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St Branny
A Tyrant of Roses
St Branny is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 08:00 AM

I'm in remission but it still scarring and sore..
It's alright though..don't worry..heh..

Mm...I don't want to be alone though ya know...I hate the idea of being alone...but I want to be alone too...I don't..know..

I'm sorry..

Rhythm is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 08:04 AM

): I hope you feel better.<3

No, I totally understand.
I get those feelings all the time.

Being alone is one of my fears.
Like, not being by myself physically, I guess.
But knowing that someone's not going to be here for me or something.
I don't know. It's a really confusing thought process to be honest.

But I know just what you mean.

Le`Spork is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 10:25 AM

@rhythm: Vietnamese and chinese are pretty similar to each other. O__O
yay for first gens~ XD

@St Branny: Awww</3 you poor thing. D,:
im so sorry.


Rhythm is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 10:38 AM

Language wise? o.o

Have you ever been to China?:3

& it's kkay(:

Jesweet is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 02:20 PM

*/fwah! so how are you doing today?
I'm going on a fishing trip with family later on >v<

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 02:38 PM

Welcome to Mene Spork! :D Love your artwork! I'm fairly certain I've seen you around Gaia at some point or another. XP

And re: inflation:

Inflation here is hardly anything compared to Gaia! Yesterday I bought a sealed for 38k. 38K!!! That's RIDICULOUS! And that's only one of the monthly items, which you have to buy multiples of to wear the entire set at once.

At least here, you can get both CIs for the month for 1.5k, which you can make in a day and a half by playing Tetris until you max out on your main and mule. AND you can equip all the poses in our CIs at the same time without having to pay extra.

It'd take me forever to earn 38k on Gaia by gaming or posting! Thank god I have a bunch of old items/letters to sell! XP

I think Mene's CIs are much more economical, in general. I wouldn't start worrying about inflation until CIs reach 5 or 10k per set or something like that. It's still a long ways off I think. :yes:

no longer here.
Yume` is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 03:29 PM

I'm not too sure it'll be that long with how people were selling those CIs.. :lol:

Le`Spork is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:10 PM

@Rhythm: No i havent. ;__;
i want to so bad...
Im supposed to go this winter;
but we arent sure if we can afford.
stupid economy. D<

@Jesweet: Ello~! :D
I just woke up lol.
ooooh. a fishing trip?
Sounds fun<3

@Sizzla: Hello, and thank you<33
Yeah, ive spent way too much time on gaia. XDD;
Well, i dont think im going to get any items soon. :p
i actually kinda like my avatar nekkid. 8D
maybe il buy him some shoes...

Well at least the commons are cheap right? O:

@Yume: haha, i dont even know which are CIs. D:

colorful set
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colorful set is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:18 PM

hey sporkkkkkkkkkkkk.
we need to do a joint auction on gaia or somewhere together.

no longer here.
Yume` is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:39 PM

There's a list of everything in the marketplace if you take a look. :3

Rhythm is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 07:51 PM

I haven't been to Vietnam to either
Because of money issues too.D:
We keep planning trips and then canceling them.;/

But anywhooooo,
How are you today?(:

Jesweet is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 09:46 PM

lol just woke up?
You either sleep in late or is a couple of hours behind me xD

Le`Spork is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 03:21 AM

@colorful set: HEYYY<33
And sure!
Thatll be awaesome. 8DDD

@Yume: Alright. C:
Ill go take a look<3

@Rhythm: yeah, exactly.
Same here. :'C

I feel more exhausted than usual today. XDD;;
Mainly because i had my final project due today and the "surprise" birthday party my friends planned for me got cancelled because the japanese emperor is here. :<
But other than that, im fine. :D
How are you?

@Jesweet: Im probably a few hours behind. XD
im always behind... ;__;

Rhythm is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 03:46 AM

Lolol. I'm tired too. Barely any sleep last night.Dx

What was your final project?:3
& Hawaii, eh? I thought so.xD
I've always wanted to go there.^-^
But anywho, sorry your party was canceled. >.<

I'm fine.(:
Trying to find some food to eat.
There's barely any food to eat in my house. o.o
It's all stuff that has to be cooked and only my mom can cook them.xD

Le`Spork is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 04:32 AM

haha, me neither.
i stayed up trying to as much as i can for the project. ;w;

i have to create a blue print for my dream house. :p
and then write a two paged essay on how geometric properties are used in the real world and human endeavor.
And calculate cost of lumber, tiles, electricity, etc.
Doesnt sound like much... But it truly is time consuming. ;__;

O: Oh wow<3
howd you know i was in hawaii? XD
but oh thats fine.
its the thought that counts.

you poor thing. D,:
my house doesnt have much either.
i live off of cereal and milk until dinner time.
maybe you should try it. :p
drink a lot of water.
it gets you full for the meantime.

St Branny
A Tyrant of Roses
St Branny is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 04:46 AM

Hey there Spork~ <3

How are you tonight? ^_^

Rhythm is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 04:48 AM

Spork That sounds like much to me. o_o
lol. How long did you have to work on it?

I figured because yesterday, you said dinner's almost ready
and it was 10 pm where I lived lol. So i figured you must be few hours behind me.
And I thought Hawaii would be the most reasonable.
& then you talked about the Japanese emperor and I heard on the news he came to Hawaii.
xD Sounds like I put a lot of thought into it but I didn't lolol.
I'm not a stalker.Dx aha.

I love cereal.: D
& Don't worry.xD I get plenty of water. o_o
I live in AZ where the sun always shines.
I swear I've never appreciated water more since living in Arizona. xP

Le`Spork is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 04:53 AM

Oh hey St Branny<33
im fine right now. C:
Still a bit tired but thats it right now.
How about you?

@Rhythm: oh really? O:
lol, erm... one week? >>;
i procrastinate too much...

oh wow lol.
i didnt even know he was coming. :p
i saw him yesterday<3
he cause a lot of traffic. D<

omgsh, lol.
it must be blazing hot right now...
i went to the arizona airport once.
but when i stepped outside,
i felt like i was being fried. ;A;
i fail at hot places....

Water is always good for you. >]

Rhythm is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 04:58 AM

lolol. You are looking at the queen of procrastination.xD
I always do my projects the night before their due. o;
But surprisingly, my grades are really good.xD

Lol. I bet he did.
Does he even travel a lot?
I rarely ever hear news of him.

It is BURNING hot right now.D:
I do nothing but sit at home because it's just too hot to do anything.Dx
There's been heat advisories this week, being in the 114's.
It's horrible. I hate being hot. I like cold places.(:
I'm originally from Connecticut. lol.
How's Hawaii's weather?
I always assumed it was hot. o_o

Le`Spork is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 05:05 AM

omgsh. :D
same here.
except this time i couldnt do that...
cause my teacher made us work during class so he can make sure we're doing this correctly...
he was watching my every move. D<

I dont know. O:
why'd he come to hawaii anyways?
hes short lol.

i would neve survive there...
i love the cold too<3

hawaii weather is pretty bipolar. :p
today is extremely hot, but yesterday was freezing because it was raining so hard.
unpredictable weather.

Rhythm is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 05:20 AM

I hate it when teachers do that.D;
I feel all stressed out and then my work won't turn out as good.
Besides, I can't work at school anyways. I like doing stuff at home for some reason.xD

Lolol. I was wondering the same thing.xD
o: Typical asian stereotype.xD
I'm short too.):

Ugh, I think AZ's horrible. lol.
Plus, I don't even like being tan so it's like a bad double whammy.D:

I would love that. Lol.
I like it when weather varies.(: Or if there's a lot of rain
Which AZ doesn't have a lot of.
I'd love to visit Hawaii some day, it looks like a beautiful place.

Le`Spork is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 05:31 AM

i know. =n=
and he was forcing us to work...
but i kinda appreciate him for doing that. C:
im too busy at home and at least we didnt have to do anymore book learning for the pas\

i imagined him looking a lot older too...
im short too! yay~ join the club. :\
but im fine with being tan.
at least im not white.

thats what you think lol,
well, it was 1O years ago.
now pollution ruined it.
the beach water turned slightly green and we have hobos everywhere. :<

Rhythm is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 05:36 AM

mm, that's good.:3
so exactly, what class was this for?

lol. whoo! i'm only 5 ft.xD
i mean, i'm okay with my natural skin color,
which is already tan. but when i'm in the sun for just five minutes,
i get instantly darker.D:
and most people here like going tanning and stuff,
but i don't. i hate being really tan
which a bit ironic with me living here and all. lol.

i guess tv and brochures leave that stuff out.xD go figure.
but still, i'd love to visit it.(:
have you lived there all your life?

St Branny
A Tyrant of Roses
St Branny is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 05:41 AM

I want spork art... T_T

*huggles* I'm bored and you never got on AIM i'm sad face!! Dx

Rhythm is offline
Old 07-17-2009, 05:51 AM

I want spork's art too.D:



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