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Lady Angel Konan
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Lady Angel Konan is offline
Old 08-13-2010, 03:04 AM

Agoni smiled "that sound great" he chuckled softly handing the drink to Ainsley "I made it but how does it taste" he smiled hoping his new co-worker would enjoy the drink.

Dusk smiled happily "Im so excited!" she said happily as she almost started to do a little victory dance but stopped trying to be professional.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 08-14-2010, 05:52 AM

Erebus entered the cafe he took a deep breath through his nose and once again his stomach growled so many delicious smells some so powerful they may be able to restore full memories instead of just fragments but he quickly composed himself he had a mission to do the memories will come later he looked around and asked a waitress where the manager was

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-14-2010, 09:02 AM

Coralee watched as Ainsley quickly downed the drink. She kind of grimaced a bit as he did it. The view of an adam's apple always made her a bit squeamish. She didn't know why they grossed her out so much.

"Pretty dang good, kid. I would have made it a bit stronger, but you pretty much nailed it." The large man said.


Honey, blinked a bit at the man who had come in and immediately asked to see Ainsley. Nobody ever usually asked to see the manager unless they were unhappy with the service, and she'd never seen this guy in here before. "He's at the bar," She pointed in the direction, "He will be the large muscular man behind the counter." Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she wondered if she would have to apologize to this person for not speaking loud enough.


Dodomeki smiled, and giggled a bit when she saw the girl try to hold back her victory dance. She nudged her with her elbow, "Don't worry, we're all pretty much goof balls here anyway. If you want to shake your booty, go ahead and do it." She giggled again, "Seriousness is for the old." She looked at Mister Girardi, "Sorry, Mister G, I meant the old at heart."

Lady Angel Konan
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Lady Angel Konan is offline
Old 08-14-2010, 04:18 PM

Dusk looked up at Erebus as she wipe the counter, He wasn't quiet sure why they were here but he was pretty sure it was the same reason as him. His tail seemed to dance behind him as he watched Erebus, hoping he wouldn't blow his cover.

Dawn smiled as she did her little dance, smiling telling her tail do its own thing.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 08-15-2010, 02:26 AM

erebus nodded not really hearing her but the vibrations in the air don't lie he looked towards the bar and saw the muscular man and walked over to him "hello i'm here for a job application" he smirked. he fought the habbit to taste the air he didn't want to give himself away just yet

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-15-2010, 02:45 AM

Coralee smacked her palm against her forehead, 'What is it with today?' she asked herself, 'I've already got three people that have asked me for a job, and I'm still being shocked to death by a deck of cards!' She sighed, and turned to look at the person that had spoken. He was tall and dark haired. He reminded her of something wild, almost like an animal, and his eyes were cold and bordrering on black. A chill ran down her spine, something was very wrong. There seemed to be ice in the air between this newcomer and the bar behind her.

"Well, we just lost our short order cook. What are your skills?" She heard Ainsley say. He seemed completely oblivious to the things that she was feeling coming from this person. Of course, he didn't seem to sense anything the matter with the kitsune boy either.

'What is wrong with me today? Why am I so paranoid?'


Dodomeki let the girl finish her victory dance, and then led her to the other side of the cafe, where a crowd had gathered around the bar. "Strange, it isn't even five yet." She stepped a bit closer to the gathering and instantly felt a cold wind hit her face. Being as old as she was, she could sense tension in the air when it was small, but this tension was enough to knock her over. It was like a pressure was being applied to her shoulders. She could almost feel her knees begin to weaken.

She glanced from the girls brother to the newcomer and back. "Um, Dawn, does your brother know that guy?" She asked, analyzing the looks on both of their faces. She was afraid that they might go at eachothers throats at any moment.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 08-15-2010, 02:58 AM

he still smiled she had that look on her face the one that his prey always had when he was about to eat them but he wasn't here for that....yet "oh i can cook quite well i can also entertain and even be a host if that is what you would want me to be"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-15-2010, 03:07 AM

Sylvar had entered the cafe at Erebus' side. But once inside the cafe she had wandered off. Away from Erebus, letting him do his own thing, clutching her staff tightly in her hand, she followed it's resonating humming that was more heard than felt. It didn't take long to find the employee's lounge and Alric sitting there at a table. She hesitated.

Alric knew almost immediately, that his apprentice was here. He looked up from his table and was greeted by the sight of her. A smile spread across his lips as he stood and rushed to her quickly, but quietly. Moving as silent as shadows. He threw his arms around her and pulled her close and tight. "My songbird...I looked everywhere for you.."

Sylvar smiled, she was good at acting. She had played the part of a doting, obedient apprentice for years while her heart harbored a secret hatred and anguish towards Alric. "..Master Alric...I'm sorry. I got lost, but we're together everything's alright now."

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-17-2010, 10:20 PM

Coralee felt another shock, one large enough to make her jump on her seat at the bar. She squealed a little bit, causing the group to stop and stare at her. "Sorry." she blushed.

When she was sure that everyone had turned back to what they were doing, she looked at the dark haired boy again. Darkness seemed to roll off of his shoulders, and she wanted to know what his motives were for being here. Had they been too obvious? Were they leading the darkness here like they seemed to magnatize customers? She thought about this... 'I know this place does seem a bit out there. but I can't just stuff everyone in the basement and hide them from the world, they would go absolutely mad!' She bit her lip and stood up from her seat. She signaled to the dark haired boy. " Follow me, the kitchen is this way."


Dodomeki blinked as Coralee led the boy away to the kitchen. Didn't she sense his darkness? She was usually the one to feel it first. She turned to Dawn, "I'll leave you here with your brother and Ainsley, I'm going to go with Coralee and see if I can help." She forced a smile and hoped that it looked sincere, then followed behind Coralee and the dark boy.

Lady Angel Konan
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Lady Angel Konan is offline
Old 08-17-2010, 10:52 PM

Dawn looked up at dusk and smiled at him "I hope all goes well here" she said as she glanced over to Ainsley.

Dusk kept a neutral expression as he looked at his young sister hoping that no one would mess with there plan.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 08-18-2010, 03:18 AM

he kept his sly smile all the way to the back he could practicly eat the paranoia radiating off this woman but he was rather paranoid himself the one following him didn't seem to notice the darkness around him but he was more worried about sylvar she wasn't exactly the best actor he just hoped she wouldn't blow their cover

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-18-2010, 06:00 AM

Reunited with his lost apprentice. Alric's heart sang with joy, he had feared the worst. Alric guided Sylvar to his table, offering her a chair. He spoke to her in a hushed tone and a language no one in this place would probably even know, Lithuanian.

Sylvar took the chair that Alric offered her, with a smile and a look of someone relieved at long last. She whispered back to him in that old language. Mostly she told him some lie or other about why and how she had been away from him for so long.


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