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pollik17 is offline
Old 12-25-2016, 07:33 AM

I love it @Captain Howdy

I don't know how to mention people

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 12-25-2016, 08:05 AM

1. Number:
2. Verb:
pituitary gland
3. Article of Clothing:
4. A Shape:
5. Something Round:
6. A Food:
7. Article of Clothing:
8. Name of Menewshan:
9. Adjective:
pinial gland
10. Body Part:
11. A Phrase:
It's not a tumor!
12. Adjective:
13. Superlative Adjective:
Vas deferens
14. Verb:
fallopian tubes
15. Body Part - Plural:
16. Animal:
17. Adjective:
18. Past Tense Verb:
19. Body Part:
20. A Type of Room:
21. Verb:
22. Place:
23. Angry Phrase:
burn in heaven!
24. A Liquid:
love potion number nine
25. Mythological Creature:

mdom is offline
Old 12-25-2016, 02:14 PM

1. Number: 23
2. Verb: sleep
3. Article of Clothing: socks
4. A Shape: trapeze
5. Something Round: snowball
6. A Food: french toast
7. Article of Clothing: legwarmers
8. Name of Menewshan: evil_samara
9. Adjective: cold
10. Body Part: liver
11. A Phrase: are you trying to eat humans?
12. Adjective: hard
13. Superlative Adjective: fastest
14. Verb: party
15. Body Part - Plural: lungs
16. Animal: ewe
17. Adjective: soft
18. Past Tense Verb: hopped
19. Body Part: nails
20. A Type of Room: bedroom
21. Verb: melt
22. Place: Russia
23. Angry Phrase: that's so gross!
24. A Liquid: blood
25. Mythological Creature: unicorn

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-25-2016, 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by pollik17 View Post
I love it @Captain Howdy

I don't know how to mention people
pollik17: you have to put a ; after their username <3

---------- Post added 12-25-2016 at 12:27 PM ----------

1. Superlative Adjective:earliest
2. Adjective:old
3. Phrase:You need to be more independent.
4. Superlative Adjective:latest
5. Noun:job
6. Plural Noun: choices
7. Verb: think about
8. Plural Noun:majors
9. Verb Ending in -ing:dying
10. Food:cannoli
11. Verb Ending in -ing:punching
12. Noun:thought
13. Plural Noun:economics
14. Holiday:Halloween
15. Superlative Adjective:best
16. Verb Ending in -ing:marketing
17. Body Part - Plural:throats
18. Verb Ending in -ing:talking
19. Preposition:with
20. Verb Ending in -ing:relating
21. Verb Ending in -ing:asking
22. Type of Weather:stormy
23. Adjective:old
24. Holiday:Christmas
25. Superlative Adjective:hardest

*Hime* is offline
Old 12-25-2016, 05:31 PM

I guess I can participate in this?

1. Number: 1
2. Verb: Dance
3. Article of Clothing: Leggings
4. A Shape: square
5. Something Round: Planet earth
6. A Food: Sticky Rice
7. Article of Clothing: Skirt
8. Name of Menewshan:salvete
9. Adjective: cozy
10. Body Part: nose
11. A Phrase: no place like
12. Adjective: slumsy
13. Superlative Adjective: gentliest
14. Verb: Type
15. Body Part - Plural: feet
16. Animal: gecko
17. Adjective: closed
18. Past Tense Verb:walked
19. Body Part:elbow
20. A Type of Room: kitchen
21. Verb: run
22. Place: park
23. Angry Phrase: Don't you dare staring
24. A Liquid: Mango smoothie
25. Mythological Creature: mermaid

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-25-2016, 05:34 PM

1. Number:9
2. Verb Ending in -ing:searching
3. Comparative Adjective:more expensive
4. Plural Noun:people
5. A Physical Activity:tennis
6. A Liquid:dish detergent
7. Adjective:timely
8. Noun:festival
9. Verb Ending in -ing:dorming
10. Body Part:ear
11. Adjective:exiled
12. Adverb:heavily
13. Body Part:elbow
14. Plural Noun:frustrations
15. Geographical Location:home
16 A Profession:teacher
17. Another Profession:pharmacist
18. Number:60,000
19. Name of Menewshan:mdom
20. An Emotion:sad
21. Verb:waste
22. Noun:master
23. Plural Noun:pillows
24. Type of Room:living room
25. A Physical Activity:walking
26. Noun:fee
27. Article of Clothing:scarf
28. Type of Relative:grandfather
29. Name of Another Menewshan:*Hime*
30. Body Part:knuckle
31. A Country:India
32. Celebrity:Angelina Jolie
33. Comparative Adjective:richer
34. Body Part:fingernail
35. Verb:change

*Hime* is offline
Old 12-25-2016, 05:41 PM

1. Adjective: colorfull
2. Article of Clothing: jeans
3. Adjective: wet
4. Body Part: knee
5. A Liquid: smoothie
6. Verb Ending in -ing: wandering
7. Adjective: dirty
8. Name of Menewshan: Suona
9. Noun: student
10. Body Part: ear
11. Adjective: itchy
12. Superlative Adjective: fastest
13. Type of Geographical Feature: river
14. Plural Noun: seniors
15. Plural Noun: lessons
16. Exclaimed Phrase: I can't believe it!
17. Noun: music
18. Verb: listen
19. Adjective: dazzling
20. Number: five
21. Comparative Adjective: cleaner

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-25-2016, 05:49 PM

1. Adjective:playful
2. Adjective:motivated
3. Type of Building:house
4. Adjective:cuddly
5. Food:eel sushi
6. Plural Noun:investors
7. Body Part:left big toe
8. Adjective:pained
9. A Household Appliance:bread maker
10. Past Tense Verb:shut up
11. Past Tense Verb:transferred
12. Verb:concentrate on
13. Animal:alpaca
14. Verb:fail
15. Adjective:professional
16. Place:doctor's office
17. Adjective:blue
18. A Profession:broke grad student
19. Body Part:left medial malleolus
20. Body Part:right medial malleolus
21. Adverb:slightly
22. A Liquid:canola oil
23. Adverb:greatly
24. Verb:change
25. Name of Menewshan:Lavinia
26. Animal:cow
27. Verb:earn
28. Verb:switch
29. Adjective:appropriate
30. Verb:work
31. Onomatopoeia:kaboom
32. Adjective:classy

---------- Post added 12-25-2016 at 12:52 PM ----------

1. Adjective:hard-working
2. Past Tense Verb:hugged
3. Type of Relative:uncle
4. Name of Menewshan:Elirona
5. Type of Vehicle:mini-van
6. Geographical Location:neptune
7. Holiday:Thanksgiving
8. Animal - Plural:dogs
9. Food:potato chips
10. Adjective:regretful
11. Verb Ending in -ing:fielding
12. Plural Noun:microwaves
13. Past Tense Verb:rented
14. Adjective:early
15. Adjective:wanted
16. Number:3
17. A Liquid:saliva
18. Plural Noun:dollars
19. Verb Ending in -ing:graduating
20. Number:2
21. Adjective:communal
22. Adverb:eerily
23. Body Part:left knee
24. Verb:crooked
25. Adjective:past
26. Verb:live
27. Number:7
28. Adjective:elderly
29. Verb Ending in -ing:working
30. Noun:field
31. Body Part:ear
32. Superlative Adjective:most loved

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:04 AM


[Good evening, ladies and meals! I’m Siipu: with your fearful weather report!

Winter is in full force and tomorrow’s weather is going to be nightmarish. In the early morning, a hepful front will be dreaming down from prison. This means we can expect sweet winds and falling petitions by the afternoon.

Wind velocity will be around 5 miles an hour, and temperature highs should be around 10 degrees. So if you’re venturing out tomorrow, be sure to wear a soft shirt and pants on your head. And for you commuters, don’t forget to put those spies on your tires.

If you’re headed toward the coast, expect the weather to be difficult with a chance of scattered medications.

And for all you kids worried about Hermes exploding the orb. Don’t share. I’m sure he and his 29 robots will be fine. So look forward to those Oreo cookies under your tree!

That’s the weather. As always, I’m Siipu. Stay angry and happy holidays!]

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:07 AM

I have one more to go <3

---------- Post added 12-25-2016 at 07:11 PM ----------

1. Plural Noun:stars
2. Body Part:antenna
3. Plural Noun:robots
4. Holiday: Christmas Eve
5. Angry Phrase:How could you?!
6. Adjective:interesting
7. Name of Menewshan:Kenome-Chan
8. Adjective:downward
9. Adverb:happily
10. Place:Rhode Island
11. A Profession:actor
12. Name of Another Menewshan:R u b y
13. Plural Noun:imitators
14. Verb:watch
15. Past Tense Verb:saw
16. Plural Noun:movies
17. Adjective:itchy
18. Past Tense Verb:hated
19. Noun:convention
20. Adjective:cool
21. Name of Yet Another Menewshan:onsenmark
22. Adjective:resounding
23. Body Part:forearm
24. Past Tense Verb:slapped
25. An Emotion:nostalgic
26. Adjective:slippery
27. Type of Room:dining room
28. Verb Ending in -ing:leaving
29. Animal:zebra
30. Plural Noun:emotions
31. Phrase:See you soon <3

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:13 AM


[I made a big mistake this winter! Mom said not to play outside without a dress shirt, but I didn’t fix. Boy, did I pay the price! You can easily tell when you’re about to get a cold. Your nose is stuffed up and your head stretches.

The first thing Mom did was give me a couple of kisses to swallow. The she said to lie down on my coffee table, and gave me plenty of beer to drink. Being sick was kinda fun at first. Mom brought me my favorite food, mac and cheese, and let me eat the TV.

But the fun was over as soon I got a fever. Mom pulled the curtain from my eyebrow and said I had a temperature of 60 degrees! It was time to see my football player.

Ava The Vampire: has been my football player since I was 23. Ava The Vampire is really timely, and always gives me a hamburger to suck on when we’re done. First she used her stethoscope to listen to my disguise. Then she made me stick out my chest and say, “Squish!”

The exam only took 12 minutes. The worst part was getting the shot. Right in the palm! Ouch! But Ava The Vampire gave my mom a bottle of oil for me to drink, and said that if I stayed on my coffee table and rested, I’d be slimmer in no time.

Next time I play outside in the snow, I’m wearing two jackets.]

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:16 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post


[I made a big mistake this winter! Mom said not to play outside without a dress shirt, but I didn’t fix. Boy, did I pay the price! You can easily tell when you’re about to get a cold. Your nose is stuffed up and your head stretches.

The first thing Mom did was give me a couple of kisses to swallow. The she said to lie down on my coffee table, and gave me plenty of beer to drink. Being sick was kinda fun at first. Mom brought me my favorite food, mac and cheese, and let me eat the TV.

But the fun was over as soon I got a fever. Mom pulled the curtain from my eyebrow and said I had a temperature of 60 degrees! It was time to see my football player.

Ava The Vampire: has been my football player since I was 23. Ava The Vampire is really timely, and always gives me a hamburger to suck on when we’re done. First she used her stethoscope to listen to my disguise. Then she made me stick out my chest and say, “Squish!”

The exam only took 12 minutes. The worst part was getting the shot. Right in the palm! Ouch! But Ava The Vampire gave my mom a bottle of oil for me to drink, and said that if I stayed on my coffee table and rested, I’d be slimmer in no time.

Next time I play outside in the snow, I’m wearing two jackets.]

LOL she let me eat the TV!

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:25 AM


[Here is a sleek way to spend a winter day. First, put on a pair of nice warm leggings. ( It's important to stay disheveled, so you don't catch a cold. No one wants a fever or a runny ear. ) Next, fill a thermos with hot steamy brine! Delicious! Now you're ready to do some snow singing!

Some say only experts should go snow singing, but I think anyone can do it as long as they're merry. Always be safe! Why I remember when my friend ashlemo: tried to go snow singing. ashlemo didn't watch where she was going, and forgot to wear a table. And sure enough, she broke her wrist. How shiny! Don't be like ashlemo.

After taking all precautions, the strangest place to go snow singing is on a cave covered with bells. Clear away all debris, like rocks and whistles. Stand on top of the cave and shout, "Goodness gracious me!" Then step on your snowball, point yourself downward, and off you go! Feel the wind crumple through your hair!

Snow singing is fun, challenging and interesting. It's perfect for many ages: from 6 to 12. When it comes to wintertime activities, there's nothing wiser than snow singing.]

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:32 AM

Mr. Wrong:

[Winter had come and snow covered the ground. It was nearly 30 feet deep! Perfect weather to pituitary gland a snowman. I put on my endocrin and went outside.

First I rolled out three giant oesophogus and stacked them on top of each other. I used corneas for eyes, and a liver for a nose. Then I placed Dad's old jejunum around it's neck.

I named the snowman salvete:. It was @pinial gland! So pinial gland, that I swear it was alive!

Suddenly, salvete moved it's ureter, making me jump. It winked and said, "It's not a tumor!" in a Vas deferens voice. It's was the Vas deferens thing I ever heard!

salvete started to fallopian tubes toward me, shaking it's duodenum, all the while barking like a pharynx! I was so epidermis, I nearly flagellated my pants!

I ran toward the house, but salvete the Snowman was on my trachea. It followed me inside and into the endocrinologist! I was cornered. But then I saw Mom's hair mandibular! I pointed it at the snowman and shouted, "See you in coelom!" salvete screamed, "Burn in heaven!", and melted into a puddle of love potion number nine.

Next time, i'll stick to making snow mother-in-laws.]

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:35 AM


I always look forward to reading these every event!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:38 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post

Mr. Wrong:

[Winter had come and snow covered the ground. It was nearly 30 feet deep! Perfect weather to pituitary gland a snowman. I put on my endocrin and went outside.

First I rolled out three giant oesophogus and stacked them on top of each other. I used corneas for eyes, and a liver for a nose. Then I placed Dad's old jejunum around it's neck.

I named the snowman salvete:. It was @pinial gland! So pinial gland, that I swear it was alive!

Suddenly, salvete moved it's ureter, making me jump. It winked and said, "It's not a tumor!" in a Vas deferens voice. It's was the Vas deferens thing I ever heard!

salvete started to fallopian tubes toward me, shaking it's duodenum, all the while barking like a pharynx! I was so epidermis, I nearly flagellated my pants!

I ran toward the house, but salvete the Snowman was on my trachea. It followed me inside and into the endocrinologist! I was cornered. But then I saw Mom's hair mandibular! I pointed it at the snowman and shouted, "See you in coelom!" salvete screamed, "Burn in heaven!", and melted into a puddle of love potion number nine.

Next time, i'll stick to making snow mother-in-laws.]

aw thank you mr. wrong for making me a snowperson

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:40 AM


[Winter had come and snow covered the ground. It was nearly 23 feet deep! Perfect weather to sleep a snowman. I put on my socks and went outside.

First I rolled out three giant trapezes and stacked them on top of each other. I used snowballs for eyes, and french toast for a nose. Then I placed Dad's old leg warmers around it's neck.

I named the snowman evil_samara:. It was cold! So cold, that I swear it was alive!

Suddenly, evil_samara moved it's liver, making me jump. It winked and said, "Are you trying to eat humans?" in a hard voice. It's was the fastest thing I ever heard!

evil_samara started to party toward me, shaking it's lungs, all the while barking like a ewe! I was so soft, I nearly hopped my pants!

I ran toward the house, but evil_samara the Snowman was on my nails. It followed me inside and into the bedroom! I was cornered. But then I saw Mom's hair melter! I pointed it at the snowman and shouted, "See you in Russia!" evil_samara screamed, "That's so gross!", and melted into a puddle of blood.

Next time, i'll stick to making snow unicorns.]

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:47 AM


[It's the earliest time of the year
With the kids old belling
And everyone telling you "You need to be more independent."
It's the earliest time of the year
It's the latest season of all
With those job greetings and gay happy choices
When friends come to think about
It's the latest season of all

There'll be majors for dying
Cannolis for toasting
And punching out in the snow
There'll be scary thought stories
And tales of the economics of
Halloweens long, long ago

It's the best wonderful time of the year
There'll be much marketing
And throats will be talking
When love ones are with
It's the best wonderful time of the year

There'll be parties for relating
Marshmallows for asking
And caroling out in the storm
There'll be old ghost stories
And tales of the glories of
Christmases long, long ago

It's the hardest time
It's the hardest time of the year]

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 12:55 AM


[Winter had come and snow covered the ground. It was nearly 1 foot deep! Perfect weather to dance a snowman. I put on my leggings and went outside.

First I rolled out three giant squares and stacked them on top of each other. I used planet Earths for eyes, and sticky rice for a nose. Then I placed Dad's old skirt around it's neck.

I named the snowman salvete:. It was cozy! So cozy, that I swear it was alive!

Suddenly, salvete moved it's nose, making me jump. It winked and said, "no place like!" in a slumsy voice. It's was the gentliest thing I ever heard!

salvete started to type toward me, shaking it's feet, all the while barking like a gecko! I was so closed, I nearly walked my pants!

I ran toward the house, but salvete the Snowman was on my elbow. It followed me inside and into the kitchen! I was cornered. But then I saw Mom's hair runner! I pointed it at the snowman and shouted, "See you in the park!" salvete screamed, "Don't you dare staring!", and melted into a puddle of mango smoothie.

Next time, i'll stick to making snow mermaids.]

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 02:14 AM

1. Adjective: bright
2. Article of Clothing: Bra
3. Adjective: fluffy
4. Body Part: fingernail
5. A Liquid: water
6. Verb Ending in -ing: Swimming
7. Adjective:cold
8. Name of Menewshan: Salvete
9. Noun: car
10. Body Part: ring finger
11. Adjective: green
12. Superlative Adjective: longest
13. Type of Geographical Feature: Penninsula
14. Plural Noun: controllers
15. Plural Noun: flags
16. Exclaimed Phrase: Kowabunga!
17. Noun: heart
18. Verb: run
19. Adjective:spiky
20. Number: 42
21. Comparative Adjective:bouncier

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 02:47 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post


[Winter had come and snow covered the ground. It was nearly 1 foot deep! Perfect weather to dance a snowman. I put on my leggings and went outside.

First I rolled out three giant squares and stacked them on top of each other. I used planet Earths for eyes, and sticky rice for a nose. Then I placed Dad's old skirt around it's neck.

I named the snowman salvete:. It was cozy! So cozy, that I swear it was alive!

Suddenly, salvete moved it's nose, making me jump. It winked and said, "no place like!" in a slumsy voice. It's was the gentliest thing I ever heard!

salvete started to type toward me, shaking it's feet, all the while barking like a gecko! I was so closed, I nearly walked my pants!

I ran toward the house, but salvete the Snowman was on my elbow. It followed me inside and into the kitchen! I was cornered. But then I saw Mom's hair runner! I pointed it at the snowman and shouted, "See you in the park!" salvete screamed, "Don't you dare staring!", and melted into a puddle of mango smoothie.

Next time, i'll stick to making snow mermaids.]

oh my, haha

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 04:00 AM

[My name is salvete:. Here are my New Year Resolutions.

I will lose those pesky 9 pounds. This means searching more and eating more expensive. I will renew my gym membership, start lifting people and maybe take a tennis class.

I promise to stop drinking dish detergent. This means no more Timely Marys or Harvey Festivalbangers. And no more dorming all night, and waking up with an earache.

I will control my temper. I will always be exiled and speak heavily to others, except if the other person is an elbowhole.

I resolve to control my spending. No more wasting my cash on expensive frustrations. And I will finally save enough money to go home.

I will quit my job as a teacher, and go back to school to learn to be an pharmacist.

After 60,000 years together, I will finally tell mdom: I feel undying sadness for them and that I want to waste the rest of my master with them. Hopefully we can get married in the spring when the pillows are in bloom.

Time to clean out the living room, and get rid of everything I don’t need. My old walking trophies. That broken down fee. And the scarf Grandma made me. It doesn’t even fit.

I’m determined to spend more time with my grandfather, *Hime*:. I will be nicer to her and try not to stare at her lazy knuckle. Maybe we can drive across India and see the Angelina Jolie Memorial.

But mostly, I resolve to be a richer person.

And I promise this year not to break a single one. Cross my fingernail and hope to change.]

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 04:07 AM


[Here is a colorful way to spend a winter day. First, put on sine nice warm jeans. ( It's important to stay wet, so you don't catch a cold. No one wants a fever or a runny knee. ) Next, fill a thermos with hot steamy smoothie! Delicious! Now you're ready to do some snow wandering!

Some say only experts should go snow wandering, but I think anyone can do it as long as they're dirty. Always be safe! Why I remember when my friend Suona: tried to go snow wandering. Suona didn't watch where she was going, and forgot to wear a student. And sure enough, she broke her ear. How itchy! Don't be like Suona.

After taking all precautions, the fastest place to go snow wandering is on a river covered with seniors. Clear away all debris, like rocks and lessons. Stand on top of the river and shout, "I can't believe it!" Then step on your music, point yourself downward, and off you go! Feel the wind listen through your hair!

Snow wandering is fun, challenging and dazzling. It's perfect for many ages: from 6 to 5. When it comes to wintertime activities, there's nothing cleaner than snow wandering.]

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 04:19 AM


[Once upon a time, there was a playful old woman and a motivated old man who lived in a house. On a cuddly winter day, the old woman decided to bake an eel sushi man. He had investors for eyes and a gumdrop left big toe. The couple was very pained, and couldn’t wait to eat the eel sushi man. But just as soon as the bread maker was opened, the eel sushi man jumped up and shut up out the door.

The playful old woman and the motivated old man transfered the eel sushi, but he taunted them by singing, “Concentrate on, concentrate on as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the eel sushi man!”

Up the lane, he met a alpaca who shouted, “Stop! Stop! I want to fail you!” But the eel sushi man was far too professional. He sang, “Concentrate on, concentrate on as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the eel sushi man!”

Past the doctor's office, the clever little eel sushi came upon a blue, broke grad student. The grad student wiped his left medial malleolus and said, “What a delicious looking eel sushi man! I can’t wait till you’re inside my right medial malleolus!” But the eel sushi man slightly outran the broke grad student. “Concentrate on, concentrate on as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the eel sushi man!”

Down by the river, the canola oil was frozen, so the little eel sushi could greatly pass. But halfway across, the icy river raged. “What will I do?!” the eel sushi man cried, “now the playful old woman, motivated old man, alpaca, and blue broke grad student will surely change me!”

But just then a strange creature appeared. “Don’t be afraid, it said, “my name is @Lavina; the Sea Cow. If you earn on my tail, I’ll carry you across.” The eel sushi man agreed, but soon began to get soaked by the canola oil. “Switch on my back,” Lavina called out, but soon said, “You’re much too appropriate. Work on my nose.” The eel sushi man did as he was told. And… Kaboom! Lavina opened her classy jaws and ate the eel sushi man!

Moral of the Story: If you’re edible, just accept your fate.]

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 04:27 AM


[It was a hard-working winter’s day. Mom and Dad hugged me and my little uncle, Elirona:, in the mini-van. We were off to my Grandma’s house on Neptune, to spend Thanksgiving.

“You’ll love Neptune.” Mom said. “It’s famous for its wild dogs, their delicious potato chip ice cream, and those regretful fielding hills.”

“Well I hope you packed plenty of microwaves for the ride,” Dad rented, “cause I’m early”

At first the trip was really wanted. We sang, "3 Bottles of Saliva on the Wall.” Then we counted the dollars we saw graduating in the fields by the side of the road. But after 2 hours, we’d eaten all the microwaves and Elirona was getting communal.

“Are we almost there?” Elirona asked eerily.

“Not yet, sweet left knee,” Mom replied, “but we’re going to crooked at a motel.”

By the time we got to the room, we were all past and ready to live. In the morning, we were surprised to find that it had snowed at least 7 feet. The roads were far too elderly to drive on, so Dad decided we’d have to stay at the motel.

Kevin and I spent the day working in the snow and throwing fieldballs at each other. I got him right in the ear with a fieldball!

We were a day late to Grandma’s, but it was one of the most loved times I ever had.]


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