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Old 04-18-2012, 09:34 PM

Rose looked around and feels something bad going to happen but for now she is happy being with the one she wants to be with. Rose closed her eyes and than heard the guards said "the moon kingdom is under attack!" Rose heard the guards and looked at Raven she was now scared the dark kingdom is attacking her cousin home.

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Old 04-21-2012, 01:41 AM

Raven blinks hearing the guards saying the kingdom was being under attack. He looks over at Rose "Lets get you inside before they decide to come here and do the same." still having her by the hand he would lead her to the castle. Becareful not to get push over by the others who was running and screaming. This was bad cause the kingdom that was attack had to be strong enought that they could destory both kingdoms on the moon.

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Old 04-24-2012, 05:08 AM

Rose looked at him and nodded they both hold each other hand to get to her home and Rose was worried about her mother. Rose got to her home and ran to find her mother and than look at the window and saw the battle on the moon kingdom and Rose feels something bad. Rose looked at the moon kingdom and saw a lady in front of her and Rose backed up and Rose is scared and the lady tries to grab her.

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Old 04-24-2012, 11:26 PM

Raven was fighting a few after Rose left to check with her mother. Once he was done he rushes off seeing someone trying to grab her before he head off toward. "Don't you dare touch her" yells coming in between the lady and Rose. Raven holds his sword to his side while keeping Rose behind him. "Are you ok, princess?" says not taking his eyes off the lady.

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Old 04-24-2012, 11:38 PM

Rose looked at him and nodded and Rose looked at the lady and said to him "yes I'm alright Raven." Rose looked at the lady.

The lady looked at them and was mad and knew who they are and laugh hard "well the princess and the prince of earth and the moon your cousins are gone but the rest of the dark kingdom are gone cause of the sliver crystal." The lady tries to get to them "and now you are next princess Rose of the dark moon." The lady tries to grab her.

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Old 04-26-2012, 01:07 AM

Raven would be surpised by this but he knew that they would be save either way. He heard about the silver crystal and how it had the power to reborn the people on the moon and earth even thought it sacficed the moon queen. But it still wasn't right for the kingdom to be destoried and now this one look like it would do the same. Shaking his head and glares at the lady "You aren't going to touch her you witch" grabs a dagger from his belt. Raven swings to slash the lady on the hand to give him and Rose a chance to escape. He grabs Rose and pulls her along as he starts running "Come on this way.." says not sure where their mothers was or even if they was alive.

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Old 04-27-2012, 01:17 AM

Rose looked at the lady and cut off her arm off and the lady screamed and left them and Rose and Raven got away from her and Raven and Rose had to look for there mothers. Rose found a room where their mother's were but they were gone and it was not good either. Rose looked around and yelled for her mother over and over again. Rose went on her knees and cried Rose was scared and worried for her mother. Rose looked at Raven "our mother's are gone the moon kingdom and the dark kingdom are destroy as well what do we do now Raven?" Rose looked at him with her star like eyes.

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Old 04-27-2012, 06:35 PM

Raven looking around for his mother but they was gone. He moves over to the door and peeks out to make sure no one was there. He shelth his sword and put his dagger back in its shelth on his belt. The dark prince looks over to Rose and moves over beside her bents down. He had to admit he was scaried but he had to stay strong at lease for Rose's stake. But it was hard with sad eyes looking at his beloved princess. "I..I don't know....but even thought your cousin's kingdom has been destoried..doesn't mean everyone from the moon kingdom is dead. After all I'm sure the moon queen had a plan along that this would happen. They will be reborn on earth from the silver crystal. But don't your kingdom have a simlar crystal like that?" He just hopes their mothers was ok even thought he didn't know where they was.

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Old 04-28-2012, 01:54 AM

Rose looked at him and Raven was right her Aunt used the silver Crystal to save them all and give them a new future on earth. Rose smiled a bit and than Raven asked her about the dark crystal. Rose stood up and looked at the night sky and said "The dark and the sliver crystal are the same but the sliver crystal is destroyed and the dark crystal is powerful enough to destroy the moon." Rose went to th3e dark crystal and grabbed it and hold it as well. Rose looked at Raven and said "we need to do something about the lady she must be from the dark kingdom what is left of them." Rose looked at him and was getting worried.

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Old 04-30-2012, 08:34 PM

Raven looks down at the dark crystal before looking back to Rose. "Clearly they are after the crystals...we need to get out of here with the crystal." Of course he wasn't sure how that could happen. The lady was from the dark kingdom so they would do anything to get the hands on the dark crystal so they could destory the moon. But it did kinda anger him just alittle that they was lefted here while the other kingdom was somewhat saved even though the silver kingdom had been destory. "We have to go to earth..."

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Old 05-03-2012, 01:11 AM

Rose looked at him and hid the dark crystal and looked at him and said "alright but how do we get to earth I never went to earth only my mom and I go there to see your mom but that is it." Rose looked at him and than looks though the window and sigh.

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Old 05-09-2012, 12:20 PM

Raven watches her and rubs the back of his neck "Well I could used my power to teleport us there..but I never took someone along with me." sighs deeply. "There is a chance that it will backfire and it would seprate us and probbly it would cause the same effected since the silver crystal power is still in play it could cause us to be reborn as well." says looking at her. There was a could chance that they would in up being reborn on earth like the others.

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Old 05-11-2012, 02:51 AM

Rose looked at him and than looked at the sky and thinking about it for a minute and looked back at him and said "if we were reborn on earth we wouldn't remember of each other or the people here as well." Rose looked away and started to cry and went on her knees and Rose was crying if she would be reborn on earth she will not remember her friends and family even her true love Raven.

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Old 05-16-2012, 06:51 PM

Raven would sighs deeply he didn't like it either but what else he could do. It was either be reborn or matter what they would be seprated at lease for an while. "Look there is a chance we will met with each other...we are one. I know that we are soul mates after all and no matter if we are reborn we still always be soul mates and can find each other again." sighs deeply holding Rose close. "But if we stay here and they find us..they are going to kill us..." says resting his head ontop of hers.

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Old 05-17-2012, 06:48 AM

Rose looked at him and hold him tight and thought about it for a while and than looked at him and than said to him "alright Raven but one thing though can I have one last kiss Raven?" Rose looked at him with her star like eyes.

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Old 05-21-2012, 06:50 PM

This was hard even for him knowing what he was about to do would rip them apart. But it was better than dieing anyway as they would reborn like everyone else on the moon and he sure they would find each other again soon. So they could take the change to revenge what the dark kingdoms had took from them. And also he sure both of their mothers was already dead so it was a change for the prince and princess to reborn as the other prince and princess their cousins. He looks down at her and smiles lightly "Of course love..." reaches up running his hand across her cheek. Raven leans down and kisses her gently on the lips.

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Old 05-22-2012, 08:29 AM

Rose looked at him and than kissed him as well and she cries as well and than saw a light and knew that they will never each other ever again. Rose turned around and than felt something that hit her in her heart and than Rose fell to the floor Rose was dead but her soul was gone and was somewhere else.

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Old 05-22-2012, 03:54 PM

(Time skip: about 17 years Place: Toyko, Japan)

Raven smirks riding thru the streets on his skateboard. He saw couple on an bench talking as he jumps up and slides across the back of the bench. That scaried the couple to death mainly the female while the male just cussed him out as he rode away. Raven couldn't help but to laugh as he heads toward the park to join his friends he liked skate around with on their boards. He stops once he arrived and looks around knowing his friends should be around somewhere in the park. He pushes himself on the board again sliding down some steps.

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Old 05-23-2012, 12:04 AM

Rose was still in her bed and than got up fast and had the same nightmare again for the last month and tries to forget it. Rose got dressed and wears her dark clothes and dark makeup on and really doesn't care either. Rose grabs her bag and than leaves her home and walks around the town and than grabs her book and than walks to the park and sits down under the tree and looks around and sighs.

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Old 05-23-2012, 05:04 AM

"Watch out!" Raven yells as he kinda got out of contral on his skateboard and hits the grass hard. he falls over infront of Rose off his skateboard "Ouuuch....that smarts." sits up and rubs his head as the board hit him in the head. He looks around alittle before he looks over at the girl "Oh sorry..looks like I missed you I mean I'm glad I didn't hit you or anything..." chuckles little bit nervously.

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Old 05-23-2012, 05:11 AM

Rose looked at the boy than fall over in front of her and than giggled and than looked at him and said "it is alright Sir It was kinda cute that you fell like that well I must be going." Rose closed up her book and gets up and puts her book in her bag and said. "My name is Rose and you are if I may ask?" Rose looked at him with her star like eyes.

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Old 05-23-2012, 11:05 PM

Raven smiles at her before laughing alittle "Oh really? yea I have alot of pratice falling down like that. But it is the first time I did it front of a cute girl." smiles chuckles alittle. He stares at her for an abit before hearing her name "Oh..I'm Raven..nice to meet you Rose...its the first time I seen you in the come here offen?" says standing up brushing off the grass from his black pants that had a dragon pattern on one of the legs.

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Old 05-23-2012, 11:40 PM

Rose looked at him and giggled and blushed a bit and than said "Well I come here a lot cause i like to be outside and I always read as well but...." Rose looked at him for a minute and remembers something and closed her eyes and remembers something of war and love and dark and said. "I think I know you but I don't where." Rose tries to remember who he was but can't and she felt like they knew each other before.

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Old 05-24-2012, 03:27 AM

Raven didn't want to admit it but Rose was right. It was strange really. "Huh...yea that is strange...maybe its nothing I guess." shrugged alittle. It was hard to explain it with words but it just seem weird to him that she knew him but didn't know where. Cause well to him they just met and nothing seem to come to mind on where they had met. Hearing some shouts from his friends before looking over at Rose "Sorry was nice meeting you but my friends are calling.." grabs his skateboard off the ground.

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Old 05-27-2012, 03:47 AM

Rose nodded and than walks away and than looks at him again with her star like eyes and looks away and walks off and leaves the park. Rose had a feeling they meet somewhere before but can't remember where. Just than something came out of no where a monster and looks at her and than tries to take Rose and than Rose screamed loud.


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