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Old 04-06-2007, 04:23 AM

It was. . . Magic Knights Rayearth. XD I was at like. . . A Goodwill store, looking at their books, and I happened to stumble across three of the first volumes. So after checking them out, I bought them. That was what got me into manga, just about.
And the first anime. . . Sailormoon, of course.

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mangacatgirl is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 01:57 AM

My first anime was Minky Momo... back in the early 80s. I love the whole magical girl theme.

Raphael is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 10:05 PM

Manga - Paradise Kiss.
Damn, did I love it, too. xD <3

My first anime would probably have to be Tenchi Muyo, when I was 6, I went to Washington D.C and my mom took me to an anime store, and I bought the VHS of it. x3 Totally fell in love with it, too. xD

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Old 04-09-2007, 04:32 AM

Sailor moon was my earliest rememberance.

But when I finally could figure out what it was, it was when Fox Network aired the Escaflowne series. That is when I become hooked and discovered what is was all about.

My first manga- X Day.

Envy is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 08:49 AM

Shit um. Comic Party. xD

naruru is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 12:02 AM

First manga: Sailor Moon FTW <3
First anime: Grendaizor!! :o

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Old 04-10-2007, 05:32 PM

I grew up in Singapore, and anime was on the TV like regular shows, so I have no idea what was my *first* one. But the ones that really sucked me into be Otaku were Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing. I became a very huge Gundam fan for a while, could tell you the specs from so many different series. And then I slowly drifted over to Magical Girl animes/mangas, where I've for the most part been stuck for the last nine years or so...

Storm Dragoness
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Old 04-10-2007, 10:18 PM

The very first anime that I remember watching is either Pokemon, or FAngeli Layer. I am not exactly sure since it has been quite long and I distintly remember being bored and channel surfing. Until I saw Pokamon but during their commercials I would change channels and check back every ten channels. That how I ended yup watching Angelic Layer thou it was in chinese, so I really could understand what they were saying but I was kinda curious as to why their little toy dolls were moving. And no by the end of that episode I was very confused as to why that guy in the lab coat was helping Misaki then suddenly disappearing into thin air. (I don't remember his name.) xD

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mangacatgirl is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 10:24 PM

Originally Posted by Envy
Shit um. Comic Party. xD
Good anime... Not the best starter series since it has so many references to other series ^.^; You'd end up missing a lot of the jokes.

Starshine is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 11:06 PM

I guess the first anime I've ever encountered would be Dragon Ball Z, but I don't consider it as my first as I never really watched it, and had no interest in it, in fact I thought it was rather stupid XD

The series that got me into anime was Neon Genesis Evangelion, I started watching it because it was so weird, but really got into it. My first manga was Tokyo Babylon, a friend of mine kind of forced me to read it, and now I'm really glad I did, it was totally incredible.

Molotov21 is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 12:00 AM

The first anime I was introduced to was Pokemon or Sailor moon. However, I don't count those, because at the time of me watching them, I thought them to be nothing more than a cartoon.

The first anime I was introduced to after I was informed of the difference between an ordinary cartoon and an anime was Naruto. Love at first sight. xD

I originally started watching Naruto when it aired here, but then I started watching it on Youtube in Japanese, dubbed. I have to say, the Japanese version is better.

Kongouseki is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 12:12 AM

my first animes were Sailor Moon, Pokemon, and Tenchi. my first mangas were Tenchi and Magic Knight Rayearth.

khiro is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 12:14 AM

Very very first that I can remember would be Project A-ko~ The first I was really into was Sailor Moon and the series that started getting me into other series was Ranma 1/2

dragon bound
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:45 AM

My first anime was Voltron, but my first anime that I knew was an anime was Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z.

My first mangas were the ones originally in TokyoPop, way back when it was called MixxZine. Which were Sailor Moon, Magic Knights Ray Earth, Parasite and Blade. My first true Manga was Sailor Moon and Peach Girl.

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Old 04-11-2007, 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by Starshine
The series that got me into anime was Neon Genesis Evangelion, I started watching it because it was so weird, but really got into it.
Eva is the very series i ever felt the need to own... i was so addicted to Asuka...

Originally Posted by dragon bound
My first mangas were the ones originally in TokyoPop, way back when it was called MixxZine. Which were Sailor Moon, Magic Knights Ray Earth, Parasite and Blade. My first true Manga was Sailor Moon and Peach Girl.
i loved MixxZine. it is now so hard to find good MixxZine mangas (like Sailor Moon and Peach Girl) it's so sad...

Pink Colored Pencil
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:33 PM

most people who start waching anime start with either Inuyasha or Sailor moon I am happy to say i started with Sailor moon and then i saw Inuysha. When i first started watching Sailor moon i had no idea what anime was :lol: and now i love anime :D

boredomkills is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 01:44 AM

Pokemon! Though I might have watched Sailor Moon before I even knew it was from Japan. XD But the first series I watched knowing it was "anime" was CCS, followed by a whole lot of other CLAMP works.

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EmoKillerLol is offline
Old 04-12-2007, 01:55 AM

Inu Yasha was for me,i was channel searching and i found it on cartoon network xD

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Old 04-12-2007, 04:00 AM

  • Either pokemon or sailor moon.
    I have to credit sailor moon- it got me into drawing anime. Thanks. D:
    But that style developed into my current style due to annoying anime (naruto) fans. (:
    I got annoyed, and decided to try realism. And I like it. : D

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Old 04-12-2007, 04:52 AM

Socks ~ did you do the art in your sig?

Lachesia is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 04:42 AM

I grew up on Robotech. Way, way back when. However, I didn't get into anime until much later, when I saw Carcaptor Sakura. Took one look at Yue and realized "oh, dear, where can I see more of that?"

And it was history. XD

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Old 04-13-2007, 06:12 AM

Originally Posted by Lachesia
I grew up on Robotech.
there are not nearly enough robotech fans in the world. i swear we all must have been fans early in our anime lives, but i'm so often proved wrong...

Otp is offline
Old 04-14-2007, 04:37 AM

My first anime was probably Astro Boy, Dragonball or Samurai Pizza Cats. xD; I can't remember, I started watching them all around the same period of time...

First manga? Card Captor Sakura, which I borrowed from my friend. >w< <3 Still one of my favorite manga.

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Old 04-14-2007, 08:04 AM

I was obsessive over Dragonball Z and Sailor moon.

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Old 04-14-2007, 09:17 AM

The first anime... FLCL.
I heard so much about it and they finally brought it back to Adult Swim. I was so excited. I became obsessed and bought the DVDs. I just wish it was longer. >.<

The first manga... Chobits.
Which, I think, was a good start. I really enjoyed it. I actually read it yesterday. Finished the first book and half of the second. I'm reading Deathnote now too. ^.^


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