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creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 11:09 PM

Leliana turned to the pink haired girl and smiled, "You think you know everything don't you? Just so you know, I don't follow him because I choose to." She raised an eyebrow and shook her head, "But don't think that means I don't want to. If you really must know, He's my father. And quite a good one at that considering what I am." She turned to the Unicorn and watched as he pressed his horn to the elf, "From what I understand of Unicorns, I thought only some of your kind could heal? Isn't that why you were hunted in the first place?"
She held her hands up in surrender and sat crossed legged on the ground, "I'm prepared to talk and hear about this curse," Her eyes flicked to the elf, "And I also wish to hear your side seeing as your so convinced your doing the right thing by coming with me when you know perfectly well what I'm going to do." She raised an eyebrow, "Or at least you think you do." A small smile crept across her face.

This could be, potentially, my way out ......

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-06-2015, 01:56 AM

"A father that is willing to put you through pain? Yeah great role model there." She, sighing. "I can tell that we are not going anywhere any time soon... so. I am Sirona." She sits as well, but far enough from dark eyed woman, a bit annoyed by her obvious ulterior motives, starting to dig into her bag, pulling out an old, tattered map. It looks hand drawn, and the pink haired girl was looking at it intently.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-06-2015, 07:14 AM

Kurako blinked at Patrin when the unicorn tugged his hood down, a slight grimace passed across his features. They knew of his curse, had seen the markings of it already, but Kurako didn't want such a thing to remain visible. Even to those that had already seen it. He felt a bit exposed, he moved his hand, reaching to pull that hood back up. The movement stopped, he hesitated, as Patrin's horn touched against his throat.

The half-elf's body relaxed quite a bit at that touch, a look of half relief and half hope flitted across his eyes for the briefest of moments as Patrin whispered to him. Had he found what he had been searching for? Finally? It wasn't the item he had been searching for, but an item made from a unicorn's horn could hardly live up to the power and potential of a living, breathing unicorn.

His attention was stolen from Patrin, as the women continued to speak. His body tensing again. One female introduced herself as Sirona, and then both women were sitting down. Kurako sheathed his dagger, but his hand lingered very close to it's hilt. Ready to draw it at a moment's notice. "I am called Kurako." Now he did pull his hood back on, as if he just remembered his hand still remained there, hovering, from Patrin's actions.

"And I have told you all you need to know about me." His tone was even, and it was the tone of one who wouldn't give in or relent in this matter. He had told them enough about his curse, there was nothing else he was willing to share with these strangers. Especially the woman that had attacked them earlier, she might somehow try to use it against him, use the information to manipulate him in some way.

Last edited by Kry; 03-06-2015 at 11:32 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-06-2015, 10:27 PM

"Whatever it is you plan, I expect it to be entirely unpleasant for me." Patrin stepped away from Kurako. He had felt the man's hope; it had seeped through the walls he'd created, but Patrin suspected that had happened only because he'd been in physical contact with the half-blood.

The unicorn hobbled over to the pink haired woman, and crouched down to peer at her map. Old, wrinkled ... He lowered his head and sniffed at it, odd as that must have seemed to everyone else. Still, he could smell a faint wiff of something familiar. "If that is a map of the mountain, then it may be very useful to us all." He didn't know what other races might have created beneath the surface of that haven. Underground was a different world then the one he had known... A frightening, terrifying, sun blocking place. He shuddered, and hoped they would never go there, for he feared madness might stalk his mind if they did.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-07-2015, 07:15 PM

When Patrin stepped away from him, the half elf moved to follow. Not wanting to be far from the Unicorn for a few reasons. It was easy to protect someone when they remained fairly close to you, and if he lost the unicorn he was losing the greatest chance he'd ever encountered to get rid of this curse. He peered over Patrin's shoulder at the map that Sirona had. It looked old, well used. Most good maps had that appearance. After all if it wasn't a good map no one would use it so often.

Kurako glanced at the other female, she had also offered to 'fix it' for him. It smelled of a trap, though he would be very tempted to go, if things didn't work with the unicorn, though unicorns could purify anything. Couldn't they? Kurako shifted on his feet, also not forgetting the things Sirona had said about the other female's father. His nose wrinkled slightly in disdain, that hand still hovering over his dagger hilt. Most of the secrets were out in the open now, there was no point in delaying anything any longer.

"Patrin." His tone was even, trying hard to keep the emotion out of it. Expect the best, prepare for the worst, it was what his adoptive father always taught him. This was a unicorn though, there shouldn't be any 'worst' to prepare for. "Can you purify me? Can you undo this curse that afflicts me?" His body was tense, but it was the kind of tenseness that came from trying to hold back excitement, anxiousness.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-07-2015, 10:01 PM

Large eyes turned to peer at the other man. Patrin shifted up, and slid his horn beneath the half elf's hood. Again he felt that sick feeling in his stomach, that want to wretch. He had never come across anything like it. The curse pulsed beneath like a disease, waiting for the right conditions to spread. Treated as such ... "I believe I can, though I suspect it would take more then one attempt, and involve much pain."

The unicorn pulled back, shivered. "Even so, you must be prepared. Even if I can eradicate the curse, the damage it might have done to you may not be reversible." There was no telling what removing it would do to him, for that matter.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-08-2015, 12:10 AM

Sirona looked up at the two men. "My map was from my old mentor... She traveled through the mountains fairly often. She was obsessed with finding.. something. I was actually heading to find it, just so her life's work would be complete. I don't really know why she wanted this mythic item.. She passed on before she could tell me. But she did tell me the only places she has not looked yet."

She swept her pale pink hair out of her face, her matching eyes looking at the elf. "As for your curse... I hope we find something to help you."

Last edited by Karzienne; 03-08-2015 at 04:33 AM.. Reason: strange wording :)

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-09-2015, 03:33 AM

One of Kurako's gloved hands moved, coming up to gently touch Patrin's cheek with his fingertips as the unicorn's horn slipped into his hood. Truthfully Kurako wanted to try such a thing immediately. As soon as possible, but right here and right now was not the best place nor the best time to attempt such a thing. "I'm willing to endure anything to get rid of this." The words were somewhat whispered, is voice intense, deadly serious almost.

His hand dropped when Patrin pulled back, shivering. Kurako eyed him for a bit, and then looked to Sirona as she spoke to him. "I've been looking for a long time." His tone was even again, as he struggled to keep the overwhelming emotion of hope out of it. He had never once been filled with so much hope before, and he was also terrified. He was overwhelmed with this new emotion, it could cloud his mind, his judgement.

The half-elf's eyes fell upon the other woman again. She had been silent for quite some time. He was half suspicious that she was formulating some kind of plan. It was obvious she wanted the unicorn. His body had relaxed earlier and now it tensed again, as he tried to focus on the things at hand and not the hope that was trying to overwhelm him.

creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-09-2015, 05:30 AM

(( sorry guys for being absent, work has been hectic and Ive really only been able to get on for brief periods to post here and there, and my internet has been on the fritz ... again ... ))

Leliana watched as the other three conversed among themselves, she had never had anyone question her Father's motives and lack of feeling towards her before. Yet again, nobody ever really lives long enough to try and put doubt in her mind when she is involved. She twisted a small bunch of hair that had fallen over her shoulder between her fingers and stayed quiet, raising an eyebrow at the mention of a cure. Last thing she remembered her Father tell her of curses of that kind was that only the one who put it on could reverse it, but maybe this Unicorn really could work miracles.

She looked down at her arm that was playing with her hair and saw a small snake-like tendril had made it's way out of the sleeve that had fallen ever so slightly passed her wrist, she hadn't even felt it manifest and there as certainly no reason for her to be in danger considering she was the one who offered the temporary truce.

Quickly tugging her sleeve back down she pushed the mark out of her mind and looked to the map the pink-haired girl, Sirona, had pulled out. The name felt odd in her mind, she had never known names in her line of work, only faces and the girl's name felt like it took up to much room in her mind. Her mind felt even less empty when the others introduced themselves, "I'm Leliana, if any of you still care to know." Her eyes flickered among the others and she readjusted the bow around her neck, purely out of habit rather then necessity.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-09-2015, 05:54 AM

When the other girl spoke, Kurako moved towards her. The half-elf dropped down to one knee before her. "Lily, then." He assigned her the nickname rather casually, rather easily. Refusing to call her by Leliana, or even by a more obvious nickname of Ana. There was a sharp pang in his heart, the pain of loss and guilt. "Tell me, why do you want the unicorn so badly? He should be protected, he's probably the last of his kind." Kurako kept his voice even, hiding the emotions that swirled around within him.

One hand rested casually on the pommel of his dagger as he knelt there in front of her. His sharp eyes watching her carefully, and his body ready to move at the slightest indication of a hostile movement from her. His expression was slightly expectant as well, as he waited for her answer.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-09-2015, 12:58 PM

(Don't worry :o I've been sick so all I can basically do is control a mouse. lol.)

"Leliana... While the circumstances are unappealing, you have a pleasant name, so you cannot be as bad as I have previously thought." Sirona looked from Kurako to Leliana, feeling the elf's tension. Pondering about what the loyal house would do to the last unicorn, and she shivered, but held her tongue, turning her thoughts to the strange groups surroundings.

Sirona looked away from the group to the few trees that hid them from the road, her eyes looking almost clouded. "I suggest we move away from the trail... it has been eerily deserted so far but doubt that it will be for much longer. Before all of you came along I counted five merchant carts... But I fear that we would meet far more unsavory people." She rolled up the old map very carefully, taking care when she put it back into her bag.

creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-09-2015, 11:11 PM

(( yeah if my posts arent overly pretty it'll mean I'on my phone since my internet has seriously bee on the fritz .. ))

Leliana chose to use Sirona's advice as a smokescreen and stood up, "The forest was cleared off mainly by myself for the purpose of my task but you are right, my magic won't last long and we will be swarmed with creatures far worst then I." She smiled briefly, it's not often there are creatures more dangerous then her but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Leliana readjusted the bow on her head and pointed towards the mountings that were peeking slightly over the forest. "If we really want to get somewhere safe then those mountains are probably the way to go."She looked over to Sirona, "I believe you had a map of those mountains? I saw it briefly when you first pulled it out." The more Leliana thought about it, the less her Father's plan made sense. Everything she had been brought up on told her that despite their calm demeanor, they were vicious animals and yet one stood before her and proved everything she was ever taught wrong.

Maybe this really was her way out of all this.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-09-2015, 11:49 PM

Sirona slowly nods, not sure how to react to Leliana's change in behavior. "Yes.. I do have a map. By the time we get to the base of the mountain, it will be well past dark. We would want to wait until morning to try and attempt anything."
She stands up, smoothing out her dress. "In fact... we should leave soon if we want to get there by nightfall. It may take a while for all of us to walk there.."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-10-2015, 10:14 PM

The unicorn half closed his eyes. He liked being pet, most of his kind did... And they were vain, they loved being complimented. The half elf moved away after a while to look at the map. Patrin stayed still, twitching his tufted ears no and again. What were they talking about, close to the road? And why where they ignoring what Kurako had said about him? He shook his head. Humans were odd.

"We are already far from the road... And it will take far more then a day to get to the mountain. It looks so much closer then it is because of its huge size. Imagine how big it must be!" Patin edged close to the other man. It seemed like the only one he could really trust at the moment was Kurako. Sirona seemed entirely harmless ... but she couldn't protect him from Leliana either.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-10-2015, 10:56 PM

Kurako stood when the others stood, the expression on his face unreadable and he reached up to tug at his hood just to ensure his face remained hidden in the shadow it cast. They already all knew his secret, but still it would be harder for them to read his expressions when they were cast in shadow, and easier for him to hide his expressions from them. His body was tense, and his lips pressed into a thin line. They had ignored him, but he shrugged it off, it didn't matter. He would find out soon enough, he supposed.

Patrin stepped closer to him, and Kurako's hand moved, the fingers twitching a bit as he started to reach out for the Unicorn. He stopped himself quickly, that hand changing course to merely lift and sit upon the pommel of his dagger, as if that had been his intention all along. There was an ache in his chest, one he wasn't quite sure where it came from, but his desire to protect Patrin had turned to pure need. His tongue flicked out to lick at his lips, moistening them a bit.

"We should find a suitable place to camp." Camping next to the water they'd found could seem reasonable, but Kurako knew better. Animals frequented watering holes, and even if there weren't any dangerous ones lurking beneath it's surface anymore, didn't mean dangerous ones didn't come to drink it. The half-elf gave Patrin a quick once over and issued a soft sigh.

That hand moved now, fingers very gently touching one of Patrin's ears, then that hand moved. As if to gently touch the Unicorn's horn. Kurako's gloved fingers didn't get close enough to touch that horn, he pulled his hand back, a little uncertain. Though his tone was very certain. "You should hide your appearance again, just in case we stumble upon adventurers or lost merchants." Both his hands were at his sides now and he turned, moving away.

Kurako moved to where his pack was and after readjusting the way things were situated in it, he closed it and picked it up. Slinging the strap over one shoulder. He was still on high alert, and his gaze often shifted to Leliana, he didn't trust her at all. With his pack now secure, he moved back to Patrin. "How's your foot?"

creeepyzombieee is offline
Old 03-10-2015, 11:10 PM

(( Im getting sick so my posts might not be to great and might only be one paragraphs ))

Leliana nodded, "Kurako's right. We should start making our way at least somewhere before it gets dark." She turned to Sirona and gestured ahead of her towards the mountains, "Care to lead the way with your map?" She looked up the mountains and a twang of pain ran between her temples, wincing slightly she shook her head, Your not getting to me this time.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-10-2015, 11:25 PM

Patrin blinked his large liquid eyes a few times. Kurako felt ... his emotions ... He shook his head. He couldn't quite catch them, like an almost remembered dream, the emotions hovered just out of reach, beyond what he could feel but an echo lingered almost close enough. It was frustrating, especially when he saw the man reaching out, but then pulling away.

Of course, if Sirona had tried to pet him the unicorn wouldn't have objected.

He was looking at the women when he felt fingers on his ear. Patrin felt it twitch, and tilted his head a bit, to encourage more of the same ... But of course that didn't happen, so he turned to see Kurako packing his things. When the man returned, mentioning his foot, he lifted it up and flexed it, turning it. "I'll make it to whatever camp we choose." Then the pale haired unicorn smiled, and nudged Kurako's shoulder with his head, before pulling back and forcing himself to appear human once more.

He glanced at Leliana warily. She would be the last person he slept near.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-10-2015, 11:53 PM

Kurako readjusted the pack, shifting on his feet slightly as Patrin nudged him gently. The briefest of smiles touched his lips, but it was gone in moments, and hidden by the shadow offered from his hood. His gaze swept over all of them for a moment, he would keep a close eye on Leliana, but also on the other girl. Afterall for all he knew the other might have been after Patrin as well, she didn't seem dangerous, but it could just all be a trick.

His attention was on Patrin again, though he still watched the others. "I could carry you if needed." His tone was low, the tiniest hit of uncertainty entering his voice. Surely the unicorn didn't want to be touched a lot by the likes of him. A half elf filled with corruption, he had no right to touch a creature of purity. "Will it heal quickly?" There was a touch of concern then, though he tried to hide it. Surely Patrin would heal faster than a human, than most other non-humans? Kurako hoped the unicorn would.

Kurako did not like the idea of Patrin being in pain. Unicorns were holy beasts, they never should have been driven to extinction in the first place, or near extinction.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-11-2015, 12:46 AM

"If you carry him you will be more vulnerable to attack, and just from your behavior.... I don't think you want that." Sirona smiled, her eyes catching the sun. "I can stand next to him, and if he needs support he can lean on me." She tucked her hair behind her ear, sighing. As far as my map goes, it won't do us much good until we get closer. It does not have any trails leading to it, and even the rivers and lakes are left off."
She shifted her eyesight away from the sun, down to the trees ahead of the group, thinking about the stories her master had told her, the adventures in the mountain. Most certainly, there would be trouble ahead for them, in one form or another.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-12-2015, 07:54 AM

Kurako blinked, his attention on Sirona when she spoke. Was he that easy to read? No, it was just a general assumption based on how he already acted around them. It was an easy conclusion that any one could have come to, and a very accurate one. "No, but I can drop him fast enough to react to an attack." He spoke the words with certainty, though Kurako wasn't entirely sure he could drop the unicorn and react fast enough. It didn't matter though, as long as he was able to keep Patrin safe.

He didn't yet trust either of the females, though Sirona had not given him a reason to distrust her yet. It was easier this way. "Patrin is under my care, my protection." He spoke the words with a tone that indicated this subject was done, he would hear no counter arguments, no matter how logical they might be. Kurako had even stepped as close to Patrin as he could without being uncomfortably close to the other male.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-17-2015, 01:05 AM

He looked between Sirona and Kurako, watching their back and forth with interest. The unicorn stepped forward, limping and wincing. Hands reached out to pat at the half-elf's shoulders, as if testing their strength. "My wound would heal faster if you did carry me ... " He grinned and glanced at Sirona again. "I trust that Kurako will be able to jump into action whenever he needs to." He blinked. "I have to wonder what brings a young lady like you out to the wild woods, far from the city." They were such a ragtag strange group.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 12:45 AM

"I never lived in the city, but in a small farming village.." Sirona looks sad for a moment, but she masks her pain quickly. "It was raided and destroyed when I was young. And then a woman found me, raised me, and taught me her trade." She looks at Patrin, and smirks. "Besides, I have a wild side. I just keep that to myself."

"As for your wound... maybe the faster it is healed, the better." She digs deep into her bag, a few clinks coming from inside the cloth. Sirona produces a small glass vial, and hands Patrin the almost sparkling, purple liquid. "This should help with some of the pain, at least."

Last edited by Karzienne; 03-19-2015 at 12:47 AM.. Reason: forgot something :)

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 06:38 AM

Kurako's eyes were on Patrin when the other touched his shoulders, as if testing for the strength hidden by his deceptively slender build. Kurako was strong, his muscles lean and well toned, and though he could carry Patrin farther than an average human lean muscled human, the half elf knew he couldn't carry the other quite as far as he would like. Kurako also knew that it would make the going just a bit slower. He said none of those things however, and when Sirona handed something to Patrin, Kurako moved to intervene. His hand shot out and grasped the glass vial quickly.

He held the vial firmly, bringing it up to his face to inspect it closely with furrowed brow. The liquid was purple and it almost sparkled, Kurako pulled the top from the vial and brought it close to his nose, he inhaled deeply. Testing it's scent, then he replaced the top, his eyes on Sirona. "What is this made from?" There was suspicion in his tone. Perhaps Kurako wouldn't have been so suspicious if Patrin hadn't revealed himself. The half elf had to do everything and anything in his power to keep the unicorn safe.

Karzienne is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 06:22 PM

"Its a natural herbolic remedy, but this is my personal recipe. The purple comes from sweetened Elderberries, because the herbs are usually so bitter. We would use it for those who cannot stomach the unflavored ones."
Sirona looked directly at Kurako, knowing he can see her from the shadow his hood provides. Knowing what he was suspicious of, she decides to approach the matter directly. "If I was really trying to poison him, would I have made it so obvious? If you're worried it is dangerous, you can test it on me."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 06:54 PM

Kurako eyed the vial again as she told him what it was, then he stared at her. Offering to have it tested on herself, Kurako shook his head ever so slightly. If she were an assassin that utilized poison, chances were she would be immune to the poisons she took or somehow secretly give herself an antidote. Testing it on her would be useless. Testing it on himself could be dangerous if it were a poison. Kurako opened the vial again, once more bringing it to his nose to sniff at it.

It hadn't smelled dangerous the first time and it didn't smell dangerous now, as he tried to sort the scents. The half elf shrugged, and tilted his head back, the hood falling away from his face. Mouth open, and he tipped the vial ever so slightly, if it were really a medicine, he didn't want to waste it. A few drops touched his tongue, a poison wouldn't kill him, but depending on what kind it might be it could either intensify the darkness that coursed through his veins or just cause him intense pain for a while.

The stoppered the vial once again, as he let the drops sit on his tongue, tasting the flavor and testing the feel. It was familiar and unfamiliar, he was certain he knew some of the herbs used in this, but the sweetness was what turned it into an unfamiliar taste. He swallowed the drops on his tongue, and his nose wrinkled slightly, an expression of distaste on his features.

"Sweet medicine." He almost sounded disapproving, but he could understand, some people wouldn't take bitter medicine even if it would save their lives. That was something the half elf thought was rather stupid. Why care about the flavor of something that could or would keep you alive.

He handed the vial to Patrin. "Seems safe enough." Though there was still an air of suspicion about him as he glanced at Sirona. She really did seem harmless enough, as in, no ill will towards Patrin. For a moment Kurako seemed like he would say something to her, perhaps a threat or perhaps a thank you for the medicine. Kurako changed his mind, pulling his hood back up instead to hide once more in the shadow.


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