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p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-19-2014, 06:55 AM

The one who had closed her wound, swept her gently off her feet, and she was grateful. Marin's legs had felt so heavy, but so weak, and they were burning. Now they were resting, held in the vampire's arms. She laid her head against him, so tired.

Marin had been straining to follow the conversation, to see the other vampire, and hear his voice. It was proving so hard to do in her weakened state. Her eyelids drifted closed again, but the vampire was moving her, getting her attention. Her eyes fluttered open again, and as he turned, Marin was able to look up and really see the other.

The other vampire's hair matched the hunter's. In fact, they looked similar in a few ways. She tried so hard to think of something, of anything to jog her memory of the other. But Marin couldn't think of a thing. She wanted to, so badly. How badly she wanted to remember something, someone.

She shook her head weakly before resting it against him again. "I... I can't remember," she said sadly, closing her eyes tightly. Marin felt a deep sadness. There were things missing from her memory that she needed to know! There was a place she belonged. Would she ever remember it?

Marin looked at Rohan again. Nothing. No memory at all. But, he'd said he was here to return her somewhere. She had only picked up bits and pieces. She couldn't help but feel like she wanted to go with him. She wanted to trust him. She had hope that he knew something about her, that would lead her to answers.

She was working herself up, and began to feel dizzy again. She was having a hard time caring where she went now. She didn't have a real place to go to. Not one that she could remember anyway. For all she knew, the other vampire was up to no good. And if she had to choose which one to trust, she'd choose the one who helped to save her life.

Still, she couldn't help that nagging, hopeful feeling, that Rohan was telling the truth. She didn't know what to do. Finally, her grip on Desh loosened. Marin's eyes closed, and where she went now wouldn't be up to her. In her last thoughts before letting herself go to the heavy sleep, she hoped that when she woke, they would all be there. She wanted to thank them, and she wanted answers.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-21-2014, 01:49 AM

Desh was watching Marin carefully, he had jostled her into attention, but for how long would her eyes remain open? He was almost certain she wouldn't die now, but still, it would be best to get something in her to help her blood creating process along. He watched her closely as she looked the other vampire over, and said she couldn't remember. Desh thought that was an odd thing to say, a simple yes or a simple no would have sufficed. Did this girl have some form of amnesia? She had hit her head when she fell, so perhaps.

He readjusted his grip on her, jostling her again as she began to drift off, though mostly it was to get a more comfortable grip on her as he cradled her to his chest. "I hope you understand the position that this has put me in. It is an awkward position, and though I have no love of humans, I cannot just hand an injured one over to the fangs of an unknown vampire." His eyes locked onto the other vampire's. "Tell me truthfully, how long have you known this girl, and what exactly are the intentions of you and your master?" His tone was firm, but not demanding. He wanted the truth, so that he could further make his decision of what to do. All the while thinking of how much of a shame it would be to loose someone that tasted so very good.

Desh glanced at the hunter. He could probably put the girl in the hunter's care and things would be alright. If anything he could follow them around for a bit and make sure. He did want to taste this girl's blood again, but that would be completely impossible if he left her with the hunter.

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 07-21-2014, 10:16 PM

Staying silent through the exchange Weaver's attention had turned from the blonde holding Marin to the red haired vampire who had entered the scene. Rohan, her once older brother now creature that still look oh so much like the boy who fought off school yard bullies. It was easy in her mind to separate the two. Her Rohan had been almost shy, fierce when he needed to be but bended under the pressure of others too easily. The man across the alley way might appear to be calm but there was a wave of self-assertion. As if he felt he had every right to be standing in that alley demanding to be handed the wounded little blonde girl.

Pulling her attention back towards the young girl the hunter silently cursed. They didn't have time for this. She would give it to the monsters they knew what they were talking about when it came to blood but she didn't trust their 'diagnosi' of a human past that.

Lord Nomaru had of course mentioned the girls lost memories but even if she had a full working knowledge of her time with the vampire lord he would have answered with negative. He had been turned to find her, why his lord didn't retrieve her himself was not something that was his place to ask. " The child has lost her memories. And she is not a blood doll to our master,"There was a hint of distaste in the words Blood doll. Though he saw their uses he knew that Marin was more to their master. " she is his ward."

Hazel eyes turned once again towards Marin but her slumped over form gave him pause. "She will be in the best care. Your concern for her is," questionable and unwanted, " admirably

"Like hell." It slipped from her mouth before she could stop it though honestly if she had taken time to think it would have come out much ruder. " She was flung against the alley wall. Add in blood loss and the fact that as a street kid she probably hasn't eaten much and its a bad combination. " Slidding the blade back into her boot- and god did she hate being unarmed infront of two clearly powerful vampires- Weaver took a step closer to the blonde vampire holding Marin. "Let me take her to a human doctor. She need medical attention. Not to be in the middle of a vampire pissing contest."

Though her words could have been phrased nicer she used the calmest voice she could muster. Hands already reaching to take Marin's weight.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-21-2014, 11:39 PM

Desh picked up on the distaste as the other said blood doll, it seemed like this vampire could be speaking the truth. Though it would be rather convenient if the girl had no memories, wouldn't it? He was frowning a bit. "A vampire, keeping a human as a ward? That is a bit odd, is it not?" The other went on to reassure him that the girl would be in the best of care, Desh wasn't sure he believed that, then the hunter was interrupting them.

He turned slightly, looking her over, as if just remembering she was there. He had been considering handing the girl over to the hunter moments ago, so he hadn't forgotten she was there. She seemed rather brave or maybe foolish, talking to them in such a manner. Desh shrugged. "The lady is right, we have wasted too much time, it would be best for this girl to go to a physician. A hospital." He kept the girl in his arms though, he fully turned towards the hunter. "I will accompany you." He did not hand the girl to the hunter though, and glanced at the other vampire. In his opinion it would be to easy for that vampire to wrest the girl from the hunter's arms. Not just that vampire, but any other vampire that might be lurking near by.

His attention returned to the hunter. "Dear heart, please lead the way." Another glance was given to the other vampire. Almost a warning, almost a dare for him to follow them, then an expectant look was placed on the hunter. He fully expected her to begin leading the way.

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 07-26-2014, 05:18 PM

A raised eyebrow and a slight shifting put the blond vampire closer to the front of the alley then she was. She might agree with him carrying Marin to the hospital, her hip was starting to hurt and as little as the girl looked Weaver was sure she wasn't n a state to carry another living being. However she wasn't about to trust a vampire enough to turn her back on him. "It's out of the alley two blocks north then turn right." Waving her hand in the direction of the exit. She kept Rohan n her peripheral vision ready to move if he did.

It would be her luck that she finally found h and other matters had to take precedence. She couldn't leave Marin with the blonde vampire, actually any vampire. If asked she wouldn't be able to say why she felt so protective of the girl. It wasn't any maternal instinct and it went beyond her drive to protect humanity as a whole. It went deeper. The urge to protect the strange girl who didn't seem to have any self preservation.

The logic was sound, Marin was human and needed medical attention. It would take far to long to get her to Lord Nomaru. Leaving her in the are of a hunter- one he of course knew and could easily remove if she be came a hassle- had it's meres as well. They trained for years to kill his kind and would provide decent protection. This other vampire was not needed but to make a move against him would put Marin in danger. He would follow until Marin was handed off
into the care Addy. " Yes lead the way."

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 07-28-2014, 10:17 PM

Marin had woke some time later in a hospital bed. She had a bandage around her wrist and an IV in her arm. A short time after that she was sitting on the side of the bed dressed in her old shelter rags and being ushered along. The hospital didn't care too much for the 'riffraff' apparently. The nurses and doctors there all looked at her strangely. She was used to it though.

It the small room, she stood, to see Addison nearby. She seemed to have had some medical attention as well. Marin's face saddened. That had been her fault. She padded barefoot across the floor to sit in the window seat beside the hunter. "I'm sorry you were hurt," Marin said genuinely. "I- was only trying to help," she added, lapis lazuli eyes looking for signs of anger in the hunter. She'd have deserved it, if the girl yelled at her.

Suddenly she remembered something, or someone. Marin's eyes searched for the two vampires. One had saved her, she remembered his sandy colored hair and gentle voice. The other one, he'd known her. She needed to find them both, right away.

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 07-30-2014, 10:42 PM

After a significant time rolling her eyes and allowing the doctors to bandage her up Adaline had been relapsed from their care. It wasn't that she was against seeking medical attention and she did understand that she too ran the risk of a concussion- all clear on that front- but their were two vampires lurking around. Neither of which she wanted to get their hands back on Marin.

So she had taken up post in the small waiting room and told both of the vampire to screw off and let her take care of the blonde. Though maybe not in those exact words. though she would have no problem saying that to Rohan, and much much worse, she had a deep feeling that the blonde wouldn't have taken to being talked to like that lightly.

Though she doubted either had done just that she hadn't seen either in a little over an hour. Shifting away from the wall she had been leaning against she checked the girl over with her own eyes taking note of ll the place the doctors had bandaged her up. Weaver had told them that she had stopped a group of street kids from ganging up on the girl but there was a blankness to the doctor's eyes that told her he really didn't care.

" Help get yourself killed maybe. Do you have any self preservation?" She pushed back the annoyance that had crept into her voice. Brushing some strands of bight red hair out of her face hazel eyes took in the sadness o the girl's face. "Don't worry about it, if you hadn't noticed going up against monsters is kind of my M.O. I'm use to getting banged up. But what about you?"

He was hungry, oh so very hungry, the sent of Marin's blood had been a struggle to fight off and now with her being tended to he needed to feed. Luckily a hospitable was as convenient place an any to grab a very quick snack. Little Addy had made it clear that he was not leaving Marin alone and that she also wasn't letting him or their new little blonde friend anywhere near her.
That could develop into a problem but for now Marin was safe. Now he needed to find a nice blood bag. Though the thought unsettled something his stomach. Never was nothing that could truly substitute blood fresh from the tap.

(( Going to give Kry a chance to post before I do more with Rohan.))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-31-2014, 06:35 PM

Desh wasn't far from that waiting room. In fact he was standing at the nurses station writing a check for both of the ladies hospice care. One of the nurses was complaining that he would need to take the checks down to the billing office, but the vampire wasn't in any mood to travel down two floors and clear across the other side of the large building. So he leaned in, and gave the woman a rather charming smile and flirted with her. True he could have just made her do what he wanted, but where was the fun in all that? A few more moments and then the blushing nurse took the two checks and hurried off towards the elevators.

Desh turned, running a hand through his hair. Human women were so gullible and easily swayed. Well, most of the time. He had turned towards the waiting room and soon entered it. His eyes traveled over both girls for a moment, as if assessing how they were treated by their doctors. They seemed well enough, though most doctors never really struck him as competent. The other vampire wasn't near. Perhaps if they left now they could leave him behind? Desh doubted that. Vampire's could be awfully good at finding the things the wanted. "Come now, dear heart, we are not all monsters." His eyes were on the hunter, but there was a hint of amusement in them. He had seen some pretty monstrous humans in his life time, it really wasn't fair to judge them all by the actions of a few. Desh doubted this hunter wanted to hear something like that though.

Sezumie is offline
Old 07-31-2014, 09:41 PM

Suzie jumped up and down, "I'm up fo' cake!" The huntress threw the bag of bloody clothes to the nearest officer and started skipping over to the cafe. "What'd'ya waitin' for? Let's get us some good stuff!" Food was never forgotten, though she didn't enjoy it as much as her human counterparts do, she would always sprinkle her blood supplements on them, something about 'enhancing its taste.' Suzie quickly opened the door to the nearby cafe, letting out a deep sigh as wonderful aromas came streaming out.

As she walked in she noticed some bright white hair, but left it be as she made her way inside, waving happily at some people who knew her quite well. Her reputation for being a 'human's best friend' was known around the area, though not popular. Her status as a vampire hunting her own kind still gives off a bad vibe. However at the moment, if one took a really good sniff past the food of the cafe, the smell of her last kill still lingers on her skin. She chose a table; coincidentally not too far from the table where Ayumu and Ryou were currently occupying, and sat her butt down, picking up the menu. "I'll take this, an' soda!" Suzie doesn't eat very much, contrary to her strength and attitude, but usually binges on a lot of blood supplements at a time. She sat at the table excitedly waiting for her food, looking around the cafe. Her eyes kept getting caught starting at Ayumu's hair, it was fairly bright and stood out so naturally Suzie's eyes were drawn to it like a moth to a light.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-02-2014, 08:28 PM

"Me?" Marin questioned. "I'm fine," she answered with a smile. Even if she hadn't been, her answer would be the same. When Desh appeared, Marin stood. "You're the one who saved my life," she said, half a question and half a statement. The hunter would have been the first in that department, saving Marin. But the white haired girl had mucked that up.

She bowed her respects. "Thank you," she said. Although, Marin couldn't deny that she'd do it all over again, if it meant saving someone else's life. The doctor appeared soon after, informing them that they were free to go. Marin had frowned at that sadly. Where would she go? It didn't matter. At least she was alive for now, and it was a beautiful evening to be outside, she'd find a place, she was sure. Though she wondered, would she ever find the place she belonged?

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 08-03-2014, 04:28 AM

While Ai gently scolds him his eyes start to wonder about the room again. The light scent of blood catching his attention. Glancing to his left he spots the girl who had been covered in blood in the alley just a little bit ago. More than likely the scent was coming from her. Ryou noticed the strange purple haired vampire kept staring at Ayumu. This caused him to frown a bit, but he said nothing.

The woman sighed and frowned. Once again her friend wasn’t listening he was back in bodyguard mode. After a few minutes she of letting him just observes the room around them she finally poked his forehead. She giggled at his reaction. “Stop it and that’s an order. Just relax, I doubt there is any danger around us here right now.” Ayumu herself had been glancing around the café for time to time as they waited for their order. She too had noticed the girl staring at her. She found herself giving her a gentle smile the one time. Almost as if she was inviting her over to join them.

“Hey,” the male nearly shouted as he half jumped at the surprise of being poked by her. “That’s not funny.” There was a light blush on his cheeks probably due to being embarrassed that she got such a reaction out of him in public. A few moments passed before he responded to her orders. “As you wish Ayumu.” He still wasn’t totally convinced that there might not be danger around them. Especially after what he had witnessed in the alleyway. Reluctantly Ryou decided to comply with his lady’s orders for now. With another glance to the left he wondered why that girl seemed to be interested in Ai. “What about her? She keeps staring at you.” He discreetly gestured towards Suzie.

Ryou was so cute when he blushed she thought to herself. When he finally answered she smiled. “That’s better. Now then what shall we do after we eat?” At this point the petite woman seemed to be getting a little excited. She loved to explore and having been cooped up the past few days was driving her nuts. Her thoughts of what they could do were quickly interrupted by her companion’s question. “Oh her? Leave it be. If she is interested or wants something I’m sure she will come to us.” Ai flashed him a knowing grin. Oh yes, she had no doubt that Suzie would be over soon to chat with them. Something about the girl intrigued her as well. So even if Suzie didn’t make the first move they would eventually meet.

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 02:54 AM

Wisp of brown hair fell from the nurse pony tail a lopsided smile sliding onto her face. Some light headedness was always to be expected of the human after feeding. It was a very useful after effect if content on the act was dubious at best. In his defense she had agreed to grabbing a let diner with. Rohan couldn't be held responsible if she didn't like his choice in meals. Leaning the semi conscious woman back into her seat her been her body over to appear as if he had merely fallen asleep. Brushing back the strands that had fallen in her face he slipped inside her mind tweaking her memories. Wouldn't do for her t cause a scene with Adaline and Marin still in the hospital.

Her face went from unbelieving- who did the kid think he as fooling with that "I'm fine' stuff- to annoyed. Her whole body tensed as the blond one walked up to them, moving as if he was just another human in the crowd and that just set off warning bells in her mind.Adaline preferred when the monsters stuck out with all of that unnatural grace and the air of superiority that just wafted off of them.

Moving out of her relaxed position she shift slightly putting a wall to her back and her muscled tensed. Logic told her that he wouldn't try anything in a building full of people, training told her to never underestimate what a vampire would do.
Her response was crushed under tightly sealed lips and an unamused eyebrow lift. It wouldn't do to cause a scene and he had helped save Marin. Turning her gaze away from the blonde she let a hand rest on the younger girls shoulder. Firmer then was strictly necessary but it would aide her if she had to pull the girl behind her. "Marin we need to go check out. "

Across the waiting room Rohan stood shoulder leaning against he opening in the hallway. HE had a slightly clear view of the top of Marin's head but mostly he could hi is sister and the blond vampire.


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