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Dmitri Blair
The Avid, Slightly Crazy Kid.
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Old 09-30-2010, 02:11 AM

That is suuuuch a great idea, Jelly! I usually don't do a lot of event stuff, because it kinda drives me nuts, but I think you don't need intense coding to make something fun! I'd be happy to try to help people get over the sadness of this, even though I'm not sad.

And ps, I read the wall of text, in entirety. (:

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:13 AM

LOL I love that you gave a TLDR version.

Though I'm a little sad, and kinda agree with Zazabar to a point. I'll get over it! I've stuck around threw a lot worse on lesser sites. Though the one I'm talking about somehow manages to get coding and pixeling in spite of it's no money problems.

Soooo 'bout that cash shop idea. . .

If you had one you could put in a limited item during events on top of what ever permanent items are there to help pay for the events. Just throwing it out there. :)

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:16 AM

Originally Posted by zazabar View Post
I'll be the negative Nancy here, and say, you are telling us to wait/hold out, but aren't giving us any sort of inclination as to what is coming. That doesn't sound all that fair. As someone who donates to the site every month, that kind of pushes me away a bit. Usually with a change this big, there is more transparency. But here? None.

There also comes the issue of new items. Since I've joined the site, the only new items to arrive have been during events. I haven't seen any otherwise, minus CI's. What are you going to do about those?

In short, you want the site to break even/become profitable, but you aren't giving the people who donate every month any sort of knowledge or real incentive right now.
Inso doesn't want anything given away just yet, but rest assured that the change is going to be awesome :)

In general store updates only happen with events because events are quite frequent. I did say that codeless events would continue same as the Shipwreck Ball, and there was a huge commons update with that event, was there not?

Cheya is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:17 AM

Okay... that sounds good, but I hardly participate in the events.

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XxPERFECTxMESSxX is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:18 AM

okay i guess thats fair :P
imma miss all the pretty pictures for the events though.... :[
shipwreck was fun though :3

Cute Things Kill People
Alaunt is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:19 AM

Well, it's good to know that there are events happening. And if there are great improvements heading our way, I'm willing to be patient and wait. *takes out two blankets spreads them on ground and crawls in between*. :]

But, I'm sad that the CP event will be the last one of that kind. T-T Is it the actual last CP, or just the last one with coding?

Last edited by Alaunt; 09-30-2010 at 02:21 AM..

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:20 AM

I think the events are a standpoint to which you get new site items, really, Zazabar. Not event rares, but event commons. Those bolster the sheer size of the site's wardrobe rather dramatically, and it doesn't seem as if Jelly mentioned they were going to stop supplying those. On the other hand, asking us to wait while having dumped like 5games in the last year isn't exactly bad, even if one of them, graphicswise, was a bit of a miss. It shows that the site is trying to give you more bang for your buck.

You also have to realize that aside from the site not profiting in the least--it's like asking you to run a store and pay it instead of support yourself, more or less--that it's not backed by sponsors, really. No sponsors, and no visible ads on the site with which to get a pay-per-click advantage.

Looking through the year just to kind of give an idea of what events there are, btw, since I never go in order of debate point...there's Valentine's, St. Patty's Phoenix Jubilee, Celes Paradi, Halloween, and Festival of Winter Nights. All of which offer event commons for a half-off price until they get put into respective stores. So going with my point that they update the stores, we can usually expect them updated at least in February, October, and December for sure, and wherever the other events fall on, I'm not sure chronologically exactly. How often does another site like Gaia do that? Like. Never. :lol: Just a point of reference is all.

Plus the community is open with you and actually takes care of problems, unlike the bigger sites or even sometimes the smaller sites I've been on.

So while I can see your standpoint, I just think Mene's doing enough. It's nto as if the events go away, just the fancy flash coding. We dont' need that to get commons and have fun.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:21 AM

This all makes sense to me~
I don't mind these changes at all.

Miss You Guys
Winterwolfgoddess is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:22 AM

Haha, I come back from studying to this?
Actually, I do not mind it at all. This is how events on Menewsha started, and I actually sort of preferred that format to the new one. Less server overload for Afrodonkey to break. And I do not mind getting less free either. In fact, it would probably be best for menewsha's economy and well...inventory loading times, worthless sets, etc. Less free is better. xD

But...I need to go back to studying for my big exam tomorrow. Will read through the thread later. xD

Whisper Invictus
is in your head.

Whisper Invictus is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:23 AM

If you say I'll love it, then i look forward to it! ^__^ <3

Chase the Morning, Yeild for Not...
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:24 AM

This is going to be AWESOME!!

-is excited- :)

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zazabar is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:24 AM

Secondly, our events are monster money pits. Each one costs approximates $3,000 when you take into consideration the coding, layout, event items and big amount of commons, but they don't earn the site anything at all.
Here you are saying that event commons and all of that are part of the money pit problem, and that you are totally changing the structure of how events run. So, I didn't really read that as, "All future events will continue like the shipwreck ball", just the ones through December.

I only play the games for gold, :/. I would be fine without them. I'd rather they cut the full time flash developer and kept events. And if you want to bring Gaia into this, when I was on Gaia before they turned into money whores, there were common updates every couple months at least.

+Azriel+ is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:28 AM

its good t be informed about this. definitely going to stick with you guys

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:29 AM

You realize of course that the events are flash-based too, ne? And honestly, that's the opinion of one. I completely agree in that we don't need all these games anymore. What we have is fine. However, that's what the rest of the site asks for, and so Mene is doing their job and providing them. If you go into Feeback, holy shit. So many CAN WE HAS MOAR GAEMZ threads. And a lot of people on this site -do- play games for gold. So we can't forget about them.

And sorry about the Gaia thing, but it was a relevant point. Yeah, they did do common updates more frequently before, but now they don't so much anymore is my point, because they're too busy filling their cash shop with, yes, really nice items, but still. Money items. They're getting better about it though, at least. Haha~ New items recently. ^o^

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Old 09-30-2010, 02:35 AM

Originally Posted by Silver Crusnik View Post
You realize of course that the events are flash-based too, ne? And honestly, that's the opinion of one. I completely agree in that we don't need all these games anymore. What we have is fine. However, that's what the rest of the site asks for, and so Mene is doing their job and providing them. If you go into Feeback, holy shit. So many CAN WE HAS MOAR GAEMZ threads. And a lot of people on this site -do- play games for gold. So we can't forget about them.

And sorry about the Gaia thing, but it was a relevant point. Yeah, they did do common updates more frequently before, but now they don't so much anymore is my point, because they're too busy filling their cash shop with, yes, really nice items, but still. Money items. They're getting better about it though, at least. Haha~ New items recently. ^o^
Phoenix Jubilee only used PHP and AJAX, last I checked. More events like that would be fine.

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Devilfern is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:36 AM

I'm so sad that Mene is having financial trouble >< No fun! But it really speaks about the innovation of the staff that you guys are still putting together fun things for us to do :heart:

I will miss the free, but I don't mind having to work for goodies :nod: LET'S GO MENE!

Silver Crusnik
Kittenfais Overlord
Silver Crusnik is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:38 AM

I don't think I was around for that one...hnn. I don't know if it's any harder to code like that than any other way. I still err on the side of coding in and of itself being difficult. The prettier the event, the more intricate the coding.

Sayomi is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:39 AM

I'm a little flaky, but This is the first and only avatar site I ever engaged time and money into, and I enjoy the community immensely. The events are great, just like holidays are great. Its a celebration, yes, but its not more important than the family, which we all are.

Not going anywhere, even if I'm flaky and I'm not here all the time. Work and real life distract after all, so lets do it! Shipwreck was fun, I just kick myself for not being more active at the time.

Jezriel is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 02:51 AM

Wow, somehow I didn't think about just HOW expensive events were for sites. :(

I hope you guys don't cut down on the event commons too much though, that's one of the things I LOVE about Mene events, is going into the Event Common Store and getting stuff to dress up in that match the event.

I guess this will make any event item that much more rare now, if they have to be handed out manually and people aren't going to be able to grab five and six sets of spares. I think that's a good thing, up to a point.

Tall Jake's Queen
Sindima is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 03:04 AM

I wasn't here for shipwreck ball but I am excited for things to come..

I love this site and the people on it and i plan on staying through the thick and the very thin :D

is a kickass Fox
Foxxi is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 03:08 AM

So basically the event are going to be like it was in the Val and St Patty's day o7 events?

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Nichi is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 03:12 AM

Do what you guys need to do this doesn't hinder my mene-playing XD
Kinda makes me nostalgic for the old mene days before coded events. :'D

Laila Izuka
Culinary Arts Ninja~
Laila Izuka is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 03:13 AM

I never knew it cost that much to run an event like that. But I have no problems with a code free event ^-^, it's all about hanging with other menewshans and having some fun through the threads.

Insomniac is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 03:16 AM

Just a note, the reason for this is NOT because we're having financial difficulties, it's because we want to innovate and lead the pack, rather than just do what everyone else is doing :)

The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 09-30-2010, 03:16 AM

okay. I read everything. BUT, clear this up please, Celes Paradi and Halloween ARE going to be lumped together or not? I don't care about event items or how they are given out, I just wish that if this is the case, somebody would have told me sooner instead of having me hang out in the Beguilement thread thinking the event was going to happen any time now when it wasn't ... or did I read / understand things wrong?


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