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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-18-2017, 02:29 AM

Yvonne sighed as she brushed her hair back, the various lighter and darker streaks in it giving the mousy color a fuller look. "Don't mind Axel so much. He's got a bad reputation for being like that. And I think, right now he's in a worse mood than usual..." She shook her head as she walked. Clearly not in a hurry, she let the winding maze of the halls own them for a while. "But you know...he wasn't always like that. He's a dick, obviously." She snorted. "But not necessarily a bad one. Kid's got it rough. I remember what it was like when we first debuted in that little suburb on the wrong side of town. There was joy in each one of our eyes after every show. It was shit and the bars smelled, but I think we were happier back then."

As the hall opened up to reveal the lobby, Yvonne turned, not willing to end the conversation yet, but not willing to take it outside either. "If you're all you say you are, I want you to bring us back to what we were like back then. Can you do that? Can you make us want to be famous again? That's all I want."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-18-2017, 02:39 AM

Fane stopped with her. He didn't answer right away. It would have been a diservice to rush into an answer without truly giving Yvonne's wish due consideration. Axel hovered in the back of his mind, almost like a key. All of the others gravitated around him, or so it seemed to him. Maybe working with Axel more closely could bring about Yvonne's wish.

"All I can promise is to try." He looked at her, taking in her attractive features, her earnest eyes. "After meeting everyone, I really do want to help each of you become what you want, and help the band succeed ... in the right way. I wouldn't want you guys to get famous, and end up going off the rails, getting into drugs and hurting yourselves. " There was that chance, that path. Already Fane had started to care for each of the OWYO members, because they were so willing to give him a chance.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-18-2017, 03:05 AM

Yvonne's lips quirked up into a smile that lacked her earlier sass. "Thank you. Lionus really can peg a person right off. You're something else!" Whistling, she stuffed her hands in the jean jacket's pockets, the sass coming back. "But hey, I'm just a rocker soul displaced from the 80's. I can't promise any keeping out of trouble. You know you've got your hands full with us. But Die will help keep things in line so you don't have to worry about going up and dying. We've got to become filthy rich first, right?! That's what we set out for so god knows we'll get it! Paint us in green, baby!" Laughing, she turned toward the front doors, eyeing the sunshine outside with an irritated look. "See ya, mister manager. I'm looking forward to this."

As she slipped outside, she thought for a second she saw smoke rising from the shadows against the building's wall, but she passed right by them without gazing deeply. She missed the figure of Axel leaning a few feet from the door, a cigarette in hand as he tried very hard to disappear into his shadow. He really should have just stayed home today...

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-18-2017, 03:28 AM

Fane's lips quirked up into a smile. He was flattered to have and a little embarrassed to have garnered such trust so fast.

He started walking back to his car, but didn't even make it to the parking lot. Wisps of smoke caught his eyes, drawing him to the shadows. There was Axel, nearly hidden and yet there for anyone who cared to take a few steps closer to the building.

The manager walked over, and leaned against the wall beside Axel, casual as could be. He didn't smoke, but he it didn't bother him when others did. It was their choice after all. Fane didn't say anything, just stood there to offer some silent companionship. What was there to say? He felt like he had been the cause for Axel's earlier outburst, and yet the reason for it eluded him so he couldn't even imagine what words might make any kind of difference to the blue haired man.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-18-2017, 02:38 PM

Axel tensed as Fane moved toward him, leaning against the wall without a word. He took another drag, hoping Fane wasn't astute enough to notice. Why did he of all people have to stalk out his hiding place? Axel wanted to be alone, even if he chose a place only a few feet away from the door, on the edge of the sunlight. "Do you smoke?" he asked finally, offering the still mostly full pack from his pocket. He didn't smoke often and the taste burned his nose and throat, but he reveled in it now, as the vice that it was. Not meeting Fane's eye, he stared into the parking lot for another few seconds of silence. "I don't know what you think you're going to say, but it's probably not worth it."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-18-2017, 02:44 PM

The honey blonde shook his head when offered the cigarettes. "No, but thanks."

He shrugged after that, and slid his hands into his pockets after loosening his tie. "I wasn't really planning on saying anything, really. It just seemed a shame that you were out here alone on such a nice day." It was beautiful, a near cloudless blue sky and sunlight shimmering through the leaves making them look like jewels. He was looking up, wonderingly, instead of staring at Axel.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-18-2017, 03:17 PM

Axel raised an eyebrow, trying to ascertain what was so pleasant about this day. The sun felt sticky and too bright and the faint breeze scratched at his pale skin like it wanted to pull it off somehow. He was a creature of the night and the daytime just did not suit him well. "Perhaps I like being alone on days like this," he murmured back. Letting his cigarette run down as he held it to the side, he continued to gaze at the line of shining cars. "It's really Harlan's fault, that idiot. He said he wouldn't leave my doorstep if I didn't give you a call. That's not a very nice thing to do to someone who's hung over." Huffing, he flicked his cigarette butt away. "Anyway, I'm going to head back now."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-18-2017, 03:29 PM

"Sounds like Harlan was just trying to be your friend."

Fane stepped away from the wall, moving to stand in front of Axel. "Look, you seem to be the heart of OWYO so I'd really like to get to know you better.That's why I came over. So, sometime when you're free I'd like to meet with you outside of work." The one great drawback of working with bands was how damn attractive everyone was. They were all like gemstones, waiting to be polished or already shining bright. Axel would have been a sapphire, a dark one. The idea struck him, gave Fane an idea. Maybe ...

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-20-2017, 12:10 AM

Axel pursed his lips when Fane got in his way. However, he didn't just push past, careful to keep them from touching. "Whatever. If you want to hang out with me, that's fine, but we do it on my terms. I'm not going out and doing something froo-froo and if I don't feel like it, I won't." Sighing, he finally slipped past, still careful to keep the distance between them as if he might burn should their shoulders brush. Shoving his hands deep in his pockets, he straightened his back with pride. "And yes, I am the heart of the band." With those parting words thrown over his shoulder, he stalked into the parking lot, where he threw himself into his car and speed away seconds later. He couldn't explain it, but Fane got under his skin. Maybe it was the way he saw through him, or the way he cared. Either way, he was done. Axel just wanted to go home and sleep.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-20-2017, 01:18 AM

Fane watched Axel leave with a speculative look. It took a lawnmower passing by on the studio's scant lawn to bring him back to reality. With a half chuckle and a shake of his head, the manager headed for his car with the utmost certainty that his life had just gotten a much needed dose of interesting.

How could it be otherwise with a band like OWYO as his client?

While driving home he contemplated his idea. Every band member could definitely work as a model, especially if he could find a jewelry company or designer whose style matched OWYO's. It would be a good way, a less stressful way, to get the band back into the show business flow, get them working again at promoting themselves rather then allowing such talent to fester until it rotted trying to get out of a rut.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-20-2017, 07:22 PM

A sharp breeze rushed down the alleyway, howling and twisting like a starved beast. Over the steady, loud beat of his heart, Jayde still heard the angry and scared flurries of conversation from just around the corner. He leaned against the wall, a fixture of the shadows with only his gem-like eyes reflecting the neon lights. The Lilly Lounge was alight with commotion tonight and he was just barely swallowing his irritation because of it. Sighing, he managed to calm his expression enough to bring his cell to his ear, the device already ringing. "Hey, Axel," he greeted as soon as the other man picked up. "That package I gave you last week, go ahead and send it to the address I gave you." Words as calm as ever, it almost made up for the wail of siren's nearing the club's location.

After a slight thump like he just knocked over a chair, Axel managed to respond. "Hey! When are you going to tell me what this is about? The fuck is going on out there, Jayde? If this package is important, shouldn't you tell m-"

"Just deliver it," Jayde cut in. A hint of exasperation colored his voice and that shut Axel up before he could argue further. Jayde was losing his patience and he knew it. The siren's reached the light one block away from the club and blared, trying to get across the street. Cop cars wouldn't be far behind and they would look for anyone involved. Before that happened, he needed to leave. Time to end this conversation. "Got it?"

A sigh sounded from the other side of the phone, but Axel agreed a second later. Without another word, Jayde ended the call, his business done. It didn't matter that Axel questioned him or that he might seem like a suspect now. Since it wasn't like that at all. Still, this job proved to be a much longer game than anticipated. Could he pull it off? Could he stay under for so long without so much as surfacing for air? Without giving himself time to question it, he pulled up Harlan's number next and sent a quick text before he realized that he couldn't. He couldn't do this job without something to bring him back.

'Meet at 10 tonight?' The quick message wasn't even much, but on short notice, it somehow sounded desperate. One hour. That was all the time he gave himself and he sent it via text as well. He couldn't trust his voice in a call, not to Harlan. First, he needed to get out of here and maybe then he could truly regain his calm.

The ambulance finally veered into the club's parking lot and Jayde started walking, never once looking back as they loaded up a young man with tattoos down half his face and diamond earrings, now ruby with a sheen of blood. What a waste.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-21-2017, 01:23 AM

Bleary eyed, Harlan forced himself to roll over and grab his cellphone. The message on the screen, the number shining up at him in the darkness of his room, woke him faster then any coffee could. He'd stayed up too late working on music the night before, was exhausted, but he didn't care in the least.

Sure. Usual place? There were always rooms available at the out of the way motel. Heart beating fast he wondered what to wear. Why was Jayde calling in the first place? It was so much sooner then Harlan had expected.

He threw on tight fitting jeans and a favorite concert t-shirt, slapped on some leather bracelets and converse sneakers and he was out the door, already heading to the unexpected meeting.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-21-2017, 08:35 PM

Jayde didn't respond to the text, knowing that Harlan would show up regardless. Only if he intended to change their usual plan would he find the message worth its effort. Ten minutes later, he reached the hotel that reached up toward the sky, a populous building alone in a cluster of empty ones. The neighborhoods of Detroit flowed almost seamlessly from luxury to abandoned and then ones like this that existed somewhere in between. It wasn't bad though, just a more sharp than ever contrast in his mind. After checking to a room, he texted the number to Harlan and dropped onto the bed, both hands clenched under his chin as he waited. He knew he did something rash now, but it was too late to take it back. He wanted to meet with Harlan even if his two lives got mixed up.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-22-2017, 01:11 AM

Harlan stepped into the hotel just as his phone buzzed again. He slid it from his pocket and grinned. There it was, the room number he'd been waiting for! Glad to be seeing Jayde again, he headed straight for the stairs. The exercise would warm him up for what was sure to come next, get his heart pumping and blood flowing.

Once before the non descript door, he lifted a hand to knock. For a moment, Harlan hesitated. What would he do if he couldn't just act like he always had, before he'd realized his feelings for Jayde? He shook his head, braced himself, and slapped the door a few times.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-22-2017, 02:28 AM

Jayde grunted at the sound of Harlan knocking. He felt secure in his calmness and stepped forward, swinging the door open just as the other man started slapping the hard wood surface. Raising one eyebrow slightly, he regarded Harlan for a second before pushing the door wide so he could enter. "Good, didn't take you long," he murmured. A slight tremor altered his voice, making him sound more impatient. The events of earlier weighed in his mind so that no matter how prepared he made himself, seeing Harlan only reminded him how much he wanted to drown himself in simple pleasures. Letting the door close behind Harlan, Jayde stood with his back to it, watching his no-strings lover. "I have no patience tonight, just so you know."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-22-2017, 02:42 AM

Harlan's answer was to step forward and crush his lips against Jayde's. He squeezed the other man close, trying to feel every inch of him. Then, just for those few moments, Harlan could almost pretend that Jayde had called him because he'd missed him ...

The brunette pulled back, breathless, and with a wicked grin on his face. He couldn't let Jayde suspect even for a moment how he felt after all. "That's fine. I came up with a few things to try, and wondering how long it would take before I could actually go through with it all."

Pretend, just make believe ... Harlan swallowed hard as he caught himself staring into Jayde's gemstone eyes. His grin faded slowly. Just for a moment, his features softened, before he caught himself, shook it off.

He hadn't had time to brace himself, to prepare himself...And now he had to pretend that he didn't care at all, that he didn't wonder why Jayde had called him up so unexpectedly ... He had to hide that he was just a bit worried.

"Let's just get this over with," added Harlan, his voice rough.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-22-2017, 03:06 AM

Jayde responded to the kiss immediately, answering it with an almost drunken sort of passion as his hand came up to grip Harlan's hair. Too soon though, it ended. He grunted low, his eyes ablaze when Harlan spoke. Whatever softness he might have seen in Harlan's eyes meant nothing right now. Maybe later he might analyze the meaning of it.

"I don't care about that. I just want you." Voice low, he stepped away from the door, pushing both of them toward the bed. There was no stopping this need now. No matter how they did it would quench this thirst that his job left inside. As their legs bumped into the bed's frame again, he tilted his head to kiss Harlan deeply again. A half second later, he sent them tumbling down onto the bed, more than ready to do as Harlan said and get it over with. Otherwise, he might really break down and reveal how unsettled he felt.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-22-2017, 03:21 AM

Harlan obliged. More then glad to comply, he let himself fall onto the bed and passion rule.

Clothes were stripped away one by one by his own eager hands; if he couldn't bare his heart at least he could bare himself in that way while Jayde watched. Harlan moved, shifted, so he lay as near Jayde as could be. So near that he could hear the other man's heart beating, feel every breath against his skin. It felt like the closest thing to a relationship he would ever get with the mysterious man. Harlan let himself brush his lips against Jayde's skin, lingering over every inch to savor the taste.

It wasn't like anything he'd ever done with Jayde before. It had always seemed too ... loving a thing, and yet he couldn't help himself, even as he hungered for the usual passionate embraces they usually fell into.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-22-2017, 02:44 PM

The slow stripping, the feel of Harlan's lips against his skin--Jayde found himself enraptured by the different development. Maybe it was today or just the mood they had fallen into, but it fueled his passion more than he ever thought it would. Tossing his shirt behind him, he ignored the flow and bit Harlan's shoulder, returning them to their usual no-time-for-games passion. Hadn't he said he had no time for patience today? As he finished tossing aside his clothes, leaving just the chain necklace swinging from his neck, he guided things on their natural course. The night felt alive in him and for the entire length of it, he let himself forget about the outside world. The pain, the fears, the anger, all gone. For now, there was just Harlan.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-22-2017, 03:43 PM

In the aftermath, Harlan lingered, feeling blissfully alive and aware of the man by his side. Things had been different ... And he'd fallen asleep!

Morning light filtered through the hotel curtains, a sight he'd never stuck around to see. Was Jayde still there? Harlan didn't even want to think about it, wouldn't even let himself wonder if the weight he felts agaist him was just a too warm pillow, or that of another's body.

They'd never fallen asleep with each other, woken up beside each other. He hoped it had happened, wanted that memory, those moments ...

And yet he was afraid of the possibility too.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-22-2017, 05:55 PM

The ashtray overflowed with cigarette ash and the remains of half of a dozen butts. They'd gone cold by now, but they were the remains of a long night. Jayde sat with his back against the pillows, chin resting on the back of his hand as he stared at the tv across from the room. The volume sat on the lowest setting so only the faint buzz of words reached the bed and yet Jayde watched it with rapt attention. On the screen, the news channel showed the chaos of a recent shooting inside a known gang affiliated club. For the past hour, he sat watching it, not even realizing that the morning light began to filter into their room.

He didn't make a conscious decision to stay overnight. Rather, seeing Harlan fall asleep, he let himself get caught up in a lull. It was only just past dawn and he himself did not sleep, only smoked before turning on tv to watch the remains of his previous night. Not noticing that Harlan had woke again, he continued watching intently as a police commissioner talked about a case they knew nothing about. He really should set up a meeting with his contact.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-23-2017, 01:39 AM

Cracking his eyes open, Harlan bit his lip to stop a gasp from shooting out of his mouth. There was Jayde, ,looking as attractive and mysterious as ever. The scent of cigarettes made him wrinkle his nose for a moment, until he realized what the pile of cold ones on their ashtray meant.

He rolled over to his side , propping his head up against his hand. "Did you even bother to get any sleep? I mean seriously, you exhausted me last night! I don't know how you're still awake." Casual was the best way to go. Besides, it meant he could spend just a little longer with Jayde, maybe even find out something about the other man.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-23-2017, 03:38 AM

Jayde tensed at Harlan's voice, his hand flinching toward the bedside table for a half second. His ever easy calm returned though and he turned toward the tv screen again. The same images kept flashing there over and over, keeping him still just a little tense. "I didn't plan on sleeping. I only lost track of the time," he murmured. A flicker of a smile graced his face at the mention of how he exhausted Harlan though. That expression, he could understand. If only other things weren't weighing on his mind. "But I'm glad you enjoyed it to that degree. It was fun." However, as he gaze focused on the tv screen again, his expression didn't look the least bit thrilled despite his words.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-23-2017, 07:48 AM

His lips quirked up at Jayde's words, answeringn the mysterious man's almost smile with one of his own. But then Harlan noticed a tension about Jayde. It just didn't match what Jayde was saying, and it worried Harlan.

Harlan sat up and shifted to face Jayde. "Hey, Jayde?" The brunette waited a moment to get the other man's attention. "You seem way more tense then usual." His gaze flicked to the t.v screen. What was up with that? But after that thought Harlan dismissed it. He was more worried for Jayde then about some incident at a club that he'd never even heard about before.

"Look, I know there's no brining anything from our lives into this. I get that, but ...bear with me, I'm going to make things a bit personal when I ask this. Isn't there anything more then this I could do to help?" There was none of that peaceful quiet bliss he'd imagined he might feel waking beside Jayde might be like, only worry and fear. Fear of rejection most of all, and yet Harlan couldn't help but reach out to touch Jayde's shoulder. He wanted to pull the other man into a hug, hold him close until all the stress in his body slipped away ...

But there was no way Jayde would allow that.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 09-23-2017, 10:35 PM

Not meeting Harlan's gaze, Jayde answered without any real emotion in his voice. It was something he'd practiced all too often and did perfectly. "You're reading too much into it. Nothing is wrong." Resisting the urge to reach for another cigarette, he shifted so one of his legs lay bent in front of him. His ability to focus on the tv was waning though. And really, he felt glad that Harlan didn't question it. Ask if he knew the victim, or was there, or something that would require a direct lie. Because things were still too ongoing to share.

As Harlan continued to speak though, he was forced to turn, finally meeting the other man's eye. For a second, that was all he did, just regarding Harlan silently. "You're fine. This is enough," he reiterated. Sighing slightly, reached for the remote, but hesitated to turn the tv off. It wasn't that something caught his attention, but he still thought something might. But really, wasn't he just procrastinating at this hidden away hotel by this point? "It's not that I mind you asking, but I have nothing to answer. I'm just watching the news. Don't go expecting more than that." Though the words sounded so simple, he knew the weight that they carried. Don't expect more from me than this. Finally turning off the tv, he ignored Harlan's hand on his shoulder because he didn't need things like that even if it felt warm. He learned long ago how to cope by himself.


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