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Old 02-23-2009, 03:56 AM

Fumiko walked quietly down a hall, her mind resting of the memories of her family. She had ignored the shadows last remark before walking away. "You should stop thinking about that night, it's unhealthy. Even for your kind." A familiar voice came as a man walked beside her. "Aoen?" She said from to a stop, he stopped in front of her. He reached his hand out to grabbed hers, she jerk away from him. "I should have known you would be here." She walked passed him, knowing he was up was up to something. He stood still watching her stomp off.

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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Old 02-23-2009, 03:56 AM

[oooh... i like your introduction^^]

Now that Link was somewhat gone Martin could focus on the task at hand, nothing. With the woman gone and him stuck in the middle of the hallway doing nothing, he leaned against the wall and scratched the back of his head. He had no plans to fall to Shadow Link's desire to get him to wear that 'necklace', he didn't even know what it would do, and he was never quick to warm up to something.

Something in the distance distracted him from these current thoughts, he rose his head from its resting position and looked in the direction of the wine cellar. Probably some playful spirits taking it upon themselves to push something over... Its happened before, he wasn't shocked, so he continued to rest and gather his thoughts.

The Hero of Time has left for ww...
_~Link~_ is offline
Old 02-23-2009, 04:02 AM

Shadow Link sensed the strange shadow creatures from within the building, it gave him an uneasy feeling, something that never happened to him before. "I wonder if theres something else here I should worry about..." He thought to himself as he flew from the tree, back through the window to check out where the Ohnoes were coming from.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 02-23-2009, 04:25 AM

[Thank you, Flower! I had to cut it short if I wanted to give out an opening, though ^^'... When I start, I swear...]

Somehow managing to be noisy without being able to utter sound nor having much of a weight, the six little Ohnoes slowly crawled up the old wooden stairs, numerous small fights occuring amidst their numbers, slowing their ascention even more.

At the end of it, only five of them were in the groundfloor kitchen, the last one having been brutally squeezed through two of the hollow stairs by it's “litter mates”. As the others separated from each others, the Ohnoes left behing expended a little bit, it's own rage making it grow, claws elongating and scrapping mercilessly at the wooden boards, drawing ribbons of wood out of them.

Breaking free with a bit of help from the cellar's natural shadows, the creature quickly ascended the stairs at lunged on the others, a soundless screech wanting to escape from it's non-present mouth.

The rest was only soundless chaos.

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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Old 02-23-2009, 04:27 AM

[sorry to post and run... but i'm being kicked off... bye^^]

The Hero of Time has left for ww...
_~Link~_ is offline
Old 02-23-2009, 04:31 AM

Shadow Link quickly sensed their movements, so he flew off toward the kitchen and caught sight of the little creatures fighting amongst themselves. He was confused and bewildered at how to react, so he squawked loudly, hoping to get their attention and make them stop. "What the hell are you doing here? In fact, what the hell are you?!" He screeched at them, he was ready to transform into something else to help defend himself against the creatures in case they attacked him.

((Lol... okay, bye flower))

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Old 02-23-2009, 04:41 AM

(( Bye Battle. ))

Aoen sighed as Fumiko slammed the door to her rented room. His anger cause a small spark to pulse through the house warning the spirits he had collected over the years, he could sence the creatures fighting,knowing they weren't under his control.

Calmly he headed down the the kitchen. His mind never leaving their presence.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 02-23-2009, 04:46 AM

Having vaguely heard a loud voice utter words they thought familliar, the Ohnoes merely stopped for a couple of seconds before attacking again, seeming to not be prompt to do anything else than fight until only one of them survived, having killed the others in the perticular way that permitted them to actually kill one of their owns and finally becoming a full fledged, one foot tall Ohnoes.

The shout, however, created yet another litter of little Ohnoes, destined to the same fate. The newcomers decided to attack the one they mistook for a stronger, and therefore more hate-inducing, member of their litter.

Stretching out to their full, four to six inches size, the Ohnoes took an agreesive stance. Soon after, the more robust of the lot attacked in a flurry of slashes, the others soon following.

[Yay for character developpement XD!]

Last edited by Artsydaze; 02-23-2009 at 04:48 AM..

The Hero of Time has left for ww...
_~Link~_ is offline
Old 02-23-2009, 04:56 AM

Shadow Link reacted quickly to the creature's attack and started to transform, he took the form of a ferocious, prehistoric, Velociraptor, only he was pitch black, except his eyes, which were still a deep red. He screeched and started to chase after the Ohnoes, biting and stomping on any that were too slow, it made a colossal mess in the kitchen, his tail would knock over objects on the counters as he ran and jumped after the creatures. He kept going until there was only one of them left, which he quickly trapped in a corner, he growled and screeched as he slowly walked toward it, ready to kill it.

Last edited by _~Link~_; 02-23-2009 at 05:13 AM..

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 02-23-2009, 05:36 AM

If they could utter even the most primitive of sound, the now darkly stained kitchen would be filled by both the cry of a dying creature and the bawling of a large number of babes, the dark emotions produced by the agonizing Ohnoes and the Shadow calling itself Shadow Link's murdering rampage giving birth to a small army of little Ohnoes, all of them spawning in different spots in the kitchen's vicinity.

They grew in numbers to the point of soon getting themselves known to Shadow Link by both reching and spawning out of his back and by their renewed ritualistic fights to the death.

As before, some of them mistook the other Shadow for their own and lunged for him... again. Attacking with the desperation of survival, they clawed with all the sharpness and the strength their tiny arms could permit, finally actually getting a few hollow scratches on the shadowy form.

So absorbed they were, they did not sense the darker, stronger presence slowly approaching their makeshift arena, and fought on.

[Argh... not that “huge” at all... sorry Kat XD! And that's all until Flower's back :)!]

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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Old 02-23-2009, 11:52 PM

Martin was in earshot of the furious fight between these odd creatures and Shadow Link, he ran in that direction and eyed the creatures that seemed to so easily blend in with the darkness.

He only walked in the direction of the mess after hearing a few more shouts, his curious nature overtook him as he stepped in the direction of the kitchen. His eyes quickly came upon Shadow Link fighting a large bunch of creatures, they seemed primitive with their actions, only fighting for survival, as there was no other reason in a house like this. Link seemed to match this fight for survival, his eyes going to the new form that he took, another primitive creature, fight fire with fire.... He guessed.

He only watched the fight, keeping his distance, but just in case he would need to fight, the shadow form of him quickly overtook his former physical body, he could fight more effectively in his shadow form.

[i'm back^^... sorry for the delay XD
we should wait for the 3rd poster o.o]

Last edited by King of Bedlam; 02-24-2009 at 12:33 AM..

The Hero of Time has left for ww...
_~Link~_ is offline
Old 02-24-2009, 12:11 AM

Shadow Link shook and grabbed the Onnoes in his jaws and threw them to get them off of him, he would crush them with his tail as well when they emerged from the shadows. "Is there any end to this?!" He thought to himself, then he got an idea, he jumped over the counters and outside the kitchen, using his strength he busted a hole in the wall. It was large enough to fill the house with light and the light entered in the kitchen, thanks to his animal form, he survived, but he waited for how the Ohnoes would react to the bright light.

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Old 02-24-2009, 12:29 AM

He came to a stop as he enter the kitchen, just in time to see a large dark animal bust a hole in his inn. Aoen cleared his throat, trying to control his anger. "What the hell do you shadows think you're doing?" He hissed venomously. His anger rising causing his bare skin to burn, slowly flickering up into the air as small embers.

(( edit: Yep yep, got to wait for art.))

Last edited by Katachi; 02-24-2009 at 01:09 AM..

The Hero of Time has left for ww...
_~Link~_ is offline
Old 02-24-2009, 12:44 AM

Shadow Link noticed Aoen, he hissed and screeched back, showing his sharp teeth, he was in no mood for any more games. He calmed down and blew black smoke from his nostrils, his body language and facial expression made it look like he was saying "this is such a waste of time!" He ignored Aoen as he waited for the Ohnoes next move.

((There, is that better, flower?))

Last edited by _~Link~_; 02-24-2009 at 01:06 AM..

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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Old 02-24-2009, 01:02 AM

[Link... you are kind of moving characters without permission from the owner of those characters... and we have to wait.... she hasn't posted for a bit.]

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 02-24-2009, 03:31 AM

[Back from my test, I did not kid when I said I was not sure to be there ^^'...]

When the full glow of the sun littered the kitchen, the Ohnoes remaining seemed to turn momentarilly into little shadowy statues. The momentary respite did not last long, however, as the spawning and fighting started again, though they now seemed to fight out of fear more than anything. Some Ohnoes even seemed to hop out of the natural light repetedly in a futile try to “not touch it”.

As for the spawning pools, they merely changed places to either sides of the newly-made hole, speeding up even more. Everything was relatively back to “normal” when a loud voice broke out from the entrance of the now wrecked kitchen, making one of the newborns impale itself on the broken leg of one of the metalic stool chairs littering the floor.

As the little Ohnoes died, all the others little head seemed to snap up in a way that suggested that they all somehow heard of the event. Looking up in unison at the outsider “responsible” for the death of a potential victim, they turned to Aeon, hopping angrilly or silently cursing him with their tiny fists. They did not attack, however, as, unlike Shadow Link, they did not think the Demon as one of their own and did not get the urge to be violent to others until their “coming of age”. So they did the only thing they know to do in this situation;

They threw up the temper tantrum of all temper tantrums.

[I think I get more and more confusing as time go on ^^'... I will explain it on the OOC if you want :XP...]

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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Old 02-24-2009, 03:37 AM

[well, its not my decision, its just that is considered god moding when you say you hit a character, you always have to say 'about to hit a character' unless you know its going to be allowed.... sorry if i seem a bit pushy... Dx]

Martin's eyes continued to watch the scene unfold, he recognized the group, he recognized Aeon as the one who owned the house, "You...." his eyes came upon him, "Swine! Get out of my sight!" his shadow form quickly overtook as his final ability showed forth.

What once was his hand began to warp and deform into various shapes, until eventually it was able to stretch forward into a odd mass of shadow, charging for the reason for all of his pain, the shadow which was released from him changed shapes and directions along the way, as if trying some confusion tactic as it finally reached close to its target, it turned into an immense spike in the direction of Aeon.

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Old 02-24-2009, 03:58 AM

He smirked as he watched the shadow he cursed to the inn, ignoring the Ohnoes. He found it amusing how angry he got towards him. "I believe I command you, not the other way." He held out his left hand materializing a still beating heart. "You see, Martin. Your heart is what blinds you to me." He said as he slowly tighten his grip around the heart, allow Martin to feel the pain. "With you heart, I control you. Without me to uncurse it, your forever bond to the inn. Now be a good boy and listen to your master."

His attention turned to the Ohnoes, their whining now getting on his nerves. "Shut it!" He hiss venomously again.

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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Old 02-24-2009, 04:10 AM

Martin let his anger get the best of him, and this was his first mistake of the night. the shadow spike charging for Aeon stopped just inches away from him and pulled back, Martin began to scream. His hand went to his chest and he shouted out in pain. He then dropped to his knees shortly after, his human form returning as he reached out and caused him the only pain he could feel. As he stopped, he was able to relax, spitting out a bit of blood, the only bit of him that showed he still felt human pains. "You bastard.... I hate you! Nothing will EVER change that! I want you to die... I want you to suffer for every soul you have tortured in your pathetic existence.... You make me sick just being in your presence..." he stood silent just shortly after, he would not lose his hatred of him.... He would never lose that.

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_~Link~_ is offline
Old 02-24-2009, 04:18 AM

Shadow Link was impressed, he transformed back into his parrot form and flew over to Aoen's side, he squawked. "My my... I sense an evil spirit and power within you, if you were to properly unleash it... you'd become as strong and dark as me. I could help you, if you'd like, to release the darkness within you, and give you ultimate power." He flew back a little bit as he waited for an answer from Aoen "us bad guys must stick together you know." He said, before going silent as he waited.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 02-24-2009, 04:20 AM

It was not the newborn Ohnoes that answered Aeon first, surprisingly, as a shadowy form emerged from the wall closest to the door. The creature was one of the elders Ohnoes, who somehow succeded to survive his “expiration date” by two days. The being, body made a little more gangly by age, somehow got it in it's head that is was all that, and developped some sort of teenager-like personality.

As age goes, the Ohnoes got a bit more wise, and infinitelly more suicidal, as they were basically made to be killed off in an endless chain of annoying-ness. That means that, after hearing the shout while spying on the occurences on the kitchen by the room next door, the Ohnoes made two and two and figured that the noise was irritating Aeon to no end. So, of course, it's next actions were oblivious to it...

It walked over to the nearest shelves with the most expensive looking plates laying on them and pushed them over, making them shatter on the floor. Looking defiant, the Ohnoes stuck what looked like it's nose in the air and looked at the demon in the most condescending way it could, the though of death not even occuring to the poor creature.

King of Bedlam
Fame = Demise
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Old 02-24-2009, 04:30 AM

[last post for the night...^^]
His eyes focused on Shadow Link as he spoke of power, "You idiot! He is only going to turn you into a dog!" he said in an angry shout, "Besides! Doesn't someone as evil as you want all the power rather than sharing it with someone else!" most evil people he met had possession issues, he was hoping to hit nerve and cause a fight between the two he was slightly distracted though, turning toward the Ohnoes his eyes came upon them.

Quite a curious and playful set of creatures they were... he simply watched them curiously at a distance, they didn't seem dangerous to those who weren't easily angered, his eyes lifting up to the now dead newborn, he had almost felt sorry for them in a way, he had known what it was to lose something important to them.... and by their temper tantrum from before he could have easily guessed that they did not approve of his death. His eyes then looked to the elder, seemingly wiser than the rest of them, he wondered exactly how far the elder's intelligence would go, he stood silent, just continuing to stay silent.

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Old 02-24-2009, 04:42 AM

((Night Battle)

He was angry from them destroying his kitchen and the elder braking the plates. He narrowed his eyes towards the elder, setting it on flames. "Hn, he is right." He said agreeing with Martin, turning to Link, he made Martin's heart vanish back into the air. He smirked. "Only a fool or someone with a self inflicting plan offers such." He said bitterly. "But I have my inner demons in control, which is why I slaved so many souls, the more, the stronger." He said in a daring tone, waiting to see if the shadow would try something dumb enough for he could enslave him.

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_~Link~_ is offline
Old 02-24-2009, 04:59 AM

Since he noticed it was dark out, and no sunlight was around, he decided to turn back to normal, in a burst of darkness, normal Shadow Link was standing in the parrot's place. He gave Aoen a glare, "yes, I see, you are pretty powerful already, you may be a threat to me... But unlike that little shadow there" he said as he pointed over his shoulder at Martin, "you can't enslave a being of pure darkness, plus, I'm heartless." He laughed evilly a little bit, then he sighed and shrugged his shoulders, still smiling.

"All I want to do is help out you two in some way, but still, you don't trust me or think I'll trick you, now why is that? Do you honestly think I'd offer you help... then betray you?" He had a slightly innocent look on his face, he placed his hand on his chest where his heart would be.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 02-24-2009, 05:07 AM

The Ohnoes, quickly getting bored of just standing there and look amusingly cute, somehow realized something. Their methods were not exactly doing anything constructive even after at least ten minutes of doing it. So, without anything else going through their primitive minds, they started to fight amongs themselves again, blissfully unaware of their current environment.


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