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Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 12:14 PM

Angel started to laugh. "I think its more like 2000. But hey your dancing with a dead guy. If im a perve then your a necrophiliac." Angel started laughing again. He couldnt remember the last time he was so happy. Most of the time he only followed her. Now he might be able to be with her full time. He knew this would be hard. Only in the safty of the house or were no one can see. He is an Angel after all. He kissed her cheek and said "HaHa im also not the one with wet shoes." He may have pants and a shirt on but shoes who needs them when you dont have to walk.

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Old 03-20-2010, 12:23 PM

Kira glared at what he said she was, “I’m no necrophilia.” She glared some more and then smiled, she was happy that now she knew who was that presence that near her. Now she could be with him more, she just could not say how happy it made it. When he spoke about her shoes, she glared and then stuck her tongue out at him, “That’s mean! Now my shoes are ruined.” She glared for a few more second and then smirked, “So why should the outfit be dry?” she kept the smirk on and then just let go of him, she had and easy slip out of his hands as she soon was under the water. She wondered what he would do.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 12:37 PM

Angel smiled and flew up high. He came in with a fast dive into the watter. His wings tucked in tight, as his body came into contact with the watter. He grabed her and they started to ge deep into the water. His wings streched out under water and formed a ball around them. He smiled at the watter drained out of the ball. He took a deep breath of fresh air. "Welcome to me world." He said as he kissed her. His wings worked as gills taking in fresh air with out letting water in. They were about 100 feet under the water. It was so quiet in the ball.

iinsanely Sane
iinsanely Sane is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 12:38 PM

// I'm terribly sorry I haven't made my profile, I will be doing so now... I was just wondering, I can't find the profiles thread \\

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Old 03-20-2010, 12:41 PM

[oc: X
no worries <3]


Kira could see him diving into the water, gasping lightly as he grabbed her and went down into the depths. As soon as air came to her lungs, she smiled and looked around. Wrapping her arms around Angel’s neck she smiled, “Wow, I didn’t know angels could do this.” She blushes as he showed her his world, and undersea world, full of magical things. Leaning up into the kiss, she soon looked to see the world. “I wish we could stay in this bubble thing forever.” Sighing softly, in truth, she wished they could stay together forever, in the arms of each other.

Last edited by Raccoon_Chronus; 03-20-2010 at 12:43 PM..

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 12:56 PM

Angel looked at her and smiled softly. He has never showed anyone what he has learned to do over time. "Not all Angels can do this. Thats why this is my world." Angel rested his lips apon her neck. He held on ho her hands befor wraping them around her waist. He moved from her neck back to her lips. The feeling of the ball and of her lips made him so happy. This was the happiest momment of his life. "As long as im with you this is Our World."

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Old 03-20-2010, 01:10 PM

Feeling his lips on her neck sent a new feeling though out her body, a cold tingling sensation ran up and down her spine, she closed her eyes to save this feeling. It felt to wonderful and soon it was heightened. A kiss with an angel, with Angel, it felt like the world stopped, froze over, and only Angel and Kira could move, could feel. She wanted this, everything to freeze in time, just so she will never forget, so she will never lose it. When he spoke about this being ‘our’ world, she blushed and looked down. “I..I didn’t mean to take something th..that is yours.” She felt ashamed that she had taken this, it was his and only his world, she didn’t want to ruin that for him.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 01:17 PM

"I have been waiting to sare it with somone. Im happy that its you." The ball astarted to move up. They started to go faster and faster. When they hit the watter top Angels wings bursted out and flaped hard twice. The watter from his wings hit the ocean and water shot up in the air. When the water reached them it bursted. The light hit the mist that was all around them. Kira opened her eyes. Before her eyes were such beautiful lights. They were surrounded by a rainbow. Encased in a light show Angel kissed Kira. The mist fell back into the ocean and Angel unlocked his lips from hers. "Our World"

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Old 03-20-2010, 01:27 PM

Kira clung tightly, closing her eyes as they went up in the water, she could feel the water being sprayed down, and soon she opened her eyes, only to see rainbows and beautiful lights. Looking up at Angel, she grinned cutely, “There, this.. It’s beautiful.” As they lip locked she smiled, closing her eyes and feeling in heaven. When they pulled out and he spoke those two worlds, tears started coming to her eyes, she was so happy. “Angel, you.. this..’s so, just so...” she couldn’t form words, nothing could describe it, so she smiled and kissed his lips once more, hoping he would understand.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 01:40 PM

Angel looked at Kira "I know how you feel." He kissed her and she fell limp. Carrying her in his arms he took her home. His wings flaped once and they were outside her house. Flying into the window unseen Angel layed her in bed. Angel layed net to her. He kissed her and said "Sorry about that its faster that way." He eyes opened. Angel tucked them in his wings vanishing into thin air. He closed his eyes as he wraped his arms around her waist. Her back was warm against his chest. They fell asleep.

.:ill wake us up 2marrow:.

Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurk...
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Old 03-20-2010, 03:59 PM

After a quick stir, Jared downed some of the coffee, not really caring about how hot it was. He needed his buzz of caffeine and as far as he knew, there wasn't any food in the house. He should really fix that, but then again, he didn't exactly have a means to get there other than walking. Slowly walking out of the kitchen, barely able to notice anything aside from what was ahead of him. Strangely, enough the caffeine didn't seem to do its job and instead only served to provide him with something to drink. His pace seemed to slow down and his stride become more of a stumble as he walked towards his game room. No! He still had to finish another ending or two, he was so close! Even if he couldn't get all the endings he could at least get one or two more right? Righ- Before he could finish the thought, his eyelids closed on him and he fell, his body falling asleep on him.

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Old 03-21-2010, 08:45 AM

Kira smiled and closed her eyes in the kiss, so to black out, falling limp. The next thing she knew was his lips on hers, in her apartment. She blinked and looked around. “I’m gona need some time to get used to that.” She whispered softly, looking around she soon sighed softly and just went with it. She snuggled up against him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and they laid there. She slipped her hand into his, intertwine their fingers, soon to close her eyes. “Sweet dreams my Angel.”

.:okee dokee:.

Last edited by Raccoon_Chronus; 03-21-2010 at 08:56 AM..

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-21-2010, 08:54 AM

Angel awoke after she fell asleep. "Sweet dreams" left his lips as he took them off hers. He had fun today and not knowing when or if they can again made him sad. He started to fade out of site as a tear droped out of his eye. He flew high into the clouds and took a few momments to compose himself. The cloud that he rested his head on felt nice. Soon he smiled and fell asleep.


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Old 03-21-2010, 09:11 AM

Kira felt his lips but did not open her eyes. She smiled softly and snuggled more with the blanket. Her dreams tonight were wonderful. She relived today over and over and over again. However on the last time she dreamed this, Angel somehow wasn’t with her. Something happened, she heard screaming, she saw blood, she soon could see Angel being, pull/dragged away. She tried to run after him, to get him back, she could not she fell down. “Angel!!” Tears came rushing down her face, she cried and cried soon hearing her alarm clock blaring she opened her eyes. “It was just a dream.” She told her self as she wiped away the tears form her eyes. She stopped and smiled, turning over in the bed, “Angel..” He wasn’t there. She sat up in her bed and looked around. Getting up and out of the bed she ran down the steps. “Angel?” No answer, running back up the stairs, she grabbed her old teddy and ran into a chair, sitting in it with her knees pulled up to her chest she cried softly. “It was just a dream, just a dream, he’s here, I’ll wake up, he’ll come. He’ll come.” She buried her face in her knees.


Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-21-2010, 09:18 AM

Agel woke up on the clouds. A need to see Kira rushed over him but her just shruged it away. He tore off a pice of the cloud and washed his face. The air washed over his body as he was flying slowly to Kira. He made it to her window and looked in. She wasnt there. Then the Church bell rang. O shes at the church he said in his head. He flew over tho the roof top and sat in wait. She wasnt there yet but he knew she would show up. He took out an apple and started to eat it.


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Old 03-21-2010, 09:34 AM

Kira cried and cried. She kept repeating this over and over again, “He’ll come, he’s my angel, he’ll come.” She closed her eyes tight and just staid there. she didn’t move for a long time and she just didn’t eel like moving. She tugged on the dress she still had on from yesterday and cried softly. Her eyes, red and her ace sad. Burying her eyes in her teddy she spoke softly. “He’s not real, it was all a dream, yesterday was a dream, too good to be true.” Sniffling she just let the tears run down her cheeks. “Angel’s not coming back.”

.:look what you did to her!! Lolz:.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-21-2010, 10:11 AM

Angel sat ontop of the roof top. He finished like five appls aready. Were the hell is she. This was the place were she spent the most time. He didnt want to move an ince just incase she came here. Last thing he wanted was for her to be sad. What if he left and she came and he was out and about. He told himself he will wait. He took out another apple and started to eat it.

.:she should of been in her bed muwahaha:.

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Old 03-21-2010, 10:57 AM

Kira sighed softly to herself and then crawled her way back to her bed, snuggling under the covers. “Why is everything that is goo, end up being fake, why?” she sniffled and then held her bear up, “Why? Why can’t for once in my life fairytales come true.” She took a deep breath and then went under the covers fully. Curling up into a blanket. She did not even want to go to the church, what was the point, she would cry up there too.

.:butt face XP:.

Last edited by Raccoon_Chronus; 03-21-2010 at 11:04 AM..

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-21-2010, 11:04 AM

Angel sat on the roof for a good amount of time. He just didnt want to wait for her anymore. The wind pushed against his face as he took off into the air. He flew as high as he could. Why didnt she show up she always did. He blamed himself maybe she didnt want to talk to an Angel. He hid in the clouds. They took his tears as they flew past him. He kept the Church in site just in case. His hopes wernt as high as they were this morning.

.:im going to win:.

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Old 03-21-2010, 11:15 AM

Kira studied the bear in her arms, “Mr. Fluffers, is Angel real, please say he is. If he isn’t then my life is meaningless, I have nothing else to live for. Please Mr. Fluffers, is her real?” She was seriously thinking about taking her life some how. He was everything, and now he was gone. She couldn’t understand it, she didn’t know why. “Please come back, please.” Several minutes later she got up from the bed and walked down stairs.
Coming back upstairs she sat on her bed, on top of the sheets and Indian styled. Looking at the razor in her hands she soon looked at the sky through her window. “Please, he’s gone isn’t her, you took him away? Why couldn’t you let me have him, why?!” as she was speaking she started cutting into her wrist, straight into the large vein that ran down her arm. Cutting upwards as the vein got bigger, she closed her eyes and started crying once more. “Angel, please, I love you.”

.:and what have you won.. oh she is suicidal!:. .:fun!:.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-21-2010, 11:30 AM

Angel dicided he wanted to try the house again. Maybe she was still sleeping. Angel didnt want to show up with out anything so he picked some flowers. It was a short flight back to the house but Angel knew he wanted to see her bad. If she wasnt there he would go looking for her non stop. As he got to the window he saw blood. Befor he rushed in he saw it was self done. He droped the flowers and they fell far to the floor. Before she had a chance to see her. He flew down to the street and found a pay phone. He made a call to 911 and told them where she is and what happened. The ambulence came a seconds later he saw them as they took her to the hospital. All he said was "Why...Why...Dont you love me." Angel was sick to his stomach but since he had to he followed her to the hospital.

.:i hate suicide so please no more i have my reasons:.

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Old 03-21-2010, 11:45 AM

Kira cried, struggling slightly when the people came to take her to the hospital. “No! I can’t he might come back, please!” her struggling soon stopped once the put her on the sedative, it knocked her out fully.
When she finally came too, she found herself in the hospital. Sighing she sat up, groaning softly. She looked around, “Who called?” speaking to herself she tried to remember, she never picked a phone up, no one came into the room. “Angel!?” could he have? She wanted to know. She wanted to get out of here, she didn’t care if they labeled her as mental she wanted her angel back.
She quickly got out of the bed and soon got dressed. She looked around and then walked outside. “So far so good.” Soon she was on the first floor. “Hey!? Miss Carter, please come back to your room.” “NO?! I want to see Angel, I need to tell him I’m sorry I need to tell him I love him!” a few minutes more of yelling at eachother, the security was called, trying to get Kira back into her room. “I AM NOT MENTAL I LOVE ANGEL AND I JUST WANT TO SEE HIM!” she stopped and fell to the floor, “Please, he can’t be fake, I love him too much, please.” Tears started coming down her face.

.:ah I understand –huggles- no worries:.

Xero Cool
saviour of the broken
Xero Cool is offline
Old 03-21-2010, 11:53 AM

Angel watched her walk out of the room and yell for him. This was so painful why would she show me her love like this. He waited until they made her come back into the room. The words almost escaped his mouth befor he caught himself. He took out a single Angel feather from his pocket. She walked over to her bed and put it on her pillow as she cryed on the floor. He sulked into a hover and sat in mid air. All he wanted to do now was sleep.

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Old 03-21-2010, 12:06 PM

Kira finally went back to the room, her eyes watering. As soon as they let her alone, she finally stood up straight, her eyes staring at the feather on the bed. Running to the bed, she climbed up on it and held the feather softly in her hands. She took in a deep breath and then sighed. She held the feather to her heart; curling up into a ball she started crying again. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please forgive me. Please.” She pleaded softly through her tears. All this happened because of her dream, he was taken away from her and then this morning he was no were to be found, nor did he answer her. “Please don’t leave me, please.” She whispered softly, her eyes closed.

Getting your dreams, its strange...
Eiiri is offline
Old 03-21-2010, 08:00 PM

It was dawn, one of Eliana Soleil’s favorite parts of the day. She sat atop of where her charge, Thomas, lived. Eli could see the sunrise perfectly from here, the soft rays’ peaking over the horizon, creating pastel light over the ocean that surrounded the island. She loved the beauty of the morning sun, very different from the evening sun. The twilight sun being sad and mournful, but only those who’ve worked with the sun would know such beauty. It was at this point in the day she almost regretted becoming a guardian, but by the end of the day she felt differently. Thomas was her first person she was in charge of protecting and she was eager to do a good job.

He had surprised her when she first saw him, his appearance, after first impressions are everything but that quickly changed. She had only been his guardian for a few years, his previous guardian leaving when his sister died. She couldn’t believe that had happened, but quickly became protective of him as he mourned for his sister. She was, as a result always, near him. She was pleased when he came to the island, it would be safer for him there.

She listened closely for him moving around, she knew that he had trouble sleeping and like her, hated the dark. She often tried to help him sleep, but she wasn't experienced with that sort of thing. She always stayed up with him, though she had never showed herself to him, even in a human form. She would, however, if she needed to. She had grown attached to him when she discovered he also disliked the dark, she had always thought it was silly and childish of her and it made her feel better that she wasn't the only one.


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