@ Haddy; I'm ALMOST Finished with your Dragon* Oc ~
I wanted to know is that the right color of purple white you were thinking of?
@ Skully; Holding hands? I'd feel . . . ESTATIC! xDD <3 <3
I mentioned in the FAQ that I'd do couples~!

But what kind of holding hands? Close together that one overlaps the others head?
OR this?
I could also have them facing away from each other holding hands too, if you want.

@ DeadAngel; For the most part, I'll do your Naruto female OC first.
Do you have a thread where your Ocs are for doodle references n' other?

If not, then I'll try to go step-by-step on the Kitsune you're wanting done. And you'll have to guide me from there. :3

@ Anna; roflz! xD Of course I have MSN ~ I just don't use it-ish. > _ >;
Rawr, Sushi, and 'em are on there. I thought I had you on there before? My contacts list likes to go wonky on me.

Do you like taking souls lately, misseh!? DD:
lullz I'll add j00 in ~ <3

Last edited by M i r o; 05-07-2010 at 03:33 AM..

Dystopia is offline
Old 05-07-2010, 03:49 AM

@ Miro - ;3; Aww. What do you use?
xD Ironic thing is, I used to take souls on my Soul Hound. It was there under her buff bar, her soul count!

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 05-07-2010, 05:29 PM

M i r o Sadly one has drawn them for me yet...I used a naruto maker for her ^^; you will be the first!

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 05-07-2010, 05:40 PM

Male characters with high pitched, ear bleeding voices!? D: Noooooo!

I mean manga?
Or how about American film companies turning a manga/anime series into a live action movie? -stares at that Dragonball: Evolution- So much wrong in it.
I fear what Shamalamadingdong is going to do to Avatar: The Last Airbender, but I still want to go see it. Even though they pretty much made everyone in it white. -__-;;

Filler episodes should be burned. D< I mean, they can be tolerated every once in a while. But, like, Naruto had almost half a season with nothing but fillers! That's when I gave up on that anime. And Bleach had a whole filler arc. Though I must admit, I watched clips from that just to see Hanatarou and Ganju who get no love in the manga. T__T Last we saw of Hanatarou, he had a huge slice across his chest! D: I must know if he's okay, but the mangaka isn't showing him. He's too focused on stupid Ichigo and that freaking godmodder Aizen (please get rid of him soon!). I want my Hana back! T__T

I've caught the few episodes that have been on? Since my dad happened to be out of town when it first started airing. XD;;; It's a nifty concept. Though why the talking monkey sidekick? XD;;; I hope it doesn't turn out that Rex is that dude's son though. Or in some relation to him. D:
Well, Ben can be really annoying with his big headedness. That's why he needs Gwen and Kevin to pound some sense back into him. But I do hate Julie. I liked that they didn't stay the same age throughout. He was 10 in the first, then 15. Why didn't they age him again for the new series? I like it when the characters actually age. >__>


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