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Old 02-13-2013, 02:36 AM

Listening to both my mother and father scold me down about having to act like a prince and about me leaving the kingdom with my whole busy schedule ahead of me. I couldn't help but sigh quietly to myself, I knew this was going to be expected but yet a part of me wished that it wasn't going to happen in the first place. All I wanted was to go to my room and then try to start searching for Nora's father when everyone in the kingdom was going to be asleep. As my mother told me about the other females that were going to be choices for me to pick as my bride to become the new queen, I stayed silent as I shook my head. "I don't want any of them...I don't need to see them. If you both wish for me to act like a prince..and become the new king one day. You will understand to let me make my own decisions." I spoke back with my voice slightly rising, even with my mother asking the question on why I had left I hadn't bothered to answer the question but completely ignore it as though it wasn't asked in the first place.
My father on the other hand just rubbed his temple as he gave a heavy sigh after hearing me talk back. "Akito..we're not saying that you haven't acted like a prince. We're just worried about you..don't you understand..? If you keep leaving like this every day, one of these days..those others from the separate clan are going to catch you, and who knows what we'll be able to do then." The king spoke with his voice much more calmer then it was not too long ago. "Mother..father..why do we hate them so much? what have they done to cause our hatred for them to drive so deeply?"

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Old 02-13-2013, 03:47 AM

The queen stood up abruptly. "Arranged marriages are tradition in the Tranzvilla clan! Tomorrow, you will be groomed and dressed promptly to attend the masked ball. You will choose a bride, and that is final." She said to him sternly.
She rubbed her temples about his final question. "You are old enough to know now. Years ago, one of the Tranzvilla's clans child was killed fiercely by an Auroran. No explanation, or reason, but what was done was done. It started a war, and ever since then, our clans have been separated. Ever since then, our clans have hated one another." She said, sighing.

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Old 02-13-2013, 04:53 AM

Giving off one final heavy sigh to both my mother and father arguing with me, I hadn't bothered to say another word as I turned my back on them and marched toward the exit of the ballroom. Only stopping right at the doorway opened wide for me by the two maids standing at the door, I turned my head over my shoulder lightly with both of my ears lowering down against my skull. "Just because that happened to our ancestors...does that make us any stoop so low as kidnapping?" I stated once more only to walk right out the door and straight down the hallway without bothering to listen to any reply from either of my parents. The king giving off a sigh of his own, he rested his back against the chair and stared over toward the queen. "What are we going to do..? Do you think he'll attend the ball..or end up running away again?"

(kind of lost on what to post at the moment. Sawwi, brain dead o3o;)

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Old 02-13-2013, 11:22 AM

The queen sighed staring at his back as he walked out.
"Honey, I dont know what were going to do with him... for him to ask such a thing about the Aurora clan... he must have been with one of them...he will surely be running away again. I'll have a guard beside his bedroom door at 24 hour watch. So he doesnt disappear again." She took a sip of her wine.
"And what does he mean by kidnapping them? We'd never do such a thing..." she stated finally.

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Old 02-13-2013, 04:33 PM

(wasnt really sure what to post. Sawwi to give chu nothing to work off of. x.x)

The king nodded to wife as she came up with the suggestion of putting guards at the front of their own son's bedroom to give him no chance to leave. All he could do right after was cross his arms and lower his head lightly in thought of what his son could mean by their own clan kidnapping people. From what the king could remember, he had never once ordered any of the royal guards to go out and begin kidnapping people. Finally bringing his gaze back onto the Queen, he could only shake his head in reply. "I'm not even too sure..whatever it is, it's probably just a phase he is going through. He'll get over all this. I'm sure of it." The king spoke finally before he had returned to his meal.
All the while my mother and father spoke with each other, I had returned to my bedroom and closed the door shut behind me. Taking a single look around my room, I pulled off my large cloak and threw it to the side. With how my mother and father were acting, how was I supposed to go and find Nora's father or let alone even leave the palace now that they seemed much more serious about their anger. Within a matter of minutes, hearing a couple of heavily armored footsteps of the usual guards that patrolled the kingdom come closer and closer to my bedroom door. I stayed with my back turned to the door as they sounded as though they stopped right in front of my room. 'Great...mother and father really are pulling no strings this time..' I spoke to myself mentally only to make my way over toward my window and stare out into the darkness and pouring rain.

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Old 02-13-2013, 04:51 PM

[Its ok]

-Fast forward to next morning-

The Queen woke up bright and early and had dressed properly and went and knocked on Akitos door. "Akito dear, time to get up and get ready" She said, and continued down the hall, her heels clanking along the way. The guards bowed to her as she passes, a few of the suiter princesses were wandering the halls curtseyed her out of respect.

Mama woke up bright and early to make a hearty breakfast for everyone. She was feeling alot better today and was happy to have teh fridge stocked. The kids still slept; all sleeping in as they deserved.

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Old 02-13-2013, 05:12 PM

With the sun slowly rising up into the sky from the horizon, I stood in the training grounds with my hands clasped together and my eyes both closed shut. Standing from afar at the exit of the training grounds were both the guards that were placed at my bedroom door last night. Some droplets of rain came down from all the edges of the kingdom and obviously were going to dry up later on during the day. I had left my room early in the morning even before the sun had decided to come up. There was no chance I was going to be able to get any real sleep with all the different things that were on my mind. So I had hoped that maybe training would help me be able to get some of the things I needed to think about off my mind. Within moments as the sun finally reached the peak of the horizon I reopened my eyes quickly and began to attack a training dummy that was made of nothing but straw and hay. Rather then using any weapon like the rest of the guards trained with, I simply used my hands and feet to beat the dummy. Both the guards that watched me stayed silent and their faces looking almost as though they were unsurprised by my martial arts. The guards had thought for sure, just because they had weapons that it meant they were better then me already.

The king had woken up with his wife as he had gotten dressed into his formal clothing to prove that he was the king of the land. As the queen went in one direction to wake up their son, he had made his way in the direction of the royal ballroom to see how things how been going so far for decorations. Once reaching the ballroom, it had seemed that all the large tables were already setup with pure bright white sheets covering the top of each one of the tables. Food was being prepared within the kitchen as the king went around the ballroom to finally come across the royal decorator of the kingdom. "How is everything going?" The king asked kindly with a warm smile across his own lips. The decorator gave a bow to the king as he pointed toward each different area within the ballroom. "Things are just about ready for tonight, your majesty. Only a few more finishing touches to the front of the room for the Prince to pick out his new bride." He spoke with much enthusiasm.

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Old 02-22-2013, 03:52 AM

The queen finally made her way into the ballroom and hid a yawn behind her hand. "Good morning dear. The ballroom is looking fantastic this day. This will be a glorious ball." She stated. One of the decorators came into the room and bowed to the majesty's.
"My king and queen, a few of our maids are ill. We will be sending out a party to hire some female maids and waitresses for the ball tonight" the queen shooed him away. "Do as you must, go now. I want to it to be perfect." As directed, the recruiters headed out of the castle; the recruiters were the best of the best and very intelligent centuars. One male centuar pulled a carriage to bring back a few worthy, maidens to host the royalty.

After having a fantastic breakfast, I walked in the marketplace just window shopping. A few of the owners asked if I wanted to work today but I kindly declined, informing them that today was my day off. My ears twitched, hearing the centaurs hooves in the market. They stopped in front of the jewelry stand and a crowd began to form. The main, light tan centuar pulled out a scroll, fixed his Maine and adjusted his glasses.
"Heir ye heir ye, there will be a grand ball in the Tranzvilla palace this evening to find a suited for the prince. We are in need of maids. You will be paid handsomely for your services for this night only. All attractive maidens of any race are welcome. Please form a single file line to be assessed. Only 3 will be chosen." My heart raced thinking of a perfect opportunity to get behind the walls and maybe find papa. I jumped in line, that was forming quickly.

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Old 02-22-2013, 04:34 AM

While the king had spoken with one of the decorators within the ballroom, he had a soft smile across his lips the entire time. Everything was going as it was planned to be for the ball tonight, taking one final look around the ballroom his attention was quickly grabbed when the king had heard the voice of his wife come up from behind him. Turning around to look at the queen, the king gave a nod in agreement to her statement on how the ball was going to be. However, as yet another decorator came over toward the king and queen to give them the news about some of the maids being sick. A light frown spread across his lips as he crossed his arms slightly. "Tonight must be perfect. We will not have the day of our son's decision for the future queen ruined." He spoke with his voice giving only a slight bit of annoyance in his tone. "Speaking of which, have you seen our son anywhere, my dear?" The king asked as he returned his attention back once more onto the queen.

Finally after about another half an hour of practicing my martial arts, I had finally come to a stop as I tried to catch my breath. My entire body was now covered in sweat from head to toe, as I placed a single hand onto the training dummy in front of me. Even with the intense fighting I had done, it didn't ever seem to be enough to get rid of the thoughts of what I had to do today. I was going to have to pick a single female out of a few to become my bride and take the place as the future queen. To my mother and father, they didn't care one bit if I had liked any of the females or not. It seemed almost as though all that mattered to them was that the position for the future queen was filled by some other royal person. Clenching onto the dummy in front of me, I dug my nails into the wood until suddenly I began to remember what had happened yesterday. Nora, I had promised her and her family that I would find their father no matter what.
Soon enough I let go of the dummy and left the training ground with the guards following behind me. I immediately made my way back toward my bedroom and stepped right into the bathroom to take a shower. Only within a matter of minutes did I leave my bedroom, fully dressed in my formal clothing as I did my best to stay away from the ballroom. This time, as the guards followed me I continued to wander the kingdom to see if I could spot any type of dungeon where prisoners were kept.

All the while in the marketplace the small group of centaurs that were in search for replacements for the maids that were to be filled for the royal ball went through the many females that wanted to take the role of the maids. Many had enlisted to try for the job and yet also just as many were unaccepted. The centaurs knew well enough that if they were to find even a single female out of the three maids that failed at their duty, they would immediately be punished for failing the king and queen. As the head centaur checked through the many females, one of the female centaurs came up beside the head as she noticed as to how Nora was going to be next. "Sir..I'm not too sure what it is, but I'm getting the feeling she will fit the part as one of the maids. She seems to be able to stand perfectly straight without slumping over as many of the rest of these females are. What do you think sir?"

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Old 02-26-2013, 04:16 PM

The Queen looked to her husband and shook her head. "I have not, but I know the guards are with him; no worries my dear. Tonight will be perfect. The masked ball is the perfect way for our son to fall in love with the masked maiden not only for her looks in a gown, but purely for her personality. The maids will be wearing the masks too, but theirs will be unified." She said, looking to the masks on the table. "Its perfect..." She said looking to the Princes throne. "Tonight will be magnificent."

One after another, females were dismissed... I wasn't wearing my best clothing, but I had no time to go home to change. Its now or never. I noticed one of the centuars talking to a judge centuar and they were both looking at me. He then nodded after dismissing the girl before me.
"You girl, state your name" He held up his book as the female looked me over, turning me around.
"Nora, sir" He twitched an ear. He nodded. "Let her into the carriage." He stated. I smiled and bowed to him. "Thank you sir, you wont be disappointed." I said, walking past him to be led into a elegant brass carriage.
After about another hour, two to her females were chosen and we headed up to the Tranzvilla castle, beyond the walls. I looked out the carriage window at the families in the streets waving and children playing; they were middle class, and all dressed well. I smiled; the other 2 girls kept to themselves.

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Old 02-26-2013, 06:11 PM

Being informed by his wife that she hadn't known where their son was but knowing well enough that the kingdom's guards had been made sure to follow him everywhere. The king gave a soft sigh in relief that their own son wouldn't go running off once again, especially on such an important day. Noticing as how she had made her way over toward one of the nearby tables to take a look at the masks for the ball tonight, the king made his way right over by her side and stared down at the masks as well. A light smile spread across his lips as he nodded in agreement before picking up one of the masks. "Yes, tonight shall indeed be perfect. I only hope that Akito will be happy with all of this. It is his day after all." He spoke before lowering down the mask and turning his attention back onto the decorators within the room. They were all still continuing to finish up the ballroom for the royal event as quickly as they could. "Come my dearest. We must prepare ourselves for tonight as well."

Making my way around all the different spots of the kingdom, trying to find a dungeon on where they might've kept prisoners felt like trying to find a needle in a large haystack. Wondering what the guards might've been thinking while they had followed me everywhere around the kingdom wasn't really any concern to me. They had no right to speak back against where I wished to go, only as long as it was behind the wall, where my mother and father's rule was absolute. Soon enough, both of the guards came to a stop as they stomped their feet softly into the ground to get my attention. "Your majesty. Do you not think it is about time you ready yourself for the ball?" One of the male guards spoke up as I gave a light sigh in defeat and began to make my way back inside.
It had only taken a matter of moments to reach back to my bedroom as I closed the door behind me, keeping sure that the guards remained outside of my room as well. Making my way over toward my drawer, I had opened the double doors to reveal my tuxedo and mask hanging right before my eyes. Just staring at it gave a deep burning feeling through my gut, I was going to have to choose one out of several different royal women to become my bride. All to make my mother and father happy so that there would be someone to take the throne as the new queen one day. 'I'm sorry..Nora..' I mentally cursed to myself at the fact that I was unable to find Nora's father. Wondering where she might've been, I bit down onto my lower lip as I dressed myself along with the mask upon my face. Within minutes, I had heard from outside of my room a few of the maids speaking with one another. It seemed that more maids from outside were taking the place of a couple, unaware that one of them was Nora, I paid no attention whatsoever.

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Old 02-27-2013, 02:51 PM

After having a tour of the enormous kitchen and a hot bath in fragrant oils and being dried off, I sat before an elegant mirror nude, where I was tended to. The female Tranzvillan, she had the same pattern and look as Akito. I wondered if this ball was for him. Would he be here? Would I see him? The female brushed my fur and clipped and painted my nails. "My dearest, you should keep up on your nails, their a cats best friend" She said smiling at me. I smiled back at her and nodded. "I agree, I just havn't had the time." I stated, lowering my eyes. The maid just smiled and put my hair up in a high, elegant ponytail. "Musn't think about that tonight, you are to serve the prince and the princesses and our high King and Queen with your best manners." She smiled. I looked to her. "May I ask you something?" She nodded, putting a pin between her lips and fixing my hair.
"Have.. you ever seen another Aurora cat like me here before? But a male?" The maid put the pin in my hair and thought for a moment then shook her head. "Not that Ive seen. Maybe in the village? But I don't go outside the palace." I nodded lowering my eyes. "I see.." I said as she handed me my gown. "Get dressed and Ill put your mask on and then lead you to the ball room to show you about."

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Old 02-28-2013, 01:32 AM

Once I had finished dressing myself into my tuxedo and slipped on my mask. I made my way over toward the large mirror that stood at the end of my drawer room. Staring at myself through the mirror, I raised a single hand and placed it against the cold glass of the mirror. Just staring at myself made me feel uncomfortable, it was almost like I was looking at a completely different person. I didn't feel like myself anymore, nothing I was doing was for my own it was all for my mother and father so that they would be happy for the future. Soon enough as my thoughts began to wander through my mind about failing Nora, never being able to see her family again, marrying someone I didn't even love, having my parents not even bother to care; I couldn't help but clench my fist and slam it against the mirror once. Immediately the glass of the mirror shattered into several pieces as many of them were also stabbed into his knuckles. Instantly hearing it from outside of my room, the two guards had busted into my room and quickly ran over toward my drawer. "Your majesty! Are you alright? We heard--" The female guard spoke up as she noticed how my hand was dripping blood with many shards of glass already rammed into his hand. With a sharp gasp, the male guard made his way over to my side in shock and concern. "Your majesty! Get one of the maids in here immediately! Get a medic! The prince is hurt. We can't have him hurt for today!" The male guard demanded toward the female guard as she saluted and quickly left the room in search for someone to help. The guard that stayed next to me, stared at the wound with much concern. "Your majesty..why would you do such a thing?" He asked me, only to have me stay silent in return.

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Old 03-01-2013, 01:30 AM

I slipped into my gown, complete with an apron over top and was led into the hallway. A few bustling maids and a nurse ran past us, I only glanced over my shoulder at them as they ran by.
..."and this is the grand Ballroom where our Prince will be picking his bride tonight." I looked to her and asked quietly. "What is the prince's name?" I asked. She smiled at me and said "Akito, but you must call him 'Prince' or 'Your Majesty'. Do not ever call him by first name; it is disrespectful. You are to only serve the lords and other princesses here. You are to only collect the glasses and plates and hand them out. Do not speak unless you are spoken to. Understood?" I nodded to her as a flood of princesses of all different breeds came running in. She smiled at me. "Its time. Hurry and wash your paws and keep your mask on. If you are favored among the hired last minute maids, you may be welcome to stay permanent to work here in the palace." I nodded.
"When do I get paid?" She smiled at me, fluffing my hair. "After the ball is over, you will be paid in gold schillings. That ok?" I nodded, my mouth practically watering. I havnt had gold in a long time... it will last our family weeks.... I grew nervous and more princesses rushed in. I hurried and ran into the hall to wash my paws and came back out with the tray of sweets to offer. The orchestra was starting to set up. A few played their instruments as the others set up.

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Old 03-01-2013, 04:02 AM

Within a matter of minutes, the same female guard that had left to find help had returned to my room with yet another female. This one wasn't exactly a maid nor was she a guard but rather she was a nurse. Easily noticing from her fur color along with her ears and tail, anyone could obviously tell that she was a tiger. Noticing as how my hand was bleeding as well as all the glass shards that had been jabbed into my skin, she quickly rushed to my side and opened up her large black bag that had a red cross on it. "Your majesty. How did this happen?" She stated with much concern only to have nothing but silence as a reply from me. She hadn't bothered to speak once more as she carefully pulled out all the glass shards in my hand and began to wipe off most of the blood on my hand with a wet cloth. She had warned me the second time she would wipe was going to burn the most due to the cloth being dipped into alcohol. I hadn't bothered to speak up, but rather give small grunts of pain as the burning sensation surged through every part of my body. My ears had only twitched slightly as the sounds of many people making their way pass my bedroom and toward the ballroom had caught my attention. Unaware of those being the princesses I would have to choose from, I remained silent and awaited for the nurse to finally wrap up my hand in medical tape. "There you are, your majesty. Please, be more careful. Your mother and father shall be most concerned about your well being..especially on such a tremendously wonderful day." She spoke before I stood right up and left my room, leaving all three of them remain in my room with all of their faces confused on why I seemed so upset on such a special day of mine.
Immediately I made my way to the royal ballroom. As I made my way inside, it seemed as though many of the princesses were standing to one side as well. All of them wearing different dresses as well as different masks upon each one of their faces. Without so much as a word to any of them, I made my way up toward my throne at the front of the ballroom which was next to my parents' as well. Sighing deeply to myself, I clenched my fists once more before placing them against my face.

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Old 03-01-2013, 02:19 PM

I felt a hefty breeze go past me and it was the Prince himself, practically marching to his throne. The King and Queen soon followed, walking straight and dignified. They wore no masks. They took their seat next to their son on the throne; Akito on the left, Queen in the middle, and King on the right. The queen looked over at him and snarled behind her fan.
"Akito, sit up and look at your guests. They are all here for you." She said, hissing slightly.
I stared from the side with the silver tray, a few princesses walked past taking some of the sweets. I just stared... he looked miserable. I just wanted to go up an hug him... but I knew I would be thrown out immediately. So, I simply reloaded my tray of sweets and walked near the thrones. The queen signaled me to come up to her with the tray and I did as I was told. My pink spots and tail peeked out from under my gown.
"You must be one of the servants they got from the market. What lovely markings and coloration you have, my dear." She said to me. I blushed behind my mask and bowed to her, not saying word, as I was told. I looked at Akito, his hand was bandaged. I hoped he was okay.

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Old 03-01-2013, 06:03 PM

Sitting on my throne quietly as I hid my face even more by using my hands, I hadn't realized when exactly my mother and father had stepped into the ballroom. However, as I sat there I had heard the sound of two people taking a seat next to me. Immediately without question, I had already known well enough that it was my parents that had finally arrived to their own thrones as well. When I was nearly scolded by my mother to sit up straight and present myself more formally, I gave a deep sigh before doing as I was told. Even if my stance at sitting had looked formal and as though nothing had been bothering me. Deep down I still felt bad about not being able to see Nora at least once more as well as being unable to find her father before the ball. I turned my gaze left and right from within the large room as multiple guests of all different species came through the entrance. Everyone seemed to had been dressed up amazingly for the special day of mine as well as everyone keeping their faces hidden behind masks as all tradition for masquerade balls are supposed to be. The amount of guests approaching into the ballroom felt as though it were endless. Without so much as a warning, when one of the female servants had approached the throne to let my mother and father grab some sweets. I turned my gaze only once toward the female, noticing a bit of the pink fur my eyes only gave a slight bit of widen. 'Nora..?!' I mentally asked myself, hearing from my mother that the female servant was actually one of the girls that had been picked from the marketplace. My thoughts on it being her had been even more true, was it really her? "N-..Nora?" I gave a slightly loud whisper as both my eyes from underneath the mask remained widened.

The king, who had just grabbed onto a piece of chocolate had heard his son speak up a name as he leaned forward from his throne to take a look at his son. A single eyebrow raised as he became curious on who his son had just asked about. "Who is this Nora you speak of, Akito?" He asked me curiously, the thoughts that went through the king's mind were that the name of 'Nora' was possibility one of the princesses his son was going to have to choose from. So right when he had heard his son call out the name of a female, a warm smile played across his lips.

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Old 03-05-2013, 06:21 PM

The queens ear twitched at the sound of her sons loud whisper and she glared at him, shooing me away. I bowed to her and flicked my tail at the prince and headed down the steps into the crowd of princesses waiting for the prince. Some grabbed some sweets as I headed back to the table to reload on appetizers. My heart raced, I was almost found out... If the queen and king knew I was the one hiding he prince in the market, I could be beheaded... Or held captive... My mind raced at the possibilities, or motives. As of right now, I wanted to do the best job I could to keep this high paying job to provide for my family. Maybe they chose me because I was an aura.... I would have to play it cool, and pretend I didn't know the price and I'd my best to not speak to him.

The string band stated to play louder and the guests all assembled in a circle.

"Akito, stand and find a dancing partner. All of the princesses are waiting to dance with you" she said, fanning herself slightly. All of the masked princesses batted eyes at him or fixed their hair, bit their lips, hoping they wold be chosen for the first dance.

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Old 03-06-2013, 06:22 AM

Even after asking for Nora's name in front of both my mother and father, it had seemed as though with their sensitive ears they were able to hear me call out to Nora's name, right in front of one of the maids. Unable to get a reply back from her, when my mother had shooed her away I couldn't help but watch as she left the thrones only to flick her tail towards me. I wasn't sure what it was, but something had told me for a fact that the maid that had just came up to the thrones to give my mother and father their sweets was no doubt Nora. Even though the thought of having to pick my future bride at this ball may had made my hopes go down deeply, just the fact that Nora was here made my own heart beat begin to pace a bit quicker then usual. A light unnoticeable blush had come across my cheeks as I kept my eyes directed onto her the entire time she made her way around to let the other guests grab the sweets from her tray.
Within minutes, when my mother had ended up telling me to pick a dance partner and the rest of the guests within the ballroom had began to form a circle to let myself and my choice of one of the princesses to pick to dance with. I had only taken a single look over toward my mother and father, both of them gave me stern glares as though if I hadn't chosen they were going to end up choosing for me and making me dance with the one they chose. A deep mental sigh had came through my mind as my eyes directed themselves over toward all the princesses that stood on the side of the room, watching as they all fixed up their dresses and hairs to make themselves look good. I slowly stood from my throne and made my way to edge where the stairs were. No matter how the princesses may had looked on me, I couldn't seem to remove my sight away from Nora. I hadn't made it obvious as I kept my head directed toward the princesses, but my own gaze toward Nora.
I couldn't simply just say that I didn't want any of the princesses, which was what I wanted. If I had said something like that only to end up calling for Nora, there was no clue how much trouble I would get her into. That was the last thing I wanted to happen. Rather, I rose a single hand up and pointed toward the middle female. She had worn a sky blue dress and her fur was a brownish orange color with multiple stripes on her. Watching as how the princess was chosen, she quickly rushed herself over toward the middle of the circle while I slowly made my way over toward her as well. 'I need to get a talk to her..' I mentally told myself only to end up hearing as how the music had began to come to a more steady pace. With one of my hands grasping onto the princess' while my other hand was placed onto her hip, I was given no other choice but to begin dancing with the girl. Knowing all too well that my mother and father were watching with bright smiles that I had chosen someone.

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Old 03-06-2013, 01:11 PM

The sweets eventually disappeared from my tray and the room fell silent, the lights were dimmed and I simply watched as he took the first lucky fur to the floor to dance. She was giddy, but held her composure. What must it be like... to have anything you ever wanted and the wave of a paw? To not have to worry about food, or if your mother would be alive the next morning because you ran out of medicine? To have clothes that actually fit the children? My mind raced with dreams to being royal. My tray was empty and I still held it. A Princess snapped her pads at me.

"Yo, slave, you need to refill your tray. Get your heads out of the clouds and serve us, wench." She said; she was a lion and her ferocity suited her breed. I shook my head and bowed to her, and a few others who were glaring at me to back her up.
"My apologies, I will fetch more." I said walking past them hurriedly to the tables on the sides. I fought back my tears; I had never been so harshly spoken to. I shook it off and reloaded my tray and headed back into the crowd, on the opposite side.

"He looks so handsome tonight. I hope he finds a lovely suitor." The queen stated as she looked on, watching her son dance with the Tiger breed female. She folded her paws in her lap and watched on; even a few of the maids were mesmerized by the dance; she smiled with pleasure.

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Old 03-07-2013, 12:23 AM

After placing my hands in the correct positions, I had remained standing in front of the tiger bred princess as I noticed her smile toward me. I had only give a slight strained smile to return to her only to hide the fact that I wasn't enjoying the fact that I was having no other choice but to dance with the girl. With the lights dimming down slowly, I hadn't moved my head an inch. Soon enough the music had began to play once more, this time much slower and more softer then it was when the ball had first began. Stepping side to side as I danced with the princess, I kept my eyes darting over toward where Nora was. She was also watching me dance with this girl as well, the thoughts she must've had within her mind were only things I could imagine. How she felt about me dancing with this princess and being unable to find her father like I had promised, made me think that she was angered with me.
For a moment, as I continued to dance with the princess the other guests had gone with their partners as well and began to slow dance around me. With the best of my ability, I had tried to avoid eye contact with Nora, I didn't want to know that she was angry with me for not being able to do what I swore I would. However, even as I had tried when one of the voices from another female had caught my attention only to end up hearing her call out to someone as 'slave', my ears immediately twitched lightly. Glancing over toward the direction I had heard the word 'slave' come from, in the end it just had to be one of the princess. At first, it was only something minor that had caught my attention but when I had heard Nora's voice speak up in apology. I couldn't help myself but to come to a stop in the middle of the dance. The princess I danced with had looked at me with confusion in her eyes as she tried to speak to me and ask what was wrong. I refused to speak as I made my way pass her and toward the princess who spoke up in such a foul language. "Excuse me..miss, would you please repeat what you had just called this maid?" My voice stern and obviously showing a bit of annoyance within it. The other guests had continued their dance as well as the music continuing to be played due to my voice not being raised nor had I done such a thing to make a large scene just yet.

The king who watched his son dance with one of the princesses smiled with much pleasure upon his lips. He was indeed satisfied with what he had saw, at this rate there was no doubt in fact that his son was going to end up picking either this girl, if not one of the other princesses to become the new future queen of the kingdom. As he heard from his wife that their son was looking handsome this night, the king had slowly placed his hand upon her own before nodding in agreement. "Yes, my dearest. I am sure he will end up choosing one that is best for him and the kingdom itself. It does bring back memories, does it not?" He spoke with a warm smile on his lips as he soon noticed as how their son had come to an immediate stop, only to march up toward one of the other princesses. The king's smile soon vanishing into a more curious frown as he raised a single eyebrow. " he doing..?"

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Old 03-07-2013, 01:13 AM

I eyed the Prince as he staned but then suddenly came to a stop. Luckily I had slipped away before he went to talk to the Lion Princess. I had hoped he would not point me out in such a scene... I may get in trouble for not paying attention to my tray. I sighed as My try fell empty once again and I went to the table off to the side to refill, slowly. I kept my head low and I staye din the shadows of the side of the room, alone, refilling my tray slowly.

The Tiger princess saw Akitos ears twitch and was obviously distracted. "Is something the matter, Prince?" She asked, only to have him silently walk off; if the floor wasn't marble, Im sure we would have heard stomping.
The Lion princess was brought back, she stepped back being approached by the Prince himself. She coughed.
"Sir, Prince, I called her a slave and wench, because thats what they are." She said matter-of-factly. The princesses that backed her up before were now backing off completely. They avoided the situation completely.

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Old 03-07-2013, 02:05 AM

After walking up to the Lion bred princess, I was completely unaware about Nora leaving the area to go refill her tray of sweets. My attention had been too focused upon the disrespect of the female princess who stood before me. She was yet another one of my choices between all the girls who were here at the ball for me to pick from. Even after asking her what she had decided to call one of the maids just so happening to be Nora. After she had stated the fact that she had indeed called her a slave but yet as well a wrench, my fur began to stand lightly. Simply hearing the girl call one of my maids as such a name had caused my anger to rise slightly. "You have some dare call N-..." Right before I could speak up Nora's name in front of the lion princess, the feeling of someone's hand upon my shoulder caught me off guard. Swinging my head right over my shoulder, only to see that it was my father who came down with a stern look on his face. It was only thanks to my father coming over that my temper had slightly gone down, my breathing slowly beginning to steady itself and the fur on my body lowering themselves as well. Turning my back onto the princess, I only gave her one last glare. " are a complete mockery for the name of 'princess'. You such title." I stated before marching away back toward my throne, with my father's hand on my back. He hadn't heard the words that the princess had called one of the maids, so watching as how his son had reacted in such a way brought much disappointment to him.

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Old 03-07-2013, 02:19 AM

I walked with my tray back into the crowd of princesses and the Lion princess stared at me as I walked past her; I didn't even realize I was walking towards her after the Prince had walked off.

"You'll pay for that, Maid." She said and made her way out of the ballroom. I furrowed my brow, not even knowing what I did to anger her except my tray going empty. I walked amongst the crowd.

The queen stared at Akito as he took his seat. "What happened out there, Akito? You looked so calm then all of a sudden your fur was standing up. Thats not like you." She said with concern.
The Tiger princess he danced with walked up to the bottom of the steps of his throne, she went on one knee and lowered her head.
"I sincerely thank you for the waltz, Sir Prince." Her voice shook, on the brink of crying, she had gathered her courage to speak with him and say her thanks.

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Old 03-07-2013, 03:44 AM

Even after sitting at my throne and knowing all too well that my father and mother weren't too happy with my actions toward one of the princess guests. I did not mind how they felt about what I had done, there was no chance I was simply going to stand by and listen as to how Nora was treated like that by someone as ignorant as a royal princess. Hearing my mother speak up as she asked me what had happened, I lowered my head down from all the guests and sighed quietly to myself. "Mother..father..these princesses. They have no respect, no discipline. I can't stand listening to their mouths and simply just stand there." I explained before both my ears perked up at the voice of yet another female at the end of my throne speaking up. It was the same girl I had just recently danced with, she had thanked me for the dance and easily listening to her voice, she was sounding as though she was about to burst into tears.
Shaking my head lightly, I stared down at the girl with my own expression changing from it's once annoyed look back to it's usual calm and collected expression. "There is no need to thank me..It was magnificent, now be on your way back to the crowd." I spoke before slowly returning my attention toward Nora, biting onto my bottom lip I stood back up to my feet and slowly returned down the to the crowd. My father on the other hand had ended up stomping his foot into the ground for a moment to catch my attention and stop me before I had stepped into the large crowd of guests. "Where do you think you are going, Akito..? To start more trouble, I presume?" He stated as I stayed silent and still unmoving from where I stood. Within another moment or so, I had stepped right into the crowd without another word toward either my mother or father. I had to speak with Nora, no matter what the cost was at this point.


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