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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 05:18 PM

Auris blinked. He hadn't made it far when the girl began to question him. He turned to watch her. She clung to the other male for a while and then tried to step towards him, Auris smiled kindly to her. "I think your a mermaid. It seems obvious to me. I know you from somewhere, and I don't really associate with human females all that much, so it must have been in one of these underwater cities." He shrugged slightly. "Plus, your legs, the way you stand and move. Like a mermaid who's just gotten her feet and not quite used to it yet. And Pandoris...Pandoris is my home. Deep in the ocean, it's rather dark down there, it's where most of the sharks dwell and my people. Mostly nomads but our capital is Pandoris and my father rules the nomadic shark and mer-shark." Auris didn't move, he would stay and wait for her response this time instead of just walking away.

][erh. well. I might be able to post off an on this weekend. I'll try to stay current.][

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 07:07 PM

Aria laughed softly as she joked with couple of guests, ruby eyes sparkling with her happiness. She felt at home here, surrounded by others who she had made happy. She glanced over a few times at the female who had first come in, but she knew Auris could handle. She'd also glanced at her baby sister who hung near the pool door, obviously plotting something. Shaking her head and brushing back a loose silver tendril, she glided through the crowd back to the bar. It was nearing noon and many were looking forwards to lunch soon. She pulled on an apron before she stepped into the kitchen, pulling together everything she would need to start on some of the orders she'd already heard.

Leesia stopped glaring to just watch her big sister. This was what her sister deserved growing up. Happiness, love, something she wasn't sure the shark knew how to give her sister. Suddenly having a thought, she found a package of water balloons in a mini desk table near the door, the drawers filled with all sorts of toys that would entertain children. Grinning she dug into her own pockets and pulled out a set of small vials filled with brightly colored liquids that swirled like a rainbow. Chuckling to herself, she added a drop of the swirling colors to the balloon before filling it to the size of a tennis ball and tying them off. She filled a few more, giving her at least 6 balloons to use. Which she planned to do as she moved back to the doorway, hiding in the shadows before flinging one into the air, the others following short seconds later, all aimed to splatter onto the shark or at the possibles of where he might dodge. It would be funny to see him suddenly dyed different bright neon colors.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 02:39 AM

Stellara nodded encouragingly at the girl. She waited to see how well Ruuya did, watchign her movements upon the stage. At the same time the young woman poked a little with her magical senses at the emotional quality of the music. The voice melded so well with everything ... Each movement conveyed something, though that would need to be practiced. For such an impromptu song, this was very good indeed. Stellara waved at the girl with a right smile to signal her off the stage.

Surprise at how the young woman clung to him made Frost freeze up. No one approached him, ever. It was as if they recognized his magical nature, even without knowing what he was. It made him forget his animosity as he listened to the conversation. between Lilah and Auris. Tilting his head to the side, Frost contemplated Auris with a small smile upon his lips. "Well Prince Shark, this certainly explains a lot. Hopefully my icy aura of magic hasn't harmed you." Raising en eyebrow to indicate that he had mixed feelings upon that sentence, Tobias shook his head with a good natured laugh. Sometimes the young man could be as prickly as a cactus, and he knew it too.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 02:50 AM

"Ah..My name is Auris." The rest of what he might have said, wasn't said. With a narrow eyed predatory look, Auris leaped behind the bar in one quick fluid movement. His feet slipped out from under him and he went down on the floor, but that was alright. The six balloons that had been hurtling for him missed, using the bar as a shield of sorts. The balloons hit where he had been standing and the areas near about as if dodges were anticipated. he grimaced when he heard them splatter. Aria would not be pleased about that, but she couldn't blame that on him. He hadn't done it. He peeked up over the bartop. Predatory gleam just slight in his eyes as he looked around for his attacker. The attacker was probably in the shadows somewhere, oh well. He didn't care and he certainly wasn't cleaning that mess up.

His nose wrinkled slightly and he pouted just a bit. His gaze going to the icy male for a moment. "It's always cold in Pandoris. Darker waters are always cooler than up here. Sunlight can't get through as easily." The tiger shark shrugged and stood, dashing off into the kitchen to tell Aria about the mess on her floor.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 03:10 AM

"A mermaid..." Lilah repeated, trying to remember some part of her life as a mermaid. She of course came up with nothing. Maybe he was right, that would explain why she had woken up wet and on the beach, and why she felt as if she was using her legs for the first time. Her question now was why? If only she could remember. Before she had time to get another word in there were brightly colored balloons of water bombing the area, seemingly aimed at Auris. Jumping back knocking into frost Lilah narrowly escaped the path of a balloon. Auris had jumped behind the bar to hide from the rain of the water balloons. Looking to the area the balloons had come from Lilah spotted a small girl ducking into the shadows. Who was this girl? And why was she throwing things at Auris. If she could use her legs better she might have been more inclined to go and see, but for now, she remained with Frost, her grip tight from the narrow balloon escape.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 03:55 AM

Dash had been humming to herself softly when someone threw the balloons. She was in her own little world so she didn't have time to move. One of them landed right by the stool she was sitting in and splashed all over her. Freezing Dash looked down at herself and started to growl. The sound started at the back of her throat, until it got louder and louder until it ended up as a snarl. Vaulting out of her chair she looked around breathing hard. Her hands were down by her side clenched in fists. Slowly you could hear thunder, getting louder through out the bar. The water outside the place they were in was starting to get ruff.

Her back turned to everyone Alice missed the water balloons being thrown. But when she heard Dashes snarl she spun around quickly. Then hearing the thunder Alice cursed under her breath. She hated when Dash lost her temper, it usually ended up raining or lightening in the bar. Taking a deep breath she shifted to her harpy form, for some reason Dash was always calmer around her when she was in her harpy form. Her pupils began to bleed over her iris and the white of her eyes until they were completely black. The roots of her hair began turning a fiery red, spreading the whole length of her hair until her hair looked like it was on fire. Her nails lengthened until they were long and razor sharp and her black leathery wings shot out of her back. Once the change was done she rolled her neck. Jumping up on the bar in a crouch she launched into the air and landed by Dash. Reaching her hand out she ran it over the cheetah's hair, petting her like she would if Dash was in her cheetah form. "Kitten relax," she said softly. As she ran her hand over her hair Dash relaxed more and more, until she was finally calm.

Sighing heavily Chenol walked by Dash and kissed her on the forehead. She gave Alice a smile and then turned away. Going to the supply closet she grabbed out a mop. Walking over to the large mess she let out another heavy sigh and began mopping. Her tables were just going to have to wait for the moment.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 04:09 AM

Aria sighed, she'd seen part of what occured through the round window on her kitchen door, but had gone back to her cooking just as the balloons splashed everywhere. Already knowing what would happen, she considered adding a bit of a bonus to Chenol's paycheck, and thinking about doing that for as long as Leesia either made a nuisance of herself or until she left, whichever came first. Glancing up as Auris entered, probably to tattle, she tightened her grip on the large chef's knife as she sliced the chicken breat on the board in front of her. "I apologize. I probably should have warned you about Leesia. She's rather a tempermental girl who feels you are like the big bad wolf who stole me away and now don't respect me enough by flirting with every lovely being you see." She commented with a soft smile as she added the chicken to the hot pan, browning the meat before throwing in some vegetables.

Aleesia pouted angirly as she watched the shark avoid her balloons and felt bad about the female that did get hit. Stomping her feet childishly for a few minutes, she calmed down, plastered on a bright smile, and bounded into the main room before moving to the bar. "Hiya! Is my- Aria, around?" She asked, correcting herself before she made claim to sibling bonds just quite yet to these others. The two of them looked nothing alike really, and she often times used it to her advantage of pulling pranks on people then going and crying to her sister to save her when she was going to be punished for such transgressions. No one ever wanted to anger the Tsunami family, even if Aria and she were the weakest physically, the two could still kick some serious ass.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 04:49 AM

Auris shrugged a bit. "That's fine. She can be mean to me if she wants, but she doesn't need to do things that cause more work for the other employees. That's just very rude. You should talk to her about that." Then he blinked and stared at Aria. "Wait..what? I don't disrespect you..." Auris frowned deeply, his brow creasing a bit. "I didn't steal you...You're a big girl you can make your own decisions." He was pouting again. "If you'd come to Pandoris with me, I wouldn't have to flirt with other people. Male or female." He moved a bit closer to Aria, looking over her shoulder and licking his lips at the chicken. "Mmm meat." He couldn't help it. He was a shark after all.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 05:18 AM

Once Dash was completely calm Alice gave her a kiss and then went back behind the bar. She was still in her harpy form and making drinks when a girl came up to her. Setting her hand on the table Alice began tapping her nails and gave the girl a look with her pitch black eyes. "She should be in the kitchen. I know it was you who threw those water balloons. I don't want to know why but before you try anything like that again, stop and think. Chenol should not be the one cleaning up the mess you should be," her thick British accent was laced with anger. The girl was just lucky one of the balloons didn't hit her.

Running over to Chenol, Dash gave her a quick hug before making her way over to the stairs and up to her room. Once inside she stripped off her clothes and got fresh ones out. Pulling on a pair of black spandex she grabbed a long and loose white and charcoal t-shirt. Then after pulling on a pair of charcoal thigh high heelless boots she ran back downstairs. Going over to the bar she sat down on a stool next to the girl talking to Alice. Right as she sat down Alice gave her another root beer and a cupcake.

Whistling softly Chenol continued to mop up the floor. It was going to take her forever to clean everything up. The balloons had splattered onto almost everything. Once the floor was done she set the mop to the side and grabbed some towels. Then she started wiping everything down, with another heavy sigh.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 05:29 AM

She chuckled at the shark as she stirred the chicken before using the spatula to flick a piece at him. While he may have prefered it raw, like his natural form would have taken it, he did tend to eat it cooked. But only if she had been the one to cook it, no one else. "Yes I know this. But she is still a child. A very niave child who growing up had no one but me to help her." She said as if that would explain everything, and in a way it did. Aria was very protective and she'd fought many times with her father over the youngest mermaid. Smiling she shook her head lightly. "And of course you wouldn't flirt with anyone in Pandoris on me, you've probably already been introduced to every female and male in your own kingdom." She turned to look at him with one hand on her hip. "Plus I doubt anyone there looks as good as I do. Especially spread out on your bed." She teased, mock modestly fluttering her eyelashes at him before she turned back to the food.

Leesia blinked and widened her eyes to be the picture of innocence, but realizing that might not get her out of trouble she went to another tactic. Her bottom lip jutted out and wiggled as her eyes suddenly filled with tears. "I...I di-didn't mean to!!" She cried, shoulders shaking as she buried her face in her hands. "I'm sorry!!" She hiccuped as she spoke, sniffling too, and used the back of her hands in an attempt to dry her eyes. She wasn't sure if it would work or not, and knew she would probably still end up in trouble anyway. Plus with her sister in the kitchen, she couldn't go hide behind her like usual. She'd been barred from the kitchen after some how making one explode from trying to cook some random dish her sister liked. How it had exploded was behind the teen, and it didn't matter either.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 05:43 AM

Auris caught the chicken in his mouth easily, gulping it down with barely chewing it. Indeed he preferred raw meat, but if Aria was cooking, well that was delicious too. He moved over to the sink and got two rags. "Doesn't matter, she should behave like a sensible person when in a place of business...No one in all the seas or lands or skies would look as good as you laid out in my bed. And if you came with me to Pandoris I wouldn't flirt with anyone in or out of my kingdom." He grinned at her and made his way out of the kitchen. Giving Aria's sister a slightly annoyed look he tossed a rag at her. "Fake tears are pathetic and very unladylike. C'mon, it seems we both caused this, me just by being here and you by tossing dirty things around. So help me clean up." He wasn't demanding but he was stern, leaving no room for argument.

He looked at Chenol and smiled charmingly at her. "I'm not completely irresponsible, I'll finish up. After all you got tables and guests to look after." He glanced at Aria's sister to see what she would do. "This is a place of business, how do you think your sister will make a living if you frighten all her customers off with such childish behavior?" Again, Auris' tone wasn't a mean one, just a stern one. Gentle but stern. "If you don't like me, then fine, but you take it up with me after business hours." With a sigh, he began to wipe down the stained areas.

Last edited by Kry; 08-20-2011 at 06:02 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 05:56 AM

Putting her elbow on the table Alice rested her chin in her hand. Her eyebrows burrowed together and she glared at the girl. She didn't believe for a second that she was crying for real. Alice was good at sensing that and Dash tried it on her all the time. Plus she was simply a bitch and just didn't care if they were real tears. When Auris came over and told her to clean Alice smiled a little bit, straightening back up. When she heard Auris say her sister she suddenly understood, the younger girl was Aria's little sister. Huh... she thought to herself.

Watching everything with interest Dash glared when she figured out the girl threw the balloons. "Hey! You could apologize you know!" She called out to Aria's sister. Dash had never met Aria's sister before so she studied her. Grabbing her root beer she brought the straw to her lips and began biting the straw.

Straightening up from a bent over position, Chenol flashed Auris a smile. "Thank you," stepping over to him she gave him a peck on the cheek then quickly made her rounds to all her tables. As she went from table to table she apologized. Another waitress had brought their drinks over while Chenol had been cleaning. Now she took more orders and made her way back over to Alice. "I need some more drinks," she said and handed the harpy the list of everything she needed.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 06:22 AM

Aria just giggled. She'd hoped to have enticed a reaction from him, but she understood when he left with the damp rags. She slmost felt bad for the little red head, but the girl needed to grow up, and Auris was the perfect person for the job, Alice too. They both didn't put up with that kind of crap. Setting completed dishes on a few of the large table trays before summoning some water to spread under the carriers and lead them out of the kitchen, pointedly ignoring the spluttering child. The older mermaid moved through the crowds as she deposited plates of food, smiling brightly and talking for a few minutes to each guest. Apologizing as well for her sisters rude behavior.

Leesia frowned as the harpy didn't seem to believe her, which mildly annoyed her, but she gasped loudly as the rag landed on her face and teh shark reprimanded her. Flushing in anger, she glared at him as she held the rag in one hand. "You can't make me." She said haughtily, arms crossing over her chest, her eyes flicking to watch her sister to see if she'd come help. When the last dish set in front of the customer, Leesia smugly grinned as Aria seemed to move straight towards them. Ha! That'll teach him to order me around. She thought happily, though it slowly morphed to shock as the silver haired female smacked her upside the head. "Is there a reason, Aleesia Corrine Tsunami, that you are not cleaning up your mess? Auris darling, you're done cleaning your mess. The rest is for Aleesia." The red head only stared in shock at the other, not wanting to believe this was her sister being mean to her. Though she did wince at the use of her full name, knowing she was in some deep shit now. "Well? Get to it before I decide that isn't punishment enough and you get a public spanking." The older seemed to growl, and it spurred the smaller into action as she kneeled, hesitantly trying to stay away from the shark, and started to wipe up the multicolored mess she'd made.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 03:02 PM

When the orange-haired female saw Stellara wave, she quickly made up a smooth ending to the song and went to shut it off. As she ran down the stage, Ruuya grinned at the half-angel and parted her lips to say something along the lines of, "I'll do better next time," but instead, she uttered something like "I'll do bet-- .... Wh-What the hell happened at the bar?" She saw the bright neon colors that were being cleaned up a young teenager, probably a little younger than herself. "I-I missed a lot, didn't I...?" Ruuya stuttered.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-21-2011, 02:53 AM

When Chenol kissed his cheek, he grinned at her but his mood prevented him from flirting or making any comment of the sort. Instead, Auris frowned at Leesia. "No, I can make you, but I won't. You should grow up and take responsibilities for your actions like any reasonable, sensible person would." He studied her for a few minutes. Then went back to cleaning, when Aria approached them, he looked up at her but was silent. Letting her reprimand the bratty girl. He got up when Aria told him he didn't have to clean anymore. He stretched, watch Leesia for a moment. "We have very important guests coming soon. This place has to be spotless, everything must be perfect. Afterall, I'm sure you wouldn't want your sister to lose her lovely establishment because you can't behave." Perhaps that was a bit mean, but his tone remained stern, not hateful or cruel. Then the shark had turned and vanished into the kitchen to clean out the rag he'd been using to clean up the mess with. He sighed softly.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-21-2011, 04:38 AM

Aria tried to keep her glare, but she couldn't, and heaving an exasperated sigh she turned to Alice, her expression pained and tired. "I'm sorry to ask you of this Alice, but can you watch her for a bit? I have to go work on a few more things in the kitchen." She murmured, knowing the Harpy would easily hear it. She looked back down towards her sister, noting that for once the little red head actually looked truly upset over something. "I can't believe you would do that Aleesia. You know I'm going to be stressed this week. That's why I didn't let you visit last year. I..." She drew in a deep breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose for a few minutes. "I'm sorry, I can barely look at you right now. Clean up your mess, and stay out of trouble. You and I will be having a talk afterwards and whether you like it or not, Auris will be there, and you will apologize." She told the young teen before going back into the kitchen, leaning back against one of her counters with her hands covering her face, breathing deeply. She couldn't let this upset her now.

Leesia had kept her gaze ahead of her, really actually cleaning the window of the display, though the more she cleaned it, the more she saw her sisters disappointed expression. Pausing long enough to turn and look at her sister, about to whine that she didn't need a baby-sitter, she didn't though, the words dying in her throat. Turning away, she jerkily started to resume cleaning, sniffling and blinking repeatedly. It wasn't fair, thing weren't supposed to be like this. Her sister was supposed to be happy to see her, she was supposed to have made that evil shark look like a fool. Instead, she was doing servant's work, the shark was untouched, and her sister was angry with her. A small whimper bubbled in the back of her throat, but she squashed it as much as she could. She would not appear weak and inferior to the help!

Apollo swam in the water, waving and grinning happily as his subjects greeted and bowed to him. Inside he was tired, bored, and wanted to get this trip over with. Honestly, why does Melody have to visit now? He thought, mentally grumbling about having to escort his baby sister. It was so annoying, and while he would love to have left her behind, he knew Aria would not be pleased with him about that. His future wife actually was concerned about family. Turning and swimming up into the pool that opened up to the Rabbit Hole, shifting to his human legs. He'd dressed to kill, crisp black pants, shining dress shoes, and a blood red button up that was form fitting. Glancing around, he could not locate the mermaid he wanted, and moved over to the bar. "Harpy. Where is Princess Aria?" He demanded imperiously.

Melody swam happily behind and around her brother, not caring if it annoyed him. He couldn't do anything to her now. Humming softly she grinned even more as they reached the surface of the pool and Apollo stepped out in his human legs. Leaning against the edge of the pool, she sighed and pouted lightly. She wanted to do that, but it was too soon. Dark blue eyes roamed the interior of the cafe, smiling at all the happy people. Melody loved visiting Aria and her establishment. Her eyes passed over something white, and thinking it was Aria looked back at the girl. She did pout lightly when she realized it wasn't Aria she'd seen, but it quickly morphed into surprise then happiness. "Lilah!! Lilah! I've missed you!" She called in excitement as she tried to lift herself out of the pool to go to the girl but she wasn't very successful, letting out an 'oof' as her arm gave and she dropped onto her torso on the floor.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-21-2011, 09:54 PM

((introducing new chara into story.... *cough* the chef dude))

Medilio calmly walked through the front door of The Rabbit Hole, carrying two large bags of special herbs and spices that he would use for tonight's meals. Since he bought these from a merchant off on dry land, he couldn't really swim. Aria should be pleased... she loves it when I bring loads of these. Medilio had only been working at the tavern/inn for a year, but he already made himself a name as a great chef in Atlantis. He'd gotten many job offers before, but The Rabbit Hole was his home, and nothing could change that. When he walked in, the white-haired male saw the most odd sight: Alice was in her harpy form, looking at Aria's sister clean the bar where there were some remains of neon-colored... something. He stood there awkwardly for a few moments, trying to let the information sink in but gave up after about thirty seconds. I don't want to know what the hell happened here. When he made it to the kitchen door, Apollo and Melody had arrived at the tavern -- Apollo was already demanding where Aria was. I'll tell her, I guess. "Aria," he started, walking into the kitchen and putting the bags down. "Two things. First off, Apollo and Melody are here, and Apollo is asking where you are. Second, please don't attack me or tackle-glomp me again because I brought these herbs and such." He already rolled up his sleeves and began to take out the ingredients, putting them in their respective jars and cupboards.

Last edited by ChiNoMizuumi; 08-22-2011 at 01:14 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-21-2011, 11:55 PM

Frost moved automatically to protect Lilah from the falling projectiles, and nearly drew his sword to deflect them. Instead Tobias found himself half covered in neon pinks and greens.He spluttered in an undignified manner, but still kept the arm he had placed around Lilah there to support her. The young man was tempted to freeze off the little mermaid's hair, but found that she was already being punished quite effectively by her sister. "Lilah, are you alri..." Tobias was forced to trail off as another mermaid made an appearance and called for Lilah. Looking from one young woman to the other the ice mage grumbled about mermaids not being very good with their legs and went to help this new person. Offering a hand, he indicated that he wanted to help this dark haired mermaid reach her friend.

"It happens when you get immersed in your music. Quite often actually!" Smiling at Ruuya, the half-angle placed a guiding hand upon her shoulder and indicated the bar which was in the process of being cleaned. "You did wonderful Ruuya, I'll just go find Aria and tell her that you have my recommendation." So saying Stellara walked to the bar and saw a handsome red head asking for Aria. A furious blush swept across her cheeks as the half-human tried to swallow her usual shyness.

Placing a trembling hand upon the counter top, Stellara smiled nervously. Tilting her head towards the bartender, she indicated that she would take care of this. This unusual behavior was certainly going ot cause some raised eyebrows with the staff. "Excuse me... I overheard that you were looking f-for Aria? Maybe I can go get her for you..." Looking at the man questioningly, the angel caught sight of a man covered in neon paint. A soft giggle escaped her at the sight, but Stella quieted soon enough.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 01:02 AM

Turning her head Alice looked at Aria and nodded. "Sure thing considered her watched." Alice grinned quite evilly and turned her attention back on the younger mermaid. After wiping up all the drinks Chenol required she handed her the tray. Then putting both hands on the counter she leaned on them and watched Aleesia. When Apollo came up to her and demanded to know where Aria was Alice gave him a level look. "Mermaid. Do I look like Aria's keeper?" She inquired with a raised eyebrow, her accent laced with a bit of annoyance. When Stellara told him she would go get Aria she handed Dash a cupcake.

Root beer in hand Dash spun around and around on her stool, watching Aleesia clean up. She could tell the girl was only a little bit older than herself. When Alice handed her a cupcake Dash snatched it up and gobbled it down. "Thanks Mum," she said in a fake British accent and laughed.

Grabbing the tray and giving Alice a thankful nod Chenol walked off. Going to all her tables she dropped off the right drinks and asked people if they needed anything else. No one did so she took a break for just a minute. Walking over to the kitchen she went in a waved to Aria and Medilio. Grabbing a snack out of the fridge she gobbled it down. Then she walked over to Aria and Medilio. "Don't know if Medilio told you but Apollo is asking for you. Oh and he asked Alice and pissed her off so she was snappy with him." Chenol blushed slightly and smiled. That was there Alice, all fiery and snappy.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 01:15 AM

Ruuya walked over to Stellara and now put her hand on the angel's shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Don't be nervous. If he bites, I'll get him somehow." She winked covertly at her and then turned to the red-haired man. He seemed like he had some kind of royal background, so it wasn't a good idea to irritate him any further -- his demeanor was all Ruuya needed to tell that he was pissed. He'd already annoyed Alice, anyway. "Sir," she started, bowing slightly to the man. "Aria is busy at the moment, but perhaps we could seat you at a table." She darted a glance at Alice, hoping that she'd back her up on this. Basically, she gave her the look that said Let's-give-him-a-table-and-not-make-him-want-to-kill-us. "And if you'd like a table, we could serve you something worthwhile as you wait." The orange-haired female really hoped that this could solve the issue.

Medilio sighed and hung his head slightly. "Of all people, he had to go annoy Alice? She'll be in a bad mood for the rest of the day if this keeps going. I'll make her that spicy chicken she loves... maybe then we can prevent any damage." The snowy-haired male darted around the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients needed to make the standard welcome dishes every customer received. And, of course, he got the ingredients for Alice's spicy chicken. "Anyway, Aria, I don't know if you want to greet him right away or what, but if you don't, stay here and help me cook. That way, you have a legitimate excuse to be busy." He stuck his tongue out and winked at Aria.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 01:29 AM

Having managed to get herself under control just minutes before Medilio came in, she smiled at him, especially when she noticed the shopping bags he brought. She'd started running low, and now she didn't need to go get more. She chuckled lightly when he requested she not glomp him, it was one of her favorite things to do, but then groaned as the first half of his sentance came back to mind. She really wanted to avoid the prick, but she couldn't. Summoning then swirling some water into a mini mirror, she checked her appearance to make sure there were no tears. She smiled softly when Chenol came by to frop off the same warning, though she groaned again when learning that the idiot pissed off her friend. Shaking her head she silently stepped out of the kitchen, a very fake smile plastered on her face. "Prince Cordell. To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked, not even bowing to the other, nor curtseying, which she probably should have. She was a princess though, it wasn't required.

Leesia winced as she saw Apollo and Melody show up, yet she was still cleaning. It was degrading! But she knew if she didn't finish Aria would still be angry. Finally done she stood slowly, keeping her head down and her hands held together in front of her, watching her sister step out of the kitchen and greet the Atlantian prince. Deciding to do as told and stay out of the way, she moved to a corner booth near the bar and the kitchen, sitting so she could stare into the main area with all the happy guests.

Apollo sneered at the Harpy's direspect, had even planned to do something about it when two Landers dared to talk to him. Looking on in disgust he ignored them, smiling lightly as he noticed Aria step out of the kitchen, though it wilted seeing her with an apron, in commoners clothing. "Please, Aria. Its Apollo. Melody wanted me to stop by and grab some more sweets from you." He told her, stepping forward to give her a hug and kiss both her cheeks, not noticing how tense she was being near him.

Melody blinked up at the male that held his hand out to her. Smiling and grabbing it, she manuvered so that she was sitting sideways in the pool, the end of her tail still in the water. "Sorry. I keep forgeting I can't shift yet like my big brother." She laughed musically, before looking to see if Aria had appeared. She was still a child and easily distracted by things. Looking back up at the male, she studied him a little bit. "You're new here huh?" She asked lightly.

Last edited by AmaniIshtar; 08-22-2011 at 01:59 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 01:36 AM

Auris cursed softly under his breath as he tossed the rag he'd been using to clean in the bin for such things. He wiped his hands on his pants and sighed softly, looking up to watch Medilio for a few moments. "Apollo doesn't deserve his station in life. Spoiled brat." He murmured the words under his breath and shook his head slightly. Deciding he would remain in the kitchen for a while. It was too early to start trouble, best to wait until the prince was more comfortable. Auris grit his teeth and stepped closer to Medilio, his lips nearly against the others ear. "I'll give you a nice reward if you poison the prince's food and drink." He gave Medilio a slightly pouty, slightly begging look. "Please?" He batted his eyes at the male.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 01:49 AM

Medilio blinked a few times when he looked at Auris, not believing his ears. Well, actually, he believed him quite well. "Ah, Auris," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You have no idea how much I would love poisoning that spoiled little idiot's food, but...." He paused suddenly, his face becoming slightly quizzical. He thought for a while until a light bulb seemed to go off in his head. "I know what the kid is allergic to." Medilio's face was slightly mischievous as he seriously considered making a food that could get him sick. Then again, Aria would murder him. "No, screw it; I'm not telling you," he sighed. "Your darling Aria would literally murder me." He was already plating a number of welcome dishes and went outside to call for Chenol to start taking some of the platters to the guests. "Sorry, Auris. You know how much I'd love to indulge your fantasies about killing the boy." He stuck his tongue out playfully at Auris.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 02:01 AM

"If you indulge my fantasy it'll become a reality and the entire world, even above the seas would be a much happier place." Auris frowned, he had expected Medilio to turn him down but still, that didn't stop him from being a little disappointed. "Aria wouldn't murder you, she'd blame it all on me and murder me..a lot. Probably." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply. It probably would be best for him to remain in the kitchen a while longer. Auris picked a counter top where he wouldn't be in any one's way and hopped up to sit on it. Crossing one long slender leg over the other. He was still pouting. "We wouldn't have this problem if Aria lived in a different city, but of course she picks the worst one." Dramatic sigh, then he smiled a bit. "Medilio....Let's you and I go play somewhere private?" It was more of a question than a statement or suggestion and he arched an eyebrow suggestively just so the male would catch his meaning.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 02:10 AM

Medilio smirked, suddenly chuckling heartily. "Auris. Probably is not enough for me. I value life. ALSO. You cannot get into my pants even if you try to rip them off, end of story. Go have fun with Aria. She'll look better spread out on your bed, in any case," he teased, winking at Auris. He already started making something for little Prince Apollo. He grimaced at the perfectly cooked meal he made, feeling this pang of regret that he'd made it so well. "There is one thing we can do. Spicy. Jalepeno. Sauce." Medilio smiled evilly. He knew that Apollo absolutely hated anything spicy; he choked on it. Today's welcome platter was a "Spicy All-Around Platter," serving several samples of his famous foods. "Even if we can't kill him, I can make him miserable and perhaps choke." He poured some of the jalepeno sauce on the platter, adding a lot of shazam to the food. It still looked and smelled normal, so Apollo would definitely try it. "Somewhat satisfied?"


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