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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 01-15-2009, 10:06 PM

YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO IT! ack caps.. but myeh fits the way i felt like blurting it out and yelling. man i still need to finish those pixels for you >.>; im sorry im taking a stupidly long time, im going to try to start from scratch again, who knows, maybe it'll be easier now that i have a tablet and can actually DRAW the hair and such on insted of erm.. clicking dot by dot with the mouse?

hahaha yeah i was sooo pleased by the money lol. DL was all "your excited about that..." LOL *easily excitable* problem is, the more i work on the story, the more i realize is incomplete?

like for example. . . you see how all my dragons are half breeds? its because they have died out . . and all thats left are the ones that mated with other species in hopes of still maintaining a bit of their former glory.. but.. of the half breeds, there are those that believe they should still be considered a nation to be reckoned with (sorta like a fanatical religious group.. only no religion involved). so.. they are trying to find a... a suitable figurehead/leader? more dragon then the rest, to... (this im not settled on - it wavering between trying to make a MORE full dragon by combining the ones with the most of the essence still in them or... the other option i dont know how to word it). so anywhoot... these groupies... are... trained since they are really young.. to live/breath their beliefs, and spread around the world to look for this figurehead by being mercs out for hire. when they are young they are... sought out and extended an invitation (badassery involved). but anywhoots.. of course there are only a certain amount of them out there... because the dragons have recently died out and with no dragons no sex.. no halfbreeds yes? of course some decline the offer (Bijou) and others have yet to be found (Cypress). lol

wooo sorry cutting my confusing explanation out cause im meeting a friend at the gym... back in a few hours (provided she answers her phone)

Sins is offline
Old 01-15-2009, 11:59 PM

Name: Sins
Char(s) interested in Drawing: Well, I'll draw any. :] It's what you want dear.
CURRENT art samples: I have a few in the art shop in my sig.
Moonies wanted: ;o Same thing in my sig.

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 01-18-2009, 04:56 PM

No thank you Sin, not the style im looking for right now. But thank you very much for stopping by and offering!

urgh slowed down with the updating of the front page.. i'll work on it more come monday, but until then its going to have to wait a tad bit more ^^;; hopefully i'll get all through centaurs then and be able to start on Kiev. and speaking of Kiev.. i need to do a full body ref of her so people can start drawing her O.O;;

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 01-20-2009, 06:38 PM

woo some art gotten over the last few days!

hahah Clicky to fullview pretty please!

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 01-30-2009, 01:30 AM

woo another art dump from a ton of wonderful artists~!

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 02-01-2009, 06:58 AM

The dust rose off the road in lazy swirls, rising and falling at each plod of a horses hoof, each step of the men surrounding the wagon. The steady churn of the wagon wheels kicked up a steady cloud of dust that burned the eyes and throats of those unfortunate enough to be caught in the wake. The dull metallic clangs emanating from each swaying wagon told of hundreds of finely crafted weapons in tow; a true prize for any raiding party. It was in this slow procession of wares that Kailex found himself for the hundredth time; protecting a merchant and his wares from the possibility of vagabonds and thieves.

Wiping the grime from his sweaty brow, he held his hand before him, scowling at the dirty smear across his hand. What he would not give for a cool damp cloth, or a soothing bath; this particular route always promised to conjure such wistful daydreams with its endless stretches of dry, choking dust. He couldn't help but long for the pristine military barracks back on Mt. Bleakwind of two years past. Frowning he forced the thought from his mind; instead refocusing his mind on his duties; scanning the surrounding terrain for any signs of approaching men or better yet, any signs that they were nearing Tliram.

The faint shout from ahead alerted everyone in the assemblage that Tliram was now in sights and they would arrive at their destination in an hour's time. It had been a fortnight since he had last seen the city and he had missed the bustling life with all manner of species roaming about interacting with each other. Giving a silent thanks to the heavens for everything having gone smoothly he considered what he would take as payment. The merchant he escorted was renowned for his fine craftsmanship in axes. Instinctively thumbing his trusty old axe from home, he wondered vaguely if he should finally give up this last momento of his parents in exchange for a more remarkable weapon. Deciding finally, that should any of the wares really call out to him he would know his answer.

Two hours later he walked swiftly towards an inn well known to him, new axe bouncing jauntily at his hip as he swaggered through the door to wave at the robust human behind the counter. "Welcome back" smiled a barmaid as she placed a large tankard of milk before him and sauntered off; hips sashaying with every step she took. Shaking his head, he took a long gulp of his drink before waving to the portly man behind the counter. A few moments later the cheerful looking man lowered himself slowly into the chair across from Kailex, passing him a thick towel damp with water. Smiling gratefully, Kailex scooted his chair back and began to clean the dust and grime from his armor, working steadily from boot to thigh in a span of a few moments. As he cleaned he would pause every few moments to take a sip from his tankard and question his friend of two years.

"Any news?" Kailex asked as he moved to his other boot and scrubbed at a particularly difficult spot of grime. The sudden sound of struggle caused him to quirk a brow and watch his friend try to pull something from his back pocket with difficulty, trying to keep the curl of a smile from showing, he coughed and quickly grabbed his milk to drink deeply. "Ah! here we are" said Porthos dropping a thick yellowed parchment, folded and crinkled onto the table between them, "go on" he urged with a wave of his meaty hand, "I thought it might interest you".

Picking up the parchment delicately in between his clawed fingers he flipped it open and read for a few moments in silence. "It seemed like something you might do. . ." prodded Porthos with a maddening smile on his face. Dropping the paper, Kailex leaned back in his seat and stared almost as if the paper were some offending object, "and what would give you cause to think so?" he murmured silkily, giving no hint to whether he was pleased or not. "Ach! This.. this does not suit you" motioned Porthos at Kailexs' dusty clothing, "Ah, but this would be more fitting for a proud dragon" he said pointing down at the paper with his sausage of a finger, "one that had paraded in here two years ago roaring for something to quench his thirst, clad in all his military splendor.".

“Perhaps" said Kailex non-commitedly as he finished off the dregs of his tankard. Porthos merely shrugged and leaned back in his chair for a moment before a slow smile creeped to his lips, "You do know it is one of the greatest cities, and that in great cities there are amazing armories". Kailex's ears betrayed him and the slight perk encouraged Porthos on. "This assemblage" he motioned to the paper for the third time that night, "is well known for dragging out the best of men, their ability with the arts of battle, and if I am not mistaken, it might be very much like a military atmosphere", he paused for a moment to watch the eager gleam cross his friends eyes, "think on it." Rising, Porthos returned to his bar in a slow amble to continue with his omnipresent duties to his inn’s patrons.

Kailex sat staring at the paper in the center of the table for what seemed like an eternity. Inwardly he debated going or not and finally came to the conclusion that he had nothing to lose by going to see for himself and everything to gain. Besides, he had never been specifically told he had to peddle out his skills in fighting for the protection of rich merchants. He could still carry out his duties at the assembly located in the largest human city on the continent; if nothing else he would broaden his scope of information in which to draw from. Grimly he rubbed the edge of a sharp axe with the pad of his thumb; if his services were then needed for the rising warfare, all the more the reason to go.

Carefully folding the towel he had used so that all the grime faced inward, he placed it on the table before lifting the empty mug and placing that on top of the towel. Grabbing the paper he folded it carefully and placed it in a hidden pocket while also drawing out the required payment for his drink. Standing he saluted Porthos and walked out the door; if he was to go no time should be wasted, there was still light to be had for 2 more hours and he still needed time to prepare his collection of weaponry for the long travel south.

Starving Artist
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Navi is offline
Old 03-05-2009, 11:21 PM

Woooo look at all those beautiful images! *hugs for Jitsu*

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 06:03 AM

... You gave my Cyppy to another woman? D: You hurt me, Jitsy. </33

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 06:28 AM

yar lots of new ones i have yet to put up ^^;; and thankies Navi <3

*punces on Dys* lol since when was he YOUR cyp ne? *beats off him with a stick* get your mitts off!

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 06:35 AM

He was always my Cyppy. >: He knows he loves me best deep down in his heart, he's just in denial.

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 04:33 PM

lol or drunk... though i think he'd be one of those angry sullen drunks.. or the guy that passes out at the beginning of a party.

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 04:40 PM

xD Pfft! How... Cute?

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-06-2009, 04:52 PM

lol you find wierd things cute O.O;

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 03:01 AM

o3o; Oh, let's not get started on my weirdness. It can lead into very... Interesting places.

*sulks* I can't have my Cyppy and I can't have Verdi. What can I have? ;3;

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 04:37 AM

lol... *points to kai* go seduce that...

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 04:47 AM

;3; He'd take one look at my room and run away crying. And end up tripping over my pile of crap and breaking his leg. *wise nod*

o3o *attaches a compass to a fishing rod and throws it into the ocean* Whar be that OC that Glammy drewed for you?

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 07:24 AM

lol glammy only ever drew my female OC A'iel for me ^^ she never doodled Deucat. lol and you want that horrible miser? *snort* hes more merc then Cypress even O.O

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 07:35 AM

;3; Wahhh, he doesn't like me? Not even if I give him all the compasses he wants?

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 07:49 AM

hehehehe Deucat is such a deuce though *snorts* why you would want him at all is mind boggling

*Deucat swims around snatching all the compasses and greedily stuffing them into a satchel* "you tire me with these baubles, have you not something more worthy of my admiration?"

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-09-2009, 12:02 AM

Aww. D: Um... *digs around in her pockets* I see... Coins... Gum... A pencil... A sticker... A rubber duck? ...

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 06:14 AM

newest art received recently <3 lovely is it not?

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 06:31 AM

xD Bahh! Quit getting art of girls! *shot*

Who's the dude on the very top on the piece by Anna_Crackers?

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 08:13 AM

Thats Lucien the god of light *nods* i'm getting more art of him soon methinks? maybe? perhaps? that's the hope anyways. and i AM trying you goober, lol just most artists i have found prefer to draw females then males it seems O.O;;

Dystopia is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 05:30 PM

:gonk: But its funner to look at bishi boys. *whine*

xD; Ohs. Is that why he has the light bulb?

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Old 03-14-2009, 05:46 PM

*snort* yeah that's why , that and it amused the artist.. which is fine because i think its really cute *snort* when i saw it i burst out laughing so hard.


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