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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-26-2008, 01:44 PM

My bad -- that should have said "I shouldn't have to tell him..." XD;
Yeah... you're most likely right.. unfortunately ;.;
Guys can be so weird sometimes...

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 10:38 AM

Hehe, don't worry, I figured.

Tha, sadly, is very true. XD They're a different race. XD

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 07:35 PM

Haha -- 'kay <3

It definitely seems that way~
I'm sure once he calls tonight everything will be okay though :3
Apparently he has a few stories to tell me xD

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 07:38 PM

Sounds like fun. Do you call eachother in turn?

And it's bound to be "back to normal", now. Probably just a temporary quirk.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 07:41 PM

For the most part :3
Though lately I've called a couple more times than he has simply because I've been kinda worried about him --- he doesn't seem to be getting any better and he's had this bad cold for over a week now and he refuses to go to the doctor~
But he seems to be getting better now :3

Most likey :3

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 07:52 PM

Wow, sounds pretty bad. Good thing he's feeling a bit better now.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 08:37 PM

Yeah, his coughing sounds kinda bad over the phone -- however, it may just sound worse due to the connection and such~
I just hope he gets over it soon -- it's really no fun being sick all the time~
-knows from experience... was sick for around 6 - 9 months due to the skating season giving me one cold after another, one sinus infection after another, and the cold making my reflux action act up even more- ;.;

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 08:45 PM

Know what it's like, too. I was ill from September to... -thinks- June, or something, two years ago. O.o" Really no fun.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 08:46 PM

;.; -luffles teh ReiRei-
That's almost a year!
That's horrible ;.;
Any clue what caused it?

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 08:56 PM

Well, I have been in contact with glandular fever (aka kissing disease XD) a couple of times, but it turned out that I had it during exam time (meaning June) before the August I really started feeling sick, but I just figured the exhaustion came from the exams. So while I was already suffering from those and taking vitamins and such, later it turned out I had gallstones, too. So while tired, I also got sick on a regular basis.

I got three crisises, the last one they injected my medication right into my bloodstream, and then got my operation in Januari or Februari, or so. I had to stay at home for about two months after that, but it took me a long time to get rid of my exhaustion.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:01 PM

Glandular Fever aka Kissing Disease -- never heard that before~

Gallstones sounds horrible!
-has no clue what it is, but it sounds kinda like Kidneystones-

Ish teh Yukie-chan better now?

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:11 PM

Yup. I have nifty scars on my stomach that look like gunshot wounds. ^-^V YAY!

And it is like kidneystones, but just in the gall bladder. Another name for glandular fever is mono, I think.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:14 PM

In a way.. that sounds kinda cool o_O;

I figured as much :3
Lmao -- I've always heard it as Mono -- the Glandular Fever sounds so much more hillarious though xD

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:19 PM

I'm going to tell people about "that time I got shot when trying to protect a stack of manga". It's so plausible. XD

For real? lol XD Crazy Emmy!

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:21 PM

It's....... -deep announcer voice-

I can't help it --- I've never heard it before - and every time I think it or say it I just burst out laughing -- it's hillarious xD

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:24 PM

...Oh dear god... I really must draw that. O.o With a fancy pose, a long staff, a dark-red skirt with a green bow... I can just see it now. XD

You're so mean. ;-; I couldn't climb the Eiffel tower because of it. THE EIFFEL TOWER! xD I'm going to take out the dogs for a while, so I'll be MIA for a couple of minutes.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:29 PM

:ninja: and you should include Emmie as teh pretty announcer dude with a headset/mic thingy and a clipboard! :ninja:

I sowwy -- You could have used teh elevator though :3

M'kay ^.^

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:35 PM

Right. XD

We weren't allowed to use the elevator. It was a school trip, and there were students of the Sarbonne protesting, so they locked up most of the elevators.

^-^ <3

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:36 PM

That's so unfair!
They should have understood..
Stupid French meanies...

Well, if I go to Paris I'll take you with me and we'll climb the Eiffel Tower together! :3

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:38 PM

Hehe, no French meanies. Cool college kids and stupid Belgian teachers. ^,~

Sounds like a plan! It's only a 6 hour ride from here, anyway.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 09:43 PM

Lmao -- how could the teachers lock up the elevators?

Lucky -- it's like, an ocean and then some away from me xD

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 10:00 PM

They told me not to take the stairs, because we had "a long day ahead of us". Otherwise I totally would've taken the stairs.

-blows a raspberry-

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 10:02 PM

That's so not fair~
And let me guess -- you really didn't have that long of a day ahead of you?

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 10:10 PM

Well, we did do lot's of walking and the like, but I could manage.

(Nah, I'm lying. It was without a doubt the most intensive day we had, and I was exhausted)

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2008, 10:13 PM

Oh jeeze -- Well, if there was a lot of walking the rest of the day then I would have wanted you to go up the 3000+ stairs to the top~

But when we go, we're counting the stairs :3


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