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Mira Water Alchemist
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Old 02-14-2010, 01:54 AM

-owner races in sliding to a stop, bags in her arms and almost falls doing a face plant- I'm sorry! -says panting and rushes to the kitchen, getting things put away- I got caught up with some other work so I just now got here! -smiles to everyone- Enjoy yourselves, no dress code, all welcomed here and I hope everyone enjoys themselves here. -smiles wide, catching her breath-

Mira Water Alchemist
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Old 02-14-2010, 02:08 AM

Mira sighed, exhausted and sat down at the bar. "Sorry I'm not around here much. I get so busy with work in real life. So if anyone wants to help me run the tavern that'd be great!" she smiles catching her breath before getting up to fix herself a drink, getting a pepsi with a little bit of a spirit in it, sipping the mixture.

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Old 02-14-2010, 02:33 AM

Akio looked over to the tavern owner then noticed that the paper towels covering his wings were getting too wet and falling off. "Umm do you have a cloth or something very soild like a blanket I could use please?" he put his hands on his wings trying to keep the paper towels from all coming off showing his black wings.

Mira Water Alchemist
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Old 02-14-2010, 03:02 AM

She nodded. "Yes sir. I'll be right back." She said, going into the back, returning shortly with a couple towels. Mira smiled, handing him the towels. "Here you are. Are you enjoying yourself here?" She asked, her tone friendly.

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Old 02-14-2010, 05:08 PM

He flaps his wings out for a moment so the paper towels would all fall off and started wrapping them up in the towels. He turns over to her and smiles. "Yes and thank you for the towels."

Mira Water Alchemist
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Old 02-14-2010, 08:02 PM

"Your welcome. Can I get you anything to drink or eat?" she asked going back behind the bar. "You have lovely wings by the way." She said, no hate or anything in her voice after seeing the color of his wings.

Kai La Morte
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Old 02-14-2010, 08:07 PM

Calva, Goddess Diana's daughter, slowly entered the Tavern, her brown eyes wide with wonder "Hello?" she called out, clutching her bow close to her chest.

(If you're wondering, my avi is Calva, my current RPC)

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Old 02-14-2010, 08:09 PM

Akio covered up his entire wings leaving only the shapes on the towels. He looked over to owner happily. "Thank you...may I have some green tea if you have any?" he asked softly, he turned around seeing a goddess coming through the tavern doors. "A goddess...." he said quietly.

Kai La Morte
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Old 02-14-2010, 08:13 PM

Calva was startled by the voice, she looked over at Akio with a small smile "d-d...Demi Goddess.." she shyly corrected him, wings which sat upon her head flapped a few times, shedding three feathers each before folding and laying carefully against her skull..

..she sighed deeply before looking over at the owner, she didnt know what to do, whether she should approach or not, the child instead stood frozen where she was.. Too frightened to say hello, or introduce herself.

(she's 13 if you're wondering)

Last edited by Kai La Morte; 02-14-2010 at 08:23 PM..

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Old 02-14-2010, 08:28 PM

Akio walked over to the demi-goddess and stood in front of her, at first he truly thought she was one of the main gods. Since the black wings on his back considered him as a fallen, and hes hated all the other gods. He placed his hand out in front of her offering to bring her over to everyone.

Kai La Morte
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Old 02-14-2010, 08:33 PM

She smiled, eyes locked on his, she took his hand, hers trembling with fear. Calva was an awfully nervous young woman, for a demi goddess she was powerful, but, yet, nothing to get your feathers ruffled over. She sighed deeply before hugging her bow closer to her chest "you.. dont hate me.. do you?" she didnt know Akio, but, she did fear that he resented her for something the other gods may have damned him to.

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Old 02-14-2010, 08:45 PM

Akio smiled softly at her, noticing she was still very young he didnt bother to tell her the truth. "No. I do not hate you...dont worry your still young I cant hate someone like you." he said happily.

(if anyones wondering Akio is 17. ^_^)

Kai La Morte
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Old 02-14-2010, 08:48 PM

she slipped her hand out of his and sighed "you know.." she said in a quavering voice "if you hate someone.. you can tell them, instead of snowing them into thinking that they're in your good graces..." usually Calva didnt mind being lied to, often it was something small and insignificant, not something as important as this "my mother wasnt on the committee that damned you.." she spoke again, eyes falling to the ground. Both hands gripping the brown and gold wood of her hunting bow.

((So young!!!!! lol))

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Old 02-14-2010, 09:01 PM

Akio turned away from her and walked away from her a little bit hiding his face. "Fine, if you want to know...I will tell you...and show you what your kind did you me." he took off the towels revealing his blackened wings, right where the wings touched his skin there was still a little bit of white. "You gods...all of banished me from heaven because I protected myself...this is what I get for that?!" he yelled angrily still facing away from her.

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Old 02-14-2010, 09:04 PM

Kiana walked in the tavern and sighed as she sipped a plain water. 'This place is dead...'

Kai La Morte
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:07 PM

she walked over to him, letting her delicate fingers over the feathers "I had nothing to do with that.. I .. was only a baby.." her voice was lyrical, when her own wings flapped she winced, more feathers burst from the structures "ow.. ow!" she cried, lightly leaning against Akio, one of the wings shifted in pigment when it hit the ground, it was a tarnished shade of white "i.. i'...m sorry.." she whimpered slowly backing away from him, bumping into Kiana "it.. wasnt my fault.. i swear.. i-i.. i'm sorry!" she screamed, rushing toward one of the shadows.

so many had attacked her for this same punishment, so many wanted her dead. she was scared and would defend herself if need be.

She ducked into the shadows, cowering like a frightened animal, clutching her bow, ready to attack if she felt it was necessary "please.. i.. i.. d-didnt.. d-do.. i-it..."

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Old 02-14-2010, 09:12 PM

Akio turned towards her looking at her sitting in the shadows, he felt bad for yelling at her. He covered his wings back up and slowly made his way towards her. "I told you already I dont hate you...your still young I know what happened to me isnt because of you..." he placed his hand out offering to help her up and smiled, but this time his smile was different it wasnt as it was before. it was real.

Last edited by happydeath; 02-14-2010 at 09:21 PM.. Reason: messed up

Kai La Morte
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:17 PM

"a...are you sure?..." she asked again, eyes welling with tears, when she looked at his hand she retracted just the smallest amount. She didnt know what else to do, whether to trust him again, so, she did what her instincts told her, she gripped his hand and slowly stood to her feet. Calva liked his smile, not the one he had forced earlier, but the one which expressed joy "w-what's your name..?"

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Old 02-14-2010, 09:26 PM

Akio looked at her, he could tell that she was still afraid of him. "Akio Daishi...and yours? still think im trying to hurt you dont you?" he asked sadly, he looked at the floor behind him and followed it up to her head, noticing feathers were all over the floor. "Your wings...their still new arent they? if you'd like I can stop the pain."

Kai La Morte
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:30 PM

"...." she looked away from him, down at the floor then up into his eyes "they.. sprouted a month ago.. and.. t-th.. they havent stopped hurting since..." she whined, wincing when they flapped again, it felt as though they were tearing her apart, bit by bit.

"Calva.. i .. dont have a last name.. if i do i dont know it" she spoke again, still afraid of him but, leaving that question unanswered .."y-you can stop the pain?..really?" she perked, eyes glistening with sudden joy.

Mira Water Alchemist
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:37 PM

The owner nodded. "Of course." She went fixing the green tea and returned, giving Akio his glass. "Here you are. It's on the house." Mira smiled then paused with his glass, watching this unfold and sighed. "Would you like anything miss?" she asked Calva gently. "You don't have to be scared. No one's gonna hurt you here. If anyone does I'll make sure they hurt back." She smiled. "You have a lovely name, it was Calva, right? You are also a very lovely person." She said smiling. "We have anything and everything to drink and eat here if you'd like anything just ask. It's on the house for the first round. If you need a place to stay there are rooms up the stairs, no charge for the first stay and after that its 10 gold a night."

Kai La Morte
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:42 PM

she nodded at Mira, sensing a sort of calm from her, so, she felt it was alright to look up at the other woman, she ducked behind Akio, leaving go of his hand, strapping her bow against her back and clutching the towels which hid his wings, she loved the appearance of his fallen angelic wings, they were so mysterious and yet haunting.

"t-t..t-t...t-t-t....." she attempted to thank mira but nothing but a stuttering mess came flying from her mouth. She wasnt very good at meeting people for the first time so it was difficult for her to fathom a full sentence.

"Calva.. my name..." she nodded burying her face between Akio's wings.

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Old 02-14-2010, 09:43 PM

Akio kept his eyes on Calva. "Yes I can make it feel better, just because I was sent as a fallen I can still use my powers as an angel." he said happily. "If you'd like I need you to be in front of me, and me behind you."

Kai La Morte
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:50 PM

"o...oh-kay..." she said softly, stepping out from behind him, then, standing in front of him, she closed her eyes and faced Mira, her back toward Akio. Wings flapping nervously, she cried out, clamping her slender hands over her mouth, stifling another groan while the tears rushed down her face.

While standing behind her, he would notice the norse runes etched into her skin for 'holy' and 'beloved'.

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Old 02-14-2010, 09:59 PM

Akio stared at the marks on Calva's neck. He felt bad for why those had to be put towards her own soft skin, after seeing that his anger towards the gods grew even more, but he hid it away from her and started the process of healing the pain of her wings. His hands started to glow a yellowish white color. he placed his one hand on one of her wings and other hand on the other wing. "Stay still...this might give you a little bit of a shock." a little blue spark had appeared in his hands and suddenly disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.



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