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Tetsumiro is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:46 AM

@Tori: Then you should update them! XD I'd actually forgotten about those two pfft, the only one I recalled was Aviar lulz :'D

Not that I'm much better. I never drew all of Theo's brothers/family. XD I should someday. I... I also owe you Denzell XD

Sarasvati is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:52 AM

Tori: That's o.k., I'm super slow at sending packages out. ; ~; Poor Puri has been waiting forever for my letter and postcards. (along with my French cousins who I promised art/portfolio samples/five billion fotos) I was actually wondering if you had any more music recs for K-music. It's super weird, the on-demand thing my mom's cable has had a lot of Korean music videos. xD

Hahaha, you're too old my foot. xD But I know the feeling. I remember climbing all these stairs with full luggage at the Ginza station, I think, and going "I AM GOING TO DIE, IF I WERE YOUNGER, I WOULD NOT FEEL THIS PAIN."

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 07:58 AM

@Tetshoopshoop: YES YOU OWE ME DENZELL. *still awaits* :D

That reminds me, lol.

@SaraCERPIE: Oo! Which groups/singers do you like? I can pick out some based on who you like already. 8D Or if you want to just try a bunch, I can pick out some of my favorites here and there!

If I get more stuff, I'll have to get a bigger box for you. xD Let's say...if you were to get marker colors...what would you like? I'm just asking. You know. Random questionnaire stuffs.

MAN...all of the women here run around in HEELS. Up and down stairs in HEELS. I'm wearing sneakers and my feet get tired. T_T

Ahaha, since she reminded me he exists...Denzell? 8D IGNORE THE OOGLY CLOTHES DRAWING...It was done in a rush. 8D

mathwl1020 is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 08:02 AM

hello everyone!
what is going on with y'all?
I like the haikus

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 08:03 AM

Hey there mathwl! Good of you to join us. ^^ By the way what would you like to be called?

Just...massively multitasking here. Got tired of packing so I'm just on Mene. <3

Sarasvati is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 08:09 AM

Tori: (omg, loling forever at my latest nickname xD) Um, I found out via the browsing through music videos on the tele I like After School and 4minute. Also I really liked Epik High. I'm up for any recs, though, I like a lot of things. I mean, I listen to pop now, and I haven't listened to it in years. BUT PLEASE GIMME YOUR FAVES FIRST. XD

... Marker colours. Hm. I'd like some pale greens? And darker skintones are always in demand. xD I see what you are doing here. I will fall for it, though.

I heard about that. And I noticed in all the music videos I watched the girls all wore really high heels and were dancing in them? CRAZY. x_x I tend to wear men's dress shoes or flats (my actual shoe size is weird and most times it isn't carried so I have to get men's shoes >>).

LE GASP. He's cute. What's his personality like? :D

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Old 05-27-2010, 08:23 AM

@Tori: :'D Now you'll have plenty of cute, semi-crazy Denzell art. He's so adorable, but poor Theo/Emma may never understand him XD

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 08:27 AM

@Cerry: (lol, I try 8D)

YAY YOU LIKE EPIK HIGH! Hahaha, I'll go ahead and list the songs I like from them. <3

YouTube - [MV] One - Epik High - Totally my favorite. <3 It's my most played song on my player. The music video weirded me out though. o_o
YouTube - Epik High - Love Love Love [MV] Eng Sub I didn't care for this one when I first heard it...then I got hooked
YouTube - Epik High 'Run' Before one of my PT tests, I had this one playing forever so it'd be stuck in my head while I ran 8D
YouTube - Epik High - FAN One of my coworkers who likes them too mentioned this music video...the girl is psycho o_o

I'll look around a little more for different groups and singers. 8D

Got it. ;D It's totally for this like...survey thingymajiger. Painfully annoying. 8)

It's nice that I can actually fit shoes around here. But...they focus so much on pretty heels. Heels I'm sure I'd break a leg with if I walked two feet.

Hehe, let's see. Denzell is......he's really nice. I can't really reveal his past since Tetsu's going to have to learn it later on in the storyline. ;D He has amnesia. He slurs his m's with everything he says. He's kind of on the ditzier end of nice and friendly? If that means anything? xD And he doesn't seem TOO traumatized by the fact that he doesn't know his past.

You know...I actually didn't develop him too much...and he's a pretty long running character.

Sarasvati is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 08:33 AM

Tori: (You succeed well xD)

Oh man, I love One! You linked me to the MV the last time I asked for recs and I just... Despite the weirdness, it was love at first, um, rap? xD Yeah, it's an oft repeated song on my player. I will have to listen to these others; I haven't heard a lot by them, but what I have I liked. Certain groups just have weird videos, I've noticed. xD;

Yay! <3

It wasn't painful at all. ;D I'll just hit you later or something. Totally painless!

I tend to always end up doing something that makes me twist my ankle when I wear heels, honest truth. Last time I wore them was in NYC, where I proceeded to trip down subway stairs. Aaah.

Yay, then my sketch right now isn't too off-base for his character. :> Aah, really? Maybe he hasn't needed deeper development yet? ;3

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 08:36 AM

*LAUGHS* I'll find more, promise. ;D I'm going through my playlist and picking out the ones I listen to a lot. *hides*

There are some...crazy...crazy videos. You'll see. I'll pick some out just to show you the craziness.

I had to buy a pair of heels for my Class A's. For graduation during Warrior Leaders Course, I'll have to wear them. Whenever I go. xD

I think Denzell likes being simple minded. :) He's often lost in thought...if that helps any. *shot*

Sarasvati is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 09:04 AM

Thank you so much~! ; O; I'll continue to bribe you with sketches or something, yes. *DISTRACTS YOU FROM PACKING*

Oh man, now you've made me afraid. (Not really, I've watched NGE, I should be used to weird. xDD; )

... Whaaat. Well, at least it's for a day or two, I guess. Heels are evil, though. I mean, yes, they look pretty, but I break my feet enough with regular shoes to not have to worry about heels, haha.

Well, I figure if he's a simple fella, he'll smile more. ;>

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 09:15 AM

*SCREAMS* YAAAAAAAAAY! *grabs him and takes off*

::minutes later::

I love it. :D

Exactly. I already have feet pain from ruckmarching and running. Last thing I need to do is put my feet under more stress by wearing heels!

Let's see...A lot of these songs I have playing in the background while I draw to keep me energetic and bouncing. 8D

I really like this song from CN Blue. YouTube - [MV HD ENG SUB]C.N Blue (????) - ???? (I'm a Loner) [1st Mini Album "Bluetory"]
I recently heard a song from Sugar Donut. Started listening to more and ended up liking them. xD
YouTube - Sugar Donut - "Loser"
YouTube - Sugar Donut? "Wego Wego" M/V

Now for the pop songs...It's funny because at work, sometimes we're bored, the clinic is empty, and we mimic some of the dancing because they're THAT funny.

The gals!
YouTube - Rainbow - I believe
YouTube - ????(Girls' Generation)_Oh!(?)_MusicVideo(?????)

The boys!
YouTube - Love Like This - SS501 [MV]
YouTube - ?????3?_SORRYSORRY_?????

YouTube - Beast (B2ST) HyunA | Shock Change Remix / Mashup I've never heard of mashups until a coworker played this one. xD I was amused...

Craziness to come. Promise. >D

Bartuc is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:13 AM

Yay! Break things now!

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:20 AM

*whaps at the opponent* 8D

*Hime* is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:20 AM

Hello there ~

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:21 AM

Hi there Hime! How are you doing? xD

*Hime* is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:21 AM

Doing alright, wish the machine would start on digesting some flowers lol.
How about you?

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:24 AM

I'm taking an extremely long break from packing. Once I get my new room assignment, I'll have to take everything I packed to my new home. ^^;; It's hard to avoid shoving everything I can into these boxes. I have to be able to carry them! D:

Basically I'm procrastinating on Mene. xD

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Old 05-27-2010, 10:25 AM

Oh, moving is a bitch.. though I can't wait to move out of this dump :<

Sorry for late responses, I'm all over the place. Hooray for multitasking

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:27 AM

Haha, it's quite alright! xD I'm jumping around between threads.

The only reason why I don't like my current room is because of the neighbors. They play the music too loud, scream, and act like drunken fools. And they're all higher ranking individuals...

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Old 05-27-2010, 10:30 AM

You mean a room in your dormitory right?

Ah, well I'm not only chatting but also attempting to watch some Bleach. In an hour I gotta work on some essays .______.

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:31 AM

I live in a barracks. xD I prefer my college dorms over this place any day.

o_o When does the school year end for you?

*Hime* is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:34 AM

Well, it's now the last semester, classes are over but I still have finals in June and august, along with several papers.


However, it's my fifth and final year in university, so yay!
I really am sick of all assigments and studying :<

ToriKat is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:52 AM

Oh wow! Good luck on all of them! And congratulations on making it through!

I thought I was tired of studying...then when I started working, I wanted to go back. >_>;; Guh. *laughs* I just HAD to graduate while the economy was in shambles.

Xaevan is offline
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Old 05-27-2010, 10:58 AM

*peeks in*

Hello, Tori! :D


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