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Old 02-27-2009, 07:45 PM

"Oh?" Sakura stated as she looked Suki over appraisingly. "So you think you have what it takes to be a Medical-nin? You know it's going to take hard training that anything you've had before. You'll need excellent control of your chakra, and be able to dodge anything that gets thrown at you. You'll also need to be able to keep your cool, even when your squadmates are lying on the ground, bleeding piles of mince meat. There is also little time for outside fun, since you'll need to train almost 24/7 and when you're not training, you'll most likely be needed to help patch people up. Think you can handle it kid?" Sakura asked her, not sugar coating any of it.

She stood there, waiting to see how the young girl would react to the information given to her.


"Naruto!" Tsunade almost screamed, her voice audible throughout most of the building. "Late as usual you lazy bum. This is no time for such irresponsibility! You're to meet up with the other to help teach the student at the Academy. I'm placing you with the kingergartners. Show them where to evacuate to in case of attack, and help them begin to learn the basics. Thankfully there will be others there to make sure you don't screw up!" The veins on her forehead were visibly throbbing in anger as she almost leapt over the desk at Naruto. Instead she simply knocked back a small cup of sake to calm herself down.

"Now go!"

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Old 02-28-2009, 12:09 AM

((Lol, love Tsundae's response. xD))

"Haha," Kakashi said sarcastically.

"I'm missing a member for my squadron so I sent Scott out to tell Iruka to give us one. And Matt is going to be learning a new technique with Scott so we need him. How come your not training your kids huh Momoko," Kakashi said.

"Um, Yes Sakura Sensei! I think I have the capability to become a medical ninja! I will help my comrades in any way possible," Suki said.

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Shmougie is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 07:47 AM

Kiba, who had been out in the hall waiting for naruto and other friends to come, snapped awake from his nap and hit his head in shock at Tsunade's screeching.
He growled and rubbed the back of his head. "I suppose that means Naruto is here." Kiba mumbled, chuckling.

Her trade-mark insane smile was plastered on her face.
"I would but..." Her voice went sugary sweet "I'm just so absorbed with looking at your hot bod, kakashiii~" She cooed, making kissy faces and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Just hold it there and remain completely still." Akira reminded her white faced, bespectacled friend. "It'll work out fine, really! I've done this a whole three times!"
Daisuke fought the whimper that was going to come out of his lips. One red apple was placed atop his head. Does she really expect me to stay still while she-
Akira giggled and pulled out her twin blades.
Hayate just chuckled, watching with his arms crossed and leaning against the wall...this was about to get interesting.
((^_^ I love my students.))

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Old 02-28-2009, 04:42 PM

Rati had finally managed to put the kindergarten students down for their afternoon nap, and was heading outside for brief smoke and some relaxing time to herself. It was about the time that she had the cigarette to her mouth and was about to light it that she noticed the young kids playing. One had an apple on his head. It looked to be a reenactment of William Tell.

Still in kindergartner mode, she felt herself panic and lead over the rail to skid to a halt in front of the girl with twin blades out and ready. Her arms outstretched and the cigarette dangling from her lips.

"WHOA! Hold up!"


"Alright then, let's get started with your training." Sakura said as a slightly sadistic grin spread over her lips. her hands went up as she put her gloves on slowly, adjusting each one. Then, in a whirlwind of blurred action her hand went back and a rock spun from it, zipping past the girl's ear. when it hit the ground the earth beneath it exploded, leaving behind a crater.

"The first lesson to learn, is dodging. A medical-nin has to be able to dodge everything. Because if they can't, and they get injuried, who's going to heal them?" She said, the grin still in place as her arm cocked back for another throw. This time straight at the new student. "So dodge."And the arm cam forward, the small stone projecting forward at incredible speeds.

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Shmougie is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 07:12 PM

Akira didn't stop her swing and ended up cutting the new woman's cigarette in half. She stood there shocked for a second, then tried to justify herself.
"Well....Smoking is bad for you anyway! You don't need it!"

Daisuke passed out.
On the ground.
The apple lulled somewhere to the side.

Where Hayate picked it up, washed it off and ate it.
"Yummy. Nothing beats an apple full of fear." He mumbled as he chewed, watching Akira get scolded.

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Old 02-28-2009, 08:03 PM

"Ugh, what ever Momoko. I'm going to go fetch Scotty and see what is taking him so long," Kakashi said

"Matt come over here we are gonna get your brother and check up on Suki since you and your brother can train without her," Kakashi said.

"Yes Kakashi Sensei," Matt said.

They both started to run out of the academy.

"Hold up Kakashi Sensei. My legs aren't that big," Matt yelled.

"Pick it up we are using this as training as well," Kakashi told Matt.

"Ugh, fine," Matt responded.

In about another five minutes they found Scotty.

"What took you so long," Matt asked his brother.

"I was hungry so I went to grab some ramen, sorry," Scotty said with that sorry sweat face look.

"And you didn't invite me," Matt yelled at Scott.

Soorryyy, gosh," Scotty replied.

*Thought*Wow both these brothers are so much like Naruto and Sasuke put together. Ah, the good old days.*Thought*

"Now we head of to the training grounds to get your new technique ready for battle," Kakashi said.

"A NEW TECHNIQUE," Scotty said excited,"If you told me that I would have not have gone to go get some ramen!"

"Well let's go now," Kakashi said.

They started off to the training grounds.

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Shmougie is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 08:16 PM

Momoko laughed as Kakashi walked away, if she freaked him out then it's been a good day. She turned back to speak to Ayumu when she heard screaming coming from her students direction.
"Oh shoot!" She gave Ayumu an apologetic smile before running over.
What she saw completely confused her. A shinobi from another village had a broken cigaraette in her mouth and Akira had her swords out and was yelling.
She looked around a bit farther off and sighed when she saw daisuke passed out and Hayate eating an apple and poking the poor passed out boy with a stick.
"Oh geez.." She sighed..It was going to take a lot of training to make this squad worthy of being mighty shinobi. Momoko saw potential in them, but she also saw complete chaos. She sighed and looked up at the sky.
"Back up?" She whimpered.

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Illiana is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 08:39 PM

The sleepy day was getting to him and Kaiser was lazing on a tree. He didn't have any work to do but sit around here and do the occasional patrol but it was better than not having a purpose. He flipped down from the tree and began the patrol through the surrounding area and a bit around the Ninja Academy. Kaiser was a least a little happy about the fact that there was a mission for him tomorrow though.

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Shmougie is offline
Old 02-28-2009, 09:04 PM

When Momoko looked up she spotted someone moving from tree to tree and gave a little wave at the blonde male. She wasn't sure if she knew him, maybe met him around town before, but to her she always felt he needed a hug or something...maybe some ice cream.
"Hey there!" She chirped out as she waved.

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Old 02-28-2009, 09:16 PM

They arrived at the Training Grounds

"Show my your Komakai Chidori," Kakashi Said.

"KOMAKAI CHIDORI," yelled out Matt and Scotty while they charged at Kakashi.

"Lightning Blade," Kakashi said while using his version of the Chidori.

His was superior to the two Academy student's. Their Chidori's just disappeared into this air when in contact with Kakashi's

"Damn it," Scotty said. "Damn it," Matt said.

"This is why I want you two to create a Twin Blade Chidori," Kakashi said.

"Okay how though," The twins said together in unison.

"Train, first connect your palms an concentrate on sending the exact amount of chakra into each other. When it is exact chakra will begin to flow out of the palms and create a shield over you," Kakashi said.

"OKAY," They both said and thus they began their training.

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Old 02-28-2009, 09:19 PM

Kaiser looked up from where he was perched from, it was Momoko, a jounin. "What is it that you need from me, Shiruva-san," Kaiser retorted coldly. He had seen her around but never needed to talk to her so Kaiser didn't understand why she would be talking to him currently. Kaiser was heavily on his guard since he disliked people as a rule, Momoko wasn't treated any differently from the rest.

Last edited by Illiana; 02-28-2009 at 09:22 PM..

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Old 02-28-2009, 09:24 PM

"I....well....uhh..." She didn't know what she needed. If Ayumu was here he would be able to help her with the situation, but....where had she left him again?
Hayate stopped poking Daisuke with a stick and was watching Momoko speak to a well known Jounin/anbu, Kaiser. He looked up to him because he was way cold and awesome, but also saw his faults. The fault was: No friends, no anyone, made it hard to make it with the ladies! And so he respected Kaiser, but not too much.
"...Hmm...Do you wanna hug?" she finally asked after about 4 minutes of floundering.
Hayate sweatdropped and the newly awakened Daisuke stared in fear for their new sensei.
Maybe he COULD make it with the ladies...

((Everyone is so cool and momoko is just...out there XD I apologize for my characters actions!))

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Old 02-28-2009, 09:50 PM

((ROFL Shmougie. xD))

The twins Matt and Scott continued to practice on tuning their chakra amount.

"Ugh this is taking FOREVER," Scott said.

"I know but we have to continue to train bro," Matt replied.

((Sorry for shortness. xD I have to stall and wait a few days before they can finish with the first step. I might make Kakashi more active then. xD))

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Old 02-28-2009, 10:39 PM

"Hmm No, I rather not have a hug," Kaiser said shocked, why was she asking for a bloody hug, ! In the end he jumped out of the tree and walked forward to meet Momoko's team " The stupidity of that question was astounding, now Momoko do you really need something beside a hug or do you people just enjoy wasting my time," he said lowering his voice, Kaiser was attempting a intimidation tactic.

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Shmougie is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 12:05 AM

Momoko's smile faltered for only a moment, then went on full swing when he came down from the tree. Maybe that was the first step of coming out of his shell?
"How about ice cream? Would you like to come get some with us?" Her naivete made her immune to intimidation.

Hayate gaped, how bold! A woman offering instead of the man? Especially one like Kaiser!
Daisuke was ready to faint again...oh geez. This guy looked like he'd sooner kill them then eat ice cream with ANYONE. He opened his mouth to protest his sensei's proposition but-
Hayate tackled him full out onto the ground.
"Now that you're awake we can continue our training!" he cried triumphantly, getting the poor boy in a headlock to shut him up. But wasn't he in for a surprise. In a poof of smoke, he realized hadn't tackled daisuke, he had tackled a log! He barely dodged a kunai as he spun around and grinned sadistically.
This was gonna be fun.

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Old 03-01-2009, 12:17 AM

"Ice cream a desert made from dairy, fine I'll come," Kaiser muttered he liked sweets but only in small amounts of course.

His eyes moved toward at the kids who were about to begin a battle. Kaiser quickly moved towards Daisuke and took his kunai and calmly replaced it with a couple of shruiken "Better chance of hitting your opponent at long range, the kunai is a stronger weapon but shruiken will spread out the pain," he said. When he finished his explanation he looked towards Momoko and motioned with his head to move aside from the battle.

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Old 03-01-2009, 12:43 AM

Momoko wanted to stop them, but maybe their little skirmish would help the morale of the team. She nodded and backed away from the battle. "I want to see you both do your best! Then you'll get ice cream." She promised.
Daisuke was surprised at the help. His eyes were wide behind his glasses as he stared at the shuriken. Did he really want to inflict that much pain on Hayate?
"Oi, Daisuke!!" Hayate called a few feet away from the boy, hands in his pockets. "What's the matter? Got second thoughts? Do you need me to call your mama?" he teased.
Okay. The answer was hell yes.
He threw the shuriken with a steady hand and deadly accuracy, and in three second he was covered in fog.

Hayate had thrown smoke bombs down right before the shuriken made contact with both his shoulder and grazed his cheek.
"You're gonna pay for wrecking my beautiful face." He grumbled before charging towards the boy. Hayate had an edge, he was quiet and collected while Daisuke was breathing heavily and confused. He was also better at hand to hand contact and easily dodged Daisuke's attempts to fight back.

She was proud of both of them, proud and also very very worried. She didn't like seeing either of them get hurt, and was fighting the urge to go into the fog and drag them out. They were evenly matched, but Hayate had a very sadistic side to him that made her worry for Daisuke.
"The shop is right across from here." She said to kaiser, but her eyes were focused on her two boys. "Unless you know a better place?" she asked, wondering where he might go when he's bored and not on missions..

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Old 03-01-2009, 01:08 AM

"This place is fine," Kaiser said giving a brief glance at the two boys fighting "Where is there other member of your team, I only see two of them," He didn't bother for the answer before opening the door for Momoko to step in first, he was cruel not mannerless and also very cautious. He had never seen the surroundings of the ice cream shop before so Kaiser had to take a brief look before Momoko stepped in to check the surroundings for any possible dangers, after all ninja who also become anbu tend to become very paranoid.

Last edited by Illiana; 03-01-2009 at 01:15 AM..

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Old 03-01-2009, 07:54 AM

"Another failed attempt. This is sad Matt. You need to concentrate more," Scott said.

"You are the one who is going hella high," Matt scolded.

"Let's just continue. I'll lower my chakra for now. Hm, how about you use up half your chakra and I try to match your's," Scott suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Matt said.

They continued to train.

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Old 03-01-2009, 06:45 PM

"This, is really why I don't do kids." Rati stated with a sigh before pulling out a new cigarette, dumping the split one on the ground.

"I can't wait until this goes back to normal. Seriously I don't know which is worse, you guys or the kindergartners. No, I take it back. So far you've only ruined a jang for me. No unknown liquids, yet." She finally managed to light up her smoke as she walked away from the kids, inhaling deeply and seemingly releasing the tensions that wracked her body with the cloud of smoke.

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Old 03-01-2009, 09:52 PM

Akira had zoned out and watched Kaiser with hearts for eyes as he spoke to Momo. She put her swords away and watched Rati give her rant before kneeling down and checking out the broken cig with curiosity.
"Maybe..." she inspected the half with the brown bottom. Sure it was on the girls lips, but maybe a little puff wouldn't be so bad..?

Daisuke had managed to catch onto Hayate's scheme and stepped back, he lowered his chakra level and his breathing and became calm.
He heard the grass rustle and ran full forced, tackling Hayate out of the smoke.

Damn bastard got better! Hayate growled as they rolled around in the grass, just plain wailing on eachother. But that's when he saw Akira on the ground...
"Daisuke!" he spit out some blood and then looked at the boy, then to the side where Akira was a little ways off.

Daisuke noticed a second later and they both nodded in unison.
Akira suddenly felt two pairs of arms around her. She flushed and dropped the half cig, looking at either side to there faces.
"Don't you know-"
"-Cigarettes are bad for you?"

She cleared her throat nervously and looked down. "You're right..sorry. BUt you have to admit that lady looked really cool smoking it!"
The two boys sighed.
"Bye lady!" Akira cheered happily, waving as Rati walked away.

The third is my cousin, Akira." Momoko explained whlie ordering the boys favorite ice creams. "She's strong, and I feel she'll keep the team know?" she smiled fondly just thinking about the three.
((^_^; I...really love my students XD))

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Old 03-02-2009, 12:01 AM

((I love mine too. ^_^ So determined. :D))

"AGAIN," Scotty said.

"HELL NO! BREAK FIRST," Matt argued.

"Fine," Scotty said to tired to argue back. A break did seem like a good idea though.

15 minutes later.

"NOW LETS START AGAIN," Scotty said energetically.

"Okay," Matt responded with a laid back sounding voice.

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Illiana is offline
Old 03-02-2009, 02:55 AM

"Yes, but she needs to keep focus and not smoke things that come from the ground," Kaiser replied while ordering some icecream.

"Akira, Daisuke, and you Hayate what kind of relationships did you three have before," he questioned wonderingly never understanding how these three genin got paired off together. While waiting for the answer, Kaiser quickly grabbed some money out of his pocket to pay for all of their icecream. He then waited for them to get served, before trying to find a seat for all 5 of them.

Occ: I love your students to.

Last edited by Illiana; 03-02-2009 at 03:26 AM..

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Old 03-02-2009, 04:31 AM

THey sort of looked at eachother, Akira blushed sheepishly at what Kaiser said beforehand.

Hayate chuckled "I'm only friends with ladies. Daisuke's a charity case, I'm just trying to teach him to be a man."
Daisuke mumbled pathetically. "Friends...and bullied."
Momoko cheered happily inside, wasn't he a happy guy now? She realized that he paid and tried to pay him back, but he seemed more interested in the students. She'd point it out later. She sweatdropped at the kids reactions.
"Friends, bully, bullied." She repeated, deadpan. "Well! Now you're teammates!" she chirped out happily "Nothing changes that. Your lives will depend on the trust you have with each other."

"That's not necessarily true." Hayate tried to correct, there ice cream had come and he was eating his mint chocolate chip. "I mean, Kaiser-san doesn't seem to be team mates with anyone, do you?" Hayate was genuinely curious, not sure if he was being rude.

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Old 03-02-2009, 04:42 AM

"That try was pretty close. You need to lower your chakra a bit Matt," Scotty said.

"Okay," Matt responded.

They tried again.


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