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Old 01-08-2017, 12:51 AM


Kevin waited for Ellie before they started their walk. He knew the skate center wasn't far..but he was a little worried about Milly. 'Just a while longer..' He thought to himself, blinking when he heard Ellie's question. "Me, skate?" He asked curiously, followed by chuckling and shaking his head. "Not once." He answered casually. Honestly, he could barely ride a bike! "Me and wheels don't really mix.." Kevin murmured, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

The one time he did try and skate, roller skate mind you, he ended up on the floor with a locker between his legs and his feet in the air. He never told Ellie about that.. but when he thought about it, he cheeks darkened. He couldn't wait to see his friend skate though- she'd be practicing for something big. He could see it.


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Old 01-16-2017, 06:49 PM

Ellie had to laugh when she saw the look on Kevin’s face. She had nearly forgotten the time she had bullied him into riding a bike. It hadn’t really ended well… She had made it up for him afterwards though, bandaging up his banged up knee and taking him out for an ice cream sundae. They had gotten the ultra deluxe sundae with all the toppings and it was so huge that even between the two of them they had barely managed to finish it and she had ended up with a stomach ache afterwards.

“Still no plans to get your driver’s license?” Ellie teased, “That’s one set of wheels I can’t wait to get my hands on…” Ellie had been trying to convince her dad to take her to get her learner’s permit but despite her desperate pleas he never seemed to be at home long enough to go with her let alone teach her how to drive afterwards. It was kind of silly really, there wasn’t any real reason that she needed to drive but she wanted to take that step into adulthood. That and it would be fun to be able to go to the mall or the movie theater without having to hitch a ride or taking the bus.

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Old 01-30-2017, 12:31 AM

Kevin glanced at her when she laughed, and couldn't help but smile. He felt cheerful anytime he saw Ellie smile, or happy. He blinked when he asked him about getting his driver's license. "That's a different story." Kevin answered casually, with a small smirk. If he could get his hands on one, he wouldn't have to rely on his mom or someone to take him around town. His mom was never around..

Shaking his head to stop from thinking about it, he glanced back at his childhood friend. "You ready to go?" He asked curiously.

zigbigadorlube: (finally~ hope you weren't waiting too long)


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Old 01-31-2017, 04:37 PM

((Nova_Alchemist: I’m running out of ideas for small talk so I’m going to do a short time skip if that’s okay with you, if not let me know and I can edit it. ))

Ellie laughed lightly, she wondered which of them would manage to get their license first. It would be totally awesome to drive around together. She couldn’t wait to see what sort of adventures they could go on. Maybe they could even take a trip this summer! She smiled already imagining trips to the beach and movies at the drive in.

The walk to the rink didn’t take long and soon enough they walked through the glass doors and into the cool atmosphere inside. It always felt chilly when she first walked in but once she started skating she would warm up in no time. ”I should get ready,” Ellie said, tilting her head towards the locker rooms. ”You can take a seat wherever you like since you’ll probably be the only on here,” she added.

Usually practice was just between her and her coach. A few years back there had been another girl in league with her, Anna. They had shared the same coach and practiced together. Anna’s mother always came to her practice sessions to watch and cheer on her daughter, and Ellie too. Ellie remembered how wonderful it felt having someone there to support them, to share in their successes and cheer them on through their failures. Eventually Anna and her mother moved away and practices were never the same after that. It would feel really nice to have someone watching her from the stands again.

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Old 01-31-2017, 06:38 PM

zigbigadorlube: (it's fine ^~^)

Kevin and his friend really didn't talk much once their walk starting coming to an end as the skating arena came into view. He couldn't help but worry about his kitten, with him being gone like this.. Shaking his head, he made a mental note to make it up to Milly once he and Ellie returned for pizza and movies. The thought made him smirk to himself. Milly really liked Ellie, and it made him happy.

Once they arrived and he followed Ellie part way, before she told she needed to get ready. He nodded to her and chose to sit on the bench closer to the rink so he could see her clearly. He couldn't wait to see her in action, even if it was only practice.


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Old 02-01-2017, 05:57 PM

Ellie made sure that her friend knew where to go before disappearing into the locker room. She quickly changed into her practice outfit consisting of black leggings, a sports bra, a black under armor shirt, and black gloves. After lacing up her skates, Ellie headed out onto the rink. They had arrived a few minutes early so her coach wasn’t there yet and she did a few quick laps around the rink to warm up.

Sliding to a halt in front of where Kevin was seated, she smiled up at her friend in the stands. ”Doing alright?” she asked, ”If you get cold there’s a vending machine that sells hot drinks over there,” she added, pointing over by the entrance. Practice usually lasted an hour or two so she wanted to make sure that her friend would be comfortable.


Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-01-2017 at 06:00 PM..

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Old 02-02-2017, 11:29 PM

Kevin watched her as she skate around the rink, making it look so easy. He couldn't help but wear a smile as his blue eyes followed her. When she came up to the front, and basically asked him if he was comfortable. He kind of tugged on the sleeves of his jacket, that he almost always wore, and smiled at her. "I'm alright, El. Thanks." He said to her casually, taking a metal note where the vending machine anyway. "Just be careful, alright?" He said to her in a slightly concerned voice. It was nice to watch her, but moving on a sleek surface made him nervous.



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Old 02-09-2017, 06:04 PM

Ellie laughed lightly, ”I’m always careful!” she teased. Catching movement out of the corner of her eye Ellie turned and waved at her coach as he walked through the door and over in their direction. The man appeared to be in his 40s with a tall, athletic build with close cropped greying brown hair and was dressed in a navy blue athletic suit.

”Hey Coach!” Ellie said when he reached them, ”This is my friend Kevin, he’s here to watch me skate. Kevin this is my coach Mr. Jameson.” Ellie smiled as she introduced them.

”Hi Kevin,” the coach said with a smile, sticking his hand out to shake, ”You can call me James or Coach, that’s what most people do,” he said with a laugh. It was clear that the man had a friendly and easygoing personality.

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Old 02-10-2017, 01:07 AM

Kevin smiled at her reaction, then blinked and glanced off in the direction Ellie was looking. Seeing the large man approach, he stood and shook the offered hand.This.. was her coach? He released his grip and smirked lightly. "Nice to meet you, coach." Kevin greeted, a little unsure of how he felt addressing him as 'coach'.. but it sounded better then calling him 'Mr. James'.

Kevin looked at Ellie and smiled. "Do your best." He said to her, since it felt like practice was going to start soon- with her coach here and all.


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Old 02-10-2017, 07:24 PM

”Nice to meet you,” James said, ”Its been a while since Elise has had anyone here to watch her practice. I’m glad to see she’s got someone here to support her…besides me of course!” Coach James barked out a laugh.

Ellie blushed at her coach’s comment. ”Thanks Kevin!”

”Why don’t you get started with your stretches Elise while I put my skates on?” James asked. Hiking his bag up on his shoulder he headed over to one of the benches near the rink.

Ellie nodded and took ahold of the side bar for stability as she stretched her legs, holding each position for about 20 seconds before moving on to the next. As she pulled her leg up behind her back it was clear that she was extremely flexible. After a few minutes her coach joined her on the ice and helped her finish her stretches.

”You seem a bit tense today Elise, are you nervous about the competition?” he asked.

”A little bit…” Ellie answered, though in truth she was more nervous about performing for Kevin, she wanted him to see her at her best.

”Alright, why don’t you warm up a bit and then we’ll go over your routine until you feel confident about it?”

Ellie nodded and pushed back from the sideboard, her skates cutting through the ice as she took a few quick laps around the rink before slowing to practice some basic spins to warm up her muscles and get a feel for the ice. As she moved on to the jumps, her coach occasionally gave her suggestions for improvement or praise.

"Looking good!" he said at last. "Let's move on to your routine now. Do you have your music with you?"

Ellie nodded and took her phone from where she had left it on the sideboard and handed it to her coach. Despite the cool temperature of the rink there was a slight sheen of sweat on her forehead which she wiped away with her glove. Ellie looked up at Kevin and flashed him a smile. She hoped he wasn't too bored or cold sitting there watching her.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-10-2017 at 07:29 PM..

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Old 02-18-2017, 10:17 PM

Kevin only smirked when coach James spoke about him coming to see her. He figured, since his mom was going to gone all day and all night again, he'd come to watch her. They were going to be together tonight anyway, for pizza and a movie..and she really seemed to like skating.. He could tell by the way she lit up when they talked about it.

Watching her and coach James on the ice, she was following his instructions. Ellie looked amazing on the ice, even she was just doing a few laps as the coach suggested. He was nervous for her though..and hoped that by him being there put pressure on her shoulders. When Ellie flashed him a smile, he smiled back and lightly nodded to her.

Letting her know that he was definitely interested in watching her practice. That was why he came after all.


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Old 02-28-2017, 06:15 PM

((Here is the music for reference: ))

Ellie’s smile widened when Kevin smiled back at her. It was sometimes hard to read his emotions but he seemed like he was enjoying himself so far.

”Music’s ready when you are,” Coach said, stepping off the ice to give her room.

Ellie nodded and glided to the middle of the rink. She looked from her coach over to Kevin one last time before taking up her first pose. Closing her eyes she took one deep breath before opening them again and nodded to her coach.

A moment later the music began and Ellie spun slowly in a wide circle before propelling herself backwards around the ring, her arms and body moving in time with the music, lending it a certain elegance. As she approached the back arch of the rink she inhaled and stuck her toe pick into the ice, propelling herself into her first jump. Her body spun in the air, making one full revolution before touching back down on the ice with a perfect landing. Ellie smiled to herself. Despite her initial nervousness about performing in front of her friend, she felt good today, her body loose and limber.

Her footwork became more complicated as the music quickened and her heartbeat picked up as well. Most people thought that ice skating was easy because the professionals that they watched on TV made it look that way. Her skates gleamed in the light as she twisted and turned, expressing the elegance of the music with her movements.

Suddenly the music slowed again, and so did Ellie’s movements, gliding slowly across the ice before stopping in place to spin, her leg outstretched behind her. Ellie’s vision of the rink blurred around her as she picking up speed she lowered her leg to a standing spin, then squatted down on the ice, continuing to spin until the momentum was nearly finished before standing once more to pick up speed for another jump. She spared a quick glance at Kevin before fixing her eyes back on the ice in front of her.

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Old 03-01-2017, 12:23 AM

((so pretty~ <3)

Kevin slowly stood and moved closer to the wall of the rink once Ellie's music started playing. He didn't want to miss anything.. Not a single moment. He watched Ellie dance across the ice, her movements completely in sync with the gorgeous background music. Kevin watched in amazement. He had no idea she possessed such a beautiful talent.. Kevin always knew she was more than books and studies, since they had been friends since they were kids, but this was.. beyond words.. Kevin only did things like doodle and write poetry.

..and care for stray kittens..

He couldn't seem to grasp how wonderful is childhood friend really was. Kevin's cheeks slowly heated as he watched her performance. Kevin, however, began to get a sinking feeling in his gut every time she glanced over at him. A seconds glance she wasn't watching the ice.. He almost feared for her safety. Skating was, or could be, a very dangerous sport.


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Old 03-01-2017, 01:28 AM

((I'm totally in love with that song. I found the anime after we started this roleplay and totally fell in love. ))

Ellie wondered what Kevin was thinking as he watched her. Would he feel the emotion she was trying to convey as put everything out there for him to see who she really was for the first time. She dragged her thoughts back to the jump ahead of her and took a sharp breath before launching herself off the ice once more. The sound of her skates hitting the ice echoed off the walls of the rink as she landed and spun, her footwork picking up again as the song approached the crescendo. She wove and spun, twirled and looped in a rhythm that her body only knew when she was on the ice.

Ellie's breath was bursting in her chest and sweat rolled down her forehead as she picked up speed for her last two jumps. It was a double and which was normally difficult but made even more so by the fact that she held them off for the end of the performance when her body was beginning to tire. It was important for her competition score however because it would land her big points. She didn't dare glance over at Kevin as she lined up for the jump. Digging her toe into the ice she felt herself soar through the cold air, rotating once before landing back on the ice for the second jump.

Digging her skate in hard, Ellie pushed off as hard as she could, propelling herself upward one last time. Her body spun in what felt like slow motion, her eyes shifting down toward the ice for the landing. As her skate touched down, Ellie wobbled. Unable to compensate, she fell forward hard, her knee crashing down onto the ice quickly followed by the rest of her body. She continued to slide across the ice, carried forward by the momentum of her fall until her head collided with the baseboard of the rink, stopping her cold.

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Old 03-01-2017, 02:47 AM

((it sounds like it was easy to fall in love with the anime <3 -gasp- nothing could prepare me for this >>.<<))

Kevin continued to watch her every move, pose and spin as she put on a show for him. That's it felt like anyway.. She was pushing herself for him, and he could see it in her eyes when she focused on sticking a landing or careful not to spin too much. Though, he couldn't why him being there made a difference, it did concern him. The set of horrifing events that unfolded before he had time to think, left him paralyzed for all of five seconds. "El.." He whispered silently under his breath, not even concidering the rules of the ice rink- he hopped over the wall, that met him slightly higher than his hip, and slid onto the ice. "Ellie!" He yelled, now that his voice had returned, as he half ran/ half slid over to his friend's limp body and gently lifted her part way as to move her head to his lap. Kevin tried not to panic too much as he carefully looked for any signs of blood.

Then his blue eyes flickered around, trying to find Coach James, who was probably standing right there.. Oh god. he didn't know what to do...


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Old 03-14-2017, 01:02 AM

((It is for sure! *gasp* Feel free to play the paramedics if you would like.))

Ellie struggled to remain conscious as the ice seemed to spiral around her rocking her back and forth and back and forth like that one time she and Kevin had gone on a boat ride that had left her seasick. The music was still playing above her and Ellie heard someone call her name though it sounded so far away. The ice was so cold beneath her and her head was pounding and the swaying motion was making it harder to keep the darkness at bay. Ellie felt hands gripping her body just before she blacked out entirely.

- - - - -

Coach could tell that Ellie was tiring but she seemed to be pushing strong today and he didn’t want to halt her momentum. He watched attentively as she dug in for the last jump and from the moment her skate left the ice he had a bad feeling about it. His fears were confirmed a moment later as she came crashing down on the ice. Fumbling with the rink door he reached her side only a moment after Kevin who had jumped the sideboard.

”Careful son,” he said. His tone wasn’t condescending but seemed rather to be filled with almost a father-like worry. Ellie was out cold. Kneeling down on the ice, James carefully felt around Ellie’s head to the back where it had collided against the wall. There was a nasty lump forming and his fingers came away with a small bit of blood. Moving down her body he gently touched the knee that she had fallen on and could feel a protrusion of bone there.

”She’s got a nasty lump on her head and a busted knee for sure,” he mumbled. Pulling his phone from his pocket, James quickly dialed 911 and spoke calmly with the dispatcher on the other end even though his shaking hands betrayed his worry. After a few moments he hung up and with a sigh looked over at Kevin. ”The paramedics are on their way,” he said, ”There isn’t much we can do in the meantime besides make her comfortable.”

Shucking off his coat, Coach lay the garment over Ellie’s prostate body and stood up, ”Don’t move her okay?” he said before quickly skating off the ice to remove his skates so he could be ready when the ambulance arrived.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-19-2017 at 05:02 PM..

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Old 03-18-2017, 10:46 PM

((i haven't much practice with paramedics, but i'll give it a shot ^~^))

Kevin grew over-protective over Ellie's unsconscious body when he heard saw someone. He relaxed slightly when he realized it was just the coach. Kevin only nodded, as he listened the James's words and his blue eyes were burning. He never cried in front of Ellie..not even when he got hurt from being ditzy..but now, seeing her like this... His head fell, and drops of tears dripped down his cheeks. "You're gonna be okay.." Kevin whispered to her, trying to collect himself. He was careful not to move her, as he waited for the paramedics to arrive.

When they did arrive, they had a team bring in a gurney with a portable stretchboard, so they could safely move her without causing more damage, or send the girl into a seizure. After they did their thing, Ellie was taken to the ablulance while a paradmedic talked to Coach James about her condition. Kevin could hear them talking..and he just sat there for a moment, until the medic left so they get Ellie to the hospital to care for her. Kevin slowly stood, his tears had dried so he didn't like a complete mess, and he looked up at the coach. "Hey, coach.." He started quietly, not really used to talking to adults. Kevin sighed to calm down, and glanced down at the ice. "..could you..maybe, take me to the hospital?" He asked nervously. His mom wasn't home, and he couldn't dirve- nor did he know anyone would be willing to do so without some kind of favor. "I be there for her.." He murmured quietly.


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Old 03-19-2017, 05:35 PM

Coach’s hands shook as he struggled to untie his skates. Finally he got the blasted skates off and shoved his feet into his sneakers. Pulling his phone back out of his pocket, James searched through his contacts to Timothy Hardford, Ellie’s dad. Tapping on the number, he held the phone up to his ear and listened as the other end rang and rang. Eventually the voicemail picked up, “Hello, this is Tim Hartford, leave a message after the beep…” James cleared is throat, “Hello Mr. Hardford, this is Coach James, I wanted to inform you that Elise had an accident on the ice. Please call me back as soon as you get this message.”

James ended the call and closed his eyes for a moment before standing up and carefully walking back across the ice to where Kevin sat hunched over Ellie. He didn’t have a wife or kids of his own and sometimes thought of his student as the daughter he never had. It saddened him to see that Ellie’s own father seemed to be more preoccupied with his career than his daughter. It was clear that despite his shy nature, that Kevin was very protective of his friend and Coach was glad that she had someone who could be there for her when her father wasn’t around.

It didn’t take long for the paramedics to arrive and carefully load Ellie onto a stretcher. James followed them off the ice and briefly spoke to one of the paramedics before they left. He watched the ambulance drive away. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed heavily. He was sure Ellie would be all right…physically at least, but she would be devastated by the long recovery needed before she could skate again.

Hearing his name, coach turned to look back at Kevin. ”Yeah, of course,” Coach said, ”Grab your things.” Coach shouldered his bag and stopped by the locker room to grab Elli’s bag as well before leading Kevin out to the parking lot. The air was cold against his bare arms but the man didn’t seem to notice. Dumping the two bags into the trunk Coach nodded toward the passenger seat, ”Hop in,” her said, closing the trunk and getting into the driver’s seat.

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Old 04-01-2017, 07:13 PM

zigbigadorlube: sorry about this >< thanks for being patient with me ^~^

Kevin waited for the coach's answer, a small smile of relief forming across this lips as the man agreed to take him to the hospital. He carefully walked across the ice, back over to where he had been sitting and got his things. He followed James to the parking lot where the man had parked his..truck. Kevin only examined the truck for a moment before climbing in the passenger seat and putting his seat belt on. He then closed the door and glanced around the inside of the truck. Wow, this truck was a beauty on the outside and inside.

Kevin glanced at the coach and rubbed the back of his head. "Thank you, Coach." He said to the man with a light smile, then moved his eyes forward.


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Old 04-19-2017, 07:31 PM

((Sorry for the delay! ))

Coach James got in the driver’s side and closed the door behind him. He put his hands on the wheel and sat silently for a moment to steady himself before putting the key in the ignition and turning it. The car’s engine roared to life and he reached over to adjust the heat. ”Don’t mention it,” he said quietly, ”I was planning on heading there myself.” With Ellie’s dad not answering, someone would need to be there to help with the paperwork.

Putting the car in reverse, he backing out of the space and turned out onto the road. The car was unnaturally silent without the noise of the radio and after a few moments of awkward silence, Coach glanced over at Kevin. ”You really care about her, don’t you?” he asked, curious about the boy. Ellie almost never talked about her home life or school or friends with her. Usually the ice was the only place where she could put those worries to rest and he respected that but it didn’t stop him from wondering.

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Old 04-20-2017, 05:28 AM

(don't sweat it ^~^)

Kevin kept his blue eyes focus on what was outside as he began to drive down the road that led to the hospital. His facial expression softened as Coach James asked him about how he felt about his skater, and nodded. He could see his refection through the glass window and averted his eyes from the reflection. "She's my best friend.. My mom's always gone and her dad's always too busy for her, we've always been there for each other, like siblings.." Kevin said to the older male in a lower voice. It wasn't surprising that Ellie hadn't talk to her coach about him. She always had a way of keeping things separate and organized as such.

Then his depression sank and he lowered his head. "I shouldn't have come today. This was my stupid idea- she pushed herself.." He murmured quietly, really feeling like she only got hurt because she wanted to be perfect on the ice with him watching. Not to sound conceded or self centered..but he knew Ellie enough to know she was pushing herself a little more because he had shown up.


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Old 04-20-2017, 04:25 PM

Coach kept his eyes on the road as he listened to Kevin’s response. Based on what Kevin said, it was clear that the two friends had bonded over an inadequate home life. It was a bad situation for both of them but he was glad that Kevin and Ellie had at least find happiness together to offset the lack of their parent’s involvement in their lives. Still, he didn’t really get that sibling vibe from them that Kevin mentioned. Perhaps the boy was too young to notice, or perhaps he was an old man used to reading into things too far, but it seemed like there could be more feelings between them than the young man might admit to himself. He thought about mentioning it but Kevin changed the subject so he decided not to pry.

Coach sighed and fiddled with the heat settings. Warmth was starting to fill the car and offset his missing jacket. ”Ellise always pushes herself,” James said, trying to soothe Kevin’s fear. ”She chose a difficult routine for herself, more difficult than most high school students would attempt. She and I both talked about the risks but she was adamant.” Coach sighed again, ”If anyone is to blame here it’s me,” he admitted, finally allowing the hard sentiment to sink in, ”As her coach I shouldn’t have let her chose such a difficult routine for her age.” Moving his hand he activated his turn signal and turned onto another road. Wetness shown at the corner of his eye but the older man swiped it away impatiently. He couldn’t dwell on what was done, the only thing now was to move forward and he would need to be strong to support Ellie through the physical and emotional repercussions of her injury.

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Old 05-30-2017, 10:54 PM

>< writer's block

His words did bring the boy some comfort, but he still felt a little guilty. He knew the coach was right though.. Kevin didn't say much the rest of the way to the hospital, and when they arrived he stuck close to James as to not get lost in the huge building- or something. He couldn't wait to see Ellie though. Despite the shape she might be in from trying to recover from the fall. He just couldn't get the image of seeing her laying still on the cold ice after hitting her head like that.

(and it's short x.x)


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Old 06-19-2017, 06:12 PM

Coach pulled the car into an empty spot in the hospital parking lot and sighed before stepping out into the cold. He led the way into the large hospital building in and was directed to the ER and a nurse led them over to where Ellie lay on a stretcher. Coach clenched his jaw when he saw how pale and fragile she looked tucked under layers of blankets on the stretcher with nurses moving around her, monitoring her vitals and administering an IV. Her eyes were closed but her face was pinched. ”Is she awake?” James asked the nearest nurse. The nurse turned as if only just realizing they were there and nodded. ”Yes, though she’s rather disoriented right now. You can talk to her if you’d like,” he said, motioning to the side of the stretcher. Coach thanked him and motioned to Kevin that he could stand beside Ellie.

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Old 08-22-2017, 02:34 AM

@zigbigadorlube; ((forgive me~ x.x))

Kevin didn't say much else as the car ride came to an end, and Coach was pulling his truck into the parking lot. The boy waited for the truck to be turned off, before climbing out and stuffing his hands into the pockets of his coat. Kevin followed Coach James into the large building, avoiding eye-contact with the passing bodies. Whether they be wandering patients, nurses, doctors, or people waiting to be checked by a doctor. He kept his eyes on the floor beneath him, only walking to follow Coach James.

He was hesitant when they got to Ellie's room, before actually, slowly, walking into her room and approaching her bedside, staying out of the nurses way. What could he say to her? He was relieved to see her..recovering.

---------- Post added 08-21-2017 at 10:35 PM ----------



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