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Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:45 PM

Oh!~ -hugs squishy ditto- <3

Aw, I want to see.
; o;
Oh? Can I see it? o wo

I went to a Pokemon event today at a mall near here~
I bought a Snivy plushie and won a stylus~
> w<


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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:47 PM

Ceri: LOOOOL. It's so hard switching between sites. "Do I use html? Or BBS code? AAA."

Yes, I love you, but if it can go regular mail, it will be stamped happily into the mailbox. |D IT IS JUST A SIGN THEY LOVE YOU LOTS. ; 3; I haven't had many problems with Canadian post, tbh, but I know mail can get blocked at certain points and take a while to filter home.

There are too many Pokemon, man. 8D I USED TO KNOW ALL 150 ORIGINAL POKEMON. My mom and I would Pokérap like the giant dorks we are. xD That one's cute, though. Be a Piscesboomon. |D

Ditto pooooke. *pokes you*

Hadsvie: Me, too. I'm not a big fan of a lot of the newer shows. . m.

Kent: ... Sola? My mind is failing me, I can't recall this OC at all. 8D;

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:52 PM

do you only take three at a time~??

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:54 PM

Avi: Nope! Unlimited slots. :D I just finish and change the numbers as I go.

* works on Watery Star's avi *w* *

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:55 PM

Matt is being so creepy beside me on the bed. ;A; He's watching these ADORABLE zoo cams of giraffes (which keeps making me melt), and he's drawing the people that are watching them and making commentary about it. D:

*dittosquishes for Hadsie and Sushi* Dit! ~o~ .0.

Hadsie: If I ever find my Crys charts I'll share. XD I even had a different evolution scale for male Crys' vs female. xDD *so geeky*

We haven't drawn our legendary or anything yet, we were just talking about it. XD It started with talking about a blue charizard that attacked with water, then we started talking about a shape changing legendary that was always crazy colours and attacks. I suggested it turns into what it's fighting but is it's original colour/colour of what it last encountered, and Matt says it turns into the same, but opposite element, etc. We're playing with it, LOL.

Eeee. I wish we had pokemon events here. T___T! <33 I think Snivy is adorable. I want one so badly. XD

Sushi: Yessss. I keep typing 'size 10' font. LULZ.

If I get it in the next year I'll be happy~! But customs better not hold it long or I'll drive down and beat them up. *nod*

Matt and I STILL pokerap. >__>;; And we actually torrented the Pokemon Christmas Bash this year and got my whole family addicted to it for the holidays. XDD I think they liked "I'm Giving Santa A Pikachu For Christmas" the most.

Piscesmon sounds right. >__>; I would just cry at my enemies and have artistic mood swings. LOL

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:57 PM

yay ^^ so you wont mind if i order...
Name: avi
Request: jamie
Colour preference: brown~??


Kent is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 09:57 PM

@Cryssu - That's good to know~ I think? o 3o

Oh, oh! I went with Hadsie to the Pokemon event too! o wo I got a Pikachu shirt and patch stickers of the three new starters~ <3

@Sarasvati - Here's a pic of her. XD clicku~

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 10:01 PM


(eeks at adorable Ceritto)

Ahahahaha. You sound like me. xD I was like "Wait, how do I do font colours and this and that?!?" It doesn't help I've been working on a wikidot thing, which has EVEN ODDER CODING. :rofl:

I don't think customs will hole envelopes, but maybe they'll think Florida is a state of evil. Which wouldn't be far from the truth, if my wanting to just clobber people on the local newspaper's site is any indication. |D

Really? XDD That's... really awesome. I WANT AN MP3!

I like the artistic mood swing attack. lol. ART BLOCK: Your pokemon cannot be hit, but injures itself in age at its creative output.

Kent: OH, THAT SOLA. Sorry I got confused (she's from a co-project with a writing buddy)! I can get you a ref later today, if that's o.k.? W-where did you find this, I don't even have it in my folder on this computer. :rofl:

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 10:04 PM

@Sarasvati: Yeah, the new shows don't interest me much either.

@Crysu: Ohhh, I see~ Sounds like an interesting Pokemon. O:

Yeah, it was fun~
Actually we're going back to watch the newest movie in the theater.
> w<
I can't wait to see it~


Kent is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 10:05 PM

@Sarasvati - Ah, I see. X3 Yeah, that's fine. <3
lol You sent it in a pm to me a long time ago~ XD

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 10:09 PM

Kentu: I might secretly be alive, but don't tell anyone. >O> <33 RL has been kind of... Relentlessly insane for Matt and I. XD So it's more fun to be a ghost pokemon. >o>~ <33 How have you been? <3

Awww! I want to see the shirt!

Sushivati: Yesss. He decided he wanted to spend the day watching zoo webcams and he found one of giraffes he's been watching for hours. I think they're pretty much the most adorable things ever. Want the link~?

Ohhh man. I have the Team Rocket drama cds, and ditto (metamon) is even cuter in japanese. ;~; I love busting out a loud 'monmon!'

What's wikidot? O:

xDDD Ffft. They seem to think all Americans are evil. They held Matt at the border so many times... And hassled Ise and Jace when they came to be in our wedding party.

An Mp3 of the CD or our pokerap? XDD I think you can listen to most of the discography on youtube...

That attack sounds about right. 8D And for females...

TIME OF MONTH: Cryssehchu became obstinate. Cryssehchu will not follow commands.

You'd have to heal the status affect with chocolate.

Hadsie: I love making up pokemon~. <3

Ohh? There's so many pokemon movies I can't hope to keep up. XD;

\ (•◡•) /
Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 10:16 PM

Kent: I don't even remember doing this, to show how top of everything I am, ahahaha. otl

Ceri: I can't watch videos really well on here, but LINK MEEEE PLZ. ; O; Giraffes, I miss their ridiculousness.

Wikidot is a place you can sign up for your own wikis! I'm making one for one of my stories at the moment, I don't know how I get this involved in things, ahaha.

Ah, jeez. Yeah, I've heard a few border stories, too. STOP HASSLIN' THE CERI-FOLK, BORDER GUYS. ; m;

Of your pokerap. |D I should start a collection of people singing the pokerap. It would be magical!

I could use a choco-healing right now. (sad faces)

Hadsvie: I think the only new cartoon I regularly watch with my mom on there is Clone Wars? xD; DUBBED ANIME DOESN'T COUNT (half the stuff is old anyways, not that I mind rewatching Cowboy Bebop).

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 10:28 PM

Sushivati: All the giraffes went to bed, apparently. ;o; Matt says in the winter they have them go in their enclosure early. But now he's watching a turtle cam, so I'll have him give me the list. XD~

I don't know if the others are video feed, but the giraffes were still images you could refresh at your leisure.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo &ndash; GiraffeCam Giraffes.

Best Zoo Cams for Seeing Cute Animals | Very Best Websites Everything else.

Ahhh, that sounds cool~! XD Too bad I'm too lazy for something like that. I love getting lost in reading wikis but too lazy to write stuff. (Which is why I never got around to a request thread on here. *horrible*)

Yes! D< I'm worried a bit, actually. Matt's unemployed again because his job just ended this week. Th contract is still good for a few months if the studio gets more work, but if he finds stuff anywhere else he has to go to the border again to get a work permit and permission. =-= Can't wait until he's a citizen and won't have all these hangups. Immigration is so stupid.

XDD!! If I can find my microphone we might be persuaded. And a collection would be awesome! You could splice it all to have different singers at different points, fufufu.

Awww. My sister just went to buy Matt and I caramel mochas (coffee + hot chocolate + caramel + whipped cream). Sooo good. And donuts. We're pigs. D: *sends to* ;o;~ <333

Edit: Another link from Matt xD

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by avi View Post
yay ^^ so you wont mind if i order...
Name: avi
Request: jamie
Colour preference: brown~??

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 11:25 PM

Watery Star: Pick-up!

Avi: I already added you to the list~. Sometimes the live feed glitches on me and doesn't load all the posts, so I missed yours until I refreshed after my last reply. x_x; And I forgot to comment until now, was finishing the latest macaron. 8D

Ceri: Aw, early birds, those giraffes. Turtles? Like the big tortoises? Or sea turtles? :O

Thanks so much for the links! Tell Matt I expect zoo doodles. |D

Just getting the basic profiles made/stats up took me forever, so it's kinda understandable. x_x It is kind of helping jog my memory of what little CSS I learned, though. xD

Aw man, that sucks. >_< I am rooting for you guys! ♥

I'm not that talented with the music splicing, but I would so try if I could get friends to do that, hahaha. I will think of ways to persuade you two in the meantime. >3

You guys aren't pigs, you just enjoy nice things. o 3o *could go for some more coffee right now*

BlackEggIceBird is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 11:32 PM

Excuse me for my lack of knowledge. What is a macaron?

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 11:37 PM

FreeHugChick: Macarons are these little treats. :D Tasty little things, but that seems to be dependent on the bakery/pastry shop. I just use the term because the chibi drawings are bite-sized. |D

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 11:40 PM

Cute pickup is cute!

Sushivati: I'm not sure~. He keeps hopping what cameras he's watching from various zoos. All so cute though. @W@ <33

Now he's writing a work email. xD~ He's working pro-bono on an independent animated short in between studio jobs because it will be super fantastic for his demo reel update. And I get to act to help him with the thumbnails and motion~. O:

He was doing blind contours~. He'll scan them when he's not lazy. X3

Yeaaah. XD That's actually the biggest reason our art contest never really took off. It takes so long just to get stats and basic refs I got too tired to flesh things out. LOL And since then so much has changed canonically within their world I'd have to do it all from scratch anyway. Maybe I still will. I dunno. I don't really have any funds here. >_@'

Ohh, CSS. I tried to learn it for a while, coding journals and stuff, but I forget everything I taught myself. XD

Sankyuu~!. <3 It's hard really. Married for six months already @@!! And still our feet aren't off the ground. Living at home taking care of my mom because she almost died and we don't have the financial support because Matt can only do freelance contractual work in this country, and most places won't hire non-citizens. -_- Cross your fingers for our future! *stars shine with a scrolling background of determination* 8D!

xDD Maybe we'll make you a video. I just don't know where my mic is. D<;; It's annoying.

Maybe. D: I feel like I've let myself go a bit though. ;;' I need to get back to my OCD workouts like before the wedding. XD

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 11:41 PM

@sara ::
ahh, okie doke x] sorry to bother you about it ><;;

lovely picture <33

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-19-2011, 11:57 PM

Avi: You're not bothering me at all~! I just realized I really dropped off after editing the first post and forgot to mention it to you. 8D (notices your sig link and follows o 3o)

Ceri: Man, the internet is just so neat. HOW AM I EVER TO GET ANYTHING DONE. Hahaha.

Oh wow! :O That sounds really awesome. I'd be jealous, but animation is still mostly a mystery for me (although I helped a friend of a friend by colouring some cels, once xD)

Be sure to link me when he does~. :D

Oh man, I know what you mean! It's actually why I haven't had any art contests/buying threads, here or on Gaia. Much as I would love to horde art of my OCs, I just am so scatterbrained that most don't have references still.

Oh wow, half-year anniversary. *w*♥ Ah, I didn't know about your mom, but I understand about his problem with getting a steady job. I WILL ALWAYS CROSS LIMBS FOR YOUR FUTURE. Even if I look really weird doing so, but that's nothing new.

Either way, POKERAAAAP! STRONGHOLD OF MUSIC'S FUTURE. My brain is flailing looking at macarons, actually, this is my stand-in typing right now. ;;

I need to start working out myself. ><; My asthma is under control, I just need to make time to go walking/do exercises.

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 12:02 AM

@sara ::
glad somebody noticed x]
its so lonely T^T

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 12:05 AM

Avi: I wonder if it's because Valentine's is a smaller event. TwT; I would have missed it if a friend didn't let me know it was up and running!

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 12:06 AM

Sushi: XDD I think the internet is the reason I never get ANYTHING done. >O>;;;

I've asked him to teach me. X3 I get so jealous watching him animate all day since all his work is remote and he does it from our room. He still works 9-5 but it doesn't FEEL like a real job, so I always end up bugging him to pay attention to me and making him work late to make up for it. xD;; *horrible wife*

Will do~.

Exactly. XDD like, *I* know how they look and act, but I'm so all over the place that trying to convey them is impossible for me. XDD

Yep! The 7th of February was our six month anni. <3 Scary and exciting. We couldn't afford much but he took me to dinner the same place he proposed. X3 We STILL never got most of our wedding photos back to show off though, so it kinda hurts. Ah well.

Yeah. My mom had a massive heart attack on Jan 10th, 2010 and almost died. ^^; She's recovering slowly, but it's done some massive damage, physically, and to our family unit and finances. My family's kinda a warzone, and our step-grandfather just died yesterday... So. ^^; I'm just looking for relaxing stuff while we save to move out and try to not go crazy~! XDDD *nervous laugh*

I want to see a limb-crossed Sushi. It would be adorkable.

I've never had a macaron. o3o They look so nommy though. D: I've had macaroons though? XD The little coconut and chocolate cookies?

YOU CAN DO IT! I got really OCD about fitting into my gown, LOL. Then I wanted to stay thin, and we got a wii fit that I played obsessively. But lately I just feel too blah.

*didn't even know there was an event >__>; just signed on to check messages*

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 12:49 AM

@sara ::
i completely forgot that the event waas running
i even forgot on Valentines Day x]

Watery Star
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Watery Star is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 01:11 AM

Sarasvati: It's so cute! I love it, thanks -^_^-


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