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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 11:34 PM

That was enough to her exploring. She was willing to call it a night rather then go down those grimy stairs, not tonight at least. As she headed back towards rooms closer to the original she heard a voice calling out to her in the darkness. What a strange comfort in the strange darkness. Was it one of the other children from the room? She made her way toward the original staircase.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 11:34 PM

The room was really quite grand in a poor orphan's eyes. On the only stone wall in the room, on either side of the door throned two small stone fireplaces, complete with panels to protect their flame from the wind and a small stash of firewood on the upper right corner of the room. They would warm up this area if Ruthie could find something to light them with.

At the foot of the cot lay a closed oak chest, just waiting to be open and on the left part of the room resided a small bookcase and a desk, with small drawers just under it's surface.

A small table with a table cloth and some upturned silver cutlery laid on the right side, near a small and discrete door.

Over the main door was displayed the portrait of a solemn and aristocratic looking man wearing a military uniform stating him as a General. He must have been the previous tenant of this room.

Ruthie had quite a lot to explore.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 12:03 AM

Nathanial felt his way along the wall. As he walked he barely picking up his feet so that he wouldn’t trip over any debris. It sounded like what he had heard was moving back towards him. Was it one of the other children from the orphanage or was it just some type of animal. He opened his eyes once again in hopes that he would be able to see something this time. Everything was dark except for a faint light coming from further down the corridor. “Hello,” he called out once again.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 12:11 AM

She didn't know how to approach the situation. She really hadn't expected anyone to follow her into the darkness. However she know she couldn't just pretend to not exist. She continued to move towards the sound of the voice at the end of the darkness. In the very least she could offer the voice a share of her light even if she couldn't respond to him. She sighed, she was going to have to teach a whole knew group of people how she worked, how she lived.

She held out her had to the new comer holding the torch higher in the other hand to try and cast the light as far as she could.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 12:47 AM

After looking about the room, Ruthie made a list of what she saw. "Fireplace, trunk, bookcase, desk, table, door, painting." She said in a sing-songy voice. With a sudden burst of cheer, Ruthie skipped around the room. She stopped and posed like the man in the picture for a moment, then burst into a fit of giggles. She was starting to enjoy this place.

She grabbed a sheet from the bed and wrapped it around her shoulders then sat in front of the trunk. I wonder if it's locked? she thought, setting her hands on the lid.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 12:57 AM

The chest opened without any more protest than a groan of it's hinges, revealing it's contents.

Inside laid a set of men's nightclothes complete with a cap, a set of male prisoner's garments and what seemed to be the same uniform the man on the portrait was wearing, shiny leather boots neatly laid out on the side of the small pile.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 01:20 AM

Ruthie happy dug through the contents of the chest. She put the uniform coat on, and tugged the boots on as well. Warmer already. she thought, wriggling her nose at the musty smell of the coat. She pulled on the uniform pants too and tucked them into the boots. Newly dressed, Ruthie wandered over to the bookcase. She may not be able to read well, but this certainly was a way to learn.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 01:31 AM

The bookcase, although small, was filled with both military books and classic literature, written in different languages, the most common being german and english, the tomes all presenting expensive-looking leather spines titled in gold, silver and bronze.

The highest books reaching six feet and sporting complicated titles that seemed to be the accounting of wars of old, the subject of the books getting more leisurely in each successive shelve, ending with the entire series of Sherlock Holmes.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 02:22 AM

Most of the books on the shelf Ruthie couldn't understand, let alone read. The last few caught her eye however. "Holmes! I knows that name! Mums used to read it to us at the 'ome!" She grabbed one of the books and set in on the bed. I kin try to read it. Maybe them weirdos will leave me alone if I do. Best to read it later, I still need to be looking around. Ruthie walked over to the desk, wondering what she could add to the treasure she had already found.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 02:53 AM

((IMPORTANT NOTICE! : We are still in January 1919 right now, so the War just finished a few months ago, so all the children would have heard of it and lived trough it, just to remind you all.))

The desk's surface was bare save a simple candle holder screwed on with half a candle still clinging upon it.

The wood of the desk was polished mahogany, under it were three drawers with shiny silvery handles. One of these had a lock, but fortunately still had it's key wedged in it's mechanism.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 04:09 AM

He blinked slightly and was a little surprised that it was a girl. She looked somewhat familiar to him, but he wasn’t sure who she was. He took her hand, hesitantly, shaking it. “I’m Nathanial, but you can call me Nate.” As he spoke he wondered why the girl hadn’t responded by saying something back when he called out earlier. Thinking about this for a moment he considered the fact that maybe she was still too scared to speak or maybe she was just unable to for some other reason. He shifted slightly, starting to feel awkward.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 12:08 PM

She nodded to show she understood and smiled, it was a hesitant smile, but it was still a smile. She wondered how to relay her own name, but thought on it. For a moment it appeared that she simply was staring blankly at Nate when a thought, rather a good thought occurred to her. She grabbed his hand, rather rougher then she had intended and held it out flat with her one hand. With her other hand she traced letters in his hand, hoping he could understand. "R...A....I...N...E"

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 03:56 PM

Ruthie slide her hand across the desk and found it to be smooth like the bed. Whoever lived here - the bloke in the painting - mustn't have liked the roughness of the stones. Ruthie looked over her shoulder at the painting. The man didn't look too terribly wicked. But war changes people. she thought. It makes people become wicked. Ruthie suppressed a shiver. She must be brave. "Like Papa." she muttered. "Brave like Papa who went away to war." Maybe this man had known her father. Not likely, if he's in here. She turned her attention back to the desk.

She looked at the candle for a moment. "It'd help for light, but I ain't got nothing to light it with. An' I wanna light them fires first anyhow." She looked at one of the fireplaces, and sighed. She scanned the desk and finally settled on searching it. "Maybe there's something in this locked drawer." She said as she turned the key.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 04:21 PM

Inside the first drawer laid three leather-bound journals, a few photographs and a few perfume smelling letters.

The journals' pages were of good quality and of an appealing creamy shade and the writing inside it was dark and elegant. The first journal was full of was seemed like codes, it's writing in odd patterns and having many strange signs inside it, making it unreadable but for a gifted few. The second journal seemed like a more traditional diary, though the language inside it Ruthie couldn't understand. The third, however, was black, still waiting for someone to use it for their own purpose.

The photographs showed a pretty woman in a gorgeous dress, smiling and holding a small child in her delicate arms. The child already started to show similarity to both the woman and the man in the portrait, the man even appearing in a few of them.

The letters were still in their envelopes, neatly opened by what seemed to be a good quality letter opener. They were adressed to a "Herr Gebhard Leithner", from what seemed to be a "Claudia Leithner". Those seemed to be the couple's names. The letter were as unreadable as the diary for Ruthie, but they smelled sweet and were prettily written.

((Finally I could write something more than a few sentences!))

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-24-2012, 11:44 PM

The sudden pulling of his hand caused him to step towards her. He looked at the girl curiously, unsure of what she was wanting until she started to write on his hand. “R-A-I-N-E” he said to himself as she spelled out her name. “I think I get it. You can’t talk and you’re trying to tell me your name is Raine, right?” Hopefully I’m not misunderstanding her, he thought to himself. Thinking about this situation he tried to figure out a way the two of them could communicate easier than her having to write in his hand. There had to be a way. If they took some of the paper from the typewriter up stairs and used charred wood to write with. Well that could wait until later. “Umm….do you mind if I join you for a while. I’ve always had problems with sleeping at night.” As he spoke he ran his free hand through his hair.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-24-2012, 11:53 PM

She smiled a bit in relief that Nate had understood her. She nodded at his assessment. She listened as he asked if he could join her with a contemplating look. She thought about it for a moment, and the decided two was certainly more beneficial. She smiled just ever so slightly and nodded. She nodded to the torch as if to say, I have light we can use for now. She looked back down the corridor towards the other end, part of her wanted desperately to explore that downstairs but she knew that her light was fading fast, maybe they aught to find a room to sleep in. She turned around and help up the light, but which room should they take?

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 12:16 AM

Under the glow of the torch, the corridor unravelled itself to the two orphans. Some dried blood there and there was painting the walls and floor but was far less present that the upper level of the prison.

The door of the cells were each quite thick and sported a trap for food, another for the guard to check on the prisoners and a number carved over each of them, the closes being 7, 8 and 9. To see more they would have to enter one of them and investigate.

Kilia is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 02:08 AM

Aydan awoke to the sound of crying and sniveling, he didn't even move from his spot as he heard the door creak open, as the smell of rotted flesh whaffed into room. He was afraid, just as much as the others from the orphanage as him, he re-framed from looking around the area, resigning himself to staring at the floor that was below his feet, it was just as dark as the rest of the room. He curled up a bit more as he listened to the voice speak, listening to the sound of the typewriter and the few that had gone up to try their hand at reading what was typed, his bit his lip. Watching the others leave once they did what ever it was that they type writer had told them, he slowly stood up before moving over to where the typewriter was to try and see if he could read it.

The 4-sided dice lands on 1

Last edited by Kilia; 05-25-2012 at 02:12 AM..

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 02:13 AM

As he squinted at the written message, Aydan discovered that he could read it just fine.

The message seemed to be accompanied by a personal file he seemed to be urged to fill by typing on the typewriter. It was reading as such:

We see you can read, young ones! If you choose to answer our query, we will make you into our image. The first thing we will ask is for you to answer these simple question about yourselves. Please proceed in an orderly manner.

Hair Color:
Skin Tone:
Eye Color:
Do you have any physical deficiencies?
Do you have mental illnesses?

After you are done, wait for further instruction. If our language make you confused, ask the golem holding our vessel for help in dumbing down our speech.
The only thing missing was his personal information.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 02:23 AM

The young boy returned her smile with a small one of his own. He moved so that he was now beside her. Looking down the dimly lit corridor he could see cells on either side of it and splatters of blood here and there. Really the place looked uninviting, but the quiet and darkness of being in the lower level gave it a semi-peaceful feel to it. Like maybe all of this was just really a bad dream that they would all be able to wake up from. “Raine, squeeze my hand once for no and twice for yes to answer my questions. Do you want to explore a bit? If not, then do you want to find separate rooms?”

Kilia is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 02:50 AM

Originally Posted by Artsydaze View Post
We see you can read, young ones! If you choose to answer our query, we will make you into our image. The first thing we will ask is for you to answer these simple question about yourselves. Please proceed in an orderly manner.

Name: Aydan Silverson
Sex: Male
Age: 12
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Tan
Eye Color: Hazel
Do you have any physical deficiencies? Blind in right eye
Do you have mental illnesses? I have a slight obsessive compulsive disorder

After you are done, wait for further instruction. If our language make you confused, ask the golem holding our vessel for help in dumbing down our speech.
Aydan typed onto the key board after he had read it, fidgetting abit as he stood there to see what else was going to happen, sending a glance to the rotting golem next to him, afraid to find out what it may or may not do.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 03:02 AM

The golem took the now completed file and gave it to another of it's kind, this one holding a thick but still empty folder, to put into archives. As they did so, the typewriter typed a new message, this one a contract of sort, just waiting for Aydan's written approval.

We see! Aydan, is it? Very well, you will now be instructed in the two branch of our new society and will have to choose to to go train into one of them.

Do not worry, however, as that choice will not happen until your 15th year of age.

You will be trained in the art of pickpocketing and asked to pay a weekly fee for the betterment of the Society. You will be provided with a room to sleep into, but will have to provide for any further needs.

Do you accept these conditions?
As the last key was pushed by an unseen force, the first golem returned it's attentions to the boy, reminding him that refusal would mean death. That was, of course, the boy's to decide.

Kilia is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 03:57 AM

Aydan fidgeted a little bit before he typed yes on the keyboard, looking towards the group of kids that were left, he knew that one of them, his little sister to be specific, couldn't read, he had a sad look on his face. A tear coming to his eye as he waved bye to her for the last time as he was lead out like all the others.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 04:10 AM

After being told to go find a room to sleep in and come back as he woke up, Aydan started his task.

As he passed through the heavy door in search of a room, it closed behind him with an ominous creak of it's hinges, leaving him alone in a dark and dank corridor which smelled of blood and decay.As he passed through the corridors, he encountered many rotting corpses and collapsed hallways, what would have been a labyrinth of cells and guard posts now a more or less straightforward path of locked or unsanitary rooms and crumbling passages.

Soon enough he arrived to a stone stairway, both leading up and down. The path to the upper levels was more or less passable and let distant moonlight and wind down into the basement, seeming to be the safer choice. The stairs going down, however, were dank and dark, making them slippery and hazardous. A distant dripping and the scent of earth could be sensed from it's dark depths.

Aydan had to choose which way to proceed in his search for a suitable abode to sleep in.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 09:37 AM

She wanted to explore, after all How often did one get to explore an old prison? She saw the blood splatters on the wall and instead of being frightened they filled her with more excitement, this place was seriously spooky and exciting at the same time. Funny, she thought to herself, why aren't I afraid? She knew she should be, she was really quite stupid to not be, and yet she felt a sort of comfort from the place.

She looked at Nate, he had offered before her to questions, but also an easy way to answer them. She squeezed his hand twice when he had asked her about the exploration, hoping he understood her. She looked around at the three rooms close to them, wondering if they should start their exploration amongst them. She read the numbers on the door, 7.....8....9.......hmmmmm. She thought about this for a moment, and finally decided on the one that stood closest to where she stood. She pointed at the door numbered 7 with the torch and a tilt of her head as if to say, Let's start here.


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