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bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 02-27-2019, 06:44 AM

Cuties!!!! That's a great 2-fer deal you got there, and practically sisters, wow. Was Minerva doped up in that photo? lol

---------- Post added 02-26-2019 at 10:45 PM ----------

I'm moving to a different place at the end of the week, and the landlady has a super cute cat. I think I'm going to spend the first day stalking him and taking a bunch of pictures.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 02-27-2019, 08:10 AM

X'D No, she wasn't lol. She'd manged to roll over the kitty carrier/house and ended up on her back after picking it back up again (she was so unphased that she didn't even hop out of the thing), but apparently decided that was comfy and just stayed that way . The blep was just lucky timing.

Aaaahhhh cute kitties!!

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 03-03-2019, 04:30 AM

lol I see. I blep out the same way haha

and I visited the new place. I can confirm that kitty is super cute and friendly. The landlady is super paranoid about him now because one of the other roommates has accidentally let him out TWICE and he's only been there for like a month. D:

---------- Post added 03-02-2019 at 08:30 PM ----------

He is stalking all my boxes and waiting for them to empty

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-03-2019, 08:55 AM

Oh nooooes! Don't let out the indoor kitties!

Pffft! He's waiting for a new snuggly spot to claim

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 03-04-2019, 05:23 AM

Oh first thing he did was rub up on EVERYTHING. It's his room as much as it is mine u_u

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-04-2019, 08:16 AM

Pfft! X'D

When it comes to cats, you do not own the space. It is their room/apartment/house/etc, they're simply allowing you to reside there

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 03-10-2019, 11:46 PM

LOL yeah. I pay rent but it's pretty much his space.

I can't believe it's Sunday already, midterms this week, and then spring break. @_@

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-11-2019, 07:09 AM

I miss being in college...wish I could've finished

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 03-17-2019, 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki View Post
I miss being in college...wish I could've finished
Oh..? What happened? Once I finish I won't miss it.. it's so much stress.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-18-2019, 05:26 AM

Got drummed out by being poor. Didn't have the money to pay for the tuition, and SIUC's financial aid office...had absolutely nothing in the way of help. All the "help" I got was being bounced around the office, bounced between there and the bursar office and housing and the student center...and, when it came to questions about FAFSA and scholarships, they plunked me in a computer lab and said "here's the website, fill it out" and did absolutely NOTHING to explain what I was supposed to do.

It still pisses me off.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 03-18-2019, 07:35 AM

I never went to college. High school was already stress enough because of how often I get sick xP thanks weak immunue system! xP

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-19-2019, 05:16 AM

Eeeeeechk! XP Yeah, that doesn't sound like fun at all, Rubes

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 03-26-2019, 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki View Post
Got drummed out by being poor. Didn't have the money to pay for the tuition, and SIUC's financial aid office...had absolutely nothing in the way of help. All the "help" I got was being bounced around the office, bounced between there and the bursar office and housing and the student center...and, when it came to questions about FAFSA and scholarships, they plunked me in a computer lab and said "here's the website, fill it out" and did absolutely NOTHING to explain what I was supposed to do.

It still pisses me off.
Awww crap. I'm sorry you had such an awful experience. Given the importance of the FAFSA in making college accessible to people, it's infuriating that they would have been so dismissive and rude. Not to mention that they're being fucking paid to work a position where they have to help people.

Ugh, I would have ragequit too cuz I am FURIOUS for you right now. The FAFSA can be extremely intimidating (less-so now, thank goodness) and I know it gave me a lot of anxiety whenever it came time to fill it out.

And yeah... public settings always == germs, so no thanks lol. I wash my hands after handling light switches and water faucets in my own gd room (but its mostly cuz I haven't really broken the place in yet )

Hope everyone is having an okay-ish week. :)

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-27-2019, 05:19 AM

Welp, so far so good. Less than a week to my last day at McDonald's!

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 03-29-2019, 08:41 AM

Congratulations!! What's next in store for you?

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 03-31-2019, 07:58 AM

Uhh, putting my brain back together? XP

And Camp NaNoWriMo. Probably not the helthiest combination of things to do, but there ya go XP

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 04-02-2019, 06:23 AM

At least you'll definitely be using your brain. :)

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 04-02-2019, 07:27 AM

True, true. Which might actually help put my brain back together, I guess?

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 04-05-2019, 04:04 AM

Mmhmm. My brain struggles to recover even after a day of work. Data Entry can be sorta mind numbing too ^^; Can't wait until I start doing QA.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 04-06-2019, 08:26 AM

Honestly, I don't think I'd mind data entry...if I had a boss who wasn't a complete piece of crap ^^;

bing chilling
Risque is offline
Old 04-07-2019, 10:58 PM

Yeah it's not bad. It's the best I could hope for in an entry-level / minimum wage job. I highly recommend it. :)

Of course, if your boss sucks ass it doesn't matter what industry you work in. (Thankfully I've been blessed with good coworkers & bosses)

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 04-13-2019, 06:36 AM

Yeah...I probably would've been able to tolerate McDouchebag's more if it weren't for the horrible managers, dumb-ass coworkers, and general terrible work environment. Seriously, the amount of shoving-being-happy-with-the-job-down-the-throat and then promptly calling everyone stupid, treating them like they really don't have he brains of an earthworm, and being more concerned for the well-being of the equipment than the coworkers they're treating like garbage.

A couple customers even complained about that, becaue holy shit. When your workers are so miserable it's obvious to customers, it's bad. But damn, ya assholes if ya don't do something about it when it's pointed out to you. By the people you are obsessed with pleasing.

It had gotten so bad that I literally did not have the energy to do anything that I actually wanted to do after work and on my off days, all my brainpower was taken up by not breaking down, being in some kind of weird stress-survival mode, which just...shut down everything other than "don't have a psychotic break from work, badbabdbdbdbbbdjhjkhgfkjh".

And this was a part-time job that was doing this. Part. Time. I don't know how bad it would've been if I was cursed with full-time hours.

Cinderella is offline
Old 04-30-2019, 02:43 AM

I really like the idea of this hangout, so don't mind if I join in. 😊
My current goal is to work on job applications, which has been going horribly because I just have no motivation anymore.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 04-30-2019, 02:48 AM

Im just here to stalk Risque

That's a great goal!

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 04-30-2019, 05:54 AM

Hello everyone

I think my goals would be to finish my personal art projects.
I can finish my art I owe to other people no problem.
But my own ideas?


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