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Bored and exhausted
Zollie is offline
Old 07-24-2015, 11:23 PM

(Watching the episode where Yuki got sick :P )

"Thank you, I try to live my life with serenity" Maye spoke hearing him talk about the good luck "Well, maybe it was good luck we met up?" or fate she wanted to say, but she was always in that park even if he didn't know it. It was her favorite place to go most of the time and during autumn she never wanted to leave. "Yea they do, I used to have three younger sisters so I'm quite good with kids" she heard the tea kettle and went inside to get the cups filling them with hot water while bringing a tray that had: sugar, real lemon juice from sliced lemons she squeezed herself just the day before, and honey as well as a few herbs to add to it like cinnamon and cherry powder for flavor. Coming back she set the tray down on a metal cart near she used to put her snacks on while outside and put his cup down on a small table in the middle of the garden "Here you are" it was almost like a tea set, it was, but it was old and the cups were white with pink cherry blossoms around the top part of it. She really did like cherry blossoms and flowers most of all as well as leaves falling from trees. "Do you not like kids?" she asked wondering.


The door opened and an older man who appeared handsome with his hair combed back nicely though it was long enough to go just below his shoulders a bit. His eyes were an amazing silver-blue color that made them almost look unreal, but unknown to others they were real. "Hello, are you some of Raven's friends?" this was Raven's uncle, Vladimir, she didn't say anything to him about having friends so it was interesting for him to find out this way. "Come this way and don't forget to leave your shoes at the door. You'll do fine with just your socks, if not there are slippers" he gestured to the slippers unused next to the doorway. He led them up the steps to her door way at the end of the hall as there was a purple rabbit on it "Raven, your friends are here." he knocked gently.

"Go on in, I will whip you up some snacks" he left them alone at the end of the stairway as Haru opened the door to see Raven in a room filled with a gothic eccentric look. Her bed was a round and circular shape with dark purple and black colors with a big purple bunny on top of it. In one part of the room she had stuffed animals that were odd, colorful, and some that were totally cute. You'd probably never expect to see cute things in a room such as this, it was almost medieval style. Her room would have had a strong energy feeling, as if the air in the room was heavier than it should have been, but nothing was wrong it seemed minus Raven was sick. "Oh hey" she mumbled yawning not sitting up, if she did that she would get dizzy.

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Old 07-25-2015, 12:23 AM


"Hello there,its nice to meet you",she said and blinked."i love socks",she said happily and slipped of her shoes.Almost tripped over her own to feet as she followed."you have a beautiful home",she added and smiled as she entered Rvaen room and gave a sympithetic smile as she sat on the floor beside her bed."don;t you look livly"


Hatori gently took the cup."thank you",he said softly as he stared into the tea."I ...don't know...I guess thay can be adorable at times....",he said thinking about Momigi."had sisteres?",he sked suddenly looking to her.

Bored and exhausted
Zollie is offline
Old 07-25-2015, 12:34 AM

(Eeek someone granted my wish for the item I wanted, Pastel Body Paint)

Uncle had thanked her for the compliments on the house and went to finish the snacks. "Haha, I'm fine. Just sleep deprived for a few days now" Raven yawned her hair was messy and she looked so exhausted as she sat up in a long black t-shirt like pajama shirt with matching pajama capris. "So how come you are here?" Momiji ran over to hug Raven quickly though Haru stopped him "Don't do that Momiji, you know better" though Haru wouldn't mind if he was black Haru, but would regret it later.


Maye put honey in her tea with a peppermint stick which was one of the ways she liked her tea. "Yes, when I was five I believe, and my mother had triplets, so by the time I turned six an accident happened involving all of them even with my father. I went to preschool for the day and when no one came to get me, my uncle picked me up saying they all passed away. Something about a gas leak, which was odd because we were so old fashion. Candles, no gas or electric stove, and we did fine with it all." She wasn't poor, but her family believed in saving the enviroment enough that they choose to use candles rather than lights. They even built their own house theirselves, but they had a normal bathroom that had pipes like everyone else. "However, I don't remember anything about them, and soon enough my uncle passed away in his sleep." she added.

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Old 07-25-2015, 12:55 AM

((thats great!!)

Yukina blinked at how Hatu had stopped Momigi.What was so bad about a hug?Though,it had been years since she had one of her own,so."well we wanted to make sure you were okay",she then blinked."you too...a lot of kids were like zombies today,until the windows in the school shattered",she added bluntly


Hatori blinked lissening to her."Im sorry",he said softly."I didnt mean to intrude , im a horrible guest ,aren't I?",he asked staring at his tea gain.Part of him wanted to be like her,and just open up,about,well eveythings.Curse and the insane Akito ."your a very strong young women..."

Bored and exhausted
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Old 07-25-2015, 01:17 AM

"Ah mine is due to overworking myself, but that is odd. The windows shattered? Did they stay that way?" Raven had an idea of what was going on, but wasn't too sure. Then Momiji got out of Haru's grip and hugged Raven, However nothing happened. No poof of smoke, no explosion noise, nothing. "Hi there, you shouldn't really be hugging me until I'm better" Raven replied.


"It's alright, I don't remember anything from it, besides I wasn't there so I didn't really feel sad about it" Maye smiled adding "You're not a horrible guest, in fact you're one the very few I invite over" let alone for tea too. "Thank you and you're a very kind doctor" she found out from Usara that he was a doctor. "So are you a house doctor or normal doctor?" Usara didn't tell her that much.

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Old 07-25-2015, 01:37 AM

Yukina giggeled."come on now Momigi you really don't want to get sick now you do?",she said softly.She didn't know much about teh Soma's but figguered that they looekd out for one another.=She looked down a bit and rested her head on her knee's."no they didnt say why it broke,but there was a lot of panic",she then glanced at Haru."you okay Hatsuharu you look like you've seen a ghost"


Hatori blinkd a bit at her ."oh uh,thanks',he binked at her question."I'm a house Doctor, but usually to my fammily nw...".he said softly."I don't get out much",he slowly admitted as he sipped his tea

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Old 07-25-2015, 01:51 AM

Haru didn't say a word while the Uncle brought the snacks in leaving them on the small desk table next to her bed. "Lemonade and crackers with cheese for the guests and the princess" Raven turned away from him as if she was upset as the stuffed animal (purple rabbit) she was holding before Momiji tried to hug her fell down.

Haru started to laugh a little after the Uncle left. Wow, a hug that didn't make him change because of a stuffed animal, he couldn't wait to tell someone about this later. But for now he would keep it to himself. He sighed in relief "No, I'm good, sorry, Raven are you feeling any better?" he asked distracting the conversation looking at Momiji as if he was saying they got lucky. "Yea, I'm alright, but wow I can't believe that really happened.


"Really? You should more often, maybe one of these days you can visit again. I could always bring tea over" she smiled wondering about something, but kept it to herself. "You at least get to stare out at nature right? Go outside every so often? Fresh air is healthy for you" she teased slightly. She drinked her tea while talking to him.

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Old 07-25-2015, 01:59 AM

Yukina nodded."yeha,it was carazy",she said softly and seemed to be doezenng of right there.In the back of her mind a far,distant memory was trying to push threw ,but somthing was keeping it away and it was starting to make her head hurt.

Hatori blinked a bit at her."uh",he smiled some."I'd love to come over afagain sometime...and ys ffresh air is good isnt it",he leansed his head back as a gentle breeze came hrough,blowing his hair around

Bored and exhausted
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Old 07-25-2015, 02:26 AM

Haru spoke with Momiji about a few things then joined in on the conversation for awhile until the same crackling noise was heard again. Raven jumped up almost falling over, but luckily she caught herself on her bed. She had dizzy spells so jumping up like that really made it worse and made her want to pass out. There was a long tall body mirror covered up, a vanity that was black had a mirror on it, and a small balcony door made of glass and decoration frame that started to shake. "Not again" Haru yelled pushing Momiji under the bed with Raven and taking Yukina with him, but hugging Momiji as Raven hugged Yukina, unfortnally the shattering sound did happen which made her uncle rush in "Raven!" he was really worried about her when he came in and the room itself had glass all over the place except the end of the bed.

Maye watched with happiness in her eyes, a caring feeling rushing through her, and she felt really at ease. "You know, I'm glad to have met you, even if it was just through business and hasn't been that long. It's nice to be able to talk to someone in a comfortable way." Maye confessed.

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Old 07-25-2015, 02:59 AM

Hatori blinked at her happiness and found himslef smileing at her ."Imglad you can be so easy going with me abd yes,no mader what im glad to have met you too",he said truthfully."so what do you think about the story of the zodic animals...",he asked curiously.

Yukina seemed,for a moment to have blacked out then after things were quite she came back around,then she locked eyes with Haru for a moment...something in here eyes seemed to really know him she carefully came out from under the bed."I...have to go",she saod softly,still kinda dazed she stood ,glad she wasnt wabbeling."Raven feel better soon,and i'll stop by again tomorrow,maybe we can pay catch up with our work",she sand and bowed to her uncle before bolding full tilt from the house ,even slipping her shos on fast.

Bored and exhausted
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Old 07-25-2015, 10:07 PM

"Ah yes, I remember that story, I often told it to my friends" Maye wasn't one too care about how it sounded, but the real message behind it should be mentioned to the kids all the time. "The cat and the rat were friends but the rat told the cat that the feast was the day after tomarrow. The cat who thought the rat was a good friend and wouldn't lie to him belived the rat's lie. The next day the rat and all the other animals from the chinese zodiac went to the feast but at the foot of the hill the was a stream. The rat asked the ox if it could carry the rat accross the stream the ox agreed, so the rat climbed on top of the ox so the ox could cross the stream.on the other side of the stream when the rat was supposed to get off he didn't because the rat was so light the ox didn't notice but right before the ox came into the temple for the feast the rat jumped off the ox and entered the doors first." Maye spoke closing her eyes while she held onto her warm cup of tea that was almost completely gone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Raven looked confused as her uncle helped her up, but she couldn't chase after Yukina in her condition. Haru left Momiji with Raven and her uncle as he chased after Yukina. "Yukina where are you going?" Haru called out catching her wrist as she got out onto the front lawn. The look in her eyes earlier made something happen, a memory came forth, and he was trying to understand it.

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Old 07-25-2015, 10:32 PM

Shigure nodded."yeath that's the one... do you lie that story?",he sked softly.He was making small talk but wondered if she knew it.And thought of how ,if it would be possible,if they remained friends,to tell her more about it.


'HOME".Yukina snapped but didnt fight against him."I'm going home",she muttered.'so please let go",she asked softly.She stared at her shoes.

((*Sigh* its one thing to be hungry after work,its nother to be hungry,and going into a convinces store after a crap day at work...>.< ))

Bored and exhausted
Zollie is offline
Old 07-25-2015, 11:13 PM

(Glad you like that)

"I do, but sometimes I wonder if there is more to it. Only because it makes you wonder what the cat did to get back at the rat for what happened when he found out. And how come the other animals didn't befriend the cat as well?" Maye brought up a couple good points, the rat did something bad, and in the end no one hated him for it probably because he was the first to the banquet. Well the ox wound up being the second because of the rat, so there was probably tension there.


Haru asked "Why? Did you remember something too?" he asked throwing at out there since he remembered awhile back playing with a little girl that looked like a small version of her. He was there too, but he didn't remember all that much.

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Old 07-25-2015, 11:18 PM


Yukina binked and looked to him."n-no",she lided...she didn't want to remember."I just have to get home",she said softly looking away again.She didn't want to she did ,it hurt all over again."pleae Hru, i need to get going and you should be getting abck to Raven nd Momigi.

Hatori blinked a bit and leaned back."they were all cursed",he said trying to sound like he had been joing,but kinda failed at it

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Old 07-25-2015, 11:53 PM

"Raven's going to worry about you, Momiji too, what am I supposed to tell them?" Haru sighed he really wanted to hug her, but then he would change, and it would probably be too much for her. Letting her arm go slightly "Just one question, how long have you lived in this neighborhood?" he asked, if she answered it the way he would expect, then that would confirm his thoughts.


"All the animals?" Maye took it serious, but she wondered if they all were for what they did to the cat "What happened to the cat? Did he get cursed to even though it wasn't really his fault?" she wondered intrigued by the conversation.

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Old 07-26-2015, 12:14 AM

Yukina looked down."i just moved her during the summer,but ...when i was young, i live here for 7 years...",she said softly."and tell them anything...",she then raced off again she did't want him to see her crying...not with how many taers she felt on her face. She ran as fast as her legs would let her go.She kept metaling calling Haru a lier,though sh e was one too now.When she finally got home it had started to rain,she sat on the loor in her door way and was just staring off a a flood of memories started to oush through,causeing ehr brain to tell her body it was time to sleep...meanwhile totattly forgtting that she had left her school bag at Rave's witched had her adress in it..

((hows your headache :( ))

Hatori nodded."yeha,he was curseed too some say worse then the others..."

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Old 07-26-2015, 12:39 AM

(Disappeared currently, why?)

Haru sighed feeling a raindrop while he went back inside to find that Raven's room was already cleaned back up as if nothing happened. "What?" he sounded confused, there was no way they cleaned it up and fixed the mirrors by the short time he came back in. "I'll have to go back to school tomorrow Uncle" Raven said sitting next to Momiji "Momiji we need to go, it's starting to rain, Raven you wouldn't happen to have an extra umbrella would you?" Haru asked as she nodded "In my closet there" pointing to a closet without doors on it, she didn't like closet doors for very many reasons. "Aww but I don't wanna" Momiji exclaimed, but Haru wasn't listening as he pulled out a plain black umbrella big enough for both of them. "I'll give it back to you at school tomorrow," Haru and Momiji said their goodbyes and hoped Raven would get better. However, Haru noticed Yukina's bag still sat by the door so he picked it up checking through it finding her address. "We will drop this off on the way home Momiji, come on, Hatori will be looking for us" they left closing the door behind them.


"Uncle, they're back. I told you they won't leave me alone" Raven had a gift, more like something she called a curse being able to talk to ghosts, but she couldn't do much for them. She wanted to seem more normal, but now they followed her here to this school and her house. Luckily there was a house maid who visited once throughout the day, she was falling in love with the uncle, and something about the spirits proved they didn't like that. So she went around warding off the windows, doors, and walls. Salt was laid all over the house for protection and a very good amount too.


"I can't see why, but something tells me there is more than just that" Maye asked hearing thunder rumble which made her jump startled by the sound of it as she sighed. "I would love to talk more about this, but it seems you might get stuck here if you stay any longer" She sighed putting her cup down now that she finished her tea.

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Old 07-26-2015, 01:09 AM

Hatori stood."your right",he said looking up as rain started to come down."thank you Maye for the tea,it was great",he said sitting the cup down and headed for the door after giving her a small bow.He looked to the rain once he stepped outside.Stood this would become snow...a lost look came over him."have a good evening",he added and started to make his leave.


Yukina was still fast asleep just inside her door way,she was remembering things one was of Haru and her when they were younger,he was showing of his karate,and when he punched a tree he cut his hand open,heh,and she scolded him on be careful and taking care of himslef better as she patched it up with the same hankerchift she had used today.Then there was a fash to when a bunch of boys were picking on her and he defended her.That was when they had first met.Another flash and she was climbing a tree to put a bird back in his next,Haru was yelling at her to be fareful,then as soon as she had the bird back where it belonged she slipped,he caught her and ,tahst when she found out his secret.A year and a half they ahd been good friends,and it all ended on the day after she found out. Yukina was crying,not wanting to forget him,but Haru promised ehr,taht he would always remeber her,and be there when she needed him. She then saw Hatori walk in look sorry but he still took his memories away,then nothing good ever happened after that day.

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Old 07-26-2015, 02:09 AM

Maye waited till he was out of the door and quickly slipped on her shoes grabbing her Umbrella and walking up next to him placing it over his head. Though she wasn't as tall as him she still held it over both of them "It would be rude to let you walk in the rain alone and without an umbrella" she smiled enjoying the sound of the rain starting.


Haru walked with Momiji who was holding the Umbrella telling him "Go straight home, look there is Tohru, why don't you walk home with her. I'll be back late" Haru spoke not letting Momiji argue as the shorter boy ran off smiling to catch up with Tohru, though he would ask Haru why he wanted to walk alone later on. Haru thought about the address and walked to the house even though by the time he got there it was starting to rain more so he was soaked.

Knocking on the door he waited to hear if she would answer "Yukina, Yukina let me in, you forgot your bag, it's me Haru" If Haru would have to, he would find another way in, or go through the door. Though he didn't know where she was so he had to be careful on breaking a door in just to find her. Haru remembered the day she found out about the curse, when she fell out of the tree, and the time he hurt his hand. There was even a time they played with bubbles outside or throw water balloons at others thinking it was funny.

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Old 07-26-2015, 02:37 AM

Yukina had still been sleeping,a last bit f her memories was telling Haru how cool he was when she saw that he coudl become a cow,she loved cows...even back then ,and had hugged him in his cow form .She awoke to Harus voice she blinked a bit and sat up.What was he doing at her!She got up and sighed knwing that hr hair was a mess from beingso wet then from sleeping on the floor,then her eyes were puffy from crying.It was gonna be a long night.She slid her door open and lookedto Haru."oh",she said softly.It had taken her a while to come around and to answr the door,hopefully she didnt set off any alarms...

Hatori blinked when the water he felt on him suddenly stop,he looked to Maye a bit surprised."i-it would have been fine",he said still looking shocked."Uh",he nodded to her."thank you Maye, you are a very kind my young realitoves friend...."

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Old 07-26-2015, 02:47 AM

Haru looked bothered by how she appeared "May I come in, just for a moment?" he asked though he wasn't going to leave oh so easily either. He waited the entire time getting soaked by the rain and wouldn't be surprised if he got sick after this "You're still wet, you should have changed out of your clothes, don't want you to get sick too" Haru spoke.

"You're welcome, I was raised to be polite, and I just don't want this day to end just yet" Maye smiled kindly as they walked mostly in silence on the way to his place. Luckily they didn't live that far apart, it was odd, but quite an interesting good feeling.

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Old 07-26-2015, 03:00 AM

Instinct took over as she sudden grabbed Harus wrist and pulled her into the house shutting the door."Your one to talk your soaking wet,why would you come all the way here with out an unbrella",she said openeing a cubbord and found a rather large towel and placed it on top of his head."i can make some hot chocloate and warm you up",she then blinked a bit."and i didn't change because i dozed off whie taking off my shoes..."

Hatori smiled a bit and blinked."you don't want it to end?",he asked softly.He didnt either but,as they reached teh gates."Maye,do you trust me?",he asked softly

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Old 07-26-2015, 03:07 AM

Haru waited for the door to close, he made sure it was shut and locked, then he turned around grabbing her by the waist almost like she did with him, and pulled her into a hug. ~ P O O F ~ he had transformed into a cow now still it seemed like he was hugging her even in that form and he didn't want to let go of her. "You really are just as troublesome as I am aren't you, Yukina"

"Not really" talking about not wanting it to end. Even though Maye had just met him she did trust him, "Yes, I trust you" she wondered why as she looked curious waiting to see what he would say next "Why?" she finally asked liking his green eyes.

(Yes he has green eyes I checked a few bios on this earlier)

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Old 07-26-2015, 03:19 AM

Hatori nodded."then ,for ,your saftey ,and mine,when we meet up,we cant go inside the gates together.....",he said looking extreamly concerned for her."tomrrow,i .......really should show you something tomorrow...but,at your house..."

Yukina froze when he had suddenly grabbed her by the waist. "what thehel-|",she satopped as he was pulling her in for a hug ,and knew what was coming."wai-",then ther was the poof,she stared at hima moment,then felt some tears in her eyes and hugged him the best she could and just cried

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Old 07-26-2015, 03:26 AM

"I'm sorry I didn't meant to forget, I was told to when I was little that it was to keep you safe, but now I just don't care" Haru spoke while being in cow form "Maybe we should get you into some dry clothes, it seems I've already lost mine anyways so I'm in less harm than you" Haru spoke to her almost chuckling at that thought, though he did enjoy the embrace he couldn't have with anyone except her.

"Then I will do as you ask, not walking in together, I understand" Maye did too, well enough to know he didn't want to yet be seen by anyone in his family with her, as to why she had no idea, but she was willing to wait to find out. Maye had completely forgotten that was leaving tomorrow morning to go to the hot springs for the weekend until Monday when she would return. Her only thoughts right now were filled with Hatori.

"Alright, I tend to be up by five, but not fully functional until seven in the morning. You can come over by then and oh you have to come before ten though okay?" just now realizing she was going out of town this weekend to an outdoor bath Usara gave her a coupon for. "I'll be waiting" she said adding "I should go now" and quickly leaned up on her tip toes giving him a slight peck on the cheek making sure he was under an underhang before leaving and walked away smiling with a little bit of a bounce in her step. Then again she was wondering why he looked so concerned, why did he look that way?


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