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shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 12:15 AM

Shinn nodded and picked one thing he liked then walked over to py at the counter and walked out with kit 'i'll try not to but it's hard not to"

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 12:38 AM

"Really?" Kit asked as she walked with him. "Where do you want to eat?" She asked softly. "Oh crap." She whispered softly. Setting dow her tray she looked at her older cousin.

"Kit, there you are, who's he?" He asked pointing to Shinn.

"His name is Shinn, he's a new friend of mine whom you can not bother so if you'd ever so kindly go scurry off to your brain dead friends we won't have an issue latter." Kit said softly.

"What kind of issue?" He asked tilting his head.

"How about a snake hidding in your bed next time you decied that your girl friend is coming over. And a bamboo shark in your bath tub type problem sound? I'm sure aunty would love a few new reptiles and fish around." She said with a smile.

"Alright I'll leave no need to ask mom." He said holding up his hands and walking off.

"He's scared of sharks, snakes, and beetles. But I'm scared of beetles to so they aren't coming in the house." Kit explained picking up her tray again. "Don't ever go any where alone with him." She warned.

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 12:47 AM

Shinn blinked playing with his food "why stay away from being alone ???" shinn was still unfimilar ith this place.

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 12:50 AM

"Because my cousin is one of many bullies around here. Last year they threw a poor kid around so much he ended up in the hospitle." She said sitting down and motioning for Shinn to sit down too.

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shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 01:05 AM

shinn sat down "sounds pleasent" shinn blinked shuttering.

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 01:45 AM

"Oh yeah so pleasent." Kit said with a soft laugh. She started to eat, only small bites at a time so she could respond to anything said.

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 08:57 PM

Shinn smiled glanceing around he was happy he finally kind of understood where he was and who he was.

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-22-2008, 10:44 PM

Kit shook her head softly. She heard a high squeel and quickly turned seeing Liliy her little cousin. She smiled. "What are you doing here?" She asked getting up and picking up the little pink haird girl. She waved at her aunt. "Lily this is my new friend Shinn." She sai softly. Liliy smiled and waved. She reached down and picked up half of Kit's sandwitch taking a small bite.

"Yuck! Tuna." She said handing the sandwich back.

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shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-24-2008, 04:11 PM

Shinn laughed quietly " I guess your quite the character" Shinn smiled softly at Kit " see now I feel left out i'm the only non-cute one here."

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-24-2008, 10:07 PM

Kit laughed softly. "Your cute Shinn." She said softly. Little Liliy now hand Kit's napkin wipping off her toung. Kit laughed handing Liliy her orange juice. "Drink this." She said softly. So Liliy happly drank it down completely.

"Better! Sank you!" Liliy said with a grin. Kit sat back down with Liliy in her lap.

Kit smiled at Shinn. "You are very cute Shinn you just don't know it."

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-24-2008, 11:44 PM

shinn blushed "well thank you very kindly" shinn had a bright red blush going acrossed his cheeks. "so lily how are you?"

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-25-2008, 03:01 AM

Liliy giggled a little. "Better then you Mr. Shinn. Your face is the color of a rose right after it blooms." She said covering her mouth softly.

Kit looked down at Liliy. "You have got to stop reading my papers Liliy Ann." She said sternly. "Or worse having Aunty read them to you." She said with a nod.

Liliy grinned up at Kit. "Oh right! That last bit was qu..qu.."

"Quoted." Kit finished.

"Right! Was quoted from a paper kit made." She said lightly. "Anyway I'm doing good." She started squirming. "I want to run around Kit can I go play?!" SHe asked.

"No but you can go to aunty." She said sternly setting the little one down and letting her run off. "Sorry she's very blunt some times." She said softly.

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shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-25-2008, 09:08 PM

Shinn blinked "since when am I a mister"

shinn looked at lily and smiled and her turning his face down to laugh as he spoke " gee I didn't think my blush was that bad already and lily nice job on the quoting" Shinn winked at lily and smiled.

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-25-2008, 09:15 PM

"Thank you!" Liliy said before running off. It was time for her to leave now. "Mr. Its just a polite way of talking to a guy. One that Liliy only remembers half the time." Kit explained softly. She smiled a little and finished her lunch waiting for Shinn to finish up so they could get ready for the next class.

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-25-2008, 09:19 PM

Shinn blinked getting rid of the rest of his food smiling "I think I like that princess, shall we get ready for class" shinn smirked knowing that calling her princess he'd get the witty response he loved from her.

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-25-2008, 10:08 PM

"Princess?" Kit asked again. "What is it with you and princesses?" She asked with a smile. "Okay now explain how she's a princess."

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-25-2008, 10:28 PM

Shinn smiled " my mom used to call my sister that a lot before she died, your cousin reminds me of her and well you your just as beautiful and intelligent as one"

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-26-2008, 01:20 AM

Kit smiled blushing softly. "Aw sweet. Alright you win I won't question the princess thing just don't over do it." She said with a smile as she got up and took her tray over sitting it down in a pile. "Come on Shinn." She said softly.

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-26-2008, 01:23 AM

Shinn grinned "sure I'm right behind you" shinn rose and follwed kit out the door.

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-26-2008, 01:28 AM

Kit stopped reaching back and graving Shinn's hands. She smiled leaning on him a little as they walked. "If I'm a princess are you a prince?" She asked softly

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-26-2008, 06:02 PM

Shinn smiled holding her hand tightly but at the same time gently. he smiled at her as they walked in a fluent motion together before her spoke he smiled " Only if I'm your prince, then but of course- I'll be the one to sweep you off your feet milady" shinn smiled teasing in a medival noble accent.

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-26-2008, 09:13 PM

Kit smiled softly and laughed a little. "Alright you can be my prince but you got to do two things. Get read of the shinning armor and muddy shoes, and you musnt bring a horse around. I hate cleaning up after other people's animals." She said with a nod laughing a little again.

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 02-26-2008, 09:24 PM

Shinn laughed " no if I wornit would only been worn out by your beauty and strenght and if I brought a horse along with me i would get to walk along side you as I do now"

Fate's Pearl
Fate's Pearl is offline
Old 02-26-2008, 09:42 PM

Kit blushed a little. " sweet." She said softly kissin his cheek for his comploment.

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 03-03-2008, 12:00 AM

Shinn blushed and was speechless instead he simply pulled Kit into a tight hug his face going a furious bright red.


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