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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 12:38 PM

Alexis Perched herself in a tree branch, determined to stay awake for the night. After all, whatever was stealing the peaches was doing so in the middle of the night. She studied her companions, but aside from that she simply curled up her wings and leaned back against the tree. She did have a lantern which she had left in her bag at the root of the tree, but until she needed it she wasn't too concerned.

Roll to remain awake:The 20-sided dice lands on 5
Roll to resist a spell:The 20-sided dice lands on 20
Roll to listen:The 20-sided dice lands on 12

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 09:09 PM

Phaelan had meant to make it outside of the alarm circle, but in his dopey reverie he had not managed it. A second alarm sound was going to really hurt his ears, and the farm hands didn't seem to appreciate the song he managed to partially remember! After the odd looks Phaelan put his guitar away and sat down against the tree he fell out of. The moon was rising, and his eyes adjusted easily to the darkness of the night.

As time passes, Phaelan hums the peaches song in boredom.

Roll to remain awake: The 20-sided dice lands on 4
Roll to resist spell: The 20-sided dice lands on 12
Roll to listen: The 20-sided dice lands on 14


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-21-2013, 09:57 PM

Aneja had finally had enough of trying to get her blades any sharper, the darkness now swept over them like a veil, the sounds of the insects and birds of the night peaceful. She sat with her back against the stump, adjusting the binds, and fiddling with her hair, every once in a while needing to rub her eyes shake her head to stop it nodding. She had helped herself to one... Okay two peaches, she figured they would just be eaten by this creature anyhow. Below her she heard what must have been the Orc again humming the song from earlier 'great, just great, I'd just got rid of it' she thought

"Ppssst, ppsssst" she whispered "hey stop that bloomin' tune.... Er... I mean, do you know any other songs friend? Pa'haps sometin' about tha night? And hey green minstrel I'm Aneja" as she whispered at him she shook the rope so the end of the line tapped repeatedly against his head to get his attention.

The 20-sided dice lands on 20 to get song out of head

Roll to remain awake:The 20-sided dice lands on 9
Roll to resist a spell:The 20-sided dice lands on 17
Roll to listen:The 20-sided dice lands on 13

Last edited by BrotherOfDarkness; 12-22-2013 at 12:01 AM.. Reason: Whoopsie

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 12:28 AM

Draza shook her head, the farm hands had left them and the ringing was still loud in her ears. "Apologies shiny-one. Draza just no good after wake-up and before hot-drink. Squishies don't taste good no ways." She pulled her pack down and tried rummaging through it for her water skein, it may or may not contain water (we may never know). Her eyes adjusted easily to the moonlight making searching through her pack easy. Pulling the skein out she uncorked it and took a drink of it. "Shiny-one want some?" She offered to the metal garbed officer.

Taking that afternoon nap might not have been the greatest idea as she was still tired. The loud alarm woke her out of it soundly, and the herbal sludge she drank she hoped would bring her to full alertness again.


Roll to remain awake not fall back asleep:The 20-sided dice lands on 13
Roll to resist a spell:The 20-sided dice lands on 3
Roll to listen:The 20-sided dice lands on 16

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 04:03 AM

"I'll pass." Rave said, eyeing the skein with suspicion. The reptile-woman wasn't as much of a problem as she had anticipated, just quick to 'frustration' which was something rather identifiable to the constable. A less stone-y "Thank you." even managed to drift Draza's way before the guard took a few steps back to her selected spot. With the night descending so quickly and the wear of the day leaning heavier on her shoulders she thought better of keeping her findings to herself-- what if she did fall asleep and the thief passed by her? Certainly she would be better prepared to let this rowdy group rouse her if anything appeared.

With a deep breath Rave turned around to tell the group only to see that several had already drifted off to sleep. She rolled her eyes and addressed those that still could keep their eyelids open "The net over here appeared to have been tampered with. Your best bet to find whatever this thing or person is will be catching them as they pass through there... I'd appreciate it if you woke me should anything appear so I can deal with them officially."

There. That should do it. They should respect her duty to uphold the local law and wake her as requested! Rave was confident that these people, strange as their band might be, would see it in their best interest to respect her wish.

Roll to remain awake:The 20-sided dice lands on 6
Roll to resist a spell:The 20-sided dice lands on 14
Roll to listen:The 20-sided dice lands on 14


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 05:33 AM

Mage training required many long vigils, and any mage who couldn't stay awake for one night was doomed to failure. Bards are also used to staying awake all night, although they usually spend their wakefulness partying instead of studying. Their experience stood them in good stead as their companions dozed off one by one.

Perched in their respective trees, Aneja and Alexis both dozed off, possibly lulled by Phaelan's soft humming. It was fortunate for Alexis that her species was used to sleeping in trees, otherwise she would have fallen out as she hadn't tied herself to the branch the way the rogue had.

It didn't take long for Draza to realize she'd grabbed the wrong water-skin... or perhaps she'd put the wrong herbs in. She didn't have long to figure out what the problem was, though, before she fell into a deep peaceful sleep. Unfortunately for Rave, a human's tolerance for some herbs isn't nearly as strong as a lizard's. The brief smell of the offered skin was enough to push her into unconsciousness, and she barely managed to lie down before passing out.

Phaelan and Zebulon were left to enjoy the quiet evening by themselves. The air was warm and smelled of ripening fruit, and the chorus of insects was occasionally punctuated by liquid arias from nightingales. The night's song was beautiful, and it was soon mixed with another melody. It was sung by a voice that was a curious mix between woman and bird, and utterly enchanting. The moment they heard the song, both men felt a spell pressing down on them. They shook off its effects easily, though, and turned toward the sound.

The singer wasn't in sight yet, but her location was obvious-- a flickering glow was moving through the orchard toward the special trees. She came into sight soon enough, and her appearance was as mysterious as her spell-song. One moment she was a slender girl in a cloak made of feathers, the next she was a bird made of flame, floating rather than flying through the trees. Moving slowly and gracefully, she finally arrived at the spot in the net that Rave had pointed out earlier.

Uhh, I guess I should pause here for Zebulon and Phaelan to take action... don't worry, sleepers, you'll get awakened soon!

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 07:20 AM

Phaelan was stupefied for a moment. Perhaps that silly old bard was from the North! The chick's voice was incredible and lilted better than his own golden chords-- not that he was a soprano any way, so really it wasn't comparable. Phaelan looked about the rest of the party to see who all was also awake, and he was honestly a little discouraged to see so few managed it. At least that baggy-clothes guy was awake... Wome--er... perhaps it was just the spell.

Not being an expert in magic, magical creatures, or glowing women, he quickly rooted around the grass and soil nearby in order to find some stray peach pits to toss at the slumbering companions in order to wake them up. Hopefully the other guy was better at dealing with this sort of thing.

Roll to throw peach pits at the sleepy time gang: The 20-sided dice lands on 7

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 09:04 AM

The beautiful, and enchanting, music made Zebulon's skin crawl. Shaking off it's mesmerizing effects, he stood quickly and grabbed his staff. Glancing around, he couldn't see clearly if anyone else was awake or enchanted. He wasn't sure what he could do against a creature like this, but maybe he'd heard legends of fire birds, so he thought hard, trying to recall anything he could about them. In the meantime, he also remembered that the constable woman had asked to be woken if anything happened.

Moving cautiously, and trying not to take his eyes off the glowing fire-bird-woman, he crept over to where the constable slept. Kneeling, he put a hand on her shoulder and gently tried to shake her awake. "Constable," he whispered pointedly. "Constable, wake up." The lizard woman was sleeping near by, so he crept over to her also, though he did not try to shake her awake. "Lizard-friend, wake up. We've got company," he whispered.

He peered around in the dark, trying to make out the spot in the net which was disturbed. He had left his lantern over by the tree with his other stuff, and it was difficult to see. If possible, he wanted to be position himself near that do what exactly, he wasn't sure. Could you knock out a magical fire bird by hitting it on the head? It seemed like a long shot, but it was all he could think to do. Besides, his second alarm spell had worked beautifully and would raise Sarthen herself as soon as the creature crossed the boundary. It would certainly raise the whole farm, anyway, and then he'd have help.

Roll to remember about firebirds: The 20-sided dice lands on 19
Roll to spot the net: The 20-sided dice lands on 5


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 05:44 PM

The peach pits bounced off branches and fell directly back onto Phaelan's head. They didn't wake their targets, but at least he felt more alert! The mild pain of the bumps on his head seemed to counteract the bird-woman's enchanting song. A successful roll of IQ-5 now will allow Phaelan to learn the song well enough to cast Fascinate in the future.

Neither of the women Zebulon tried to wake stirred a muscle, unless Draza's grunting snores counted as stirring. Panic seemed to sharpen Zebulon's memory, as he remembered a crumbling parchment he'd run across in a library years ago. It hadn't been what he was looking for, but the beautifuly illuminated script had caught his eye and he'd read it out of idle curiosity. It was a translation of a Northman story that was very similar to the song the bard had been singing earlier. Beyond the song, the manuscript had mentioned the Firebird's hypnotic song, that put any listener into a timeless daze. It had also mentioned that seeing her without her permission brought terrible luck.

Peering at the net, Zebulon saw the disarranged area where the firebird would enter. It wasn't hard to spot, as she moved straight toward it and lifted the net gently, obviously confident that her song would keep the guards occupied. Once inside the net, she took on her birdlike aspect and floated toward the nearest ripe peach still singing... at least until she crossed the Alarm border. The shrieking wail covered the unmusical squawk as she broke off her music and stared around her.

Aneja and Alexis are awake now, Draza and Rave may roll to wake up-- as long as they don't roll 20s they're also awake.

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 06:18 PM

Roll to see if alarm wakes Draza: The 20-sided dice lands on 17


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 06:25 PM

Draza awakens and resist the effects of the spell. The flickering light originating from the newcomer was easily enough to draw attention to her and identify the opponent.

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 06:29 PM

There was that terrible shrieking again, this time accompanied by squawking. As if she could sleep through all of that. Draza was grumpy as she got up, bloodshot eyes searched for the cause of the alarm. Her spear was in hand and she was pulling the net loose from her belt. A few of her clerical teaching stirring in the back of her mind, the lessons on calling for liquid aid from Uolthen being the first to come to mind, she let the words come freely to her tongue.

Roll to search for target: The 20-sided dice lands on 2
Prepping to loose "Create water" if spot check passes. (10 gallons of water @8lbs a gallon)


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 08:02 PM

Alexis woke up with a bit of a groan, scolding herself for having fallen asleep when she realized that the alarm was going off. Going wide eyed she looked around her in the dark trying to find the creature that had set the alarm off. Surely it was the one that was stealing the peaches. She did a scan of the tree tops remembering that whatever it was had feathers.

Roll to find song bird The 20-sided dice lands on 2

If she does manage to find the bird in the dark she will also try to shoot an arrow at it, but only if she can find it.
Roll to see if arrow finds its target The 20-sided dice lands on 12


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 09:47 PM

Aneja remembered waving the rope around onto the orcs head, but her eyes were already heavy, and her head nodded again, she sat back with a jerk, trying to stay awake, but it was more comfortable leaning against the trunk than leaning over waving the rope, she closed her eyes, just for a second, her hand gently twisting the rope. The stars that she could see through the canopy grew brighter, and began to swirl around, they joined together creating a shape, first a shiny suit of armour that had a steel helm, the holes in the visor creating a face that had a stern look upon it, they shifted again turning into a magnificent harp it played itself the chimes seem to say 'peaches, 'peaches' the notes that rang from it melded together creating a kind of giant dragon or lizard with golden scales, that snapped its jaw filled with sharp teeth shut, as it did it shattered into a thousand sparkling diamonds, that fell into a pile, but the pile was in the form of a man in long robes the man lifted his arms, and feather spewed from his finger tips turning into the bird lady from the party. But then even she changed her feathers turned red golden sparkling dust glittered around her, a beautiful melody filled the air

"Aaa ahhhhh, what in the name of Darthens codpiece and all that's holy is that!"

She woke up with a start, a deafening noise sounding out across the farm

"Who wants to wake the bloomin dead!"

She realised that it was the alarm, probably the farm hands again she thought at first, then she remembered her dream, maybe the thief had triggered the alarm, she looked around and remembered the Orc below her

"What's going on?" She shouted at the top of her voice.

Roll to see intruder through the leaves The 20-sided dice lands on 20


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 10:24 PM

The Firebird glowed as if lit from within by a brilliant flame, making her quite obvious in the shadowy orchard-- only a blind person could have failed to spot her. Alexis's scan immediately moved below the treetops and she loosed her arrow.

Aneja's shouted question was answered by her own eyes as she saw the fiery birdwoman backing toward the net while still attempting to sing the song that was her only defense. Even as she spotted the Firebird, Alexis's arrow drove into one glowing shoulder, and the song dissolved into a scream of pain and terror. The bird staggered backward toward one of Aneja's snares.

On a roll of 8 or less (Firebird's AGI minus the amount Aneja succeeded Traps by) the Firebird will avoid being caught in the snare:
The 20-sided dice lands on 12

---------- Post added 12-22-2013 at 05:39 PM ----------

Also, I forgot! Alexis, roll for damage. Rolling for damage should look like:
HTML Code:
Bow: [dice]4[/dice] +1


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 10:42 PM

Roll for damage. Bow: The 4-sided dice lands on 1 +1


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-22-2013, 10:45 PM

Aneja caught sight of the twirling mass of feathers and flame, like a beacon fire amongst the dark and gloom of the night. Just as she did, she heard a twang over the noise of the wail, and hear a scream from the creature, immediately she went to shimmy down the rope.

Roll to get down the rope quickly and safely The 20-sided dice lands on 9

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 02:29 AM

Roll to see if alarm wakes Rave: The 20-sided dice lands on 6


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 02:42 AM

Rave awakened and looked for the source of the enchanting music. She was immediately entranced, gazing at the fiery creature. Her emotions were too caught by the song to even be distracted when it came to an abrupt end as the arrow hit the bird-woman's shoulder. Rave will be Fascinated for 1 minute, or 60 turns.

Aneja barely even needs the rope as she slides gracefully to the ground with a little flourish. It was immediately obvious that the Firebird was badly wounded. Blood that glowed like lava was seeping out from around the arrow penetrating her shoulder, and even as the rogue landed the frantic creature stepped into one of the snares, firmly catching her ankle and causing her to fall.

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 03:56 AM

Reeling from the racket of the alarm, Phaelan turned from the Firebird as she was shot in order to roar "Gah! Next time make it a little quieter, will ya?" at the mage. He wasn't really angry, but with the kerfuffle it might not have seemed that way.

As soon as Phaelan turned back he noticed that the Firebird had been shot and his breath caught in his throat. How could we do such harm to this woman? She was only stealing the peaches to eat! Also something about a princess! Perhaps he was about to play the white knight, but he leapt up from where he was sitting and quickly growled to Aneja "They're hurting her! before he ran toward the injured flaming lady. He purposefully allowed room for him to slow down before getting too close to alarm her too much by his presence.

Upon slowing down, Phaelan opened his arms to show he was unarmed, and slowly attempted to approach at a walk saying I do not want hurt you. You are very hurt. May I try to help you? just over the sound of the alarm. Phaelan had no idea how he would help someone who could very well harm him, but it had not honestly come to mind.

Roll to learn the Fascinate song: The 20-sided dice lands on 13 (pleasepleaseplease!!!)
Diplomacy toward the Firebird: The 20-sided dice lands on 17


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 07:43 AM

She landed cracefully like a cat her feet and ankles gently bending and almost at the same time firmly grasped the rope giving it a very nimble flick that sent a ripple along the length of the silken rope to dislodge the hook.

Roll to dislodge grappling hook The 20-sided dice lands on 11

---------- Post added 12-23-2013 at 07:44 AM ----------

Roll to catch the hook The 20-sided dice lands on 3

---------- Post added 12-23-2013 at 07:56 AM ----------

The hook flipped off the branch and spun as it plummeted towards the ground, Aneja quickly in a flash swept her arm out and grasped the hook, and placed it into her belt. She had seen Phalean start to run towards the stricken creature, and she ran to follow, pulling and wrapping the rope as she went, she easily hid most her form behind the larger build of the Orc. She had a pang of guilt when she could see the blood, but this is what they had came to do she told herself, but she was a little chuffed that her snares had worked, even if it meant that this thing couldn't run away, so that they could try to aid it somehow, she was no good with serious injuries she knew that,she tried to avoid getting hurt, or in situations where she might have the threat of being mortally wounded. She was no stranger to knocks and grazes, as had suffered them all the time practicing her climbing and scaling walls, and wriggling through windows and cavities. And she never had the need to look out for someone else, the last time she was in a group of people in a task, that didn't end to well, and no matter what medical skills she had then wouldn't have helped one bit, so she had never learned. But she hoped one of this group may have some training or sorcery to help this pitiful thing, after all she had some sympathy and affinity with thieves.

cat whisperer

Chexala is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 09:36 AM

Several things began to happen all at once, too quickly for Zebulon to immediately take in. As soon as the firebird crossed the barrier, the alarm went off and the others woke up. There were several shouts, and an arrow shot out of the darkness, striking the woman. Then the bard was offering her assistance and Zebulon realized abruptly that the alarm was still shrieking, so he raised his hands quickly and dismissed it.

Even though he had been thinking mere moments ago about possibly striking the firebird with his staff, he was a bit shocked by the arrow wound to her shoulder. He'd never really considered injuring the thief, not really, but especially not now that he'd seen what a rare creature it was. He hurried over to his pack and dug out his first aid kit and hurried back to where the others were gathering around the firebird. The bard was approaching her, so Zebulon hung back, not wanting to overcrowd or intimidate her, and he waited to see what her response would be.

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 04:33 PM

Everyone was running towards the beast, probably for the killing blow. She stomped/ran along with them, as she got closer she saw that they had captured a woman who seemed to be on fire. "Uolthen guide my actions, heed my words." She directed her prayers at the flaming woman, she had never seen anything like this. Wait she knew will-o-wisps but nothing this fiery. "May your waters cover the world, may you drench the fires, and quench our thirst." There was no trying to help while she was still on fire.

Roll for prayer/spell check: The 20-sided dice lands on 7 +4 (wis)
Create water over firebird and others if they're in the way too. :P


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 07:54 PM

"Let me go! Please let me go! I'll give you treasure!" The Firebird struggled frantically against the snare, but her injured shoulder kept her from easily reaching it to untie the cord, and she wasn't strong enough to break the silk. She calmed slightly at Phaelan's offer of help, and pulled a ring off her finger to offer him. Intricately worked gold clasped a dark cabochon that seemed to catch and hold the Firebird's glow within itself. "See? Treasure... just set me free and I'll give you more... I'll give you all of it if you don't let them put me in a cage!"

Brilliant fireworks fountained into the air from Draza's hands, startling the bird-woman into silence.


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-23-2013, 09:33 PM

The rogue listened to the woman cry out and plead with the group, she wasn't exactly a caring person as such, but seeing her so distraught made Aneja feel sorry for her, and a little embarrassed, to see her try to bribe her way, Aneja would have fought kicking and screaming not snivelling. She thought this wasn't right, and they had found out who was taking the peaches, and now was sure they had stopped the firery vagrant from doing more of the same. So she was sure they were owed their due. They had done this as a group and all took responsibility but she spoke up, until now standing behind the others watching "No! This ain't right this is wrong, I maybe a theif...okay a very good thief at tha', but am no mugger, I don't attack and take from defenceless folk" she looked down at the woman "er, or whatever this is!" She made a grab at the ring before anyone could take it, to shove it back at the bird

Roll to swip the ring to give it back The 20-sided dice lands on 15

"Look it, can't we let her go? We stopped tha peaches being nabbed, so we done wha' was being asked of us right?" She looked over towards the city guard ready to listen to something she didn't want to hear with apprehension "and before any of yous go sayin' we better 'and her in, didn't we just shoot at someone...okay sumtin' without her 'aving her say?" She had got quite worked up and stood trying to make herself as tall as possible with her hands on her hips, trying to look as stern as she could borrowing her eyes into everyone. Not sure if she was trying to pressure anyone, get sympathy or support.


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