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Shania583 is offline
Old 06-03-2012, 08:52 PM

Kitty woke up late, as usual; she had barely remembered what had gone on last night. What she had remembered was that the dinner was amazing and that there was quiet a few people already there. She also remembered putting her horse Mizzy in the stables, and then heading back to her room to go to bed. She sat up and stretched her arms out and wondered what time it could possibly be. She slipped her feet onto the ground and stood up; she quickly crossed the floor and opened one set of curtains that blocked the light out of her room. She gasped slightly seeing how far the sun had risen into the sky and turned quickly and headed into the attached washroom.

Once in the washroom Kitty quickly stripped, got the water ready and washed up. She quickly washed her hair, body, and face before drying off and letting the water go. She then rushed back into her room and sat down as the vanity mirror and quickly brushed her hair out styling her hair like she did everyday and tying and red ribbon in her hair to match her dress. She went over to her trunk and pulled out her red dress, all of her dresses looked the same the only difference was the colour of them. She quickly slipped it on and a pair of red flats to match. Heading back into the washroom she brushed her teeth and tidied the small mess.

Kitty decided that she was ready for the day and headed back into her room once again and made her bed, she was a bit slower now that she was ready and knew that she could probably make it out of her room at a reasonable time now. Once done making her bed she picked up her black dress that she left on the floor and put it over the end of her bed so that she could clean it later. She closed her trunk and headed for the door, once she reached it she realized she had for gotten the lock that she was supposed to be wearing around her neck and moved back to the vanity table and picked it up tying it around her neck and sighed. The least she could do was wear the stupid thing, it completely contrasted with her pale skin tone and the shade of her red dress, black hair, and amber eyes. So to her it just stuck out like a sore thumb around her neck. She headed back to her door and left the room.

Heading down the hall way back towards the stairs and listened to hear if anyone else was awake, Kitty heard a few voices but couldn’t really tell how many people were actually awake or if any more had arrived. She was just at the stairs when she realized that Mizzy would be hungry by now and that she would have to hurry to get out to the stables before Mizzy got too hungry, that would just mean that Mizzy would be in a bad mood all day and she wasn’t ready for that if she wanted to go explore for the rest of the day.

Kitty began running down the stairs making sure not to trip and fall and rounded the corner into the kitchen saying “Morning”, she looked up to she how many people had actually shown up and were up in the kitchen already. She looked slightly shocked and stopped dead in her tracks. She smiled slightly and looked around the kitchen and saw the basket or apples and smiled, she walked quickly over to the basket and picked up four apples saying “Nice to see you all, sorry I couldn’t stick around very long, but I have a horse to go feed.” She turned towards the door and quickly made her way over to it and said “Hope to see all of you later”, she waved with her free hand and left out the door.

Once away from the door Kitty sighed thinking about how many people had actually shown up for this event. There had to be many kingdoms here in this one building and all of them were looking for another to marry. She made her way quickly over to the stable opening the door and walked in. She headed to the back of the stables and ducked into the last one on the right. She smiled saying “Morning Mizzy, sorry about being late. I brought you apples.” She held an apple up to the Mizzy and she sniffed at it before eating it quickly. She laughed softly then said “That good, at least you’ll eat something.”

Kitty turned and put the rest of the apples in a satchel that was on a hook in the stale and went to go get some water and the brushes. She returned soon and put the water down and grabbed another apple, giving it to Mizzy. She then set to work on brushing Mizzy’s coat to make sure that she was well taken after. After awhile she started talking to Mizzy’ again, “So, a lot of people have shown up for this event.” She looked up at Mizzy nudging the satchel and laughed and grabbed another apple and gave it to her. She then continued saying “I really hope that I don’t get suck in the building for too long though and I promise that I will be out her every morning with apples for you.” She smiled hearing Mizzy whinny slightly then went back to brushing her.

Kitty decided that she would spend most of the morning out in the stables so that she could make sure that Mizzy was well taken care of and that everything that had to be done for her was done before she headed in. She had also left the last apple in the satchel for if she got hungry while she was working. Kitty looked around at the other stales and saw that there were a few other horses and smiled saying “I guess you won’t get lonely though when I leave. It looks like there are a few other horse here to keep you company after all.” She laughed slightly and continued to work. To her this whole trip was just time for her to relax she wasn’t going to go looking for the key that matched her lock she was just going to wait the whole thing out. Hey it was time off of all her royal duties back home and she liked it.

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-10-2012, 04:05 PM

Alastair was sound asleep. Tangled in the blakets that were meant to cover his body hole. Ther was another blanket thrown over the windows to stop any light from getting in. Sleeping in was a rarity for him, and boy was he going to take it. The door to his room opened suddenly, though Alastair could not hear it. it was the slow moving footsteps that started to make him stir. Opening one eye slowly, he looked at the girl whom had entered his room. And after a but of questioning himself, Alastair's mind finally caught up to him. Here he was sleeping in his underwear, and a woman jus walked in. Did a man dare scream.

He leaned up, pulling the covers over his frame, and that was when he noticed how she was hold her hand out before her. Was this woman crazy or something? "What are you doing?!"Alastair asked the woman the moment his mouth caught up to his sleepy brain. "This is my room." His accent was second to none. This was a pure british man. With the room being so dark, he couldn't have noticed her white eyes. Plus her silhouette was kind of creepy with the light of the hallway.

Kilia is offline
Old 06-10-2012, 05:19 PM

Kaih had finally manage to find a piece of furniture which she had been trying hard to figure out what it was, though she squeaked in surprise when she heard a voice. She jumped back and ended up tripping over something, causing her to fall to the floor. "Wh-who is th-there?" she stuttered as she tried to get up off the floor, she didn't move much besides slowly sliding backwards to find a wall. Once she found one, she used it to help herself up once more, staying pinned to the wall. "I....I was just trying to get to know the layout of the place. I am sorry." she said to him, biting her lip for a minute as she turned her head to the side, trying to hear where he was at. "Please tell me where you are and about how far away you are." she said to him as she felt along the wall, he could have brushed her lack of sight off from being that the only light source was from the hall way and his room was dark.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-10-2012, 09:08 PM

Noticing that it took him a moment to form a response, a trickle of amusement lit her eyes. Had he been thinking? Ai felt a tad sorry for having interrupted if he had been, but then again, it was still somewhat early in the morning. It appeared some still hadn't even left their rooms, from as far as she could tell. Ai was still a bit tired and lagging this morning yet herself, she wondered if it were simply the same on his part.

Hearing his invitation, her polite smile would warm to take on a more friendly note. "I understand what you mean, reading was proving to be difficult as well," she spoke with a small laugh, glancing down at the book she had attempted to dive into this morning. Now, she'd gotten a bit of it read, but focusing with all of her thoughts in a scramble had truly thrown her off. "I'd love to join you," she then accepted his invitation, saying a small thank you to him as he opened the door to the music room for her.

Stepping inside, she took a moment to look about the room curiously as she waited for Sir Winters to step alongside her again. She hadn't payed much mind to it earlier, but wouldn't it be nice to use a bit later? Her smile brightened further as she noted the plentiful variety of instruments, from flutes to violins, and even a harp in one corner. I am definitely going to have to spend some time in here later in the day, she decided. As soon as she'd thought such, a tall, golden blonde-haired man stepped into the room from the entrance opposite to them. This was Sir Eveque, if she'd remembered right, and taken his sincere disinterest in speaking with anyone at dinner the previous day she hadn't taken much of a liking to the man. Still, she maintained civility. "Good morning!" she chimed, sending a grin in his direction.

Upon seeing the other two entering across the room from him, Jasper would merely look them over for a quiet moment. Recognizing that the duke was accompanying the lady, supposedly to breakfast, a sly grin spread over his lips. Making his move on one so early in the game? Tsk, tsk. Going to give them all a whirl before it's over? Thoughts aside, he spoke in a polite enough manner at first. "Good morning, Lady Myazaki, Sir Winters," he said plainly, utterly lacking in enthusiasm. He didn't care to speak to either of them as it were, as he hadn't cared to so much as welcome anyone to his family's castle the day prior.

In any case, he stiffly turned on his heel to make his way to one side of the room to sit amongst the woodwinds. Paper music in hand, he set it before him, but really payed it no mind as he picked up the nearest violin. Noting that he'd caught Ai's attention for the moment, he sent a wink her way before picking up the instrument and proceeding to play a few bars of his own music, flowing straight from his thoughts to his hand. His eyes left the two still in the room to rest upon the wood of the instrument he held as he continued to play softly. Only when the two were about to exit through the side from which he'd entered- assuming they still headed towards breakfast- did his gaze flicker up to catch Samuel's back. "Give her lock a try before getting attached, eh?" he called out, polite tone gone as his voice dripped with a poisonous honey-- sweet in tone yet harsh in meaning, "Don't want to dirty those hands of yours on something not worthwhile."

Ai would keep her composure about her, though her smile did fade a bit as she found the rudeness in the prince's words. It wasn't personal, at least not that she knew. That fool simply wished to be provided with a trophy wife. Any less wouldn't do, but any more willpower-wise wouldn't be tolerated by him either. What he should do is find himself a nice harlot from his own country instead of wishing obedience on other royalty. She didn't turn around to the face the man, instead keeping pace with Sir Winters, as she was far more concerned with befriending the more agreeable members of royalty than proceeding to relinquish trading partners by exchanging insults with the inhospitable.

Last edited by Arc Angel; 06-10-2012 at 09:18 PM..

MintyRey is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 07:06 AM

The raven haired young man bowed respectfully as Princess Ai walked past and closed the door behind him after he followed her in. Samuel had been through this room a few times already, stopping by to watch and listen whenever one of the other guests decided to play music to entertain themselves. The music room was well built and sounds were easily distributed within it. He himself had spent a few minutes whiling his time away with some of the instruments the day before, mainly the piano and the cello. He knew how to play them but he was by no means an expert. The duke also attempted playing the lute afterwards but stopped soon enough as he was just a beginner. The bagpipe, while fun for a moment, made quite a noise and deterred him from wanting to learn anything else about it for now. Dust barely collected on any of the musical equipment even though there were no servants to clean them because quite a few of the castle's current residents used them frequently.

But now was not the time to reflect upon music. He had just moved away from the door to rejoin the lovely lady when he saw someone come through the other door. Samuel was rather surprised to discover that it was none other than his old friend Jasper. If he could still consider him a friend, that is. "Good morning as well, Sir Eveque." he replied. Deciding it was best to be on their way, he continued to walk to the other door. Samuel believed from past experience that nothing sociable would come from the Prince of Mirarenn. Not anymore at least. However, the noble stopped merely a few steps later after realizing that the golden eyed man was not heading for the alternate exit. Instead, he took to an area of the room and reached for one of the stringed instruments. Samuel could only roll his eyes at the uncharacteristic flirtation Jasper directed towards Lady Myazaki. But once the music started, the chilly disposition he had built against the haughty one seemed to melt, if only a little.

The sound of the violin when Jasper played was nostalgic. His skill with it was extraordinary and Samuel often asked him for help during music lessons. He would ask Zamir too, as the duke was the least musically adept of the three. But Zamir's tutoring only turned into drum banging, cymbal clashing, and triangle dinging ruckus sessions so Samuel relied more on Jasper. In exchange, he would teach the others how to hunt. Particularly with a rifle. Samuel managed to sneak out his uncle's hunting rifle once when he was about ten and had tried to educate both Eveque and Phoenix on its proper use. Due to an unfortunate accident involving a statue and a viceroy's dog, they vowed never to speak of that day again. But they continued to practice with toy rifles and other hunting weapons until they were old enough to handle gunpowder without accidentally blasting someone's head off. That was when they were just boys, when they could still easily laugh with each other and get into all sorts of trouble.

Looking to the prince, though his face was still the same and his aptitude with the violin was as impressive as always, Samuel was only reminded of the bitter divide that grew between them. Zamir was the only one who was still on friendly terms with the both of them, a feat he accomplished through sheer stubbornness alone. Deciding to leave instead of dwelling on the past, the silver eyed male headed for the door towards the kitchen. "Thank you for letting us listen to your music, Prince, but I'm afraid we need to eat. Shall we be off, M'lady?"

Of course, Jasper would not be Jasper if he didn't put in at least one acerbic remark. "I doubt anyone here could be considered 'not worthwhile'. However, if you mean for me to judge people on who I could expect to hold a decent conversation with, then I'm sure you would count as not worth my while. And it is too late for me to merely test out her lock, I am already attached to her!" Not looking back, the duke waited for the princess to move on through the door before he did. Samuel wasn't sure exactly what babble he had just blurted out, but his hungry stomach would not allow him to properly reflect on it. Plus, he was already getting a little pounding in his head from having to deal with Jasper so early in the morning. "My apologies, Princess Ai. I'm sure he meant nothing by it." An obvious lie, but he could still dream.

Last edited by MintyRey; 06-11-2012 at 07:17 AM..

"They call me.. MISTER Pig."
April is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 03:25 PM

No sooner had Zamir finished his sentence when a familiar throat-clearing sound drew his eyes back to the kitchen entrance. It was unmistakably that person's, but it couldn't possibly.. Ah. That voice confirms it.

"Good morning.. Shiriki.." he hesitantly greeted the only man he felt any hostility for, if only a little, and without reason that made any sense to the young Emperor. He knew how rude he was being, speaking to fellow royalty without typical niceties or honorifics, but this was somewhat of a special case. It was very unlike Zamir to dislike anyone, really, considering one of his own closest friends is practically the epitome of a "conceited, arrogant snob". Well.. anyone who didn't know Jasper since childhood would say that about him now, he supposed.

Upon meeting the eyes of the woman who stood beside the Grayveth Prince, however, his tone of thought immediately softened. A smile crept onto his face at seeing hers again, despite her current company. Their meeting was cut short the last time they saw each other, but by then he had already developed a fondness for the lovely Crown Princess of Jemtia. He was unsure whether or not it was, dare he think, "love".. But he definitely liked her well enough. Excusing himself from Daniel, Scarlett and Nathanial he made his way to where she stood.

"Lady Nerine," he said, holding out a hand to take hers. He kissed it gently, the same as when they first met, and attempted to lead her away from the door. "It's a pleasure to finally see you again."

Kilia is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 06:09 PM

Shiriki looked around the room, sighing as his eyes land on Zamir, of course the male had a pissed look on his face and he had not a clue as to what he had done to him to get him so pissed off. He looked at the shorter male as he thought about something, a smile sliding on his face as he decided to give the male plenty of reasons to be pissed at him. "Well if it isn't little Empress Zamira, you filled out quiet nicely." he said to the male as he smiled, as he pulled the blue eyed male away from Nerine, pulling him into a hug, he was teasing the male but for those that did not truly know him would have just thought of him as a big flirt. He put his hands on Zamir's chest and started to squeeze it as if he was a female, a grin was on his face as he burstted out laughing at the face that Zamir had. "Careful Zamira, i might just take you to my room if you keep looking like that." he whispered into the male's ear, hinting at possibly doing something more with him that was not proper to talk about outside of the bedroom, but it seemed as if Shiriki did not mind one bit about what he was saying as he nipped Zamir's ear before letting him go. He then put his hand on Nerine's lower back and stirred her over to a free chair as he got her and himself something to eat.

Last edited by Kilia; 06-11-2012 at 06:26 PM..

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 09:08 PM

Nerine followed Shiriki into the kitchen. To her surprise, it seemed to be occupied by quite a few of the royals. It was around breakfast time, however, so it was to be expected. She did recognize a few of them, but not all. She smiled lightly and nodded at them all. "Good morning." She said before she had to move a little along with Shiriki, due to someone wanting to get in. She nodded at the female as she moved back outside. Must have had some other plans.

To her surprise, Emperor Zamir was the first to speak up, and it wasn't a very kind greeting he gave to her companion. She hadn't evn realized how close Shiriki was. Oblivious to those things sometimes. Or maybe she just didn't care. As he came closer, she smiled up at him, giving her hand to him. A small nod, to replace a curtsy was returned to him. "It has been a while, hasn't it?" she asked, moving a little with him. They had talked briefly at a market once. When she'd escaped her guards for the moment. It had been nice, just chatting without the worry of being told to behave like their titles. Unfortunately, she'd been found out and forced to head back home.

Not a moment later, to her amazement and slight shock, Shiriki spoke up. Something about Empress Zamira... She felt her hand slip from the emperors. Due to Shiriki pulling the emperor into a hug, and insulting him! This wouldn't bode well. Even if it was Shiriki's own way of teasing... It was in front of an audience.

The Jemtia princess almost groaned at the display, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She had no clue how to really react. She was shocked, but she was also amused. Feeling herself being forced to move to the table, she blinked at Shiriki in surprise, looking back at Zamir. She felt bad, of course, but his expression almost seemed, well.. Shiriki will have to watch himself. "Ah, you-- My room is next to yours, so watch it." She muttered, raising an eyebrow at Shiriki as she returned her attention to him for the moment.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 03:39 AM

((sorry that my post is kind of lame.))

The kitchen was getting rather crowded and it seemed that a few of the others were breaking off into groups. Nathanial really wasn’t sure where to start, but of course he was still about half asleep. If it hadn’t been for the fact that he was so hungry he would still be in bed. The crown prince had noticed a woman that has been in a hurry to get something to feed her horse. Maybe following her was a good idea. It would at least give him a chance to finish waking up. The blue hair prince made his way over to where some of the fruits and vegetables were kept. He picked out a few apples and carrots. After getting what he needed to feed his two horses and have a small breakfast himself he looked for a basket to carry the items in. Spotting one on the other counter he went over and placed the items on it. “I have horses to attend to. I hope to see you all later.” The crown prince gave a sweeping bow with basket in hand before exiting the room.

Nathanial made his way toward the stables. Movement across the field caught his eye. It seemed that one of the others had decided to go out early to practice. Watching for a moment the movements seemed for vaguely familiar. If memory served him correctly the person out there alone would most likely be Princess Maiara from Iruna. He shook his head slightly, he was letting himself get distracted. It wasn’t long before he reached the stables. He entered the stable quietly. A smile appeared on his face when he heard the familiar whinny’s of Anselm and Tabea. He could hear the female who had left the kitchen earlier talking to her horse. “So I’m not the only one that does that,” he mused, not realizing he had said what he was thinking out loud

Last edited by blueblackrose; 06-18-2012 at 05:05 AM..

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 08:46 PM

The twinge of annoyance Jasper had caused Ai was swiftly filtered from her expression as Samuel spoke up again. She didn't know him well, but she still remembered how glad she was glad he had attended this event. They'd met formally under only one occasion, but since then she'd only caught glimpses of him at royal events that were held at the kingdoms between theirs. Still, she found him to be good company. Smiling warmly once more as she was given the means by which to leave, she would nod in agreement. "Yes, let's, I'm famished," she replied, casting what was meant to be a last glance over at Jasper after Samuel had thanked him. It was well-deserved, truly, with how wonderfully light his music had been as it rung softly through the room.

This was when the insults were dealt, one of her hands rising to rub the side of her neck in a troubled manner. She still meant to leave the room, but it seemed that the harsh words from Jasper had tweaked something in Samuel that they hadn't triggered in her. While she hadn't been interested in what the prince had had to say, she found the Duke's reaction far more enticing. So, brushing a strand of her to the side, she would glance back at him as he made his response. Of course he argued against the words as she had expected of him, but however noble of him it was to do so, it was what he said towards the end that actually lead to her great surprise. Eyes widening slightly as he claimed that he was already attached to her, she swiftly averted his gaze to assure that he wouldn't see her reaction. Feeling her cheeks warm in what she was sure was a light blush, she turned and let her gaze drift to the floor. What kind of reaction is this? I have to- She let out a breathy sigh and calmed herself, then looking over at Samuel once more. I have to keep my chin up and realize that he is merely responding out of spite. Right? Shaking her head a little at herself, her smile relit itself and she was lifted back into the mindset she'd been in as she had met him this morning.

Moving on through the door to exit the room and enter the hallway, she would wait there a moment for Samuel to exit the room before slowly beginning to walk once again. From the sound of it, not only were the two acquainted but they seemed to know each other quite well. Perhaps not in the best of ways, though. In any case, her thoughts gravitated from that subject to the prior. Attached, huh? The apology on Jasper's behalf dragged her from her thoughts, her gaze moving to rest on him again as she shook her head slowly. A grin slid up along her lips, her appreciative gaze a sign that she didn't believe the lie from his lips, however pleasant believing it would've been. "I know what he meant by it, but there's no need for you to be apologizing on his account, Sir Winters, " she assured him, then touching his shoulder briefly to show that she meant it before withdrawing her hand and smiling more warmly once again, "Besides, I'm not insulted. I do appreciate your concern, though." An almost playful flicker in her eyes as she regarded him, she let her gaze then drift on to look ahead of them. I wouldn't particularly mind being attached to him. In fact, if I could choose-- Feeling her cheeks begin to heat, she dismissed her thoughts again. That wasn't how this game worked, and even so, there were many here that she should try to get to know.

As they neared the den trance to the kitchen, Ai would cast a sideglance his direction and speak up once more before she was sure they'd reach the others. The voices of those inside were already easily audible from the hallway, but she wished to say at least one more thing to the duke while she had the chance. Their options to talk were rather limited outside of this palace after all, and even inside with all of the others and the variety of activities to try out. "I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised to see you here. It's nice being able to speak to you again," she spoke as she sent a smile in his direction, remembering the times she had seen him around but had been too preoccupied to really speak with him. "I wasn't sure I'd get the opportunity to get to know you," she then added as she slipped into the kitchen, moving aside for his entry as well, then pausing where she stood in surprise with the sight before her.

The sight of the men standing so closely, even hugging, was somewhat strange to walk into th kitchen to see. What was more, it seemed that Prince Shiriki was groping the Emperor Zamir as if he were a lady. Even if he weren't a lady, it was enough to cause the young lady's eyes to widen slightly. Clearly surprised, she then relaxed after a moment and let off a soft laugh, "Well, it appears you two are getting along swimmingly..." she spoke up, smiling amusedly before moving to think up some kind of food to suffice for breakfast.

Jasper on the other hand, had set the instrument carefully beside him while his old friend Samuel replied. Then smiling slyly, he shrugged lightly, bow in hand. He had no time for a verbal reply, but his eyes followed after the two until they'd disappeared from his sight. That sly dog. Sighing, he ran his free hand up through his unruly hair and slouched against the back of his chair. So this is how far we've come, Samuel? Bfore his memories bubbled up from the depths of his mind he shoved them back with a great force and picked up the beautifully-carved violin once more. He hadn't time for such folly as nostalgia-- he had to practice.

Halloween hangout + contests!

Shania583 is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 10:02 PM

{Sorry about the short post :/}

Kitty had continued to brush Mizzy’s mane out and had started to munch on the left over apple. She had been standing behind Mizzy when she had heard a few of the other horses whinnying and looked over towards them from behind Mizzy’s neck. She had not really seen the other person who had entered the stables yet, and returned to brushing Mizzy. Hearing the other person’s speaking she dropped the apple in her hand in shock, realizing that they had heard her talking to her horse. She was glad about what was said though, knowing that it could have been worse. She sighed and bent over picking up her apple and put the brush down stepping out of the stale to throw the apple away.

Looking back towards the person who had walked in Kitty said “If you mean talking to a horse” she paused “Then no, you’re not”, she smiled slightly and then threw her apple out. She then turned and took Mizzy’s bridle off the hook outside the stale and then stepped into and started adjusting it onto Mizzy. She looked over her shoulder at the man then said “I don’t think that I’ve introduced myself properly yet”. She finished off with the bridle and then stepped out off the stale once again and walked towards him and said “I am Princess Kitty Tempas of Primidion, nice to meet you” she smiled and curtsies to the man and then stood up straight. She recognized the man from when she was in the kitchen earlier and continued to smile.

"They call me.. MISTER Pig."
April is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 07:39 AM

Shocked was hardly the word one would use to describe how Zamir was feeling right now. To be more precise, he was downright HORRIFIED.

Of all the innumerable embarrassing things he has ever been through in life.. including, but not limited to, his four-year-old self being dressed up in a maid outfit.. This by far takes the cake. Why, you ask?

Because he was a grown-up, dammit! And, when people are grown-ups, situations of this nature just SHOULD. NOT. HAPPEN.

Especially not to him. HIM! Zamir Rene Diyamente Oura Phoenix, future High Emperor of Linaeve, the Seafaring Country bordering south of Mirarenn. Only son of Lerato Massimo Gagan Phoenix the Fourth and the late Aletta Ziarre Phoenix née Adamas. For the record he's also the step-son of Eithne Myrtle Phoenix née Phyre and older half-brother of Jenna Vesta Phoenix.

Yet here it had transpired, brought about by this.. this BEAST in the form of a Prince. The worst part is.. This was the very same Prince who tried to kiss him ten years ago, one summer evening during Grayveth's Harvest Festival. Zamir doubted very much that the insufferable Shiriki remembered, nay, realized that the "new kid" he thought was female actually was not. In retrospect the Emperor could not deny that he did look very much like a girl back then, having kept his hair long in memory after his mother's passing. Needless to say, after that incident, he never again let it grow more than an inch past his shoulders.

Back to the matter at hand.. The blue-haired Emperor was seeing red. His pride and dignity had been insulted-- in front of a crowd, no less. To top it all off, his ear had been NIBBLED. NIBBLED!

He could just kill a man.

And, as if on cue, Samuel and an unfamiliar female walked right through the door. Appearances be damned at this point. Zamir was raging and he needed to take it out on someone he knew could take it. Even though it was the Grayveth Prince's fault.

"Kakugoshiiya!" he yelled in his kingdom's ancient native tongue, stretching his right arm straight out and running full-speed at the unsuspecting Duke Winters. It was something like a warning none but his two childhood friends would know the meaning of since he used it on them a lot. The only one who could stop him strength-wise right now was probably Jasper, but, as he was nowhere around.. Well.

Sorry Sammy.

Last edited by April; 06-15-2012 at 01:28 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 03:47 PM

Shiriki chuckled at the girl as he gave her some breakfast before sitting down next to her to eat his own, he thought for a few minutes before he he decided to speak he looked at the girl who had came in with Winters. "Well miss, we all just getting along swimmingly. Right Zamira?!" he called to the male prince, not surprised that he had went and hauled off on some one. He couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Zamir and his reaction, he then looked at Nerine, a grin on his face as he ate some of his food. "No worries, Nerine. It is all fun and games, if they take it seriously then it is on them, if not then they have a sense of humor." he said to her as he chuckled, waving it all off as if it was not a big deal, of course he did not remember the prince and he was just truly doing it because well, the male was already angry with him so he figured he would just piss him off even more though he did want to be friends with him but that was clearly shot out the window the second he set foot in the room. "Well now. Maybe we should all just have one large party, make a little love and such." he said to them as he laughed, having finished his food, he stood up and made his way over to the fridge to get him and Nerine something to drink.

MintyRey is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 09:38 PM

"I'm glad to hear it." Samuel said, managing to muster up a smile despite still being a little miffed at the blonde royal who chose to stay in the music room. He was glad the lady from Kyoku did not take Jasper's remarks too seriously. But still, the nerve of that guy! It's as if his attitude got worse and worse each year.

The youth had long since given up trying to figure out what the cause of his behavior was since he hadn't always been that way. A few times before, Samuel had tried asking Jasper directly. Unfortunately, his patience with his friend usually ran out before he could learn anything. This always left the duke with regret and frustration. Eventually he learned that it was better to just avoid Jasper as much as he could. It was an option more preferable than fighting, that's for sure.

Samuel decided that it wouldn't do him any good to dwell on such thoughts. Thankfully, he had Ai to distract him. In truth, her charming smile alone was enough to lift his spirits. When she lifted her bright brown eyes to him for a moment, he realized that it was the first time he had truly looked at her. Had she always been this lovely? Samuel could hardly remember what he first thought of her when they initially met in Kyoku. The light rosiness on her cheeks only helped to accentuate her soft lips. It was enough to make his heart skip a beat.

Upon the princess' comment on how she was glad to have spoken with him again, Samuel's thoughts were abruptly pulled back down to earth. "I was surprised as well...," was all he managed to say before they entered the kitchen. Of course, his short conversation with Ai was enough to keep him from noticing the voices coming from the kitchen until it was too late.

'That stupid war can't be!'

Alas, it was. Before the young man knew it, an outstretched arm knocked him back with the force of a bull. But instead of falling down, as was often the result of the purple-haired man's 'clothesline' move, Samuel found himself being lifted into the air. Now suspended above the brutish emperor's head, he was certain the idiot was going to throw him across the room.

"Lord Phoenix! I implore you, put me down at once!" he called out, his arms flailing wildly in an attempt to grab hold of his attacker, but to no avail. But he knew communicating with him while he was in one of his berserk states would be difficult. Of the three childhood friends, one could easily say that Zamir was the most passionate about things. Indeed, he put great zeal into whatever he set his heart to which at times was a little too much. The ease with which he could get so enthusiastic over a matter, good or bad, sometimes led to him working himself up into a frenzy. And things only ever turn out for the worst when he gets drunk.

Whatever the reason was this time for his ridiculous behavior, Samuel was having none of it. "Lord Phoe-gah! Zamir! I thought you said you weren't going to do things like this anymore!! What about your stupid 'vow of non-violence' that you made two years ago?!" Panic was now evident in Samuel's voice as he had been stuck in this embarrassing predicament for a few seconds now, and that was far too long. "Zamir! Zamir put me down now or so help me!! ZAMIR!!!"

Last edited by MintyRey; 06-13-2012 at 09:45 PM..

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 12:21 AM

Ai could merely watch as her companion was swept up and carried off. She was left shocked once more as the duke was taken by the emperor in his blind rage. Then blinking, dumbfounded, she rubbed the back of her head troubledly. Was that really okay? The two had seemed to be friends, so she supposed it must be just a bit of rough-housing. Having two younger, adolescent brothers, she saw similar behavior on a daily basis. However, she couldn't help but wonder if the emperor had truly been upset. Did that mean Sir Winters was in trouble? Or, rather...

Turning her gaze to the man who'd been caressing the emperor in such a sensual manner, the answer came to her. So they must not have been getting along as well as I had thought. Turning her head from him as she took a few steps to watch as the two men entered the hall, a small, apologetic smile would come to her face. It couldn't be helped. Oe was upset and as his friend, the duke was burdened with helping the rampaging man. Now feeling that she understood, she relaxed a little and went back to finding breakfast with a grin. She procured a peach from a small bowl upon the counter, taking a bite as she thought of what should accompany it. Typically, in Kyoku, one would take a small breakfast before a larger lunch. However, the morning was also a time that specialty drinks were served to help one wake up. The question was what to drink, when she believed the castle wouldn't be stocked with what she considered proper for the early morning.

Crossing her arms as she leaned upon the counter in thought, she felt a small bag that she had kept in her kimono. Eyes widening, she withdrew the small pouch and smiled. Thank heavens! From the bag she took out a packet of tea, which she set on while she took out a cup for herself. Meanwhile, she heard Sir Winters yelling from down the hall and frowned slightly. He'll be alright, right? Her thoughts drifted back to her brothers, whom she remembered fondly. There had been many times where one or both had been hurt due to stunts like what the emperor had pulled, but they had never severely injured. They love each other too much to let the other get truly hurt, after all. Friends were the same right?

"Damn fools," Jasper whispered as he heard the all-too-familiar battle cry sound from the kitchen. Just what could have happened? Had the emperor been insulted? Injured? Had someone touched his hair? No one better have dressed him in the adorable maid's outfit againwithout his help. Involuntarily, a short laugh, a truly warm one, lifted from his lips. He had gone through quite a lot with that Lord Pheonix. Now that his screams pricked his hears, he supposed he could say the same for Sir Winters. Though, most of his friendship with that latter had happened before the end of adolescence. It was only now, years later, that Jasper actually realized the true transformation of his attitude that the drastic changes back then had caused. He was once a sweet kid, considered by all to be in the exact image of his mother. Of course, that was a long time ago. His father had long since fixed that comparison.

Upon hearing the flurry of footsteps and screaming once more, Jasper would sigh and set the violin on the bench beside him. Then standing and jogging to the doorway of the music room, he would open the door and look out just as the two came his way. At this, he would close the door and ready himself best he could for them to near. Knees bent, upper body leaned forward slightly, he would wait quietly. Once they were a couple of yards away, he dove straight forward full-force. "Zamir, stop this nonsense!" he yelled over Samuel, arms wrapping firmly around Zamir's waist as the three of them began to tip backwards. Naturally, the human totem pole could only fall further back.

Last edited by Arc Angel; 06-14-2012 at 12:26 AM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 02:04 AM

"I uh-" Alastair said quickly, Working his way to getting up. His legs got tangled up within the blankets. Forcing the prince of england to fall out of his bed and onto the floor with a crash. He groaned a bit, Kicking his legs from the demonic sheets that strapped his legs together. Finally getting his way out, he opened his dresser, pulling on a pair of pants. Pants at least. The girl had hopefully had not scene his nude form running to the other side of the room. He looked over towards the girl, she was against the wall.

Her question brought a bit of question to Alalstair. He had only been asked that sort of question one other time in his life. And that was durning a similar situation. One of the maid's blind daughter's walked into his room. And asked him the same thing. Suddenly the red in his cheeks went away. "I'm on the other side of the room. Give me a second." He reached towards the blanket hanging from the window and pulled it off. Becoming blind from the light. He then pulled a plain white button up shirt over his chest. With dark brown pants, it was a very simple look for a prince. He walked back over towards the blind girl.

"I'm sorry I scared you." Alastair apologized. In the back of his mind he could not believe another kingdom kept their blind child. As bad as it sounded, it was well known for kings and queens to send away their.. non perfect children. Or maybe that was just Europe... or England..

"My name is Alastair." He introduced simply. Taking her hand from the wall and giving it a small kiss over her knuckles. "Would you like me to help you downstairs?"

Kilia is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 02:28 AM

Kiah turnned her head as she heard a crashing sound of a body connecting with the floor, she got worried and moved away from the wall a little bit, planning to go towards the sound but thought better of it. She sighed in relief when she was finally told where he was at, pulling away from the wall as she calasped her hands in front of her a smile on her face. "No need to apologize, after all it was my ow fualt for comming into your room." she said to him in her soft voice, feeling him taking the hand that she had put back on the wall off to kiss it. She could only stare blankly ahead as she smiled, tilting her head to the side slightly as he hair fell across her shoulder once more. "It is very nice to met you, Alastair. My name is Kaih." she said to him, having a firm hold on his hand though it was on ladylike considering they are suppose to have a soft touch. "Thank you for the offer, but you see i was exploring this place, trying to commit the layout to memory." she said to him as she let his hand go, putting it back on the wall as she went to make her way out of the room. "Oh i hope you are alright from your fall." she said to him as she turnned her head back towards the direction she thought him to be in, clearly was worried about the nasty spill he had took while getting up.

"They call me.. MISTER Pig."
April is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 01:25 PM

Zamir was beside himself. Samuel's cries for him to cease and desist did not even register in his mind, despite the fact that the younger man's terrified face was right in front of his own. The punk who dared dredge up the moniker "Empress Zamira" was sitting right there like a perfect target, and this light-weight short-stack Winters would be his tool for vengeance. His easily-manageable frame only served to keep the lunatic Emperor from further discerning he was not a sack of potatoes to throw.

The blue-haired man had barely turned around, however, before the sound of yet another familiar voice invaded his ears. It was his other childhood friend, Jasper, the Prince of Mirarenn.
'What was this fussy guy doing here?' Zamir obscuredly thought. He had always assumed the heir to Lelair-land would rather choose a wife on his own, instead of relying on the chance of a matching lock and key. Besides, Jasper always said he would never come to such an event-- what with how limited his selection would be.

As if commanding him to stop wasn't enough, good old Jasper saw it fit to remind Zamir that he wasn't the only one strong enough to lift things or people with ease. Granted, and thanks to his parents being even fussier than Jasper when it came to decorating, Zamir was strong enough to lift stone statues twice his one-hundred-and-fifty-nine-pound weight. Because of that, the unnatural feeling of his feet losing contact with the ground without his express permission as he and Samuel were lifted up was enough to snap him out of his berserk state almost instantly.

"Jasper..? What--!?" he exclaimed in surprise, confusedly looking down and then over his shoulder at the source of the uncomfortable sensation of a man gripping his waist. It was almost as if he'd forgotten what transpired only a few minutes ago-- some kind of defense mechanism he perfected as a child for situations and memories that needed to stay banned from his mind. Looking up, he was even more bewildered. "What the hell, Sam?"

Lamentably this three-man tower was just too precarious to last long. And so, as probably all involved started to suspect, the "pillar of friendship" began to wobble and sway.

In spite of their inevitable crashing under way.. Zamir could not help the happy grin that stretched across his handsome face.

Last edited by April; 06-15-2012 at 01:27 PM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 03:19 AM

"It is nice to meet you lady Kaih." Alastair replied back to the lovely lady. Smiling slightly even though she would not be able to see it. "You did not know it was my room. So no worries. We are at the end of the hall here." Alastair informed her. Unsure if she knew. He had to wonder if it were difficult to remember the layouts of castles. At least by sound and touch. Seeing made it very easy. Though Alastair was positive if he were blind folded, he would be very useless. There was screaming coming from downstairs. But nothing the prince could understand. Bringing his hands up to his eyes, he began to rub them. Mainly his behind and back hurt the most though. "I'm am fine. No need to worry..." He paused, remembering her mentioning she needed to commit the rest of the castle to memory. Placing his hand on her mid back, he slowly led her towards the door.

"If you walk about twenty five paces or so, the stairs will be on your right." Alastair told her. "Are you sure you don't wish for help??" He asked once more. Making sure.

Kilia is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 05:28 AM

Kaih smiled, as she listened to him, having pulled her hair over her shoulder to and quickly braided it, pulling the tail up and pulling it through a loop so that it would not be dragging on the ground as she moved about, not wanting others to step on it. She jerked when she heard the screams, getting a worried look on her face as she turned her head towards the sound. "What was that?" she said, talking about the screaming that had happen, she blushed slight as she felt his hand on her back, not letting go of the wall as she walked with him, her hand then hit the doorway which she grabbed firmly. "Thank you, you are rather helpful, though i can make it on my own." she said to him as she smiled once more, reaching her other hand out to grabbed the other side of the door frame, heading in the opposite direction from the way she had come into the room.

MintyRey is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 04:10 AM

Samuel was still unable to do much about his humiliating situation save for continuing his efforts of wriggling out of Zamir's grasp. Even so, it was hard to figure out how when you're on your back and suspended above someone's head. Then he saw a flash of yellow approach his assailant and immediately guessed what was going to happen. "Oh no." Now that Jasper had intervened, the duke unfortunately found himself elevated even more. The foundation that held him up stopped being a sturdy one at the same time. The teetering of the human spire grew more and more apparent. "No! Don't you dare think of falling! Put me down before you do so!! ZAMIR!!! JASPER!!!"

But it was no use. Gravity was calling and unfortunately Samuel would be the first to answer. With a painful thud, the young man's face made contact with the castle floor. Despite how excruciating the drop may have seemed, the only thing that hurt right now was his pride. Perhaps if he didn't land in such an awkward position he might have considered their bizarre fall humorous.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 06-18-2012, 05:41 AM

Nathanial watched the woman as she placed a bridle on her horse. He was still slightly smiling. He hadn’t meant to say his thoughts out loud, but at least it seemed that this woman hadn’t taken his comment as rude. “The pleasure is mine princess.” In return of her kind introduction he bowed to her. “I am Crown Prince Nathanial Klein of Tasnim.” As he was introducing himself Tabea nudged the basket he carried with her nose. The action made him glance at the mare and chuckle slightly. It seemed that he wasn’t the only one hungry. Taking a carrot from the basket he held it out for the black mare. Tabea happily nibbled on the carrot. “You seem to be good with horses,” he commented casually as he moved to sit his basket down.


While practicing movement across the field had caught Maiara’s attention. She stopped for a moment and looked to the sky. Was it really so late that the others would be moving about? A sigh escaped her lips as she considered whether or not to go get breakfast. Well if some of them are moving about then most of them should be done with breakfast by now so I should be able to avoid them and have at least one meal in peace. At least this is what she thought at the time. The young woman made her decision and gathered the few things she had taken with her. She made her way back to the castle.

Upon entering the castle she could hear yelling. What in the world is going on? Letting her curiosity get the better she followed the sound of the commotion. Turning the corner at the hall that led to the kitchen she couldn’t believe her eyes. There was a leaning tower of men before her? She stopped and stared, her head tilting to the side slightly as she tried to figure out what was going on. Maybe coming inside wasn’t such a good idea after all… As she watched the leaning tower fell, the man who was at the top face planting on the floor in front of her. After a moment she sat down her glaive and bag, kneeling by the man. "Umm, are you alright?"

MintyRey is offline
Old 06-19-2012, 10:20 PM

Samuel could barely register that there was someone talking to him, what with the concussion he was sure he had. Wriggling himself free from Zamir's hold, and the 'arch', the duke rolled over on his side to face the ceiling. He wasn't sure he wanted to get up for a while. "Unfortunately, no." Samuel replied to the woman with long, black hair. He raised a hand to his aching face. No doubt it was red, both from the fall and his embarrassment at what had just happened. His neck was sore too. "Ow." Was it a good thing to say he was used to such rough housing? With both his friends, he had gotten into many a painful situation. Even more so when they were younger. Such chances were fewer now since they each had their duties to attend to. That and he had been avoiding Jasper.

But he supposed he owed Jasper now. The man did just prevent him from getting flung like a brick. Would he tell him thanks outright? Definitely not! However, he would probably show his gratitude in a more passive way. Samuel decided he would attempt to ignore whatever snarky remark Jasper might dish out for the rest of the day. 'Attempt' was the key word here.
Samuel then looked over at the other two to discern their location. With the hand closest to that grape-head, the duke made to smack the guy in the middle of his face, assuming he was still there.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 06-20-2012, 09:49 PM

Despite Maiara’s tough exterior her expression became gentle as she stared down at the man. She somewhat recognized him, but all she could recall was that he was a duke. At least he was honest about having gotten hurt. She for one hated to admit when she was injured, but of course not everyone was like that. It was a wonder that the duke hadn’t broken his nose from such a fall. There was blood though and what looked like might be a cut above his one eyebrow, but that could just be a splotch of blood from the man’s bleeding nose.

The raven haired woman opened the bag she had placed beside her. It didn’t take her long to pull out a couple of small cloths, a few bandages and a small jar of slave. Hopefully one of the people in the kitchen would be kind enough to come out with a bowl or water and help out. Maiara really didn’t care if they did or not. She would take care of everything if needed. At first she hesitated as she reached out towards the duke’s face with one of the cloths. “It looks like you’re bleeding a bit.”

((I tried not to put in too many details of the injuries that your character has Minty. If you don’t like what I put I can edit my post))

MintyRey is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 08:34 PM

"Ah, really?!" Samuel asked, slightly alarmed that he was in such an unsightly form. Sure enough, when he checked his hand he saw it was slightly stained with blood. He hadn't realized his nose was bleeding until now, however he had already surmised he had a small wound somewhere above his right brow. Samuel immediately brought his sleeve across his nose to at least wipe away the blood that had streamed from it. Luckily it didn't continue to bleed afterwards. He was about to bring his fingers up to his temple to check if the area around the cut above his brow also needed cleaning when he noticed the lady next to him was already holding out a small cloth to him. "Oh! Erm...Thank you!" he said, allowing her to deal with his wound as, unlike him, she could actually see where it was.

While the duke kept himself as still as possible, his eyes fell upon the glaive that lay next to the bag. "I don't suppose you were also out sparring, were you?" he asked, remembering the interaction between Princess Razi and Duchess Merilyn.


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