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Die_Fledermaus is offline
Old 03-28-2007, 10:25 PM

One of my more outlandish drawings got snatched. Fortunately I am in possesion of a "unique" style... So one of my friends reported them, and then told me, so I beat the heck out of them verbally... and then slapped a huge blue watermark in the middle of it! ^_^;

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Caroline is offline
Old 03-29-2007, 01:08 AM

I have had pixels stolen back in 2002-2004 when cutesy web designing was very popular XD
I don't think any of my recent art has gotten enough publicity to be stolen, though I do have an animated pixel of those music bar thingies that has been stolen and used countless times on myspace.

Vampire Penguins? Zombie Bunnies...
Keska is offline
Old 03-29-2007, 04:10 PM

Wow, apparantly there is a lot of art theft going on. Which is a bit sad actually. I've been lucky enough that I've never had my art stolen. At least not to my knowledge.

earthkid is offline
Old 03-29-2007, 05:51 PM

I've never had my art stolen to my knowledge, but there was this time when I was in middle school... I had these two friends, and two of us were artists and would draw a lot and so on and so forth. The third felt left out, and so would trace pictures from an artist that I idolized at the time that I had showed this friend. I was a pushover back then (...not that I'm so much better now) and didn't know what to say, so I pretended that I didn't know she was stealing it. So it kept on getting worse and worse, to the point where they would take the actual printout of the other artist's sketch, cut off the URL on the sheet, and then run a pencil over the lines and claim it was theirs. I didn't have the guts to confront them. :gonk:

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Kaoriel is offline
Old 03-29-2007, 11:53 PM

I never have my art stolen. I don't draw anything worth stealing, although once on Gaia someone tried to claim one of my pictures was a copy of theirs. I didn't know the person, and had never seen them before, so obviously I was like "..Huh? No, this is my original art..."

XD They didn't pursue it, and left me alone after giving me a link to their art -- which I looked at and compared to mine, and it didn't seem similar at all. I think the only similiarities between them were the fact that mine and hers both had long hair, and were both female characters at a side profile. XD Other than that, I don't really see how she claimed I stole it. *Shrug* She never persued it though, so I got to keep my art without being accused of copying. :3

Rawrr__x is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 03:26 AM

lol thats why people put an opaque signature through it so that peope cant stealy it .

galy is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 03:50 AM

Originally Posted by Rawrr__x
lol thats why people put an opaque signature through it so that peope cant stealy it .

people can still say they're you and claim the art is theirs. making a huge watermark helps sometimes but it also takes away from the image AND that doesn't prevent people from stealing your work. there are a million people out there who can edit those out in photoshop anyway.

Low Virtual Memory
Low Virtual Memory is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 04:01 AM

Somebody used a peice of art I drew and eyeballed it on Gaia.

My peice wasn't that great back then, and theirs was worse. :'D

But I give my doodles away, so I don't really care if someone "steals" them.

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zynii is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 11:15 PM

I'm not good enough to have my art stolen thank goodness.

But I've been called an art thief.
I have a very very common anime/SD style.

\ (•◡•) /
Rvaya is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 03:24 PM

nah I've never had anything stolen that I know of. Though I always mean to go back and put watermarks on everything I just forget >.>;;

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GainaSpirit is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 04:16 PM

Hehe, roaming around the Art arena is quiet fun ^^

You can find art thief and people wrongly accused of art thief ^^ Which is even worse but they some stupid reason O.o

On of my fav french comic artist had a pic posted in the Art arena >.< Lots of people accused her of stealing it because it wasn't a drawing but an illustration O.o.........
Well, they jus though those just popped up out of no where >.< I don't how she could have felt ^^ Well, as it was stupid, probably not much but it should hurt a bit.

Another one, had this crude comment on Deviant when she posted her comic cover. Someone said 'that character looks just like...' It's like accusing her of stealing a character design >.< Well, she responded, and yeah she was hurt... but the characters only common point was there pink hair O.o

I saw a lot of over paranoid people like that, who think everything good is stolen... :?

ToriKat is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 04:25 PM

  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rawrr__x
    lol thats why people put an opaque signature through it so that peope cant stealy it .

    Opaque signatures? How does one go about doing this?

    @GainaSpirit: ......I actually get annoyed by the comments that, that looks like so and so! XD People say that for just the smallest of things. Like how you said with that artist's character with pink hair. People will find anything to compare it with something they're familiar, I guess in a way, like it more.

Tirael is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 05:44 PM

LoL yeah people make the most inane comments o_O;; sometimes it's amusing though.

I rarely look in the art arena @__@;; I did submit something once and one of the mods actually pm'd me on DA to make sure that I did draw it (which I thought was really nice <3... )

Anyhow after I had the image posted for a while I noticed that the ratings were steadily decreasing o_O not just a little, quite a lot, I'm not sure why but it seemed like people were giving it a low score on purpose? iunno.

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GainaSpirit is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 06:13 PM

The Art arena vote are completly nonesense anyway O.o I saw profesional work being voted for 5 and crappy skecthing thing with more than 8 O.o

LessThanThree is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 07:57 PM

Ach I HATE it when that happens.

Or when they use something you've created for their own sites etc Why can;t they jsut ASK?!


I used to be kind of wary about posting my art on the internet, but I come up with the worst rubbish anyways so I don;t rly mind as much anymore.


Tirael is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 08:06 PM

lessThanThree: Yuh D8... it's not hard to ask... a lot of artists are pretty good with giving permission, but it's their right to refuse ya?

Aah @__@ yeah I never really understood it when people say "I do art but I'm afraid of posting it on the net so I just have an empty DA account instead"

o_O;; I mean imo art is made to be seen? @o@ Of course you can't avoid all art theft, but the fear of it shouldn't keep you from showing your art to the world... just my own opinion x_x;;

And frankly (no offense to anyone) A lot of people who slap on the ugliest watermarks or are the most paranoid about art theft aren't really in any danger >__>;;

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toxicbear is offline
Old 04-15-2007, 11:55 AM

I don't believe I've ever had mine stolen xD.
Good thing too...

purplejesseh is offline
Old 04-15-2007, 07:36 PM

Not good enough to have art stolen. =]

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Mermy is offline
Old 04-15-2007, 09:54 PM

  • My art has never been stolen. I'm not that great at art. xD

    What jesseh said.

Hollie is offline
Old 04-16-2007, 12:11 AM

I don't do computerized art, but someone took my pre-paint preliminary sketches and turned them in as their own. I was like 'wtf' because they were BAD.

purplejesseh is offline
Old 04-16-2007, 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by Mermy
  • My art has never been stolen. I'm not that great at art. xD

    What jesseh said.
loll i guess this works as an advantage?

kafine is offline
Old 04-16-2007, 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by ToriKat
  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rawrr__x
    lol thats why people put an opaque signature through it so that peope cant stealy it .

    Opaque signatures? How does one go about doing this?
You just add some text across it with a program that's able (like Photoshop) and change the opacity.

It's not foolproof though. Anyone can edit it out with a little work.

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Cotton is offline
Old 04-16-2007, 11:03 PM

I can think of many times my art has been stolen/used without permission. :) Thankfully friends recognize it and tell me~ There's probably a lot more around I haven't found out about yet though. :(

I only started putting a signature on my drawings last year. :)

Fox is offline
Old 04-19-2007, 12:24 AM

I've had my art stolen twice (that I know of) xD I dont know why anyone would ever want to steal it since the one they stole was extremely bad/old/ugly/etc. DX but the person apparently went off and started to distribute it as adoptables. I was like "...." But I got really irked because they claimed they drew them, and even had the audacity to say that art thieves were forbidden xDDD Luckily, someone recognized it and reported it to me, but if they hadn't told me, I would've never known. Ehhhh... I absolutely loathe art thieves. DX

Starshine is offline
Old 04-19-2007, 12:34 AM

I've had some pixel art that I designed for an RP forum stolen by another RP forum, some Ragnarok edits that ended up on private RO servers, and my pixel shop on gaia got ripped a few times, other than that, its all good ^_^ My CGs are too ugly too attract thieves.


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