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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-24-2012, 05:39 PM

The cabby was smiling as they got in but his smile dropped when Vincent told him where to go. He looked at them both as if they were a bit mad then shook his head and drove. Vincent closed his eyes and just let the flood of emotions crash over him as Blaire talked about what had happened at the office and the added clause to the contract. He could almost see what she had seen, but it was not just by her way of describing the scene. That made him wonder about how much she was still getting off him. He was trying to keep the pain away but it was still hitting him. At least now they had gone back to just physical blows and not braking the skin.

“I do not mind that he changed it to give me an out at the end of the two months.” He smiled and sat back up opening his eyes. “it gives me a chance to find out if that office is truly the best fit for us and if it is not we don’t have to pay a large fine to get out of the contract. You must have some poker face to have gotten that out of him, or he was just so flustered that he was not thinking. But now that it is signed he cannot change it without us saying yes.” Watching the cabby he lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed them. “I never thought I would find someone that would work as well as Lewis did but I think you will work out just fine.” His voice was warm with happiness.

Something about her just made him want to wrap himself in her arms and never let her go. He had never felt this way before about any of his partners but then he had never had a partner take him as he was this quickly before ether. The quickest one before her had been the one who had thought he was a local mass murder, that had been an interesting partnership, but not one he wanted to repeat. He caught himself before he reached out and stroked her face. It would be dangerous to let the cabby see this affection to what seemed to be another man.

I would think you were a witch if I did not know better, for you have bewitched me beyond anything I know of. The thought of magic sparked a thought in his mind and his eyes lit up. “I know some one we may want to talk to if we cant find him tonight. I may have to send you to see him when I go to bed but he should still be awake.” The cabby pulled up in front of the club and held out his hand for pay. Without thinking about it Vincent placed a wad of cash into his hand as he got out. “keep what is change I don’t mind.” He said smiling to the cabby

“right you are sir, don’t worry none will know from me.” The money was to buy the cabby’s silent’s about who and where he took them. Vincent hated to have to drop such a high amount on this cabby but then something made him feel that he needed to cover his trail as well as possible.

“Now come we have a lot to talk about and only so many hours.” With that Vincent lead her up to a simple office. There were three chairs in the room with a desk between them. A simple filing cabinet stood open and the papers scattered everywhere. The chairs were turned over but not broken, the lamp on the desk now had a dint in the shade but no true damage. “looks like the knife is showing how much he wants the office.”

Last edited by Lunna Dea; 01-16-2014 at 05:16 AM.. Reason: time line did not work had to change a name.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-25-2012, 12:49 AM

“I do not mind that he changed it to give me an out at the end of the two months.” He had smiled and she was relieved that the agreement seemed to work for him, “it gives me a chance to find out if that office is truly the best fit for us and if it is not we don’t have to pay a large fine to get out of the contract. You must have some poker face to have gotten that out of him, or he was just so flustered that he was not thinking. But now that it is signed he cannot change it without us saying yes.” She thought about this simple statement. Had she had a good poker face? She had been so wrapped up in the moment that she hadn’t even thought about how she had gotten it out of him, “He was flustered” she said as an afterthought, “I caught him in a lie, after he was already in a terrible state. I suppose it was only natural that he caved”

She had been lost in thought, and had only really heard the thought in the background of her mind, but she had heard it. I would think you were a witch if I did not know better, for you have bewitched me beyond anything I know of. It took her a moment to register what she had heard, so that by the time she had looked at him ready to respond he had said, “I know some one we may want to talk to if we cant find him tonight. I may have to send you to see him when I go to bed but he should still be awake.” which pushed the previous thought out of her mind to be forgotten.

She turned her thoughts around in her head, and wondered who this person was who was going to help them, but with a glance up at the Cabby knew it was probably better not to ask at this point. Instead she watched as they pulled up to the dark looking building. Vincent paid the cabby, more then was usual, and they headed towards the office space.

When they walked into the office it was to find the whole place in disarray. “looks like the knife is showing how much he wants the office.” she nodded her head in agreement but did not say anything. Instead she took the moment to take in the room. The furniture although trash and turned over was not broken. The Cabinet was open and its contents where strewn across the floor. The lamp was dented, but still looked like it would be functional. She walked across the room and began turning the chairs back on their feet. “He may be showing that he wanted the space, but he didn’t destroy a thing. I think he merely wanted to scare us.”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-25-2012, 05:35 AM

“Yes catching him in a lie does tended to get one what they want but it is not always easy to catch the lie.” Vincent finished righting the chair behind his desk and looked at the stack of papers he now had to sort through. He was lucky that it was not the stack that he would have had to deal with if he had been in his old office, the one he had shared with Lewis. If they had had to deal with that office the papers would be a foot deep or more about the office and would take years to sort through like a human. “I agree with you that he wants to scare us, and I do kind of worry that he will resort to physical harm if he does not get what he is wanting. The moment he tries something like that I want you to get out of town fast. You don’t need to leave me a massage I will know what happened when I wake up in the evenings.” Making the papers as neat as he could he put them back in the filing cabinet before sitting down in the chair in front of his desk and patting the arm of the seat next to him.

“we should talk, for the moment it feels like Lewis is not being tortured so I have a breather.” He took a deep breath, sorting through what she should know first and what was unimportant. she should know all of what the bound entails before anything else. If I don’t tell her that much the rest is going to hurt me if she is fearful of it. “First things first, reason why you had to come up to my room before knowing it was me was because I sent out a soul bound and bound you to me. You will feel all I feel if I am not blocking you. I can also feel what you feel, I also if I need read your thoughts but I don’t usually try. I have this bond with my last partner Lewis and that is why I needed you when I did.” He looked down at his hands trying to think of the best way to say this. “Those that are bound to me can use some of my powers to survive and I can in a way use them. He at the moment is using my fast healing ability to keep alive. Those things that would have put him near death have transferred to me. So if I suddenly start to bleed its because he would not have lived long with that damage. Most of my kind that can do this will not have the bond this deep.” Running his hands through his hair he tried to block how nervous and afraid he felt talking about this.

His mind jumped back to the time when Lewis had found out about the bond he had placed on him.

“How dare you do that Vin! You have no right prying into my life!” Lewis’s voice cut through the sounds of workmen in the building next door as Vincent walked into the office door. Something crashed on the door frame barely missing Vincent’s ear. He had not been expecting this to happen and now he wounded what had let the cat out to Lewis. “I did not care what you were but this!” he waved his hand at his arms. There were pale pink lines on his arms where it looked a knife had been run the length of them.

“I am not fully understanding you Lewis, what have I done to you that has offended you?” another glass flew and crashed acrossed Vincent’s shoulder as he went to hang his coat up. His mind reacted to the attack without thought, Lewis was bent over the desk his back paining him as Vincent pinned him there. “Don’t do that again.” He could feel his fangs pushing on his lips as he spoke. It scared him that he had come that close to taking out Lewis’s throat with only a thrown cup to set him off. Something was not right with their bound and he was hungry even though he had just fed not that long ago.

“You had no right to make it so I lived a cursed life.” Lewis’s anger dissolved into despair as the thoughts of the woman he thought he loved leaving him for another man filled his mind. Vincent staged back with the weight of the despair. Lewis’s eyes lit up seeing the despair take a hold of Vincent. “So you can be harmed, oh high and mighty one.” The anger boiled up and flooded Vincent before it reflected back on Lewis. The sat there for at least a half an hour before Lewis gave up on his wish for death and hateing Vincent.

Shaking his head Vincent returned to the present. “I am sorry lost in thought. Where was I? Do you have any questions about what is going on?” he wanted her to ask all the questions he knew she wanted to. He wanted her to know him as he truly was and not to fear him as the humans out beyond the walls did even though they did not know him. That damn book and movie had seen to that. Each time making it hard for years after to find a good trusting person.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-25-2012, 05:01 PM

“Yes catching him in a lie does tended to get one what they want but it is not always easy to catch the lie.” She thought about this incredibly simple statement that had so many complexities attached. Was she just good at catching a lie? Once again her mind went to her father. You learn after being lied to again and again when to tell when someone was lying. She looked up at Vincent, “I suppose it’s an acquired skill” she had said it simply and with no more meaning behind it then she had given. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Vincent, it was just that it was something she didn’t like to think about, so she generally just didn’t talk about it.

“I agree with you that he wants to scare us, and I do kind of worry that he will resort to physical harm if he does not get what he is wanting. The moment he tries something like that I want you to get out of town fast. You don’t need to leave me a massage I will know what happened when I wake up in the evenings.” She looked up at him for a moment, contemplating that situation. Would Jack the Knife try to harm her to what….get back at Vincent over an office? She shook her head to clear it as she remembered the cold hard look in his eyes, yes, she told herself, he would do exactly that. She looked back at the floor for a moment, she hoped it wouldn’t have to resort to that. She did not want to have to run again.

She listened with attention as he explained the bond between them and how Lewis, whom she had inferred before this point but was now confirmed as his former partner, also held this bond with Vincent. She wondered for a brief moment what this would all mean to her in the future, but at the very moment she was rather still trying to take all the moment in, digest it fully. The effect, as she later thought, must have given her a look that said, dazed and confused. He had mentioned reading her thoughts and she briefly wondered if he was reading them at that moment. How far into her thoughts could he go? Could he read her past? The very things she had been running from. “There are some rather private things in there” she had said it out loud, but it had been a thought more than a statement. But then when she thought about it, at the moment she didn’t really care if he knew them.

“I am sorry lost in thought. Where was I? Do you have any questions about what is going on?” Many questions had formulated in her head, yes, she had thought to herself, she did have questions, about a hundred of them. Each one whirled around her head, willing her to pick the right one to ask first. Finally she decided to pull the conversation away from herself for just a moment, just as he had asked her on the first night about her past, she asked him, “Are all vampires like you?”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-25-2012, 05:58 PM

“well if catching a lie is an acquired skill then I am glad you acquired it as well as you did.” Vincent smiled and looked at her closely again, he hoped he was not scaring her with the way he watched her but he was trying to acquire her mannerisms so that they could pass as one in the same more quickly. Every move she made he watched and noted down in his mind. He realized that he was getting better at it as the years went on, maybe it was because he was getting used to coping and watching for those little ticks that make people more themselves then others.

Seeing her look when he told her about running if need be he saw a stubborn streak flash before she looked down at the floor. “it would not be for long, I would come and get you and find out what happened. Then together we would deal with it. I just don’t want to wake to find you dead or hurt beyond what the bound will heal.” Reaching out he brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “I only want to lose my partners to old age and retirement not death when I could have prevented it.” His voice was kind and gentle as he spoke of it. He was starting to sound a bit more like her in his accent. Accents had always been the easiest thing for him to pick up. “I just feel that he might try to scare you and by proxy me off to get the office. Remember he thinks there is only one of us and we do need to keep it that way. Tonight I think may be the last night we are seen together in places he has eyes. When next some one asks you to tell them I was your brother and I went back home to our mother.”

“there are some rather private things in there.” She said quietly but he heard it all the same. Smiling he reached out again to touch her face only to stop mere inches from her face. He should not be showing this close of affection to her. She might think that he was going sweet on her because she was a woman not because he could see pain there that he wanted to comfort her from. His fingers dropped back to his lap as he spoke. “I don’t pry into your thoughts unless I need to then it is only surface thoughts. The deeper ones, the ones that are our memories are harder to read. In fact I would have to be looking you in the eye to read those you don’t want me to know.” That was not the complete truth but he would never read her mind if he did not have to. He trusted her not to try to kill him and that was the only reason he would have needed to read her.

He watched as her mind raced behind her eyes trying to think of what to ask next. “Are all vampires like you?” he had to stop himself from laughing at so simple a question. He turned but for a moment and was gone. There was no sign of him in the room, only a few papers were fluttering in the breeze he had left behind then he was back in the chair as if he had not moved. He held a glass of what looked to be wine slowly sipping it.

“no.” He listened to her heart as it beat faster then it had been. There was no way she could have stopped that from happening when he used that trick. All humans reacted that way the first time they saw a vampire move at super human speeds. “no most of them are younger then me and think that humans were put on this earth just to be food for them. I and a few others on this continent are off the opinion that we should help the humans become something greater then what they are. I am actually one of the oldest ones here and the most likely to pass as human. I remember to act human most of the time where as they will do things that…” he stopped his eyes going to the door. His whole body seemed to become stone as he listened to something going on outside the room. The next thing Blaire knew was she was in a small place with a small eye hole so she could look out on the office, Vincent was shutting the door on her just as his office door was opening.

A well dressed man walked into the room, his black hair had a slight curl to it and it ended just below his shoulders. Around his face was a simple cut beard and mustache, the beard not going the full length of the jaw. There were dimples at the edges of his mustache. He wore a finely cut business suit that had been tailored to fit his body. He walked with a cane but did not need it to keep himself upright, it was more for the fashion then for need. His eyes crinkled as he smiled at Vincent. “You did not need to hide your guest dear Vincent.” His voice was soft and kind, with a hint of a melody in it. Taking off his hat he laid his coat over the back of the chair that Blaire had just been in moments before.

Vincent went form a defensive posture to one of relaxation with a sigh. “I had not known it would be you Warren. I seem to have gotten myself followers that I can’t see and if I can protect my guest I am going to.” Warrens smile only grew bigger as Vincent spoke.

“Well it is not nice to send out a call requesting aid then acting as if you never asked for it.” Warren clasped Vincent on the shoulders then pulled him in for a big hug. What little breath was still in Vincent whooshed out as Warren tightened his hug then let go. “Now you do not look like you need help and I came as soon as I was able to, I got myself an orphan recently and have been dealing with him.” As Warren spoke he walked to where Blaire was, before he could touch the door that hid her, a bright light flashed and he pulled his blackened hand away. It heals quickly but not as quickly as Vincent had when he was wounded. “That is a nasty ward.”

“It has to be to protect a human from one of us.” Vincent’s voice had become unwelcoming. “what do you mean calling for help?” his eyes searched Warrens face trying to catch him in a lie. ’This is my friend Warren the one I was thinking of sending you to too talk to. But now I am not to sure he is to be completely trusted. If you want to come out you can.’ Vincent showed her where the handle was to open the door.

“this morning you called out in pain, I do belive that most of the city heard your call. It went quite not long after which is why I waited till I could tell where you were.” Warrens eyes were no longer merry but full of worry. He could read the fear in the room from Vincent and his distrust. It was clear with the look on his face this was not the way Vincent acted around him and it concerned him.

((Warren but picture him with dark black hair not the gray))


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 12:33 AM

“it would not be for long, I would come and get you and find out what happened. Then together we would deal with it. I just don’t want to wake to find you dead or hurt beyond what the bound will heal.” She thought about this as she looked up at him. The truth was, even in those few brief moments in passing that she had met him, Jack the Knife did scare her. In the end she had to admit she agreed with what he wanted from her, “I have, in my time, though not nearly as much as your time” she said it with a soft playful sort of smile, “become adept at running, and hiding. If it comes to that, I will leave town.”

When he told her that reading her mind would be on a need to basis only she smiled again, there it was. She had only known him a total of a night and a half and yet she found herself entirely drawn into his caring nature. She found without a doubt at this point that she trusted him. Perhaps it was a mad notion to trust someone she barely knew, to top it all off someone whom she knew was a vampire of all things. Hadn’t she always heard the tales of the dark creatures of the night who fed on human blood? Yet, she trusted him without a shadow of a doubt in her mind.

She had asked the question with intention and she got the answer she had expected but not in the way she expected. He had for a moment disappeared entirely as far as her eye could tell, disappeared and then suddenly was back with a glass of wine. It was one thing to read about what a vampire could do and another thing entirely to witness it in real life. It was a frightening experience and yet exciting at the same time. She felt her heart beating fast in her chest. As he spoke of other vampires, which where so much more like what she had read about, she tried to calm the loud pounding that was her heart.

She was just about to say, “I’m gonna have to get used to your quirks” but she never got the words out when she felt herself being shoved into a box of sorts. She found she could still see the office through a small peep hole however and she studied the scene that began to unfold on the other side of the box. A man entered the room, whom Blaire found instantly likeable. Something in her mind however told her that she should not be finding him that incredibly likable when Vincent was so on edge.

A conversation began to take place between the man, whom Vincent identified as Warren, and Vincent. Warren seemed to know that Vincent had been hurt earlier that night which is why, Blaire was almost certain of, Vincent was uneasy about why he was there. When he walked towards the place where Blaire was crouched his hand was burned as he reached for the place where she was hiding. “It has to be to protect a human from one of us.” the simple phrase resonated within her mind as the realization hit her. Warren was a Vampire too.

’This is my friend Warren the one I was thinking of sending you to too talk to. But now I am not to sure he is to be completely trusted. If you want to come out you can. She thought this over, was it better to come out of her hiding place? She watched Warren as if determining weather or not he was telling the truth. There was a look of worry in his eyes that told Blaire one of two things. Either Warren was telling the truth and really worried about Vincent or else Warren was lying. She didn’t even know if the lie would be because he turned on Vincent or weather he knew something and wanted to protect Vincent. All kinds of Scenarios played out in Blaire’s head.

Finally she made her decision, she could not continue to keep hiding in cupboards. With one deep breath she opened the door and stepped out. Taking a deliberate moment to straighten out her clothing she gave a look towards Vincent before turning towards Warren. “Blaire” she said simply, “My name is Blaire Demuliar”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-28-2012, 07:23 AM

Warren raised an eye then a smile lit his face, filling his eyes with merriment. “now I see why you’re so jumpy tonight Vincent, she is a lovely young lady.” He looked between Vincent and Blaire and for a second the look of surprise crossed his face before disappearing. “You know…” he said as he took a slow walk around her. “I cannot see any spell to make her look like this, ether you have gotten better or this is the first one that is your true twin.” Walking around to in front of her again he offered his hand. “ I am Warren Reginald Wellsmen at your service.” He gave a little bow to her as he watched her eyes.

“if you’re going to play those games Warren you might as well do the full list not just your name, some still would be impressed.” Vincent said in an offhanded way as he walked behind the desk and took a seat. His whole demeanor was of a man that was just waiting for his visitors to leave so he could find some fun. ’Warren was the queen’s privet mage to queen Victoria.’ Vincent’s mind voice was on edge with worry unlike his voice. “As you can see Warren I am doing well, but it turns out that there seem to be people in the city we can’t see but humans can, and my partner Lewis who should be home with his wife is missing and being tortured.”

Warren had been starting to sit down but stopped as Vincent talked about people not being seen. A low growl slowly built in his throat as he stood there looking at Vincent. His fangs slid down in anger as Vincent spoke of Lewis missing. “do you think these two things are related?” he spoke each word carefully as he tried to get his anger under control. The worry and fear that Vincent had been broadcasting down the bound slowly faded away into contentment as Warren spoke.

“I fear that whoever had Lewis now ether knows of our kind and the bonds some of us can make or they know that Lewis heals way to quickly for a proper human. But they do not know about the laws.” Vincent shuffled around some papers on his desk while he spoke mind to mind with Blaire. ’the laws were set down so many years ago that few remember who first penned them. the Law I am talking about is that none shall harm or steal the human that another of our kind climes as their own. You are in a way claimed by me with the bond.’


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 01:19 PM

“now I see why you’re so jumpy tonight Vincent, she is a lovely young lady.” for the second time that night Blaire was pegged for what she really was and something about that brought out her stubbornness even more then usual. She watched him as he circled her, something that vaguely made her think of a wolf circling its prey. “I cannot see any spell to make her look like this, ether you have gotten better or this is the first one that is your true twin.” She also was slightly shocked by this revelation. She had always supposed that his partners always looked like her by nature. Was there usually a spell of some sort involved? As he introduced himself she kept a close eye on him, knowing that if he really was going to harm her she could not stop him, but that did not stop her from taking the defensive stance. She did however take his hand and shake it.

’Warren was the queen’s private mage to queen Victoria.’ Private mage to the queen Victoria? Now that was rather impressive. Vincent had been right to have said to him what he had. She looked him over with a look that was a bit softer and more curious then it had been only a few moments before, but that didn’t take her defensiveness entirely away. Something about the worry in Vincent’s voice told her that something was entirely off about the man in front of her, and it kept her rather defensive in a rather defenseless situation.

“As you can see Warren I am doing well, but it turns out that there seem to be people in the city we can’t see but humans can, and my partner Lewis who should be home with his wife is missing and being tortured.” Warren had in that moment become angry. Was he angry because Vincent’s partner was taken? Or was he angry because he was part of the scheme and Vincent was entirely way too close? She looked him over, trying as she had with so many before him, to see his lie. If he was lying, he was entirely too good at it. But then, as she reminded herself, he had a long time in the making to perfect his skill.

’the laws were set down so many years ago that few remember who first penned them. the Law I am talking about is that none shall harm or steal the human that another of our kind climes as their own. You are in a way claimed by me with the bond.’ She didn’t know weather or not she liked the thought of being claimed, but that was not the issue at the moment, and at least if I am claimed others shouldn’t touch me. But think of Lewis, she reminded herself which caused her to shiver involuntarily. She looked back and forth between Warren and Vincent, “What happens when you break the Laws? Does anyone enforce them?” she said quietly.

Last edited by Cora; 07-28-2012 at 09:02 PM..

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-28-2012, 08:16 PM

Warren looked at her then at Vincent. “Don’t think I did not just notice that Vincent, you’re getting sloppy with your bonds.” Turning back to look at Blaire and looked her over carefully. He almost seemed to be waiting for Vincent to do or say something but after a few moments he spoke again as if he had not paused at all. “if it is found that one of our kind has been braking the laws the prince of the region will declare a blood hunt on the vampire. Then it would be my job to hunt down and see that the vampire is given the true death.” He said matter of factly. Then looked over his shoulder at Vincent.

“As the oldest in the region it falls to me to be the prince.” Vincent said calmly. “but until now I have not needed to deal with problems. There have been so few of…” he stopped talking and looked at Warren with eyes going wide as Warren shook his head. “are you telling me there has been a rise in our numbers I have not known about?” he was half out of his seat before he stopped and looked around. The fear again gripped him but this time it was for all the humans in the area. “I want to know who all had been through and their ages.” His voice was cold and without feeling.

Warren bowed then took a step back from Vincent. “As you wish my prince.” he turned to walk out to door but before he could leave Vincent cleared his throat.

“I will also need your aid to find Lewis, I do not think with all the pain I will be able to cast the spell.” Vincent flinched as another burst of pain flashed through his body. The people that held Lewis seemed to have decided that it was best to slow down on when they gave him pain but not on how much damage they gave. He fell back into his chair the hunger building up in him again. His amber eyes slowly grew redder as he tried to fight the hunger. “Blaire will be there to watch you do the spell.” He said through clenched teeth. He could not hold this pain back from her, it was like a fire burning through his gut, ripping away at skin and bone in the same moments. Whatever they had used on Lewis it had not actually damaged the skin, Vincent could tasted the blood from where his fangs had cut into his lips.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 10:24 PM

“Don’t think I did not just notice that Vincent, you’re getting sloppy with your bonds.” What had he meant by that? Did that mean he could tell that they where conversing outside of the conversation going on in the room? Is that what he had meant. She threw a look in Vincent’s direction as if determining what to do about the situation. Should she stop thinking about the things for the moment. In her head she was singing a popular song she had heard in a cinema movie. It was in this moment that she hoped that if they read her thoughts they would be, well, confused probably.

She listened as Warren explained what would happen in the situation that the laws where broken by the vampires. It caused her eyes to go a bit wide in surprise as he explained that a hunt would be waged on the vampire who broke the laws. What caused her to really turn to Vincent in surprise was when he revealed himself as the prince. She placed a hand to her forehead trying to wrap her head around the whole situation. If Warren was not to be trusted, as Vincent seemed inclined to not trust him for the very moment, what did that mean for the ones breaking the laws? Could it in fact be that Warren himself was one that was breaking the laws?

“are you telling me there has been a rise in our numbers I have not known about?” she could feel the fear, and anger in Vincent that was different then anything she had felt to this point. In a way it was almost frightening. She hardly heard Vincent command of Warren that he get him the names and ages of all the new Vampires. Her mind had been too lost in other thoughts. She did look up as Warren bowed to Vincent with a “As you Wish my prince”

Vincent stopped him, with nothing more then a clearing of his throat. “I will also need your aid to find Lewis, I do not think with all the pain I will be able to cast the spell.” she listened with rapt attention as they spoke of this, for the truth of the matter was, in all that she had found out and all the new information she had taken in, she was still worried about Lewis. She remembered the pain of the early evening, remembered all that had happened earlier and she knew he was in trouble. She looked up at Warren but then she felt it. That night Vincent had been trying to hide the pain from her but he couldn’t hold it anymore, she felt a piece of the pain he was feeling and she knew they needed to find Lewis….and fast.

She looked back and forth from Vincent to Warren with a rather determined look on her face. “Well then,” she said to Warren with deep breaths, she was trying to ignore the pain she was feeling as leak over from Vincent. She did after all have to trust Warren, “Lets find Lewis then”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-29-2012, 12:05 AM

The looks she had been throwing him for the passed few minuets faded away as another wave of pain filled him. His eyes he knew were full red now, he was doing all that he could not to strike out at her in hunger. The half filled glass clattered to the floor as he tried to grab it and drink. His eyesight became sharp as all his senses sharpened with the need. Nothing he could try would have blocked the pain from Lewis from her now. All he could think about was holding in his hunger before harming her. If his heart still beat it would have been beating hard for fear of losing control. His eyes were pleading when he finely was able to uncurl from his near ball position. He had not heard her say that they should find Lewis so it was a surprise to him when Warren walked over and knelt beside his chair.

“My lord,” he said his voice so low she would not hear him as he spoke. “all you have to do is say your need an I will provide it.” He laid his wrist vain side up acrossed the arm of the chair. His body was braced for what he knew would come next with that color in his eyes. He belay flinched as Vincent pounced on the offer and feed from him. Warren looked away locking all his muscles so he did not try to bolt. His eyes alighted on Blaire and he tried to smile but his feeling were clear on his face. He was worried about his prince and friend and about the human Vincent had so close to him at a time like this. He flinched as the clear sound of tooth on bone filled the air. “if you ever see his eyes that red again Blaire, hide in that hiding place or get away fast. In a state like this he may not be able to control his feeding.” His voice faltered as Vincent pulled back ripping the skin a bit. He dropped his voice low again. “ will that keep you till we get to my home? From there I can keep you filled.”

Vincent leaned back the images and feeling that filled Warrens blood washed over him. He could feel the mans undivided loyalty to him and his love for him. There were memories of nights years ago they had spent in a cave trying to stay alive. He pushed away that thought then floated through the more recent ones. There were memories of others coming to him bagging him to challenge for the Princedom, they said that he was the better choice then Vincent was. Warren had felt that he was the worst choice when they said that. He worked through all the memories that applied to his loyalties and passed over all that did not. By the time he came out of his trance he knew that he could trust Warren with his life.

“I am sorry Warren I jugged you wrongly.” He sat back up and looked at Blaire. “I do believe that he is to be trusted.” Slowly he stood then walked over to her. Brushing his fingers along her jaw line he looked her carefully in the eyes. “I am sorry you are being thrown right into this world, I had planned to take time getting you used to working with me before.” He let the thought fall as he looked into her eyes. How like her eyes were to his. Not that he had seen his eyes in some time; mirrors seemed to not like showing him.


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Old 07-29-2012, 12:50 AM

It was a brief moment but she saw the red in his eyes and it frightened her. Something deep in her head screamed that she should run from the situation and never look back. Deep in her mind she knew that both Warren and Vincent where dangerous creatures that could be leading her on only to prey on her, and yet, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to leave. A wave of fierce pain, which he could no longer hold from her hit her and she fell briefly to her knees, barely able to keep herself from screaming out from the pain. How much more would they torture Lewis? That look in Vincent’s eyes told her that he couldn’t take much more of it.

Warren walked across the room and although she couldn’t hear what he said from where she sat on the floor breathing heavily she knew what he must have done. He had tried to smile at her but the pain was clear in the man’s eyes. No, she thought to herself, he wasn’t a good liar, he was a good friend. She fought her way to her feet even though she could still feel the pain from Vincent. Warren spoke to her directly, “if you ever see his eyes that red again Blaire, hide in that hiding place or get away fast. In a state like this he may not be able to control his feeding.” She looked at him and nodded, barely able to say a word though the pain had eased when he fed from warren remnants of it still echoed as an afterthought.

“I am sorry Warren I jugged you wrongly.” He had looked at her in that moment, “I do believe that he is to be trusted.” she nodded in that moment and looked at Warren. Would things have been so much more different if he hadn’t been there? Would she still be standing here? She had to admit that she probably owed him her life. She watched as Vincent made his way across the room towards her, He looked into her eyes as he said it, “I am sorry you are being thrown right into this world, I had planned to take time getting you used to working with me before.” She shook her head but didn’t say a word immediately. In that moment as they stood there she knew she could be mad at the whole situation, she could even run away and never look back, but she knew she wouldn’t. She trusted Vincent, for whatever that meant, and she knew she was in this for the long hall, “You didn’t choose it to be this way any more then I did. No need to apologize” she said it softly, her kind nature taking over.

After a few moments she looked away to where Warren was standing and walked over to him. There was a soft almost pleading nature in her voice, that had been rather cold earlier. “You can help him right? I don’t think he can take much more of this”

Lunna Dea
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Old 07-29-2012, 02:43 AM

Vincent leaned in and barely brushed her forehead with his lips before letting her go. She was so kind he felt bad about all that had happened this night. He watched as the thoughts passed through her mind faster than most could read them on her face. He knew that this could be the breaking point in their own partnership. Maybe she would stay on just till Lewis was found then she would leave him to find work elsewhere. Thinking up all that had happened he decided that he would be paying her more than twice what he had said for tonight. She really had been holding him together all this night. He watched her walk over to Warren and sighed.

Here were two people he could trust with his life, that was two more then he had ever thought he would ever have. Slowly he closed his eyes silent blood tears quivered on his eyelid before falling. He did not like what he was about to do but those two could not keep him fed the rest of the night and Lewis could not live out the rest of the night if he pulled out now. But there was nothing he could do now, he had to save himself and the humans around him, and if that meant that Lewis died then that was the price. His heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest as he came to the decision. Reaching for the bond that held Lewis he cried as he cut it almost all the way off. ‘I am sorry old friend, I wish this was not the only way.’

Warren sank down to the floor as he tried felt the blood loss. He looked almost defeated in the way he sat on the ground. Like he had not been able to save something or protect some one he really cared for. “you can help him right? I don’t think he can take much more of this.” Her voice seemed to wake him to what was around him. Looking up into her eyes he dropped his gaze to her mouth. “I will now need your help to get him to my car and then to my place. But yes I believe I can…” he stop and his eyes went wide as he felt the bond to Lewis fray farther apart. He opened his mother then closed it again. He was not going to question his prince on what he was doing even if he had just condemned a man to die a painful death. “we need to get him out of here and to my place quickly.” Standing he wobbled a bit before becoming steady on his feet. “you do not fear me as most would Blaire, why is that?”

As he spoke he walked over to Vincent who had slumped down into the chair in front of his desk, lines of blood slowly seeping from his eyes. Raising his hand he struck Vincent on the cheek. “my lord prince wasting the blood is almost as bad as killing one without permission. Please don’t make me have to punish you.” He sounded wounded as he spoke as if he did not want to have to say those word.


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Old 07-29-2012, 01:33 PM

He had kissed her forehead before she had walked away, and it only solidified her decision to stay. She knew without a thread of a doubt, she was already in too deep to leave him. She was standing in front of Warren when she heard it, almost as if it had been screamed to her, clear as day, ‘I am sorry old friend, I wish this was not the only way.’ She also felt it, the strong connection she had felt earlier to Lewis was gone and in that moment she could make a fair guess as to what he had done, and she felt the pain that it caused him to do it. She felt a single tear run down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away. She needed to be the strong one in the room, no matter what she needed to be strong.

“I will now need your help to get him to my car and then to my place. But yes I believe I can…” she saw the look in his eyes as the bond broke a bit further. He had felt it as well and she shook her head a bit. She saw him about to say something, but he, like her, knew that this was not the moment to question the choice. She brought the moment back to where they where, “Anything I can do” she had said it simply. Her voice was distant in that moment as if her mind was really only partially on the task at hand but it still held the softness that was in her nature. He had mentioned that they needed to get Vincent to his place and she simply nodded in agreement, unable to find too many words.

“you do not fear me as most would Blaire, why is that?” it was a reason to not think about Lewis. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “I did” she said simply, “When I first put together what you where I was terrified. But then I saw the way you cared for him” she paused and looked in the direction of Vincent, “and as much as it is against my very nature, I trust him. If he trusts you, then I trust you.”

She watched Warren walk across the room and smack Vincent across the cheek and say something about punishing him. He was going to punish Vincent for crying? The very pain she could feel radiating off of Vincent, it was an incredibly human quality that she was feeling. She had not known that Vampires even had the ability to cry. In that moment a slight bit of strength came to her that made her do something that was both very brave, and probably incredibly stupid. Either one of them had the ability to end her life where she stood.

She strode across the room with long quick strides. First she turned to Warren, “Would you really punish him when its quite clear that he is in incredible pain at the moment. Do you really think that if he could control those tears he has at this moment that he would be wasting them?”

She then turned to Vincent, the tears of blood flowing freely from his eyes. She could feel the pain he was in at the moment, but she knew what he needed least of all was sympathy. With her had on her hips in a very woman like move she stood before him, “Are you really gonna sit here and cry? What good are tears doing him? If we have any hope at all of finding him, and hope at all of bringing him back alive we need you to stop with the pity party and get to work”

Lunna Dea
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Old 07-29-2012, 05:18 PM

Vincent heard her speak of how she trusted him and that was why she trusted Warren as well. He was stunned that she seemed to be getting more of what he was felling then Lewis had ever done. They both had reacted when the bond was broken even though she should not have truly known it had happened. It was not that surprising that Warren had, he could tell when anything that had to do with a touch of magic happened but she had as well reacted. She wanted to help him to more than what may have been safe for a human to have wanted to do.

His eyes were blinded with the tears so the slap had been a surprise as had the words that Warren had said. Anger boiled up and he moved quickly from the chair to standing. His hand wrapped tight around Warrens throat before he stopped to think of what he was doing. The pain of what he had done to Lewis giving him more strength then he had thought he had. All thoughts of everything else had fled from his mind but to lash out and hurt the one that hurt him. Warren stood there having not moved when he saw Vincent move to attack, he knew what was going through Vincent and he knew he had to break him out of it. They both had not expected what she did next.

“Would you really punish him when its quite clear that he is in incredible pain at the moment. Do you really think that if he could control those tears he has at this moment that he would be wasting them?” Warren stepped back from her and Vincent as Vincent’s hand dropped from his neck. His was surprised that she would speak with such venom to one of his kind. Then a smile crossed his face and he laughed as she turned her tongue on Vincent. “Are you really gonna sit here and cry? What good are tears doing him? If we have any hope at all of finding him, and hope at all of bringing him back alive we need you to stop with the pity party and get to work”

Stepping back from her Vincent looked her over as if this was the first time he had ever seen her. His eyes searching for something he could not even put a finger on. Her words stung him more then Warrens slap on his face had. She was beyond anything he had ever hoped for and now she was his and would face what Lewis faced on day. How could he risk the humans like her each time he had to deal with one of his own. A part of him wanted to wrapper her up within a cotton blanket and hide her away so that none could hurt her. There he would have her save and she never would feel pain again. But he knew that there was no place he could hide her and even if he could she would never hide. She was too much like he once had been, long ago. He pulled a dark colored cloth from his shirt and wiped away the blood that streaked his face. “Your right Blaire, I am being childish about this.” His voice was soft and warm. In that moment he knew he would not let her die if he was around.

Stepping forward he draped his arm over her shoulder and leaned some of his weight on her. “lead on Warren she can help me get to where we are needed.” Warren who was still laughing tried to stifle it, only a giggle escaped from him as they walked down the hall towards the back door. The sound of his cane and their shoes echoed along the hall the band down below seemed to have stopped for the night. There were no other sounds as they walked into the open air below. Vincent barely resting on Blaire as they walked. She could smell the blood coming off him as he was so close to him. The car was down the road a ways and it stood out in the neighborhood. It was a high end car, one that a rich man might drive about in to show his wealth. Vincent’s lips brushed againted her ear as he whispered in her ear. “Warren unlike me makes money quite easily. He is an artist whose paintings are in high demand.”

Warren's driver stepped from the car and opened the door to the back seat. he did not seem at all surprised at the look of both Warren and Vincent. He did raise his eye brow a little bit when he saw she was human but did not say anything about it. "Where to sir?" Warren looked at him as he helped to put Vincent in the car.

"Home." the man nodded then climbed back into the car and started it up.


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Old 07-29-2012, 07:36 PM

“Your right Blaire, I am being childish about this.” she smiled, there it was. A bit of strength to get him where he needed to be. Taking a heavy sigh she watched as he wiped the blood stained tears from his eyes. They where one step closer at least to getting there. She had hated to yell at him when she knew he needed those tears, but the tears where going to get him no where fast. It was with a smile, and almost a playful quip that she said, “now that’s better”

She could hear Warren still laughing as Vincent stepped forward and put his arm around her neck. She had to admit she probably had come off in a rather comical manner which caused a pink twinge, barely noticeable in the dark, to come to her cheeks. She walked slowly to accommodate for helping the weak Vincent though she could feel that he was barely putting his weight on her. Good, she thought to herself, that means he is stronger already. As they walked down the hall amid the sounds of Warren’s cane, three pairs of shoes echoed around the completely silent hall.

Even before they walked out of the building she had pegged Warren as being a man of high class but when they stepped outside and she saw the car, she was taken aback by the amount of wealth the man had. Vincent had whispered in her ear that he was a high class Artist who’s art was in high demand and it made her want to see what type of art he did. As they stepped up to the car the driver gave her an exceptional odd stare but did not say anything. It really didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. He must be used to the fact that Vincent and Warren where vampires, maybe he was even a vampire himself and she was human.

She helped Vincent into the car just as Warren was telling the driver to take them to Warren’s home and followed pursuit immediately afterward. On the drive to Warren’s house she was silent, lost deep in thought. A lot had happened that day, more then she had expected. Last night walking into a job interview now seemed like a hundred years ago. She looked over at Vincent briefly while lost in her thoughts and thought about the fact that for the first time in a long time, she was where she was supposed to be.

Lunna Dea
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Old 07-29-2012, 08:35 PM

Both Warren and Vincent kept quite the ride to the house. They passed through rundown areas and then through upscale building till they came to another part of town which was not the best of neighborhoods but not the worst. The building on the sides of the beautiful Victorian were boarded up and their paint flaking. The Victorian itself was covered in old paint some of it looked in the light of the moon to be falling off but there seemed to be a picture in the cracks and flakes. Something about the look of neglect seemed wrong, as if it was just a façade put on to hide it. The windows were new, the molding was bright againted the aged backdrop of the siding. “I like the painting Warren.” Vincent said as he looked up at the building when he stepped out. Turning to Blaire he smiled. “would you like to see it as I do?” when she nodded yes he opened himself so she could see it.

The cracks were actually carefully laid lines of paint that formed tiny pictures, much to fine for a human to really notice in this light and maybe even in the sun. Warren had a talent of painting pictures inside of pictures so only vampires with their heighten sight would see. Warren turned back to look at them then waved for them to fallow. The tiny pictures formed a large scene of a deer hunt in the trees. Each of the hunters faces seem to fallow the viewer as they moved but still watching the deer they hunted. “Warren makes all his paintings for not only humans but for us as well. There are a few humans that sometimes catch a glimpse of the beauty he leaves there for us, which I think is why his work is in so much demand.” With that Vincent closed off from her his sight then walked to the house.

As they entered his house a young man was walking out of it. Looking at both of them he smiled and bowed his head to Vincent before passing them. Something seemed to pass between warren and the man but then he was gone. “it will take me a bit of time to set up the circle,” warren said as he lead them into the entry way. The walls hinted at pictures that might be there too. The walls seemed to be covered by crimson velvet yet up close it was clear that it was a trick of the light and paint. “the parlor is over there and you can wait there Vincent, I will request the help of you dear twin to speed the work along. You will find a bottle in the cabinet there you can have if you still need it.” Vincent nodded and turned to the left of the door to go to the parlor. In front of them was a staircase that seemed to be in the middle of being redone and to their right there was door where Warren now walked to. He had placed his cane in a stand near the door. It was carved as was most of the rest of the wood around the house.

It seemed that this house was just another canvas for Warren to turn his hand to decorating. As he slid the doors to his studio open the face of a lion appeared and then disappeared in the wood grain of the door. Beyond the door was a room that smelled of oil paints and every surface seemed to be covered in paintings. Some were stacked three or four deep without frames along the bottom of the wall. “Welcome to my studio, you will be the first human welcome here.” his eyes twinkled with the smile he did not show on his face. Before she could speak he had the rug pulled back, the stands put away and a set of two silver circles reviled set in the floor. “all I will need from you is to copy this down in chalk without making a mistake.” He handed her a paper with a drawing of words written between the inner and outer circles. The writing was none that she had ever seen.


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Old 07-29-2012, 10:21 PM

Even before she had seen the house as Vincent saw it she had found it beautiful. It was a sad beauty of a house that had once been beautiful but to the naked eye now looked run down, but something about the picture before her told her that the house was more loved then the flakes of paint gave away. The new molding and windows spoke of the fact that this house was only made to look falling apart, which only added to the , albeit sad, beautiful melancholy of the house.

“I like the painting Warren.” she looked up at Vincent rather confused, but it was to see him smiling which only added to the moment of confusion. When he said, “would you like to see it as I do?” the only thing she could do was nod her head yes. She very much wanted to see what it was that Vincent liked about the painting. And then she could. She immediately knew she was seeing through Vincent’s eyes and suddenly the whole thing made sense to her. The tiny images within the larger picture that where unseen by human eyes made the whole thing such exquisite work. “Its beautiful” she whispered.

The inner walls seemed to call that the same imagery as the outer house was also on the inner walls. They looked to be made of velvet. Blaire had just run her fingers over the wall that was not really made of Velvet when Warren spoke to them. “it will take me a bit of time to set up the circle,” she heard most of what he said after that but most of it was directed at Vincent, whom Warren seemed to be wanting to take care of, so she remained silent. He did mention needing her help though so she nodded.

She followed Warren in silence through the house and could not help but marvel at the beauty of it. She had been right in her initial assessment that the house was shown a lot of love, but she had been wrong in her assessment that it was sad. When they reached his studio he spoke to her again, “Welcome to my studio, you will be the first human welcome here.” she had been looking around at all the paintings which, even by human standards where beautiful. “I am deeply honored then” she said with a soft smile. She felt at the time, as she had many times that night, like she was being let in on an incredible secret, one that by all rights she shouldn’t be privilege to but that the world seemed to smile at her with the secret knowledge.

He had cleared the room in less time then it took her to blink. That was certainly something she was going to have to get used to. He also handed her a piece of paper and some chalk, “all I will need from you is to copy this down in chalk without making a mistake.” She looked down at the circles on the floor and nodded. She studied the paper for a moment, the language, as she assumed it was a language, was written symbols that she did not recognize, “What language is this?” she asked in curiosity as she carefully copied the first symbol on the paper.

Lunna Dea
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Old 07-29-2012, 11:20 PM

Warren seemed please when she told him she liked the work he had done on the house, he was even more please that she was breathless with awe when she saw it as a vampire saw it. Vincent was proud of her that she could see beauty and enjoy it. That was something he could not understand about his partner before Lewis. The man had been brilent when it came to working a case but could not see the beauty in a single flower. He had not lasted as long as Lewis, maybe it was because of his inability to see things that were hidden that got him killed.

He watched her as she gingerly touched the wall and his smiled grew. Vincent watched and smiled happy that she was his and not another vampires he would have been tempted to seal her from another vampire if that had been the case. The parlor was set up much like it had been in the last few houses that he had owned. There were differences in the decoration but then when you can not take the walls with you. Slowly he walked around the room studying the paintings and commiting them to memory. Soon when the new technolage of photosgraphs became better he would be able to capture the paintings and then it would be held forever in his portfolio. That way any vampire could see how he twisted and changed the room just with a coat of paint.

In the studio Warren watched her slowly write up the patterns he needed to work the spell. Her eye for detail was one he had not seen since he was a student to the mage that found him when he was but a child. She move quickly but carfully and he slowly set up the items he needed to make the spell work. “the symbols are a language that my master taught me when I was but a child. I do not know what it is or where it came from but I do know that is has changed over the years I have used it so I don’t think it would every look close to what it was in the begaining. Things like this seem to change with the years we walk the earth.” He spoke as they finished up the work. It had taken about a half an hour to do it all but he knew what Vincent would be ready in the other room.


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Old 07-29-2012, 11:51 PM

“the symbols are a language that my master taught me when I was but a child. I do not know what it is or where it came from but I do know that is has changed over the years I have used it so I don’t think it would every look close to what it was in the beginning. Things like this seem to change with the years we walk the earth.” She stopped working on the symbol she had been chalking into the floor for a brief moment to contemplate this statement. A language that changed on its own volition? “a language that changes” she had muttered, more to herself then anything, “almost like its alive, with a mind of its own”

She looked down at the symbols and wondered what they meant, or even what they had meant so many years ago. What would they tell a person if that person knew how to listen? She looked up at Warren who had spoken of learning from his master. How many years ago was it? She wondered this briefly for a moment as she shook her head and went back to work. How old was Warren? For that matter how old was Vincent? She made a mental note to ask them this question sometime when things where not so crazy and in dire need of complete concentration.

It was not long after this that she carefully stood up and backed away from the set of circles on the floor. Studying the sheet she took a moment to walk around the circle and confirm that the symbols she had drawn on the floor matched the ones on the sheet. She had a way of working that may have seemed crazy to other people. She pointed at the symbols on the floor as she read the sheet and mutter to herself. At long last, roughly a half hour after they had started the process she looked up at warren with a soft smile, “I believe it is as correct as I can make it”

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Old 07-30-2012, 04:51 AM

Looking over the paper and then at the circles a smile filled his face like one a school master would give to one of his pupils when the child had gotten it correct. She stood carfuly and then also checked to make sure she was right in her copying. “I believe it is as correct as I can make it” he nodded.

“you are very good at this, if every you tire of Vincent I would love to have you as my pupil. I think you would do well in magic and maybe even would take the embrace well.” He set the paper aside and picked up the mixture of herbs and liquids, before stepping into the circle and brushing it along the silver lines. The mixture sizzled and the metal seemed to change color to a rust red. “would you be so kind as to have Vincent come in here. It is time for his part of this, and if you like you may stay with us in here but you will be asked to sit in the window seat over there and not make a sound.” He pointed to a window seat acrossed from the door that seemed to have been set up for a model to sit in for a painting. It had a flowing roman theme to it. “you should find him still in the parlor which is right acrossed from here. just go through the entry way again.”

Vincent by now had found the liquor cabinet and was slowly enjoying a bottle of a much finer vintage of what he had in his place. He was going to have to demand a tax of a bottle from Warren if he had anymore of this. He slowly sipped it enjoying the flavors that were blinded so well that it was hard to tell there was blood in this drink. His eyes closed he leaned back into the chair and just let the feeling of peace wash over him as he sat there waiting. He knew that soon Warren would call for him and the rite would be preformed. He hoped that everything would go as he planned it to go and that Warren or Blaire had not made a mistake in the working. There were so many things that could go wrong that he worried that everything had. But he was keeping those worries form her now that he was not trying to keep the pain of Lewis from her. In a way he did feel bad for cutting him off but part of him was happy that they would be able to have a new beginning without Lewis.


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Old 07-30-2012, 12:48 PM

“you are very good at this, if every you tire of Vincent I would love to have you as my pupil. I think you would do well in magic and maybe even would take the embrace well.” She looked up with a shy sort of smile with a slight twinge of red that filled her cheeks. Looking across the way towards a wall that she knew Vincent was behind she thought about this. Magic was incredibly alluring, it may have even drawn her in at one point, but now she knew she would never be drawn towards it. She could, and never would, leave Vincent behind like that. “I thank you for your kind words” she said softly, “but I don’t think I could ever leave Vincent like that”

“would you be so kind as to have Vincent come in here. It is time for his part of this, and if you like you may stay with us in here but you will be asked to sit in the window seat over there and not make a sound.” She nodded slowly though didn’t say anything. There was a certain excitement in her eyes that she did not voice. She very much wanted to witness the magic that would be taking place in a few moments time. She walked across the hall and into the parlor where Vincent sat back sipping from a glass of red wine.

He had leaned back into the chair with his eyes closed. Something about him looked so incredibly peaceful that Blaire hated to disturb him but the deed needed to be done. She did watch him for just a moment, she could see the thoughts forming behind his eyes, he was hurt by what he did, even she could see that earlier in the office, but the look now on his face said peace. He was at peace with himself. She walked forward into the room quietly and placed a hand on his arm, “Warren sent me to come get you” she said in a quiet gentle nature, not wanting to break the peace he held.

She turned away at that point to let him gather his thoughts and then started to walk back towards the studio. She paused at the doorway and turned back to look at him one last time. She smiled and then continued to head towards the studio. By the time he reached the studio she was in her perch at the window waiting for the two of them to do what needed to be done.

Lunna Dea
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Old 07-30-2012, 03:28 PM

“I am just offering you the chance if you ever tire of him.” Warren said as she walked out of the not knowing if he would hear him or not but still making clear that he would take her under his wing if she wanted. As he waited for her to come back he pulled out a second bowl and a silver knife. To some the silver knife would have been the last thing they would have expected a vampire to have but it was what he had been trained with when he was young and he would use it till he died.

Vincent heard her come in but made no reaction to her movements till she touched him. He had been thinking of what was going to happen if he did not find Lewis before the others killed him. If the kidnappers were also vampires he may have to face a challenge for power because he could not protect one of his own. It would be a messy business and he would have to keep her close to him, not that he mined it to much but she might not like it. He had a room in his main house she could stay in, and that might add credence to their story of being one person. But then she would be a virtual prisoner once the sun went down because he was out and about. No that might not be the best way to deal with it. He would talk to her after this was all over, if it was ever over.

But then there also was the chance that the kidnappers were human with magic that kept them from vampires. Mages had not been that common through most of his life but then if they were doing what the vampires had done then it would seem that there were so few of them even if their numbers were large. He would have to talk to Warren about that. Warren was still connected to some of the mages that were out there. Even though they found him to be unnatural they still talked to him hoping that they might get more secrets from him then they had.

Vincent moved slightly to let her know that he felt her when she touched him. “Warren sent me to come get you” her voice was gentle and soft. He opened his eye and looked up at her before she turned away. He had gotten so used to seeing himself in his partners that he had forgotten how unnerving it could be to keep seeing ones own face. And from what he remembered she looked more like him then any other had over the years.

“Does it unnerve you to see your face on a male body that is not your own?” he asked as he got up and fallowed her out the door to the next room. He had seen Warrens studio a few times but the work on the walls that he had done still took his breath away. Looking around he tried to find the new work, Warren could never leave his work alone as long as it stayed in his reach, and the walls were not going to go anywhere until he moved. Finely he turned to Warren and looked at him.

Warren was now dressed in robes of red with tiny threads of gold symbols stitched into it. His hair was pulled back and held away from his face with a lacey gold head cap that looked to be solid gold. He held the bowl and knife out to Vincent. “form now on not a word till we are done ok Blaire?” Warrens voice was soft, his eyes locked on Vincent. Vincent knew this rite well but had not done it in a long time. Taking the knife he slit his palm and let it bleed for a time into the bowl. When there seemed to be enough Warren nodded and Vincent pulled his hand back clasped to stop the bleeding. Then he stepped into the inner circle.

Warren dipped a paint brush into the blood and slowly, carefully painted over the symbols she had written for him in chalk. As each set was finished he whispered a word and the set lit up before fading all together. As the last set glowed Vincent let out a gasp and went ridged. His eyes staring but not at anything in the room.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-31-2012, 02:59 AM

“Does it unnerve you to see your face on a male body that is not your own?” she paused for a moment, wondering how to best answer that question. Looking up into those amber eyes, her amber eyes. The eyes where the thing that perhaps most made her think of herself. She looked away almost as quickly as she had initially looked. “I would be lying if I said it wasn’t” she said softly, almost as if her mind was elsewhere, “Isn’t that the usual response? You’re other partners must have felt the unease of seeing themselves as well”

When they re-entered the studio the first thought that ran through Blaire’s head was to note that Warren had changed rather quickly but then she reminded herself, he’s a vampire. She had nodded, without saying a word when he mention that she needed to be absolutely silent. She watched as Vincent cut his hand and then let it bleed freely into a bowl that Warren had held out and had to put her hand over her mouth to stop her from gasping. It took all her strength not to leave the window seat when Vincent went rigid however. His eyes, she thought. His eyes aren’t seeing what’s here. Is that the magic? Was he seeing Lewis? She closed her eyes and tried not to look at Vincent’s eyes that where so distant.

__________________________________________________ _____

Alice paced the room in anger. It was taking far to long to break one old man, the prince was holding on to him way too tightly. Perhaps he was a better prince then she was going to make him for, but no matter, she would win in the end. Alice Delorenza was not a girl who ever lost when she had her eyes on the prize. As she paced the room one more time she barked at one of her, a smirk played her lips for a moment, her followers where dispensable, nothing more then minions to do her bidding. “Haven’t you broken the man yet!” Her voice which was a rich as a chocolate cake was also held an accent of foriegn decent.

The minion cowered at her obvious rage, “W..We….h…h..have’t stopped trying Mistress”

She rose her hand to slap him hard across the face, weakling, “Trying doesn’t get me the throne now does it” she nearly spat out in rage. She walked past, purposefully stepping on his toes with one of her luscious red heels. “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself”

It only took her a short while to reach the room where the old man was now reeling on the floor, barely clinging to life. Close, she thought to herself, but not close enough. She could see that blood now trickled down the man’s face. Good, she thought to herself, the prince was letting him go. She knelt down before the broken, desperate man. “Dearest human” she said in a manner that was full of the venom that her words did not portray. “Such a waste” she ran a finger across his cheek to pick up a small trickle of the blood running down it. She licked her finger as if to show who she was, “Such a shame that tonight will be your last”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 07-31-2012, 06:52 AM

Warren seemed surprised and worried when Vincent went stiff and stared off into space. He had never seen this happen with this spell before and he had not changed it in any why since last he had used it for Vincent. Looking over all the symbols that lay faintly to a vampire on the floor he tired to find where the spell had deviated without interfering with it. He did not dare risk touching him lest the spell backfire and kill Vincent. His face was clam and blank of any of the emotions he was feeling as he tried to think of what to say to Blaire if he did not come back before near sun up. a breath he did not need to take caught in his throat.

__________________________________________________ _____________________________

Vincent seemed to be floating above a room with another vampire in it. She was beautiful but she paced like a cat caged knowing that if it just spent a moment longer caged it would get the best life it could. She seemed to be dressed in the height of fashion and like a young lady that got everything she did not seem to care. She was cold and unfeeling from what he could see and read from her. She had been raised to always get what she wanted, there was no way she had learned this since she had been embraced. He flouted around her as she yelled for one of her minions a smirk playing on her lips as he hurried into her room. “Haven’t you broken the man yet!” he knew that accent but he could not place it at this time. Part of him seemed to be drawn away from this place but he knew he had to stay here and see what she was talking of.

Something was important here, something that had to do with why he had no body and was here. he tried to remember as the man talked to her trying with each word to not have her hurt him. The slap burst through the room jumping form wall to wall. Then as she stepped on the mans toes Vincent remembered why he was there and what he was to be doing. This state was not a good state to remember anything useful. He would have to talk to Warren about messing up the spell IF and when he got back but for now all he could do was go to Lewis. Now he knew the face of his enemy and he may be able to face her down in proper challengers combat if she would challenge.

The bond pulled him quickly pasted her to Lewis who was in another room. He was beaten and crumpled on the floor. His breathing rasped in and out as he tried to find a way to be that did not hurt him as much as this did. This close to him Vincent could feel the pain that Lewis now faced alone their bond so thin that he would die soon if they kept up with what they were doing to time. Wrapping protective arms around Lewis he watched this woman stalk over to Lewis and tasted his blood. He wanted to jump on her now and ripper her to pieces but he knew he could not do that now without giving his hand away. Reaching back to his body and to Blaire he pulled from the both of them all the magic he could and wove a spell he had never wanted to try before. He never would have tried this spell if he thought that they could get to this place to save him quickly but there was no way that he could get there soon. He did not even know where this was other then it was not too far from where his body was.

The spell pulled through time to fill what he wanted. All days to come the pain that would have been felt now would dissipate along time into the days to come. He would suffer bruises and small cuts over years to keep Lewis alive now. Lewis could feel his presents there and pushed himself to his knees working up a bit of saliva he spit at her but did landed just at her feet.

“I will never bow to you lady, I have not business with you.” His voice rasped then grew stronger as the spell healed him. “you are playing with a fire you do not know how to control.” He coughed a small bit of blood came up with the third hack. He was dyeing he knew it, if he survived this night he would not survive the years to come. ‘thank you my lord, I did not think you had given up on me.’ the feel of warm loving hands wrapping around Vincent also were felt by Blaire as was the love for her though he did not know her. ’Keep our master safe from this woman child. Only you can save him from what she may do, you see what he can not. his voice was meant for just Blaire as he took in another deep breath. Something behind his thoughts made it clear he did not expect to live out the year.


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