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Old 02-20-2015, 09:41 PM

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Yesterday my fiance took the day off since he was having a job interview and then unexpectedly came into work to meet me! We went out for lunch together which was really nice. Once I got back I had lots of work to do so I ended up staying a bit late and then had delays coming home on the train. The heat was off in the apartment when I got back and there was no hot water. I piled on the blankets when we went to bed but it was still super hard to sleep with how cold it was. I hope it gets fixed soon...

• • •

OMG did you see the fountain in Bryant Park? There's so much ice on it the granite is threatening to crack!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:49 PM..


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Old 02-21-2015, 02:19 PM

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sooo, Friday. We woke up to still not heat or hot water. I had a really hard time sleeping because it was so cold despite having like five blankets on top of me. It was only three degrees outside and the windows literally had frost on them!

So I ended up boiling water on the stove and pouring it in the sink to try to wash up a bit. It was far from ideal but I felt a little better. Unfortunately my dry shampoo like completely dried up! I only used it twice and it was dead. What a waste...

I left early since the subway seemed to be having issues but arrived to work on time. The day went by pretty quickly because I had a lot of work to do and with it being the last day of the event on here I was trying to sneak on a lot to post and play chance. To be honest I'm kind of glad that it is over now, I'm pretty tired and it will be nice to just focus on the usual things around here for a while.

• • •

As for my quest, slowly but surely I am working towards getting the old CIs, EIs and other special items that I am missing. Whenever I see a good deal or a CI I really want in the marketplace I've been grabbing them up. So the good thing is that my quest is progressing but the bad thing is that I pretty much never have any spare gold. XD

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:49 PM..


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Old 02-23-2015, 03:30 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Well the heat came back on last night so that was good at least. It snowed pretty much all day though so that was rather miserable. I would have stayed inside except we had to go grocery shopping so no luck with that. It was pretty much just a lazy day. I tried to get a few things done here on Mene, watched a few videos on youtube, went grocery shopping, talked to a friend on Skype and ate pizza and watched more of The 100 before heading to bed.

• • •

What time is it? Well to be honest it's 11:00am EST on Monday, February 23, 2015. I've been getting pretty behind about posting here. I thought about it yesterday but then I was too tired/lazy to get on the computer. XD

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:50 PM..


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Old 02-23-2015, 09:50 PM

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday was a pretty lazy day. For once I was able to sleep in. I read a magazine and tried to play some Disgaea 4 but ultimately gave up because I just didn't really get it. After that I started playing the Wii U Scribblenauts game which was super fun. I made dinner and watched wrestling with my fiance and then went to bed early. A lazy day but a nice one.

• • •

It's been a long time since I've really thought about my favorite quote but the one I used in my senior year yearbook was from Harry Potter:

["Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure."]

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:50 PM..


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Old 02-24-2015, 09:41 PM

Monday, February 23, 2015

Today went by quite fast. I had a lot of work to do so I tried to focus and get stuff done. I got the meningitis vaccine during my lunch break since I recently read a report about how meningitis can be found in pretty much every subway station in NYC and I had never been vaccinated before college like you're supposed to because my doctor at the time was a quack. My arm ended up hurting all day (probably because I always tense up for shots). The commute home was long and there were a lot of delays. I tried on the new slippers I got online and they are sooo soft, I love them! I made breakfast for dinner, watched a bit of wrestling with my fiance and went to bed early.

• • •

I'm not very good at window shopping to be honest. I always end up wanting to touch the clothes and see what they're really like. XD

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:50 PM..


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Old 02-25-2015, 09:36 PM

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bleh, I still haven't caught up to writing these on the same day as they happen, oops! I haven't really been getting on the computer in the evenings much... I honestly don't remember much about yesterday. I remember that I slept super well and woke up feeling pretty good. It was another busy, stressful day at work though and I mostly tried to get a lot of stuff done. I went skating on my lunch break and found out that there was going to be a show later that evening. I went after work and watched. It was like a mixture of special olympics and olympian skaters. It was fun and I was really impressed by the skaters but it was also suuuper cold and my feet were hurting a lot as I walked back to the subway. When I got home and took off my shoes my feet were like completely white! Pre-frostbite, yikes! So I spent the next half hour trying to warm my feet up to get some blood flow back in them. Then I had soup for dinner, got ready for bed, and watched an episode of The 100 with my fiance and went to bed.

Click on thumbnail for full view
Ashley Wagner, U.S. National Champion

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John Coughlin & Caydee Denney, Pairs skaters

Click on thumbnail for full view
Johnny Weir, Former Olympian, who co-hosted the event

Click on thumbnail for full view
I honestly can't remember who this is...

Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view
My poor feet!

• • •

My current avi inspiration is from the stockings. I wanted to use one of the new event commons and just sort of went for it!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:50 PM..


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Old 02-26-2015, 04:30 PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Today I got to work late. I had a lot of stuff to do again so I worked hard all morning. In the afternoon I went ice skating. It was awesome. The weather was so warm I actually had to take my scarf and gloves off! It was pretty crowded at first but after a while it started to thin out. I really felt great afterwards. When I got back I only managed to scarf down half of my lunch before it was time to head into a meeting. Surprisingly it went pretty well, much better than I thought. Then more work till quitting time. I got home on time (no train delays, yay!) ate steak, barley, and broccoli for dinner then watched two episodes of The 100 with my fiance. The first one was good but the second one was like uuuh, what are you doing? Hopefully the next episode will pull some things together.

• • •

As for the last pen I used... *Looks at it* It's a PILOT NEO-GEL 07 that writes in blue ink that I have in my pen holder at work.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:50 PM..


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Old 02-28-2015, 02:45 AM

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Today I got to work late again but this time it wasn't my fault. I ran to the train station to be on time but the train was just sitting there because apparently there was no electricity on the line. Fun. We sat at the station for a good 15 minutes before we got underway. On the plus side I got a bit of extra reading done. It was another busy day at work when I finally got there but fortunately the boss was away so that made things a bit less stressful. I went ice skating again and thanked the guy who had been giving me some free lessons since it was the last day that we would both be there together. After work I went out for dinner at a French restaurant with my coworker and friend. We talked for a long time and then I went down to Union Square to meet my fiance and head home together. It was a pretty long evening and I was quite tired when I got home and got to bed pretty late but overall it was a good day.

• • •

I think the last time I really baked was madelaines. There was a while where I was making a new batch every weekend when I got that recipe book. Or maybe it was that stuff I made for the Valentine's Day event? I dunno, I'm always looking up recipes online and trying new things.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:51 PM..


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Old 03-01-2015, 03:09 PM

Friday, February 27, 2015

Yet another busy day at work. The boss was still away though so things were a bit more relaxed. I went for the last day of ice skating on my lunch break but was rather disappointed because the ice was really beat up, oh well. We were having trouble with the water in our building again. I don't know what's up with that but that's like the third time this winter that we've had that problem in our building? I dunno. I finally got to go home and was planning on doing laundry but I was pretty tired so I ended up trying to get a few things done, watched some more of The 100 with my fiance, and went to bed.

• • •

Uuuh, to be honest it's been a little while since I've been into the Fresh Meat forum. I've been pretty busy elsewhere. >.>

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Yesterday I got a lot of stuff done, here on Mene and IRL. Mostly just tidying up and catching up with some other things. In the afternoon we went grocery shopping and then I played a bit of Scribblenauts Unlimited on the Wii U. Then my fiance and I ate pizza and watched the end of the first season of The 100. It was pretty good but also a bit annoying. After that I ate some ice cream and ended up with a major stomach ache from eating too much. I fiddled around with my 3DS and eventually went to bed.

• • •

Uuuh, I honestly don't pay attention to leap year much. >.>

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:51 PM..


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Old 03-02-2015, 07:02 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2015

So today wasn't a super good day to be honest. I slept poorly and woke up feeling like I am getting sick again. My fiance and I ended up arguing this morning and I felt like it put a shadow on the rest of the day. It was supposed to be my day to relax but instead I ended up puttering around the apartment. I've been feeling stressed about stuff recently and when I'm stressed I clean and organize. I sorted through some of my drawers again for the umteenth time recently and managed to throw away some more things. I'll be moving in October so I am trying to get rid of stuff. I mostly just threw away old papers--birthday cards and other small things. I wanted to play some video games but I ended up watching a movie instead--Memoirs of a Geisha. I've seen it a few times but I felt like watching it again. Eventually I did some vacuuming and made dinner which turned out pretty bleh. Then I played a game with my fiance for about a half hour before heading to bed.

• • •

It's been a really long time since I've had a girls day to be honest...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:51 PM..


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Old 03-03-2015, 04:18 PM

Monday, March 2, 2015

I slept really badly last night. My nose is all stuffed up so it felt like I was suffocating. Had another morning argument with my fiance and felt pretty depressed and crappy all day long. Ice skating is over now so I walked around on my break. I realized it's almost my mom's birthday so I need to get her a present but I don't have any ideas. V_V I made chicken and pasta for dinner and finished the last few pages of the book I was reading. Once the dishes were done I watched WWE with my fiance. I don't usually pay much attention to the show but it's nice to sit with him. I got on the computer for a bit and puttered around organizing some music in iTunes and then went to bed a bit later than I would have liked.

• • •

Snacks... I tend to like sweet or salty snacks for the most part. I have such a big sweet tooth! XD

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:51 PM..


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Old 03-11-2015, 02:22 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My wish: For some clarity in my life. I have so many important decisions to make right now, I wish I could just clear my head so I could clearly see the path that I want to take for my future.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I played clarinet in middle school and some high school. I could still probably play a bit if I tried but it's been so long that I probably wouldn't be any good... I always wanted to play the E Flat clarinet. It's so tiny and cute!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Today I received a phone call from my stepmom in the morning. I knew it was going to be bad news. My grandfather passed away this morning. I went to work and found out from my dad near the end of the day that the visitations would be on Sunday and the funeral on Monday. I got permission from my boss to take two days off to go home for the service. Things were super hectic after that, trying to book a last minute flight and pack my bags with only a few hours.

• • •

100 words? I'm really not sure what to say about this one. If I had more time I would have made a list of the first 100 words that came to mind but unfortunately as I'm writing this up late it doesn't seem worth it at the moment.

Friday, March 6, 2015

I slept really bad last night. My head was still churning with thoughts of "did I forget something"? I tried to leave early for work but there were delays as usual. I ended up not taking a lunch break and leaving early so that I could make my flight. I missed my train by a minute but it only took 10 minutes or so for the next one to come. I waited for a seat and just sat down when a man with a cane came on. Of course no one who had been sitting for a while could be bothered to stand for him so I had to stand again.

I took the air train at Jamaica and since I had printed out my boarding pass went straight to security. There was a bomb sniffing dog there but I was surprised as they didn't make me take off my shoes or take out my liquids or anything so I got through relatively quickly. I stopped at Shake Shake for a burger and then started the long trek to my gate. There had already been a gate change so I walked and walked and walked all the way down to gate 45. There was a 30 minute delay. After that we had to change gates and there was yet another delay. And the fire alarms kept going off every ten minutes. It was crazy and annoying.

At one point a bunch of businessmen came to stand literally on top of me blabbering away, hitting my seat, etc. I gave up and moved. When the plane finally arrived they ended up taking my carry on to stow it under the plane because apparently there was no room? There totally was though... I totally freaked when I saw the inside of the plane. It was suuuper tiny and I started getting crazy claustrophobic. I chewed on some gum and tried to listen to music to calm myself. The flight was relatively calm though apart from the plain sick person behind me (yuck).

I managed to get out of the plan with record time and my bag was waiting for me outside. My dad and sister came to pick me up. The ride home was super long and I was really tired. I would have tried to sleep but we were in the truck so there wasn't much of an option there. When we got in I really just wanted to go to sleep but of course people just pussyfooted around talking about bullshit things that we could have discussed the next day. I didn't end up getting to bed till about 1:30 and then couldn't sleep. The pillows were too thick and it was too hot and my sister is a mouth breather and the dog came and woke me up in the morning.

• • •

New game? I got Pokemon Alpha Sapphire for Christmas. I think that's probably the newest game I have. I haven't started playing it yet though Sapphire was definitely my favorite game back in the day.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

So yeah, after all that I didn't sleep well. I ended up getting up early though because I couldn't sleep and I wanted to go up town to get a present for my mom since it is her birthday on Friday. I went up and had a hard time picking something out. My dad came with me so I couldn't really take that long to decide. I ended up getting her an aromatherapy heart pillow that you can either put in the microwave or the freezer and a little blue bird ornament. After that we headed back to the house and then I went out with my stepmom and sister because they wanted to try to find something to wear for Sunday and Monday. We went to Olean and ran around doing errands and shopping all day. It was super tiring. I was looking for some nice slacks but didn't find anything. I ended up getting a pair of sweat pants instead, LOL!

We ate lunch at Burger King and finally make it home around 5:00pm. I wanted to start baking some Madelaines because I wanted to give my mom some as part of her birthday present but then my dad wanted me to go over a speech he wanted to give at the funeral. I started on that for a while and then finally started baking. I was still baking them when my mom arrived. My stepmom was still out doing errands though so I let her in and my mom and dad talked while I finished up the madelanines. Then we went out to dinner at Little Italia in Scio, my favorite place for pizza.

Dinner went well and my mom liked her present. Going back to my dad's house was frustrating though. My little sister was asking about all these things that I just don't want to talk about. She has to talk about them every. freaking. time. I talk to her and quite honestly I'm just getting fed up. I mentioned to my mom that I was thinking about coming up to visit for my sister's birthday but I wasn't sure because it's around the 4th of July and it's really going to be hectic. It was supposed to be a theoretical thing but of course my mom told her so now I'm basically freaking screwed. So annoyed about that. And the other thing was that she keeps asking me about when mom dies if she can come live with me (she's 6 now). Quite frankly I'm sick of this fucking question. First of all thinking about my mom dying is really the last thing I want on my mind right now and for fuck's sake I don't have my life figured out and maybe it's selfish but I'm not sure I want to give up my future to take care of my special needs sister who is actually my cousin on my own as a single mother. I really don't think that's something fair to push on me and again it should never have been discussed in front of her.

Anyway, when we got back she wanted to eat these mystery peeps that they brought for me in my little Easter care package. My stepmom was back so I took them out in the car to eat. I really don't like peeps so I tried to get my mom and sister to help me eat them up. The flavors were weird and I ended up giving up. After I said goodbye I went inside and asked my dad to help me move a mattress over onto the landing so I didn't have to sleep with my sister again. It resulted in drama of course. Apparently my dad had also had an argument with my stepmom over the speech he wanted to give and ended up ripping it up. I felt really bad about that because I knew how important it was to him. I wanted to talk to him about it but with my stepmom there I didn't feel that I could. I went to bed early because I was tired. I slept for a few hours but then the dog woke me up with his snoring. I tried to get him up but he just wouldn't wake up. I finally managed to kick him out but he came back again so I took him down and put him in dad's bed. Finally he stayed there but I was too awake to go back to sleep.

• • •

My favorite mene NPC is definitely Yumeh!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

I woke up tired again after another night of not sleeping well. We got ready and went to my grandmother's house for lunch. I was a bit late so it was kind of weird since I was mostly eating alone. It was beef on wick which was pretty bleh but I had some fruit and chips as well. Afterwards we headed up to the funeral home for the visitations. It was long and boring to be honest. I didn't really know many of the people so mostly just sat around. It was really nice to see the pictures of grandpa though and relive those memories. Afterwards dad and I headed home and my sister and stepmom went back to my grandmother's for dinner. I was really glad to get some time with him alone. We talked about a lot of things and I learned that my sister is a lesbian. I had suspected for a really long time. I wish she would tell me, I would definitely be supportive but I guess she is afraid. Hopefully she will open up to me eventually.

After my sister got back we went up to the farm where our cousins live and spent two hours soaking in the hot tub. It was amazing. After all that relaxing I finally managed to sleep a little better but still not that great.

• • •

If I ruled the world I would...never do chores again. >.>

Monday, March 9, 2015

The funeral was early in the morning. It was hard but it was a very nice service. They did the 21 gun salute and played taps. It was very special. After the service there was a luncheon and I talked to my uncle for some time. It was nice to bond with someone. I felt a bit awkward with a lot of people since I haven't seen most of them in at least 5 years or more. There are new spouses and babies and the like that I haven't met before.

After everything was cleaned up we headed back home and my sister and I played a bunch of Battlefront on the PS2. It was super fun. We had steak and purple potatoes and asparagus on the grill for dinner which was absolutely delicious and then watched Mockingjay Part 1. The move was bleh and my sister wouldn't turn it up enough so I could actually freaking hear what they were saying. Oh well, I read the books so I know what happens already.

After that I headed up to bed and she was supposed to put the dog in dad's room. Except she didn't. Instead she got on the phone to keep me up the second night in a row and I had to get out of bed to put the dog in with my dad. That pisses me off so much. All her life she wanted a dog, finally got one, and then never took care of it. I don't know how many times she pulled her "I'm going to bed" literally 30 seconds before me so that I would have to take her dog out. For once I do the same so she just ignores it and doesn't take care of him. Complete bullshit.

• • •

I hate that booty song. I can't remember the actual name of the song but it's so overplayed on the radio right now. >.<

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

So today I got to come home. The morning was super bleh. Dad had to go in to work early and put the TV on super loud and woke me up. Then after he left the dog came in to snore with me so no sleep after 5:00am. Ugh. My stepmom had stayed over with grandma so she came back a bit later in a bad mood. We went up to the hospital to eat lunch with dad. It was only 11:00am so I wasn't really hungry but I had most of a burger and some fries. Afterwards we went over to my grandmother's house to visit with her for a bit and then it was time to leave. The ride was long and bumpy but I was happy to finally get there. I was surprised when my stepmom actually cried when we said goodbye. We've never actually been that close. I actually didn't cry saying goodbye to anyone this time. I think I was honestly just so tired from lack of sleep that I really just wanted to get home.

Going through security was a breeze and I only had to wait for about an hour before we boarded. I was a bit annoyed because they tagged my bag to go under the plan again even though another crew member had already said it would be fine because it would fit under the seat. I was even more annoyed when I got in the plane and a bunch of other people who had had their bag tagged had taken it on with them anyway and there was a ton of extra room. The pilot had said it would be a smooth flight and I was hoping to watch some of the fields go by but instead it was super bumpy and cloudy and the guy next to me waged a constant battle with me over the armrest and my general personal space. After the seatbelt sign got turned off he tried to move into an empty seat but apparently that would have required an upgrade on his ticket so he got sent back, LOL.

Eventually we touched down and the plane actually opened up a lot quicker than it usually does in NYC. I had to wait around for my bag though which was a pain and then walk all the way back from gate 50 to 0 with the heavy thing. I managed to catch the air train after a few minutes and then didn't have to wait long for the Atlantic Terminal train. I was super relieved when my subway card wasn't expired but after that everything fell apart. Some guy running through the station said the NRD weren't running. I went back up to call my fiance and he said that it looked like they were running online. But seriously? How can he think he knows better than someone in the station? I was pretty pissed. I went down to the train anyway and there was a D train just sitting there. I went in and took a seat and they announced that there were 2 police investigations going on and that power had been turned off on the lines. But apparently only between Atlantic Terminal and the next station. So basically the only thing between me and getting home was one freaking station but it's a super far away one so it wasn't like I could walk.

We sat there for 40 minutes before things finally got up and running again. I ended up staying in the D train because I had no idea when the next N would come around but it was raining and the D is further away so I ended up getting absolutely soaked walking home. I was pretty pissed that Shawn didn't come meet me with an umbrella. I was hoping at least the cat would be happy to see me but she bit me instead. Wonderful evening. I wanted to go to bed early but with all the delays and unpacking and general being stressed and not relaxed enough to sleep I didn't get to bed until after 11:00pm. At least when I did I finally managed to get a pretty decent night's sleep.

• • •

Definitely on accident.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:52 PM..


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Old 03-12-2015, 01:53 PM

Thursday, March 12, 2015

So today went okay. I had my first good night's sleep in like a week. I went back to work today. I found a bunch of new projects in my emails which is bleh since I already have a ton of stuff to do. Oh well. During my lunch break I went for a walk and got some stuff from the Duane Reade by the Helmsley Building. E.L.F. has a new line of Frozen makeup:

I ended up getting the bronzer. I didn't have one and the ones at Sephora are all either expensive or dark or whatever. It's not something I see myself using often but I thought it might be fun to try.

There was also Frozen themed nail polish by ORLY:

I ended up getting a light blue color since I've been looking for a nice pastel color for the spring/summer:

I also got a khaki sparkle polish from Wet n'wild because I've been looking for a polish like that as well. I was a bit disappointed when I realized that it was one of those textured sand polishes but I put it on and it actually doesn't look bad:

(That's not my hand by the way, LOL!)

When I got home I went for a walk with my fiance because it was so nice and warm out. Then it was time for dinner. After that I watched an episode of Fresh Prince while I painted my nails and then it was time for bed. ^_^

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-13-2015 at 02:07 PM..


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Old 03-13-2015, 02:06 PM

Thursday, March 12, 2015

So today I got all dressed up fancy since a coworker and I had plans to go to a restaurant after work. It's this really nice victorian place called Lillie's: Lillie's Times Square I was super tired and probably would have canceled if we hadn't made reservations and dressed up and everything. I made it through the day (though I was quite unproductive) and we walked over.

I was a bit worried that it would be expensive but it actually wasn't that bad. The burgers and sandwiches were reasonably priced but the steaks were definitely more than I would have wanted to pay. The drinks were pretty expensive as well but I only got one so *shrug*. I ended up getting a chicken sandwich and truffle parmesan fries. It was delicious! We talked for a long time afterwords about work and my life and it was pretty insightful.

Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view
Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view

• • •

Obsession. Hrm, to be honest I could call mene my obsession. I'm constantly checking the site on my phone, LOL! I guess my other obsession would be makeup/nail polish. I tend to want to buy new stuff all the time even though I have tons of other products that I'll probably never completely use up. >.>

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:52 PM..


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Old 03-16-2015, 02:02 PM

Friday, March 13, 2015

I didn't sleep well and woke up tired. The day went by quite slowly and in the afternoon I started feeling quite down. Tried to do my laundry when I got home but the laundromat was super busy and it took longer than I thought it would. Overall just felt like a meh day.

• • •

I feel like I'm a rather lucky person but luck is a fickle lady. We all have bad luck from time to time. ^^;

Saturday, March 14, 2015

I slept very poorly and woke up early. I saw the St. Patrick's Day event was up and spent most of the morning posting like a fiend. In the afternoon I did a bit of cleaning and grocery shopping. I played Pokemon Shuffle quite a bit (I'm rather addicted now). We ordered Chinese food for dinner and watched more of The 100 then it was time for bed.

• • •

I'm pretty sure the last person I texted was my mom.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

I slept very poorly. I woke up in the middle of the night with phlegm in my throat and had a hard time going back to sleep. I finally managed to sleep a bit but woke up feeling sick and awful. I spent most of the day lying around trying to rest. I took a nap and woke up still feeling quite eh. Made dinner and watched a bit of TV then it was time for bed.

• • •

Normally I do quite a bit of cleaning on the weekends but since I was feeling so awful today I just didn't do anything.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:53 PM..


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Old 03-17-2015, 07:40 PM

Monday, March 16, 2015

Today didn't go well. I was still feeling pretty stressed out and sick to my stomach. I called my mom and talked to her on my lunch break. I felt a little bit better after dinner then got on here and posted a lot for the St. Patrick's Day event. After that I went to bed.

• • •

My driver's license... Funny story about that actually. I just realized that I had never changed my address after I moved and there is a time limit of 10 days to submit it to the DMV. Oops. O. o I'm really not sure what happens, I hope they don't revoke it? I'll be moving again in October so I'll submit then and hope that there aren't any problems. >.>

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:53 PM..


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Old 03-18-2015, 01:59 AM

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Today I felt a little better. I was pretty much the only person in the office to wear green though. I guess the French don't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Oh well. The parade was right near my work place so we heard a lot of people yelling and stuff all afternoon. I decided to go out on my lunch break and walk around. I found some birthday presents for my coworkers who have birthday's coming up in April at Urban Outfitters and then tried to go to Duane Reade but the street was still blocked off for the parade. I ended up going to Rite Aid instead and apparently Irish Spring was having like a house party in the entrance, LOL.

I fell asleep a bit in the train on the way home and when I got in my fiance finally opened up and talked to me. Apparently he has come to realization that he is full out gay rather than bisexual so that was that. We still have the apartment together so we'll be room mates until October. It's tough being in a relationship with someone for eight years just for it to end that way. I'm glad he finally talked to me though, at least now I know what's going on and I can start to try to pick of the pieces of my life and figure out where to go from here.

I'm just so very tired. I've been so stressed out for so long, I just want to get away. Too bad there isn't some deserted island with my name on it somewhere.

• • •

The death question seems oddly fitting considering that my relationship of eight years "died" today. I think you'll understand if I refrain from elaborating on the subject.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:53 PM..


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Old 03-19-2015, 03:16 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I slept relatively well but woke up feeling tired and pretty eh. I took a shower and then laid back down on the bed for a bit. The kitty came to snuggle me which was really nice. Eventually I got ready for work. Work was also eh. I just don't have my heart in it and I honestly don't have that much work at the moment. I think I'm probably going to have to ask for something to do (you can only pretend to be busy for so long).

After work I went home with a coworker. I'll be staying with her tonight and tomorrow night. We puttered around in a thrift shop and I found two pairs of really nice Express pants for $9.00 total. What a steal! After that we went to a ramen restaurant for dinner and then hung out and played with her (giant) kitty till bed time. Overall not a terrible day. I haven't felt so much like crying really, I just feel weird. I feel the ghost of my ring on my finger and feel like I should be texting him. It's going to take a while to get used to things...

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• • •

I honestly don't look at the clouds here much. With all of the skyscrapers it's really not easy to look up in the sky...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:53 PM..


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Old 03-20-2015, 01:52 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I didn't sleep super well. The bed way comfy but I just couldn't sleep. We got ready and left for work. It was pretty cold out... Work was slow again, I just have no motivation to do anything and I feel so tired all of the time.

After work we planned to go to a thrift shop but couldn't find the one we wanted to visit. We walked around quite a bit and found another one where I bought a dress. We went to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner and headed back to her apartment.

We had soup and munchies and beer and strawberries and ice cream while watching a Robin Williams movie on Netflix. I think it was called "The Angriest Man in Brooklyn"? It wasn't amazing but it was an okay movie. After that it was pretty much time for bed.

• • •

Last image I saw? Probably something on this site. Not sure though...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:53 PM..


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Old 03-22-2015, 02:38 AM

Friday, March 20, 2015

I slept rather okay but woke up feeling really nauseous for some reason. We got ready for work and got to work a few minutes late. The day went by okay and we ended up getting out about two hours early because of a snow storm. I went back to the apartment for the first time since Wednesday morning. We ended up going grocery shopping right away. It was quite a pain but it was nice to get it over with. Once we got back I did a bunch of laundry and ran around cleaning the apartment. We had pizza for dinner and watched a few episodes of The 100. After that we talked for a bit and then I went to bed.

• • •

Uuuh, I don't know many nifty tricks really. >.>

Saturday, March 21, 2015

I woke up early and couldn't sleep because the heater was making noise and it was too hot in the bedroom. I got on the computer for a bit and puttered around getting some stuff done. I was considering going ice skating at Prospect Park but the bad weather from yesterday was making me question it. I looked at the map again though and found out that there was actually a pretty direct bus that I hadn't noticed when I looked up how to get to the rink last time. So I ended up getting ready and going. The rink setup was kind of confusing in terms of admissions and whatnot but the rink itself was pretty cool. It's sort of shaped like a figure eight with two adjoining rinks, one indoors and one outdoors.

I got to the rink at about 4:00pm and skated to about 7:00pm. It was pretty great. The ice was nice and there wasn't so many people that it was impossible to skate. I practiced skating through the turns instead of gliding and actually got quite good at it towards the end! Unfortunately I fell and bruised up my knee pretty bad. Eventually I gave up and stated home. I had some trouble with the bus but finally made it home. I made a mini casserole in a loaf pan for dinner and talked to a friend on Skype who it looks like I will be visiting soon. She is studying culinary arts in Providence, Rhode Island. I've never been there before so it should be pretty fun.

• • •

I'm excited to see some friends! I'll be going to visit a friend from high school next month and the month after I have a mene friend coming to visit.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:53 PM..


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Old 03-23-2015, 02:38 PM

Sunday, March 22, 2015

I didn't sleep very well and woke up early. I puttered around trying to get some stuff done for a bit and then went back to bed around 10:30am or 11:00am. I slept till about 1:00pm and then showered and ate lunch. I painted my nails then went for a long walk that felt more tiring than anything but I guess it was good for me to get outside. I've started counting my calories again so hopefully I can get back on track food wise and I've been trying to be more active. It's hard though because I just feel so tired all the time...

I cleaned the bathroom and then made dinner. After that I played some Journey on the PS3 which was nice. I was happy to see that there are still people playing it online so I had a few people join me on my travels. After that I hemmed a pair of pants that I bought at the thrift store and then went to bed. Overall not a very exciting day.

• • •

I'm trying to work on letting stuff go more. It's a good motto to live by. I read in a book recently that it's pointless to harbor anger/hatred towards people since half of the time they don't even know how you are feeling about them. That's definitely the truth in a lot of the cases where I've been annoyed with people so it's something I'm trying to take to heart.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:54 PM..


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Old 03-24-2015, 01:05 AM

Monday, March 23, 2015

Didn't sleep well again. Woke up and got ready for work, left late as usual. I really need to work on leaving on time. Work was boring today. I at least had something to work on. I've been having such a hard time focusing lately. I found out about this cool IDNYC thing though! I'm totally going to apply. I feel really sore from the ice skating still. Apparently it worked my body out a lot more than I thought.

This evening coming home I was moody. I'm just tired and I think the diet thing is annoying me. I ate pretty well today but was very limited on snacking, etc. because I had some pretty high calorie meals. Tomorrow I'm going to start off with a better breakfast so I can have a bit more leeway during the day. Anyway, I think I'm going to get ready for bed and whatnot. Here's to hoping I sleep well tonight...

• • •

Hm, favorite childhood memory... I guess I would say one of the happiest days of my youth was when we got my first kitty. I was sooo happy that I finally convinced my mom to let me have one. There was a kitten at a yard sale and she let me bring him home. His name was Todd. I contemplated renaming him Garfield because of his coloring but in the end we stuck with Todd. He was super playful and kept attacking my feet as I tried to sleep in my blanket fort that night but I was happy. I have so many good memories of that kitty. May he rest in peace.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:54 PM..


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Old 03-26-2015, 03:02 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I didn’t sleep well again last night. Today was mostly a repetition of the previous day. I went to Uniqlo on my lunch break to look at their new kabuki inspired collection. I was pretty disappointed though because there wasn’t much of it left. I ended up getting a nice tee shirt but I’m not sure if I’ll actually keep it or not. I’ll have to try it on at home with and outfit. I feel like it’s my style but more like my old style when all I wore was tee shirts. Now I try to wear more plain colored tees than ones with pictures on it. On my walk back to work I stopped at a beauty shop and picked up a mirror to go along with my coworkers birthday present. Two of my coworkers have birthdays in April as well as one of my pen pals so I’ve been trying to get stuff ready early. On the way home my train got stuck going local. After dinner I watched my room mate play Life is Strange and then went to bed. Nothing really exciting…

• • •

Um, I honestly haven’t thought about this much yet.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Didn’t sleep well…again. I really need to do something about that. V_V The day went by pretty quickly since I had a lot of meetings and stuff. On my lunch break I poked around at H&M and Joe Fresh but didn’t end up getting anything. Towards the end of the day I got a pretty bad headache. It’s the third day in a row that it’s happened to me. I tried to put my head out the window in the lunch room for a bit to get some fresh air but that didn’t really work too well and my desk felt even stuffier when I went back and sat down. We’ve had a lot of construction in the building recently and the air has been super dusty so that might be part of it.

After work I went out to eat at the Polish restaurant Karczma in Greenpiont. I love that place. The food is so good and super cheap. I was really excited to get the white borsch soup in a bread bowl but they were out of bread bowls! So disappointing… I ended up getting chicken noodle soup instead but it didn’t actually have chicken in it! According to my coworker, chicken noodle soups in Europe don’t actually have chicken in them. I guess you learn something new every day… Next time I’m totally going to get the white borsch soup though!

The ride home was pretty slow. I ended up getting off at the wrong stop for my transfer and had to wait around for the next train. Thankfully it wasn’t that long. My head was pounding pretty hard when I got home so I got ready for bed right away. It took me a long time to fall asleep but when I did I finally slept pretty well.

• • •

My Hogwarts house seems to rotate between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. According to though I’m a Ravenclaw.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:54 PM..


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Old 03-27-2015, 02:07 PM

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Another day where I had trouble focusing on things. I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. It's been such a long time since I've eaten one of those. So far going back on my diet has been going rather well, even if I haven't been as active as I hoped I would be. I tried to go ice skating after work yesterday but even though the rink was supposed to be open, it was closed when I got there. Oh well, I'll have to try again another day. I walked around Central Park for a bit. The lake looked pretty cool with fog raising off of the ice. I also saw a raccoon wandering around. I wonder if it had rabies... Usually they're not supposed to be out during the day like that...

• • •

LOL, the last thing I bought was a box of sanitary napkins since they were super on sale at Rite Aid when I went to pick up my prescription. XD

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:54 PM..


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Old 03-29-2015, 01:26 AM

Friday, March 27, 2015

Didn't sleep well yet again. V_V I left the house in a rush and forgot to put a sweater under my spring jacket. It totally was not as warm today as it was yesterday like they forecasted. I wanted to go ice skating after work but holy moley it was cold! The day went by quickly enough. At the last minute I decided that I really wanted to go ice skating and managed to borrow a hat and gloves from a coworker.

I met a friend at the rink and they lent me a sweater to go under my coat. The rink was shaped sort of like an egg which was kinda weird and the ice was a bit rough but I skated for about two and a half hours. I wasn't a huge fan of the shape of the ring but the culture there is so different from the other rinks I've been to so far. There was a live DJ and a ton of people freestyle dancing on the ice. It was super fun! The skating went in the opposite direction that I was practicing the other weekend so that was a good chance for me to train my other side. I got pretty tired in the end and had a hungry headache. I got home late, ate some soup, and headed to bed.

Overall it was a pretty good day.

• • •

I'm not really a boastful person so I don't tend to make a big deal when I win something. ^^;

Saturday, March 28, 2015

I thought I would sleep really well considering how tired out from skating I was but no luck. I had another nightmare. I had a massage in the morning. My coworker gave it to me as a Christmas present. It was my very first massage. The attendant was very nice and made sure that I was comfortable, checking in to make sure the pressure wasn't too hard or that I wasn't cold. It was an all over body massage. It hurt somewhat while she worked on me but I felt pretty good afterwards.

When I got home I poked around for a while and then we went grocery shopping. After that I wrote some letters to go with some packages I plan on sending out to friends and family. Then we ate pizza and watched some old Wrestlemanias so I could see some CM Punk fights. After that I poked around a bit longer and then went to bed. A nice, calm day.

• • •

To be honest today's Admin's Pick isn't really one of my favorites. >.>

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-11-2015 at 01:54 PM..


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