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Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-14-2015, 08:33 PM

Thank you for hint, hummy! I shall try it. Have lemon juice in fridge.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 04-14-2015, 08:36 PM

and i also thing my nonni used cinnamon
but it's a bit messy and both smell good

💕Deliciously Sweet & Bis...
Bishalisious is offline
Old 04-14-2015, 08:42 PM

I read about the "free range" kids thingy. Apparently like in years back when the world was ALOT safer & u literally could let ur kids out to play all over the neighborhood. These parents want to adopt that same lifestyle but in todays times. Which ppl look at as the parents allowing their kids to be unsupervised which kinda puts a bug in CPS's ass

Last edited by Bishalisious; 04-14-2015 at 08:46 PM..

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 04-14-2015, 09:59 PM

I love me some chocolate pudding. I has this most excellent cheesecake/strawberry dessert the other day from a truck stop of all places. Guess where I am always going to stop when passing through Tonapah, Arizona?
The TA there also has excellent subs. What a find!

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-15-2015, 02:49 PM

Was ok. Lil suspenseful while they tried to figure who took the lil girl. I wont spoil ending, but it was a happy one. Think im going back to, the boxcar children. Ive read about 8. Theres maybe 20. Want to savor them.

Well, its humpty dumptys favorite day. Im hitting new chinese restaurant. It keeps changing owners. Will have to google so i know where to park. There arent really authentic chinese places here. They dont even put out chopsticks. I have to bring my own. And authentic should have the red dragon decor and chinese music. Celine dion and whitney huston are great, but not in chinese place. Ill have to google the menu too.

Also read that food safety gradings will be coming next year. To see if your restaurant has passed health inspection. Some cities, like l.a. i believe, have had it forever.

Well, my hamster wheel has started to turn. Got to hit the day. Have a good one!

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-16-2015, 10:20 PM

We built this city! We built this city on pop sic les! Still on the kick.

Paid a dental bill. Left em on website saying please charge credit card and send me a receipt. I so dislike talking on phones. The rush, the phoney chitchat. Hope they received em tho. You cant tell when you use their website.

When i looked up dentists website, got distracted by this other entry that had his name. He had gotten married last year, the sly dog! Naturally i had to stop and take a gander over the site. He married a good Catholic girl. Many pics abound. Them hiking, fancy dress, europe, restaurants. Hes uncomfortably attractive, albeit short. He was replacement for dentist who retired. I dont like him. He and i dont mesh. My mom liked him. He played up to her, by giving her a free bottled water. I need more than bottled water to get my jollies. Jots down reminder. Yelp up a stand by dentist. Funny to see the guy in different clothes. Id only seen him in the elbow length smock.

And now i must return to the infernal...i mean eternal desky.

---------- Post added 04-16-2015 at 05:50 PM ----------

Got a lil desky done. Darn mail constantly piling up. I put clothes pin on incoming mail, then stack them. Try to keep up.

Just had berry pie a la mode. Pie with seeds. Shall we speak of seeds? Why? Why have seeds? You cant chew them. They dont dissolve. They get into cracks and crevices of your teeth. #Hits forehead #coulda had an apple pie

So now im sleepy. Did lil vacuuming. Sucked up a bobby pin. Will get it next time i dump contents.

Forgot i hit that chinese restaurant yesterday. Wait a minute. I mightve already smogged about it. I wrote a yelp review and gave them 4 pink stars.

Just did a local town ballot vote.

Neighborhood site had lively discussion about lack of driving courtesy in our fair town. I agree. Impatience reigns supreme.

Think ill sit at desky then hit hay. Its 6:19 p.m. #and your query is

Look after the world for me!

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 02:07 AM

Mission impossible 3 is on. Trying to hold tablet up so i dont see all the quick action. Got rotten headache. Been kind of sick this week. #Bleh. Its heating up here. Think ill crawl off and get something to drink.

^. ^
firefly0 is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 07:06 AM

Originally Posted by Dazzlingdreamberry View Post
Mission impossible 3 is on. Trying to hold tablet up so i dont see all the quick action. Got rotten headache. Been kind of sick this week. #Bleh. Its heating up here. Think ill crawl off and get something to drink.
Just be happy it's only a headache. For me it started out Monday with headache then went to swelling up an then more an then some more then I went to doc, got me a severe sinus infection that has went into my top teeth. So I'm on antibiotics now. Can't eat anything except chicken noodle soup and pudding. My face is so swollen that it looks like someone used it like punching bag. I told hubby that I refuse to anywhere in public looking like this.. Don't want anyone talking.. U no how small towns are. Lol I just can't wait till I can eat REAL food again. This antibiotic has got to get on the ball! But seriously if ur head been hurting that long, it might be sinus's. Try some Tylenol sinus. It might work.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 09:50 AM

Hey, Dazzy!
I hope that this weekend finds you feeling much better!
Have ya been drinking your electrolytes?....sometimes water isn't enough and ya need to replace important salts and minerals....especially if ya sweat much.
I am feeling much better than I did! ...and I think that Hope is feeling much better cuz she was just so sweet! me unexpected hugs and even being nice to Sarah!
Its hard to tell how Sarah feels....but she hasn't urped, still...and she took a day off from pooping, so maybe we will all be well for my birthday on the 20th! its a big deal or anything! Not!
We still have no legal means of transportation of our own, so even the idea of doing something special is kinda out of the question...
Plus Turtles caught my virus and prolly has infected her sister's family by now....doubt anybody will be up for cake and ice cream after the Hershey squirts and heavy heaving! Lol!
We got nearly two feet of snow in two days!...maybe our mountains won't burn up this summer, after all!
You sure ya don't wanna move to where water is more available? ....I worry about you drying up and blowing away! Lol!
Have you considered buying stock in the popsicle company? ...they say to invest in what ya use! Lol!
I should OWN Dr.Pepper by now! Lmao!
So....maybe ya should take a slow day....turn on a good movie...and hem those pants!
Ya really will feel good when its all done and out of the way....pants back to Bro and no longer contributing to the....uh....chaos!
I always feel a surge of positive energy when I finally finish something I have procrastinated making phone calls! I too, hate phone calls to people about bills and important stuff!....half the time I can't hear em, and most of the time they act like you are annoying them when you are only trying to ask a simple question!
What ever became of "Customer Service?"
So....anyways! .....Enjoy your weekend! &

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 03:14 PM

Just used Dial soap. It has a unique fragrance. Cant put my finger on it. Maybe it was named Dial because that was how you used to make phone calls. In 2015, however, may i introduce you to Input? Input. Arent you glad you use it? Dont you wish everyone did?

Went to bed with headache. Awake with itchy eyes. And my eyes were closed all night. Im definitely allergic to something. Paranoia thought. What if im allergic to myself? There are those autoimmune illnesses. Maybe myself is sick and tired of my pink schtick and is telling me to take a hike.

Speaking of hikes, my fair city is contemplating buying a parcel of land around 25 acres. Its wilderness spot. Otherwise it could be bought and 100 houses put up.

---------- Post added 04-18-2015 at 10:45 AM ----------

Still hanging out at my clubhouse. Had to take 2 spoons of the pink stuff. #Hurray, its pink. Reminds me. I had these opaque, pink tights once. Waiting at bus stop. Dad drives by and says, pepto bismal. #What an abysmal joke

Started a new book. Thriller, sci fi. Mayhaps even a budding romance.

Think ill go vacuum. #Lets go out to the vac room. Lets go out to the vac room

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-19-2015, 02:03 AM

So, i did vac some. Read some. Took nap. Dipped. Now will detangle hair in alley. See how the weather was. Some hallmark movie on. Im wearing my new earring. A girls tiny heart leverback. I like the tiny size. You can sleep, flea dip in it. I do love pierced ears. Heads still off. Drinking coke. Maybe its the low water pressure zone. My writing is short and choppy.

---------- Post added 04-18-2015 at 07:41 PM ----------

Getting lil chilly out. It is almost 8 p.m. smelled fireplace burning. Bird twittering. Scurried back into the warm house with fan going.

You know what the latest beauty hint/trend is in womens mags? Washing your hair less often! I was agog. That means my mouth formed a perfect O, with a frog halfway in. #Like in, the parent trap 2 movie

It was a beauty given that day old or two hair made for better styling. Then this new trend, blowouts started. Something about blowing out hair into puffy style. Naturally you dont want to wash it out the next day.

But, its spreading. Some women have hair types that actually thrive on less washing. Amd they have these dry shampoo sprays.

But i still wash mine every day. I like the feeling.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 04-19-2015, 07:56 AM

When I was little, I lived with my very frugal grandparents, and a bath was only required once or twice a week....though I would wash up at the sink each morning...running a wet rag over the important places...
My grandfather, however, only bathed about once a month....and used Oxydol laundry detergent for bubble bath!
No lie!
Where I live, now, we are on well water...and our shower is broken...and if I sit in the tub of water too often, I find that my skin gets dry and itchy.
I don't go out often and we rarely get visitors, so it doesn't matter much if my hair is clean or not! Lol!
I also find that my hair flies into my eyes and mouth when its newly clean....I don't know how many times I have threatened to shave my head cuz my hair aggravates me! Lol!
I hope you are feeling more up to par!
Happy Sunday! &

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-20-2015, 03:20 AM

I had done a morning blog and it disappeared into the ether. #Bleh. Wash took 4 hours. Was supposed to cook up the asparagus i got, but just couldnt. Thats the problem with fresh veg. They wait for no ma'am.

Im uncharacteristically out of sorts. But ive had stomach aches, allergies up the yin yang. Thank goodness, taxes are done. Thats the pink lining.

Straightened up two closet shelves. Putting away long leggings. Got to hand wash my scarves.

Been reading the sci fi book. Its good.

Izzy, i know what you mean about the fly away hairs. They get behind my glasses. I fantasize gettng a punk cut like pink! How easy to then just sculpt some high hair.

---------- Post added 04-19-2015 at 08:23 PM ----------

Izzy, did you see article about a girl thats allergic to water? Its bizarre. She has to take 2 short cold showers a week.

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-20-2015, 03:55 PM

Hullo. Slow monday morn. My hot joe feels good. Im slouched back on the couch and im balancing it on a pot holder. I like to eat on myself. And read at the same time. I used to make this hot grits concoction in a small pan. Id bring pan back to couch and set it on potholder on my chest as i read. Once potholder slipped and i felt pan. #Bad, hot pan. Can you imagine explaining that burn to a doc? #50Shades of betty crocker

Its overcast cause mother nature is yanking our chain. Reports are saying, chance of rain. #More like fat chance #this Is Dry Gulch California, after all

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-21-2015, 12:42 AM

Im stuffed. Ate too much pie and ice cream. I actually threw the last piece of pie in the ice cream carton. Wasnt much ice cream left. #But more than i thought

Today had sugar donut. #Yum. Cooked up the strange thin asparagus. Ok, but the regular one is tastier.

Tense movie on. Traitor with reese? Making me tense just listening. Its the music. And yelling.

Amazingly got some desky done. Need copy of car registration paper. Got bank statements up to date.

Decided to stop getting popsicles and choc pudding. But the popsicles were on sale.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 04-21-2015, 02:00 AM

No, Dazzy...I hadn't heard about the girl allergic to water...but I'll be googling that story up when I get an extra minute.
I like odd stories like that.
I am curious at to what you put in those grits....was it sweet or savory?
Though I think that its best that ya reduce the amount of popsicles and pudding ya buy, I am wondering what will take their place to satisfy your sweet tooth! Lol!
I hope ya have a pleasant night! [hugs] &

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-21-2015, 02:08 AM

Glad you asked, izzy! I called it my, magic meal. I use a small flat pan. #The one that burned me. I would boil water, chili powder, butter, garlic salt. Add the grits. Meanwhile open chili beans can. Put 1/4 cup or more in pan. Stir merrily. Devour!

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-21-2015, 02:58 PM

Well, kind of. Its overcast. Dont think itll rain. Speaking of rain, i was reading article saying the 3 main growing areas in Dustafornia are in trouble. #No kidding, einstein. They cant water themselves. And Dustafornia is #1producer of veg and fruits. He was saying it should be shifted over to middle of country. Better chance of rain. I thought we were already outsourcing to other countries for food.

I dont know how we shall fare. But im constructing an underground shelter and stocking it with water bottles.

Maybe over time, humans could evolve. Since we're basically water anyway. Maybe we'll become flat. #Like fruit leather

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-22-2015, 01:38 AM

Didnt i just do this day yesterday? Im stuffed. Stuffed or running on empty. This annoying home buying show is on. Dont like reality shows. Want an actor, with panache. Its almost 7 p.m. and im about done in. I love to sleep, perchance to dream. Otherwise i have to force myself to stay awake, with caffeine and food.

The Egg Board has a new spokesman. Its so perfect, its laughable. Its Kevin Bacon! Haha, bacon and eggs. Ad mentions him needing energy to endure a lifetime of bacon jokes. And i remember this girl in 3rd grade. Her last name was rice. And yes, i thought i was so witty to call her potato. And i knew her through high school. And continued. What an idiot thing to do. were idiots to me in other ways. Maybe we should make pact saying all stupid things done in school have now been epunged.

And if youre out of school you dont mock folks anymore.

bluerockman is offline
Old 04-22-2015, 02:02 AM

Annoying House Buying show? House Hunters? Is that it?

Also, I've heard differently about kids. I've heard that kids aren't stupid, they're psychopaths.

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-22-2015, 02:11 AM

I think its called, flip or flop. Christina and tarek. I cant say anything bad about kids. They know where i live!

bluerockman is offline
Old 04-22-2015, 02:25 AM

Just make them a clown bed and tell them the clown will eat them. :P

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-22-2015, 03:31 AM

Eggscellent suggestion!

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-22-2015, 04:30 PM

I have an apple for him!

Well, its a lovely day in the hood. Lets see how much work i can get done.

My new diet plan has begun. Looking a lil green under the gills already. #Asparagus syndrome

Saw they found more fossilized dinosaur eggs in china. #Cool monster beans. I am fascinated by idea that they were real. Cant believe it. But ive seen some dinosaur movies where they were intent on killing people. #Naughty mammoth

Scientists are sure accurate. They were reporting how much water it takes to produce a pound of veg or fruit. How do they know this? I think itd be refreshing to be in a city where it rains. Though i cant drive as well in rain. How does one see? Ill keep my window down so i can see unfettered.

Time to pull garbage cans in and start my day!

---------- Post added 04-22-2015 at 02:27 PM ----------

Well, an adequately, productive day. Vacuumed, cleaned out kitchen cabinet, futzed about cleaning my sunscreen bottles. This crust forms so i took it off with a toothpick. And i have a lot of bottles, maybe 35. No more buying. Want to use them down to maybe 5. No cooking today. Its mexican fiesta with a tv dinner. And some asparagus.

Started a new book. Set in southern state in early 1990s. Revolving around a quaker cafe.

I didnt know/forgot that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

Had a sweet, romantic dream. #Want back in

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 04-23-2015, 12:02 AM

That grits dish sounds pretty good...though I would prolly smother it with cheese! Lol!
So....does your diet require that you eat asparagus?
I love asparagus!....but rarely can afford it and I'm the only one who likes it, so I spend money on stuff that everybody will eat.
Oh, if I lived alone! fridge and cupboards would be so full of stuff that nobody seems to like!...squash, artichokes, quinoa...
Poor Hope tries to share hot dogs and eggs with me and I gotta explain that, though they taste good to her, I don't like to eat them....I don't want to sway her opinion just cuz "Mammaw no eat it!" Lol!
I am still sore from the IV they put in me last week....making me feel slow and sluggish....well...I'm not too sure that I feel like a slug!...but "quick" had not been my speed for the day! Lmao!
I hope ya have a nice evening! &


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