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Asahi Kumoru
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Old 02-12-2008, 06:01 AM

Nightingale - Yeah, I've been learning Japanese and Chinese both. I'm further along in Chinese, though, and my schedule didn't work out in a way that lets me take Japanese this year v.v;; If I get into Nanzan, I'll be taking intensive language classes there. Even ignoring the fact that I'm actually IN the country, their language classes are longer and more often than the ones we have here on campus. Place I go regularly is a tiny school, only one full-time Japanese professor ^^;

Nightingale is offline
Old 02-12-2008, 06:03 AM

Aiken: Aah X3 I like my meat too much ;_; Though the thing with chocolate sounds pretty creative. I don't really know how to work with cocoa powder, so I usually just go with what's more readily available.

The agave thing sounds interesting e.e I remember in Japan there was a little cup of.. sugar water? Or something like that as a condiment. I wonder if that was possibly something like it?

Rini: Eek! Those pictures are adorable ^^

Edit -
Asahi: Chinese seems like it'd be so much harder e.e Good job on working on both of them! Are you planning on becoming a translator or how do you think you'll be using it?

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Old 02-12-2008, 06:28 AM

Meat isn't a challenge for me. I used to be a HUGE meat eater but when I became vegetarian the smell of chicken would actually start making me sick and I used to love chicken. After a while any meat just didn't tempt me anymore. Dairy on the other hand...I have always loved cheese and honestly, I am still tempted from time to time for it. That and eggs...which I feel bad about but I used to love eggs. When I don't think about those foods I really do love what I have to eat probably even more. It's just all my life I've been fed those other foods so it's just a matter of getting them away from me and I don't want them. It's harder when the rest of my family still eats those foods.

Cacao powder isn't hard to work with. You just mix it. xD
But you would have to go to a health food store to buy it or online.

Hm...I'd have to see it so I'm not sure.

EDIT: Rini's internet connection is being stupid but she said thanks, Nightingale. ^^

Nightingale is offline
Old 02-12-2008, 07:14 AM

Suki: Guess it's one of those things that takes a while to adjust e.e I wouldn't mind giving it a try, but most healthy foods just don't taste good to me and often times gag reflex will kick in x.x I'm not against fruits n vegis or anything, it's just there's not many I like the taste of. Though it would be hard being the only vegetarian in a family who isn't X3 Good way to practice going against temptation at least?

Isn't the powder form more bitter than regular chocolate?

*hugs Rini* Hate it when internet goes evil >.<

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Chaitealatte is offline
Old 02-12-2008, 07:27 AM

I love the wings - they're sketchy!

*falls over with glee* Thank you soo~oo much! :3


*smiles at the sweet talk!* ^ ^

Hello Kunamio! We're not just talking chocolate, we're eating chocolate. In a manner of speaking, anyway. :3 Would you like some? I wonder what your favourite is.

Actually, I just thought I'd quite like a cioccolato. xD

Edit: It's a glorious morning over here. Look at the mist:

Nightingale is offline
Old 02-12-2008, 07:50 AM

Vanille: Ah =o The picture looks pretty ^^ And.. keke.. Mist <3

Asahi Kumoru
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Old 02-12-2008, 04:42 PM

Nightingale - In some ways, actually, Chinese is easier. True, there are more characters to memorize, but the grammar is a lot simpler in a lot of ways. You don't have to conjugate verbs, for example. Granted, you have to be able to pick up a lot from the context to determine the tense and all that, but it wasn't too hard for me once I got used to it. It just takes like, a really different headspace from English, if that makes sense.

And I'm thinking about becoming an English teacher abroad, at least in the immediate future. I might go into translation later, though. I've also considered maybe doing technical writing for a Chinese or Japanese company. I still have one more semester of undergrad after this one, though, so I've got a bit of time.

Vanille - That's so pretty =o

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Old 02-12-2008, 05:49 PM

@Nightingale: Surprisingly, it didn't take long to adjust to not eating meat. I just didn't want it. I kept picturing live animals every time I saw it so that helped. >.>;
I think I've liked about all the fruit I've tasted. It's like dessert to me. I'm really bad about eating my greens though but what I'm going to try to start doing everyday once I get some more smoothie supplies is put the greens in my smoothies so I can have some added nutrition. I can't taste the greens. I just have been too lazy to wash the spinach or romaine and add it to the fruit.
Being vegan has helped me some with my self control but I still need a whole lot of work especially with the internet. xD

Well, chocolate is rather bitter in the first place. The chocolate you eat is sweetened with sugar and you think of sweet when you eat chocolate. So, that's why I would add agave to have sweet chocolate. But when I sniff the powder it smells like dark chocolate. So good. :3

@Chai: That is breath taking. I love the colors the sky yields in the morning. I wish it was like that all day. It looks kind of like a painting. You have quite a bit of land around there.

I'll tell Rini that you like it. She's doing school work which I must also get back to now. xD;;

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Old 02-12-2008, 09:38 PM

I'm a bit of a hopeless vegetarian myself. ^ ^;

I love fish, so I'll still eat that, but I only occasionally have eggs... just by virtue of my diet. But then, I will eat meat, because it's more convenient for my mother. @ @

Maybe once I'm out in University and cooking for myself with my Vege cookbook I'll take more control. xD~

I just find I feel perkier if I stick with fruit and veg. xO I like spinach a lot, and it's a shame I don't get more of it. P:

As for the view from my window, it's gooorgeous. And we are allowed to walk our dog on that land, so it's great. I just figured out today how good it will be for bike riding as well. I need more exercise. xD;


*mulling over the third clue*

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Old 02-12-2008, 09:52 PM

I never liked fish so even when I was just vegetarian I opted on leaving out fish too because the only way I ate it was fried or deep fried and that's not healthy.
My mom doesn't like me being vegan because she says that it's really hard on her and she never knows what to fix me, but I make it clear that doesn't have to fix me anything. I make most of my own meals, but my family eats too many grains so unless I want to get really fat I should eat less of them. We're always having rice, quinoa, oat meal, or something.

I feel a lot better when I just eat fruits and vegetables too so I really should just eat those but constantly nagging my parents to go to the store for them makes them get in a bad mood so I have to make due with what's in the house.

Looking out of my window isn't quite as pretty. There are still piles and piles of branches and limbs everywhere and out trees in the front yard look naked now. It's so sad. ;-;
Stupid ice storm. D<

I need more exercise too and I always say I don't have time even though I make time for the internet when I really don't have time for it. @.@;

All in moderation. xD

The third clue was rather easy for me. The clues for this event have been much easier for me to figure out than in the last event I participated in.

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Old 02-12-2008, 10:15 PM

I got it eventually. xD

I really love my recipe book. But depending on which Uni I get into, I don't know whether I'll need to use it. The one I really want in on apparently does three meals a day, for first year undergraduates at least.

But I want to learn to cook properly... and explode eggs, and generally get in a panic about messing up the floor kitchen. Good times. x3

^ ^ And thank you for telling Rini thank you for me. I'm snowed-under with work until easter myself, though it's late now, so I should be sleeping rather than being online. So wound-up with stress about work yesterday, yuck.

Not long now... and I'll be on my gap year.

Hey, I can cook then as well! : D

[!Rini~chan!] is offline
Old 02-12-2008, 10:30 PM

@Chai: You're welcome. xD
And that picture is so lovely. x3
It reminds me of the foggy scene
from Pride and Prejudice where
Darcy proposes to Elizabeth
for the 2nd time. C:
I wish I lived in England~.
For the beauty and I wish
I had that accent! Teehee. ;D

Oh, And I'm a hopeless vegetarian as well.
I feel kinda guilty when I
eat like beef or pork and chicken,
but it's so hard.
Because that's what my mom fixes.
And that's what there is to eat
every where, you know? D:
I love fruits too.

Nightingale is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 04:16 AM

Asahi: Eh, well I've never been quite so talented in memorizing the more complex kanji anyways, so I suppose that's why it seems harder X3 Though it sounds harder to pronounce too, like it's a little more gutteral/throaty almost? Not really sure how to describe it e.<

Teaching sounds fun though ^^ Any particular age group you're looking to teach for?

Suki: I suppose I have that usual sort of detachment type relationship with the animals I eat e.e If I ever got a pet cow I'm sure that eating meat would be a lot harder, or if I tried watching how meat is processed e.e I have a hard enough time killing a spider, much less watching less creepy animals get decemated. So yeah, self inflicted ignorance for the sake of enjoying meat.

Spinach has too strong a taste e.e I like lettuce though. And carrots, and green beans (hate canned green beans, those are gross beyond all reason), and.. um.. potatoes.. er.. sometime celery. *attempts to think of more vegis* I'm sure there're some I'm forgetting <.< Really.

I'm not actually all that fond of dark chocolate x3 I mean I'd eat it, but I prefer milk chocolate. Sweetened sugary goodness :3

Chai: Eeks, I don't like fish either XD;; I like shrimp and tuna from a can and that about sums it up. There are times when I'll eat fish if it doesn't have that fishy-taste or if it's cooked right, but it happens so rarely that I don't really have any names for such foods X3

Rini: Pride and Predujice was a good book *.* <3

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Old 02-13-2008, 07:37 AM

xD Ooh, I never thought of it that way, but thinking of it now... I'm afaid I think of Rochester falling off his horse and almost tripping over Jane. <33

Frankly, I'm too far South for any such fancies. x3

I'm closer to Lydia and Brighton. : D

P: I wish I could notice my own accent. My favourites, at least from around our little Isle, are Irish and Welsh. I was listening to an Irish band yesterday, The Corrs, Borrowed Heaven, and I was seriously considering posting a link here.

xD They're the only band I've seen in concert (that is, excluding War of the Worlds, which was like a concert, but also... you can't put it in a box, it's such an odd mix of things - come to think of it, I could have a Martian cylinder in one of those fields out there, that's closer to where we are) and where was I? OnlybandI'veseenin... yes. The Borrowed Heaven song was fantastic. They had huge goldy lights that swept the audience, and the image of a sunrise growing on the screeen behind them. x3

A shame they didn't have the African choir they have in the recorder version. It's a really gorgeous song.

Mist, I like smoked fish best. xD; We went to an old village in Holland once, and I inisted on taking photos of the old-fashioned smoke houses. My dog likes smoked fish (we gave in the skins of some haddock) too, and I think it's because it tastes of wood. P: He's obsessed with sticks.

*jitters* ;~; Going to see my Psychology teacher today because I realised how far behind I was and completely flipped-out. Stressstressstress. I know I shouldn't be so anxious, but God it's hard to stop myself! : O I think I'll read and book and try that extra exercise to put a sleeper in front of my train of thought. xD

And I just realised I'm not going to be here for the end of the V-day event. Damn. ;~; I'll have to buy the last couple of items. </3 Buuut... : D I'll take lots more photos of Mont Blanc.

PS - French chocolate is the bee's knees. : D

And did you know, according to my friend, ice-cream was invented in Persia, and the Romans stole it? xD

Nightingale is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 07:12 PM

Vanille: I've tried smoked fish before, but its been so long that I don't remember if I like it or not X3 I'd give it another try at the least.

Eeks, good luck in catching up with work e.e Don't stress yourself out too much, 'tisn't healthy D:

Hrm, I'm not quite so fond of this hairpin as I am of the other items. It's a bit bulky e.< It'd look good alone I suppose, but not with the other stuffs going on in my hair. *sticks to the halloween pin*

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Old 02-13-2008, 07:22 PM

*hasn't tried it on yet*

We've ordered a journal from a London library for the psychology, and I'm researching other things for it at this moment. Then there's art homework. But that's kind of fun. And at nine, TORCHWOOD! xD *bouncesridiculously*

:3~ It can never hurt to try things. Though my taste hasn't changed at all in regards to peppers. I like chillis, I can't stand normal peppers though. Or courgette. >3<

Nightingale is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 07:29 PM

Art homework is always fun <3 What kind of projects do you have to do there? And what's Torchwood? X3;

Eeks, I don't like peppers/those kinda things. Too spicy or hot with funky taste. I like bland, boring foods >.>;; Though, what' courgette? I have no knowledge of all these fancy foods e.e

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Old 02-13-2008, 08:16 PM

xD Courgette is Zucchini?

I haaate it.

x3 Torchwood is British science fiction I think I tortured Suki with this time last week in the book thread. xO

Nightingale is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 08:24 PM

Ooh, it's zucchini? Gotcha X3 I don't like zucchini, but I do like zucchini bread. I remember helping my mom make it from scratch, but its been years since then.

What's the plot to it?

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Old 02-13-2008, 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Chaitealatte
*hasn't tried it on yet*

We've ordered a journal from a London library for the psychology, and I'm researching other things for it at this moment. Then there's art homework. But that's kind of fun. And at nine, TORCHWOOD! xD *bouncesridiculously*

:3~ It can never hurt to try things. Though my taste hasn't changed at all in regards to peppers. I like chillis, I can't stand normal peppers though. Or courgette. >3<
I'm going to be watching Torchwood at 9 as well
*luffs Captain Jack* heh

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Old 02-14-2008, 07:12 AM

Sayuri! : D

I'll pop back to your thread too! :3

Captain Jack. <333 >3<

And do you get BBC 3? My Mum was watching the first episode on BBC 2 and came running downstairs to the living room where I'd been watching it, all "Quick, BBC-"

"ALREADY THERE! WAY AHEAD OF YOU! *eyes glued to the screen*"

John Barrowman was doing book signings with his sister in Brighton yesterday, and my Dad went along for me, because I couldn't miss a day of school for it after I went home on tuesday. *hugs her copy of the book tight*

* fangirl*

:3 Mist, basically, the plot is there's a rift running through time and space, and it principally falls over Cardiff in Wales. TORCHWOOD is the spin-off (and anagram) of the British sci-fi cult show Doctor Who, which recieved a make-over in the last couple of years, and half the population are addicted. xD The two keep crossing over. The lead character of TORCHWOOD, Captain Jack Harkness, originally appeared in Doctor Who, but when he and the Doctor parted ways, he became the leader of the Cardiff TORCHWOOD. Basically, they deal with aliens who fall through the roof, but only resort to killing in self-defence... It's all about him and his team, their relationships, and aliens, and relationships with aliens. In some cases. xD It's comedy and serious and a whole lot of things all at once.

For instance, last week's episode, Meat, was about how alien meat was being smuggled into the market. But it had no bones, no fat, pure muscle, and there was lots of it. Grossgrossgross. Naturally, we get the jokes about them not wanting to eat a meaty pizza. >_> But it had a lot to do with, well, Whaling was what it reminded me of. This alien had fallen through the rift, and kept growing, and not dying, no matter how much this illegal group hacked into it... And it made noises like a whale, and was clearly intelligent, and Torchwood, well, Jack, wanted to save it and send it back through the rift.

Lots of Doctor Who fans - ones who boast of watching all the old series and so on to us younger lot - don't like it at all. Plus lots of people are ruffled because of all the violence, gore, raunchiness, and foul language. It's a lot more adult than Torchwood. Then you have the kid's version, The Sarah-Jane Adventures, to counter. @ @

All good. <3333

xD; *gone on for a long time AGAIN when she's meant to be finding sonnets* I can never explain things in a nutshell.

Proud to be nekkid since '08.
Bunnyy is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 07:29 AM

Hewo. (:
My thread`s always dead so..
Hewo! (x

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Old 02-14-2008, 09:23 AM

Yeah, we get BBC3, have Sky ^_^
The one last night was pretty good, about the only time I've ever felt sorry for Rhys, usually I think he is a pretty pointless character =P

Nightingale is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 06:30 PM

It'd probably help if I knew/saw Doctor Who as well X3; I rarely watch television these days. If I can catch AFV on Sundays then I'd watch that, but usually the tv is taken by others who pretty much have the tv on all day x.x Unfortunately for me, my room shares the wall that the tv is on, and they like it loud e.<

I think the only tv show I got interested in recently was Heroes, but since I'm bad about watching stuff, I just downloaded the first season X3; The nbc website offers free episodes of their shows with only one or two commercials, so that's a pretty good way of watching their stuff if missed.

Can't hurt to look into this Torchwood thing though X3 Just need to stop feeling lazy to actually go look it up >.>;

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Old 02-14-2008, 07:35 PM

*envies Sayuri* We only have digital.

xD Mist, I don't watch much TV either. I'm only really coaxed on for a) Doctor Who (which, yes, maybe you should look up first, if you're interested :3), b) Torchwood, c) The Sarah-Jane Adventures, d) Young Dracula. Oh, and if I stray into the living room and my little sister is watching Zombie Hotel, I'll join her. I like the art. xDD

"I'm Fungus!" "I'm Maggot!" "We hope that you can join us! It's alright! We don't bite! So won't you stay the night?" xD So cute and funny. And Young Dracula... >3< *total crush on the Count, even though he's a dope... he's just so sweet when he's all squirmy and put on the spot*

Yes, I'm eighteen and I love kid's shows. xDD


Guess what happened to me today? ;3


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