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X-xBeautifully Brokenx-X
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Old 06-08-2009, 06:49 PM

"Haru-chan! stooooooooooooooop it" he whined coming up close behind him. "Your provoking me to have my way with you right here, so everyone call see how of a cockslut you are...." he said sliding his fingers under his shirt about to do something perverted, but had stopped and pulled back fast when he heard some students coming the snack bar.

'Damn it....' he thought bitterly cursing the students for coming in on a perfect moment.


"Why...are you sad...?"Hiro asked.

"Promise?" Mai said giving her the puppy dog eyes. "Can we at least get something in the snack bar, Please!" She whined.

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Old 06-08-2009, 06:57 PM

Haru blushed deeply then pushed him to the side and grabbed the tomato and placed it in his salad "what are you talking about im not doing anything i was just trying to grab some tomato's"he rolled his eyes then walked towards the cashier and payed for his food "alright you coming Usagi" he sighed leaning against the door.


"ohhh its nothing...nothing at all.."he sighed "alright lets go now"

Nina sighed "fine then....lets go before"then the bell rang"hey look theres Mr. Hayashi and Mr.Suzuki"she said walking towards the snack bar.

Last edited by itachiluvr4eva; 06-08-2009 at 06:59 PM..

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Old 06-09-2009, 02:48 AM

"Hai Hai...i'm coming Haru-bastard..." he muttered as he walked out of the snack bar with him. He looked at the clock and sighed depressingly, "Lunch is almost like a few minutes...and i didn't get enough time to spend with you..." he spoke walking a little to close to Haru.


" Okay...whatever..." Hiro said walking out of the exit and sighed as he heard girls squealing watching him leave.

"Yes......Foooooooood..." Mai cried happily about to go in, when the bell rung..and the door for the snack bar slams close in her face.

She blinked in shock "What the....." she said with confusion..when it finally kicked in that the bell rung. "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" she whined "Cruse You Bell!" she said pulling her fist in the air angrily.

[[Srry....if it not really in a thinking mood today....]]

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Old 06-09-2009, 04:10 PM

"ohhh dont worry get to see me after school...and then you can take me to OWE me dinner anyways"he said walking out of the lunch room and towards their room.


'aww dont worry Mai ill take you out to eat alright"she sighed then grabbed Mai by her collar and dragged her back to Mr.Suzuki's class "oo and if you like we can bring Kenji and Hiro"she said blushing when she said Hiro

Kenji dragged his feet following Hiro back to Mr. Suzuki's class.

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Old 06-09-2009, 04:37 PM

"Yes, Yes...Haru-chan, anything to make my baby happy..." Usagi said with a smile, walking Haru towards his classroom. "Well this s your stop honey bear..."He spoke grabbing haru giving him a quick kiss on the lips " Love you...try not to kill Our Children's...We actually don't want to get sued like the last time..." He laughed shaking his head and walked towards his classroom.


"Hmpf...Whatever baka...." Mai pouted crossing her arms as she got pulled towards their demon teacher class.

Hiro stopped in his see Suzuki sensei outside of his class waiting for them. 'Damn...class hasn't even started yet and he looks like he wants to kill anyone in his appearance..' he thought.

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Old 06-09-2009, 05:00 PM

"ya..ya ill try not to..."he turned his head to the side blushing a light pink when he kissed him "alright ill see you later "he sighed as he waited infront of his classroom door not letting anyone inside the class.


Kenji slams into hiro making him fly towards Suzuki.

Suzuki falls to the floor throwing the salad up in the air making the salad land on Nina's head.

Nina yelps then drops Mai on to the floor.

Kenji eyes widened "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"then ran and slid down catching Mai just before she hit the floor.

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Old 06-09-2009, 05:14 PM

Everyone that was suppose to be Suzuki class grew silent and scared just by looking at Their sensei face.

Hiro got up fast and back up so quickly, He didn't look where he was going, and slam against Kenji causing him to drop Mai, Then falling on top of Mai kissing her.

Girls started to scream and cry because of what they saw 'Kill Mai...' they all thought pissed off.

Mai eyes Widen as she felt warm lips press against hers, ' Oh MY first kiss...' she thought blushing.

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Old 06-09-2009, 09:48 PM

" covered with lettuce and dressing...."she wimpered then clutched her fist and turned around" WHO DID THIS!?!?" she said as flames started to appear behind her back.

Kenji's jaw dropped seeing Hiro and Mai kiss. He then pushed Hiro off of Mai "are you alright Mai"

Suzuki got up with an angry look on his face "HIRO...SEE ME AFTER SCHOOL...."he said in a demonic tone "the rest of you get into the classroom NOW!! before you all get detention ...exept you four" he saw the rest of the students yelp and ran into his classroom.

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Old 06-10-2009, 05:37 PM

Hiro glared at Kenji with so much hate ' I'm going to kill you....' he thought.

He looked at suzuki glaring as he cold spoke "Don't yell at me...Suzuki sensei, You...aren't any family of yell at me...i don't care if your my teacher...I'm not scared of you..."

"I'm fine kenji..." Mai blushed looking down at the floor.

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Old 06-10-2009, 06:04 PM

Suzuki glared back at Hiro "i may not be your father but i know that if you are under the roof of this building you are under my you guys have 2 weeks detention"

"WAIT WHAT!!!!! what the hell did i do i didnt do anything and neither did Mai"she glared at him while wiping away the dressing on her head.

"NO BUTS!'ll be spending these two weeks serving me...NOW GET BACK INTO CLASS BEFORE I MAKE THE DETENTIONS FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR"he yelled at them so loud that the whole school heard him.

Kenji glared at Hiro then sighed hearing what Mr. Suzuki said already getting use to his detentions.

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Old 06-10-2009, 07:45 PM

Hiro stood and watched Kenji, Mai and Nina go in to the class rooms with pouts in their faces. Once they went inside, Hro rested against the wall that was across from the classroom, " You think im going to go to your punishment crap your giving us" He said in a calm voice "Because...i'm not going and you can't do anything about...after all your just my sensei..." He smirked "You can give me as much puinshment you want...i'm still not going to go...i can careless...what you try to do..." Hiro then pushed him self off the wall and in to the classroom.

"Nina who caused all this trouble....?" Mai asked as she help her get the nasty stuff off her hair.

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Old 06-10-2009, 08:20 PM

Nina looked over at Kenji "it was Kenji"she siad pointing to Kenji.

Kenji jumped from his seat "wha- who called me"he said looking around.

"uh... wh...i"Suzuki didnt know what to say so then he faced the class with a flushed face "Alright i want you guys to write 'i shall not piss of Mr. Suzuki the greatest teacher in the world ever in my life' 200 times while im gone"he said as he stepped out the door then pocked his head insided the class "and DONT do anything stupid while im gone or else you will ALL stay after class with me"he said finally stepping out of the class room and knocked on Usagi's class.

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Old 06-10-2009, 08:36 PM

Usagi looked up from his book when he heard a knock on his door, He place his book down, and slowly got up from his chair to open the door. "Haru-chan..." He spoke with a smile but frown when he saw his lover looking like a emotional reck "Honey bear whats wrong?" He asked as he open his arms for him to run in to them. .

Mai looked at kenji with a demonic look and got up slowly as a dark aura formed as she walked towards him "Kenji...."she said cracking her knuckles with a scary smirk.

Last edited by X-xBeautifully Brokenx-X; 06-24-2009 at 07:22 PM..

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Old 06-10-2009, 08:58 PM

"huh...uhh Mai its not what you think..uhhh"Kenji said taking a few steps back and looked at Hiro "help me!"he getting teary eyed.

"Go Mai go get him"she said putting her fist up in the air but still trying to take of some of the dressing in her hair.

"ohhh Usagi!!!!!" he siad running into his arms hugging him tightly "Hiro is being mean to me!!!!"he said with a pouty face "fix it!!!!!!!! or else no making love tonight"

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Old 06-10-2009, 11:17 PM

Hiro looked at Kenji for a few seconds blinking, "Hn..." he made his signature noise and glaze away from kenji to finish his assignment that their Sensei had gave them.

Mai grab kenji by the front of his collar pulling him close to her face "You Baka...Why...did you do that..." she asked clutching his front shirt harder.


"B-But...what can i do....Haru-chan....?" He asked whining; hugging him tight. "Tell what happen..."

Last edited by X-xBeautifully Brokenx-X; 06-24-2009 at 07:24 PM..

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Old 06-11-2009, 12:00 AM

Haru looked up and with the cutist eyes he repled "Hiro talked back to me...he bumped into me and made me drop my salad..."he sniffled rubbing his head against his chest "teach him a lesson...please Darling...ill do anything"he said innocently.


"but but...i didnt mean to..i-it was an accident..."he said blushing hystaricaly " me!!!"he wimpered.

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Old 06-11-2009, 12:50 AM

usagi looked down at the love of his life and couldn't say no to him, Haru gave him the eyes...that made him so weak. 'God he is so cute...i can just rape him right here...' he thought rubbing his lover back. "Yes..i will talk to him..for you when he has to come here..i will come to your detention..." he spoke kissing the top of his head.


Hiro yawn and got up, looking like he was going to go help kenji..but instead..he went to the front of the room to sharpen his pencil.

" i get the feeling your lining to me...kenji-kun..." she spat out, pulling him closer making their nose touch. "Don't lie to me ever..." she whispered, it looked like they were about to kiss but instead she knee him in the balls. "Hmpf..." she smirked letting him go, and watch as he fell to the ground.

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Old 06-11-2009, 01:00 AM

"really"his face brightened"thankyou thank you thank you thank you"he said hugging him tightly then noticed what he was doing then pushed away 'uhhh im mean thanks "he said trying to fix him self up trying to sould more like his strick self and was about to leave when he ran back and kissed him deeply "i love you Usagi-san"


Kenji blushed darkly "bu-but i didnt-"then felt a painful sensation around his crotch area and fell to the ground holding his crotch and turned into a ball grunting.

"oooo....that got to hurt"she said biting her lip then looked a Mai "nice job Mai"she smiled putting her thumb up in the air.

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Old 06-11-2009, 04:29 PM

" I love you too Haru-Chan..." he smiled pulling him in to another erotic kiss. "And...your Welcome..."He whispered pulling slightly away and giving him another quick kiss, then letting him go completely. "Now go back to class...and teach.." he ordered going to his desk and picked up his book to contuine to reading/ writing down notes. "Don't for get to close the door..." he spoke.


"Whatever...Nina...baka..." Mai muttered going to her desk and begin writing down fast the stupid assignment their Sensei gave.

Hiro slowly took his time walking back towards his desk, he glance at Kenji for a minute.'Thats what that asshole gets...' He smirked to himself and conutined on to his seat.

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Old 06-11-2009, 05:03 PM

Kaiyo blushed and kissed him back "alright i will"he smiled then closed the door and walked towards his room. Then he stood there and took a deep breath then entered the room "alright class if you did not finish the assignment it will be assigned for homework tonight and will be due tomorrow."he said glareing at the students then sees Kenji 'sleeping' on the floor. he rolled his eyes then took out his chalk gun and aimed it towards Kenji "you have till the count of 3 to get up Kenji 1..."

Kenji looked at Suzuki and his eyes widened "wait wha!!! dont kill me!!!!"he said covering his head.

"two!!!" he then started putting chalk inside the gun.

"alright im getting up!!!"he said struggling to get off the floor

"three!!!!!!"he then started shooting chalk at Kenji.

'Ahhh!!!!!!!"he said trying to dodge the chalk.

"see i told you you he got a gun"she said finally finishing cleaning up her hair and placed her cheek on her hand

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Old 06-13-2009, 03:08 AM

"That is so Awesome!" Mai spoke looking in amazement at the chalk gun.

Hiro chuckled to him self as he saw his best friend get attack by the chalk.

[[ Srry its so short!! DX ]]

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Old 06-16-2009, 02:44 PM

The chalk made an outline of Kenji then pinned him to the going to die im going to die im going to die he thought repeating it over and over in his head while a stream of tears rolled down his cheeks.

Suzuki smirked walking towards Kenji and aimed the gun at his chest "now...the next time i see you 'sleeping in my class will be your last!!"he whispered in his ear then heard the bell ring "alright class you may leave but im expecting that homework to be done by tomorrow morning...and remember i dont not exept late work!!!"he said leting go of Kenji and walking towards his desk.

"well now today was a interesting class"Nina said getting up from her desk and grabbed her things.

"whew..."he sighed in relief then tried to get out but couldnt "hey...uhh will someone help me....anyone...HELP!!!"he whined then noticed that everyone was leaving.

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Old 06-24-2009, 01:42 AM

"Yeah...Today is such weird day...." Mai sighed walking towards their next class "Hopefully...Sensei..Harashi class won't be sooooooo...troublesome..." she finished as they walked in to the class.

Hiro walked towards Kenji stuck body on the floor " Need help there Baka?" he asked with a sigh, giving kenji a hand.

[[srry if it sucks! i havent rp in forever! XD;;]]

Last edited by X-xBeautifully Brokenx-X; 06-24-2009 at 06:12 PM..

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Old 06-24-2009, 01:51 AM

((ohh its alright ^^ and yay! your back XD lol))

Kenji nodded franticly "yes yes please..."he said trying to pull himself off the floor

"i think his class will be fun it usually is"Nina said heading out the door and headed towards Mr. Harashi's class

((ahhh sorry if its soo short...i have writters block @.@))

Last edited by itachiluvr4eva; 06-24-2009 at 06:12 PM..

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Old 06-24-2009, 07:21 PM

Hiro sighed and helped his best friend up.

"That's what you get for being an ass today..." he muttered and walked away from kenji after he helped him up. " See you in class...." he said doing a hand movement like a wave; he stepped out of the room and went towards the direction of their next class.


"Yes your right" Mai said in agreement.


"Welcome back my lovely brats!" Harashi sensei sung as students begin to fill his class.

Last edited by X-xBeautifully Brokenx-X; 06-24-2009 at 07:24 PM..


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