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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 03:53 AM

What was wrong with this woman? He blinked and stared when she dusted Casimir off. When it was his turn his body tensed, his ears and tail twitched in agitation, but he couldn't hide the bit of amusement that flickered and danced in his eye. His nose did wrinkle and twitch a bit just before a very soft, almost feminine sneeze escaped from his face. That nose twitched again. He had to admit, that woman was rather amusing. At least it had only taken her a few moments to dust them.

When Casimir spoke again, Numei's ears drooped slightly. "No one's perfect and everyone's untrustworthy." He shrugged, his teeth nibbling on the lip of his bottle. Numei couldn't help but wonder, would this man buy him food as well? Quickly the neko pushed that thought away. A drink was fine, but he couldn't accept more handouts from this person, and he wasn't a begger, so he definitely wasn't going to ask for anything. He huffed softly at himself. "My name is Numei."


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 04:05 AM

"Gwena!? WHY......are you dusting our guests!?" Eirian asked puzzled. "Honestly, you are such a strange girl sometimes." Eirian said shaking her head. Eirian turned to the rest of the room. "Can I get anyone anything?" Eirian asked softly.

Last edited by EirianHikari; 11-28-2011 at 04:08 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 04:08 AM

Those words rang more true then Caz wanted to admit. though despite his lifestyle, the hunter still believed that there was some modicum of good in everyone, even within the beings he was forced to hunt sometimes. "It's a pleasure to finally know your name Numei. So, now for the more usual questions. What brings you here?"Tilting his head to the side the young man contemplated ordering more food. He wasn't quite sure, but after noticing how Numei nibbled on that bottle Casimir decided to go ahead.

Finding one of the owners, the one who had dusted them, Casimir motioned for her to come over. "Coudl I get one of those platters on your menu? The one with the breads, cheeses and meats?"


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 04:19 AM

Gwena noticed the gentleman at the bar motioning for her attention, she got up from her chair and walked over and responded "sure". She than proceeded to procure some fresh cheese from the many mouse and rat traps lining the outside perimeter of the room. From there she got out her shot gun and took aim at Eirian....nah just kidding, she grabbed her shot gun and killed some strange beast she found grazing in their backyard (she thinks it may have been a cow but she forgot her glasses so its hard to say one way or the other). She than went up to her room and got out some fresh bread from under her bed. She placed the cheese, meat and bread on a chipped plate and set the plate on a tarnished serving tray with some wilted flowers, she brought and set the tray before the gentleman at the bar. "If you need something fresher let me know. By the way, that will be 50 cents" Gwena held out her hand with sly triumphant smile.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 04:20 AM

Numei's ears had perked up just the slightest bit when Casimir ordered food. Despite Numei's effort to keep them from moving, stupid appendages had a mind of their own sometimes. The neko glanced away, just watching the others of the Tavern for a few moments. At least, this question that Casimir asked him was an easier one to answer. "I got tired, looked like a nice place to stop, a nice place to get something to drink and rest my feet for a bit." Or maybe just a place to hide. Numei didn't say that though, and he wasn't going to.

Would Casimir share the food he had ordered? Numei bit the inside of his cheek. What the heck was wrong with him? Expecting and hoping for hand outs. The neko growled softly under his breath, looking away again and nibbling at the lip of his bottle.

][Lol Gwena is awesome and so very amusing.][

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 04:23 AM

After watchign the neko's eard perk up Casimir couldn't help but smile. It turned into a full blown chuckle as he watched the young woman running around to gather the ingredients for the platter. As soon as it was finished and delivered he handed her the required money with a smile. "Thanks very much miss."

Turning away from her the hunter pushed the plate so it was between himself and the neko, after listening to his tale."Here have some, I had a bite to eat earlier. I'm sure that bottle isn't too appetizing." Casimir was beginning to be quite surprised by his behavior. It was almost like he saw this young man as the brother he'd never had, or rather had never had the chance to know.

((lol Both of the owners are hilarious, no doubt about it!))


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 04:29 AM

Eirian saw Gwena take the cheese from the traps, knowing Gwena would be far to stubborn to change it willingly, Eirian snuck in some fresh cheese when she saw Gwena go out with her shotgun. "What on earth?" Eirian thought to her self. Upon seeing Gwena drag something in, Eirian decided to let her use it (it was a cow). The bread was also fresh enough, so Eirian felt she had done well now.

ooc: Lol, yes Gwena is funny, she always writes like that, no one in my family can get through one of her stories without laughing.

Last edited by EirianHikari; 11-28-2011 at 04:33 AM..


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 04:39 AM

Gwena thanked the gentleman and took her money and quickly clinched her hand into a fist "My money" she whispered to herself. Gwena wandered back to her chair and picked up a comic book to await what would transpire next between the many patrons.

Glad everyone's amused :)

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 04:49 AM

Numei huffed softly, eyeing the tray of food with disinterest. At least, he was trying his best to look disinterested. "I'll get my own food. I don't need hand outs or charity from you or anyone." It wasn't pride that kept Numei from accepting the offered deliciousness, it was the fear of being seen as a weak creature. Numei fought all his life, he was anything but weak. Accepting handouts from someone that couldn't be trusted was foolish and weak. At least in his mind. His gaze lingered on the tray of food a few moments longer than it should have before he looked away, and took a deep drink from his bottle. The bottle now half empty and Numei was feeling just a tiny bit lightheaded. He probably shouldn't and wouldn't drink anymore.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 04:57 AM

Casimir rolled his eyes before finally giving in to tempation. Reachign over he ruffled the neko's hair playfully while being careful of his ears. "Then think of it as a thank you for the company. I was bored out of my skull without someone to talk to." reverting back to his more serious self, the hunter still couldn't conceal his teasing grin. glancing at his bottle the twenty-three year old tried to think of an excuse to get more of the stuff. His bottle was empty, and the dark haired man had decided to have fun. No more hunting for him, nope! Instead Caz had decided to fill the night with good company and fun.

Eying the neko's bottle he leaned over without really thinking about it. "Are you going to finish that?"

sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:02 AM

Haru nodded, "Yep, well it depends on who you're born from and only certain people are allowed to go to college." soon the tavern got even more crowded, much to the servant's distaste. But on the bright side there were many different kinds of creatures like there were two elves and a neko. Haru has never seen a neko before and had the urge to go pet the neko like a pet, but since he had self control he didn't go near the neko. Putting that thought to aside Haru started to think about Veda for some reason. But all he could think about was her long flowy blonde hair, he has never seen hair as pretty as that. When the woman left to get hot chocolate and Ellie called out to the blonde asking if she could have some too.
Once Veda left, Ellie put her rabbit to aside and glared at Her servant in anger, "I saw you."
Haru rolled his eyes not completely understanding what the heiress meant by that, "What are you talking about brat?"
"I saw you putting your finger in my ice cream thinking that I wouldn't notice!" whispered the young girl looking around to see no one heard her.
"So why didn't you blurt out that I did it?" the orange haired servant asked resting his chin on the table feeling a tad bit sleepy.
"Because," Ellie smiled, "I think you seem more fun to play with when she's around."
Haru blinked, "What?"
"Nothing! I'm going to go ask one of the elves if they have any more of those delicious strawberry shortcakes!" then Ellie skipped away carrying her rabbit with her.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:08 AM

Eirian, going through the pantry, as she did every night, she took the stuff that was close to spoiling (but still safe to eat), and put it out in the middle of the tavern and let anyone who wished, have at eating it. "For any one who would like some, I have some here, it's still good for the moment, but will spoil soon. If anyone would like some please help yourself. Anything not eaten will be thrown out in the morning." Then Eirian saw the girl and heard her ask if there was anymore shortcake. "There most certainly is." Eirian said with a smile. "Would you like me to bring more?" Eirian asked.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:10 AM

Veda shook herself a little and grabbed another glass of hot chocolate. Carefully she brought it to the table and her two companons, only to find the girl gone. For a moment she stood trying to decide whether or not to go back and get another glass. Smilign to herself that's exactly what she did. As Veda returned, she sat beside Haru and leaned her elbows on the table. "It doesn't seem fair that you can't go to college. Though I hope there's something else you can do, like apprenticeships or something like that." Veda trailed off with a happy laugh as her eyes traveled trough the room for a while. The Inn really was beginning to fill up with people.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:16 AM

Numei's body tensed, his ears twitched nervously and he bit down hard on his bottom lip when Casimir reached out to ruffle his hair. He braced himself for the pain sure to follow. Surely the man was going to pull his hair and tug on his ears. That was what people did, that single eye had narrowed, and Numei was already raising a hand to scratch at Casimir's arm if the man did pull his hair or tug on his ears. Anger and a hint of fear seemed to swim in his eye, and when Casimir stopped Numei still didn't relax. He eyed the man warily now, though just a tiny bit confused that Casimir hadn't caused him any pain.

He glanced over at the lady talking about food, god were these people tempting him on purpose? He didn't want to accept handouts. His tongue flicked out to lick his lips and the tiniest whimper escaped his throat, though quickly his attention turned back to Casimir. He held the bottle out to the man. "Touch me again, and I'll rip one of your eyes out." There was threat clear in Numei's voice, but a bit of a tremble. The neko was bluffing, his gaze dropping back down to the tray between them. With cat like reflexes he had reached out and swiped up a piece of meat, almost in the blink of an eye. That eye darted around, as if watching everyone to make sure no one tried to take his prize from him as he stuffed the meat in his mouth.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:26 AM

Casimir accepted the bottle with a thoughtful look after watching Numei carefully. The guy sure was jumpy, and the hunter simply couldn't undertand why. "We'd match then," said the man with a chuckle. Taking a swig of the the liquid in the bottle the hunter tried not to let on just how slightly hilarious he thought the situation was... Or maybe that was just the drinks talking. "You're acting really jumpy right now, any specific reasons? Or is that something else I shouldn't ask about."The last sentence was mumbled almost inaudibly as the hunter tried not to imagine yet more tales his relatives had spoken about what had happened to the captured nekos. If the poor guy had gone trough any of that, Caz didn't blame him for his attitude.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:35 AM

"I'm not jumpy!" He pinned Casimir with a one eyed glare and then sighed. It sounded almost like a sigh of defeat. This man. Numei frowned deeply and snatched another piece of meat. That eye dancing around again as he watched the others while he at the meat. "Humans can't be trusted. They pull your ears, hair, tail. Give you food and then take it away when your about to eat it." He huffed lightly. "I'm just a pet to humans. A creature to mistreat and torment. I've lived on the streets, I've lived as a pet. The cruelty suffered as a stray is much better than the cruelty I've been through as a pet. So..maybe I am a little jumpy..But wouldn't you be the same way?" Numei frowned deeply. "I came in this place because I smelled elves. I figured if something happened, they would side with me..but I'm not too sure now...I guess elves are just humans with pointy ears? I probably can't trust them either."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:42 AM

Turning serious now Casimir regarding the neko while leaning his head upon his empty hand. "If you think like that you'll end up very lonely in the long run. I'm not saying you're wrong to mistrust most people, heck nearly all of them! But, you should try finding a friend or two Numei. " Scoffing, the hunter took a long swig from the bottle then let out a sigh. "But I'm one to talk. I don't really trust people all that much either, and from time to time I find myself really wanting a friend. As soon as people find out I'm a hunter though, that goes right down the drain. Even humans are afraid of us you know, our own kind. And there's big competition in hunter families to see whose best." Which led to a very soliatary childhood, but Casimir didn't feel like bringing that up.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:53 AM

Numei crossed his arms across his chest and huffed lightly. Looking away from Casimir. "A friend is just something else that can be taken from me. I don't need anymore of that. I've had my fill of things being taken from me." His jaw was set tight and he grit his teeth just a bit. Resisting the urge to snatch up more food from the try. His ears twitched lightly, listening to the sounds around him, his tail had curled lightly around his waist, the tip of it flicking against his hip. "It's better to be lonely, people can't hurt you when you don't let them close."


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:56 AM

Eirian saw that everyone seemed to be getting along well, So she decided to return to her room for the night. Eirian gave a goodnight wave to her guests. "Good night everyone, I will see you tomorrow." Eirian said smiling.

ooc: Night everyone. Almost 1:00 am, time for me to go afk on the home page for the night. I'll be back tomorrow ^_^


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 05:59 AM

Gwena set up a fake, dummy tavern keeper, waved and said "goodnight" to the patrons (especially the male ones) and withdrew to her private quarters. Before withdrawing she added: "If you need anything just ask him" as she pointed toward the tavern dummy.

Goodnight folks, feel free to continue on! I'll be back tomorrow morning :)

Last edited by GwenaHikari; 11-28-2011 at 06:01 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 06:55 AM

For once Casimir was actually trying to get along with someone. He wasn't too surpsrised at this turn of events. Quietly thinking he unconsciously imitated the neko as he crossed his arms, "Then what is it you do need, or at least think you do?" Pursing his lips the young man regarded his companion carefuly. Maybe if he could find someone else to joing the conversation... Someone whose life hadn't been filled with violence like theirs had.

Casimir began eying the other patrons of the Inn with curiosity. There were a few likely candidates, including the owners. The problem was the fact that the young woman most likely to be able to handle the situation, from her happy appearance, was already seated with a young man.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 07:08 AM

"What do I need?" Numei's brow creased slightly as he thought. Obviously he needed money, food, a warm bed, a place to live. Didn't everyone need that. But his kind, the only way to get that it seemed was to subject himself to suffering at the hands of humans. "Freedom. Isn't that what everyone needs?" Numei didn't sound to sure of himself. His ears twitched as he thought he might have heard something outside, but then it was gone.

Unconsciously one of his hands moved up to rub at his neck. No doubt those people were looking for him. Honestly he didn't think they would look here. Not in this kind of place. Maybe. He bit his bottom lip gently, watching Casimir. "Why must my kind suffer so? Doesn't matter how fast or far I run, I always seem to get captured again. Why? Why can't they just let us be in peace?" Those were questions he asked himself many times, he hadn't found an answer for them yet.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 02:10 PM

The words were few, but even Casimir could tell how much each one weighed upon the neko's mind. Sighing a little he shook his head. "I would say it's because you're different, but perhaps you should ask one of the people in question." Excusing himself the hunter went to the young woman in the white sweater he had spotted earlier. "Miss, my friend has a few questions. I'll take over here if you'll go speak with him."

Veda looked up in surprise to find herself facing a somewhat frightening older man. Upon hearing his words she glanced over to the bar and it's occupant with a curious expression. A neko? "I always seem to be rushing off, but I'll come back to talk later alright Haru?" Waving goodbye happily the young woman went to seat herself in the spot Casimir had occupied earlier.

"That man said you have a question, I'd be glad ot try an answer." As long as it didn't have anything to do with math and a variety of other such subjects Veda was pretty sure she could manage. Unintenionally her eyes traveled to the young man's ears, they reminded her of her cat. Or one of them at least.

((I hope you guys don't mind the sudden switch off of my characters...))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 03:45 PM

Numei scowled just a bit as Casimir excused himself to go talk to some girl. Honestly the neko was surprised, ears twitching a bit as he picked up what Casimir said to the girl. Still he didn't really expect Casimir to return or the girl to come over to him. Numei shifted on his seat and snatched the last pieces of meat from the tray before him, keeping his eye on the girl. As if he'd expected her to try and take his last pieces. Warily he watched her with his one eye as he shoved the meat into his mouth.

Those ears twitching, and his tail had uncurled from around his waist to sway and twitch behind him. "That man is an idiot. Go away." Numei had huffed. Those arms crossed across his chest, and he glared at Casimir for a few moments, before that single eyed gaze returned to the girl. It was a slight difference, but Numei seemed more wary and tense around the female than he had around Casimir.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 07:19 PM

He really did behave like a cat. Though is one eye was kind of creepy, at the same time it made her smile because it reminded Veda of her favorite movie. The Last Unicorn had a one eyed cat in it, who was a smart aleck of sorts with a peg leg. Then of course there was the skeleton...

Shaking those thoughts off the blond smiled kindly at the cat featured man beside her, even after his comment. "I'm sure he was just trying to help, and I'm not going away." Tilting her head to the side she looked at him speculatively. "You remind me of a character from a movie, and my cats. Actually, you remind me of the one whose always scratching people."And that was because he'd been adopted from the streets, still he hung around because he wanted to and not because she locked him inside.


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