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~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-18-2013, 03:50 AM

After a few moments, Cal withdrew his fangs and backed up slightly. He was still pinning her against the tree, but was now looking deeply into her eyes. Just a tiny bit of her blood stained the corner of his mouth, and his tongue flicked out to catch it. "That was...not supposed to be quite so intense..." He whispered, startled into dropping his guard for a moment. And in truth, the sensation should not have effected him that much. That kind of passion should only happen if he bit someone he had strong feelings for. Cal was confused to say the least, and suddenly more shy than he thought was necessary. Composing himself, he pulled away, allowing her to move, run if she wanted to. He cleared his throat. "Thank you, miss Devvy, for allowing me feed from you." He said. He tried to sound calm, but there was still a tiny tremor of longing in his voice.


Staria is offline
Old 08-18-2013, 04:07 AM

Devvy's teal eyes met his for a moment but briefly an almost shy feeling crept into her as he stared so intently. She hadn't expected him to do that...though she couldn't say what she did expect him to do. Reality had not prepared the red head quite for this experience. She flushed a moment and nodded at first, though she did raise her gaze to meet his after a moment. One eyebrow raised as if to ask a question only for her to stay silent. The small tremor of longing in his voice tugged at her, despite herself. She pushed the thought away, and stepped away from the tree.

"No problem, It's not that bad. I think I can get use to it pretty boy, now come on. Don't want the others thinking you murdered me." She joked lightly as she took his hand. She began to lead him forward back towards the others, at least she would if he let her. If he stopped her, obviously she would stop. Still either way she didn't quite look at him, still flushed and a little dizzy. She didn't want her mind going in the direction it kept trying to. Now was not the time to think of that sort of thing in a forest full of things that might just want to eat them.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 08-19-2013, 01:52 AM

Rayne chuckled to herself as she watched Cal and Devy go off. Having the incubus around would prove to be interesting she mused for a moment before finally bringing her attention to the new male that had joined the group a few moments before. “Well hello there dear. It’s nice to meet you Todd.” She gave him a little wink, just to tease the male since he seemed to be the shy type. She moved, almost gliding closer to Todd then leaned back against a nearby tree. “So how in the world did a handsome guy like you end up in a place like this with the likes of us,” Rayne asked, laughing lightly. Truthfully she was curious. Why them and why on this night? There had to be a connection somewhere. She thought if they could figure that out then just maybe they could figure out a way to get back to their world.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-20-2013, 04:09 AM

Cal allowed the girl to lead him back towards where the others were. To be brutally honest, he wanted to pull her back and...well, he didn't know what. But the implications were too tempting, and he didn't want to get hurt, so he simply walked after her.

Todd looked over at the woman who had spoken to him, blushing. "U-um, I...I'm not quite sure...I think it has something to do with Halloween, though. See, people used to believe that Halloween was the night when the line between the mortal world and the world of the dead was most blurred. They believed that gates would open, allowing otherworldly beings to cross into our realm, and us to cross into theirs. It isn't often that we do cross over, being mortal and not knowing how, but it seems as though for some reason, we have all been brought to this otherworldly realm, where our costumes become reality. At least, I am assuming that everyone here was wearing a costume before..." He trailed off, realizing that he sounded kind of nerdy. Todd had always been interested in folklore, especially of the darker kind. He cleared his throat, blushing again. "A-anyway...that's just one theory...and it doesn't explain why we're here, or how..." He said, becoming shy once more.


Staria is offline
Old 08-20-2013, 05:04 PM

"Something up? You're pretty quiet." She asked conversationally, aware of a slight warmth where their hands touched but choosing to ignore it. It was hormones...that's all, and it would pass, or so she told herself. She squelched the tiny voice in her head that didn't want to return and instead stay ....feel kisses against her throat instead of a bite. She wasn't going to get attached, just being his food friend for lack of a better term would be complicated and confusing enough. She still continued to walk towards the others as she spoke and even as she briefly let her thoughts wander but her eyes did briefly rise to look at his face in thought.

Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurk...
Cows Go Moo is offline
Old 08-21-2013, 02:01 AM

((Hope you guys don't mind if I join the party <__<))

Are you getting tired yet?

The night had started simply enough, as a somewhat social boy going to a Halloween kickback dressed as his favorite game character. Admittedly, the costume was a bit strange given the mask and the foam armor but he managed to make it look the part if nothing else. Luckily for him, the game was fairly well known so most of the people there could guess who he was (and if not, at least comment on how cool the armor was). Unluckily for him, he wasn't around the party long enough to enjoy his fun. After an innumerable number of shots and drinking games he had rendered himself too drunk to drive home and did what most people did: pass out in his friend's room.

Who are you?

Don't you recognize me summoner?

It can't be. You aren't real. This has to be a-

Before Seth could finish his sentence the strike of a blade came down and then...


"Fricking hell!" Seth exclaimed as he shot up.

As with anyone else who had the bizarre costume transformation forced upon him he quickly realized that his body was not his own, well it was his own it just wasn't the way it was earlier. The previously cardboard blades were now sharper than steel. The voice that was once his was now modulated and guttural, in his likeness. Even his legs had wholly disappeared in favor of the black smoke that held the pieces of armor together. There was nothing left of the old him except for his mind, though even that was already half-occupied by his new guest.

It was a dream. It was a dream. It was a dream. He tried to convince himself that it was little more than a trick of his drunken stupor, but the fact that he was floating couldn't be denied anymore than the fact that when he tried to stretch his arms he ended up slicing a tree. I sense fear.

"Well shit yeah! I just turned into you. I just turned into-," Seth stopped himself when he realized he was speaking out loud.

I just turned into Nocturne, he mentally whispered as he became aware of his surroundings. It wasn't where he had fallen asleep, nothing close.

Swim in terror dear Seth, Nocturne murmured as Seth continued to run (float) away.

Last edited by Cows Go Moo; 08-21-2013 at 04:28 AM.. Reason: Me being derpy and not reading everything.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-21-2013, 03:31 AM

((Cows Go Moo: you know that everyone is supposed to be in a different dimension, right? We're not still in the same world after we change.))

Cal glanced away for a moment. "No, nothing's wrong." He replied, not wanting to scare her off with the truth. Everything was wrong. Just that morning, he had been a slightly nerdy high school student who couldn't talk to girls without blushing. And now? Now he was his own story character. A charismatic incubus who only drank from those he cared for, and who seemed to have a quickly growing crush on a virtual stranger. How could he explain the strangeness of it all? He couldn't. As much as he wanted to, he could not turn her around and kiss her until she needed air.


Staria is offline
Old 08-21-2013, 03:49 AM

"If you say so..." She responded as she looked at him a moment longer. She didn't seem particularly convinced....Still it was as if she could call him out on it, didn't know him well enough. She shrugged at the thought and simply focused on returning to the group. She didn't know what to say to him further really, it was strange. For once the flirtatious and confident devy was simply at a loss for words. It was easy to chat amicably with people really, but only because most topics were fairly routine. You asked about a person's day, a person's feelings, a person's favorite color... but here the routine no longer mattered. The rules had been changed on her, at least with him. Blood was food, magic was real, and there was a forest around them that could likely eat them alive.

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 08-21-2013, 08:07 AM

Dragon listened closely to Todd explain about Halloween. She had always felt like the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead was the thinnest on this night, but she did not know about humans being able to cross into this world, if that really was what this world was. "But surely by that musing, there are other things here than just the dead. Other creatures of the dark perhaps. Even some things we best not run into here. Yes, the 'why' and 'how' parts are really curious." Dragon voiced her thoughts aloud as she let her tail twitch back and forth.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-22-2013, 03:40 AM

Todd shrugged. "I guess there would be those kind of creatures. Not to mention, for all we know, this might have happened before. Maybe we aren't the first people to be brought here, and maybe any others are so far into their characters by now that they've lost their humanity." He said blandly, as if the idea didn't bother him. Todd had a way of stating facts in the most detached way, and it sometimes put people off. "Either way, it seems like we'll be here for a while, and we'll need to figure out a survival plan."

Cal didn't answer, deciding to remain silent until they got back so there would be less chance of him saying something he might regret later. Still, he wanted to tell her. He wanted to confide his feelings in this stranger, and even that confused him. Why open up to a stranger, when he could barely talk to his own family? Yet here he was. They were almost there. Just a few more moments and there would be no more chance to say anything. "Devvy. Devon, stop. There is something I want to talk about."


Staria is offline
Old 08-22-2013, 04:17 AM

Devon felt her heart skip a beat at the pleading in his voice, the sheer desperation. She could see the others... it would be easy to just go. She really was a kind hearted soul, however, for all her blunt, carefree atmosphere. So with a nod she simply stopped and released his hand. She leaned her back against a tree so she was turned away from them and towards him, showing him he had her full attention as she crossed her arms in front of her as she leaned comfortably on the tree. After all she didn't know how long she would be here or what he would say...

"Okay. What is it?" She asked conversationally, as she gave him a smile. It was amazing what could hide behind that smile.. at the moment it was a lot of things. There was too many emotions to count... even if she couldn't explain them. Of course, it was perfectly possible it was simply the result of being bitten. Wouldn't it make sense for an incubus to naturally be able to seduce and make his prey 'addicted' to being bitten, even think themselves in love with him? It would make a willing blood donor much easier to find wouldn't it? Just logical...

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-23-2013, 02:43 AM

Staring into her eyes, Cal almost broke down. He didn't know what he would have done then, but he didn't want to find out. With a great deal of effort, he managed to keep his composure. "Devon. I..." He paused, shook his head. Cleared his throat. "I don't understand...dammit! I can't figure out what you've done to me! You...of course I was attracted to you at first, but I figured it was just me getting used to this form...but then we spoke and I bit you...and now I don't understand...these strange feelings. I've never felt them before, and I'm not supposed to feel them. That's how I wrote the character, that's what all the research said, is that my kind don't ever feel...this way...towards anyone except one person, the person they're made for...but I don't even know you, so how can it be that...why do you have this effect on me? Especially don't seem to feel the same way..." He trailed off, quite sure he had humiliated himself. How had he gone so quickly from a smooth talker to a stuttering fool?


Staria is offline
Old 08-23-2013, 02:55 AM

The red head looked away and bit her lip slightly as he spoke. This didn't make sense to her, wasn't he just confused? How could he feel something for her more then attraction. He didn't know her, didn't know anything about her. For a moment she closed her eyes, as she tried to clear her head. His emotional words made it harder to dismiss him then she otherwise could. She stayed quiet for a short time after he spoke. At first she wasn't really sure how to answer, perhaps the truth was best... even if she wondered how he would react. Would he beat her up like others had before her body changed to match her spirit?

"Made for you, I wonder. That's a funnier choice of words then you might realize. I do feel attracted to you, more then I have to anyone with a while but I dont know how much of that bond is the bite or what isn't. I would have to know you more to decide how i feel, I'd need time with you... but I do know one thing. I was born a very effeminate boy in the real world, I'm only a woman here. Still feel the same way?" She said the last teasingly and finally turned her gaze to his. Those teal eyes held a joking confidence as usual, but there was that hidden pain of never really have belonged in the world... or the body... she'd been born in.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-25-2013, 04:48 AM

Cal blushed. That certainly wasn't what he had expected to hear. But- "Yes. I still feel the same way. The thing is, in the real world...I was a loner. Always an outcast. Too sensitive. Most people don't know it, but I was...I guess I still am...bisexual. And even if I weren't, that still wouldn't change how I feel." He said honestly. Ignoring the joking front that she put on, Cal saw the pain and gently touched her cheek. "I understand what you mean, about getting to know me. I don't know if it makes any difference, but that bite shouldn't make you feel anything but lust. Any feelings beyond that are highly unusual. And the lust should fade after a few minutes." He explained, making sure to meet her gaze. Cal couldn't think of this girl as 'he' not just because she appeared as a woman, but because he felt that a woman is what she was meant to be.


Staria is offline
Old 08-25-2013, 05:04 AM

Devvy shivered as he touched her cheek, uncertain. She wasn't usually shy about being touched but his 'instantly in love' vibe had her rather... uncertain. She couldn't say she loved him, but the attraction was so tangible, so strong. She wondered if the lust would truly fade.. she had felt attracted to him before. She shook off the thought and leaned more heavily back into the tree for a moment as she bit her lip which was slightly swollen already from the motion. Finally she simply decided to do what she would have done in the real world... charge through on feeling and see where it lead her.

"I can't say I love you or will love you or anything like that... But I am attracted to you and would like to try things out. Though we should get to the others and focus on what may try to kill us. So we'll just get to know eachother, have a little fun now and then, and see what happens, okay? She suggested finally with a cheerful smile. She held out a hand as if to shake on the deal, absently wondering what the others thought or would think. They went off for a 'bite' and suddenly they're seeing eachother? Oh well, nothing to be done for it now.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-26-2013, 03:25 AM

Cal couldn't help the smile that broke out across his face. He reached out and shook her hand. "That sounds good. I will admit that I don't fully understand my feelings, so I don't know if they are love, so it is a good idea to get acquainted first." He said, nodding. "Now that that's decided, you are again correct that we should get back to the others and make a plan. I am slightly concerned for my brother." He added. The statement made his smile fade a bit, worry flashing through his eyes.


Staria is offline
Old 08-26-2013, 03:31 AM

"Is he usually someone who requires worrying about?" She asked curiously as she squeezed his hand lightly. She released his hand, for once not making any jokes or flirting but just putting her hands in the pockets of her short 'dress' and walking casually next to him. She had still felt that 'heat' when their hands touched, a little unsure of that. Was that lust and would fade? Well, it probably didn't matter. He would need to eat again eventually so she would need to get use to that all the same. Devvy nodded to herself in thought and then focused again on the male as she waited for the answer. It would be.. interesting to see what would happen next. That much was for certain.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-27-2013, 02:07 AM

Cal was thoughtful. "Not usually. I mean, back home we barely saw each other. But we went to school together, and we both always faded into the background- for different reasons. He was...kind of geeky, I guess. I always worried about him being picked on. And now I worry that he'll get upset or scared. He's a werewolf here...I don't know how that will go over. I don't know. I can't help worrying about him." He said, realizing that he had never really had a reason to worry about Todd.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 08-27-2013, 03:06 AM

Rayne listened to the other two talk, nodding slightly. “You bring up a good point. Right now our only real choice is to come up with a plan and find shelter.” She glanced in the direction the other two had went earlier. Her mind wondered slightly. What was left of her old self was worried about her boyfriend who she assumed back home and safe, but the character that she had become had no real interest in men other than to play with them. “We should probably wait for the two love birds I suppose,” she teased.


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Old 08-28-2013, 03:05 AM

"Werewolf huh? well the others can fly and I have some good tricks myself." She responded thoughtfully, her thoughts turning to school. She'd always stood out, not that she really meant to. Her flaming red hair, her outgoing personality, her unusual looks, even her artistic talent never allowed her to fade into the background. Devvy probably would have never talked to Cal at school, simply because she was always surrounded by people trying to get close for various reasons. Some girls came for fashion tips, some boys came for various reasons.... Still Devvy hadn't thought anything of it, how she was. She'd just always been herself, people coming to her had just been natural. She sighed and shook her head.

"We should join the others.....and stop being so serious. We need to find shelter and prepare for monsters and have fun!" She teased him softly as she leaned over to kiss Cal's cheek lightly. It was a simple, teasing thing. Back home Devvy had often greeted her close friends with a kiss on the cheek simply too, a sign of affection. With that she would walk a little faster towards the others with a grin. She was unsure why she had drawn someone so near, so quickly, but she was a passionate emotional creatures that did not plan such things.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-31-2013, 04:10 AM

Todd nodded. "Right. As soon as they get back, we should set up a shelter of some kind. And then maybe get some food. I can least, my character can. So I'm guessing that I can, since I am my character now..." He said, puzzling over the paradox that had become of his life.

Back to harmless flirting again, huh? Well, Cal could do that, too, especially now that he had spoken his piece and they had settled on something. "You're right, all this seriousness is getting gloomy. We'll have a fun Halloween, true monster style." He said, now starting to get excited about that idea. He noticed her walking a bit faster, but he kept a casual pace, relaxed and unhurried. Giving away nothing of what had happened.


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Old 09-01-2013, 09:25 PM

Devvy realized she was walking a little faster and stopped herself. She slowed down to match him, her hand taking his as she gazed towards the others. She wondered absently if anyone would think of anything of it... She didn't want them to worry about it but she supposed they'd know eventually. She had promised to let Cal try to woo her and explore the strange feelings feeding had created between the two. She was musing on the feelings when they finally reached the small group. She watched the others, seeing the apparent were wolf was chatting with Rayne. She smiled and released cal's hand with a single squeeze of his hand.

"Hello there, so what are we discussing?" She asked the two cheerfully as she wrapped one arm around Rayne's shoulders and the other around Todds. She smirked at the two, curious really. What had they talked about anyway? She assumed it was something to do with survival or each other. She couldn't help but think absently of how different it felt to touch them now then it did cal... the lust was fading but it was still there enough to make her know something was up. Oh well, it'd fade.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 09-02-2013, 03:45 AM

“It’s so strange isn’t it? It’s like there’s two voices in my head one being my own and the other belonging to my character which I have become.” Rayne’s head lowered slightly and her eyes narrowed. Without realizing it she spoke aloud in a whisper what she was thinking. “I wonder if we’ll lose our real selves to the ones we have become…” The thought saddened her in one way, but in another it didn't. The girl shook the thoughts out of her mind. What did it matter really? There had to be a way to get back just the same as there was a way for them to have gotten here.

She glanced over at Dragon who had remained quiet for the last little bit. Before she could ask her what she thought the sound of footsteps approaching drew her attention. It seemed the two ‘love birds’ as she had called them before were finally returning. Her expression had returned to mostly emotionless. “Nothing really my dear,” Rayne replied lightly.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 09-02-2013, 04:13 AM

Looking somber, Todd shook his head. "I don't think we'll lose ourselves. After all, what is a character but an extension of it's creator? Like the way writers put a bit of themselves into their characters. I think...maybe we always were our characters on the inside. Now we just look like them, too." He said thoughtfully. Just as he finished, the girl his brother had gone off with had slung one arm around his shoulder. He blushed and stuttered, suddenly shy again. "N-nothing m-much..." He muttered.

Cal smirked a bit as he saw his brother chatting with the other girl. Clearly they were on a topic that Todd knew a lot about, or else he wouldn't be so comfortable. And then Devvy was on top of them, and Cal watched in slight amusement as his brother turned bright red. He made his way over to them, smiling confidently. "Well, I see my brother here is charming the ladies as usual." He said, and chuckled as Todd blushed even more. "So, do we have a plan? I suppose everyone else will need to eat soon, and we'll need a place to sleep." He said, skillfully turning the conversation away from embarrassing his brother.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 09-04-2013, 04:37 AM

What Todd had said gave her something more to think about. What parts of this character she had created was truly a part of her own self and which parts weren’t. Right now that wasn’t what she needed to be worried about. They needed to get moving again. Howls could be heard off in the distance once more and a cool breeze was now blowing. An ill omen perhaps?

“I guess the question is should we split up or stick together to find food and shelter?” Rayne looked from one person to the other. This would be easier if they had an even number in their group. Then again just splitting up by who would be best suited for each task would work well. “I’m fine with doing either.”

What Todd had said gave her something more to think about. What parts of this character she had created was truly a part of her own self and which parts weren’t. Right now that wasn’t what she needed to be worried about. They needed to get moving again. Howls could be heard off in the distance once more and a cool breeze was now blowing. An ill omen perhaps?

“I guess the question is should we split up or stick together to find food and shelter?”Rayne looked from one person to the other. This would be easier if they had an even number in their group. Then again just splitting up by who would be best suited for each task would work well. “I’m fine with doing either.” Little did the group know that they would soon be joined by more people from their world.

Xander called for his sister. “Come on Lexi! We’re going to be late.” While he waited he played with the sword he had created for his costume. This was going to be a great Halloween. They were going to a party with some friends and they were all dressed up as their original characters from a game they were creating. He was dressed as his character, Rukar, a rogue knight with the ability to summon beasts. His younger sister Alexandra was dressed as her character, Dorcas, a wanderer who has psychic abilities. All that was left was for them to meet up with their friends before the party, if his sister would ever come out of her room.

“I’m coming, just hold on a minute Xan.” Alexandra yelled from her room. She quickly finished tying her shoes, then adjusted her cape. Once she was finished with that she put on the claws that her character used as her weapon and got the crystal ball she had created. Taking a look in the mirror she admired herself for a moment. Wow, I looks so much like Dorcas. Hearing her brother call for her again she decided not to keep him waiting any longer. She came running out of her room, towards him like she was about to attack. He grinned at her and greeted her with his sword. “I take it that you are ready to go,” he laughed.“Yup, so let’s get going,” she said with a smile.

The siblings left not knowing what truly laid ahead of them on this Halloween night. All the pair remembered was seeing their friends at the corner of the street. One of them yelled something and group started to run towards them. After that everything was black until they awoke.

Alexandra groaned, rubbing her head. “Damn it Xan, why did you hit me so hard?” She glanced over at where her brother laid in the grass beside her. “Xan? Xan?” Panic struck her when her brother seemed to be unconscious. She shook him a little to get him to wake up, but that didn’t work. He didn’t wake up until a nearby howl startled Alexandra and she jumped on top of him.

“Ugg, too heavy,” Xander coughed, “get off Lexi.” The girl scrambled to get off him, but stayed close. “What happened and where are we?” Xander asked as he looked around. Then he noticed the moons and that their costumes looked real. Awesome they really were their characters now. “Lexi, we are our characters now. We can do what they can I bet.” He got up and decided to test out his theory by using his character’s sword skills. It seemed he was right. He was able to perform his characters special moves with great ease. “Look Lexi, or should I say Dorcas, your crystal ball is floating around on it’s own.”

“This has to be a dream, right?” Alexandra wasn’t as excited as her brother at first. Once she realized that what was happening was real she grinned. She flexed her hand with the metal claws. “This is kind of cool, but how did we get here and how do we get back?” That was a question that neither of them had an answer to.


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