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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 05:51 PM

Scarlett heard the musket click as he said his words. "Ah, so your the man with such small confidence that he has to kill and have such big and expensive items to make himself look and feel better? I do know all these items must be making up for a rather small item on your lower half," She said, grinning slightly as she mocked the man. "I will not kill you, because one day when your old and alone and your on your death bed.. you will think of all the men you killed. And I hope it haunts you more than anything when you start to hear those voices, see those people, and hear the sea calling for you to be swallowed up in it." She spat. She grabbed the cutlass sword at her side that was sticking to her from being tied to her belt. "Oh come now, hide behind a gun? Well if you wish to play that way.." She let the sword drop to her side before bending over and lifting her dress up to her knee. On the side of her tanned leg was a gun strapped onto her by leather. She slid it from the leather, cocked it and aimed it at his head.

"Put the gun down or i'll shoot that sad excuse of a thing you have in your pants." She growled, aiming it towards under the table. She bit her lip, trying to fight back the words she wished to scream, the plates she wished to throw.. and the bullet she wished to shoot. She then stopped, sliding the gun into her belt. "You know what, I pity thee." She said, her voice sounding slightly sarcastic. "So what if you killed my fiance? At least he died a true pirate instead of some rich pirate wannabe. He had not a penny to his name, but he's still far better than you'll ever be." She said, grabbing the rum bottle and pulling the cork off. She then left the tavern, rum in hand as she started to walk down the dock to her boat. "Yo ho, Yo ho a pirates life for me..." She muttered, taking a swig of the rum. Now she would have to pawn her rings in order to repair her ship to leave. When her ship was in sight she gave a soft smile, a few tears trailing down the sides of her face.
((Burrrrnnn Lol (: ))

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 06-24-2011 at 07:22 PM..

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 05:57 PM

((lolz, nice post.))

Diablo found the turn of events too much and walked out, he didn't care for it too, much, wel not that, it tired him out just watching, he really didn't fight much, he didn't have to. He walked to a natural cave in the side of a big cliff by the beach and found a comfortable spot there and laid down, he thought from here he could she the small ship that needed to be fixed, but wasen't sure.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 07:38 PM

Elijah had a big grin on his face. "Man...I cant believe she actaully bought that!" He laughed aloud ." f-ing gullible. They believe the simplest of lies. "He said to himself, then put away his musket. "But, sense she even dares to insult my Man-hood, now its time to re-open the scars." He went to his ship, and the cannons were pulled out. "Ready......aim....!"

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 11:48 PM

((Dude, when you have your characters mind set on being the man that killed her fiance, and you state it through typing (Not through your characters words of speech, but by just what you put in the post) Then how the hell am I supposed to not think its true? You go through all this trouble to say you were somehow a part of her life.. Isn't that kind of godmodding? Plus her ships next to about ten other ships, lined up in a harbor by the dock. If you shoot it then you destroy a ton of other boats... . _ . About ten posts ago you gave so much detail saying that he killed just makes no sense.. < . <))

Scarlett sighed, seeing the man go to his ship and aim towards her ship. She rolled her eyes. If he destroyed her ship she'd rip his intestines out and shove them down his throat..She growled slightly, going over to her boat and climbing up the rope that had it tied to the dock. Once she was on her ship she went to the main deck, eying the man. Everyone always said that she must have a tiny boat due to being a woman.. but the boat was almost the same size of the Devil's Dream boat that was put right next to hers. Plus hers had many qualities. She gave a slight bow to the man aiming his cannons at the ship. "Go ahead, kill an innocent woman." She said softly, her emerald eyes looking him over in pity. "You'll still amount to nothing." She said coldly, sitting on the railing of the main deck. She swung her feet around to be facing him on the other boat.

She fluttered her eye lashes softly, yawning at the mans appearance and consistancy of destroying things to feel better than everyone. It was rather dull. "Au Revoir Goldtooth!" She called, giving a slight wave. Revoir meant goodbye until we meet again in french, she smirked softly at her words. She ran her hand through her long hair, letting out a long sigh from her lips. She walked over to the stairs that led up to the poop deck and glided up them, grabbing a pair of handcuffs that were put onto the wheel. She then slid down the banister onto the main deck and went over to the railing, latching one wrist to the boat so that if it went down.. so did she. Though of course she had the key in her pocket in case he decided to fight her.

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 06-24-2011 at 11:50 PM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:26 AM

[ retarded-]

Elijah smiled at her, then boared her ship. He pulled out his musket and fired at the handcuffs. "You believed my Lie about your fiancee, but I didnt think you would take it to this extent....."He put away his musket, then held out his hand "You know just about as well as I do, that I aint capable of killing a innocent being, all i do is make money." He told her. "consider your ship payed for, Il have the Repairs payed for by tomarrow."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:34 AM

Scarlett still stood still. "I'll earn it myself.." She said, biting her lip. "I guess i'll see you again tomorrow when my shift begins? I'm going to have to take the rest of the night off." She said, throwing the broken handcuffs out into the ocean. She peered over the side, watching them slowly disappear from her vision. She glanced back at the man. "You never joke about a lost loved one." She whispered, her eyes slightly cold. "Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd do anything for them?" She asked. "Because if you have, then you'd know not to do such things. Especially if the persons loved one died." She said, turning away.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 01:13 AM

"Truth be told I have....but that was so long ago i barly remember it" He told her, leaning on the side "I was once married to Spainish princess, truth be told. But one day i took her to sea with me, then it all went to hell and back. We were raided by a Rival of mine. "he told her." Not only did he rob me of my Crew and my Wealth, but he took the life of my wife. He then burned my ship, and left me marooned on an island.....then again, i should be thankul for that alone, it was the same island i found the city of gold." He told her, sounding, for once, human.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 01:30 AM

"Then you should know not to take the one thing that matters most to me." She said softly, eying him. Their stories were fairly similar, but she couldn't trust him after what he said about Alexander. "Well, if you'd like me to continue working through out the night I can, just it'd be best to not talk with me."

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 01:39 AM

he let his head fall back "I was angrey after what happend, so i took my revnege on him. it brought me nieter relief of pain nor pleasure. So after that i set aside my compassion, steeled myself for what needed to be done." He told her, now sounding like a Hermit. "emotions cut a line into you, therfor leave you vulnerable. I left them beside so that I could keep on living. "He told her. " You were right about one thing, scarlett.....What you see is just a mask.....Iv seen and felt worse pain then you could imagne."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 01:50 AM

"Ah, but that's where your wrong. I've dealt with just as much pain as you." She said, her silvery tone fading. "Even though I'm a woman, i've had many hardships." She said, biting her lip. "Now if you don't mind i'll be getting back to the tavern.. I still need the money to repair my boat." She said, walking across the main deck and then walking out onto the tip of the boat where the rope was. She then slid down the rope and started to walk back to the tavern.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 07:09 AM

Ryek had more or less just stood there and watched. He had been ready to defend the lady or the male. He hadn't quite decided. But it seemed he didn't need to interfer as they quickly took themselves out of the Tavern. Ah well. He watched them go. Peeking out a window once or twice to see where they were. Then like any true pirate, Ryek had scrambled over the bar and scrounged around for something. Money or valuables he could snatch. He wouldn't take much. Just a bit. He didn't want to get caught before getting out. Then he'd grabbed a bottle of rum and made his way back to the customer side of the bar. Sat down on the stool he had occupied earlier and took a sip from the bottle.

He wasn't even sure why he had grabbed the bottle. He didn't drink much. Drunk pirates didn't last long and he planned on dying of old age, or in a sword fight. Not in a ditch somewhere at the hands of cutthroats because he was to drunk to walk and see straight.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 02:50 PM

Diablo had a fire going in the cave because he had woken up, or had he even fallen asleep, he wasen't even sure about that himself. He was watching as the flames eat the wood hungrily and found that some areas of the fire made shapes, and he was entranced by this, then looked around hearing a couple of crabs walk just outside the cave.


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