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SpazhezAttack :]
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Old 06-10-2010, 09:50 AM

Desire clung onto Jake, not fearing for her life but because he went under water again. When they resurfaced she laughed and nodded. “i agree, it's not like we do get to have this kind of fun everyday right?” she unwrapped her legs from his waist and slide off into the water. Though she smiled and jumped up to the side of the pool, soon sitting on the edge out of the water. “What you wana do know, pool still? Or something new?

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 06-10-2010, 09:54 AM

Jke laughed at her question "it would be fun to stay in here, but i don't really care" he said as he got out of the pool and got his face paint kit out "time to repaint my face" he said as he got a small fold up mirror, he dried his face with a towel and then he carefuly began to put the paint on

SpazhezAttack :]
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Old 06-10-2010, 10:00 AM

Desire smiled, watching as he got out and started on his face. She stood up and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her hair she dried it off before sitting down on a chair. She looked over at her clothes and laughed softly. However she did worry about what her band members would say when they find out that she spent the whole day in the pool with Jake. Brushing that from her mind she walked over to her clothes, seeing as she was still too wet from them and walked over to Jake, in case he needed any help.

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 06-10-2010, 10:03 AM

Jake put the paint on so it looked exacly like the crow's face paint "there all done" he said looking the mirror, when he was satisfied with it he turned and jumped when he turned and saw Desire stood next to him "bloody hell... don't sneak up on me like that please"

Actually A Girl.
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Old 06-10-2010, 10:04 AM

Nate smiled at the receptionist when he passed her, and stopped to look at the signs around the reception area of the hotel. To the left, a restaurant; that way, a spa... Nathaniel finally spotted what he was looking for. The gym. And a swimming pool! The eighteen year old couldn't wait to get his clothes off and do some exercise. The trip here had been long, and Nate wasn't exactly one for sitting down for long periods of time. He looked down at his pocket as his phone suddenly burst into a victory fanfare from a popular video game. He grinned, dived into his pocket, and retrived the slide-up phone. His eyes scanned the message from Jake, and then he threw the mobile carelessly back into his jeans before following after the sign that pointed towards the gym and swimming pool.

Nate opened the door to the gym. There was no one else in there right now. It was quite small, but it had enough, and Nate was running his hands over the bench press, checking the weights, before moving to the rowing machine. His eyes lit up, however, when he saw the punchbag in the corner of the room. He didn't have one of these back at home, in the gym built into his garage, and so this was a new, exciting thing. The gloves were on, and he was slamming his hands into the hanging mass, sending it twirling through the air. A few minutes later, and Nate knew that he should stop; he didn't want to get sweaty in his normal clothes. He unbuttoned his white shirt, took it off, and flung it over his shoulder, leaving him in a pair of dark blue jeans and a belt, as well as his trainers. Leaving the gym, Nate decided to check out the swimming pool now.

He left his shirt, socks and trainers in the changing rooms and then stepped through into the pool. He raised an eyebrow at the couple in the water, whilst he checked the length and depth of the pool. He then, however, did a double take.
"Jake? Is that you?" Nate looked pretty shocked to see his friend without the face paint on. His eyes then fell on the girl. He didn't know that she was from the other band. "Christ, mate, you're getting in on the ladies fast. You're beating me!" Nate snickered, moving to the edge of the pool and undoing his belt, taking it off, and then beginning to unzip his jeans. "Mind if I join you? Or would I be ruining a moment?" Nate grinned. He pulled off his jeans and left them on a chair along with his belt. He wasn't wearing swimming trunks, but no matter. He leapt into the pool, curling into a ball at the last moment and bombing into the water.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 06-11-2010 at 05:48 AM..

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 06-10-2010, 10:09 AM

Jake saw Nate and froze "Nate... we are just about to leave" he said as he put his face painting kit and mirror away "you are a bit late... and no im not getting in on her, im talking and have a mess around... women are not just for what you think they are for you know... you should treat them with respect"

SpazhezAttack :]
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Old 06-10-2010, 10:17 AM

[oh sorries <3 and now are we all on track? ;p if i'm slow.. blame youtube funnies]

Desire smiled and laughed softly, “i'm sorry, you were so into your makeup...” she smirked, Des was going to say something funny bu heard another voice. She turned around to see another boy, blond, really good looking, must be Nate. She ran her fingers threw her hair, wishing she had that towel at the moment. She looked down embarrassed that she looked like this, crappy hair, bikini, and she just looked like shit, well she thought.

“Um hi,” she spoke up finally, looking up at the boy. Des kept messing with her hair, hoping she could at least get it to some kind of work-a-blity. She sighed and then gave up.


The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 06-10-2010, 10:22 AM

Jake looked at Desire, he noticed she was acting strange "ok... well then you two can have fun chatting" he looked at Nate "you love to interfere with other peoples stuff don't you... gesh" he said as he walked over to his stuff and picked it up "have fun then"

Actually A Girl.
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Old 06-10-2010, 11:09 AM

Nate frowned at Jake when he said that he was just about to leave, and tried not to laugh when he told her that women had to be treated with respect. Not because he didn't agree - he did respect women - he had just never heard Jake spout stuff like that before. He watched Jake, deciding that he must have some feelings for the girl. Nate layed on his back in the water. "Christ, you can be confusing sometimes, Jake." Nate now glanced over at the girl, who he noticed was trying to sort out her hair. He grinned at her. He would have said something, but then Jake spoke again, and began to leave. Nate raised an eyebrow, sensing in some way that he had pissed the other boy off. "What have I done noww? Get back in, we can have a game of water polo or something."

Nate swam to the side of the pool, passing Des as he did so. He said quietly to her as he passed, "Did he act this weird with you?" Not stopping, Nate reached the edge of the pool, and stretched to reach a ball that was laying on the side. Grinning, he turned and threw it at Jake. "Heads!"

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 06-11-2010 at 05:48 AM..

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 06-10-2010, 11:13 AM

Jake was about nearly out when he heard Nate call out 'heads' "heads? what do you m..." when he turned the ball his him in the face "i have only just put the paint on, its lucky you didn't smuge it" he said glaring at Nate and smiled "have it back" he said chucking it pull pelt a Nate

Actually A Girl.
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Old 06-11-2010, 11:53 AM

Nate couldn't help but laugh when the ball hit Jake. He wasn't being malicious; like any person, most people would find it funny. It was probably his fault; American people were probably more accustomed to 'Duck!' or a similar saying when something was flying towards them. Back in England, though, before someone threw a ball, they would yell 'Heads!'. Nate was about to apologize when Jake mentioned his face paint. "You look good without it, y'kno-" Suddenly there was a ball coming towards the eighteen year old. He ducked down into the water, hearing the ball smash the surface just after his head was gone from sight.

Nathaniel resurfaced under the ball, lifting it up on his head and attempting to balance it before it eventually fell off. He caught it in his hands and looked over at Jake.
"That was uncalled for. What's wrong with you?" He glanced back over at Desire, then threw the ball towards her with a smile.

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 06-11-2010, 11:56 AM

Jake laughed as Nate ducked under and then resurfaced "hey you started it" he chuckled then caught it as he threw it at Desire "hey... don't drag her into this... you wanted a ball fight you got one with me" he laughed as he threw it at Nate and began to run around the pools edge "try to hit me if you can"

Amaya Mori
The purple crayon of your life!
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Old 06-12-2010, 04:58 AM

Asami Furukawa

Waking up,picking out an outfit,and getting to the hotel by 9 hadn't been a problem for the teenage Asian, what was proving to be difficult was hunting down her band mates. She had sent out a text letting them know she had made it to the hotel in one piece and asked where they were. So far she hadn't gotten a reply. Swiping the little plastic key card through the slot Asami pushed open the metal door to her room. It was amazing. She had never stayed in a hotel as nice as this one before.
Leaving her two suit cases by the door that lead into the bed room area to be put away latter Asami placed Poky's- her bass- case on the bed before she unsnapped the three clips that locked the top in place. The instrument was beautiful and she took better care of it then she did for herself. After scanning it with her eyes and lightly running her fingers over it to make sure nothing had happened to it on the way over she re-shut the lid and slid the case under the bed.

Asami fished her Zune out of her purse and slid it along with her room card into the front pocket of her hoodie wither her Sidekick. Sticking the right headphone in her ear she let the left one dangle down so she could hear if some one called out to her. Picking a song she exited the room and began her search for her so far lost band mates.

r_e_n_o_Love is offline
Old 06-12-2010, 04:28 PM

The Doctors can't fix me.
Nobody knows what's ailing me.
Sometimes I think I might as well be dead.

Caspian dropped his pencil on the table, then let go an aggravated breath into his hands. On the side of his chair there was a black bag that he threw on the table. He had tried to at least go a day for the sake of the band, but he just wasn't strong enough. He unwrapped a white sheet, and slipped out a plastic bag containing bunch of yellow pills with smiley faces on it. He took out one, and put them in his mouth swallowing without the use of liquids.

His head sloped down to the wood. It just wasn't reacting quick enough. Why couldn't he just be a little less pathetic? Another twenty-nine more minutes till blast off, he thought to himself.

Caspian put everything he had out into the bag which he hid in his suitcase. He ran his fingers through his red hair. He had always been a redhead, but this was obviously not his natural red. It had been the first time he had actually dyed his hair, and he wasn't exactly thrilled about it. This was just something that happened when you're high around a hairstylist. Especially one who has it out for you.

Caspian exited the room putting on his black fedora. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted an Asian girl going down the hall. She must have been with one of the other band. Why not go after her?

"Hey! Oh! Wow. You're with Black Rose right? Um. Asami Furukawa the Bass Guitarist?"

Actually A Girl.
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Old 06-12-2010, 11:31 PM

Nate caught the ball that Jake threw at him, things getting more playful now. He laughed, moved to the shallow end, and balanced the ball on the surface of the water. He grinned over at Desire. "This could either go terribly wrong or very well. Better watch out." Laughing, he picked up the ball, threw it upwards, and then attempted to jump out of the water and kick the ball towards Jake with his right foot.

What actually happened was his foot only just caught the side of the ball, it didn't get anywhere near to Jake, and Nate fell very ungainly back into the water with a huge splash. He came up laughing, though, and lay on his back as he kicked his body gently around the swimming pool. "Have you seen Caspian around, Jake? You reckon he's here yet?" He then looked towards Desire. "You're quiet. What's your name?"

Amaya Mori
The purple crayon of your life!
Amaya Mori is offline
Old 06-13-2010, 06:57 AM

‘We the Kings’ faded out, only to start up a joke song her brother had downloaded for her, The Key of Awsome’s Emo Vampire song. Silently mouthing the words Asami didn’t notice anyone else in the hall with her until she heard his voice. Turning her head in the red head’s direction she easy recognized him. Caspian Joe Witz, drummer for Misguided Paranoia, her band’s compaction. She had looked through as many public records as she could on all three members. It wasn’t much really, basic info, their bands page or blogs about the band, but it was enough for her to know that their fan base was growing.

Taking the other head phone out of her ear the music could still be heard buzzing in the back ground. “Yeah I’m Asami, and your Caspian right, M.P.’s drummer boy.” It was more of a statement then a question, because only a fool wouldn’t know who was in a rival band. His picture didn’t do him much justice. Sifting the contents of her hoodie pocket around, she hit the pause button on her little pink Zune. The hallway was silent. “Are you looking for the rest of your band?” As hyper as she normally was and as much as she knew about him when it came down to it she was simply too shy around people she didn’t know.

r_e_n_o_Love is offline
Old 06-15-2010, 02:44 AM

Caspian nodded. He was surprised he knew him exactly. Especially since he had at least tried to make himself as much out of sight as he could. Of course the paparazzi and God only knew who else managed to dig him out. They sure were good at their job. He had counted on it, but was kind of being hopeful. There was no way to avoid the spotlight when you were famous. More so when you were right under one of the top bands of this contest. “The one, and only. It’s nice to finally meet the completion. “

Caspian noticed her hit the pause button. Things sure could go over him. Yet he dismissed the thought of drugs killing brain cells, along with anything else that came along with it. “Band? Well not exactly, but guess I should. Your bands missing too, huh?” He shrugged his shoulders. “Well knowing Nate he’s probably out trying to get some girl’s phone number out at the pool. Bettin Jake’s there with him. Maybe your girls too. Care to follow?” He offered her his arm in a gentlemanly fashion.

Amaya Mori
The purple crayon of your life!
Amaya Mori is offline
Old 06-15-2010, 06:38 AM

Asami wasn't too sure if she was allowed to be hanging out with him, she was sure their manager's head would explode, but it was better then walking around alone. Bouncing on the balls of her toes she scanned the hall to see if anyone was going to randomly jump out and accuse her of fraternizing with the enemy.When the hall was determined safe she moved a little closer to Caspian. She kept her hands stuffed in her pocket though.

" I guess it wouldn't be breaking too many rules just walking with you."
Put her on stage with a bass in her hand and she would go crazy, jumping around making weird faces. Stick her with a someone new and she shuts down hiding behind a stereotype. Asami really wished the rest o her band was here now. They would be able to break the ice for her and then slowly she could be her normal self. Looking up at the red haired next to her as they walked towards the pool. "Did you know that the 1997 song Brick by Ben Folds Five was about the leads singer and his girlfriend having an abortion in high school."

She felt like smacking herself in the face, abortion in music was not a conversation starter. " sorry."

SpazhezAttack :]
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Old 06-15-2010, 08:58 AM

Desire was blacking when she finally remembered that her phone had went off sometime when she was talking to Jake. She ran to her clothes and pulled he phone out, smiling she flipped the pad out.
To: Skittle
From: Des
I'm here, sorry for not seeing the message sooner
I'm at the pool, I think the guy band is here, well all for except the drummer
<3 hope you can come soon <3
Love you!
Des sighed and sat on the ground, she watched the boys, laughing softly. This wasn't her style, this whole day seemed to not be here, but her stage her. She wasn't so quiet, she was able to form sentences, and she was playing around with guys. Taking a deeper breath she started to feel her legs shaking softly, she needed to hide this.

Standing up slowly, Des walked over to the pool, she sat down at the edge and swung her feet in. hearing one talking to her, she looked up to see that the blond was asking her name. She looked down and nodded. Desire, and your Nate if I'm not m-mistaken.” she looked up finally smiling, looking at over at Jake, wondering.. just wondering, when a soft blush came upon her cheeks. Sighing softly she slide herself into the water, trying to hide how embarrassed she was that she was going back into her quiet, timid state.

[sorry guys, i got sick .. evil.. and school just ended so stuff was happening,, i can promise that i wont leave again without telling you.. sorries <3 forgive me?]


Last edited by SpazhezAttack :]; 06-15-2010 at 11:43 AM..

Actually A Girl.
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Old 06-15-2010, 10:06 PM

Nate smiled when Des said that he was Nate. "Wow, someone knows me?" His smile turned into a grin. This was good! Maybe he was more famous than he thought he was. Or maybe... he looked at the girl. Dang. She was in the other band, wasn't she? Nate sighed. Ah, well. He lay on his back and began to gently kick himself around the pool, looking up at the ceiling. "Desire, huh? Pretty name. What to people normally call you?" Nate twisted onto his front and began to swim breast stroke up and down the lengths of the pool. His arms and legs pushed him through the water quickly, and when he got to the end of the pool, he took a breath and disappeared for a moment as he did a tumble turn. He did a few lengths like this, taking it easy, enjoying the exercise.

[[ It's fine! I'll be gone for a few days on Friday (going camping for the weekend) and then again on Wednesday, just to let you know. ]]

SpazhezAttack :]
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:33 PM

Desire smiled and laughed softly, her eyes traveled with Nate as he swam around the pool. “Me, um they call me several names, Des, Di like Die, Sticks, Carter, and Cupcake but reasons for Cupcake will not be told.” she smiled softly as she lightly bobbed on the waters surface, she looked back at Jake and wondered what he was doing or thinking. Her eyes traveled to where she heard newer voices, Skittle was here, she smiled softly and then went under, getting a breath of air and shaking her head. She fixed her hair to it stuck up slightly, just enough.

Swimming over to the steps she sat on the railing, dangling her feet in the water. She fixed her swimsuit, making sure she wasn't out of place. The took a deep breath and then looked over to Nate, “What do they call you Nate, I know Nate isn't the only thing you are called.” she smiled and placed her hands on her lap, however forgetting that she was on a narrow railing she yelped, falling back into the water and hitting her head on the wall of the pool. She resurfaced, holding the back of her head.

Last edited by SpazhezAttack :]; 06-16-2010 at 04:24 AM..

r_e_n_o_Love is offline
Old 06-16-2010, 07:14 AM

Caspian was disappointed when Asami stuffed her hand in her pockets. He simply smirked, he’d get her to trust him yet. Caspian walked rather quietly down the hall with Asami. It was very unusual for him, of course his crowd generally talked more. Heck Jake talked more than this. Then out of no where she did speak. “Tell you the truth I know very little about that band. But that’s an interesting fact there. Don’t be sorry about it.”

“Got any other’s you can throw on me?”
Caspian asked. He loved hearing little things like that. Especially when it came to music. Music was his life, well part of it anyway.

I can’t grasp this feeling.
But I want it to go away.
Find me a cure to end this misery.
I’m rotting from my core.

Caspian nudged her when he heard what he thought was her phone. “I think someone’s trying to contact you. Hold on a second.” Caspian casually picked up a magazine from off the table, and slipped it front of them. “I was thinking I could get one of these. I saw this picture of it yesterday.” On the inside was a poodle puppy. He managed to make it before a camera flashed from behind a potted silk plant.

[Eh. Don't worry about it. I should probably add too, that my response time is going to be a ted bit slow this week.]

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 06-16-2010, 12:54 PM

((sorry i have been gone for so long, what has been going on?))

SpazhezAttack :]
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Old 06-16-2010, 01:19 PM

[nothing much.. just read the last post of mine and Detr. you should be fines <3]

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 06-16-2010, 01:23 PM

((got it))
Jake was looking at his jacket to see if it was scuffed, when he heard a sudden yelp, he whipped his head around and saw that Desire had fallen in, he quickly took his jacket off and ran into the pool. When he saw Desire resurface he swam up to her "are you ok? let me see your head"


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