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diamondt is offline
Old 11-18-2010, 04:49 PM

Ah I see o.0 I'll remember to make longer posts to keep me out of trouble then ^-^ ;D
Though I do think it's odd the moderator warned you.. Maybe (s)he warned you because of the short post? People don't feel attracted to react when you post a one liner at your introduction ^...^; I don't know, never got warned about it myself, which i why it surprises me a little :o... Oh well.

It would be quite odd to rat me out at a community site XD =P And don't worry, the post was the kind that makes me a little itchy, but it didn't look or was mean. ^-^
XD Really? Now that's something I wouldn't have expected of you Dae! :P I don't expect that from anyone really... But oh well. It's a good thing you stopped, tattle tales aren't always liked by others ^^; Or are secluded for it wouldn't be an event 'For miss tattle' to be there. o.0 I remember that happening in another class, thought it was quite mean when I found out.

Lots of smilies in my post don't you think? =)

Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 11-18-2010, 04:59 PM

Hmm, indeed. Many and many different faces in your post. And yeah, I was kind of ostracized for being a tattle-tale in my early years, that and I was a very strange, hyper little child. Kids my age then didn't like me because I liked to make animal noises. >.< I didn't exactly try to do anything to change my image either. Though, it also didn't help that they made fun of me for trying to be friends with a kid they claimed had 'cooties'. I sort of had a miserable childhood, with people making fun of me and being ostracized for my differences, and that lasted until my Senior year of high school.

Well, I was a really good kid in school and so I really disliked it when other kids didn't obey the rules. I also hated it when they pulled on my hair or took my seat during story/circle time, apparently. My mom has told me this tale from when I was four or five, after school, some kind took the spot where I usually sat, so I hit him over the head with the little plastic chairs we sat on. I don't recall that moment in my life, nor can I fathom any reason why I did it to begin with, but it's a pretty funny story. Though, I suppose the story kind of reveals my Asperger's Syndrome at a young age. I did not take too well to change. xD

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Old 11-18-2010, 07:06 PM

=D Gosh, I love smilies too much ^^;

Aww, that's not fun. And animal noises? =P Sounds like the kind of person I'd befriend ^^ Were you good at making them? :o... It's annoying when they aren't right really.
Cooties? Hmm... I guess, sounds like that kid was being deserted, or ostracized as you so fitting put it. Which is quite sad when you think about it. I never minded being ostracized (still don't) As long as I have just my one friend I can return too. =3

Awww.... Chair stealers >.> We allways had to sit down at floor during a story <3 Gosh, I love stories, even did back then.
That's sooo cute! Hitting a guy with a chair that is =D At least when 5 year olds do so... *imagines a little anime girl smacking a guy with a high pitched 'you meanyyyy >-<' face*
Asperger's syndrome? :o I see. How did you yourself cope with that?

Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 11-18-2010, 10:21 PM

Well, it's an everyday thing, dealing with it, and I didn't learn I had it until I was seventeen and in my last year of high school. I didn't really accept that I had it then, neither did my mom. But apparently, I was supposed to have been diagnosed with it when I was young, as least, when my mom went to get my IEP re-evaluated for school, the guy said that they usually catch the symptoms at a very early age. And yeah, I tend to make some really good animal noises, especially if I hear it first-hand and copy it. Mostly that's with cats, though I can also copy dogs a bit too.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 11-19-2010, 06:38 AM

I guess it is since it's a... Part of you, so to say. Seems like quite a hard thing to cope with if you ask me...
Wow, did you hear it only that late? My brother has autism, and a friend of him had been diagnosed with Asperger years ago. And a classmate of mine has it too, apparently diagnosed when he was about 11. (now 15)

I see, sounds like a fun thing to be able to >:3

Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 11-19-2010, 05:02 PM

Well, I also have ADHD, so when I was little, so all the guy saw was that I was a very hyper and inattentive child, so that's all I got diagnosed with, and that was when I was in kindergarten. xP So when they re-evaluated my beahior later, they realized I had Asperger's and the guy was surprised, told my mom that they usually spot it at a much younger age... I laugh at his pathetic little life... Yeah, generally Asperger's is diagnosed at a young age now because a lot more people know about it and are learning about it. So yeah, I was diagnosed when I was seventeen, and I'm 21 now... it was hard trying to understand myself before I knew I had it, but ever since I was diagnosed, I've accepted it. In fact, I accept myself a bit more than I used to... I don't try to act like anyone else, because I really like being myself. ^ ^

fishyfey is offline
Old 11-20-2010, 06:22 AM

Hey guys. Sorry I've been away for a couple of days and never got to post like I said I would. I had a family member go into the hospital so I couldn't really post until today.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 11-20-2010, 11:58 AM

Ah... I guess that's a rare case in the world of rare cases o.o Though in the end the re-evaluation did come a little... Late don' you agree? :o And why do you laugh at 'this pathetic life?' XD Life is fun, and if it isn't it's your fault >:O Because life's a game at the same time... A game that has yet to be won, but is very fun playing if you allow it to be. >:3
Indeed, mental... Issues aren't waved away like they used to be anymore, people are actually learning about it. Around the middle ages people who were 'crazy' were just dumped in a crazy house. o.o;
Can't agree with you more <3 Being yourself is one of the most fun things to be.

Ouch Fishy, what happened and is your family member okay? :o... And we don't care really, family is way more important than a thread on an internet commuity site after all. (not meant sarcastic, since I just realised you could easily read it with a sarcastic undertone o.0)

fishyfey is offline
Old 11-20-2010, 06:12 PM

Yeah he is ok. Stupid man can't eat properly or take his medicine as prescribed. But he is out now which is good.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 11-20-2010, 06:44 PM

ok...? ^^; What's wrong with the 'stupid' man then? :o... Or is that too personal of a question?

fishyfey is offline
Old 11-21-2010, 12:17 AM

Naaa. My dad-in-law had 2 seizures and when the ambulance picked him up his blood sugar was 20 (which is really really low)

So they think that his sugar was low which caused the seizures. But his sugar probably wouldn't have been low if he would eat more than a bowl of cereal a day. Not sure why thats all he eats, but it drives me crazy. And then he is picking and choosing which of his meds he takes and he is changing the doses. So God only knows what he has been taking.

But thankfully the hospital got his sugar under control. He still wont eat properly or take all his meds so he will probably be back in the hospital in 6 months because he is too stubborn for his own good. :-x

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 11-21-2010, 09:50 AM

That sounds plain supid o.o... Of him then XD
Seizures are scary (T-T) Only one bown of cereal a day O.O That's my breakfast :O Along with coffee, and a piece of fruit. =3
And indeed, that is odd... =.= You don't get meds to take your pick. ''Here sir, this this this and trhis. You may pick whatever you want in what dose on whatever day you want to~ The blue ones are stronger than the red ones... I only say that because I should, you may take whatever you want after all =D'' o.o No, that's not how it works.
So about twice in a year he'll get seizures? Because he does not feel like taking the appropriate amount of meds? o.0 ^^;

fishyfey is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 04:11 AM

Yup. He is a retarded man. grrrr!

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 04:10 PM

Okay, so I've read this roleplay several times - the description that is - and it's extremely interesting. However, I'm not sure what type of character to make. Do you have any preferences? And would you prefer male or female? I can play both, so it's whichever is needed.

As of right now, I'm thinking of either being an elemental, incorporeal (like a ghost), or a harpy. But I've also thought of being a Basilisk, Adlet, Siren, Valkyrie, Lamia, or Wendigo. Whichever appeals to you the most, I shall be. ^_^

fishyfey is offline
Old 11-24-2010, 03:39 AM

I think that whatever you choose to play it will be a fun addition into the mix. Don't think we have many guys characters so you may want to play one. But in the end I think whatever you prefer will work nicely. :)

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 11-24-2010, 05:46 PM

Sweetness! I'm making a phantom. I'll post him when I'm finished. :]

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 01:46 AM

[IMGRIGHT][/IMGRIGHT]Name: Alaric Vastel
Gender: Male
Species: Incorporeal
Race: Phantom
Age: Died at nineteen, looks about twenty-three.
Appearance: Before death image: [x] || After death image: [x]
Prior to his death, Alaric had fine black hair. Unlike most men of his era, he preferred to keep it short and straight, which, to most, was a disgrace. Unable to curl or lengthen it, he created a name for himself. He was not Alaric Vastel; he was the Alaric Vastel. His black hair was only just the start of his oddness for the young male was gifted with red eyes. Some believe they were a curse from below, but all who dared to look into those sweet eyes, believed otherwise. How could a boy with such a kind face be of evil nature?
After being killed by a futuristic knight, Alaric's once black hair faded and became a pure white color. Red eyes became green. His body was placed in the Ancient Crypts, but his soul emerged and sought out justice. Death by the blade of a man not from their era, it was a sin to him. Alaric vowed on his death bed that he would show the alter of time a lesson. He was seek out a party, and help defeat the evil king.

Alaric's HistoryX

Alaric was one a man of great honor. At a ripe young age he was hand selected to be an apprentice for a weapon's maker. Around his tenth birthday, Alaric was a well-learned blacksmith, but sure a job was far too dull for him. He sought adventure and action, so Alaric joined his uncle and enlisted in the militia. Able to wield a sword with such perfection, the military officers believed he was a cursed boy and sent him home.

Upon his arrival home, Alaric was kidnapped by thieves. Being their prisoner, the black haired male was forced to become a butler. Working for a royal family, the male was repaid with an education. Given the finest of tutors in high hopes that one day Alaric would be the tutor for their royal grandchildren, the la Cleve's continued to spoil Alaric. When the news of Mrs. la Cleve's uterus issues was revealed, the la Cleve's decided that Alaric was to become their son.

As both a skilled blacksmith and now a learned boy, Alaric was ready for the next career change. Sir Lance la Cleve was a detective and he was in dire need for an assistant. Instating Alaric at the age of thirteen, the two set for to solve the land's hardest crimes.

It was during a serial killer's investigation that Lance la Cleve was murdered by a futuristic soldier. In an attempt to avenge his father, Alaric plunged his own hand-crafted sword into the heart of the very being that slayed his father. However, seconds before the soldier was killed, a bullet shattered Alaric's heart. Falling without vengeance, the male vowed on his deathbed to destroy the one that ruined everything - the futuristic king.

To his luck, Alaric's spirit was met by a fallen angel who granted him a wish. Asking for retribution and promising to fix the future, the fallen angel allowed Alaric a power unlike any other. Resurrecting his earth body, the fallen angel forced phantom Alaric to speak with his deceased body. With his ghost being from the future (seeing as the future killed him, his ghost is from the future) and his earth body from the past, the two don't always see eye to eye.

Both Alarics spoke of their dream, and it was decided that phantom Alaric would be the true form. Gifted with the ability to shift into his fleshy body, phantom Alaric was forever grateful.

Although he walks the earth as a phantom, when he needs to fight or protect, Alaric morphs into his earth-bound form - the black haired, red eyed skilled sword master. Unable to die, if his body is injured or killed, Alaric automatically flips back to his true self - the phantom Alaric.

Personality: Alaric is neither strong nor brave, but it is his willpower and determination that put him on par with all others of his era. Fear drives his heart, but his stubbornness and good will push him onward toward the unknown.
Misc: Alaric calls himself a knight from hell. His once pure soul is now corrupt as he seeks to destroy those that took his life.

Last edited by Wavi; 11-26-2010 at 10:18 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 01:49 AM

I hope he's okay. He's a tad confusing, so if I have to change or clarify anything, let me know. :]


Oh, and sorry about the intense history. I felt I needed to explain him since he's... well, dead. XD

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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diamondt is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 04:47 PM

XD That story was indeed confuzzling ^^; >:D Interesting though. Very interesting =D

Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 10:27 PM

Looks like a damn good character story to me.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 11-26-2010, 06:31 AM

Very very much so. ^-^

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 11-26-2010, 04:08 PM

Awww, thanks! ^_^
I guess if you think of him like Danny Phantom (which is what kept popping up when I looked for Anime Phantom), then it might make things less confusing. XD

But now I just have to wait for fishyfey's approval. ^^

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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diamondt is offline
Old 11-26-2010, 07:10 PM

You're welcome <3
o.o.... Indeed, you could but... Danny didn't have two personalities did he? XD Well in the end, there was one Alaric right?

Okay <3 Souns like an interesting person =D

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 11-26-2010, 07:40 PM

Not really, but he did have two looks, which is what Alaric has going on. But yes, in the end, Alaric is Alaric whether he be "human" or phantom. But for the most part he'll be phantom Alaric seeing as he's dead. XD


btw, diamondt, your avi is freaking awesome looking! :D

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 11-26-2010, 08:15 PM

He does? :o....? Ah I see =3 I'll reread it then, because I really am confused and will stay that way if I won't :P

Awww thnkies Wavikz <3 I love yours too! though.... The weapon could be a little... Bigger? =P


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